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EGO EXTENSIONS L.A.Come and experience California's Hot Spot! A Salon and Shop mixed into one. Ego Extensions L.A. offers a Luxury Line of Remy Hair Extensions and Lace Wigs. Imagine beautiful, soft, luxurious hair that you can color, wash, straighten and style to your hearts desire. Our Lace Wigs and Extensions are made of 100% Premium Remy Hair.Ego Extensions L.A. caters to an elite group of clientele.Hollywood's A -Listing Actors, Singers, Dancers and Models.Our hair comes imported from India, Brazil and Russia with only the most beautiful strands being hand chosen. Take this opportunity to shop on-line for what people are calling the most "ELITE HAIR ON THE MARKET ". Have questions? Contact us at We are always here to service our valued customers. We pride ourselves in selling high-end, premium hair that everyone can afford. So go ahead and indulge Ego Extensions.Feel Free to visit our Beautiful Salon located in Sherman Oaks,CAWe cater to all hair types offering services inLace Wig Consultation and ApplicationFlat Iron and StylingRelaxer and PermsHair WeavingHair Color CorrectionHighlights LowlightsHair ColoringHair Cut and StylingFusion Hair ExtensionsBonded Hair ExtensionsHook ExtensionsBrazilian Keratin TreatmentJapanese Hair StraighteningAppointments Only Please Call (805)426-5227Please Note: Salon carries limited amount of items displayed on websiteFeel free to call and confirm that products are In Stock.
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Host:Final Touchh Entertainment & In Tha Scene RadioType:Party - Club PartyStart Time:Friday, August 7, 2009 at 11:55pmEnd Time:Saturday, August 8, 2009 at 4:30amLocation:Pier 40 Located on Westside HWY & West Houston StCity/Town:New York, NY646.775.7883Email:rsrceo22@yahoo.comBOARDING TIME : 12:30am SHARP aboard " The Star of Palm Beach "DEPARTING FROM : Pier 40 Located on The Westside Highway & West Houston Street ( ALOT OF PARKING )PRICE : $35 UNTIL JULY 7TH $45 AFTER (STIMULUS PACKAGE BUY 3 GET 1 FREE UNTIL AUG 6th)ATTIRE - CATERING TO A MATURE CROWD. THAT MEANS NO BASEBALL CAPS, DURAGS OR ANY KIND OF ATHLETIC GEAR.ALL WHITE IS SUGGESTED BUT NOT MANDATORY (LEAVE THE AIR FORCE 1's at HOME)Price includes : SOULFOOD BUFFET ( while food last ) and DOOR PRIZES. " 3RD PRIZE $50 " " 2ND PRIZE A NEW BLACKBERRY CURVE " 1ST PRIZE " A FREE 3 DAY / 2 NIGHT Hotel stay at The Ramada Plaza Resorts "2 stocked bars (cash) , 2 levels, 2 DJ's DJ COOL GEE FROM "IN THA SCENE RADIO @ & "THE MIXOLOGIST DJ Chris Love from 98.7 Kiss are on the 1's & 2's ............PLEASE FORWARD TO A FRIEND !!!!! www.finaltouchhh.comLEO's CELEBRATING THEIR BIRTHDAYTAVEY, BIG ROB, PCHEZ, EDWINA, AL, ANDREA, BRENDA, CHAKA, DJ PUBA, HALIMAH, JAMES, KELLY, KESHA, LEFTY, MERNA, Ms NIECY, PATRICIA TEE, PEEBLES, TAYLOR, TINA and TISHANA............////...........(0 0).---oOO-- (_)-----.╔═════════════════╗║ INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS ║╚═════════════════╝'---------------oOO........|__|__|.......... || ||....... ooO Ooo
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Lately i where thinking more and more about the status from black people here in the US and somewhere in europe.As for me, i grew up in germany.It was a tough and hard time and i hatet it, and hatet me and hatet the world and special everybody.My mothere, a redhead german woman, had a love story with an black US soldier. One of this guys who have been overseas and had lots of fun.i never met fact, everybody lie to me and they told me that i'm half italian... pah, as i grew up, more and more i understood that i do not look anything italian like.I have been the only black person in my family, in my school, and in the city i grew up. nobody else has been black. ocasinaly i have seen in TV black people when i got older... Michael Jackson, Donna Summer, and such people, but they have been like out of space people for me because TV is not a thing i considered as something real.Only cyber people have been black... and mei allways have been different, girls did not liked me, boys did not dated me and their parents called me neger, what is like th n word here in the US.i have been all my life the neger and i hatet me, my family and the world for the age of 9 i tryed with an heavy duty cleaning powder an a lavastone, to rubb this black coating out of my face.It did not worked, besides a big bad infection it has not changed anything.It the age of 12 i jumped from a bridge in a river, had enough and i did not wanted anymore. i can not swim and i where thinking t hat is the dafest and easiest way of ending all.what should i say, not even that worked out because somebody have sitted under the bridge, fishing and he saved me.In the age of 14, i met the first other black human being in real life, i steered at her like she really came from an other star. i was not able to believe that there are others being so wrong like i was.i followed her like a little dog.we became somewhen "friends", as a 14 year old can be friends with an 30something year old black woman who has been a life changed somewhat, but not enought to make me feel better or right.i feeled wrong my whole life long when i was young.Ok, i'm not sooo old, born in the 1968, it is not so much time ago.I moved and traveled since i have been 16. Since i mostly grew up in 14 different orphanages and with 9 different foster parents AND between that places at my families place, i had with 16 my nose full of the people who decide for me what have to be the best for me, and that without asking me how or what i fee.i just remember that they moved me somehow every 6 or 8 month to a new "home".none of that places ever have been my home and none of that places has been nice.One place has been good, between 8 and 10 years i had a foster family who really liked me and they wanted even adopting me. they have not letted them and they moved me again.people allways, besides them, gave me the feeling that i'm nose was to wide, my underlip to big, my hair to nappy, my hands and feets to slim a nd long, my butt to different, my eyes to black and my face to dark... under the line, has not been anything nice or fine or just only ok.still i somewhat have a strange feeling about me, my color and my being. but it is ok and most time i do not even think about. at least not aslong nobody just kicks my nose right on it.i had that at the place where i lived before. as being an somewhet seriously and professional business person, people have had problems with taking my business and me for real. many backed out of making business with me at the moment they figured out that i'm personal ego is not big, it does not even need to be big. I know what i'm, i know how am i'm looking like, but i also know what i'm able to do.i was living an many different countries to seek for the heaven for people with my color. i have not been able to find that heaven for many many years.i learned many differnt languages from the countries i used to live, i understood the languages but i did not like t he meanings when it came to the things of black people.finaly i have moved 2 and somewhat years ago to the US.Now, for me, i found the heaven. it is here, in america...i think that native black americans may not believe it, but, there is not such other place where we can feel save and right.landing the first day in atlanta gave me almost a shock... all people at the airport seemed to be black.gosh, nobody is anymore looking at me. i'm one from many and nobody takes notice about my being black...i'm almost 41 year old and with almost 40 i learned to relaxe and not ever anymore to excuse my fact, here i just be.america has his own issues, that for sure. there are many things i dislike about this country. but, as being a black person, it seems to be the best place to be somewhat relaxed about being black.thank you all your black people in this country that you are around me, somewhere, to make me feel good
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My b-day is on Tuesday so right now I'm buying some ME gifts from the sistas on Black Business Women Online. Check out what I've bought so far and share your BBWO Buys here: I'm in the Gift Giving Mood so go get my latest eBook as a gift from me to you entitled Black Business Online Marketing: More to Come. TTFN LaShanda
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ALIVE wishes each of you a very productive and positive week. If you haven't contacted us for your complimentary coaching session, please do so as times for the remainder of the month are filling fast. Send an email to challenge you to make the push to complete the month of May with a BANG!Alive Incorporatedseed. plant. grow.www.aliveincorporated.comALIVE MagazineEmpower. Inspire. Connect.www.alivemagonline.comALIVE Magazine is now present on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. We want to connect with you!FACEBOOK
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While there are many "holiday sales" going on this weekend, have you actively searched out any Black owned biz to show your support by purchasing from them? I am going to purchase the quicklip leash cell phone accessory for my daughter at so she won't lose or drop her new phone. She made the A-B Honor roll all year for 9th grade, so I'm looking to purchase a MetroPCS phone from a Black franchise owner.While I’m online I will also purchase a bottle of Ebony Secret Skin Toner and Conditioner this weekend during the holiday sale. I can buy one and get one bottle half price. One for me to take care of some moles that are coming up on my back. Used it before on one on my face and it just disintegrated it. One for my hubbie for his razor bumps. I am also going to get him a quicklip leash for his phone for father’s day. I’ve had one since last July and he has wanted one ever since.I want to hear about your shopping adventures this weekend!
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Be Divine

I am a Divine Image. That’s something we need to internalize. We are created to be just like our Daddy! We’re all Daddies’ girls. Perhaps your relationship with your father in the natural was not great; maybe you don’t know who your father is. This is for you: your Father is in heaven and He created you to be just like Him. He made you to walk in power and authority, to master the situations and circumstances in life – not to be mastered. He made you to hold your head high and not settle for less than His best. He equipped you with His Spirit – His overcoming Spirit. He made you to get back up when you fall (or are knocked down), He’s daily calling you to know who you truly are and rise up and be Divine. He has a purpose for you and as you begin to acknowledge Him and allow him to show you who you truly are…the best days of your life will unfold before you. Just be Divine.
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This weeks Healthy Meals

GRILLED HONEY GARLIC CHOPS10 to 12 pork chops, cut 1 1/2 inch thickMARINADE:3/4 c. lemon juice3/4 c. honey6 tbsp. soy sauce3 tbsp. dry sherry or any dry white wine6 cloves garlic, choppedCombine marinade ingredients in a baking dish. Add chops to marinade, completely coating chops; cover. Refrigerate overnight, turning once, to "marry" the flavors. Remove chops from marinade. Grill chops about 10 minutes per side or until done.Yield: 10 to 12 servings.
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This Weeks Healthy Meal!

Kale SaladIngredients1 head fresh kale, ribs removed and shredded3 strips bacon, chopped2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar1 tablespoon butterSalt and freshly ground black pepper1 egg1 orange, segmented2 tablespoons ricotta cheeseDirectionsIn a medium fry pan over medium heat cook bacon until brown and crispy. Remove bacon and place onto a plate lined with a paper towel.Pour off all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat from the pan. Turn down heat to low and whisk the balsamic vinegar into the bacon fat. Pour over kale. Season with salt and pepper. Toss to coat and set aside.In small nonstick fry pan over medium heat add butter and fry egg sunny side up.Transfer the kale to a serving dish and top with fried egg, orange segments, bacon and dollops of ricotta cheese.
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Check out From A Writers POV new blog spot "The POV Lounge" We talk about different writing topics everyday. We feature article writers that have tips on writing and we interview them. We also allow readers to contact us with personal questions about writing and we display the answer ont he blog.The blog is hosted by me, Dominique Watson. The Publisher and Owner of From A Writers POV. New things are to come to the POV Lounge. So make sure you follow us everyday!http://povlounge.blogspot.comI look forward to seeing you there!
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Greetings everyone,This post addresses the biggest problem I had in the beginning capturing and handling my target audience as a legal marketer. It is natural, normal and expected to receive questions from serious prospects. Serious prospects want to know about you, your services and your offerings. They expect details written out so they may analyze if what they are receiving is worth the cost. This is something everyone would expect. Early on I provided a list of services on my business site. After all, this is what I would expect if I were hiring a service.Marketing books traditional and non-traditional promote giving as much information to prospective clients as possible. (via brochures, fliers, e-mail, circulars, etc . . .) The more inquiry from prospects, the better your chance of gaining cherished customers. I applied this strategy in my first business. What the books left out was how to market a closed or specialized community; such as contracting with criminal defense attorneys. The services we provide are intangible and when translated to paper could not compensate for the "if" instances and there are many "if" instances. We found out, our first go around, about marketing a professional specialized community. Sharing our services in detail created competition. We had to work harder, smarter and longer until the competition could not keep up and finally drifted away. The competition were attorneys who contacted us that we sent detailed information to. Now we meet face to face with potential legal marketing clients and explain our services to create mutual understanding and agreement of the services we provide. Our real success did not come until we implemented this way of doing business with defense attorneys. This separated the serious prospects from those wanting a written model.Outlining your services is fantastic for gaining prospective clients depending on your business and your target audience. In our beginning, we did not understand our audience. If I could go back in time, a list of legal marketing services would have never been created.Should you create a list or price list of your services? It depends on the character of your audience. lolIt is always a Blessing to Share, Dream a World!
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How to get referrals for your business

Are you networking? I love to network and meet new people. Each time I attend an event, I collect many business cards and place them into a my business card binder so that I can refer their business to a new potential client/customer.Here are a few tips I want to share with you on getting more referrals for your business.1. Ask for help, most people are more than willing to help you out in need. Just ask.2. Let your contacts know that you want to build your business based on referrals and you would like to network with their network.3. Ask them who they know that can benefit from your product or service.4. Ask if you can use their name as a reference.5. After you get a list of referrals, ask them if they are willing to provide an introduction for you.6. Send a thank you card or referral gift to your referral source.
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Looking for a Fundraiser?

If you are looking for a fun and different kind of fundraiser, with a FAST TURNAROUND, look NO further.
Your organization gets 40% of the proceeds.
And, as long as you provide me with the tax exempt id form
the participants don't pay tax or shipping!

Talk With You Soon,

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Helping Domestic Violence Victims


Its hard to believe abuse is still an issue but it is. We need volunteers and leaders to help us help victims.•A 2005 study by the U.S. Department of Justice reports two in five incidents go unreported to authorities.•A 1998, National Violence Against Women Survey found that women are 7 to 14 more likely than men to report suffering severe physical assaults from an intimate partner.•A 2004 study completed by the Violence Policy Center reported that of females killed with a firearm, almost 2/3 were killed by their intimate partners.If you need help, please contact National Domestic Violence Hotline at or phone 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
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Are you a "wysiwyg" (what you see is what you get) person? Do you consider yourself an authentic individual?Have you ever met someone, (and I know you have) who ... who is just plain "plastic" in other words, a fake and a phony? This type of woman or man tries to be… or pretends to be what they are not. I meet these type of people all the time. It's like they are hell bent on proving something to someone, or that they are better than others. Self love is apparently lacking, poor things are just not comfortable in their own skins.Think about it. God chose to make a one-of-a-kind you and yet you are not satisfied with that. It's like saying God made a mistake, He didn't do right by you, because you don't have this or don't have that, if only you were what? If only you were bigger here, smaller there, richer, taller, thinner, know what I'm talking about, so your mission in life is to correct what you consider to be God's mistake. Hello! God don't make mistakes!Let's take happiness for example. Many people are not happy because… they lack the main ingredient for happiness; which is "you." It's the "you" that kicks happiness into action, and without it.. Well what can I say? The thing is, most people confuse happiness with "a happening", if it's not happening to them or for them then they can't be happy and they spend their whole live waiting for someone to make them happy. If no one ever told you, I'm telling you now, you are responsible for your own happiness. But if you don't like being you, then you will never be able to be happy because you are missing the main ingredient, see my point?It's best to be what God has created you to be and that is "you" a wysiwyg person. Start there and then let God fine tune you, and trust me, He will. Now does this mean that everyone you meet will like you? Of course not, but the important thing is that you have to like yourself first, before anyone else can like you. The beauty in life is knowing that there is a one-of-a-kind you, a "wysiwyg" you, while at the same time knowing that you are a work in progress, just like me. It's so wonderful to know that God is not through with us yet.Pastor AminataCreator of Word4UTVNetworkBlack Business Builders Club
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The Execution of Change

The Execution of ChangeBy: Lyndsey ShafferTo change your current reality requires action. Continuously stating your disappointment or discontentment with your life only adds fuel to the fire. If you are unhappy with your life, change it. No one can change it but you and no one is responsible for placing you into your current situation but you. Do not hold onto feelings of obligation to other people if these feelings cause you to be unhappy. Societal, cultural, religious and family traditions and practices often lead us to do things we do not want to do. We do these things, simply because we were taught to believe that things need to be done or should be done a certain way. However, it is important to take notice of where beliefs stem from. Ask yourself, is this true for me? Do I truly believe this? Do I feel good doing this? Is this in alignment with my dreams?A vital part of personal growth is to establish your own belief system. Wallace Wattles once said that the hardest task of man is to listen to the truth within himself. Often, the cause of our disappointment or discontent is because your inner desires and your outer circumstances in which you live are contradictory. Your outer world is a reflection of you inner world. If you allow bad feelings to live within you and take no action towards developing that which is in alignment with your dreams, your current reality will become your future reality. You will be unable to advance yourself from your current circumstances. Your current reality will only change when you have changed the feelings within you. Take action today to break your perpetual cycle of lack and disappointment. Many people think that the key to changing their outer world is money. This is not true. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and money is of no value to the spirit that dwells within your physical body.This being said, how do you execute change in your life?Live in your dream. To live in your dream is much more than an exercise in visualization. You must walk in your dream, speak to others, take action and give thanks as you would when your dream has manifested. When you do these things it allows you to experience a new type of reality. The reality of your desires that is already in the process of manifestation. Living in your dream will place you in a state of happiness that will no longer allow you to attract negative things, people or circumstances to you. It is this that will begin to change you current reality. The things that once gave you grief, frustration and other negative feelings will begin to be replaced with the things that bring you happiness.Track your forward movement towards your goals. Ask yourself every day, what did I do today to move closer to my dream? This step is vital! If you are not taking action everyday towards your dreams and your goals it is unlikely that they will manifest. You must do something everyday, you must complete at least one successful action from which you can build on the help you reach your dreams.Acknowledge all of the things in your life and give thanks. Whether or not your current reality is everything you desire it to be, you must give thanks and do so sincerely. Everything in your life will guide you towards your dream. There may be things in your life that you do not like. View them as a blessing of contrast from that which you do want. These things help you to clarify within your mind what you truly desire. That clarity is a gift that will help you to manifest your dreams even faster.Follow these steps to execute the change of your current reality and place yourself on the path towards the life you desire.Lyndsey Shaffer is the co- founder of the Onyx Six - Women of Color Business Network. Onyx Six is a business development network committed to creating a supportive and influential community of minority women entrepreneurs and professionals. Contact Lyndsey Shaffer by email at
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YOU REALLY DO NEED THIS - THE MAGIC FORMULA THAT EVERYONE HAS BEEN LOOKING FORYOU REALLY DO NEED THIS1Still Looking for “ THE FORMULA” Let the Black Business Builders Club give you theMain ingredients. Featured Sponsor in Black Enterprise magazine June 2009Networkingly yours,RickeyCLICK HERE FOR THE FORMULA, MADE JUST FOR YOUCLICK HERE FOR THE FORMULASPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT – JUST RELEASED!!!THE BLACK FOLKS GUIDE TO MAKING MONEYBlack Folks Guide to Making Big Money on the Internet300 PAGES OF “ I SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING THIS YEARS AGO!!!!”CLICK HERE FOR THE BFGTMBMMagazine,business,promotion,networking,joint venture, community,club, income,education
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Press Release: May 21, 2009

XstreamEtronics simultaneously gives aid to the Houston community and the environment.XstreamEtronics is taking Texas green with their sale of “Green Machines.” Xstream’s promotion of reselling “green electronics” is taking the resellers market by surprise. "Our mission is to recycle, restore and reuse. The resale of refurbished electronics helps to protect our environment and also enables us to provide an affordable product for the community", says Co-owner Charles Adams.Acknowledging the all too frequent improper disposal of electronics by resellers, XstreamEtronics has resolved to deal solely with those manufacturers who adhere to Texas Commission of Environmental Quality rules and regulations. Manufactures have the option of sending all of their returned electronics to XstreamEtronics on consignment or they can chose to wholesale to XstreamEtronics the returned end-of-life electronics at the products’ current market value. “XstreamEtronics will only accept electronics from those manufacturers who adhere to Texas ‘Green Laws’ and whose electronic products are green compatible,” stated Mr. Adams. “By doing so, with XstreamEtronics “green procedures” we are able to assure our customers that our refurbished electronics are safe to the new end-user and safe for the Texas environment.”Co-owner of XstreamEtronics, Charles Adams is passionate about creating a bridge between restoring local communities and restoring the tools that help to enable and empower Houstonians. By properly recycling and restoring electronics we simultaneously protect ourselves, our environment, and provide an opportunity for computer ownership to someone who might not otherwise be able to afford a computer at it's "off the shelf" cost.The recent grand opening of XstreamEtronics at its Highway 6 S. @ Bissonnet location was filled with local small business owners in search of refurbished electronics. "As a small business, our budget is tight. Yet there are things that are vital for our growth. The recent boom in business marketing through the online social media such as Facebook and Twitter makes it imperative to be 'connected' in order to stay competitive. Having a store like XstreamEtronics where I can visit to get a great desktop, laptop or video recorder for a fraction of the price at a large retailer, is fantastic! It allows me to save money and keep my overhead down, which in turn, keeps our prices down and makes them affordable for others," says Lyndsey Shaffer of Cantilever Concepts Custom Graphic Design Services and Co-Founder of Onyx Six.Click here XstreamEtronics for updatesFor additional information or media inquiry contact:Media Relations - Khadijah AdamsXstreamEtronicsXstreamEtronicsInc@gmail.comhttp://www.xstreametronics.comContact:XstreamEtronics9432 Highway 6 S, Ste AHouston, TX 77083Tel: 281-933-6700Fax: 281-939-6707
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