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Hello, everyone! In light of the inauguration yesterday’s historic event, we at Yazzie & Co. & want to take the time to reflect on the moment that represented the dawn of a new day in America. Hope has finally come to fruition after years of struggle and heartache. Yes, we were all treated to the pomp and circumstance, but we were also blessed with the proof that change has, as the great Sam Cooke once vowed, truly come.
Not too long ago, American pride seemed to be a kneejerk sentiment that was recited out of habit, rather than out of sincerity. However, November 4, 2008 proved to the world that the words of our Founding Fathers are, in fact, rightful and real. As we stand in anticipation of what direction President Obama will steer this country towards, we can take heed in the fact that our demand for change has been broadcast before our eyes.
While there are definitely some rough roads to travel ahead, yesterday’s turning of a new leaf has provided us with the promise of a new American revolution. An opportunity to improve the way that we think and do, we must use this monumental triumph as a challenge to any misconceptions and mistakes that have symbolized America in the past. In addition to being able to recount this wonderful day to our future children and grandchildren, we can also tell them how we united to help our new president bring about the change that he envisioned for this country.
To New Beginnings,
The Yazzie Blogger

Hi, everyone! We had such a great time with writing about setting up a great bridal menu that we’ve decided to take it a step further. This time around, we at Yazzie & Co. want to let you in on how to make sure that your wedding cuisine is a success. After all, the food that you serve on your big day should be unforgettable for the right reasons. Thus, what better than to whip up food that will capture your guests’ taste buds as well as your special moment will capture their hearts?

While we do know that the recession is weighing heavily on your minds, we nonetheless believe that a wonderful wedding deserves a perfect palette of food. Thus, we think that you should take the less-is-more route to bridal dining success. In other words, instead of serving a large amount of terrible food that none of your guests will touch, you should serve smaller portions of delectable food. That way, your bridal company will have their pick of delicious cuisine while having the opportunity to try food that they’ve never had before.

Then again, if that direction isn’t one that you would want to take, we suggest that you put together a wonderful wedding brunch with delicious fare such as glazed fruit pastries, fluffy croissants, and sparkling champagne. Not only will you be saving a great deal of money, you’ll also have the opportunity to share your big day in an intimate way while forming a special connection with your brand new family. You can even invite your loved ones to participate in the festivities by having them include some of their special dishes.

If you are too busy to pick and choose your favorite dishes, you can always host your wedding at your favorite restaurant. Sure, it might cost you a little more money to reserve it, but it’s definitely worth a shot. Besides, whatever you’re spending to hold it for the night will be made up for with the amount that you’ll save on renting utensils, tables, glassware, any additional venue costs. Most importantly, you already know that the food is amazing, so that’s one less thing to worry about!
In turn, Yazzie & Co. would love to hear your bridal food success stories. Whether your bridal cuisine success was cooked up in your family kitchen or served to you by the finest chef in your city, we want you to share your tales. We just might include them in our future blog.
Until Next Time,
The Yazzie Blogger
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Omitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".