classes (4)

Are You At Risk Of Being Exposed?

This morning I was awakened way before my scheduled interruption. It was about 4 o'clock AM. After tossing and turning, I was unable to go back to sleep. So me being the person that I am filled with such "bright" ideas, I made the decision to go to the gym. A decision that I have not made in a very, very long time, but this morning I persuaded myself.


While at the Gym, I was to the treadmill, exposed to the elliptical machine, the ab machine, weights, etc.... Well you get the picture, right?


So my question to you today is; Are you at risk of being exposed?


For most of us it is a daunting task to allow ourselves to step outside of our comfort zones. We spend countless hours repeating our same habits and rituals and it doesn't even cross our minds to try something different. Last night after teaching my third class in a three part series, during my Q&A session, several of my students began to share things about themselves and their experiences.


Let me first tell you that my classes are always very diverse. I have all races as well as various types of industries that attend the sessions. During an attempt to better explain his point, one of my students, used the analogy of scuba diving. Immediately other students in my class began to cut in and let him know that they could not relate to what he was talking about. I myself, could not relate either because I have never been scuba diving. I have never been "exposed" to it.  My lack of exposure is based solely on my lack of interest in the sport and not in my lack of ways of exposure.  Sure, I have many friends that take part in the sport on a regular basis, but because it does not interest me....I do not participate.


For the things in life that truly interest me, I have made it a point and a goal to gain as much exposure to them as possible.  It may be by way of surfing the internet, reading books, taking classes, etc.  By any means necessary, I have decided that I will be exposed to the things that interest me most. Your source exposure depends heavily upon you and your actions.


Now for many, they have interests that they have not even begun to act upon even though a way of exposure is directly put into their paths.  It's easy to find an excuse or a way to remain in the same position rather than to step out of the comfort zone and change lanes.  It's time to release yourself of your fears and allow yourself to be exposed.


The time for change is now.  Change doesn't happen until you make the decision to change and exhort the energy needed to make it happen.  Stop using the same old habits to try and make a new ending.  It is not going to happen.  You must travel a new route on your path to a new ending. 


Here's a few tips; on your way home from work, try another route.  You may discover that it may get you there quicker.  If you are used to wearing a certain color palette, switch to one that you have been afraid to try.  You may discover that those colors accent you alot better than the ones you've been comfortable with in the past.  If you and your family don't all sit down to eat dinner at the same time, try to set a time and a place for everyone to sit down and eat together for a couple of days out of the week.  You may discover some things about each other that you did not know. If you don't go outside of a 10 mile radius of your home for your regular errands and leisure... try going at least past a 20 mile radius... you may find a new restaurant or store that you can now call your favorite.  I'm sure that you get my point.


Stop being afraid of being exposed to bigger and better things.  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Open yourself up to view the world in a different light.  They say that you don't miss anything that you never had...but I beg to differ.  It is definitely possible to miss out on the finer things in life because you are too afraid to branch out and take advantage of what this world has to offer. 


Open yourself up to being exposed....


Visit my BLOG for more tips and inspiration.


Randa Johnson

"Helping You Brand the Best You"

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Getting Ready to Get Ready

Are you getting ready to get ready?

I’m sure that several of you have heard this expression before. Today was the first time that I used it myself. As soon as the words departed my lips I knew that I needed to take my own advice.

I was speaking to a prospective student over the phone. The woman on the phone, was one that I’d spoken with several times in the last year. Every few months she calls the school, asks when classes will be starting. Sometimes she even makes an appointment to come in and complete some part of the enrollment process. Most times though, she would call back a day or two later with some excuse. “Too busy. I need to look for a part time job. I need to wait until the kids are on vacation. I need to wait until the kids are back in school.” So, this time when I saw her name come up on the caller id on my desk I answered, “Hi, Jane Doe, are still getting ready to get ready?”

We all have something that we keep putting off. Something that could really change our lives if only we could get started. When I started to look at my list of “dreams deferred,” writing was on the top of that list. I have been researching blogs. Reading other people’s blogs downloading ebooks on how to write them, but kept putting it off. I even told myself that I needed to wait until I reviewed some grammar books and I bought a few of those too. But then, the lights came on. I was using the excuses to cover up my fear. I was getting ready to get ready and in the mean time not a single thing was getting done.


While you were reading this, your list of excuses probably started to go through your mind. You probably thought of at least 5 things that you’ve been putting off because of fear. The vacation you’ve never taken. That dance class you thought about. The classes you were going to start. The novel you said you’d write. Write them all down. Find the one thing on that list that really scares you. The one with the most “legitimate,” excuses and do that one first.

I did. I finally stopped getting ready to get ready and I started writing this blog.

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Beginning Silversmithing Class

This class is taught with aminimum of tools and cost.You will be supplied with all the tools, supplies, and sterling silver!You will design your own ring.You will design and solder your sterling silver project!You will polish your sterling silver project!You will learn all the basic techniques of silversmithingand goldsmithing in this class!I teach a different method for doing just about everything in jewelry making.after my class you will have the knowledge necessary to be a successful silversmith.For More Information On Up Coming Class Please E-Mail Mesonia@firehazardbeads.comWeekend Classes starting as low as $ 250 for 2 days OR $ 350 for 3 days.including the Silver for 1 project per day.
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Talk about finding yourself. I really love doing what I do. I write novels. I help make good writers and teach them how to promote their work to bestseller status. My novel is "The Mayor's Wife Wore Sapphires," an urban political thriller. Do stop by and sign up. We have a blast.My class: ~Easy Way To Write the Bestseller-Kind-Of-Novel in 90 Days~ starts Nov. 19, 2008.all members VIP members get 50%"The place where writers make money"
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