Motivation (132)

  • Want advice from from real entrepreneurs who've been where you are?
  • Need inspiration to get started or keep moving forward in your business?

If so, I think you'll love this! I'm so happy to announce that in February 2013, I'll be launching a magazine, exclusively for women entrepreneurs called flyy, female & fabulous! This publication is dedicated to profiling a variety of women entrepreneurs who encourage and motivate women who aspire to become entrepreneurs and those interested in growing their businesses.

Available in both digital and print formats, our mission is to inspire, motivate and encourage aspiring and current women entrepreneurs. To learn more about flyy, female & fabulous, please visit our website, and check us out on Facebook! :-)


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As many of us know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As someone who has lost loved ones to this disease, I am happy to introduce an entrepreneur that is looking to bring awareness to this disease, year round.  Lindsey Compton is the CEO and founder of Hair's A Cure, which is a breast cancer foundation that seeks to celebrate the love of healthy black hair & body while raising awareness and funds for breast cancer treatments. At 22 years of age, I am impressed to witness her tenacity and passion for such an important cause. After having some life challenges, Lindsey quickly realized that God's plan for her was different than what she planned. While researching statistics of breast cancer for African-American men and women, she came up with, Hair's A Cure. Here is some of the research she found: Of the estimated 34(%) percent of African-American women diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011, nearly 19(%) percent of them passed away – that’s over 6,000 lives taken due to this disease. 77(%) percent of African-American women who are diagnosed with breast cancer survive compared to 90(%) percent of Caucasian, non-Hispanic women.

Lindsey's goal is to educate African-American men and women on the importance of healthy living, bring awareness of Breast Cancer and raise money to help diagnosed patients pay for treatments. She shared with me that, "Hair’s A Cure will help increase the survival rate, and teach women about the importance of our health from the soles of our feet to the ends of our hair strands". I hope you enjoy her story.

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

Right before I started my business I was making plans to fly off to New York and attend graduate school. Unfortunately, things came up that made me depressed for a short period of time. I began to realize earlier this summer (2012) that my plans for my life were not the plans God had for my life.

I was so used to strategically planning the next steps in my path that I had lost my understanding for a moment that God directs us where he needs us in life. For me, that was Hair's A Cure.

As a 22-year-old, I was shocked and disheartened when seeing that African-American women have the highest mortality rate of  breast cancer related deaths compared to any other race (41% higher).  This has a lot to do with lack of funds, lack of early detection, and other preventable actions (please read the article here: )

Although it is taking a lot of work to reach my dream of saving lives, I'm pursuing my path one small step at a time!

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

I wanted to start Hair's A Cure because I was appalled by the statistics of African-American women and men who die each year due to factors related to either not being able to afford breast cancer treatments or late tumor detection.

One day I was just thinking about all of these staggering statistics and the thought of "Hair's A Cure" came to mind. Beyond that, as of eight months ago I have been extremely involved within the community of natural hair and healthier living. This combined with God's dream gave me the inspiration to start this business.

My mission is to "Promote Hair Just as Healthy as Breasts" and I want to do this by offering affordable cancer treatments to African-American women and men who cannot afford them, while educating our race on the importance of healthy eating. What we eat DOES make a difference in our health and helps to prevent diseases.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

My motivation is imagining the day I will be able to drive to the homes of women and men whom I have helped to give funds for affordable cancer treatments. That is my motivation, and that is what helps to keep me going.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

No, no mentor! I believe it's important to have one, but I have yet to find one of my own. For now I set my eyes on Christ and pray for the best.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

Realize that this is not about you or making your money. This industry has turned into money hungry people capitalizing off of individuals who are dying from this disease. It's sick, actually.

If you want to save lives then save lives. There's nothing wrong with creating a special breast cancer t-shirt or planning fundraising events. But when your ultimate motive is to make yourself money, then that's a problem. This is (and should be) a sacrificial move to help others because you have been blessed to be alive, healthy and well.

You have to have a passion for this. If you don't have passion for this field, then find out what your passion is and go from there. You will be 10 times more successful by doing what you were meant to do rather than forcing yourself into a place you don't fit.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

Simple, never stop dreaming, but don't keep dreaming to the point where you don't get up and take action in pursing your dreams. Success does not fall out of the sky. You have to climb the ladder to reach it.

It's a lonely road to the top, believe me. But it's a rewarding one in the end.

7. How can anyone get involved and help your foundation?

We are looking for donations of $10 or more to help with startup costs and to help get treatments for patients in need. Here is the donation link:

I want to thank Lindsey for taking the challenge to share her business with us. She has started a great cause and I hope you will find it in your heart to help her and others in any way. Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month anyway you can.


Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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It is my pleasure to introduce you to Danielle Johns. She is the owner of Snow Daddy's Shaved Ice in Arkansas and is sharing her tremendous story of victory and success. She has gone from working in a hospital, being in an abusive relationship, dealing with illness, to being a proud, successful owner. She shares her testimony and advice for those of us looking for some motivation in our businesses. Enjoy!

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

Before I launched Snow Daddy's Shaved Ice, I worked 12 hour nights as a Unit Secretary at a local hospital for nearly 4 years. During my first year of employment I was badly bruised by the person I lived with. After removing myself from that environment, I realized that I had lost myself in a world that was not my own. I changed my mentality and set my focus on finding myself and my place in life. Things seemed to be getting better but I still worked nights and slept days. I began to feel that I was missing out on spending needed time with my children. In 2009, I was diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic with a blood sugar level of 1102. There aren't a lot of jobs in the Delta so I felt I had to maintain my employment, not just to support my children but to also be able to afford the lifelong treatment for this disease. I began losing weight and became deeply depressed. I began to think my life was coming to an end. I have had difficulty controlling this disease which has caused me major health problems. God has seen me through my darkest days. I regained enough strength to realize I wanted to live again. Not only did I want to live but I wanted to live happily.

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

A friend and I would travel from Arkansas to Mississippi to purchase Shaved Ice. One day while at the stand I decided I was going to open my own Shaved Ice Stand. I started researching companies, products, equipment, supplies, etc. In April of 2011 I purchased a building and had it delivered to my hometown. Just as I was about to complete the construction of my building, I was interrupted by the State Electrical Inspector for not using a licensed electrician. I was also halted by some bad information given to me by the County Health Inspector. I thought my plan was falling apart right before my eyes. I prayed and I prayed hard. I contacted the State Health Department regarding some regulations I had been told I had to follow. I was informed that it did not apply to me and that I could proceed as planned. Now my issue was to complete construction of my building and hire a Licensed Electrician which I had not budgeted for. I was contacted and told that there was a Snow Cone Stand in the neighboring town for sale. I reached out to an old friend and was able to acquire the building and open immediately. Snow Daddy's offers over 50 flavors and our 2nd specialty Taco-2-Go. We express appreciation to our customers by offering a Reward Card for free. When you purchase 9 snow cones you receive the 10th one free. My Shaved Ice stand is currently a seasonal business. In April, Snow Daddy's hosts  a Snowball Fest to launch snow cone season where we provide free food, fun, games and prizes and horse rides. Snow Daddy's also supports the Lil Jacob Learning Center's Back2School Drive as well as Global Youth Service Day. We are currently mapping out a 2nd location. Lol, who knows, one day there may be a Snow Daddy's near you.

My absolute passion is anything dealing with crafting, designing and creating. My mission is to one day own a custom furniture design showroom.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

My 16 year old daughter and 4 year old son are my greatest inspiration.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

No, I do not have a mentor; however I would love to have one. I have a support group that I turn to when I'm in need of advice or direction. I am a very spiritual person. I believe in God! I believe in the Word. I've learned to ultimately turn to the Lord for all my needs.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started? 

The Shaved Ice business can be a rewarding venture. I personally spent nearly a year researching because I didn't have a lot of money, but I was going all in and needed to make the least mistakes as possible. A high traffic location is key as well as a good product. There are many options for distributors however, I would recommend a company that's been in business a while and knows the industry.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

One of my favorite books is called Dreams Really Do Come True by Dennis Burke. Dreams are the God-given desires of your heart in seed from. Believe in your dream, embrace your dream, run toward your dream, refuse to let go of your dream, and ultimately you will live your dream. Make It Happen!!

Snow Daddy's Shaved Ice is located in Eudora, AR. You can visit their site and learn more at

I just want to thank Danielle for being bold enough to share her story. I hope it has been motivational to someone to go and pursue their dreams!


Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.

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We Want You!

GPS is looking for 5 more People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

So, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? We want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourselfBecause let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself? We want to hear your story.

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on and who have almost 300 visitors daily. So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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According to, one definition of “victorious” is:

  • having won a victory
  • of, relating to, or characteristic of victory

This led me to look up the definition of “victory,” which is achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.

Here are a few characteristics I believe all victorious women possess:

  1. She knows how to let go of the past and other things that may hold her back so she can step into a brighter future. A victorious woman knows it does no good to hold on to grudges or allow what happened in the past to hold her hostage. She understands that to move into the successful life she deserves and desires, she must forgive and let go.
  2. She finds a way to make her dreams come true. A victorious woman realizes that she has her dreams for a reason and that God didn’t give her her desires without a way to make them happen. She knows that the road may be long and have bumps and curves, but she also knows that she can and will find a way to bring her dreams and desires to fruition.
  3. A victorious woman isn’t defined by other people’s opinions of her. She knows that people will have their thoughts about her and what she does, but she knows that, at the end of the day, the only opinion that truly matters is her own and God’s. She understands that what is really important is walking in her calling and doing what she’s been purposed to do.
  4. She lets go of the idea of being perfect or “Superwoman.” A victorious woman realizes there’s no such thing as being perfect (i.e., flawless); she knows that she can and should be the best she can be. And she continuously strives for excellence and works on being the best version of herself.
  5. She stays away from negative situations and people. Although she may have to deal with them at times, a victorious woman does not constantly stay in situations that are negative and energy-draining, nor does she hang around individuals who continuously complain, gossip or who never have anything positive to say or contribute. She knows that she must surround herself with positivity.
  6. A victorious woman never lets defeat have the last word. She knows that her journey in life won’t always be easy or lined with gold. She knows that she will fall down, fail and have disappointments. But, a victorious woman always picks herself up, dusts herself off and keeps it moving until she reaches her destination!

Are there any other characteristics you would add? Please share below! 


Dreamer. Lover of life. Goal getter. These are just a few words to describe Jamie Fleming-Dixon, inspirational writer, blogger, editor and F.A.B. Life Strategist. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of For Colored Gurls, a personal development blog with the mission of inspiring and empowering women to live their most Fabulous lives. Additionally, she is owner of Mocha Writer, a boutique copy editing and proofreading service.

Jamie is also the author of How to Change Your Mindset + Live Your Most Fabulous Life, a motivational book, providing practical tips for creating a more positive mindset and living the life of one's dream. She has been featured in several websites, blogs, magazines and Blog Talk Radio Shows, including, AfroElle Magazine and Prominence Magazine and was recently named one of the 2012 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs on BBWO (Black Business Women Online). Visit her online at


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What Are You Scared Of?

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

So, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? We want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourselfBecause let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself? We want to hear your story.

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Be Featured

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

So, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? We want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourselfBecause let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will?Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself? We want to hear your story.

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Cheryl Garrison


In honor of Mother’s Day on May 13, 2012, I would like to dedicate this post to my mother, Cheryl Garrison. In my interviews to business owners for, one of the questions I ask is, “Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why?” Commonly, the answer is the entrepreneur’s mother OR they will definitely mention their mother as an inspiration and/or help in their business; someone they can call on for advice.

Fortunately for myself, my mother is actually a business woman herself.  Therefore, I am able to confide in my mom on a personal and professional level. She is truly my inspiration, mentor and accountability partner to keep me on my toes. It is very rare that I make a business decision without consulting my mom.  I mean, why wouldn’t I? She has been in business for HERSELF for over 25 years JUST to take care of my siblings and me when we started school. I truly admire her for that. Even now, she continues to build successful businesses; mentoring women and helping people live a healthier life. I hope to make my child as proud of me as I am of my mom. She has made so many sacrifices in her life for her kids and sometimes we just need to recognize our mothers for that. That’s why I love Mother’s Day. It’s a chance to really thank your mother for all that she has done (whether living or in heaven). So, as we approach this day, I want to encourage you to continue to ask your mom for her advice and take it. Most times, it’s the best advice you will get!

"A  mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon   us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice   with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still   will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to   dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our   hearts."

~ Washington   Irving

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Introducing our PWP feature of the week, Courtney Crosslin. Courtney is the creative owner of, haveAwonderful. After a tough divorce, Courtney explains how she had a mini breakdown and moved across country to start a new life. She began dating and sharing stories with her colleagues who began asking her tips on how to enjoy being single and begin dating again. Eventually, her advice turned into her business. She is now a successful work from home mom and coach offering outings, mock dates, image consulting, and date planning for divorced men and women looking to get back on the dating scene. It was a pleasure hearing Courtney’s story and inspiration to take her pain and make it her gain.

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

Before starting my own business and getting married, I worked in IT sales. After getting married, I was a stay at home wife and mother.

I've since divorced, traveled, learned to love life, and I'm happily dating.

2. What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit. I remember other kids playing house (changing dolls, grocery shopping with the little plastic carts, cooking, etc.), I never really did that. I would always figure out a way to play corporate woman. I'd shuffle papers, hold meetings and hand out money. I'm not sure where it came from, but my Mother says that I've always been bossy -- but I know I got it from her, my Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

I run several businesses, but my mission has always been to make a difference. Be it teaching a small business owner how to update their website or a divorcee how to enjoy dating again. I just want people to learn how to haveAwonderful...

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

Life inspires me! I love to travel and meet new people. My love of travel definitely came from my parents. We (they) were master road-trippers. My Father (who passed away from cancer 13 years ago) was a master storyteller -- and I loved that about him -- and to this day, I'm a sucker for a great life story.

I've always been and have felt blessed. I've had a good life. I have an amazing family, a great circle of friends and I've never been seriously ill. This is something that I'm grateful for. As I've gotten older, I have realized that not everyone can say that. Therefore, I feel like I have a responsibility to do good and work hard. That notion alone, keeps me motivated.

I'm also madly stubborn. My Mom says that as a kid, I would physically shiver when she would say "No" and that I would always follow her "Maybe" responses to my questions with, "Maybe yes or maybe no?"

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it is important to have one?

I can't say that I have one mentor, but I do have people in my circle of friends whom I trust and go to for professional advice. I have an accountability partner and friend that I meet with once a week and I value that relationship like the air I breathe. Since we're both entrepreneurs and work from home, it's good for us to have someone to check in with to discuss our goals, wins, losses and challenges. We keep each other on track.

So, I would say an accountability partner is very important! I guess a mentor is too as long as they have the time to help you get where you want to be in a manner you want to get there -- hopefully ethically.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

Research, find a niche and just do it!

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

If you're already out there pursuing your entrepreneurial dream, keep at it.

If you're just getting started (or are afraid to start), understand that you will have good days and will have a lot of bad days. You HAVE TO be fearless and tenacious. Oh, and watch the movie "Random Lunacy”.  It's a great movie about what can be accomplished with very little and the worst thing that can happen is that you hit bottom -- but you're still alive to fight another day.

Courtney’s story is a true testament of how to make the best out of a difficult situation. If you are looking to revive your self-esteem and confidence because of a failed relationship, I would encourage all of you to contact Courtney. You can visit her website at Follow her on twitter @haveAwonderful and contact her office at 914-816-1129. And in the words of Courtney,



Be someone’s motivation and tell us your story! To be featured on email Put PEOPLEWHOPROSPER in the subject line and share a little about yourself.


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We Want You!

GPS is still looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services! Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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What Are You Scared Of?

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

So, WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF? We want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself? We want to hear your story.

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services!

Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Happy International Women's Day!

On March 8 of every year the world comes together to celebrate women's economic, political and social achievements. March is also Women's History Month. As you go through the day, take time to remember all the women that came before you and made it possible for us to own businesses. Think of the women that made it possible for us to go to work. Many strides have been made for women and it wasn't that long ago. A lot still has to be done but we are definitely on a roll. So, today remember those women and keep striving towards making your mark on the world. How are you going to do that? What are you doing today in your business to make your mark?

Women are leaders everywhere you look--from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes. ~Nancy Pelosi



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Getting over procrastination

A little something that I wanted to share on getting over procrastination.

It’s hard to change everything at once; just the thought of it turns most people off. But we can all take baby steps… Make a chart using the categories below. TASK – CATEGORY It’s hard to change everything at once; just the thought of it turns most people off. But we can all take baby steps…

Make a chart using the categories below.


Write down the tasks you want to finish and when you plan to finish them. When the job is done, record the actual date and time. In the Gap slot, write down the difference between hope and reality.

This will show you, precisely, how long you put off certain jobs or tasks. Your only job then is to shrink the gap. You don’t have to change everything at once. Just take baby steps.

Work to shave minutes, hours, or days from your time.

Example: You are a business and have to file quarterly taxes. You know the due dates, so you write in the hope-to-finish-by-dates as one week before. You actually finish each return three, six, two, and four days before. Your gap is 13 days. Next year, don’t try to zero the gap. Just get below 13.

Soon enough you’ll recognize progress others miss. And that progress will keep you going where others quit.Make It Simple Sometimes you need a knock to the head. No talk, no explanation, just a knock.

Here’s yours: 1. Realize you’re procrastinating. 2. Uncover your reasons for doing it. 3. Counter those reasons-why are they wrong? 4. Get to work.

So…get to work.

By Motivation 123

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Introducing our PWP feature of this week: Tina Hines. Tina is an inspiring life coach and president of For My Sister Friends™. For My Sister Friends™ inspires women to seek an understanding of the deeper meaning of their life as they journey towards inner peace, wholeness and balance. Tina has gone from blog writer, book club facilitator, to lifestyle coach in the last few years and has inspired many women with her one-on-one and group sessions. Tina’s passion for the well-being of women exudes in all that she does. One of Tina’s favorite quotes is “When you feel good on the inside it exudes on the outside (no make-up required)”.  I hope you are as inspired by her story as I was. Enjoy!

1. Tell me your story. What were you doing before you started your own business?

Actually, I am a busy woman because in addition to being a lifestyle coach, I manage the executive office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation’s largest philanthropy devoted solely to the public health. My professional career began at the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies where I spent 18 years in various high level administrative roles.  After departing J&J, I was the executive/personal assistant to the chairman and publisher of Black Enterprise Magazine. These positions provided me with an opportunity to enhance my knowledge in various areas, interact with individuals from across the world and provided me with the stepping stone to take a leap of faith and make an investment in my passion.

2.  What made you want to start a business and what is your mission?

Although I no longer worked for Johnson & Johnson, I often would reconnect with prior supervisors. It was during a lunch when my first boss from 1986 told me that he could see me running a business that groomed administrative assistants. I tossed around the idea and although I loved my role as an administrative professional, somehow I knew my calling was a little different, something bigger.

In 2008, I launched a blog about my experiences with products, businesses, and activities I sampled and used the creative space to provide words of encouragement for women. A year later, I formed a book club where more times than not, the topic of discussion transitioned from the book of the month to the challenges women face as they wear many hats in their professional and personal lives.

Fast forward to 2011; the same group of women (with a few additions) came together for a meeting in my home to discuss finding their passion. As each person shared their desire to find or enhance their passion or make changes in their life, I shared with the group my desire to identify my purpose in life. It was a friend who declared that I should become a motivational speaker or coach of some sort because I was always inspiring them. When I allowed the ladies to take a peek at my journal that is exactly what I had written. It was at that moment that For My Sister FriendsTM emerged. This is my bigger calling.

My mission is to assist women (through one-on-one and group sessions) in reconnecting with their inner self and making a transformation. Women do so much for others and often reach a place there they have become drained and don’t have anything left for themselves. They are forgetting to take a little ‘me time’ and rejuvenate.

Between M.A.C., Mary Kay and Clinique, women are able to mask a lot on the outside, but inside is something different. There is no make-up to cover-up the emotions they are feeling on the inside. That is why I encourage women to work towards reconnecting with their happy self. One of my favorite quotes, “When you feel good on the inside it exudes on the outside (no make-up required).”  I created the quote after a colleague told me I was glowing and then declared it must be attributed to the man in my life. They were quickly corrected by using the quote and I consistently share it with women during my workshops.

3. What inspires you? What keeps you motivated daily to keep growing your business?

I am inspired when I see sister friends uplifting one another. We all are on a journey and though we may have traveled different roads, there is a chance we share some of the same bruises.

I have a childhood friend who often tells me that my heart is in the right place but I cannot fix everyone; and I know she is correct. However, when I entered this business it was never my mission to fix anyone. My mission was to provide them with a listening ear, a little food for thought and have them fix themselves. When I receive an email, text or phone call from a client and they share what they have implemented to make a transformation in their life; that is what motivates me to continue growing my business.

4. Do you have a mentor? Who is it and why? Do you believe it's important to have one?

I have several mentors from a variety of professions. Each of them provides me with food for thought that challenges me in a various ways. For instance, there was a very brief moment when I challenged myself about my passion of helping other women get to their happy, healthy place. The challenge was that there were so many coaches what did I have to offer? In addition, I didn’t want to coach women to do something for themselves; they needed to be inspired to make a transformation for themselves. My mentor sternly said, “Yes, there are a lot of coaches but there is only one Tina C. Hines inspiring women with her words of wisdom.”

Having a mentor is important and valuable resource. As your ideas may be scribbled notes on a pad, a mentor can assist you in putting them in perspective. They have the wisdom, knowledge, and experience to guide you towards the greatest that is within. Regardless of where I have been in my career, there has always been a mentor on speed dial.

5. What would you tell someone who wants to get involved in your line of business but doesn't know how to get started?

This is a tough question. For me, being a lifestyle coach was derived from my career of choice, past experiences and the people I surrounded myself with throughout my life. It was a passion that lay dormant; slowly this passion began to reveal itself in many facets of my life and is now my purpose.

However, I would encourage them to connect with other coaches to obtain a clear understanding of the roles of various coaches and then identify their niche. Participate in coaching sessions as a client to see first-hand the techniques that are used to achieve the results the client is seeking. Finally, read, read, read; and when you are done reading, read some more.  Knowledge is power and having book knowledge coupled with your University of Life knowledge is important.

6. What advice would you give to someone with an entrepreneurial spirit?

If someone has an entrepreneurial spirit, they should be encouraged to do everything in their power to feed that spirit. Feed it with the wisdom of those who have taken this journey; feed it with the knowledge of a good mentor; and feed it with dedication. Most importantly, they should remember this is their journey not their friends or family members. It is their time so take it, hold on tight and get ready for an interesting ride.

I want to thank Tina for stepping up to the challenge and taking time to "brag" about herself.  You can visit Tina’s website at and contact her on Facebook at


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Here's to a Productive Summer!

For some of you, summer time may not mean anything different for you than warmer weather. But for me and my fellow educators who are also entrepreneurs, the summer time is my most productive time. For at least 3 months I get A LOT of work done for my business. I am able to sit down, focus and revamp things if necessary, take on more projects, hire more people, and prepare for the last quarter of the year. I LOVE the summer time for this reason. Having the ability to focus daily on my business during the summer is just one of the benefits to being an educator. Education is definitely a passion and I cannot let go of it. But the ability to have the summer time to focus on my business is a true bonus. As I approach the end of the school year (today :)), I want to share this article I came across by Mocha Writer that I thought was a great reminder for work-from-home entrepreneurs. Read and enjoy and have a great summer!

5 Tips for Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs


Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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I know, I know. I'm sure you're thinking, for real Tamara? You're quoting Tamar??? (For those of you who are unfamiliar, she is one of the Braxton sisters on the reality TV show, Braxton Family Values. The show stars Grammy Award Winner Toni Braxton and her 4 sisters and their life.) I know Tamar can be a bit dramatic but you must admit it's interesting that she actually adds ".com" at the end of a subject or when she is appalled with something. Or as she says, when something is "infinity" or more.

So, today I'm not appalled by anything I'm actually proud, "infinity" and more! I'm proud of the people who are making strides every day and accomplishing goals for their life. I'm proud of people who are taking control of their life and "firing their boss". And I just wanted to say, You'! I have the pleasure of working with 5 intelligent women who all have business launches coming up within the next month and I love to see their passion. They are working hard to get everything in order and ready for their debut to the world as an entrepreneur and I know they are not the only ones. So congratulations to whomever you are. Whether you are just starting or been on the grind for a long time. Keep up the hard work and remember, You'!

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