rejection (4)

Hello Community, I am an active advocate of No Rejection Marketing. You should only be communicating with those who want you to. Your message should benefit your viewer. You must have a simple way for your viewer to pass on your message

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Rejection feels “icky” doesn’t it? It hits that space in us that we are uncomfortable with. That space that reminds us that we perhaps aren’t good enough or worthy enough. It reminds us of those childhood memories we would much rather forget. It just doesn’t feel good to be rejected by others.

We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives, perhaps regularly. That feeling of wanting to retreat and hide in our “caves” after someone has rejected us or made us feel as if we weren’t “in the in crowd”. Or perhaps that family member who spoke to you in a manner that contradicts the symbol and role they are supposed to play in your life, confirming that “people are selfish or out to get you” It could also be the lost client contract or the new connection you made with someone on line who’s positive energy wasn’t favorably returned. It happens to us all at one time as we all have this undercurrent desire to be accepted and connected to each other. It’s normal for us to want to bond with others and co-exist with others. It’s part of our human DNA – but when rejection begins to take over our human existence, the feeling of wanting to be accepted begins to appear in an unhealthy way.

You know…

::Seeking approval over and over from others and feeling “empty” when not reciprocated

::Not knowing when it’s time to let go of a relationship or connection

::Making personal decisions based on what others think of you…

::The ironic disconnect from others (i.e. isolation or indifference because the world isn’t giving you “your way”)

or the most common for most people…

Living your entire life against the flow of your LIFE PURPOSE.



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Rejection: Get Use to it!

As owner of a growing business there are a lot of benefits to look forward to. Like working for yourself, setting your hours, MAKING MONEY, and helping people with whatever you're offering. One thing we don't look forward to while building  business are the rejections. Always hearing the word "NO". Not only can this word be disappointing but effects the growth of some businesses. Although this word can be upsetting to hear often, you have to get use to it. Rejection is apart of the business package. Think about it, never have you heard of someone having a 100% close ratio. You have to learn to bounce back from rejections and not take them personally. In fact, the way you respond to rejections may effect the customers decision. Use some of the following suggestions from Greg on on what not to do when overcoming rejections.

1) Never but never argue.

Even if you are right you'll probably lose the sale.

2) Never, but never attack the person.

Separate the person from the objection and deal with it as apart from them. If you fight a person's feelings, more negative emotions will emerge and you will lose! (Not a good Rapport building tactic)

3 ) Never assume you understand an unspecified word

When overcoming sales objections if a prospect uses a word that is a Nominalisation.don’t start answering until you first understand their meaning. ( Briefly, a nominalisation is a word you cannot place in a wheelbarrow, it’s a concept not a tangible thing.)

For example, if a prospect says: “I need versatility.” Don’t start talking about flexibility or the range of products you have or your payment options because that may not be what your client is talking about.

Better to ask: 'Could you explain to me what you mean by versatility?' or

4 ) Never Insult the Prospect

Let’s look at an example.Prospect: 'Your prices are too high.'

It would not be very smart to reply with, 'Aren’t you interested in quality?'

You could reply with:“High prices compared to what?” or you could soften that with,“I understand your concern about pricing, we all need to ensure we’re competitive in this modern world, and could you tell me who or what you are comparing us to in making that comparison? ”

5 ) Never Avoid the Issue

'Quite frankly, your service is useless.'

It would not be right in overcoming sales objections to change the subject or talk in theory about what is good service because you are dealing with an emotion here. The client is obviously angry or frustrated when the use a word like “useless”. You need to help them vent their emotion.

Much better to stick with the issue, 'Obviously something has happened to make you feel that way. Can you tell me about it?'

You need to do your best to establish and maintain Rapport in these situations.

6 ) Don’t Shift Responsibility

When there is a problem don’t try to blame it on your office staff or your delivery people. Think about how that is perceived by your customer. Your customer will only understand that you are dodging the blame. What your customer wants is for someone to accept responsibility and fix the problem.

You need to be responding with “We….”, to show that you stand with your company then with “I’ll fix it.” The “I” bit is important as you are the company in the eyes of your customer and if you have any sort of relationship with him / her they will feel more comfortable knowing the person who is looking into it for them.

7) Never, but never make the person wrong.

When overcoming sales objections never make a person wrong because you will create an enemy.

Making the person wrong is not a good Rapport building strategy.

8 ) Never Contradict the Prospect

Prospect: 'You guys always seem to be having production problems.' Mistake: 'No, that's not correct. We had some problems when we upgraded the plant two years ago. Did you know we have not had any downtime in the last 18 months?'

A better reply would be: 'Yes, we had some production problems when we upgraded the plant and currently the plant is running flawlessly, in fact, it’s been running like that for the past 18 months. Can you tell me if you have experienced any delays so that I can investigate further?'

In the second reply, the sales rep acknowledges the prospect's perception of a problem. Remember, first you meet them where they are and then move them to where you want them to be.

9 ) Don’t dwell too long on an objection

When overcoming sales objections don’t dwell too long on an objection because you will amplify its importance in the mind of your customer. Better to answer briefly. Your answer should be just long enough to satisfy the prospect, and no longer.

10 ) Never guess an answer

When overcoming sales objections don't guess at an answer. Admit you don't know. Say: "I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that question, but I promise to get the information to you."

When you actually get back to them with a reply, this will show you have the courage to admit what you don’t know and that you “walk your talk” and follow through on your commitments. This can only improve the client’s perception of you.

Now you know what not to do.

 The 10 responses were written by Greg from Keep your reactions in mind when doing business. How you handle situations can determine how much your business grows. Keep in mind that EVERYONE in business encounters rejection. It's how you handle it that makes or breaks your company! Food for thought!

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Insight into Failure - Could This Be You?

In the past, I have joined many MLMs and have failed! Yes! I failed! I spent more money than I made and more time than I should have by staying when clearly I was not ready for the business opportunity.What I realized only recently, after joining an awesome MLM organization, is that I did not fail because the business opportunities were not good. The products were really great, and I loved them and believed in the company.The reason I failed at MLM was I was not ready for the business opportunity! What I mean by this statement is this:* I did not believe in myself* I did not believe in my own ability to succeed* I had low self-esteemI had all kinds of fears:* Fear of failure* Fear of rejection* Fear of not succeeding* Fear of making mistakesThese kinds of thoughts or mindsets will sabotage any great opportunity that presents itself to you. I have come to learn over the years that you have to be ready before opportunity knocks. If you are not prepared, and you go into a business opportunity or even a job opportunity, you will fail, become negative, frustrated, and you will eventually give up and quit.Success and financial freedom does not just happen. You have to prepare for it so that when it comes you will be able to not only handle it, but you will be able to maintain what you have obtained while you reach for new levels of success and opportunities.Toxic core beliefs (mindsets/thought patterns) need to be identified and detoxed from your thinking. If you do not, they will pollute and corrupt every thing you attempt to do. Your toxic thoughts or core beliefs will cause you to sabotage your own efforts to succeed and experience financial freedom. This will eventually cause you to experience a cycle of failures that can go on for a lifetime, if not dealt with.It does not matter how much positive affirmations or faith confessions you make if your core beliefs are rooted in negativity and unbelief. You will always move in the direction of what you truly believe. Have you ever heard the saying, “People say one thing and do another?” What you actually do or do not do is all predicated on what you really believe about money, business, success, people, the world, etc.The best way that I know of to identify or discover what you really believe (your core beliefs) is to become aware of what you are saying to yourself. The best time to do this is when you are under pressure or you are experiencing adversity in your life. What do you say to yourself when you make a mistake? How do you feel when someone says no to your opportunity? Do you call yourself negative names or put yourself down?Keep a journal to document your answers. When a difficult or challenging situation arises in your life, how do you respond? In your journal document the following: (1) What was the situation/circumstance (your trigger). 2) Write your response. 3) How could you have handled it differently? 4) Change the negative core belief to an empowering one. Confess or speak them over yourself daily, especially early in the morning and just before going to bed. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell it to yourself until you believe it. This is a way to renew or reprogram your subconscious mind.Great opportunities happen when preparation and opportunity meet! Decide what it is you want and what it take to get it. Then be willing to prepare and do whatever it takes! Remember this: failure is not fatal nor is it final; giving up on your dreams and goals is!Author: Yvonne Carson, M.Div., MA, MFT is the author of several e-books: The Courage to Change: Healing from Emotional Wounds that Bind You (An Interactive Workbook for Healing and Restoration); Wisdom and Life Lessons from the True Vine; Whatever You Seed You Will Receive: 50 Power-Packed Personalized Faith Confessions. Her books can be purchased at
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