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Building Your Website On a Budget

Build Your Website On a Budget - SistaSense Original Video Series for Women Entrepreneurs

As a work at home mom I know exactly what it means to build a website on a budget.

I actually spend a great deal of my time working on new ways to share quality, affordable website solutions with the entrepreneurs and small business owners in my circle, which is why I decided to do the video below as part of my new 'Build It On a Budget' series.

In this episode I talk about some of the tools that I use when developing websites + my current web design offerings.

Recent Web Project Example - GracefulGirlz.com


SistaSense Web Design Services Mentioned in Video

Web Design Essential tips and tools Mentioned in Video

Related Build it On a Budget Videos

Click here for my latest web design deals + a complete listing of my design packages

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10744096275?profile=originalSee Where You Are Going

One of the most relied upon of the five senses is sight. Sight on a basic level is the ability to see with your physical eyes. But if you dig deeper the ability to see includes creating a mental picture; a visualization. Familiar with the term “mind’s eye”? This term refers to the human ability for visualization, which is experiencing visual mental imagery. Basically, the ability to “see” with your mind. Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but, no vision.”

From this place of seeing you can begin to jump start your life. Use your “mind’s eye” to see yourself in the future. Where are you? Are you living the life you dreamed of living? Are you experiencing success in all areas of your life? Do you have balance? Say to yourself, “I see you in the future and you look much better than you look right now!”

Visualize the life you want and deserve to live. Harness what you see to help create the path to get from where you are to where you want to be. Use vision to see where you are going.

Pursue Your Passion

Dare to create a vision for your life? Tap into the creativity embedded within you to reach your destined place of purpose. Have you taken the steps necessary to find your purpose? That very thing you are passionate about could be the spark you need. 

I was inspired to become a life coach because I encountered individuals who have shared with me that they don’t know their life’s mission. They didn’t know why they are on this earth at this appointed time and in space. Some stated they have no desire to invest their time, resources or energy to finding their purpose, maximizing their potential and igniting the passion within. I hope you are not at this place in your life; however, if you are then you are reading this at the right time.

Now is the time for you to invest in you. You may have spent years, an enormous amount of resources or endless hours working toward something that is not germane to your life’s call. But take the time to think about that thing in your life which makes you sing. That thing you begin to talk about to the point where people can see the twinkle in your eye and the glow in your countenance. Discover, unleash and pursue your passion.

Act on Your Goals

Take a close look at the word “goal”.  The first two letters make up the word “go”. Go, to move on a course, proceed or to take a certain course. It is just that simple. Goals are not as complicated as we make them out to be. For example, your goal is the bigger picture. For this example our goal or bigger picture is to go food shopping. There are a number of “tasks” we must complete in order to reach this goal. The basic tasks include preparation, going outside, getting into the car, putting the car in gear and “going”.

An effective way to help reach your goals is to break the bigger goal down into a series of tasks. With this in mind, you may only want to tackle two to three goals at one time. Why? Because when you list out the tasks associated with each goal the list can become pretty long. Begin small, be persistent and consistent.

Rev Up Your Engine

In thinking about revving an engine, car racing came to mind. In preparation for a high speed motor race revving the engine prepares the car for optimum performance. To get your car warmed up for the race ahead.

This is certainly a principle you can apply to your life. Revving your personal engine is a great way to prepare yourself for the race head. Life is often viewed as a race. It takes many components for you to not only get in the race, but to sustain it with speed, persistence, consistency and accuracy. You are the driver and the car you have been given is called life. One of the keys to life is learning to drive and navigate with wise efficiency.

One of the ways to “rev up your engine” is to create positive affirmations which are consistent with the way you see your life in the future. They should be positive and written in present tense. View your future with your “mind’s eye”.

Kick Start Your Life

To “kick start” your life is just another way to say “jump start”. It is time to restart fresh and re-energize your life. Little to no progress can be made if you are stuck in life with no “spark” to help provide the kick start you need.

In the movie Inception, “the kick” was necessary to awaken a dreaming individual to get them from one level to another. Sometimes in order to get to our next level in life with need a kick. It is time to make room for new experiences by removing thoughts, ideas and concepts that are not helping you to get to your new level in life. What may have worked in the past may not work for your future.

Kick start your life by connecting with the right people, changing the way you see your life, pursuing your passion and getting the tools and resources you need to jump start your life.

You can receive more inspiration of awesomeness from my weekly podcast show, Awesome Living with Cheryl Pullins.

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3 Things Great Clients Know

Stay up to date with First & Fifteen...

What Great Clients Know...

I did a lot of freelance consoling during May, mainly because some folk are doing my peeps dirty, but I'm going to try and fix that.  Here’s 3 things great clients know:

overglasses.jpgFreelancers do work for you, not work for you - they set their hours, rates, terms and methods. Employees do the job for you for the price you set, on your terms, how you want it done and when you want it done. Employees also come with salary and benefits expenses and it is illegal to pay them less than minimum wage. See the difference?
Message: Respect the freelancer’s mode of operation.
Real life: You gotta pay the cost to be the boss

Be aware of the verbal contracts you create. Stating that you will engage a freelancer’s services and pay deposit on a certain day/date is a verbal contract and can be held up in a court of law. Most freelancers don’t pursue it, but it is a viable option.  And sure, circumstances change, things come up, but without communication, you could be cited for breach of contract. Not to mention it can screw up a schedule and/or a budget. The freelancer with a lawyer on retainer that decides to sue for breach of contract could receive the amount of your project PLUS lost income if they could have someone in your spot.
Message: If your situation changes let the freelancer know.
Real life: it’s like the cancellation fee your doctor’s office charges if you cancel less than 24 hours in advance.

You get what you pay for. Let’s leave quality out of it for a minute and talk solely in terms of deliverables. I say this often, but when you change the scope of your project, you increase the cost and/or length of time.
Message: If your budget doesn’t allow for the high end package, either save up, make adjustments to your wants list OR invest the time into learning how to do it yourself.
Real life: dollar menu items aren’t on the value meal list


  • Failure to read and/or comprehend your service contract does not absolve you from your obligation to pay.

  • Your fee is for the product or service. Whether or not you use it is on you.

  • Treat your freelancer how you want to be treated in your own biz/on your job.

  • Your org may be non-profit, but most times the freelancer is not.

  • Freelancers work freely. For a fee. © 2009-2013 Auntee Rik


Hopefully this list gives you some insight or some confidence that you’re a great client. Happy June!

Until next time,


Disclaimer: These points only take into account those freelancers that handle their biz. If you’re dealing with anyone that does not, switch providers.

Stay up to date with First & Fifteen...

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3 Tips for Networking!

Have the right mindset when meeting new people.

Truly care about where they are and how you can help them grow. Of course we all have our needs, but when we build relationships, we need to first care about others.

Take the initiative to "put yourself out there."

It's so important to embark on new ventures with a fearless attitude. If you don't take action you won't be able to achieve your goals. So many people don't understand that being proactive about networking is at the core of being a good networker. You really need to "make it happen". In order for you to take action you'll need to overcome fear and insecurity.

Ask open-ended questions in networking conversations.

This means questions that ask who, what, where, when, and how as opposed to those that can be answered with a simple yes or no. This form of questioning opens up the discussion and shows listeners that you are interested in them.

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10744097073?profile=originalPlanning group respites are becoming more common place as women seek ways to broaden their networks, re-connect with friends and experience different environments on their “bucket lists.” Many women love the outdoors, exploring new places, have talents they want to share and want to get away to relax. They are willing to put aside their usual vacation habits and go on a girls' getaway with friends and strangers. With times so tough and many women want to save and forgo vacations, a girlfriends retreat is a perfect way to experience a wonderful place and join with other women while not spending a lot of money.

Citing “needing some downtime”, “looking forward…need stress relief”, “wanting to be with positive people” are some of the reasons why guests say they are on the Sisters and Friends Getaway to Martha’s Vineyard. They are waiting to exhale on this relaxing and rejuvenating week-long vacation. Taking place September 8-15 or September 15-22 women are connecting with friends from around the country.

Host of Sisters and Friends Getaway Connie Portis shares four suggestions essential to include in the overall planning, once the destination is secured. Make coordinating a retreat as exciting and relaxing for the host as it is for the guests:

Envision what a retreat means to you -Think about your ideal retreat and make a list of what makes it ideal to you.

Dissect the list -Identify the elements you think others would also enjoy are doable and affordable

Start from the last day of the retreat and back into a schedule. -Work your activities backwards to determine how much time you will need to execute the event and be sure to include everything else in your life in that schedule

Arrive in advance leave a little later -Give yourself onsite lead time to prepare space and take post-time to reflect and relax

Make your event special. On Sisters and Fiends Getaway, the nights in the house laughing, playing games, solving the world’s problems, and enjoying good meals and beverages are stress relieving and fun. The best features include making cross-country connections, its affordable, choose what to do and when to do it, no drama, peaceful.

If you are waiting to exhale in an inviting environment, join Sisters and Friends Getaway. Space is available for September 15-22. Visit www.sistersandfriends.com for more information or call (412) 400-8809.

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It's here! The SistaSense In Print Magazine Summer Issue is now available. This issue of SistaSense In Print Magazine celebrates the 6th anniversary of BBWO and features the 2013 “BBWO 50" Honorees - 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs who are members of Black Business Women Online Social Networking Community (www.mybbwo.com).

This issue also features articles like "Leaving your 9-to-5 to Run Your Business", "Great Web Tools for Web Business Owners", "Raising Your Prices without Losing Your Clients" and several other great articles for web women entrepreneurs.

To browse, download, or order a print copy of SistaSense Magazine go to - http://mag.sistasense.com. And if you would like to also download the 5 most popular issues for only $5 click here.

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Mexican Breakfast of champions!


When we run businesses, raise families, target deadlines and aspire to achieve big goals, our bodies often become unwilling victims of our minds' pursuits.  Let's face it, so many of us as women entrepreneurs are blazing trails in our professional lives, but overweight and undernourished in our bodies. It can be difficult to find time to cook food instead of grabbing fast food; to research nutrient-dense ingredients instead of going with what we know; to turn our commitments for more exercise into our daily reality. It is tough, but we are compromising quality of life for quick-fixes, and that is neither physically nor emotionally sustainable.

So, what's a busy woman entrepreneur on the rise to do?

For starters, she can quell her sweet tooth with healthier options, and use that as a segue into healthier habits. Satisfying your sweet tooth without eating unhealthy food is absolutely possible with a bit of creativity when it comes to spending time in the kitchen. If you are an avid cinnamon lover and you want to create a delicious, healthy dessert, there are plenty of options available that are simple and scrumptious. Use the following recipe to capitalize on one particular benefit of Cinnamon--the taste!

Apple Oatmeal

Enjoy cinnamon and apples? Creating your own apple oatmeal can be done for a healthy and satisfying meal. Cut and shred 2 apples, ridding the core. Heat a saucepan and add 1 cup of steel-cut oats, stirring until toasted, which will be approximately 2 minutes. Add water and the apples you have shredded, allowing the mixture to come to a boil. Once the oatmeal has boiled, allow it to simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir the mixture frequently as it simmers.

Cut two additional apples and stir them into the oat mixture after it has simmered for about 10 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of salt for added flavor. Stir the mixture together and allow it to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes. Once the oatmeal is thick, hot and mixed together after 15 to 20 minutes you can then serve the result in 4 separate servings. For added flavor, top the oatmeal with 3/4 teaspoon of brown sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flavored yogurt of your choice.

Granola With Cinnamon

When you are craving a delicious granola that includes a spicy cinnamon taste, try make your own from scratch. For this granola recipe you will need:

6 cups rolled oats
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped almonds
1 cup raw, unsalted pepitas
6 tablespoons of canola oil
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (to taste)
1/2 teaspoon salt

Preheat your oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit and line a roasting pan with parchment paper. Mix walnuts, almonds, pepitas and oats in a large mixing bowl. Add vanilla, salt, honey, cinnamon, oil and maple syrup in a separate bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour the liquid mixture over the oats and nuts you have prepared and toss. Spread the mixture over the lined pan.

Bake the mixture for approximately 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until browned and lightly golden on top. Stir the mixture each 15 minutes to evenly cook the granola throughout while giving each part of the granola a brown and golden appearance. Allow the mixture to cool completely before serving.

You can serve your freshly-prepared homemade granola in a bowl along with cold milk, topped with your favorite fruit or even in a custom yogurt parfait.

Getting creative in the kitchen doesn't have to take away from the time you spend nurturing your business. Plus, it's a great way to embrace work-life harmony by testing your creative (culinary) boundaries and ramping up on your health! Introduce delicious foods with cinnamon without worrying about processed foods and excessive sugar that can cause health problems. Being smart and making the most out of your dessert recipes will allow you to enjoy delicious foods without sacrificing your health.
Akilah Richards is a Certified Family Life Educator who believes in the power of informed decisions, both in the kitchen and in the conference room, and encourages people to educate themselves on the taste benefit of Cinnamon, and other life-affirming foods, as part of a commitment to holistic health and wellness. Companies like Prograde Nutrition may prove to be helpful resources in affirming that commitment.  

Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/15525557@N07/3350671698/

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Submit Your Big Question...

10744096657?profile=originalI know you have a BIG "What do I do in my business now" question you want answered... every entrepreneur does.

Submit your BIG question via the SistaSense Summer Mastermind Group and start getting answers.

This summer is the perfect time to work on your business.

Plus you can use the coupon code BBWO13 for a discount on registration for all 6 live webinar sessions, replays and a few extra goodies! First session is this week. You'll get to:

  • Send in your online business questions
  • Find out what's working now in the web business world
  • Boost your web skills
  • Get more things done - productivity is key

For all the details go to http://summer.sistasense.com

Promo code expires in a few hours, hope to speak with you on our first call!

LaShanda Henry,
BBWO Founder

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on the line

Being a woman in business is about more than reconciling your accounts and growing your business. Oftentimes, one of the primary motivators of a woman in business is her desire to spend quality time with her family. Does that desire resonate with you? If you are a parent in the busy California world, and particularly if you are the parent of a child with special needs, then you're quite familiar with what it takes to manage your schedule along with your child's particular needs. 

Generally speaking, children can experience stress through a variety of situations such as school, homework, over-stimulation, bullying or tension at home. Finding ways for your child to deal with the anxiety is important and can make them more resistant to stress throughout the years. Whether your child has been formally diagnosed, or you have seen signs that your child might be experiencing over-stimulation and sensory challenges, what follows are some options to consider.

Interactive Visualizations

Serene and peaceful settings can instill calm during a panic attack. Busy parents who are in the Los Angeles area, for example, can take their child on an interactive tour through the less hectic nearby city of Santa Clarita. Here they’ll find breathtaking views, tranquil waters, sun and sand. In addition to the amusement park attractions, water parks, shops and restaurants, Santa Clarita is a charming community that is ideal for those who want their child to escape the stress and anxiety of big city living. Visit the Santa Clarita classifieds website for details, and plan something special for your child.

Blow Bubbles

Have a child under the age of 10? Outdoor bubble blowing uses the diaphragm to take deep breaths, so they can easily form these unique soap-like shapes. The art of bubble blowing takes your child’s mind off the panic by allowing them to concentrate on what they are doing. Deep breathing expands the body’s lungs, lowers the heart rate and calms the mind. Various tools such as straws, bubble pipes and giant wands can all add to the experience.

Play Dough

Therapists advise children with stress and anxiety disorders to break out the play dough. By forming the clay into various shapes and working with the dough, they can center their minds with more positive thoughts, while relieving tension. Pediatric therapists find that children who experience overwhelming thoughts and over-stimulation find that playing with play dough to be engrossing and can encourage the use of their other senses.


Young individuals who experience stress and anxiety disorders need endorphins to stave off these nervous feelings. The body releases cortisol when it begins to feel stressed and overwhelmed, and exercises to release the feel good endorphins can aid those who have nervous tendencies. A number of activities can aid in this process and may include swimming, jumping rope, walking, biking and running. Hiking along a peaceful nature trail, camping along a quiet stream and making a campfire underneath the stars can also shift your mind away from these negative feelings and replace them with happy and serene thoughts.

Dolls and Action Figures

Working through anxieties can be difficult for small children. However, dolls and action figures have been proven to be helpful because the symbolic playfulness can alleviate their fear in an environment that is non-threatening. Powerful action figures such as Spiderman or Batman can help them overcome anxiety, as they’re able to stand up to villains by way of action figures. Through this interactive play, your child will learn self-confidence and to incorporate these situations into their everyday lives.

If you are seeing signs that your California child may be over-stimulated, nature-based settings, peaceful activities and interactive play can all nurture the situation and relieve their stress for both the child and his/her parent(s). Helping your child develop simple solutions to manage their own problems is a life skill they can use through childhood and well into their adult years.  

Akilah Richards is a Certified Family Life Educator who shares information about ways to achieve and maintain work-life harmony. As a busy parent and entrepreneur, she finds that preparation is a vital part of her daily structure. Informative websites such as Santa Clarita classifieds offers a great way for California parents to pre-plan their activities and lessen the stress of managing family and business. 

Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/s-t-r-a-n-g-e/2521029558/

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When women like us decide to stay home and figure out just how to make a living from the Internet, we do so with the intention of being more available to our families and ourselves, right? 

You may have had the intention to pursue more of your hobbies, or perhaps you saw an opportunity in Internet marketing or the blogosphere and just wanted to try.  For most of us, we are committed to exploring our own interests and skills, and just embracing the overall elements of managing our time and life on our own terms. 

Whatever the reason, you have started this endeavor with the intent of succeeding. Part of Internet marketing requires bloggers and marketers to engage in social media. Social media has become the “go-to” place to spread the word about your product or service and it is one of the few ways that you can connect with thousands of people without spending thousands of dollars.

Yet now it may seem like all you are doing is sitting on the social sites, as opposed to actively promoting your blog or product in any other manner. You are spending less time with your family or accomplishing your tasks because you have to be available to respond to the posts on social media, and stay in-the-know about the topics that might connect you with your potential clients. You are now working more hours in a day than you ever did at your previous job!

You have now discovered that you are unfulfilled, and that social media can be an even bigger time-vacuum than your typical 9-to-5.  Now what?

What To Do In This Situation

To better manage this process, here are four tips for achieving your goals of success and family time.  These tips take a life coach approach to time management and goal-setting, and will serve you well if you are committed, flexible (because these processes leave room for the unforeseen), and tenacious.  Consider hiring a life coach to help you set up a system that will help you define your goals, and put actions in place to achieve those goals.

1. Set A Schedule. You will need to design a schedule and stick to it. Set a specific time to post content, to respond to social media, to be with your family and to complete your chores. Some days, you won't be able to stick to your schedule, but make that the exception, not the rule. 

2. Social Media Can Wait. While it is easy to believe that when someone posts a comment on your blog that you should immediately respond, the truth is you have time. People may be grateful for an instant response, but it is not necessary. Many people will post a comment or question and then move on to other things. They do not check for a response until a later time.

3. Remember What Is Important. Your family is important. Your housework is important. Your hobby is important. Your blog content is important. Everything else is secondary.  Yes, money matters, but the way you earn income can be tied to your sense of fulfillment, and Internet marketing is one avenue for that knowledge to be applied.  Making time for your highest priorities can leave you with the clarity of mind to attain work-life harmony.

4. Reevaluate Your Goals. Sometimes it is very important to step back and look at the reasons that you started this business. When you rekindle the romance with why you wanted to become an Internet marketer or blogger, you become re-energized to actively pursue that goal again. A good coach can help with this component, and thanks to today's technology, that coach can be anywhere in the world, and still serve you well.  When you're looking for a life coach Tampa, think of Atlanta, Los Angeles, or even Kingston as viable cities for which to search for your ideal coach online.  Don't be shy to search outside of your area, because you can use Skype or Google Hangouts for "face-to-face" contact.

It will be a little difficult to make the adjustment from being totally immersed in social media to regulating your time, but it is possible, and Internet entrepreneurs the world over are doing it every day. Try the steps above, include a coach in your readjustment strategy, and commit to embracing not just busy work, but meaningful work as well.  Social media is meant to be a tool for your success by engaging with people who share your interests and need the skills you have.  Keep that in mind, and you may just see that work-life harmony is not that far-fetched of an idea.

Akilah Richards is a full-time entrepreneur who has benefited significantly from the services of a reputable life coach.  She shares articles about the importance of hiring reinforcements to help you design a plan for your time and tasks, so that you can see the benefits of choosing a non-traditional approach to your work, via the Internet.  

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Building a brand is all about consistency. Your customers expect to have the same (or darn close to the same) experience whenever they come in contact with your brand.  After all, consistency leads to reliability and trust.

Since I've been doing a lot with visual maps these days, I've really gotten into studying how visual schemes impact your brand.  Here are a few tips that might help you.

Design Schemes and Associations

Think about this - what if you bought one of those red cola cans at a convenience store only to find when you drank it, something orange came out of the can.  That's pretty crazy, right?  You'd probably storm back into the store and confront the cashier at the counter with your red can.  The experience would make you second guess ever buying another from that store, or possibly, ever again.

In fact, that actually happened...sorta. Remember when they came out with clear cola?  It crashed and burned badly...why? Because we expect cola to be dark brown.  And when a very popular condiment maker came out with green ketchup, it ended up making appearances as a collectible on eBay, not on kitchen tables.

Something very similar happens with brands online.  Certain colors and design schemes are associated with certain products. If the product has the wrong color or design, it's off-putting to potential customers.

An important part of creating a consistent brand image is to choose a visual scheme that will always be associated with your name or your company’s name.

Visual Brand Soda

Your Visual Brand Language

To create a design and color scheme for your brand, you need to create a visual brand language, or VBL.

So what's that? A VBL incorporates design elements such as shape, color, materials, finish, typography and composition. All of these items together should work smoothly to communicate your company's values and personality.

For a good example, take BMW's front grill. When you see it on an advertisement or website, you automatically think of BMW and all the qualities associated with this luxury car designer. This distinct design feature is used as a visual marketing tool by the company to trigger feelings and associations in the minds of its target market.

An important key to creating a VBL is to remember that it isn't static, but something can be changed and used in different ways.

Think about Google's logo - basic letters on a clean white background. During different times of year or during promotions,  incremental changes are made to this basic design theme. Your VBL can be something flexible as well.

Visuals for Your Niche

Your own images need to create a brand personality that fits with your niche. Think about your target market and what they like. Consider your products and look at how other companies in your expert niche create their brand personality.

For example, some niches tend to showcase stark, hard line visuals, while others use soft, curvy lines. Each image a company uses fits with its personality to create a sense of consistency across all of its marketing and content creation.

Your Brand's Logo

The single most important visual element is your logo.  Recently, I went to my friends over at Logo Nerds to come up with a new design for me.  I knew the one I had was not fitting well with my niche and I wanted it to make a stronger connection with my brand.

To create a logo, you need to go back to your brand's unique selling proposition. What is your brand's promise and personality? These should be communicated through your brand's logo. Your logo should be based on this foundation and it should harmonize well with your other design elements.

The best practice when designing a logo is to start by choosing a primary and secondary color. The primary color is for your symbol, icon, or lettering. The secondary color is for the background. Take advantage of color meanings and associations when choosing colors.

The Importance of Visual Branding

A common business mistake is to bring in outside visual experts as an afterthought rather than a central part of your business's initial planning.  Remember when I mentioned redesigning my logo?  I have seen people make the mistake of trying to design their own, but that sometimes doesn't send a clear message about who you are and your professionalism.

Here's another resource for you.  Pam Wilson has an amazing blog that teaches a lot about visual branding.  Be sure to check out her Big Brand System here for great tips.

Remember - your brand's visual plan is just as important as your unique selling proposition or your products: it's part of your company's basic image and it can help you communicate clearly about who you are and what you do for your target market.



You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it...

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative online business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. Get free tools to simplify and stand out online at: www.tanyasmithonline.com

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You left your corporate job (or perhaps it left you) and you’re finally self-employed. You get to finally live your dreams of business ownership right. but do you have the right mindset? Are you still treating yourself like an employee of your own business? What are the 3 things you need to do to shift your mindset from thinking "paycheck to paycheck" to thinking like a real employer?

When I said "that's IT" from my last corporate layoff (yes I had 2) I was ready to embrace self-employment head-on. I had clients almost immediately and had replaced my corporate salary and then some. BUT

I was overwhelmed, I didn't know know to set boundaries with my clients, I felt like I had to "earn" every penny they paid me. I was  "crackberry" addict (my Blackberry stayed on 24/7 literally. I spend 40+ hours on client work with little time to actually build my business. Despite the fact I had 15 years+ experience and a solid background in operations and systems. I was still struggling and overwhelmed. Even though I was my own boss, I was treating my business and my value like I was still an employee.

Listen to this latest podcast for the 3 things I learned about myself and my business that literally changed the course of my business.


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Let's be inspired to be Great in all areas.....

These are Black Business Women who made the Forbes 2013 '100 Most Powerful' List

#87 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf

President, Liberia



#84 Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

President, CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Category: Philanthropy/NGO


#83 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Minister of Finance, Nigeria

Category: Politics


#68 Helene Gayle

President, CEO, CARE

Category: Philanthropy/NGO


#49 Ertharin Cousin

Executive Director, World Food Programme, United Nations



#47 Joyce Banda

President, Malawi



#44 Rosalind Brewer

President and CEO, Sam's Club, Wal-Mart Stores



#17 Beyonce Knowles

Actress, Entrepreneur, Musician



#14 Ursula Burns

Chairman and CEO, Xerox



#13 Oprah Winfrey

Entrepreneur, Personality



#10 Indra Nooyi

CEO, PepsiCo



#4 Michelle Obama

First Lady, United States


You can view the complete list here.

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Happy Tuesday Everyone!

We are officially on Day 5 of the Monetize Your Blog 31 Day Challenge, to join us click here for more details. And be sure to leave a comment with any blogging questions you have.

Would you like your business to be included in the BBWO featured rotation on the Homepage? We are looking for someone to gift 30 day inclusion to. Enter by clicking here and sharing one way you promote your business online. Be sure to include a link to your business and express your interest in being featured.

Have you seen the new books featured on BBWO? Join me and welcome new author and member Cynthia Your, her books is entitled - Memoirs of a Caregiver: A Caregiver’s Story of Assisting Four Family Members with Alzheimer’s Disease (link here).

Do you complain alot? BBWO member Jai Stone can help you change your life for the better. Watch her featured on HuffPostLive sharing her brand, EmotionalNudity.com.


This post was brought to you by BBWO Sponsor Hollywood 10 Minute Sew In - try this new system to install your extensions in 10 mins and remove in 5 mins (details here).


More to come,
BBWO Founder - LaShanda H.


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It's almost Mother's Day, so I wanted to do something sweet for my fellow moms in business by sharing some of my favorite online goodies + one of my best workshop replays to date and a few sistasense tools you can use to improve your profit and productivity online. Goodies first:

I do practically everything online .... work, pay bills, shop and even some of my favorite relaxation activities involve the web world (smile). If you frequently shop online like I do, go gift yourself I $10 Target gift card. I got one of these just by signing up to eBates*, plus I get cash back for making purchases through ebates via my favorite online stores. I got a cash back check for the last airline tickets I bought and I'm awaiting my next check for the dining room furniture I recently purchased on Overstock through ebates.

Click here to sign up and get your $10 gift card.

Every busy mom needs her quiet time. Some of us get it under the dryer at our favorite salon. Some of us recharge with a good book. I personally enjoy curling up with my kindle and watching my favorite old and new shows on hulu*. I just spent the past weekend thoroughly enjoying a korean dramedy on hulu called 'The Flower Boy Next Door.' It's where I can catch up on all the latest tv shows I missed and indulge in all my old favorites like (shhhh... Buffy, Felicity, and yes I'm a Gleek too!)

From me to you, click here and get two free weeks of HuluPlus if you are not already a member. We watch it on our smartTV, via the kindle, iphone, the laptop, everrything! Watching Hulu is definitely one of my favorite ways to unwind.

For my mompreneurs with lots of web business start up questions - a complimentary download to my latest guide - 101 Money and Marketing Questions Answered for Entrepreneurs (download here). I've spent the last few years creating videos, audios and how to tutorials on so many topics that I decide to create this guide to help you find the exact answers that you are looking for on sistasense.

For My Business Moms On a Budget
Redesigning your website might be something you would love to do this year BUT maybe it's not in the budget. So I recently created a 5 Hour Updates package for less than $300 I will give your website a fresh new look and you don't have to break the bank to get it! Click here for details.

I started my online business ventures on a very small budget, so I depended heavily on social networking sites to reach new people and connect with potential clients. I created the BBWO Network as a space to make it easier for my fellow women entrepreneurs and moms to connect. If you haven't already joined the network, you can use the code BBWO4MOM to join for $25 (one time membership fee) - join here.

Just for a little while you can also watch the video replay below from my Power Circle Conference: When Your Passion Becomes A Pain: How to Fall Back in Love With Your Business, Rediscover Your Passion and Tap into Your Hidden Profit Potential.

There are about 10 videos from this years Power Circle Conference. Use the code 274MOM (there are only a few of these left) and watch replays here or click here to join the online Power Circle for $7 to get monthly tutorials, video, audio and downloadable sistasense sessions.

The affiliate links included in this post are from some of my favorite online places! If you try them be sure to let me know what you think.*

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I’ve created a list of social networking tips you can use to promote yourself and your business on BBWO. The key to this list and any strategies is not doing one thing once and then giving up if you see minimal results. You have to create a game plan. You have to carve out time either daily or weekly that you commit to networking online and/or promoting your business on social networks. And the BIG thing is you have to always work on getting people back to your space by  making recommendations on a product or service that would be helpful to them; essentially sharing something on your site that you would like them to try/ sign up to.


  • Browse the member directory – find people who are local to you or share your interests. For as long as BBWO has been online we’ve had hundreds of members forge new partnerships, find new clients and make strong connections by simply finding like minded individuals and taking the time to have genuine conversations with them.

  • People can find your profile via our member directory and even through direct searches on Google. Make sure to complete your profile page with information about you and your business. You can add links to your site, your RSS Blog Feed and product photos.

  • Use the main site search box or browse the forum and/or groups to look for people asking questions about your area of business and answer them. Let people know you are available to help.

  • Post informational articles via your BBWO Blog and/or in the forum.

  • Start a group around your business – this is a great way to build a listing of people you can communicate with, help and sell your offerings to.

  • Browse the Advertising options on BBWO to see how you can get your banner ads featured or send out an email eBlast to our Community.

  •  Become a BBWO Expert – share weekly advice and at the same time promote yourself as an expert with services our members and readers would be interested in.

  • Add your videos to our video page for additional views and exposure.

  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter – respond to tweets, join our twitter parties and comment back on the Facebook page to reach others and gain exposure.

How She Does IT?
Use the comment box below to expand on any of these recommendations or share one way you have been able to effectively promote your business on BBWO or other social networks.

More on Social Media Marketing
Download my 7-part audio series on how to generate social media money and/or how to build your social circle. Use code '4BBWO' to get $30 off download. (click here)

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Please help me welcome these wonderful ladies to our BBWO Family.


Apron Appetites (left) by Sewingsista is a home based LLC company located in Milwaukee WI. They specialized in hand made fashion festive aprons for both men and women. Apron Appetites represent over three generations of couture sewing. Connect with Apron Appetites.


Cyndi (middle) is a life and relationship solution coach and man whisperer (intimacy creation savant). She specializes in helping women (and men) reawaken playful passion, luxurious, and soulful love in their lives. Cyndi believes that life and love are filled with so many magical moments that get lost in the process of day to day living. Connect with Cyndi here on the network.


Julie (right) is an Author, Reflexologist & Spa Owner. Be sure check out her business ReturnToClarity.com. Her Connect with Julie here on the network.


Welcome to BBWO ladies.


Be sure to check out on the BBWO Network:

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More to come!


Artiatesia Deal
BBWO Content Manager

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New to BBWO: Don't Miss These Gems


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Are you on Facebook? Share Your Page and don't forget to join theBBWO Community.


Have a blog? Share your link.

Check out our BBWO ExpertsFeatured BBWO Members & Spotlight BBWO Bloggers.

We are still looking for new submission for BBWO Daily Clicks lately? - Submit Your Website to be Featured. As well as member for Team BBWO. If you are an expert on a certain topic, here are a few areas of interest we're looking to fill: health, finance, small business events, relationships, being a mom entrepreneur for your BBWO Experts. - Click here to apply!!


Artiatesia Deal
BBWO Content Manager

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