Productivity (25)

How you spend your time says a lot about who you are.

How much time have you lost looking for something? When you

spend time looking for things you are also losing money.Time is money right?

If you are simply too tired or do not have adequate time to do anything in the evenings, then your daily routine is out of balance and you need to make adjustments.

Your work can be too difficult or unsuitable, or you may not be making full use of your hours during your day or evening. A good balance of your time is needed for work, goals, recreation,
family time, your spiritual life and relaxation. Take a close look at your
daily routine, examine your findings and come up with a plan. Be prepared to
follow your plan and with this, you can become better organized.

I use a great tool to enhance your endeavors toward having proper balance in your personal, spiritual and business life. The participants in The Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” Coaching program will have the opportunity to experience this popular tool.

Why even take the time to be better organized?

The more organized you are the more time you will have foryourself and what matters most. Being better organized allows you more time to

work on new projects with clarity. And being better organize will allow you to
realize increased revenue.

With a place for everything and everything in its place, you are freed up in body and mind to take on new endeavors.

Another thing is as you take on new endeavors such as addingincome streams like the coaching model, information products etc. you’re free

to be laser focused.

Here are a few additional tips

Make a decision to get better organized and commit tostaying organized.

Create a number of brightly marked folders for discountcoupons, invitations and directions, and other time-sensitive papers that just clutter your counters.

Establish one defined place in your house for storinglibrary books, and end a house-wide hunt when it is time to read or return time.

Getting organized also includes conquering the cluttermonster. I invite you to

join me for an empowering call 3 sure-fire ways to conquer the clutter monster by clicking here.

The audio replay will be available to all registrants.

Here’s to the new organize you!


Authentic Life Empowerment Coach

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A year from now you may wish you had begun today. ~ Karen Lamb

How would you like to realize Business breakthrough for 2011? Wouldn't it be great to have
support and someone walking with you as you get clear on your vision,goals and align strategic
plans for realizing your goal by 2011 all within a period of 30 days?

It's Fall 2010 and although there are just a few months remaining, there's still time for you
to make some great strides. You can make endeavors towards your best year ever. By the end of 2010 while getting clear on your vision,goals, action steps and be empowered to manifest that one BIG goal as you end 2010 with a BANG and kick your year in gear!!

I know that it seems like you've been working hard to accomplish
your goals since the beginning of the year.

Do you ever wish you could ......

* Achieve your desired results

* Leverage your time so you have more time for what matters most

* Uplevel your Business for realized increased revenue

* Discover keys to allow you to get more clients

* Realize unshakable confidence in your personal,spiritual and business life?

Learn more and secure your seat today!

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Savvy women and Woman Entrepreneur’s Productivity tips: The To do list reborn and Batching

We’ve all heard of the 10 things to do list.

The problem with this is that you end up with 10 humongous tasks which all require attention of their own.

I’d like to call this The to do list reborn. When making up your to do list don’t just jot down 10 things on the list Put the items of highest priority at the top. You don’t want to have a list of 10 things
to do. You want to narrow it down because you’re going to add some
action steps or mini goals.

It’s important that you do this activity correctly if you want to achieve the highest results.

I share this in the Make it Happen "30 days of Empowerment” mentoring program. You’ll discover how to get Big results faster than you have before.

Another productivity tip is what is called batching.

Pull out your new and improved To-Do list. Look it over and I I’m sure you’ll see some commonalities and patterns. You might find there are types of tasks that are all performed similarly.

How are they similar? Maybe you complete these tasks while you’re in the same mindset or while using the same equipment. They might be tasks that are call-related, tasks that need to be done in the same software
on the computer, tasks that require extended thinking, etc.

By grouping these tasks together, you can save transition time between activities – and, of course, get more done in less time. These are the types of tasks that are perfect for batching:

Tasks that occur or can be scheduled in the same physical location. By grouping tasks in the same environment together, you save time moving back and
forth. For instance, if you’re meeting a client downtown, arrange
several other meetings in the same general area.

Other ideas: Mailing/shipping at the post office, doctor’s appointments, running errands, even daily tasks in your house (when you’re in the kitchen cooking breakfast, put away the dishes in the
dishwasher, too).

These are just a few of the productivity tips that I’ll also share in my upcoming Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” Mentoring program.

This post is an excerpt from my free call You Empowered! Simple secrets to conquering overwhelm.

For a limited time you can request my free gift audio replay download of this call only. On this call I also share one thing that can be attributed to weight gain,overwhelm and
chronic disease and more!

Go to to gain access to my free gift to you.

This is my preview call to the Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” mentoring program which will happen weekly through October 27.

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Entrepreneurial Success = Learning All You Can

10744054460?profile=originalAs a woman business owner it is important to learn all you can about being successful in business. If you're like most other entrepreneurs who want to stay in the know you probably follow thought leaders and gurus. But did you know that another great place to find success tips is by to simply pay attention to what you see in everyday life? Here's a few insights that I gleaned by observing the way an ant goes about its day.


Ants are probably one of the best examples for learning about the power of diligence and how it helps produce great results. The smallest of all creatures it is likely one of the most productive of all living things. When compared to people who are slothful in work, the ant helps us see two distinct traits that lead to success. It is a model for traditional careers and for those who are self-employed. The ant realizes that there is a time to sow and a time to reap. Business cycles follow this same pattern so it is critical that we prepare for the ebbs and flows and to remain energetic in our work. As you anticipate the change in seasons maximize sales by raising the bar in productivity. You will be glad you did when there is adequate cash reserve to carry you through the not so good seasons.


In order to be successful, there are two behaviors that you can adopt from the ant's example. First, cultivate independence. It is important to be able to manage time well on your own without requiring supervision. Being your own boss requires you to make every effort to carry assignments through to completion. This will become second nature as you become more aware of the urgency to get work done within a specified time frame. When it comes to work ethics another lesson the ant teaches is to not put off tomorrow what you can do today. Allow this standard to become part of your work DNA so that you are consistent in following through.


Another important point to note is that you also need to heighten your sense of alertness. Develop this skill by getting familiar with your company and industry's cycles. Conduct research often and prepare forecasts so that you are always ahead of the game. Use your findings to answer questions such as:

  • When is the best time to invest resources into marketing, networking and advertising?
  • When can you expect those results to produce?
  • What do you need to do now in order to ensure a bountiful harvest during peak and off seasons?

These are just a few tips that I learned from paying attention to the ant. I'd also love to hear yours.

To your productive day!

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Multitasking is Dead

Do you know why you can’t get more done?No? Then kill multitasking – totally eliminate multitasking from your business life.Have you ever had this happen to you? You're working on a project that requires your full attention and creativity, such as writing your newsletter or designing an information product, and suddenly a family member or employee interrupts you while you were concentrating - deeply. Even if you tell them you are busy and go back to work, it takes you quite a while before you can re-align your mind into what you were doing before.Focus and discipline is what helps you complete a project. If you are a home-based business owner, “projects” usually have profit tied to them and so you must be able to focus and be disciplined enough to say “no” to something else clamoring for your attention at the same time. Here are some things I have started to doing to keep me focused on what I’m doing while I do one thing at a time:1. Clear your desk of anything unrelated to your current project. Believe it or not, those slips of paper, notes and things you “intend to get to” are commanding your attention and draining your energy – energy you need to focus on the task at hand.2. Plan your day out so that you can focus in on one task at a time. Set times to complete urgent tasks, reading and responding to emails (I suggest twice a day for checking email), marketing and listening to teleseminar recordings. Then keep to your schedule. Unless a real emergency presents itself, don’t veer off of your schedule. Complete one project or task and then move on.3. Complete those tasks that have the highest rate of return for your business. High rate of return items are the things that will accelerate your success and increase your bank account.4. Take short breaks away from your desk and office. Go walk the dog, play music, cook or read something purely recreational. Doing something completely unrelated to your business or technology will refresh and reinvigorate you.5. Create your schedule for tomorrow. Schedule your high rate of return items first and then whittle down the remainder of your to do list. If a project or task took longer than you intended and you were not able to mark it off today’s to do list, move these items to tomorrow’s to do list but after the high rate of return projects or tasks.I believe if you stop multitasking and really focus on the project or task at hand you will find that you accomplish more, reduce your stress and increase your profits.Read this article in it's entirety.Carmin Wharton is a home-based business expert and the founder of, a membership community designed to take businesses owned by women of color from start up to prosperity. Carmin's mission is to help women earn what they're worth and make it big in their home-based business on their own terms.
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