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How Not to Have an Automation Meltdown


I love automation. It's one of the reasons I have a business, but it can also be a big pain in the rear when it doesn't work.

I remember this one week where I was having terrible problems with my meeting scheduler. I was using a service to set up complimentary appointments with prospective clients and I'd done this big promotion about it. What was supposed to happen is the person would go to this page, click on a link to see my available calendar, and in about 2-3 clicks they're all set.

They'd get an email confirmation and the meeting time would pop into my calendar. No back and forth, no wasted time, boom - there is the appointment.

I had a number of people trying to set up their free time to connect but they weren't getting the handy little meeting schedule. Instead every one of them kept getting an "error 404" page ... those error pages always get on my last nerve especially when it means I have a link not working! Ever had that happen to you?

So what was happening is I kept getting phone call after phone call telling me the link didn't work, asking for next steps, requesting a return phone call. Some were even downright insults saying things like "this is unprofessional" (and yes, remember I said it was a free offer ---sometimes those are the worst kind when things go wrong).

Well once I figured out what the problem was, I'd missed at least 20 prospective meetings. I had to personally call each person back who left a voicemail and arrange the meeting manually, which is what I'd set up the service to help me avoid in the first place! That free time turned into triple the hours I'd planned for.

After that little incident, I learned my lesson. I'll give you a few quick hitter tips you can use so you don't end up falling prey to an automation disaster like this.

Always Test Your Automated Systems

When I sent out the promotion emails and let people know the links were open, I should have already tested the entire process myself along with having a friend or assistant test it. I know this now. Most of the time I'll remember this horrible week and I will have someone go through the entire process as though they are signing up. That way, any errors can be worked out before the whole world hears about it.

Remember, It's People Over Process

Many people think more of their super fabulous tools and systems than what the experience will be like for the end user. If you take the time to put yourself in the other person's shoes -- you know, the person who might just be investing in you or your stuff? -- you will know if you're headed in the right direction. Think about things like, "how easy is this to use?", "how many buttons would I click?", "does this frustrate me more than endear me to the service?".

You should make it easy for people to do business with you, not harder. The more difficult it is, the less likely they will buy.

Always Have a Back Up

Sure in this case I was the back-up. I literally sat down and made a list of all the people and manually called them myself. But what if there was a better way? If I had an assistant at the time, I would have had more help. Or if I learned through the testing process that the service wasn't working, I would easily have changed over to a new scheduling service before the promotion ever went out.

Think through your backup plan. What could you use if a part of your system is not flowing smoothly? What resources are available quickly and within your budget? Just thinking this through may save you a ton of time and money.

Now I can't tell you I've never had an automation problem ever again, but I can say that putting systems in place to help me replicate my work has always cost me less in the end than doing it all manually...both in dollars and in sanity. If you remember the tips I shared with you in this post, you'll reduce the chances of automation fail.

Want to learn more about how to use automation the right way? Get more over at my main blog www.tanyasmithonline.com.

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If you have read or watched my SistaSense Startup Story, you probably already know that I built my online businesses (web design, the sistasense blog, the BBWO network, etc) on a 'Floss String Budget'. Seriously! Saying I had a shoe string budget would be saying I had alot, because a little 'floss' was as good as it got for me during my initial start up period.


With that thought in mind, I've always committed myself to developing products and packages that can work for those starting out on limited budgets.


If you are in need of some free training an extra support, here are a few things that you can find via the SistaSense Community:


7 Day Free Trial of SistaSense Online Training including live weekly calls, how to videos and more. BTW the next training call is actually tonight 10/17/13 at 8pm est, so do try to catch this session (details here) or join us for the next one.


Unblock Your Blessings 90 Day Challenge - I went from a single parent home in Brooklyn to graduating with BA in Computer Science from Columbia University. I went from side hustle sista, working a 9 to 5 and living in a small apartment in Brooklyn to owning my own business and home, working full time for myself and my family in North Carolina. Having learned how to make things happen in my life regardless of trying circumstances or limited support, I created this free challenge to help you learn how to build your best business.life.self. Join us today. The challenge starts for you the very day you decide to sign up here.


3 Ways to Gain Exposure for Your Website Right Now - watch the first Jumptart Your Business training, so you can get a real sense of what SistaSense is all about and what I can teach you as far as building your website, online marketing and sales.

How to Find Customers Online- the webinar replay of my session from the Back to Business Conference. Watch all 60+ minutes now, while it is still available for free viewing online.


And for those of you who had questions about the SistaSense Online Circle? Is it really $7? What's the difference between $7 membership and one-one-one calls or webinars via the Insider Circle Program, watch the video below.

Also be sure to read:
She said what?!? - Back to Business Webinar Conference Replays + Praise

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Why Responsive Web Design is Good


In today's world, it is almost essential to have a mobile website.  On average,  there are about 40 percent of website visitors who use their mobile device to browse the internet.  Now, since the invention of the tablet, mobile devices have dramatically changed in size and capability.  Website owners today are faced with the decision of either having a separate mobile website or making their current site responsive to these additional devices. Responsive design simply means that the site will respond to the screen of the device used for browsing and display accordingly. There’s no doubt that responsive Web design is here to stay.

The methodology of the responsive design is still undergoing some evolution — and always will  — as new devices like the iPad Mini enter the market. Instead of targeting devices, we’ll see a shift toward the site’s responsiveness so it will adapt to various devices. The bottom line is that as long as multiple devices for browsing are accessible, responsive design will always be a requirement.

There are many benefits for choosing responsive design including some search engine optimization (SEO) benefits.

Here’s a brief summary of some SEO benefits of responsive design, which we’ll expound on below:

  • Higher Local Rankings
  • Your Onsite SEO Efforts Are Still Applicable
  • Avoid Duplicate Content
  • Keep Your Links
  • Google Said So

Higher Local Rankings

If you’re targeting local keywords for business, a responsive design will increase your rankings. Keep in mind that more and more people are searching for directions to local businesses while on the go.  Yelp reported quite a few months ago that about 40 percent of searches came from their mobile app.  BGR chimed in to say that more than 10 percent of all web searches originate from mobile devices. Mobile search results are influenced by location, so your website will have to meet these local SEO pointers.  This will be enable Google to identify your optimized site as one that’s suitable for quality placement in the search engines.

A real world example is this: A mobile user would quickly hit the back button if your page doesn't display the right way on his mobile device. He’ll return to the results and find one that does. These actions will be picked up by the search engines as poor user experience and ultimately affect your placement in the mobile results.

Your Onsite SEO Efforts Are Still Applicable

SEO is costly and time consuming, so why would you want to repeat the experience for a mobile site? When you choose responsive design over a separate mobile site, all your onsite SEO efforts and social sharing will also apply to the mobile version of your site.

Most of your onsite SEO will be maintained for the mobile site, including your anchor text, internal link structure, title tags, meta descriptions, keywords, content and search engine friendly URLs. Making your site responsive now, when the topic is hot but largely unused, will get you noticed. Here are a few great examples:

Avoid Duplicate Content

Responsive design removes the challenge of duplicate content. Webmasters who create mobile versions of their websites usually just replicate the content from the main website on the mobile version. This immediately removes the credibility of the mobile site from the search engines’ perspective. That means it will be difficult for the mobile site to rank. You can counteract the effects of this by using Switchboard tags to make the link between your mobile and desktop pages, but what if Google doesn’t make the connection? Bing and Yahoo have not fully implemented tagging, so you can ruin your site’s reputation with these search engines as well. Responsive design also removes the challenge of updating two or more websites.

Keep Your Links

Link building is even more time consuming and costly today than it was months ago. If you’ve invested a lot of time and resources in building backlinks to your site, you’re better off using those links for the benefit of your mobile site as well. People who build stand-alone mobile versions of their websites have to start from scratch with SEO and link building. By using responsive design you’ll have a major advantage over companies that are not.

Another benefit is that pages from your responsive site are more likely to be shared. A mobile user is less likely to share the mobile version of a page if he believes his followers will have difficulty viewing the page on a mobile device. Shared mobile links usually open up to fit the browser but contain none of the graphics associated with the original site.

Google Loves Responsive Design

Google is still dominant in search, although search engines like Bing are gaining some of their market share. Until Google’s dominance ends, we pretty much have to listen to what Google has to say and Google has confirmed that responsive web design is the way to go.

Google’s algorithm now places a lot of weight on user experience. This includes social sharing, the average time spent on a site and the bounce rate. Google will reward your site with a higher placement in the SERPs if you improve your users’ experience.

The bottom line here is to take Google at its word, and optimize your site so that it is mobile friendly. It will help improve your rankings and your mobile browsers will thank you for it.

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Here is Issa Rae on the Katie Couric show. Writer, director, and comedic actress Issa Rae has made a name for herself turning uncomfortable moments into a funny and fearless web series, "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl." The puts her on our list for “one to watch.” [website link here]

As part of my Unblock Your Blessings 90 Day challenge I talk about creating your own Be Blessed Vision Boards. On one section of your board I recommend you share a few people you would like to meet. One person I can't wait to meet is Issa Rae, creator of the youtube sensation "Awkward Black Girl". Taking her series from nothing to a HUGE something with offers product new shows and all this wonderful recognition is such a great start up story and I can't wait to meet her and sit down for a great chat.

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Jumpstart Your Business Weekly Calls

Anyone who starts a business and says they are not really interested in bringing in money is either lying or crazy! Seriously, once you set up shop bringing in dollars just makes sense. Of course it's worth noting that before you can start generating revenue you actually have to sell and that's the part that most of us seem to hate. Starting the business is exciting. Designing the logo is fun. Building the website makes it all feel real, but the truth is the business doesn't actually become real until you start making sales.

Let's take a look at the big questions first:

  • How do you get people to buy your services?
  • What are you doing to generate sales right now?
  • Are you a service professional - web designer like me, a personal trainer, a publisher, or coach?
  • Are you just starting up?
  • Do you have fabulous offerings, great packages, a beautiful site and social media all set up?
  • Are your current marketing efforts not working?
  • Are your potential customers and website visitors not buying as much as you would like?

Our next live call (happening in a few days) is all about 7 ways to close more deals and make more sales. This teleclass is especially for my fellow service professionals out there: freelancers, designers, trainers, and coaches.

To access the call in details:

  • The date, time and access codes are in your member area
  • If you are not a member join here, it's $7 per month
  • Missed the live call? No worries, all the replays are here

Before we actually get on the call, let's talk now about the scary and often complicated world of selling your services online.

When I decided to work from home back in '07 I was truly a shy entrepreneur. In an effort to not interact with people I tried to find revenue streams that avoided direct sales at all costs, so I started building my own websites in the hopes of strictly selling products and ad space. It didn't take long before people began praising my sites and asking about my web design services. I honestly fell into being a service professional.

At first I HATED it because I just knew working for other people was going to turn my passion into a pain:

  • I didn't know how to get a steady stream of customers
  • I didn't know how to charge what I was worth
  • I didn't want people calling me or picking my brain
  • I was afraid of dealing with customers over the phone
  • I was afraid of customers with crazy demands
  • I just wanted to do my own thang

Truth is there were were a lot of things that scared me in the beginning... things I didn't really understand or want to do, but momma didn't raise no fool!

As I explained in a previous post on my methods to generating steady income as a service professional, the best way to quickly make more money online is to sell a high price point service based product and for me that's website design.

I pretty much went though all the growing pains you might be going through now. I gave away too much information on free consultations. I talked clients out of bigger packages by over selling the smaller ones. I did deep discounts to close deals, only to find myself working too hard for little to nothing. And I often times gave up too much of my power to clients, trying to meet their deadlines and demands, work within their budgets, going above and beyond with revision requests and the list goes on.

The sum total of my frustration with web design clients was one of the biggest reasons I only took on a handful of new projects per month. Keep in mind, my hubby insisted that I was crazy for leaving so much money on the table because every body needs a website. My rational was that its too hard and sometimes too frustrating working as a service professional, but he would always say the same thing - "You are the boss, so act like one! Instead of feeling powerless to clients assume your role as the boss, set boundaries, be clear and concise, be firm but professional at the same time."

It honestly took a long time for me to settle into my role as the boss, but once I got the hang of it I fired all crazy clients and turned my pain back into a lucrative passion.

Knowing that I had the potential to generate thousands of dollars monthly just from being creative, I decided to work through all my complaints, mistakes, and fears until I got better at selling services online.

I say all this to say that this stuff is frustrating and there is a learning curve, but I know you can get better at it. Hopefully I will see you on the next call - sign up details here.

My fellow service professionals might also like:

Love it links: Join Our Weekly Calls | Previous Call Replays

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Got Google Juice?


Guest Post by Power Circle Expert
Pam Perry, pamperrypr.com

I'm not claiming to be an expert SEO or a whiz at Web Analytics and I really am not a "geek" or a "techie." I am a public relations professional who reinvented my business and have made some pretty significant strides in the online world. This year alone we've been honored with five awards and received trade publicity for our social media marketing tactics. It's PR 2.0 and it's working for our PR coaching clients.

But still a lot of folks don't "get it." They think Social Media Marketing is just trend. But it's not. It is a way of life. It is the new economy. It is the way companies are thriving while other companies who aren't "GOOGLICIOUS" are dying.

Test Your Googlicious Quotient:

  1. Do you have a Facebook account with at least 1,000 friends in your niche?
  2. Have you set up a "Like" Page for your brand, book or business and connected it to Twitter?
  3. Do you tweet at least 5 times a day by adding value?
  4. Do you use Twitter tools like Tweet Deck or Hoot Suite with your tweets?
  5. Do you have an updated and full and complete Google profile?
  6. Have you set up a YouTube video channel that brands you by name and look?
  7. Have you created at least one video and posted it on your channel with relevant key words to your brand?
  8. Do you have a LinkedIn account with recommendations from others proving you to be all you say you are and key words in your "about me" section?
  9. Are you part of any groups in LinkedIn and post comments with links (live urls) there often?
  10. Do you blog regularly (at least once a week)? Do you have blogroll on it and RSS feed?
  11. Do you podcast or are featured on Blogtalk Radio frequently?
  12. Do you have photos of yourself tagged on your blog or website with your name as the description?
  13. Have you secured a personal domain of your name at a "dot com?" Have you used NameCheck.com to secure your social media "real estate"?
  14. Do you have a list of the key words people search for in your industry? Do you use them in blogs and in other content-sharing activities?
  15. Have you installed Google Analytics to your blog or website? Do you know where your traffic is coming from and where they are going when they land on your site?
  16. Do you have a FriendFeed account?
  17. Do you Bookmark items in Digg, Stumbleupon or De.lic.ious?
  18. Do you have a professional Flickr account for your photos and videos?
  19. Do you have a Slideshare, Scribd or GoogleDocs account?
  20. Do you have an email marketing program that posts your emails to your social networks?
  21. 21. Do you post articles in article directories and/or do your regularly distribute social media releases?
  22. 22. If an author, do you have an updated bio, your blog and video in your Amazon profile? Do you have an online press kit?
  23. Are you connecting with your core customer in Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn by delivering "fremiums" to them and growing your email list an average of 10 per week?
  24. Do you have RSS "chicklets" or "widgets" on your blog or website that gives you backlinks (which is a key SEO rankings)?
  25. Do you have most of the Google products: Google Reader, Google Friend Connect, Gmail, GoogleTalk,Youtube, Google maps, photos, Feedburner and Google Buzz?

If you have 15 or more "yes" answers, you are on you way to being very Googlicious and having your possible customers, potential clients and media find you. Once they find you - that's where the "Ka-Ching" happens!

People are searching in Google - can they find you? And once they find you, do you know how to convert that connection into a customer?

Let Pam show you how to go from unknown to A list: Steps to launch like A superstar inside our Back to Business Webinar Conference, join us live or watch the replays.

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“ My life’s mission is to: MOTIVATE.INFORM.INSPIRE.CONNECT”  LaShanda Henry



This is exactly why I chose LaShanda Henry. With a network of over 66,000 the number speaks for itself. LaShanda Henry is so consistent with her mission; she has and will continue to bring volumes of information, resources, attention to detail, and the ability to EMPOWER Women. SHOWCASE Magazine is very new, still a work in progress with lots more to learn; even so LaShanda agreed to be apart of this publication without hesitation, my way in showing appreciation for her work and what she brings to others. Honored to be able to feature LaShanda Henry…


Be inspired and support all the Women in this edition...building on the SISTERHOOD” (DB)

(Purchase Link To Follow)





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What's your upcoming event?


We women entrepreneurs do more than create great businesses. We also love to plan wonderful events! If you would like to share your upcoming event, here are a few helpful recommendations when it comes to event planning and promotion.


  • Add your event to as many event directories as you can. You can share the details on our BBWO events page plus create special event pages on Facebook and Twitter. The key to social media is building up your audience with customers, local connections and professionals in your industry. You want to have your own strong social lists, so when you do have an event you can keep these great contacts in the loop.

  • Create a viral video: use a service like animoto.com to turn your event photos into a great video in 10 minutes or less than you can add on youtube and share on all your social spaces. Remember... make sure the first thing you include in your video description is the link to your event. And your first keyword tags should be your event name, your name, your brand / business name and event location. You can add your promo videos here on BBWO.

  • Don't be afraid to ask: make a list of previous people who attended your previous events, key influencers and local bloggers who could share your event and your speakers. Ask these people to share your event and make sure you do it personally, don't send out a mass email. For the best results, be genuine and reach out to each person one-by-one. Plus remember you can send out eBlasts on BBWO too.


I hope these tips are helpful. Be sure to join me and 8 power house women entrepreneurs for the Back to Business Webinar Conference live and/or watch the replays.

To your success,

LaShanda Henry

p.s. Let's talk events! Be sure to leave a comment below if you are currently working on an event that you would like to share.

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Would you like to tune in to learn from seven-figure sisters? Black Women who ALREADY have broken the million-dollar mark—and are still real and warm?

(YOU are going to LOVE me for this one.)

Defy Impossible is on FIRE!!!!


Defy Impossible Live Experience for Black Women in Business
Meet the Experts: Seven-Figure Sisters Series
Complementary Live Stream

  • Tuesday, September 24
  • Tuesday, October 1
  • Tuesday, October 8
  • 9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CST/7 p.m. MST/6 p.m. PST

Dr. Venus here.

I am NOT playing with you about this.

I am dead serious that entrepreneurial Black Woman experts, executives, professionals, and service providers need to learn how to identify, monetize, and leverage their worth for BIG paydays, while feeling free and fulfilled.

Here is the link to save your spot:  

I have pulled the HOTTEST chicks in the game as my expert speakers for my live event in Dallas, TX, Oct. 10–12. We will be doing the series via live stream on Google+. Yeah, baby! (Let’s get it.)

Each of these sisters is unique.
She has either exceeded the seven-figure mark in her business, has secured seven-figure contracts, and/or runs a seven-figure business with someone else.

However she did it, these sisters are GANGSTA with it and you need to know them!

I cherry-picked each expert to complement what you will be learning from me on the live stream and at the live event. I created the live event to be a training that actually produces results. I want you to win!

The three experts I have for you will be sharing their wisdom in their area of expertise:

  • sales
  • branding/social media
  • landing government or corporate contracts

But more than their sheer genius at what they do, each sister has a giver’s heart. They are the BEST sort of human being you would want to learn from and grow with. Each one has mentored me and empowered my success in tangible ways. So when I say you are getting the best of the best, I am speaking from personal experience.


We will be doing the live stream via Google+, so if you want optimal interaction with these seven-figure sisters, please join Google+. If not, you can ask questions via YouTube. A box for comments will appear next to the video player when the event is active, and you can ask questions in that box.

At the end of each live stream, each expert will present a special offer that you simply CANNOT get anywhere else. So mark your calendar, handle your house, and tune in!

See you on the live stream with our seven-figure sisters!!


Dr. Venus

Ps: Share the love! If you know some sisters who would benefit from learning from Black Women who are CRUSHING IT, forward this email to them and invite them!

How many sisters do you know who are making seven figures? Meet them in this series!

Pay it forward! Sisters need to know that WE can do this! Don’t be stingy! Give. This invite could be the answer to some sister’s prayer. Register now.


PPS: Oh, yes! I almost forgot.  

This series is fresh off the press! Literally, you will optin to a basic page because you are you are getting the hottest stuff first! Enjoy! The page will be changing as we REVEAL the speakers! Be ready to be surprise and delighted! 


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Online profits can only come when you have a steady flow of people visiting your website. The audio/video above is the replay of my first 'Jumpstart Your Business' weekly teleclass series.


This session is all about 3 Ways to Gain Exposure and Drive Traffic to Your Web Business - whether you are starting up or you are an established woman in business looking to jumpstart or restart your online marketing and sales efforts, this session includes strategies that you can implement in your business right now.



Enjoy the teleclass replay above. For more be sure to review:
- 7 Steps for Beginner Bloggers


And if you'd like to participate in my weekly calls, be sure to join the SistaSense Online Circle.

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10744093101?profile=originalLet's close Women's History Month On a Strong Note! In the spirit of sisterhood take part in the latest featured discussions on BBWO

Also be sure to take a look at the small business articles featured from our current Spotlight Member Sylvia Browder and continue to send use your submissions to be apart of the BBWO Experts Team.

Need a fresh perspective on your business?
Spring is a great time to clean out those out dated business strategies holding you back and to try new things. If you missed BBWO Experts present at this years Power Circle Conference use the code Women13 to get 50off the replays before Women's History Month ends. Click here to watch your replays.

Enjoy your weekend! And be sure to review the latest Online Business Tutorials featured on SistaSense.com. Spring Break, while the kidddies are out of school, is a great time to get your business back on track!

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This guide is inspired by my presentation at the SistaSense Power Circle Conference; “When Your Passion Becomes A Pain: How to Fall Back in Love With Your Business, Rediscover Your Passion and Tap into Your Hidden Profit Potential.”


Service Professionals and Women Entrepreneurs ask SistaSense, “How do I stop giving it all away for free? More importantly, how do I work with clients who say they can’t afford to pay me, but are in need of the products and services that I offer?”


To answer the questions above, I’m sure most of my male entrepreneurs out there would simply say, “Don’t work with people who can’t afford to pay you, period.” Of course as a woman that maternal ‘I want to help’ feeling kicks in and this makes it almost impossible to say no. Trust me I know how hard it is to turn away the people you feel most compelled to serve, but at the same time we all know giving it all away won’t pay the bills. So what do you do? How can this work?


Before we get to the answers, let me first begin with a quick story. A little over 5 years ago I decided to turn my web design business / side hustle into an official work at home business. Starting out on a shoe string budget, my goal has always been to provide women, moms and other minority startups with affordable resources without sacrificing quality for cost. At the same time, as a service professional it’s frustrating when customers want high quality for free or little to nothing. Sometimes that frustration turns into confusion leading us to either start looking for new ways to boost business or a new business to try.


Rule #1: Instead of trying to find a quick fix or a new business venture, consider changing your approach to dealing with potential customers.

In the pursuit of profit have you ever felt powerless to the demands of your customers? Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a consultation impulsively overriding your policies, revamping your packages and reducing your prices just to close the deal? If this scenario happens more times than you would like to admit, try something different next time. Instead of fearfully going into the conversation ready to take any offer, work on improving your position of power by preparing for the conversation.


Write down these rules and let's talk more about about how you prepare to pitch to clients on small budgets...


Rule #2: Never lose your power in pursuit of profit.
When your potential customers start telling you they can't afford it, don't start a back and forth price drop conversation in the hopes of meeting them 'half way'. Even if you close the deal, you've probably lost all your power in the process by settling for a price point that devalues your original offer.


(continue reading on sistasense.com)

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Hosting Webinars for Promotion or Profit


Web Women Entrepreneurs ask SistaSense: “How do I host webinars online?” Usually people want to know one of two things:

  • How to use webinars to promote their businesses online
  • How to make extra money teaching via webinar training sessions

The Simple Answer
Webinars are virtual conferences that allow you to connect with one or more people online. You can use them to host slide presentations, training videos where people can watch you work and navigate your screen or you can view their computer screens over the web.

You can create and host your own webinar in three simple steps.

  1. Use a presentation program like Microsoft Office PowerPoint to create your presentation.
  2. Use an online conferencing service like GoToWebinar to host your webinar.
  3. Use your email provider or an online service like Eventbrite.com to share your webinar with other people.

The Extended ‘Best’ Answer

I’ve hosted quite a few webinars over the last five years. In my experience there are several things to consider before you host a webinar for profit or to promote your business. First I will give you a quick rundown of al the topics to consider and then I’ll go into each one in more detail.

  • Free, Low Cost and High Quality Webinar Tools
  • Promoting Your Webinar
  • Hosting Free Webinars vs. Paid Webinars
  • Working with others: Virtual Meetings, Guest Interviews, Speakers
  • What do you do after with the webinar recording after your event is over?

Click here to continue reading this post / tutorial.

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3 Women in a meeting strategizing


Both career women and those in business have faced many obstacles in past decades and unfortunately, still today. Women in the workforce have battled glass ceilings, unequal pay for equal production and undeserved stereotypical barriers. As business prototypes have changed with the advent and growth of the internet, so have the unique issues encountered by women in business. Below are five of these challenges and solutions to overcome and achieve success.

Challenge 1: Lack of Cash Flow

Even the most brilliant business plan will fail without sufficient cash flow. Simply put, cash flow can be loosely defined as "cash in" (as generated by revenue) and "cash out" (to pay the expenses incurred to achieve "cash in." Inadequate cash flow can stifle a business into failure.

Let’s just get real… your creditors, employees or suppliers don’t care about your cash flow woes. They want to be paid in a timely manner!

Solution:To simplify this problem, as well as correct it, look at all facets of the balance sheet and income statement. Is there a lag time between the time you have to pay your creditors, suppliers and employees and when you collect from your customers? If so, you must pinpoint the problem areas and take necessary steps to correct them.

Four quick solutions to manage your cash flow:

  • Consider factoring. In factoring, a business owner sells accounts receivable at a discount to a third-party funding source that pays invoices immediately. Chris Lehres, a loan officer for Versant Funding says, “A wide range of companies in a multitude of industries, including some with a negative net worth, that are losing money, and often even companies in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy are eligible for factoring services.”
  • Open a line of credit. A line of credit is a standard service provided by many banks and credit unions that serve small businesses. Your banker can best discuss the benefits of a business line of credit.
  • Offer several payment options to your clients, such as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or pay pal.
  • Track your receivables. Have a collection process in place so that you have a protocol to handle aging invoices.

Challenge 2: Undefined Niche

To Niche or Not to Niche…that is the question. What is a niche? A niche business is one that targets a very specific group of people with specific shared interest. A business with an undefined niche is like a ship sailing in shallow water.

By creating a niche business allows you to market to your ideal clients. For example, if you were a behavioral psychologist targeting teens, you would market your services in places where parents are likely to find out about you; such as advertising in parent magazines, providing resources to local middle and high schools or joining organizations geared towards parents.

Solution:By understanding who and where your ideal customers are; it is easy to craft a marketing plan to target them. Here are three easy ways to target your potential clients:

  • Improve your website’s SEO with specific key words
  • Generate exposure locally and virtually with professional speaking, seminars or publishing a book or articles.
  • Craft a clear message that speak at the heart of your customer

Challenge 3: Not Understanding the Power of Referral Marketing

For years, the mantra for success in marketing was "cold calling." Today, we know that cold calling is ineffectual, especially when compared to referral marketing. Referral marketing is promoting your business thru referrals and word of mouth networking to more effectively gain sales.

When comparing referral marketing to cold calling, think of it as sowing grass seed. It is much easier to grow grass from seeds if you know how fertile the ground is. You can scatter a handful of seeds over a wide area of dirt and some of it may, or may not, take root.

Solution: Find others with whom to network and collaborate to gain sales. For instance, if your business sells cars, you might collaborate with a local automobile service company with the result that the purchase of a car includes a certificate for a free oil change from the car servicing business. Both businesses benefit and just increased the likelihood for repeat business.

Challenge 4: No Social Media Plan

Random tweets and meandering Facebook posts will result in a lot of time devoted to zero results. Before making another useless post, sit down with pen and paper and make a list of what you want to achieve from social media. To which social media do you belong? What are some social media marketing strategies that you have noticed from other companies? What do you have that will offer value? You may find that your company is spread a little too thin across the social media spectrum. Quality truly is superior to quantity in this respect.

Solution: Create a social media marketing plan and stay the long haul. Establishing a strong presence can be a very time consuming process. It is unwise to expect your list of fans, followers or subscribers to grow overnight.

Challenge 5: No Strategic Plan (after 3 years in business)

Without a strategic plan, a business can become stagnant in the mire of what is immediately going on, rather than focusing on long-term goals. Successful businesses recognize the critical need for strategic planning and it is an ongoing process - it is never finished.

Solution:An effective strategic planning process allows small businesses to take control of their future and stay focused on the essential areas that will result in sustained periods of growth and success. Here are six tips to help you in the planning process:

  • Assess the Current Business Environment
  • Focus on Important (SWOT) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
  • Define (or Redefine) the Company’s Mission and Goals
  • Start with An End In Mind
  • Establish Mini Milestones
  • Plan for Follow Through

If starting your strategic plan seems a little intimidating, download your FREE ‘Strategic Planning Strategy Worksheet.’


As you can see, there are many hurdles that can cause women to fail in business; nevertheless, many solutions to prevent failure from happening. These are my top 5 challenges; what other challenges do you think women face today?



Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. For the past 6 years, she has worked as Project Director of the Women's Business Center; and served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder's Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, http://www.sylviabrowder.com.

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Crowdfunding is alternative financing for small businesses

A revolutionary NEW source of funding to sweep across the internet in droves is crowdfunding! According to Growthink.com, $100 million USD was pledged in 2011 on the site www.Kickstarter.comalone, launching over 27,000 projects at a 46% success rate. Now that’s impressive!


When you are starting or growing a small business, it typically comes down to lack of resources to raise that much needed capital! Funding is a very important element to the success of any business remaining relevant in a competitive marketplace. If you’ve applied for a traditional loan; SBA Micro Loan; Unsecured Line of Credit; or even a Credit Card to no avail, then consider the HOT new trend in financing…CROWDFUNDING!


What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a cutting edge way of raising the much needed money required by businesses to sustain. A group of investors share their resources to support endeavors initiated by individuals or organizations. Many industries can take advantage of crowdfunding; from political campaigns; service or product based businesses; artist; scientific researchers to software development.


3 Business Preparation Tips for Crowdfunding

  • Select the Best Platform: There are many crowdfunding platforms available with new ones forming daily. It is important to choose the one that can best fit your project funding needs.


  • Create a ‘WIFM’ Reward Program: Remember that old WIFM (what’s in it for me)? Well, if you want to have a successful campaign, you’d better come up with some juicy reward for prospective investors. The reward you create should be based on the type of campaign you are running. For example, the Crescent Theater was forced to upgrade its equipment and as a part of their reward program, the lowest reward offer is a free movie pass.


  • Design a Stellar Marketing Strategy: Consider multiple ways to connect with potential investors. The key is creating a diverse marketing campaign. A favorite by many and Google as well are videos! You can also add a slide presentation, a podcast and a simple written message.


3 ways that Crowdfunding can help you:

Independence from Banking Institutions

Banks are sitting on their cash and aren’t lending to start up or small businesses that need capital. At a recent lecture at George Washington University, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke innocuously remarked that lately “small businesses have … found it difficult to get credit.” Most banks have high unreachable expectations along with a daunting process. Indeed crowdfunding offers a more realistic approach to funding.


Free Publicity

An opportunity to publicly raise funds for your business idea or existing company to a gazillions of potential investors by way of the internet is astounding! Many entrepreneurs yearn for a chance to receive the type of publicity crowdfunding offers. If well handled, the publicity can greatly catapult your business to immense success.



Validation of your business idea is important. To know that there are people globally who believe in your concept is empowering. People will generally invest in opportunities that are viable. So every contribution you receive from people simply means that they believe in the validity of it!


3 Top Crowdfunding

  • Kickstarter: funding platform for creative projects such as films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others.
  • Indiegogo: an international crowdfunding site where anyone can raise money for film, music, art, charity, small businesses, gaming, theater, and more
  • RocketHub: Fundraising platform raises funds and awareness for projects primarily in fashion, music, theatre, writing, and photography.


In conclusion, businesses can gain a lot by embracing the benefits of crowdfunding. It is a very unique way of raising funds for businesses and can greatly impact positively on the success of a startup making them more vibrant and competitive.


About Author: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. For the past 6 years, she has worked as Project Director of the Women's Business Center; and served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder's Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, http://www.sylviabrowder.com.

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Smart entrepreneurs are savvy shoppers too! Use the comment area below to browse and share small business deals and discounts. The BBWO team will periodically check the promos added and feature new ones via the list below:


Pretty Professional Websites - Is it time to clean up your online brand and give your old site a new look? Click here and get a $100 Off Coupon Code that use can use to get a custom landing page or website.

eBates - Wouldn't you like to get cash back for your online purchases? After a great workshop with the Coupon Queen, Rhonda Nails (details here), I found out how to get cash back via eBates.com. And when I signed up I got a FREE Target Gift card. Get yours today, click here.

Need help with your Business? - Use the code POWER13 and get 50% off the SistaSense Power Circle Conference Replays. Find out how to really use social media to boost your business, get started with mobile marketing, learn how teaching pays online, tap into million dollar business tips and more! Click here and get instant access to watch videos today.

Dollar Downloads and Daily Dealsclick here to join this featured BBWO group where you can share your digital download promotions and daily product deals.

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10744081286?profile=originalThey are HERE!

To celebrate BBWO being 5 years old this July I've been adding wonderful new areas to our network. This weekend you get a first look at the Shops, Books, and Services areas where you can now post your items. I am adding / approving new additions as we speak!

Now is really the best time to post (plus its quick and easy). For a limited time (this weekend only) submissions are $10. Soon it will be $45 to add your shop, book, or service. This is best time to get listed.

Submitting is really easy. Just click the orange post buttons, add your links, photos, text and video! Hit submit and I will approve your post!

All entries will be featured on BBWO. You can see the first ones are already highlighted on our Facebook page, which is now close to 36,000 fans!

Books: http://books.mybbwo.net
Shops: http://shop.mybbwo.net
Services: http://services.mybbwo.net
Business Profiles: http://profiles.mybbwo.net

Let's continue to build BBWO together creating a solid web where everyone online can find quality black businesses. Any questions be sure to use the contact forms listed and let me know.

BBWO Founder, LaShanda Henry

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You come home from a long day at work and just want to veg. Your nagging “to do” list of laundry, mowing the lawn, and cleaning out your car seem so daunting. But there is something else you are forgetting. Something really important. What was it?

How To Market

Oh yeah. My book was just released. I should get to that.

The reality for many authors is that success is not instant. Being an author isn’t a high-paying, full-time job for many; and so authors must work a different, perhaps less exciting, full-time job in order to support their goals of perhaps one day becoming a bestselling author.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be an instant success? To wake up one day, quit your regular job and just earn millions in royalties from book sales?

Bestselling author Jodi Picoult, author of My Sister’s Keeper, said on her podcast, “So You Want to Be a Writer,” explains that most writers don’t get published. Even others who do get their book printed only see little sales. Vow not to let that happen to you.

You know you need to spend time marketing. But how do you get there? How do you spend the time needed in order to market your book when your day already feels like it is filled to the max?

Picoult continues: “For many people, the tricky thing is time… often, if you’re working a 9-to-5 job, the last thing you want to do is sit down and work on your novel at the end of the day. But if you don’t give yourself a designated time to write everyday, it won’t happen…. You don’t need six hours. Just a half hour. Or several.”

While she is talking about writing a book, the same concept could be applied tomarketing as well. So many authors out there are struggling with time, just like you. The difference between authors with titles that sell and titles that don’t are that the successful authors go out and market their book when they could, whenever they could. The unsuccessful ones only dream about it, let other things get in the way, and offer the excuse, “I just don’t have the time.”

Don’t let that be you!

As you embark on your journey of being an author while holding down a full-time job, keep these important tips in mind:

Set aside time everyday to devote to marketing.

Develop a Promotion Plan of effective marketing techniques.

Be consistent over a long period of time.

If you can do these three things, eventually it won’t matter that you don’t have gobs of hours to spend marketing your book. Do these things, and hopefully you will be the successful author you have always dreamed of being. Let's expound on these three key things, shall we?

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