Release (5)

Many women in business have attempted to write Press Releases, only to abandon the idea. They either think it will be too expensive to distribute or not sure how to reach their intended audience. A well balanced marketing plan includes a myriad of strategies and online tools… and utilizing Press Releases should be a part of that strategy.


So, if you want to reach a targeted audience, here are 3 BENEFITS of using Press Releases and a few quick tips to get started.  Read more...

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Reasons to Write a Press Release

Writing a press release is a great way to get exposure for your business, service or product without spending a lot of money. It’s an excellent way to make important announcements to interested readers.

Here are some examples of when a press release would be a good idea:

1. Submit a press release about a trade show or seminar you’re hosting or attending.

2. Write a press release about a free class you are teaching that would be of interest to the public.

3. Create a press release about your new web site, or any awards your web site has won.

4. Write a press release about any awards you may have personally won.

5. Create a press release about products or services you’re giving away.

6. Submit a press release about a business association or club you’re starting.

7. Write a press release about a famous person who’s endorsing your business.

8. Create a press release about a partnership you are creating with another business.

9. Submit a press release about a new book or e-book you wrote.

10. Write a press release about major sponsorships you’re involved in.

11. Inform the public about a contest you’re having.

12. Write a release about any charitable projects you’re involved in—especially during the holiday season.

13. Announce your appearance on a radio or television program.

14. Announce the start of your new internet radio show.

15. Write a release if you’ve been invtied to speak at a conference or other type of event.

If you think of any other reasons, please feel free to add them here.

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My Future Schedule...

when I leave the 9-5 is going to consist of webinars, getting kids to school, client meetings, site updates, blogs, encouraging messages and videos and TWO POWER NAPS.

So there....I am not going to work weekends unless absolutely necessary.

Can't wait for my release from the 9-5. Thank you LORD for this job right now, but thank you for the gifts you have given me to leave a legacy for my children and be at home for them.

I use Tungle for scheduling events and meetings AND Plancast

I will order my blankets and comforters from LTD for my nap time AND I am using GVO Conference right now for my webinars

(stay tuned for my next blog....on the GVO Conference)

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For Immediate Press Release

TRACEY AMBROSE W.R.A.P…. NO LONGER UNDER THE RADAR SCREENIf you are Tracey Ambrose’ colleague you know she has her MBA. If you are her customer you yearned to keep her crochet line a secret just a little longer.However, it is newsworthy that a wife, mother of two and businesswoman has found the time to receive her MBA degree and master the art of Hook and Yarn.A fashion editor obsessed with finding the up and coming urban queen of the contemporary world of crochet will discover Tracey Ambrose W.R.A.P. is no longer under the radar screen.The California native has turned her hobby into a fashion passion. Her designs of contemporary accessories are consistently strutted on urban runways. It’s not enough that the TRACEY AMBROSE W.R.A.P. line of crocheted hats, bags and scarves aren’t your grandmothers’; her items include crocheted leg warmers, wraps offering a layered look, belts and beanies in vibrant colors.From the runway to the market: Darla’s Boutique of Lancaster, California is one of several independent shops offering the exquisite crochet line to it’s’ clientele. Sales generated from both and have shown great potential for more national sales.“I feel so blessed to be a vessel for this vision of crochet design” said Tracey. “Each of our journeys starts with that first small step and I am so looking forward to growing my business as did Lily Chin. Of course she has been in the business for twenty five years and has even written books. It gives me something to look forward to,” she laughs.
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