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Note to Self - "09 Is Mine"

Out with the old and in with the new, a long lived tradition of many people across theworld. Every New Year many people start off with a resolution but even fewer gothrough with it. For some, the pressure of simply saying it gives them a feeling of dread.Why do that to yourself? Why not give yourself permission to succeed? So instead of along list of to-do’s, simply write yourself a note.You don’t have to start off with many notes. In fact give yourself permission to only havetwo or three notes at first. As you accomplish them, give yourself a new note. Make sureyou select the best stationary that you can afford at the time. As you grow, yourstationary may also reflect your growth.Sit down in a quite place and really think about what it is that you wish to accomplish. Besure to write down these important facts in the note:1. What to you wish to accomplish2. Why do you want to do this3. When is the accomplishment date4. Who will benefit from its completion5. Where will you be when it is doneEverything we do in life has a plan. Not doing anything with your life at all – that, is yourplan. If you are making $250,000 a year – that is your plan. No matter the day or time, besure that you are following a plan. So instead of making grand statements of what youwill do this year, start off with an achievable approach first. No more resolutions andlofty promises. Simply write a note to yourself. When you change your outlook andperception on life the things around you will reflect your positive affirmation and mentalattitude. You will change not only yourself but those around you.The way in which you go about life determines what you receive. Instead of saying, “Iwant to lose 20 pounds” without having a plan other than the phrase, “I will go on a diet”your success rate will be low. But stating that you will change your lifestyle by eatinghealthy foods and exercising by a certain date, you will get there. Maybe you wish tohave a make over. Select fashion that is appropriate for your body shape, age and place inlife. If you are striving to be an executive this year, dress the part. If you have a morelabor intensive job, get a more modern and fresh haircut.When you decide to act on a note to self, jot down the date you start, goal date andaccomplishment date in the corner as a visual. As you achieve each one, don’t throw itaway. Instead, keep it until the end of the year. From time to time, take a moment to lookat your notes and at all that you have accomplished. Being able to visualize youraccomplishments may be hard for some, so when you are able to look at your notes in aphysical form, you are now able to see what success looks like. When you are able to seewhat success looks like, you are able to see it more clearly each time you strive for the next goal.Be sure to reward yourself for each note completed. One way you can do this is to get acharm bracelet. Select a charm to add to the bracelet each time you are successful. Orderflowers for yourself and have them delivered to your job with a note that says I’m proudof you. This is another positive reaffirmation of your accomplishments.Your brain is your body’s computer. Inputting data is vital. The better the data, the betteryour reports and statistics will be. If you are putting in junk and visiting the wrongwebsite, don’t be surprised when you get a virus. Being around like-minded people isalso very important. If you have an issue with eating the proper foods, being aroundpeople who only eat junk food will not help you. Spending time with your friends wholove to eat fresh fruits and veggies, will give you a jump start on your note to self, eachtime. They will share with you bits of wisdom that they have gathered along the path ofhealthy eating, thus, changing your life, by touching those around them. There’s two oldexpression that come to mind – when you lay down with dogs you get flees and birds ofa feather flock together. Well, the same holds true in day-to-day life. Having a mentorand being around those that you wish to learn from is always a sign of a person whowishes to succeed.So as 2009 begins, begin your life on a positive note. Write down all the things that youare thankful for. You may be surprised at what you have accomplished already.
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