All Posts (161)
(New scholarships posted everyday)
Students Seeking Education by Experiencing Academic America (S.E.A.)
an Houston, Texas based mentoring program for high school students, students at risk, and college bound students who want to attend an Historically Black College / University. (HBCU).
S.E.A will post a scholarship list for minority students each day. If you are a high school senior, junior, or an transferring college student, these scholarships are for you. FREE MONEY! We all know through life there is nothing Free, you have to apply to receive this money. Your cost is time. The time it takes to fill out the scholarship application.. Look for the S.E.A. blog each day, highlighting a new scholarship listing 2010 / 2011.
Jere W. Thompson, Jr., Scholarship Fund
Renewable scholarships awarded to full-time undergraduate juniors or seniors with disadvantaged backgrounds, who are pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering and closely related disciplines at Texas colleges and universities. Up to $2000 awarded each semester, beginning with junior year. Must maintain 2.5 GPA. Special consideration given to students from Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant Counties, Texas.
Deadline: April 1.
Academic/Career Areas: Engineering-Related Technologies.
Award Scholarship for use in junior or senior years; renewable.
Number: 1-2. Amount: $2000-$4000.
Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be enrolled or expecting to enroll full-time at a four-year institution or university and resident of Texas. Applicant must have 2.5 GPA or higher. Available to U.S. citizens.
Application Requirements: Application, essay, financial need analysis, references, test scores, transcript.
Deadline: April 1
MRS. Cathy McNally, Program Manager
Dallas Architectural Foundation-HKS/John Humphries Minority Scholarship
900 Jackson Street, Suite 150
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 214-741-9898
Fax: 214-741-9848
p.s. If you need help in your scholarship search, please contact

Black Movies Online: Now Playing a Single Rose
Set in the South during the 1940’s, an emboldened choir girl with a taste for the finer things, sings at the local juke joint when her husband is away. Its not long before she’s tempted by the flesh.
Click here to watch now. More Black Films Online Coming soon.
How To Instantly Brand Yourself As An Expert: Simple Strategies For Standing Out In A Crowded Digital Age
was incredible!
I'm still amazed at the comments that are still coming in! Folks werelocked, stocked and loaded - and listening to the great content Lioradelivered about her
"Instant Media Kit."
Golden nuggets were extracted and folks walked away with information on the brand new toolthat the "big boys" are using to propel their brand to get more majormedia coverage and sky-rocket their speaking careers and explode theirbook sales in the process!
But in the meantime, Liora and I brainstormed a better deal!
We said it's great to get the tools and have the information - but ifyou don't have direction on how to use and apply it in a strategy thatfits YOUR situation - it's a waste.
And I see a lot of the same folks on the "free calls." Though I knowyou're getting good information, I can see why you're STALLED at thesame level. In order to BRAND LIKE SUPERSTAR, you need:
* The Tools
* The Strategy
* The Contacts
* The Direction
* The Instruction
* An accountability partner to keep you on track!
So, here's what we decided to do. We decided to combine the best ofboth worlds and give YOU the industry-leading INSTANT MEDIA KIT FREEwhen you sign up for the next PR Boot Camp online! (The Instant MediaKit is valued at $500 - and you get 4 weeks of personal coaching withme plus 2 months of email support)
If you don't shine online and Brand Like a Super Star after that - we'll refund your money!
This is a one-time offer only. The PR Boot Camp start on Tuesday,August 31 at 9 p.m. All teleclasses are one hour and it takes you"step-by-step" over four weeks on how to market your book or businessand garner the media attention you deserve. I personally give you allmy "insider secrets" and key resources & contacts that I have usedwith over 200 authors during my 20 year career in PR. (All classes arerecorded too!)
Here's what you get in the PR Boot Camp
* How can you sell more books, getting speaking engagements based on your USP
* How to Build your "platform" (which means "growing the size ofyour audience and the scope of your presence in the world")
* How to create special sales and distribution opportunities for your self-published book
* How to create a comprehensive marketing/PR plan to establishYOU as a leader - even before, during or after your book's release (oreven in lieu of a book!)
* How to develop your content concept for maximum revenue - before you write the book - with a timeline and calendar
* How to resurrect your old book to create new revenue
* How to market yourself, your idea, your business, your content or your information product
* How to increase sales for your book (before/after publication,whether you publish traditionally or self-publish) using onlinetechniques & media interviews
* How to position and brand yourself for greater success as an author/speaker
* How to generate traffic to your blog or website and continually get requests from the media
* One hour "going behind the curtain" with me showing you how to implement online and social media marketing techniques
* More - much, much more!
This is a one-time deal only. Quit wondering why you continue to"stall" and not make it to the next level. If you've sat in on manyFREE teleseminars, podcasts, webcasts, etc. and still not "there" yet -it's time you to step and make some things happen for yourself!Investing in the right tools, right program, with the right people atthe right time EQUALS SUCCESS!
Go to >
Click to hear the replay of how the PR Boot Camp Online Works & decide if it is for YOU!
P.S. Sign up for the PR Boot Camp ONLINE and get the FREE Instant Media Kit.
Find us on Facebook
Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must
fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.
~Stephen A. Brennan~
Do you have goals for your life and business?
I'm sure you do. Are you achieving any of your goals?
Even when you've set a "good" goal - you can run into some
challenges along the way... namely, motivation. Without motivation,
even the most ambitious person will get sidetracked. Here are the strategies that
will keep you on track to achieving your goals:
Write it down
It's one thing to set a goal and yet another to write it down.
You're making a step towards committing to your goal when
you write it down. I know it seems obvious, however, you'd be
surprised at how many individuals
don't complete this step.
Determine what achieving this goal will do for you
Give life to your goals. Write down what it will mean or what it
will do for you to achieve this goal. Visualize it and write it down.
Place yourself in the moment. This is also a key to manifesting
your goals.
Focus on success.
Being overcome by negative thoughts or "what if" scenarios can spell
disaster, even death, to your goals. When you start out by finding a
million ways why your plans won't work, your energy is getting diverted
to dealing with failure that hasn't even happened!
Instead of funneling your time and resources into negative thoughts and
processes, make the decision that you're not going to entertain any
ideas of failure. If it happens, it happens. You don't have to spend
your precious resources worrying about it now.
"What you focus on expands." ~ Author unknown
Chart your progress.
A great motivation is to create a visual graphic to represent your
progress towards your goal. Think of those thermometers that elementary
schools place outside on a busy road, measuring how close they are to
achieving their fund-raising goal for the new community pool or
library. A similar, physical chart that you can update with progress
will do wonders to keep your attention focused.
When you're doing this step, think outside the box. If you're trying to
spend more time at the gym, why not post a map of the US on your wall,
and draw an inch from one coast to the other for each hour you spend on
the treadmill? Visual reminders are fun ways to keep your goals in the
forefront of your mind.
Don't be afraid to ask for help or turn to an expert for advice.
Some individuals feel guilty about asking for help or admitting that they
need help. Or you may think that you need to do everything on your own.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Alcoholics Anonymous has
sponsors, Michael Phelps has a coach, and Jack Welch had an advisory
board. No one has to be alone in their goal-setting efforts. Trying to
eat healthier? Nutritionists will help you fine-tune your diet. Working
out to get fit? Trainers will help you find the most effective
exercises to achieve your physical goals. Trying to get clear on your
vision, goals and stay focused or maybe even get unstuck? Coaches such
myself can assist you in this area.
There are business mentors and coaches who can help you figure out social
media, launch a new information product, create action plans, stay
focused, streamline your finances etc.. You can also find tons of
books, videos, and websites to help you reach your goal, no matter what
your goal happens to be. Don't go it alone. You also need an
accountability partner. Many times this is the missing piece.
Need more support in setting and/or achieving your goals? I invite you to
contact me for a complimentary life and business breakthrough strategy
session. Where I'll help you create a vision of where you'd like to go,
uncover some of the things that may be holding you back
and more. You'll leave our session re-energized, empowered and more focused.
Send an email to put "Life and Business
Breakthrough strategy session" in the subject area.
Someone will contact you to set up your session with me.
Visit my blog here
I welcome your comments.
include this complete blurb with it and retrieve the complete article:
woman entrepreneurs that want to attract get results in a big way and
faster than they have before by discovering their authentic self,
getting unstuck,creating action plans, staying focused so that they can
live a big, bold, beautiful and authentically brilliant life of
women "Highlights of Empowerment and Total Wellness." Receive
empowering tips, her empowering
Also remember that you can stay connected with BBWO on Facebook and Twitter.

I have to check this out ( My middle daughter is dark brown and I've been bothered by the white dolls their father has for them at his house. Even with my oldest daughter, who was very light at that age, I preferred to give her toys that she could relate too. My middle daughter has even said she prefers the long straight hair as opposed to her hair being curly. It's extremely long, but she'd rather wear it straight. Anyway, I hope I can impart on her (and her other two siblings) the same messages that I was able to with her older sister. -PetulaHer comment reminded me of how many times African American moms and dads online have visited my Mahogany Momma website and asked me where to find dolls, party favors, toys, books and videos that their children, black children could relate to because even with the Wallmarts, Toys R Us, and Barnes and Nobles of the world many black parents (parents of children in color in general) still find in difficult in their day to day lives to find products worth buying for their children and for themselves. We still have some fighting to do as far as getting some more real visibility in the mainstream world BUT there are some good things that I'm seeing right now. There are people like myself who rather than wait for folks to figure out that black consumers and black business owners need more attention, they are doing something about it. For starters, I hope you have heard about the Anderson Family and their Experiment to only buy black for one year. They have been seen on television several times and I posted one of their interviews on my website: The Empowerment Experiment. Their story shows that more of us have to make an effort to go against the grain and support black business owners because that is how we are going to build up our communities. Don't believe the hype, when folks say it doesn't matter. Every other cultural/ethnic community, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Jewish communities, invest in their families and their people, and we have to start doing the same as well. I personally have 30 plus black websites, because I feel compelled to make the changes that I want to see. Over the years I've built spaces like, The Search Urban Directory, and The Black Girl Click Ad Network specifically to address these issues. I'll be honest with you, when I do hear from big companies who want to connect with African American viewers online they usually aren't looking to invest in my projects through sponsorships or advertising. Most of the time I am targeted by their PR companies looking for free reviews and plugs, which works well for them (because they get paid, and their big company clients get publicity) BUT that stuff doesn't help me be able to afford to invest my websites like I would want to. BUT what keeps me motivated and consistent is that I am able to work with black business owners and entrepreneurs who want to promote themselves on these spaces and in turn I'm able to give you and other online viewers an opportunity to see what great black products and services we do have with/or without mainstream publicity. So for myself I've learned to build my business by working with other black entrepreneurs and without depending on sponsors or grants, which I think is something a lot of us are going to have to learn how to do if we want to get these things done on our own. Perfect personal example of this, when I had my son, all I knew about with respect to hair care products for black children was "Just for Me", "Dax", or "Baby Oil" (lol). Even with searching, I had to settle for finding a few natural oils to use on his hair and not dry it out with baby oil, because that is a big mistake but when you don't no better you can't do better (right?). So, this past month, a new member joined my social network "Black Business Women Online" ( and her name is Landra Booker Johnson, the creator of Cara B Naturally (, an all natural hair care line for black children. And she created it because she needed something like that for her child, again being the change we seek! Now if I hadn't been frustrated about not being able to find black business women online and created BBWO, I might have not found Cara B and this is exactly why its so important for us to be the change we seek! I recently teamed up with Kimberly Allers Seals from She told me about a company that was looking for the input of African American moms online to put in a new collection of greeting products for our market in exchange for the chance to win a $50 gift certificate. As soon as I got her email I jumped at the chance to help, because I first and foremost love when we sisters can work together (I've had my share of horror stories) and guess what! The moms shared their input, all went well and one of the moms in my Black Moms Club Social Network won the gift certificate! Woo Hoo! Right now I am pushing for black women to support our fellow business sista, Sadia Sinsay and complete her survey about Black Women and underwear. She noticed that its difficult to find underwear in skin tones for women of color and she is working on making that change BUT needs you all to share your experiences in the two minute survey. Deanna Sutton, creator of Clutch Magazine has recently proposed a panel discussion at the major media, technology conference SXSW entitled the Elevation of Black Women in New Media, so that we can come together and us black women who are doing well creating spaces online can share our advice and words of wisdom with other black women bloggers and entrepreneurs online. But in order for her to get this panel passed you guys have to vote for it and share it with the women in your circle. To answer the question I started with, yes, it is hard to find black products because everybody thinks we don't want them or we are not looking BUT we are. Have you seen how much attention my friends Lamar and Ronnie Tyler are getting over at BlackAndMarriedWithKids for their new movie 'You Saved Me', a documentary on married black couples? While the mainstream thinks its buzzworthy to JUST focus on single, black women in the corporate world with no man, the Tylers thought it was time to talk about our Real Men and Women who are getting married and can teach many of us what real black relationships SHOULD look like. Truth be told, we have individuals in our local communities who want to break it down like Dr. Phil, who want to put us in the picture like Tyler Perry, and tell us to 'Hug and Love ourselves' like Monique. We just have to find them and in some cases become them if we truly want to see the change that we seek. Related Post: Don't Work With Black Women (Period)
Anyone have a employment/translation service? The Drug Enforcement Agency is looking for 9 Ebonics translators in the Southeast US. Contact your local DEA office to offer your firms services or to find out who they have sourcing the contract.
I'm kid you not. Your thoughts?
I have watched a lot of compensation presentations.
Some good and Some not so good.
What I can thoroughly appreciate about this one line structure is it simplicity and strength.
Every person that enrolls into the company is place in the COMPANY’S one line.
Every person you enroll is placed in the company’s straight line and assigned to you.
That is recorded for 8 enrollments by you. Each enrollment is called a level.
Now that enrollment may be many positions away from your start position, but all sales
are placed in your group volume purchases. Which you get paid.
Horizontal structures compensations ( unilevel, binary, unlimited width)
means someone probably will get left out.
The horizontal structure forces people to go on a “recruiting aka sponsoring”frenzy.
Trying to locate a “superstar”.
One enrollment who can sponsor hundreds.
Again, someone get left out of the business growth.
This video shows this obvious but seldom mention fact of group growth.
This fact has been identified as one of main reasons
so many people drop out of “business opportunities”.
Most people are NOT superstars. Most people are people, who know a lot more people.
This compensation structure uses that reality to the betterment of all involved.
Great Product, Health and Wellness Billion dollar Industry, Great compensation
Reasonable and substainable intial product purchase requirement
With reasonable product purchase growth options.
I suspect you will want to examine this company, product, and plan closely.
I strongly suspect you will want to be involved.
I will welcome you to our team and help you grow your business.
Member of Mendura Allstars
JUNIQUES MARKETING CHECKS OUT MANDURA click here to get paid to view videos
30 AND OVER.. TO 40
Have you ever attended a networking event with the intention to find connections for someone else? Most likely not because that’s not what we’re taught to do. We’re taught that we should stuff our pockets with business cards, through our shoulders back, put our game face on and let the hunt begin! If we’re able to muster up any courage at all, we walk up to a likely looking stranger and start grilling him or her. What do you do, how long have you done it and gee I’ve got a great product (service) for you that will surely solve all your problems! Wrong on oh, so many fronts. But we’ll cover networking etiquette and relationship building in another blog post.
But think of how much pressure it would take off your shoulders if you went to a mixer or other networking event on someone else’s behalf. You always do a better job when you stop thinking about yourself and think of the needs of others. And that’s one of the key tenets we promote in Pink Passport Society. Uplift and support other women. Help them be successful. Because by doing so, your connections and relationships will also be strengthened and you too will win in the long run.
So for your next event, interview three potential candidates – say for your strategic partner or perhaps one of your clients, armed with the information you’ve gathered beforehand (what is their target market – gender? income? industry? etc.). Prescreen the referrals, get the contact information and if you’re really good, go ahead and set up a date and time to make introductions (because we’re always “going to keep in touch” and then life, work and time intervenes, and another opportunity lost!)
Finally, once you’ve completed this task you’re free to relax and he yourself. And who knows how that will turn out – when you’re relaxed you’re more approachable. Your next client might just walk up and find you! So go out there and try a little reverse networking. You just might like it!

Time. We all wish we had more time. I personally can never find enough hours in the day to do it all and yet folks are always asking me, how in the world do you do it all? (lol) Well alright, a few days ago I posed a question, "What would you ask me if we were on the phone right now?" A few of you responded, so I know yall are still listening (lol). I decided to answer your questions on the sistasense blog. Today I'm going talk about time....
Question #1 and #2 from my Facebook Circle:
HOw do you stay on top of everything?....(your "Brand" is all over the internet.) What do you do to stay on top of your industry/niche? -Gazania
What organizational system you use to keep all of your businesses and branches of those business together? -Sharonda
Ok folks! Here are a few of my not so-secret time management and organization tip:
- Like the Nike Commercial Says, I just do it! Seriously, when your business is your primary source of income AND you have little mouths to feed, you don't have time to procrastinate, put off, give up, or neglect those things that are going to keep your bank account from going into overdraft (lol). When folks ask me this question, I like to hammer home this point because sometimes the issue isn't time BUT you actually doing the things you say you are going to do.
- That being said what do I do first and how do I keep it in order? I do NOT use any crazy online tools or widgets. I have three things that keep my system right: my notebooks, my outlook, and my excel. I was originally going to upload a picture of my notebook for this post, but then I got the idea to put in a few personal pics of me. (You see me squeezing that guys butt? I've always been the short girl who likes them tall, what can I say). Anyhoo.. Everyday in my notebook I map out bullets of what needs to get done, so many of my notebooks are full of me saying the same thing hundreds of times, but they stay in my head and as I get them done I check them off.
- THEN I have my notepad on my computer, that simple text editor with no bells and whistles, every month I create a file like "todolist_may2010"... I've got files like this going back to about 2006. When things come up, I see sites I like or I come up with a great idea, I just cut and paste them into the pad. I get to what I can get to and I'm cool with letting the rest of the ideas pass away like many of my brain farts often do (lol).
- At the end of the day (or I should say beginning) top priority always goes to my paying clients first, then my personal projects, then my emails, then people's questions. I always make sure the first thing people can say about me is that when they pay me, I am timely and professional, so customers come first. Remember I told you how to keep your customers happy.
- I've got over 30 websites right, but I'm NOT afraid to let some of them sit there and collect dust for awhile. If you listened to my audio (the 3 things blocking your business), you'll remember I said one of the things that keeps your business blocked is being all over the place. While it seems like I have alot going on, most times I am focusing on one very specific project at a time. Last month my focus was on updating BBWO and putting together the BBWO50. This month my focus is on launching the SistaSense Circle. I give myself personal projects to focus on and then dig in. Remember my post, 'Tweak Vs Twitter', most of the time I'm just making my current online ventures better, I'm not really doing anything new. Focus truly adds time onto your day and your business because you avoid wasting time doing anything else.
- If you had a chance to listen to the first 6 minutes of the sistasense circle, you would have heard me say that I focus on 5 Elements that I believe help me make the most of my time online and help me avoid getting distracted by all the new internet marketing trends or ideas. I don't go through social media time warps where I spend hours tweeting or chatting it up on Facebook because I practice exactly what I preach; "my true objective online is to build my list, get new customers, and keep the old ones happy". I avoid all things that DO NOT accomplish the goals in my true objective. (I know its sounds like army talk, but you gotta be militant about this kind of thing if you want to make that money).
- Yes, before I forget, I also mentioned that use both Outlook and Excel. With outlook when email interview requests come in or I have to schedule a consultation for a client, I use the reminder tool, which is like my virtual receptionist there to remind me when I have something to do. Excel helps me manage the books, from as far back as ... I can't even remember every month I do this thing where I simultaneously open my excel, my bank statement, and my paypal to assess how much money I've made last month, when to pay the bills, and how much I am saving. I know at some point I told you about my money marker system, right? If you want to stay organized and ensure that your business revenue increases you have to track your progress, keep your bills in order, save (so you can see what your working for) and set financial goals for the future.
Related Articles I've written on Time Management and Staying Organized
- Marketing Your Business When You Don’t have time to Market Your Business
- Time Management Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs and Work at Home Moms
- There is Still Time to Join the SistaSense Circle
- Time Management Tips for Bloggers: Scheduling Your Blog Posts
- Do I Really Sleep or am I Online ALL the Time
Those are my time management strategies and I'm sticking too them! Good luck to you with yours.
Come and experience California's Hot Spot!
Ego Extensions L.A. offers a Luxury Line of Remy Hair Extensions and Lace Wigs. Imagine beautiful, soft, luxurious hair that you can color, wash, straighten and style to your hearts desire. Our Lace Wigs and Extensions are made of 100% Premium Remy Hair.Ego Extensions L.A. caters to an elite group of clientele.Hollywood's A -Listing Actors, Singers, Dancers and Models.Our hair comes imported from India, Brazil and Russia with only the most beautiful strands being hand chosen. Take this opportunity to shop on-line for what people are calling the most "ELITE HAIR ON THE MARKET ". Have questions? Contact us at We are always here to service our valued customers. We pride ourselves in selling high-end, premium hair that everyone can afford. So go ahead and indulge Ego Extensions.
Ego Extensions Lace Wigs have become the most highly sought after Lace wigs in the entertainment industry and abroad.Our professional staff and superior wig quality has catapulted us to the top.We pride ourselves in having the combination of product and customer service that clients have been searching for.Many customers visit us from other states and countries to experience the relaxing atmosphere which we provide for their Lace wig fitting.Our boutique carries enough wigs to not overwhelm clients with choices,but give them the ability to find that special unit.Choose from Full Lace Wigs,Frontals,Closures,Lace Front Wigs and more.We carry Indian,Brazilian,Mongolian,Chinese,and European Hair Wigs as well as a variety of high quality affordable synthetic units.
Ego Extensions was founded in Los Angeles California,and now services Atlanta,Memphis,Chicago,Miami,Virginia,New York,North Carolina,South Carolina,Colorado,Houston,New Jersey,Nashville,Detroit, Boston,Canada,London,France,Sweden,Africa and many other areas nationwide.
Come and experience California's Hot Spot!
Ego Extensions L.A. offers a Luxury Line of Remy Hair Extensions and Lace Wigs. Imagine beautiful, soft, luxurious hair that you can color, wash, straighten and style to your hearts desire. Our Lace Wigs and Extensions are made of 100% Premium Remy Hair.Ego Extensions L.A. caters to an elite group of clientele.Hollywood's A -Listing Actors, Singers, Dancers and Models.Our hair comes imported from India, Brazil and Russia with only the most beautiful strands being hand chosen. Take this opportunity to shop on-line for what people are calling the most "ELITE HAIR ON THE MARKET ". Have questions? Contact us at We are always here to service our valued customers. We pride ourselves in selling high-end, premium hair that everyone can afford. So go ahead and indulge Ego Extensions.
Ego Extensions Lace Wigs have become the most highly sought after Lace wigs in the entertainment industry and abroad.Our professional staff and superior wig quality has catapulted us to the top.We pride ourselves in having the combination of product and customer service that clients have been searching for.Many customers visit us from other states and countries to experience the relaxing atmosphere which we provide for their Lace wig fitting.Our boutique carries enough wigs to not overwhelm clients with choices,but give them the ability to find that special unit.Choose from Full Lace Wigs,Frontals,Closures,Lace Front Wigs and more.We carry Indian,Brazilian,Mongolian,Chinese,and European Hair Wigs as well as a variety of high quality affordable synthetic units.
Ego Extensions was founded in Los Angeles California,and now services Atlanta,Memphis,Chicago,Miami,Virginia,New York,North Carolina,South Carolina,Colorado,Houston,New Jersey,Nashville,Detroit, Boston,Canada,London,France,Sweden,Africa and many other areas nationwide.
Are you performing poorly in critical areas for business success? Do you want to grow your client base? Expand your product or services? Improve your company’s visibility? Set short or long term goals? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then your company might benefit from a strategic plan.
What is a strategic plan? Simply, it defines a strategy that your company is going to follow over a defined time period. Strategic planning involves anticipating the future environment, while making decisions in the present. By developing a strategic plan, will help you stay on track with your goals, while creating action steps to achieve them. Here are 7 key components to successful strategic planning.
SWOT Analysis
In developing a company’s strategic plan, a look at the internal and external environment is an important part of the planning process. A SWOT analysis will address key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
A mission statement defines the core purpose of the company - why it exists. It should be a part of every company to serve as a baseline for effective business planning and so that everyone is on the same page.
For example: The mission of the Jones Virtual Office Support Services encompasses empowering women to start and grow their small business.
A vision statement outlines what a company wants to be. It focuses on tomorrow; it is inspirational and provides clear decision-making criteria.
For example: The Jones Virtual Office Support Service’s vision: to be recognized as the premier leader in virtual office support for small to mid-sized business; to provide professional and effective financial, technological and administrative services to our clients.
Components of the vision can include:
· The size of the scope of work
· The company’s role
· What the company itself look like
· What are the major sources of funding
Core Values
Core Values are the fundamental values or ideals at the heart of the company that lays the foundation on which you perform work and conduct yourself. Your core values shape your culture and define the character of your company. Core values may include:
· Clarify who you are
· Guide your company processes
· Articulate what you stand for
· Help explain why you do company the way we do
· Govern your personal relationships
Setting goals are a key component in effective strategic planning. Goals can be defined as a written target of where your company wants to be within a specific time frame. Some goals will take time to achieve, so it is important to measure your progress regularly.
Goal setting is crucial if you want to remain successful and competitive. The key to success in setting goals for your company is making sure they are attainable and measurable.
Key Strategies
It is important that your company have several key strategies in place for a positive outcome. When you look at key strategies, you are measuring what approach will help you to accomplish your goals. For example, the key strategies for providing exceptional customer service:
· Focus on creating value for customers.
· Focus on customers.
· Train your staff to create a great customer service value
· Create a process for handling customer complaints
Strategic Action Program
Once your plan has been completed, it is important to have time-lines, deadlines, budgets and performance targets in which to manage and measure. It is also important to identify who will take care of different aspects of your plan.
In conclusion, to determine where your company is going, you need to know where it stands. That way, you can create a strategic plan to determine where you want it to go and how it will get there.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:Sylvia Browder is CEO of Browder Consulting Group, a virtual small company consulting firm. In her role, she helps Women in Company grow and succeed. She is employed as Project Director and company consultant for the Women's Business Center Inc, a non-profit economic development organization with a mission of empowering women to start and grow successful business. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. She also serves as a Technical Assistant Provider for SBA’s Community Express Loan Program. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, She can be contacted at
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