Year (12), 1-888-883-3013

There are many perks to being a business owner, like being you own boss, making your own schedule, putting a higher dollar value on your time, and pride of ownership. Another great reason, you want to own a business because you can qualify for higher credit card limits and these credit cards do not affect your personal credit once you’re approved and if you’re set up as a C-corporation.

However, one the biggest most benefits are the business tax write-offs.  Business ownership does have a price, especially when you’re using the banks money to help fund the business.  The good news is that business bank fees can be tax deductible and we give you a few examples here:

Annual Fees

Annual fees on a business card are tax deductible. This may be a great way to justify getting that card with the steep annual fee that also has amazing rewards. Yes, you can write it off, but keep in mind that the primary use of the card needs to be for business purposes and not for personal use.

Late Fees

Hopefully you’re not incurring late fees on your credit cards, but mistakes happen and you sometimes forget to make a payment. Those fees can be written off for your business taxes. Of course, it’s always best to call the company and explain you simply forgot and ask if they can waive the fee this time; saving $35 is almost always going to be better than claiming a $35 tax deduction.

Interest Charges

Again, in an ideal world you won’t be paying interest on any of your purchases. But there are times when you need equipment, and there just isn’t enough cash in the bank to pay for it right away. Those interest charges are all tax deductible.

Swipe Fees (point of sales fees)

As a business owner, you pay the credit card company every time someone uses their card to pay you. These are always business-related expenses and fully tax deductible.

Miscellaneous Fees

There are sometimes other fees associated with using a credit card. For instance, your cash advance fees are deductible.  

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Did the year fly by as quickly for you as it did for me? But, I tell this was on my best years ever. I was able to reconnect to my main opportunity. Find new systems and tools to help me promote and market.

But most importantly, I was able to see my purpose in a new light. I registered for the Landmark Forum. It was the most expensive personal development program I have participated in to date. Just saying that make me feel good. A few years ago I couldn't have even thought about paying that much.

This brings up my point that the mind can play tricks on us. It can make us not see that we are really doing better than we think we are and makes us feel we are worse of than we really are. It also bring up the importance of associations. During my lull if I look back at who I was hanging with they were non-starters.

How many Non-starters do you have in your life. Take my advice find some replacements. Find people that will make you push yourself and strive for higher.banner125.gif

I was unsuccessful in achieveing a lot of my goals this year, but I'm still happy, becuase even bigger things are possible. I also realize that I have a lot of learning to do. And that sometimes can be a downer.

But, I can tell you missing out money is an even bigger downer. This is why while I'm stilling moving forward. I'm starting to budget more time for study. Internet Marketing is a profession as such it requires a certain amount of skill to exceed the lower 80.

It also requires dedication and commitment. An inquiring mind and a brave soul. It is full of excitement and disappointment. Most importantly, once it has you there is no going back.

There are few thing more pleasing than waking up in the morning and having more money in your bank account from something you didn't have to go into work for, because you planted income generating seeds. As usual, I'd love to see your comments.

About the Author


Clarence Coggins is an Internet Market. He has extensive experience with applying Web 2.0 technology in the promotion of business and educational ventures. He also works a Leads Broker with the Silver Fox Leads Factory to contact him you can email or call him at 973-943-4073. Watch This Video To See How - By Giving Away 100 Leads Every Day - You Can  Make $150 With Absolutely No Investment. Yes as a F.R.E.E Silver Fox Lead Factory Member you can make $150 for every member who up-grades to manager costing you NOTHING other than just the time to make videos and blogs about how those hungry entrepreneurs - who want to grow their business - can receive 100 MLM Opportunity Seeker Leads every day just for the asking…

After watching the video click here


Unlimited Leads In The 3X13 Forced Matrix JOIN FOR F.R.E.E 


When you join the F.R.E.E ToolBox you will be placed in the F.r.e.e ToolBox 3X13 Forced Matrix System allowing you to share in any spillover leads from your uplines lead generation efforts multiply even more leads for your business.  YES - as your downline fills from your uplines recruiting efforts you will enjoy unlimited leads for your business.


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Achieving Your 2011 Goals


At the start of each New Year many people make resolutions that by the middle of the year, sometimes sooner, are all but forgotten. So how do you make good on the momentum you have on that fresh start that the New Year brings? I recommend that my clients take different approach this year, which is to try setting just one or two major goals and put all your energy and resources into achieving those goals. Trying to fix everything in life all at once and is just not doable.

I'm including a Plan A Goal Development and Action Planning Worksheet below which you may use to help you achieve your 2011 goals. This is a tool I am also putting. This way my clients will know that I've 'gotten a taste my own medicine' and it works.



GOAL (be specific about what you hope to achieve):


How will I know that I am improving? What is my feedback plan?


What obstacles might get in the way of my progress? What can I do to diminish them?


What strengths do I currently have that will help me reach this goal?


What support do I need? From whom might I need support, partnership, coaching, mentoring, or advocacy?


What resources do I need to be successful (financing, technical support, etc.)?


What will success look and feel like?


Please feel free to let me know how you will use this tool and to provide feedback on its usefulness as you do. Here’s to wishing you all the best on Living Your Plan A in 2011!

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 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~ Maria Robinson

Do you find yourself wishing you could go back and start again or start a new beginning?

Of course there is such a thing as a fresh start or new beginning, however, you cannot literally go back in life and start a new beginning.

So what do you do?

You can spend your days murmuring and complaining about what you haven’t accomplished over your life or you can take an optimistic approach by taking inventory of what didn’t work and why? What did work and do more of it and of course discover new systems and strategies that you can implement..

Make the necessary mindset shifts. Many times having the wrong mindset can sabotage your endeavors towards empowering success.

Seek God’s wisdom. You can get as much knowledge as you want, however, you need wisdom to tell knowledge what to do.

Connect with an accountability partner such as a mentor or coach such as myself. My goal is to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck and to empower you to make big changes and achieve results faster than you have before in your life and business!

As I always say “Empowerment is choice. Yours!”

Make the choice to start today, right here and right now laying the foundation to make a new ending.

This can be your best year ever!

Make endeavors to unleash the Fit and Fabulous you.

I invite you to join me for my no cost Tele-training “How to Unleash the Fit and Fabulous you so you can manifest as the unstoppable
irresistible woman you were meant to
be and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Go to

Here’s to the new you… The Fit and Fabulous one!!

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Share your Goals for the New Year

Take a moment to share this post====>
The New Year typically comes and goes a little too fast for me. I don’t know about you but 2010 seems to have snuck up on me…yikes…do you feel the same way. Have you wondered “Where has the year gone”, well don’t fret you’re not the only one. Many find themselves caught off guard by the New Year and enter the year without a plan of action.
It is my hope that something I share in this blog will push you to starting the year on purpose. New Year’s Resolutions have become the tradition for starting the year but they usually dissolve after the first few months of the year. Some people get so filled with anxiety when they don’t meet their resolutions that they give up or and become overwhelmed by the list. Have you ever wondered what the top New Years resolutions are? 
Well  I did a little research of my own and discovered the TOP Five New Years resolutions from last year
Wow! I see myself in this you? We all have good intentions, myself included, but we need more than a list..we need a solution. Stay tuned for Solutions for your New Year’s Resolutions.
I would love to hear what Your Goals are for the New Year. So take a moment and share your goals for the New Year below.Kai
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Happy New Year to BBWO

I hope everyone had a great year in 2009, and I wish all you ladies the BEST in 2010!!!! I have been mia on the net for the past 7months. I have been Blessd to continue my education so that has been my main focus. I know there are some of us who juggle everything that's going on in their lives on one plate, but I had to find out that my health is important too. So I have decided to put my social marketing online on the back burner so to speak. My education is very important to me. Im so proud to be 40 (mistaken for 30 lol), and back to getting the education I've always wanted (God is so good!!! ). I also have been getting closer to God and learning that I don't have to do things to please others to make myself feel good. If ppl don't like me for who I am then they are not the people for me. I will find a real true husband not in my time but in Gods time. I can see that 2010 is going to be a great year for me, even though in 2009 some doors closed right in my face, so many windows opened up for me too. I am a Black Woman who loves life, and I love sharing my experiences with people just to let them know that everything is going to be alright if they just trust and have faith. Life for me is not all about how much money/friends I have. For me life is alll about how happy I am.Im going to hit the books after posting this blog, and just continue to Be Blessed. Oh and just because Im getting closer to God and Im all about pleasing the Lord this does not make me a "RELIGIOUS" chick so please don't get it twisted. I don't need people sending me all kinds of scriptures or telling me how much God loves me I already know these things. God and I have our relationship just like you may have your relationship with the Lord it may not be the same. But I don't want to get into that because that would take up too much time. I just ask that you respect me. Thanks in advance. Much Success to you all in 2010!!!!!Everyone Stay Blessed :)DawnW
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Reflections of 2009!

2009 came to an end and I am reviewing the year for all that I have encountered. What a year this was for me! There were exciting moments and of course the ever consistent challenging moments. My year began with the completion of my first audio book The Day That Changed My Life Cancer an uncertain journey which was completed in January and by April it was available on line. In June, the audio book was translated in French and German and also being picked up by other on line audio book stores.I traveled quite a bit for professional and personal reasons. I spoke at symposiums and conferences. I became a mentor and I am actively engaged in mentoring which by the way is quite rewarding.In August, the second audio book The Day That Changed My Life Cancer an uncertain journey (Parents Edition) was released, translated in French and German and available world wide all on the same day. While celebrating the accomplishments of the audio books, I began working on the book which will feature many more stories submitted by survivors. As I have worked on my assignments, more have things were added and I now have three big projects that are currently in progress.With all of the exciting achievements, there were also those family moments of celebration, health related concerns, graduations, deaths and births. My nephew who is more like a son, joined the army and left for Korea. I became a guardian of a wonderful 2 year old boy. My mother and I shared some great conversations that gave a deeper insight to her life as a little girl all the way to her present day. My husbands' grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday! My daughter gave birth to her daughter and I became a grandmother!!And for all the years that have passed, I have noticed that they have all had the same things in common - unfinished goals. I will continue to set my goals but I am so pleased that there are things that are not on my list but will somehow become a part of a great achievement and I am open and I look forward to it!2010 I say -- Bring It On!!!!!!!
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Diva's Unlimited Inc. Ten Year Anniversary

Hey Friends,Diva’s Unlimited Inc. (DUI) invites you to get involved. Help us make a difference in the lives of many as we celebrate A Decade of Making a Difference in the Community through our Ten Year Anniversary - Black Tie Fundraiser on November 14, 2009 at the fabulous Georgia World Congress Center to an anticipated crowd of over 750 patrons.The evening will begin promptly with an elegant reception for our VIP attendees including a Silent Auction, followed by a showing of beautiful designs from some of our favorite designers.DUI has embarked upon ten years of defining images; introducing Atlanta to evolved fashions on the runway through Philanthropy. We believe we serve as a leader for our community service efforts exemplified beyond any of our productions.Advertising Opportunities Available in Diva's Unlimited Inc. 10 Year Commemorative Book ... Support a great Cause and get noticed by many ---- Business Card $50, 1/4 pg - $65, 1/2 Page Ad - $85.00, Full Page Ad - $125 and Back Cover $200.00 Spots available for only $100
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A Tick in Time.

In one tick in time, the year has changed and with it so has your season. Just as there are seasons in the natural, there are seasons in the spirit. It is time to get out there and make your dreams a reality. You can experience the best in life if you believe in yourself. Having shared that, here is my request for you:Have a Blessed and Prosperous New Year. Make this year for YOU the year you DO all that you didn't before; accomplish all you've always wanted to. Get something different by doing something different!!!! Move out of your comfort zone and make your dreams come true. When you believe in yourself, you exude confidence and success is DRAWN TO YOU!"Live like you're blessed, give like you're blessed and ultimately you will be blessed". ~Debra P. DeclouetLove to you all and God Bless,~Lady D.P. DeclouetDebra P. DeClouetWomen of Destiny, LLC"Purpose-Minded to Promise". TMDebra@p-mtp.com
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Reflections of 2008

2008 was quite a year - a year that has had it shares of joy and pain. What makes this year any different than the other years?Well, I began the New Year in church with my family and made a list of things that I needed to accomplish in 2008. Each day had its own unique feature whether it was a moment of triumph to be followed shortly by a challenge that seemed determined to cause some distress. It was on – never a dull moment.Family moments were rather emotional from celebrating birthdays, anxiously awaiting medical test results, graduation, traveling, attending various seminars, symposiums, signed on to participate in Cancer Prevention Study/CPS-3 (20years)and many other activities.Determined to expand on making a difference in the lives of others, I began hosting the Health & Wellness Show which airs each Saturday morning on Blog Talk Radio. The show has featured many wonderful guests from Health Care Professionals, Authors, Presidents of Health Care Organizations, Media Personalities - all sharing great information with the listeners.In addition to hosting the Health & Wellness Show, I signed on to myspace ( a place I viewed as a ridiculous site where my children would log on and stare at the screen for hours, posting their pictures, finding friends they have not seen in years and meeting new people (yikes!). I hesitated to join the site as I just could not see it being beneficial for my line of work. After all, who wants to talk about health on a social site? I was encouraged to sign on as a method of reaching more potential listeners.Well, not long after I signed on to myspace, I was all involved with posting photos, catching up with friends (who knew?), posting blog and just when I finally had the hang of it, I was told to join Facebook. Needless to say, I joined Facebook. Next up - twitter. I signed on to twitter and sat there for a while unsure of what I was doing there. As a matter of fact, I noticed the messages in my email that people were following me so I decided to follow them and that's when I saw what it was all about. So I began to Twit along - giving updates on my daily activities.By the latter part of 2008, I began to work on a CD 'The Day that Changed My Life' a CD that is made for newly diagnosed cancer patients. It is an amazing CD that will serve as a guide - taking the patient and their support system through the various stages - the highs and the lows - the treatment phases and many other great features.So many great ideas came to my mind and I had to jot them down to add to my list of things to do. My list grows daily and is revised often. What makes this year different from any other year is the productive year that is still a work in progress. The year will end in a few days and my list of things that needed to be accomplished in 2008 is incomplete. I take joy in many of the accomplishments that I have achieved as I never imagined that I would have hosted a weekly Health & Wellness Show;create and actively post on the Health & Wellness Blog;work on CD; network with effective results; develop and designed a logo for the business and have a line of apparel and accessories with proceeds to benefit the children with terminal diseases of the underserved communities; increased requests to speak at health related events, etc. I could go on and on with the accomplishments that were made - yet they were not even on the To Do list of 2008.I say goodbye almost reluctantly to 2008 as I wish I could go back and make some changes. We lost my father in-law, my buddy to Multiple Myeloma a form of cancer that did not give us much time to share with each other. It was an outstanding blow that knocked the wind out of us.I look forward to 2009 as I prepare to make my list again - with every intention of working actively on the items. The best part is knowing that I can still work on the things that I have on the 2008 list. I can only imagine what awaits me in 2009.
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Note to Self - "09 Is Mine"

Out with the old and in with the new, a long lived tradition of many people across theworld. Every New Year many people start off with a resolution but even fewer gothrough with it. For some, the pressure of simply saying it gives them a feeling of dread.Why do that to yourself? Why not give yourself permission to succeed? So instead of along list of to-do’s, simply write yourself a note.You don’t have to start off with many notes. In fact give yourself permission to only havetwo or three notes at first. As you accomplish them, give yourself a new note. Make sureyou select the best stationary that you can afford at the time. As you grow, yourstationary may also reflect your growth.Sit down in a quite place and really think about what it is that you wish to accomplish. Besure to write down these important facts in the note:1. What to you wish to accomplish2. Why do you want to do this3. When is the accomplishment date4. Who will benefit from its completion5. Where will you be when it is doneEverything we do in life has a plan. Not doing anything with your life at all – that, is yourplan. If you are making $250,000 a year – that is your plan. No matter the day or time, besure that you are following a plan. So instead of making grand statements of what youwill do this year, start off with an achievable approach first. No more resolutions andlofty promises. Simply write a note to yourself. When you change your outlook andperception on life the things around you will reflect your positive affirmation and mentalattitude. You will change not only yourself but those around you.The way in which you go about life determines what you receive. Instead of saying, “Iwant to lose 20 pounds” without having a plan other than the phrase, “I will go on a diet”your success rate will be low. But stating that you will change your lifestyle by eatinghealthy foods and exercising by a certain date, you will get there. Maybe you wish tohave a make over. Select fashion that is appropriate for your body shape, age and place inlife. If you are striving to be an executive this year, dress the part. If you have a morelabor intensive job, get a more modern and fresh haircut.When you decide to act on a note to self, jot down the date you start, goal date andaccomplishment date in the corner as a visual. As you achieve each one, don’t throw itaway. Instead, keep it until the end of the year. From time to time, take a moment to lookat your notes and at all that you have accomplished. Being able to visualize youraccomplishments may be hard for some, so when you are able to look at your notes in aphysical form, you are now able to see what success looks like. When you are able to seewhat success looks like, you are able to see it more clearly each time you strive for the next goal.Be sure to reward yourself for each note completed. One way you can do this is to get acharm bracelet. Select a charm to add to the bracelet each time you are successful. Orderflowers for yourself and have them delivered to your job with a note that says I’m proudof you. This is another positive reaffirmation of your accomplishments.Your brain is your body’s computer. Inputting data is vital. The better the data, the betteryour reports and statistics will be. If you are putting in junk and visiting the wrongwebsite, don’t be surprised when you get a virus. Being around like-minded people isalso very important. If you have an issue with eating the proper foods, being aroundpeople who only eat junk food will not help you. Spending time with your friends wholove to eat fresh fruits and veggies, will give you a jump start on your note to self, eachtime. They will share with you bits of wisdom that they have gathered along the path ofhealthy eating, thus, changing your life, by touching those around them. There’s two oldexpression that come to mind – when you lay down with dogs you get flees and birds ofa feather flock together. Well, the same holds true in day-to-day life. Having a mentorand being around those that you wish to learn from is always a sign of a person whowishes to succeed.So as 2009 begins, begin your life on a positive note. Write down all the things that youare thankful for. You may be surprised at what you have accomplished already.
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Happy Holidays!!!

I'm of the opinion that every day that we live, move and breathe is a day worthy and an opportunity afforded us to Glorify God and edify man.I believe the spirit of Christmas lives EVERYDAY; but, as my Pastor (Dr. John E. Montgomery, II) said today; Christmas represents the beginning of our blessings, for our SAVIOR'S arrival brought us redemption and reconciliation with God. I've shared that to say this: As we celebrate the Christmas Holiday and this Glorious New Year filled, might I add, with NEW POSSIBILITIES, let us remember the true reason for the season. JESUS, the Christ, was born. We have been redeemed and set free, so let us walk in our liberty this season and every.I love you and pray for you to experience ~ love, joy, peace, laughter and today I'll add another - TRUTH. I pray you TRUTH in all things, Christ is the way, the TRUTH and the life; so, I pray you Christ in all things.Be who you were created, designed and purposed to be - Whole! Be what He came that you may be - Free! Live as He says you might - Abundantly! (remember: the choice is yours)Wishing you the most Glorious Holiday Season, from my heart to yours.Love and Blessings Multiplied,Debra P. DeclouetWomen of Destiny, LLCPurpose-Minded to Promise. TM
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