There are multiple benefits to providing your customers with a forum. I’d like to share one idea that may often be viewed as a negative, but perhaps that all depends on your perspective.One problem many business owners have with a forum is there can be perceived negative press about your business, or at the very least the product you sell.I have always been a strong advocate of providing knowledge-based content on your site. This provides customers with information about the quality and benefits of the products you sell. It allows them to gain some understanding of what they can do with your product and how it will fit in their lifestyle.Here’s the ugly truth about business forums – you will have individuals who may bad-mouth your product. Why would you want something on your website that does not present your product in the best possible light?Web-based customers have changed. They no longer accept everything at face value. The information you make available on your website is almost always considered slightly suspect by potential consumers. They want to verify your claims and will often conduct their own research to understand more clearly what your product does and does not do. They will look for any negative opinions on the product and they will seek out comment from those who found your product or service useful.Through a forum they can find that information right on your website. Chances are strong that if a customer posts something negative about your product other customers will chime in talking about why they see the product as valuable.Consumers see this as a much better picture of your business idea. They can read your content, but they want the opinions of those who have actually used the product. By stripping the proverbial varnish from the sales presentation they may feel they are better capable of judging the worth of what you are selling.Why is this positive? They could go somewhere else for information. They could forget where they found you. They could buy from someone else. Keeping them on your site provides the best opportunity for them to ultimately make a purchase.Most consumers will not believe every positive thing you say about a product, but they may also not believe every negative thing a customer has to say either.Look at it this way – if you visit a site and read all the feedback ratings on a product you will find that there may be a small percentage of customers that absolutely hated the product. You may also find that the majority of customers ranked it very highly. The consumer will generally eliminate those with the lowest and highest rankings. If, after their evaluation your product still ranks well they may see it as an acceptable value.Allow your customers to see the good, bad and ugly. They may feel they have been given the best opportunity to see your actual product. If the product has very few low negatives you may find an increase in sales by using a forum to allow customers to share their experiences.By Scott Lindsey
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The inauguration of President Barack Obama was celebrated in various ways by Americans and people throughout the world Tuesday night, but for people who could afford the tickets—which cost anywhere from $250 to $1,000—the place to be was an inaugural ball hosted by Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center at National Harbor in Oxon Hill.Approximately 2,300 people turned out for the event, a who's-who of Prince George's and state officials that included County Executive Jack B. Johnson (D), County Council members and state legislators, called "The Africa & International Friends Inaugural Ball: The Ancestors Dream Realized."Cars lined up at the hotel's front entrance for most of the night, and the rooms were packed with attendees dressed in tuxedos and ball gowns, many of whom said the ball was their chance to be part of the historic inauguration.Wearing a bright orange robe and hat, Kemi Fadojutimi stood out from the flock of reporters who checked in at the gate. A Nigerian immigrant who now lives in Fort Washington, Fadojutimi said she is an independent television producer covering the ball for African countries and immigrants in America."It's like this is the moment that we've all been waiting for," Fadojutimi said with a smile. "This is history."Many of the guests said they hoped the event would draw national attention to National Harbor and other parts of Prince George's."I think [the ball] is really taking the county to another level," said Maryland Sen. Douglas J.J. Peters (D-Dist. 23) of Bowie, who was standing on the 18th floor in the hotel's VIP lounge, where waiters served drinks and hors d'oeuvres on silver trays and guests enjoyed a panoramic view of Washington, D.C. "This whole development has really taken us to another level," he said.Jwajiku Korantema, an author from New York who attended the event, said she was not able to go to the inauguration, but going to the ball made her feel like she was part of the historic day.staff writer - Raphael Talismanfor more stories and pictures:,,
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I grew up during a time when Black people were called Colored and Negro but what I remember most is how we really loved each other like extended family living close to each other in neighborhoods and communities that were interconnected. There were businesses owned by African American families, Irish families, German families, Italian families, Dutch families, so we did not go too far outside of our neighborhood for what we needed.There were many immigrant families living together and we all had the same challenges in our lives around survival. My community felt a web of love and connectedness. Our families worked together in harmony to support each other. I was not taught to make a distinction of skin color, mostly different languages and cultural practices within each family.As we look back at the history of African Americans, in the oral tradition of story telling from the Ashanti of West Africa the “Anansi the Spider” tales demonstrate the interconnectedness of the family as a web. In the story, Anansi sets out on a long, difficult journey, much like the journey of life for most families facing social-economic struggles, crowded living conditions and and health issues.Anansi was threatened by Fish and Falcon, representing the challenges of his journey and he is saved from terrible fate by his sons. The story is about family connection, forgiveness and love and demonstrates the strength of relationship in the face of danger.My community was made of women and men taking care of their families and each other in the extended community. Women expressed their support by preparing food for families when some was ill or by taking food to a family grieving the loss of a loved one. Even if they could barely afford to feed their own family, they would still make the sacrifice.Children played together in each others yards and ran free up and down their block. Most of us may have been poor, but we were rich in love, connection and caring.I remember crisp white sheets hanging from the clothes lines, children laughing and running and the smell of a home cooked meal. Read moreOmitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".
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Posted by Soraya Scaife on January 27, 2009 at 7:30pm
I want to network with people in the DC metro area which includes Southern Maryland, Northern Virginia and Richmond to share the wonderful art of Ethnic Expressions Home Gallery. Once I get my foot into your door, there's no turning back. You'll have to have the art , not because it's pretty, but because it means something to you, it reminds you of something or someone special, it inspires you.I'm giving away a beautiful piece of framed art valued at over $200 for only $29.95. Call me to find out how you can get it. You'll be pleasantly surprised! 212-8671Read more…
Posted by Jim Neusom on January 27, 2009 at 7:00pm
Greetings Family,(Contact Information At The Bottom Of The Page)It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again...smileAs most of my readers know…I’m all about promoting and uplifting the image of women in the media. For that reason alone, I want to take the time to congratulate and recognize Londell McMillan and Source Magazine ( for their new policy stand against "Booty Ads".Hip-Hop’s most infamous magazine, according to the New York Times will no longer accept lewd advertizing. According to co-publisher L. Londell McMillan; "We don’t want to just glorify the lowest-hanging fruit."“There’s a lot of people that want hip-hop, but don’t want some of the filth that some of the business carries with it." The Source, he said, should be able to appeal to the core hip-hop audience, mostly young men, while also being something “you wouldn’t mind your kids seeing.”“I realize the risk that we’re taking,” said Mr. McMillan, 42, a partner at a major law firm, Dewey & LeBouef. “But I think when you have the more raunchy, seedy ads, you lose the bigger corporate consumer ads like McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola.”The Source Magazine, has been experiencing financial problems, as had the whole Hip-Hop industry. In 2008 Mr. McMillan convinced a group of investors to buy the troubled magazine and revamp it’s image.Mr. McMillan says eliminating sex ads is no mere business decision. He says he wants to transform the often raunchy image of hip-hop itself. Under McMillan’s leadership, The Source magazine has expanded it’s Brand overseas with a French version of the magazine, alongside a The Source Latino and The Source Israel magazine franchises.The current use of half-dressed women on magazine covers and ads, is not the fault of Hip-Hop. Sexually seductive images of women, are seen all over the magazine industry. Try picking up a copy of Cosmopolitan, or Vogue. One thing magazine advertising and hip-hop music have always had in common is skin - It is obvious that “Sex Sells”.The Source magazine, does not aim to do away with such images. There is a lot of money in them and in these hard economic times every advertiser counts. But it wants to make the sex in its pages a lot less explicit.We salute L. Londell McMillan and The Source Magazine for taking a stand against "Booty Ads” and the countless less-then-tasteful images of women in Hip Hop***************(Advertisement)*********************Need some great ideas for corporate or personal gift-giving?Then go to City Lights Software( see some of the most unique afrocentric gifts available online!We Deliver ONLINE - Direct To Your Desktop for just $14.95Please take the time to purchase one our afrocentric screen savers TODAY!Don't Just Talk the Talk...Let Your Dollars Walk the WalkIf you have any problems with purchasing online contact me direct at sales@citylightssoftware.comorcall(213) 944-4176***************************************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. We do not indulge in or encourage Spamming. We never send unsolicited emails. You are receiving this message as part of our opt-in subscriber mailing list or you are a member of an affiliated newsgroup.For comments or suggestions please contact us at the following;Jim Neusom ( Director/PublisherInterServe Networks/City Lights Software, subscribe to our opt-in mailing list simply send an email to; on Myspace go to
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OK... these are tough economic times; everyone you know is probably watching their daily spending and cutting back wherever possible. Can we really start an online business in these hard times? YES..WE CAN!To begin with, internet startups have low overhead and startup costs, thanks in part to inexpensive, yet robust e-commerce software and services on the market. Your new business can be set up in a home office and attended to at night and on weekends, allowing new entrepreneurs to keep their day jobs. In addition, most entrepreneurs can set up their online business in less than one weekAnother reason an internet business can be lucrative even in a down economy is that online shopping is growing. During the first quarter of 2008, revenues generated by online-based business were $32.4 billion, according to the U.S. Census Bureau—a 13.4 percent increase from results for the end of 2007. In general, e-commerce is THE bright spot in the retail world todayWhether or not the economy is bad, here are some of my best practices to keep in mind when opening an online business:1. Have a NICHE/Focus on a SPECIALITY Category: We’re essentially competing with big box retailers when entering the online retail space, so be sure you offer great CUSTOMIZED service2. Offer Innovative MARKETING Technology: An innovative referral program (Buyer A refers Buyer B to your company, and you give Buyer A a discount) helped to build my customer base very quickly Remember: Always make it “convenient” for your customer to keep coming back3. PRICING: Even if you are selling “niche” products, always keep pricing a priority Understand that small online businesses are never going to compete with the big box retailers on pricing, but there’s always a promotion or value-added program we can offer that helps customers deflect that (takes their minds off of pricing).Remembering that a unique product, an innovative marketing technology and promotions definitely help customers deflect prices are extremely important business strategies during a recession because people have less discretionary money to spend. All entrepreneurs should focus on strategies that keep their customers coming back....again and again, and again~SatinDolle“If It Is To Be...It Is Up To Me ”
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Did you ever notice that when some people walk into a room - all heads turn? Or when some people speak – they captivate everyone around them. And how about the type of people who when you shake their hand, you instantly trust them … believe them … and like them!What’s their secret? What do they have that most people don’t? It’s called …charisma — undoubtedly one of the most desirable qualities in the world.By developing charisma:* You get far more respect than the average person!* People seem to adore you without any effort on your part!* You exude huge amounts of self-confidence and self-esteem!* You seem extremely powerful without being intimidating.* You put people at ease and make them feel understood!* And you’re able to easily get what you want, because people instinctively want to help you!Charisma is easy to spot. And at the same time it’s not so easy to put your finger on exactly what it is about a person that makes him or her charismatic. It’s an attractiveness that goes beyond good looks, an appeal that can’t be labeled as intellectual brilliance or a terrific sense of humor. Most people see it as something elusive and unachievable—a kind of magical, mysterious magnetism that you’re either born with or not. And the fact is that nothing could be further from the truth!Now you can be the person everyone wants to be like!Relationship expert Dr. Tony Alessandra wanted to demystify charisma and reduce this characteristic to its foundation. Tony spent years researching the lives, behaviors, and characteristics of charismatic people from all walks of life in order to discover the qualities they all shared. In the process, he made a fascinating discovery.Charisma is not based on genetics, IQ, social position, or luck. It’s actually a skill. And anyone can learn and master it.Once he debunked the myth of charisma, Tony set out to create a simple, step-by-step system that would enable anybody to develop it. In his latest audio program, The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People, Tony offers a complete how-to guide to accessing and developing the kind of powerful personal magnetism that will draw people to you, make them feel comfortable with you, and compel them to help you achieve your personal goals.Turn your assets into powerful personality “magnets”Tony’s research uncovered 10 Universal Keys to Charisma — 10 specific qualities that are present in each one of us, but are all highly developed in truly charismatic people. The secret to becoming an extremely charismatic person is identifying these 10 qualities within yourself and learning how to develop each one as fully as possible.You might think of these qualities as 10 glasses. The more developed a particular quality is, the fuller that glass is. Right now, some of your glasses may be filled almost to the brim, while others are only slightly full.In The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People, you’ll examine each of these 10 keys in depth. Powerful real-life examples of charisma in action will help you understand why these skills are so vital to your success. Quizzes, exercises, and anecdotes will help you assess your current level of ability in each area. And you’ll learn specific techniques, skills, and strategies that target each area and that will help you develop each one to your maximum ability. Once you do, that magical, mysterious power that attracts people and wins them over will be yours!A royal example of the power of learned charisma and what it can do!A classic example of someone who learned charisma and used it to flourish is the late Princess Diana. When she first arrived on the public scene as young Diana Spencer, she was a shy, awkward girl, with no presence at all.But by learning how to maximize the aspects of her personality that had the most potential, she blossomed from "Shy Di" into an international icon. Beloved by millions around the world, the power of her presence went much deeper than her beauty, confidence, or title … and it enabled her to gain tremendous financial and media support for the humanitarian causes most important to her.In this program, you’ll discover all the tools you need to experience this same kind of profound personal transformation in your own life.Develop the single most advantageous skill in the worldCharisma gives you a tremendous advantage in almost every conceivable situation, from business meetings and sales calls, to getting your kids to do their homework or getting the cooperation of a store clerk or teacher. Just imagine how much easier your life will be when people are instantly drawn to you and automatically want to help you. You’ll be able to inspire people, ignite their enthusiasm, persuade them to see things your way, and do what you want them to—without creating defensiveness or resentment.Whether you’re running a corporation, a department, a classroom, a volunteer program, or a household, there’s no skill more valuable than the ability to positively influence others. You already have the potential to be more charismatic. Once you unlock it, you’ll have an extraordinary edge in life shared only by a select few. Utilize the power of "charisma" for yourself.
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From Faith to FaithTherefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we haveheard, lest at any time we should let them slip. Hebrews 2:1(KJV)One way to grow in your walk with God is to never allow the things you'velearned in the Word of God to get away from you. When you are introduced to moretruth from the Bible, take it and add it to what you're now walking in. What youalready know is a foundation on which to build. Therefore, don't throw away orforget the old. New truth does not negate the old. It is but another brick toadd to the strong foundation of your spiritual house.To walk in the blessings of God you must have faith. Therefore, it is importantthat we hold on to our faith and not let it slip away from us. Let's read thetext from the Amplified Bible: "Since all this is true, we ought to pay muchcloser attention than ever to the truths t hat we have heard, lest in any way wedrift past [them] and slip away."Now notice what Paul says here (I believe that Paul is the writer of Hebrews).He says we ought to give more earnest heed to the truths we have already heard.He said we ought to pay more attention to what we already know.In other words, what we know, we don't throw away. We don't have to get a newrevelation. I've heard people say, "I don't need all that faith stuff anymore. Idon't need all that confession stuff anymore. I'm past that; I'm into a deeperrevelation."But you're always going to need faith. And you're always going to have to dealwith the ramifications of the words of your mouth whether you know it or not.And let me tell you, when you let these things slip away - when you let them getaway from you - you pay the price.In fact, Paul said in our text that we ought to pay even more attention to thesethings.So often people learn something, they move on to somet hing else and forgetabout what they've already learned. You should always be adding to the house, soto speak. This way, when the trials of life come they won't even be able toshake you. You'll stand strong in the Word of God.Scripture References: 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Corinthians 3:10; Matthew 7:24-25
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"The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in momentsof comfort and convenience, but where they stand in times of challengeand controversy."~ Martin Luther King, Jr.~I hope that you are excited as I am about President Barack Obama'srecent inauguration to the Presidency of the United States of AmericaBe Blessed,Teri
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Make this the Best V-Day Ever!…Whoever your date is (him or you!)Sexy Lifestyle Tips from Booty Parlor’s co-founder dana b. myers…Valentine’s Day. Immediately, these words conjure visions of roses, boxes of gourmet chocolates and an intimate night with your loved one. But if you’ve been with the same person for years, or spending this year alone, chances are things in the bedroom are more lackluster than explosive. Don’t let Valentine’s melt into another ordinary day. Spice things up with the following tips from Dana B. Myers, co-founder of Booty Parlor.1) Single this year? Be your own best Valentine…It’s Valentine’s Day and you’re alone. Maybe you just broke up. Perhaps it’s been months since you’ve had a lover. Or maybe your guy is just away on a business trip. Whatever the reason, you’re alone on the holiday dedicated to togetherness. Don’t get down, simply decide to treat yourself this year! Get flowers delivered at work (including a note to yourself!), have lunch at your favorite restaurant (thus avoiding the romantic dinner crowd) and treat yourself to that special something you’ve been eyeing - shoes, a bag, a new face cream…That night, blow yourself a big kiss in the mirror and jump into bed with an ultra-steamy read. Let it take you where it may... It might just be the best date you’ve had in a long time! And don’t forget, if you take time to reconnect with yourself, it will only help to make your future relationships even stronger!2) Coupled up? Treat yourself to Seductive Pre-Date Beauty Rituals!Before getting together with your special someone, tune into yourself to get your mind and body ready for romance. Set aside 30 minutes of “pre-date you time” so you can bring the hottest version of yourself to the table. Have a glass of wine (or bubbly), sit back and let your mind drift off into sexy fantasies about what’s in store for the night ahead. Indulge in coating your sexy bod in scented creams and seductive potions, twirl around to a song that gets your mojo moving, and do whatever else makes you feel your sexiest, most-feminine best. Before he arrives, get kiss-ready with Booty Parlor’s Kissaholic Kissing Kit. One spritz of the aphrodisiac-infused breath mist and he’ll be hooked!3) Don’t forget - it’s HIS day too!On V-day date night, let him pamper & treat you, but remember that he wants to feel special too, so find a way to make him feel like a king. Whether it’s a sweet love note passed across the table, an extra special love bite showing him how irresistible he is to you while waiting at valet or indulging in that fantasy he’s been going on (and on) about for months… tonight is his night as much as it is yours!About Dana Myers:Dana B. Myers is a Sexy Lifestyle Expert who’s been featured on VH-1, E! Entertainment, The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet and more. Her sex and relationship advice, and the seductive products she creates, are frequently showcased in women’s publications and on nationwide radio shows. Booty Parlor, the beauty parlor for your love life, has become the go-to place for American women to shop for Seductive Beauty essentials and Romantic Treats.If you want to host a booty parlor party, or have a MOJO make over then visit my website and schedule a booty parlor party now!!What a great way to show you Valentine's Day spirit, and receive 1/2 off or free products just in time for Valentines day. All for just hosting a party. Exciting isn't it?
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I think we all know the importance and power of prayer and the importance of keeping our President covered in prayer. I've committed to praying for him daily. One easy way to do so is by doing something I learned from a little girl. At the beginning of the Iran war, this little girl decided to pray for the troops everytime she said grace. I was so impressed with this powerful simplicity that I decided to add a line to my "grace" prayer and also lift up our troops. Now as I bless my food I will also lift up President Obama. I encourage everyone to quickly cover him in prayer in this manner, also. Such a manner makes it so easy to do on a consistent basis. He will need our consistent covering.Following are a few prayer points that you may want to incorporate when you have more time to spend in prayer:1. Cover him in the Blood of Jesus. There’s protecting power and cleansing power in the Blood. (Exodus 12:7, 13; Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 9:12-14; I John 1:7)2. Pray a hedge of protection around him. (Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 91; Psalm 34:7; Psalm 5:12)3. Pray for supernatural wisdom in the decision-making process. (Acts 6:10; Psalm 1; Ephesians 5:17; John 10:27; Daniel 2:21; Colossians 1:9-10)But they were not able to resist the intelligence and the wisdom and [the inspiration of] the Spirit with which and by Whom he spoke. Acts 6:10 Amp.4. Pray for razor-sharp spiritual discernment. He'll need to discern good from bad and he'll especially need to discern who his enemies are before they can do him harm. (Daniel 2:22; I Kings 3:9; Philippians 1:9-11; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 119:104-105; Genesis 41:39-40)5. Rebuke the Enemy. We have the power to make the devil leave him alone. (2 Corinthians 2:11; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:17; 1 John 3:8; Colossians 2:15; Ephesians 6:12; Colossians 1:13)I hope you'll join me in covering our President (and his beautiful family) on a consistent basis.Remember, no spiritual promise comes to pass without prayer, faith and works.Be blessed!Min. Patricia D. Samuels, MA
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Great Day!Online Virtual Makeovers are the hottest beauty technique today. You can play with colors, try a new hairstyle and create your own look without going to a department store. I would love your opinion on the below Virtual Makeover. Feel free to tell me what you think? Can't wait to hear your response.
1. On a scale of 1 to 10 what’s your rating on this virtual makeover? _______2. Have you ever tried a Virtual Makeover? YES NO3. Are you interested in learning glamour application techniques for a: CAREER NATURAL or DRAMATIC look? (Circle all that apply.)4. Would you like to receive a complimentary Virtual Makeover? YES NO5. Would like to receive beauty tips? YES NOThanks you for your honest opinion!Subscribe to my blog “If You Luv Makeup & Beauty”....
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Faith 101: One Step Beyond BeliefEverywhere you see faith expressed in the Bible you see action. In fact, faithis an action. It's acting on what you believe. Many people confuse belief orbelieving with faith. Believing is a starting point, but if you stop there,you'll wind up with nothing.I often use the example of a starving man being placed where food is and beingasked if he believes that if he eats the food he will live. The man replies: "Doyou think I am some kind of fool? Do you think I'm stupid or dumb? Certainly Ibelieve that if I eat this food it will keep me from starving to death."But he never lifts a hand to eat and dies on the spot. What the man believed wastrue. If he had eaten, it would have kept him from starving. But he died fromstarvation. Why? Because he never acted on what he believed. Believing is right,but it will never change the circumstances. Faith will change the circumstances.Now let's consider the centurion solider who Jesus, the author and finisher ofour faith, actually encountered.Matthew 8:5-10: Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him,pleading with Him, saying, "Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed,dreadfully tormented." And Jesus said to him, "I will come and heal him." Thecenturion answered and said, "Lord, I am not worthy that You should come undermy roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. "For I also am aman under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, 'Go,' andhe goes; and to another, 'Come,' and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' andhe does it." When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed,"Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even inIsrael!"Notice how faith was activated-by doing something, not only by believingsomething. If you have authority you have to exercise it. You cannot sit in anoffice with authority and just think. You have to actually do something, saysomething, write something, or send something before any orders will befollowed. That is action.The centurion recognized that Jesus was a man of authority. Jesus said, "I willcome and heal him." The centurion said in essence, "Lord, I am not worthy thatYou should come under my roof, but speak a word and that will be the same as youcoming."In faith, action must be involved. Jesus said, "I have not found such greatfaith, not even in Israel!" That great faith was demonstrated by what thecenturion said about his authority to command someone to go and come and do. Ifthe centurion had just believed that Jesus could do something and yet never cameto Jesus and appealed to Him, his servant would not have been healed. Thehealing resulted from the centurion's faith action.This is where people are missing it concerning faith. All over the world theyare missing it, and what is so tragic is that some people act as if they knowand won't receive any instruction. I can see in their eyes that they don't know.I see it because they do not have the results in their lives.Faith will produce results over time. Anything of value takes time, and so it iswith the principles of faith. It produces results over time. It is not aninstant panacea. It is not a ripcord that you pull to bail you out of a problem.It is not an Aladdin's lamp that you can stroke and say, "Genie, Genie, come outand give me a new yacht."You have to stay with faith. You have to make a commitment to the point that youburn all the bridges down behind you, and many people do not do that. They aretrying faith. They want to see if it's going to work. Right there is doubt, andit has already crippled them. You have to be completely sold out. You have to beabsolutely convinced that acting on the Word will produce results given time andcommitment.
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Keep A Steadfast MindThou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because hetrusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3You probably know your share of people who are messing up their lives big time,and some are already on the brink of destruction. Why is this the case? Well,most people don't practice keeping a steadfast mind.When your mind is steadfast, then it is firmly fixed in place. Isaiah 26 says,"...whose mind is stayed on thee..." The word 'stayed' is important here becauseit means your mind is not subject to change. Your mind is firm in belief,determination, or adherence.For years, I've noticed that many successful people master this issue of themind. They have learned how to be firmly fixed, or to take the position tofollow after what is the right course of action. They will apply their decisionto the end and do whatever it takes to sharpen themselves once their minds aredetermined. This is certainly true regarding the things of God. You'll havevictory in your life once you learn to keep a steadfast mind.Isaiah 26 continues by giving you the reason why you need a steadfast mind. Godwill keep you in perfect peace. Having perfect peace is what you should strivefor. It means regardless of what comes your way, you're cool and even-tempered.Nothing can upset, bother, or destroy you. You're at rest with things and youoperate in total confidence.When you learn to trust in God, the result is perfect peace. Yet, there are manyChristians who don't have this peace. Let's examine why. James 1:5 says, "Adouble minded man is unstable in all his ways." You can't go around your wholelife as a man or woman of two minds, who is always hesitating. That's beinguncertain and unreliable about everything you think, feel, or decide. Asteadfast mind is necessary in order to function in God's perfect peace.James, chapter 5 outlines the problem of an unstable person: he's unstable inall his ways. Do you understand that a double-minded man is not just unstable inone area, but every single area of his life?But, you can have a steadfast mind! Just keep your mind stayed on God and Hisprinciples, and it will produce perfect peace and victory in your life.Scripture references: Romans 8:6
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God Can Use YouFor land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a cropuseful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God.But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed,and its end is to be burned. Hebrews 6:7-8It absolutely thrills me when I think that the God of heaven can actually useme! It blows my mind that I can be an instrument to accomplish His will...justlike the land on which abundant rain falls.Faithful Christians are the tools God uses to do great things that have eternalvalue. He uses His followers as witnesses to the entire earth to tell everyoneabout Him and His love. When you stop to think about it, you and I can trulyalter the course of history and the world!Unfortunately, some people are not being used by God because they are eitherunwilling or unfaithful.It is said that Leon Trotsky, who was a key part of the Communist revolution inRussia, actually attended a Sunday school class one day during a visit toAmerica. But the teacher of the class was absent that morning, and did notbother to get a substitute. So no one taught the Bible that morning, and as faras anyone knows, Trotsky never attended church again.What if someone had been faithful enough to show up that Sunday morning? It mayhave helped to alter history!All that God asks of us is to make ourselves available to Him. Tell the Lordtoday that you want to faithfully serve Him, to be like the land in today'sverse that is a blessing to others and is blessed by God as a result.Who knows what wonderful things might happen when you are faithful to the Lord!ALL THAT GOD ASKS IS FOR YOU TO MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE TO HIM!
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Portrait watermarked for artists protectionAddonis ParkerBIOGRAPHYMiami artist and studio owner, Addonis Parker, is, at the very least, an accomplished man of many talents. Nicknamed "Giant" as a child for his now 6’5" frame, he is just as kind and gentle an artist as he is a father and community man. Addonis Parker was well known in Central Florida, Atlanta, Georgia art circles before coming to Miami. He has been recognized for his artistic ability since the age of 4. He is an accomplished portrait painter, muralist and collage painter. After high school, Addonis attended Brevard Community College in Florida majoring in Art and Computer Science until 1995. In 1996, he attended Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia obtaining continuing education credits in Art History & Music, and started an AUC Center art group there from 1997 to 1998. It was then that Addonis became involved in after-school and community based art programs as the Program Director for recreation, art and science classes at the YMCA.His love of, and talent for, art is almost innate. Inspired by family, life experiences, and his own struggles with life in the inner city even being homeless himself for a while, Addonis made the decision to give back to the inner city by teaching art and establishing art programs for inner city kids in Miami. From the YMCA to group homes for boys and the juvenile justice system to his own Art Forever Studio in Miami, Addonis is striving to reach the hearts and artistic minds of at-risk youths. The titles he has held in that regard have almost been as many as the awards he’s received and pieces he has done for several city and state governments, major corporations, and educational facilities.Addonis has to numerous EXHIBITIONS under his belt , US and International.PUBLIC MURAL INSTALLATIONS• “I Cry”, Haitian Play Stage Backdrop, Miami, FL 2006• Restoration of the historical mural “Prince of Peace,” 2006• “William English Plantation” Historical Mural, 2004• New Day Mural “Art in the Park,” 2002• “Diminishing Africa” Allapattah Middle School, 2002• Cocoa High School “Tiger Pride,” 1989• Georgia Military College “Military Minded,” 1991• “River of Life” for client Earnest Parker, 2007• MTV for Source Awards “Real Vibes,” 2005• Edison Middle School, Miami, FL, “Free World,” 2005• “A Step Up in the Game,” Range Park, Miami, FL, 2003• “Elaine the Mystic,” for client Elaine Johnson, 1997• “Jesus” St.John Church of God in Christ, 1989• “Pool Time” Joe Lee Smith Center, Cocoa, FL• “Art of Harmony” project for Coca Cola involving 11 Murals in the Miami Area• “United World,” Drug Free Youth in Town, Miami, FL• “Victory Park” Victory Park, Miami, FL• “Faces of Miami” Martin Luther King Business Center• Mary McLeod Bethune CAA (Pre-K), Miami, FL “Children’s Wall”, 2007• Brentwood Park Pavilion, Miami Gardens, FL “Diversity and Peace Mural”, 2008• Pennacle Housing Group – “Sugarcane Alley” Oct.10, 2008AWARDS• 2007 Van Guard Award, Presented by Dade County Parks and Recreation• 2007 People Choice Award, Presented by the African Heritage Cultural Arts Center• Community Icon Award, 2005, Presented by Mayor Manny Diaz for Community Involvement• “Artist of the Year” Miami Dade, 2003, Presented by Liberty City Cultural Affairs• “Artist of the Year” Atlanta Artist Club, 1998• “Best of Show” (Art) in AUC Center, 1997• “Who’s Who in ART,” Presented by Who’s Who, 1991--------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. Get your account now.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------image001.jpg image002.jpg image003.jpg image004.jpg
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I just finished my new book, Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry. This book has been in my heart for years – and God sent me help.I had co-authors: Anthony & Crystal Obey (who also happen to be publishers and joint venture specialists) and help of other contributors, Bob Ivory, Karen Taylor-Bass, Monica Wood and Sherese Duncan. Plus great “eyes” to do the proofing like Leah Hubbard, Tamekia Ashford, Natasha Munson, Vic Bolton and Skyla Thomas.We help each other. Everyone needs help. Even President Obama is advocating everyone working together. No one can do anything alone. We have to use the power of partnerships to reach our goals.Did you get that? Use the power of partnerships –not use people. There is a difference.And let me explain because the world is filled with users. I’ve had the misfortune of some of these parasites work for me – and tried to take my business out.But the minute I purged them from the company, Ministry Marketing Solutions was able to fulfill its destiny.Don’t let “blood suckers” destroy you. Be careful who you pour into and mentor – check their motives. Gage their loyalty. See if they really are “for you” or want to “be you.” If they want to be you – they are intent to secretly steal all your information and contacts from you, all the while with a big smile on their face.Not only did they steal confidential information and use the company’s contacts for personal use, they advertised to everyone that they generated much of the work for MMS clients. And people began to trust them as a publicist.Now it’s one thing to stretch the truth on your resume, and it’s another to lie and say you ran campaigns and orchestrated publicity programs – when you were just really “in training” and basically administrative support.It takes a lot of nerve to tell people that you had the strategies, skills and contacts to do a job – when you are just really learning as you go and following instructions given to you. I call that a “counterfeit” and the “hating on your help” syndrome.How do you know if you’re “hating on your help” – or know someone who is:1. You fail to acknowledge or honor those who have helped you along the way. Failure to reciprocate to those who introduced you to a link in your personal destiny or exposed you to situations or experiences that expanded your vision. It’s called mentoring.I regularly give homage to my mentors and whenever I can I reach out and ask them how can I help them. Whenever they need me, I’m there to support, endorse or promote something for them. They know they can count on me – because they unselfishly helped me.2. You try to compete with your mentor and think you know more than them in the area that you received their training and advice. I never compete with my mentor – though they want me to be successful, I have enough respect for them to always defer to them or offer them as the “authority” – not myself.But if my mentor gives me the “nod” to go ahead and take a project by the reigns, I then go full steam because I have their blessing. Be careful if someone claims to know it all and there are no real references or mentors cheering them on. If they can’t credit where they got their information, that means they STOLE IT and are a counterfeit.3. And the last way you can if there is a “hating on your help” syndrome present, is when other people bring the mentor or previous employer up in conversation, and instead of speaking positively and telling people how they helped you, you share confidential information and spread gossip. This shows lack of business scruples.Now that may make you feel better for that moment, but actually what you did is diminish your integrity, credibility and character in the eyes of others. And they think, “Wow, if they can’t give credit where credit is due, that means – she’d probably do the same thing to me.” Then they’ll probably be careful about including you in their inner circle – because they feel that you can’t be trusted.So, if you find yourself “hating on your help” make a change for good. Time out for trying to take other people’s stuff and passing it off as your own! I know money is tight for people, but integrity lasts forever.THE NEW BUZZ FOR BUSINESSIf you really admire a person and want to what they do, help them be better. They will mentor you, grow you up to be bigger and better and you’ll flow with blessings. It’s a biblical principle to honor your mentor and we reap what we sow.Cooperation is better than competition. There is power in partnerships. Team work does make the dream work. Add synergy energy to your relationships and watch your business and life skyrocket to new
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Ok, so you want to build your business online, but you need a base to advertise to. The best way to build your mailing list with "OPT-IN" subscribers. (People who agree to receive emails from you). Is by having a lead capture page. A lead capture page, also known as a SQUEEZE PAGE is a page that basically collects the visitor's name, email address, and whatever else you may request. Now don't think that people will just give you their info for nothing. People today wisely are careful about who they give their information to.So how do you get them to give you their contact info and agree to join your mailing list?????Having a great offer that your subscriber just must have is the final piece of the puzzle. You need it to be something of value that leaves them drooling. This can be a piece of software, an instructional video, an email series or an ebook. The key is that it must be something that your visitor will feel they must have. Now they have a reason to give you permission to email them. More importantly, you have given them something of value. This will help you start the relationship.Ok, so now you know how to get them to give you their info, but where's your page? Luckily there is FREE software available that will help you with that part too. It's called Instant Sqeeze Page Generator. This program has templates, Graphics and EASY instructions on what to do. Its basically a WHYSWYG (What you see is what you get) program. You just type in what you want the page to say, edit the appearance like you would in WORD, and the program spits it out in web page form. Best of all, Instant Squeeze Page Generator, ISPG, offers you a wide selection of gifts that you may offer to your subscribers. They host the gifts, they handle the download. You only need to add a link to one of their pages for your subscribers to be able to download the gift. ISPG handles everything for you. They give you the proven template, host your page, offer the gift and handle the download all from a simple point and click interface. They can even host the page for you if you need that!All you need to do is create your page with their point and click process and get visitor’s to it. They do every thing else. All for the absolute best price -$0-. Start getting your subscribers today and watch your income soar.Get Your copy of Instant Squeeze Page Generator HereHave a great day.Tsmart78P.S. There isn’t an easier or cheaper way to get subscribers than what ISPG offers. What are you waiting for?Get Your copy of Instant Squeeze Page Generator Here-------Get free Traffic to your site with HITS2U--
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See this new thing. Please go to the link below and read the story about more drugs, such as cheese. These drugs are to target our children.I followed the link and sure enough, there's a Fox News story about this drug that dealers are trying to hook young kids on. Maybe, you would like to warn your grandchildren and children.It no longer looks like drugs, tastes like drugs, smells like drugs. Who would think to refuse a nice strawberry candy? Ignorance is NOT bliss -- especially if it is your kid that accepts the treats.This is a new drug known as 'strawberry quick '.There is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that we all need to be aware of.There is a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry pop rocks (the candy t hat sizzles and 'pops' in your mouth). It also smells like strawberry and it is being handed out to kids in school yards. They are calling it strawberry meth or strawberry quick.Kids are ingesting this thinking that it is candy and being rushed off to the hospital in dire condition. It also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape and orange.Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers and even not to accept candy that looks like this from a friend (who may have been given it and believe d it is candy) and to take any that they may have to a teacher, principal, etc. immediately.Pass this email on to as many people as you can (even if they don't have kids) so that we can raise awareness and hopefully prevent any tragedies from occurring.Click on the link below, it is very informative!! Us Parents need to know this!!,2933,271215,00.html2 attachments — Download all attachments View all imagesimage001.jpg3K View Downloadimage002.jpg7K View Download
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