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Calling Africa


If you're a business person in Nigeria or Ghana, please contact me. I'm looking for a secure drop off and also seeking information about pop up shops, I know that landlords in Africa prefer to let long term but times they are a changing.

Anyway if you're in either of these locations or you have any helpful information please get in touch and we can speak more via email or whatsapp.



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Create Your Own Website

If you are looking to DIY, please give Shoppe Pro a chance.

Thank you,Carmen of Tomoka's Twists Natural Hair Accessorieshttp://tomokastwists.comI have been all over the place with websites. I have paid for website design and management which was an awful experience since I could not update the site myself. Then I tried which provided me with the power I wanted, but not the style. I am currently with Shoppe Pro. This company truly understands the needs of a small time business with a big heart. It is easy as 1-2-3 with so many options and perks.Please stop by my site and see if you agree that Shoppe Pro offers a beautiful, easy, affordable shop.Thank you,Carmen of Tomoka's Twists Natural Hair Accessories
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5LINX Business Opportunity

The 5LINX mission is to provide a unique marketing opportunity that allows individuals to attain the quality of life they have always strived for. Qualities like: more time for family, no limits on your ability to earn, and the freedom to create success on your own schedule.

5LINX is a premier network marketing company offering consumers a wide range of products and services. Our company is at the forefront of the latest technologies in the telecommunications and wireless industries. In addition to our fantastic products 5LINX offers our Independent Representatives continual training by some of the most recognized experts in the industry!

5LINX was built upon five fundamental principles:

Ø Vision - A vision of the opportunity in communications

Ø Integrity - All of our associates can hold their heads high with the knowledge that they are providing the best products and services available

Ø Opportunity - The opportunity to grow without limits

Ø Freedom - The freedom to make your own success on your own schedule

Ø Success - As defined by YOU (more quality time with your family, unlimited financial opportunity, helping others achieve success, etc.)

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Andrea's Insider

According to Target Market News, in 2005 Blacks/ African Americans spent $719 billion dollars on goods and services. It is projected that the buying power of Blacks/ African Americans will be $1 trillion dollars by the calendar year 2010. When I recently Googled 'black buying power' I was surprised by the number of professional articles I found that talked about how to market to Black/ African American people. Of the few articles I perused, not one of them talked about their corporate/ organizational responsibility to the communities they want to fleece. Not one of them mentioned the needs that exist in many of our communities. I was only five or six articles in when I got a clear image of a world (with few exceptions) that wants to take everything they can from us and give NOTHING back in return.An adage that I was taught many moons ago simply states: He who has the gold rules. It seems to me that since we as a race have the gold we should be ruling. I am so very happy to see the numbers of our people who are beginning to network with and patronize one another in greater numbers than ever before. I'm so happy that our value and worth are now being recognized and our historical accomplishments are no longer being hidden from our youth. But I am very curious and concerned about one thing. What is going to happen when our hard earned dollars are circulating in our own communities several times? What will happen as more and more sisters revert back to natural hair styles and patronizing black only nail techs in order to break the back of the Asian Connection that is not only taking over the hair care industry but is making inferior copies of black produced products while systematically nudging us out of the market? What is going to happen when there are lines outside of black owned grocery stores, liquor stores and gas stations while those that are owned and managed by other ethnicities become virtually empty? What is going to happen when our children are able to find summer jobs and internships within our own communities? What will happen as a result of us using our wealth for our own sustenance, empowerment, and glory?Personally, I don't think the rest of the world will stand idly by and let that happen. I suspect that at the very least we will all have a bunch of new found friends whose main concern will be to win our business away from our own family (I love that term as opposed to the n-word and it is soooooo fitting - my brothers and sisters). As that time approaches and as we deliberate regarding how to handle the opposition that is sure to come, let us remember that people of many nationalities would not hire one of us for any reason; and many of those who did required us to work for minimum wage money under the table, doing work that is beneath them so we would not be entitled to any working benefits or unemployment. Let us remember that many of them treated us like second or third class citizens while we were patronizing their establishments. Many of them intentionally cheat us and our children then get an attitude when we bring their -ah hem- error to their attention. I'm so glad that growing numbers of us are finally working in concert toward leveling the playing field. But remember, just because we deserve to benefit from the power of our own buying power doesn't mean they will sit by idly and let us.BTW: They in this blog specifically refers to people who are either not ethnically recognized as being Black or African American or supporters of the equal rights and entitlements of Blacks/African Americans.
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