PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 09, 2010 – In Celebration ofNational Dance Week – NYC, Kiner Enterprises Inc. announces a newwebsite, http://kinerdancestudiosuccess.com,the 1st Online Social Media Success Training and Resource Center forDance Studios. Kiner Dance Studio Success is a website specificallycreated to give dance studio owners all of the tools, techniques, andresources necessary to run their own, successful, social media campaign.
KinerDanceStudioSuccess.com is a membership site for dance studio owners, dance teachers, and dancers,and offers access to content of all types including teleseminars,videos, mp3’s, e-books, and much more! Additionally, members will haveaccess to private social media coaching from CEO/President of KinerEnterprises Inc., Ashani Mfuko.
Kiner Dance Studio Success will teach dance studio owners the in’s and out’s of social media marketing which include; how to use Twitter,Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Foursquare, as well as, how to promoteyour dance studio, increase your student enrollment, and find greatteachers, using social media! Whether you’re a novice, or have thousandsof fans and followers, this site will give you a quick and easy way toplan your social media strategy so thatyou can increase your revenue, your student enrollment, and enhance yourdance studio’s online presence.
If you’ve ever wondered how to specifically use social media marketing to grow your dance studio, then this is definitely the sitefor you! The site is powered by C. Thomas coaching. “C. Thomas Gambrellis nationally acclaimed as a business success coach, author, andlearning management system consultant. With his customized system andmanagement, this online training center will give dance studio owners anenhanced knowledge of the best social media practices for their dancestudio, and give them all of the tools and resources necessary toestablish and maintain a successful social media campaign of their own”,said CEO/President of Kiner Enterprises Inc., Ashani Mfuko.
Last month, Kiner Enterprises Inc. announced the 1st ever 90-Day Social Media Success Challenge for Dance Studios, during which, the CEO/President of Kiner Enterprises Inc., Ashani Mfuko,answers 90 of your mostpressing questions on how to use social media effectively to growyour dance studio, and offers 90 social media success tips,on the Kiner Enterprises Inc. blog, http://kinerenterprisesincblog.com.
When asked how she felt about being the 1st company to launch a site such as this for social media for dance studios, Mrs.Mfuko stated, “I’m really excited to be the 1st company tooffer an online social media resource center for dance studio owners. Iknow that many of them are struggling with how to use social media inthe best way possible to grow their studio, and I’m so glad to share allof my knowledge and experience in social media with dance studio ownersall over the world. I recognize that there is a definite need for acomprehensive social media learning center like this one thatspecifically caters to the needs of dance studio owners. No one else hasdone it, so I knew that it was an opportunity to really make a valuableand positive impact on the dance world once again”.
In celebration of National Dance Week – NYC ( http://ndw-nyc.org June 5th – 14th), Kiner Enterprises Inc. is offering a special,limited-time, free promotion to become a member of their social mediaresource center for dance studios.
Go to http://kinerdancestudiosuccess.com to become a member and gain access to all of these great resources forsocial media success for your dance studio.