spirit (8)

Rejection feels “icky” doesn’t it? It hits that space in us that we are uncomfortable with. That space that reminds us that we perhaps aren’t good enough or worthy enough. It reminds us of those childhood memories we would much rather forget. It just doesn’t feel good to be rejected by others.

We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives, perhaps regularly. That feeling of wanting to retreat and hide in our “caves” after someone has rejected us or made us feel as if we weren’t “in the in crowd”. Or perhaps that family member who spoke to you in a manner that contradicts the symbol and role they are supposed to play in your life, confirming that “people are selfish or out to get you” It could also be the lost client contract or the new connection you made with someone on line who’s positive energy wasn’t favorably returned. It happens to us all at one time as we all have this undercurrent desire to be accepted and connected to each other. It’s normal for us to want to bond with others and co-exist with others. It’s part of our human DNA – but when rejection begins to take over our human existence, the feeling of wanting to be accepted begins to appear in an unhealthy way.

You know…

::Seeking approval over and over from others and feeling “empty” when not reciprocated

::Not knowing when it’s time to let go of a relationship or connection

::Making personal decisions based on what others think of you…

::The ironic disconnect from others (i.e. isolation or indifference because the world isn’t giving you “your way”)

or the most common for most people…

Living your entire life against the flow of your LIFE PURPOSE.



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You are better than that.

Did you know that you are a wonderful work of art, created by God? Did you know that all His works are excellent? Know that you are special, blessed and loved. God created us “fearfully and wonderfully…” His word tells us so. And do you know what that means? That means that you are good enough just the way you are. That’s not to say that we should become complacent and not strive to become the best person we can be. In order to give our best we must be our best. It’s that simple.We are children of the most high, our daddy owns everything. He is King of Kings. We can have, be and do anything that we desire. He told us so. Jesus said that He came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Optimal health and wealth, prosperity; it’s all ours for the asking and for the taking. Just sayYes! Say Yes to God, He will lead you, He will guide you. He will put joy back in your heart, love back in your soul. Deliver you from sadness, depression, low self esteem; you can have that great life.He is calling us higher and wants us to do a good work. And we can. As mothers, we sometimes place ourselves on the back burner. We stop dreaming, we sometimes stop living with passion and drive, we stop being the women that God wants us to be. We place all our energy on our families, and none on ourselves. We give them our best, or so we think, and don’t give ourselves the best. We can’t afford to do that any longer. Our children and our families need us to dream, to live on purpose. They need us to be healthy, wealthy and wise. If we are denying ourselves the simple necessities, then we aren’t healthy.After having my children I completely took myself out of the picture. I stopped living my life. I lost myself. I became sad, and depressed. I stopped caring for myself. I didn’t do my hair, I stopped exercising and eating healthy, as a result I gained about 50 lbs. My business was suffering to the point where I had no clients anymore. Now I was even more depressed and my self esteem hit rock bottom. I hit rock bottom.Everyone noticed it, I noticed it, but I didn’t do anything about it until I took a hard look at my children and their innocent faces. My son, who will be 4 in a week, he would notice the sadness on my face and he would often asks me “Mommy are you ok? It’s going to be alright.” That broke my heart. I didn’t want him or my 2 year old daughter to take on the burden of feeling that they had to take care of mommy. I saw how selfish I was being by not giving them the best mommy they deserved. I am my daughter’s example of what a woman is. I am the example of the type of woman my son will someday marry. I didn’t like the woman I was and had become. Drastic measure needed to be done. I was not being the type of woman that God created me to be. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, what is wrong with me? That’s when my transformation back to life began.As women we have strength, we have power, everything we need is within each and every one of us. We don’t have to beat ourselves up any more. We are ok. The sooner we start believing that this is true, the quicker we can start enjoying our lives. It’s not selfish to love ourselves. It’s not selfish to put ourselves first. It is however to very selfish to not share the best of who we are to those who need us the most. Our children will benefit and thrive at having a mom that is balanced mentally, physically and spiritually. They’ll see and feel the difference in the way we talk and the way we walk. They’ll be happier and you’ll glow at the smiles that will be on their face when they see that you are living a joyful life. They in turn will live a joyful life. We’ll notice how each day will seem just a little bit brighter, in spite of what we may be going through.We are wonderful creations of God, we were made in His image. Let’s step forward and walk in our excellence everyday.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 NIVLove yourself. Live well. Be empowered.Daphne (CEO/Founder Eshe…)Your Sistah in Spirit!www.eshe.soulpurpose.nethttps://daphneporter.youngevityonline.com/
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Our company is giving away free $300 in gas for an entire year!!!!! I don't know about you but I can use some free gas for my car.If you can, dial in on the call tonight or any day this week at 8pm EST/7pm CST with our Elite team: 712-775-7100 password 814420#If you are ready to increase your increasing your income for 2009, at least check it out. Offer expires January 31, 2009.Our company is being featured in the Sister 2 Sister January 2009 issue and has been promoted on the Michael Baisden show. Get more information tonight! Find out how to make this an unlimited offer. Yes, you can get unlimited $300 Gas Cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Debbi - 314-369-5751 or 641-715-3900 ext 58223#
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You're Beautiful, Woman 2008

You’re Beautiful, Woman! Wins a gold medal for ethnic beauty!Just one day after the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing; 8 Beautiful women came together on the 9th August 2008 to organise a wonderful event celebrating black women’s beauty in all its forms. From Black Hair care to foot care, from spiritual well being to fashion this event held at The Imperial War Museum was a huge success.With a diverse business background the self-proclaimed Dream Team were able to organise this superb event with so much positivity and grace that people are already asking when the next event will be!Some of the feedback on the date:Just wanted to say thank-you for organising such a nice event yesterday. It was very informative and fun. I look forward to the next event.Kind Regards,AThank you for what was a most inspiring and enlightening event on Saturday. The Seminars were well organized and apart from the technical hiccup went very well. I attended all seminars apart from the Health & Fitness by Lorna (due to my enjoying a wonderful facial) and I got a lot from each and everyone. From Vivienne's make-up session, Angie's enlightening info on hair to Hannah's inspiring talk, both my friends and I had everyone one of our objective boxes ticked. My 'Sisters' came for 'confidence boost' and 'next step' inspiration for radical career moves and they got it. We met some lovely people during the networking sessions which we will follow up on.It is clear that a lot of hard work went into this event and only the good Lord knows how you managed to bag such a wonderful venue as the Imperial War Museum.With best wishes,MThe Dream Team consisting of 8 beautiful black women are as follows:Ronke Lawal - www.rslmanagementservices.co.uk - Sophia Jackson - www.afridiziak.com - Angel Smith www.shoelagoon.com - Ronke Adeyemi www.themusingsofondolady.blogspot.com- Angie Brice www.thehairoine.com Hanna Hunter www.activateachievement.com - Lillian Ogbogoh www.vividoccasions.com - Maggie Udofia www.vividoccasions.com -For more information on the You’re Beautiful, Woman event please email urbeautifulwoman@gmail.comwww.yourebeautifulwoman.comhttp://www.myspace.com/urbeautifulwoman
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New Books by Joan Cartwright

This link will take you to new books by Joan Cartwright and more. . .www.fyicomminc.com/books/jc-books.htmThen, view this video that I was a part ofhttp://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0YVrSsNNWvAand visit my non-profit site for WOMEN IN JAZZ SOUTH FLORIDA, INC.your membership is welcomed. Then, join our network musicwoman.ning.com
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Spirit Soulfire is and emerging organic indie soul artist whose main inspiration is Minnie Ripperton. She takes it as a compliment that she is sometimes compared to Erykah Badu and Jill Scott knowing that she has her own distinctive songwriting ability and talents.Spirit Soulfire has performed at the World Famous Apollo, The Black Lilly, Hibachi, Groove Lounge, Five Spot (Philly) and Café Wha in NYC’s Greenwich Village to name a few.Keep an eye and ear out for this emerging talent!http://www.soundclick.com/SpiritSoulfireneo soul spoken word urban r&bSpirit Soulfire on Soundclick
Now playing: Spirit Soulfire
For more information go to:http://www.myspace.com/spiritsoulfirehttp://www.myspace.com/kamalsupremehttp://www.soulgriots.comKamal Imani Management201-964-6275cipherkam@gmail.comsoulgriots@yahoo.comRevolutionaryARt Innertainment Logohttp://www.soundclick.com/SpiritSoulfire
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Today I received my order of Warm Spirit products from our very own Alison Warfield! Both of the Body Gloss products I choose smell wonderful! I ordered Mango and Citrus Spice. Both will be great to use right out of the shower to moisturize and scent.Now I don't know ALL the details, but it's my understanding that the company Warm Spirit was started by a Woman of Color, so when purchasing from our own Alsion you're not only supporting one but TWO sisters in business!I'm very pleased with my new products and I'm sure you will be too.Please visit warmspirit.org/awarfield
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