Prosperity of the spirit comes about only with focused action and intention. It is not like cashing a check and seeing the goods you purchased.Every action is not a transaction there is not a tangible exchange or payoff for every thing we do in life.We operate in a system of values that is supposed to come from our family through the people that care for us and raise us.We learn to be honest individuals functioning as productive people responsible for representing our family as good citizens and respectable representations of our parents.Struggle and trauma can make us feel empty and disconnected from our very own family, like an outcast that one understands.Continue ReadingAfrican American Family Connection magazine promotes family values through original content and articles relating to the traditions, history, culture and social-environmental issues that challenge the quality of life for the black family. Omitunde, Creative Director http://www.africanamericanfamilyconnection.comRead more…
This seminar is only for people who believe in prosperity!
Great! Since this includes you, read on.Recognize prosperity and correct your views about money.Gain the tools you will need to discover what is blocking your prosperity and change your views about money and wealth.Examine the milestones we experience in life that influence our attitude and values around money.Believe that you deserve the best and can receive it.We all want to pursue happiness by living a comfortable life and having all the things we want.Do you find that prosperity and wealth stays just beyond your reach?How do you get in your own way?* We can see prosperity when someone else has it.* Is there a difference in having money or wealth?* What does prosperity mean to you?* What are your symbols of prosperity.Send in your Prosperity Questions in advance to network@aafamilyconnection.comFacillator: Omitunde, mentor and creator of African American Family Connection “Kitchen Table Wisdom for A Stronger African American Family”®AAFC empowers families locally, nationally and globally to establish and reclaim a presence as a viable positive force for change. http://www.africanamericanfamilyconnection.comThe Teleseminar will be April 23rd, 2009Start time 7:00 p.m. EST (East Coast Time)AAFC Conference Line:218.486.1616 (Access Code Sent after Confirmation)So put the kids to bed early, get yourself settled and join us.
The latest music of one of my favorite artist and someone knew from my hometown is so awesome I want everyone to be blessed with this music as I have been for most of my life. James Ingram and I grew up in the same neighborhood, in Akron, Ohio and his music is so familiar to me.James has an extensive collection of music from Revelation Funk of the 1970’s to singing back up with Ray Charles and everyone remembers PYT “Pretty Young Thang” and “Secret Garden” just to mention a few of his talents.I have listened to his parents sing in church, his brother play the organ in church and stood next to his sister in our high school choir. Yes the entire family is talented and deeply Spiritual. This latest work brings back memories of that sleepy little industrial town where everyone worked at the rubber factory and went to church.His latest work reminds me of high school football games, summer picnics at Turkeyfoot Lake and going to church. “Stand in the Light” is reminiscent of Sunday school followed by morning service and a dinner after church already prepared waiting to be reheated.The testimony of a neighbor or someone “shouting” and being filled with the Spirit that morning in church inspired you to make a new commitment to yourself to be better because it could always be worse and that you could be in someone else’s shoes.In Don’t Let Go he sings of what his father taught him about lessons learned and enduring life on life’s terms. His family was a strong presence in the church as I remember them.Continue ReadingOmitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values, traditions, and culture.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect" E-Course
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"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine." My granddaughter sang this song to me to remind me to be present and available for my family to be thankful for my health and ability to maintain good health.It is awesome that I can play games with her and prepare my own meals, bathe myself, dress myself and maintain my own daily survival. There are many of my peers in my age group that cannot take care of themselves.Remember when grandma could watch the children and cook a big holiday meal, or granddad would repair our car and give us money when we needed it. When their health began declining and they needed us, we were not available.Omitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".
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Purchasing a home is an intimidating process without the news reports about the current mortgage crisis, repeating terms like sub-prime lending and balloon payments. Families are losing their homes at an alarming rate and it has been reported that African Americans have been the target of mortgage lenders processing high cost loans by qualifying those with poor credit scores for high interests rates and hidden costs like balloon payments. Sub prime is a type of loan that is offered at a rate above prime to individuals who do not qualify for prime rate loans.Dedrick Muhammad co-author of a report from United for a Fair Economy called “Foreclosed: The State of the Dream 2008, cites the sub-prime mortgage crisis as the source leading to the greatest loss of wealth in modern US history for people of color who stand to lose over $200 billion dollars. Dedrick Muhammad is senior organizer and research associate at the Institute for Policy Studies.It all seems overwhelming to our desire to own a home and have our own piece of land to cultivate overshadowed by the anxiety we all feel for those families that are victims of foreclosure due to predatory lending practices. We dread the thought of losing a home before we even purchase one. If you have ever lost a home is it a paralyzing experience. The feeling of shame, blame, and guilt to feel your home slipping away can be devastating.Read moreOmitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".Read more…
I grew up during a time when African Americans loved each other and lived in neighborhoods and communities that were interconnected like the web of love. A web of love and support that looked like women cooking for other families when there was illness or taking food to a repast for a family grieving the loss of a loved one. Yes, I was one of those children thatwas corrected by a neighbor and again when they informed my parents of what I was guilty of.Today we are not that close knit community. If you say something to a young person today, you could get cussed out or worse, physically attacked.Reuniting the African American family is very important to me and I hope is it important to everyone who cares about the future of African American children. Have you ever looked around at the people that would come to your aid in a crisis? If you are the head of your household, who would come to assist your loved ones if something happened to you? It is urgent that we reconnect and become strong again.Read moreRead more…
Sorry that i havent log into this site in awhile but i really miss conversating with other African American Black woman that are doing there thing just as i am.Just wanted to say hi to all my friends and hoping to make new one'sIf you havent yet checked out my shop Just go to I know you will find something special for you and your!
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According to Target Market News, in 2005 Blacks/ African Americans spent $719 billion dollars on goods and services. It is projected that the buying power of Blacks/ African Americans will be $1 trillion dollars by the calendar year 2010. When I recently Googled 'black buying power' I was surprised by the number of professional articles I found that talked about how to market to Black/ African American people. Of the few articles I perused, not one of them talked about their corporate/ organizational responsibility to the communities they want to fleece. Not one of them mentioned the needs that exist in many of our communities. I was only five or six articles in when I got a clear image of a world (with few exceptions) that wants to take everything they can from us and give NOTHING back in return.An adage that I was taught many moons ago simply states: He who has the gold rules. It seems to me that since we as a race have the gold we should be ruling. I am so very happy to see the numbers of our people who are beginning to network with and patronize one another in greater numbers than ever before. I'm so happy that our value and worth are now being recognized and our historical accomplishments are no longer being hidden from our youth. But I am very curious and concerned about one thing. What is going to happen when our hard earned dollars are circulating in our own communities several times? What will happen as more and more sisters revert back to natural hair styles and patronizing black only nail techs in order to break the back of the Asian Connection that is not only taking over the hair care industry but is making inferior copies of black produced products while systematically nudging us out of the market? What is going to happen when there are lines outside of black owned grocery stores, liquor stores and gas stations while those that are owned and managed by other ethnicities become virtually empty? What is going to happen when our children are able to find summer jobs and internships within our own communities? What will happen as a result of us using our wealth for our own sustenance, empowerment, and glory?Personally, I don't think the rest of the world will stand idly by and let that happen. I suspect that at the very least we will all have a bunch of new found friends whose main concern will be to win our business away from our own family (I love that term as opposed to the n-word and it is soooooo fitting - my brothers and sisters). As that time approaches and as we deliberate regarding how to handle the opposition that is sure to come, let us remember that people of many nationalities would not hire one of us for any reason; and many of those who did required us to work for minimum wage money under the table, doing work that is beneath them so we would not be entitled to any working benefits or unemployment. Let us remember that many of them treated us like second or third class citizens while we were patronizing their establishments. Many of them intentionally cheat us and our children then get an attitude when we bring their -ah hem- error to their attention. I'm so glad that growing numbers of us are finally working in concert toward leveling the playing field. But remember, just because we deserve to benefit from the power of our own buying power doesn't mean they will sit by idly and let us.BTW: They in this blog specifically refers to people who are either not ethnically recognized as being Black or African American or supporters of the equal rights and entitlements of Blacks/African Americans.
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