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Time Is Money – Ways To Spend Both Wisely

Finding the right balance between time and money is one of life’s never ending sagas. We all have heard it before. People get up in the morning in a dead heat, take a shower, make breakfast, eat, drive one hour to work, come home late, feed the kids, pet the dog, do a load of laundry, say hello to the spouse, work the home business for a couple of hours and poof! 24 hours is gone and the bills still haven’t been paid. Perhaps a second job is in order but, there is no time.The struggle for time and money is a delicate life technique few people can achieve without diligent thought and planning. Without reflection of desires and goals, many of us spend time as though it has no worth or, spend money as though it comes to the bank without great effort. Both time and money are needed finite resources. When used properly and thoughtfully, time and money can bring great joy and satisfaction. Follow some of the tips below to help pave the wave for a money/time balance that promotes life happiness.But How Do I Balance Time and Money?1) What are your immediate, midrange and long-term goals. By identifying what you want to accomplish, you can better plan the time and money necessary to achieve your goals.2) Determine who is going to be involved in your life plan. If you have a husband, wife and children, sit down and discuss what the goals are as a family and as individuals. Consistent communication and negotiations of goals will allow everyone’s needs to be met. The same philosophy holds true for any worthwhile relationship. If Joe knows that Suzie wants to earn money for the family by working on her business two hours a day four nights a week, Joe can agree to take up the family chores for that allotted time. On the weekends, Joe may want to improve his golf game on Saturday mornings so, Suzie makes sure little Jimmy gets to his ball games on time so Joe can meet his leisure goals. By communicating desires and goals to the family, everyone can have the balance of time and money they need.3) Decide what is important. As we mature, life events make us examine our needs more acutely because time is not on our side. We may have money, but time with our friends and family start tipping the scale.4) If you are starting a new business and want to be one of the top 20% income earners world wide, capitalize your business with time because working more at your nine to five job will not make you wealthy. Slash the household budget but do not put more time into salaried employment.5) Does your family need more time? If you have more money then time, find other people to do the things you are not skilled in doing for your business. For example, maintaining a wordpress blog can take enormous amounts of time. Spend the extra $50 a month to have a technical specialist make adjustments because in the end, it may take you 10 hours to do what an expert can do in one hour. Ten hours is a lot of time that can be spent with your family and your time is definitely worth more than $50 an hour.6) Be respectful of your time, it is a non-renewable resource. Once used, time is gone forever.7) Make an investment of time in yourself. Your willingness and desire to work extra hours to master a field by investing time, to gain the experience of failure in a world of uncertainty, will pay off. Those who are unwilling to master their field will always remain in mediocrity for the rest of their lives.8) The compounding process is what produces great success. Consistent action is key. However, the front-end costs, especially psychological costs, keep most people away from their life goals. People unwillingly serve as salary earners rather than creators.9) Respect your family and friends throughout your journey. Without their support, time and money have little meaning.Time is money but, when spent wisely, a life of balance and joy will follow.Authors Note: For a free 30 minute consultation on how to start your business for success, contact me at Together we can win in this business.
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"Hire a life empowerment coach…who me?"

Tiger Woods, Oprah, and Donald Trump…even me...(I have two!- tell you why when we meet!)All have life empowerment coaches …WHY NOT YOU?!!!_____________________________________________________________________As seen in the lives of the aforementioned celebrity, everyone needs some form of support, navigation, personal growth and enhancement within their lives.As a Certified SR™ Coach and Life Empowerment Coach, I have specialized in leveraging the lives of Success Driven Women ,18 years and over, from all walks of life who know for a fact that they have the “IT” Factor, but are in need of identifying and navigating their direction to this Phenomenal Factor, Gift, Talent, Blessing...!In February 2009, The North Star Life Empowerment Program, Platinum-Level Coaching for Success Driven Women, was launched. From February to June, well over 200 women have embraced the Free membership opportunity and well over 85 women have decided to incorporate a life empowerment coach into their lives to meet their personal, business, and professional goals.... for as little as $12.97 per month.As you prepare your children to return to school to become successful students and meet their goals, you also deserve the same preparation to be the BEST YOU you can be!Recently, I have added additional coaching slots to my schedule to accommodate new individual and group empowerment sessions and thus, am inviting a select group of Success Driven Women (18 years and over) to become a coaching client of mine as well as a Platinum Member of The North Star Life Empowerment Program.This invitation includes Platinum Level coaching services which includes:-Access to the client private access portal-1-One-hour Monthly Empowerment & Accountability Coaching Session-1-One-hour Monthly Empowerment Circle Learning and Empowerment Coaching Session-Invitation to participate in a Subconscious Restructuring Coaching Group (a $1200value) for as low as $24.97.I am truly excited about offering this invitation, worth over $2000, at a purse-friendly budget-lover investment of $12.97 per Month.Based on past demand, this is only available to the first serious 10 Success Driven Women are seeking to Begin To Become or simply seeking to Become.Interested Success Driven Divas should contact me via email, voicemail, or my client self-scheduler before Wednesday, August 21st.I look forward to speaking to you.Love Your Life. Achieve Your Goals. Live Your Dreams…on THIS DAY!Success IN SUCCESS!Ivana, The Confidence ArchitectYour Life Empowerment CoachThe North Star Life Empowerment Program,Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven Divas
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Product Debut

In addition to my Bath Salts and Bath Teas which are $10 and $12 each, respectively; I have debuted Massage Oils/After Bath Oils for JUST $9!Don't Forget that I am PayPal Verified! Pamper Yourself TODAY!!!
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Help! I Want to Purchase a Foreclosure

HELP! I am looking to purchase a distressed property!Distressed properties are homes that have either gone through foreclosure or are being marketed as "short sales." In a short sale, the homeowner can't afford to maintain the mortgage, but the lender - rather than foreclosing - agrees to the sale of the property for less than the balance of the loan.There are advantages and disadvantages to buying distressed properties. Let’s examine distressed properties before you decide that this is the option for you.Lenders are extremely interested in getting distressed homes sold and off the liability side of their balance sheets. Many foreclosed properties can be purchased for only a percentage of what they would have commanded five years ago. When looking into purchasing distressed properties, you'll be dealing with a highly motivated seller – either a bank in the case of a foreclosure, or in a short sale, sellers who are in financial trouble and very interested in getting out of a mortgage they can no longer afford.It would be wise to use a professional realtor to identify great foreclosure deals for you. You may be successful at searching the web on your own, but keep in mind some of the information is outdated, some may be incorrect, and some of the available properties are not even listed. A realtor subscribes to updated listings and can offer you the most current information available. If you search yourself for distressed properties and purchase from the selling agent, you are paying a commission to someone with a vested interest. Obtain objectivity in the sale by working with your own realtor. You won’t pay any more. Technically, everyone works for the seller, since they pay the commission. Foreclosure properties are potentially the most profitable, but require the most attention to detail. A realtor experienced in foreclosure deals is highly desirable because the paperwork must be in order to submit a proper bid, and timeliness is critical.Another great piece of advice: The title you receive after purchasing a distressed or foreclosed property is a special warranty deed rather than a general warranty deed. Some buyers are alarmed by this, but there is no need to worry. The purchase of title insurance protects the buyer. Each lender purchases insurance to protect the loan as well. Titling insurance should be obtained by the property purchaser. It is always offered by the closing agent. Consider using an attorney instead of a titling company as your closing agent. An attorney is only $50-75 more than a titling company. A real estate attorney can remedy any situation that may arise. Therefore, they are more efficient representatives on time sensitive foreclosure properties.All of these things should greatly be taken into consideration BEFORE you purchase a distressed property or foreclosure. If you are still unsure and want to find out more, visit my website or call 866-758-3555 to attend the next FREE Training Seminar to uncover the truth about becoming successful in real estate investing and get on the path to your financial freedom.Annetta PowellQueen of Real Estate

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My book is out.

I have great newsMy book of poetry, "Finding the Way Home," has been released in June 2009. I published with Outskirts Press. You can view and purchase the book on my site, and blessings
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How Do You Define Success?

Perhaps you didn’t win the Presidential Medal of Freedom or help to win the USA vs. Mexico soccer match but one thing is for sure, your success, however large or small is just as important. You wake up, turn on your computer and you received a $100 affiliate commission or just brought in another distributor for your company. Such successes are important because, most often, these successes are a culmination of very, very hard work. But how do you measure success? How do you define personal success?The media has a way of making us feel that ordinary people have instant success in life and that every day citizens do not work long and hard. Most business owners or successful people spend countless hours marketing, talking with customers, vendors and employees just to break even their first couple of years.Network marketing gurus and affiliate commandos take a concept and implement massive action to find peak business models for their products. Numerous hours are spent on self-development, marketing techniques, communications and sales which leave little time for family or social events.Are you committed to taking the time needed so you may have a certain amount of success in life? How do you define success and what sacrifices are you willing to make?There are mothers and fathers out there struggling to raise decent children while making a living at the same time. When the children become responsible adult citizens of the world, that success, for the parents, lasts a lifetime.When a young mother, like Janie Jones of Ameriplan USA decided she wanted a different life for her family, her success was and is defined by giving her children a residual income legacy that will last for generations. Her success is not measured by the 6 figure income, it is measured in the lifestyle she is giving her kids – which is priceless.Look through your day and make a note of what you have added to the people around you. Is your wife happy you brought her flowers? Are the kids squealing with excitement when you decide to play a board game with them for an hour you don’t have? Did you just win a business contract that will help your family become financially stable? These are all successful moments in life that have great meaning as well.For most people, success is measured by what really matters in this journey we call life. Family, friends, fulfilling work, financial stability, peace and contentment are generally the foundations of success. When you look at each of these components, you find the essence of a successful life.If you are not quite sure what success means to you, stop and think about where you would like to be in 20 years. What would you like to accomplish? Where would you like to live and be doing? By answering these questions, you will have a clue to what matters to your overall well being.At the end of the day, you have to live inside your own skin. You have to be accountable to yourself and that is why defining personal success is crucial to your overall happiness. Now, sit back with a cup of java and think – how do you define personal success?
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Daily Goals Suggestion List

Where do you start?You can only measure your progress, by having a clear awareness off where you are now. The speed at which you progress towards your goals will depend upon where you are staring from.Where are you now? Identify an area (areas) in need of a solution. List your strengths and what you would like to work on.Strengths--------------------------------------------Areas of DevelopmentIt is best to work on one or two at most at one time. Select the ones you will work on and focus your energy on dealing with them.Select TWO Areas to Focus on from the list below:- Eat a balanced meal or snack every three hours.- Drink at least half my body weight (oz) of water.- Eliminate all sources of liquid calories- Eliminate all refined sugars & processed carbohydrates.- Drink alcohol only on my cheat day.- Eat breakfast every day.- Do not skip meals.- Avoid hydrogenated and saturated fats.- Eat vegetables with every meal.- Eat a lean protein, complex carb, and fibrous carb with every meal.- Stop eating three hours before bedtime.- Control portion sizes (refer to portion size guidelines).- Consume 25 grams of fiber each day.- Take a multivitamin.- Avoid all sugars and fruit juices.- Avoid fast food.- Replace butter and high fat spreads with jams & low fat spreads.- Minimize coffee consumption to two cups a day.- Schedule your cheat meals – limit to 10% of weekly meals.- Avoid white bread, rice, & pasta.- Eat complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, & brown rice.- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.- Take a walk during my lunch break.- Do not weigh myself for at least four weeks.- Plan meals in advance.- Shop the perimeter of the grocery store to find fresh foods.- Establish realistic short-term and long-term goals and write them down (refer to goal setting sheet).- Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.- Write in Fitness Journal at least three days a week.- Perform a fun recreational physical activity with family.- Park farther away from my destination.- Perform a stress relieving activity for at least ten minutes every day.- Replace TV watching with physical activity.- Do jumping jacks and crunches while watching TV.- Always be conscious of my eating.- Identify emotional eating triggers and practice substitute activities.- Don’t eat while watching TV.This week I will focus on _______________________________________
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CONTACT:Mr. David Fattah, Coordinator, 2009 Million Father March for City Of PhiladelphiaTelephone: (215) 473-5893Facsimile: (215) 879-5340E-Mail: falakafattah@aol.comPHILADELPHIA, PA (USA) – 12 August 2009 -- In 2007 and 2008, the House Of Umoja, Inc.’s leadership and organizing role for the National Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia moved thousands of Fathers to redefine and reshape their parental roles, energized a public school system, and rekindled community spirit. As a result, The Black Star Project ( which orchestrates the National Million Father March and is located in Chicago, Illinois and headed up by Mr. Philip Jackson has tapped the House Of Umoja, Inc. ( to lead and organize the 2009 National Million Father March in the City Of Philadelphia. On 8 September 2009, the first day of the 2009-2010 academic year, the City of Philadelphia will be one of an estimated 550 cities in the United States that will be participating in the 2009 National Million Father March.What is the 2009 Million Father March all about?“Fathers throughout the United States are being asked to escort their children to school on the first day of the 2009-2010 academic year and to become and remain proactive in their children’s education. The House Of Umoja, Inc. is asking all Fathers in every neighborhood in the City Of Philadelphia to ‘step up’ and escort their children to school on Tuesday, 8 September 2009, the first day of the 2009-2010 academic year. We are also asking Fathers to have their children commit to nonviolence by signing the Imani Pledge, to encourage their children to excel academically, to ‘want more, be more, and do more,’ and to pick up a copy of their child’s roster along with a copy of the Academic Calendar Of Events from their child’s school. We would like Fathers to meet the principal and teachers of their child’s school. We are calling on Fatherhood Practitioners, social entrepreneurs, male parenting organizations, faith-based organizations, religious institutions, businesses, and concerned citizens to become involved in the 2009 National Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia. We all have key ‘pieces of the puzzle’ to helping Fathers ‘step up’ and moving our children to ‘want more, be more, and do more’. The 2009 Million Father March is about everyone bringing their key pieces of the puzzle to the table to enable Fathers to ‘step up’ and move our children – our future – our bridge to the future to excel academically, commit to nonviolence, and embark on a path that will lead them to becoming productive and successful adults. The 2009 Million Father March is about the children. And when it’s all said done, shouldn’t it really be about the children?” Mr. David Fattah, the Coordinator of the 2009 National Million Father March for the City of Philadelphia and Co-Founder of the House Of Umoja, Inc. remarked.Founded in 1968 by Queen Mother Falaka Fattah and her husband Mr. David Fattah the House Of Umoja, Inc. which is celebrating its 41st anniversary, is an internationally acclaimed organization that has improved the lives of over approximately 3,000 urban adolescent males between the ages of 15 through 18 in the City Of Philadelphia. In 1974, the House Of Umoja, Inc. successfully negotiated a peace pact with gangs throughout the City of Philadelphia which brought to an end bloody and deadly gang warfare which had plagued the nation’s fourth largest media market for years.In July 2008, the House Of Umoja, Inc., launched a bold and innovative multi-tiered initiative – The THINK GREEN PEACE Campaign -- which is transforming vacant lots into gardens yielding vegetables and flowers through the collaborative efforts of, among others, youth and senior members in the community. Senior members of the community are sharing their knowledge of growing food with the youth and the youth are learning the value of the earth, how to grow food, how to become self-sufficient, and how to create a beautiful and nurturing environment.To find out how you can support the 2009 National Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia, contact Mr. David Fattah at (215) 473-5893 or via e-mail at: For information about the 2009 National Million Father March which will be occurring in an estimated 550 cities, visit the website of the Black Star Project at And for information about the House Of Umoja, Inc., visit its website at # #
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Total Woman Conference - Coach Elizabeth Felder - Keynote Speaker

Coach Elizabeth Felder will be Keynote Speaker at the Total Woman Conference: ACCESS GRANTED on Saturday August 15, 2009.Coach Elizabeth Will be Empowering Women to* Get Out and Stay Out of Debt* How to budget and manage debt wisely* How to Attract a Man Who is Finacially Able to Take Care Of Them* How to Start A Business* Where the Free Money Is to Start A Business* How to Save money to purchase a home, car, college etc. in this Economic Shift and so much more.....This event is sure to charge, edify, encourage, and release you to your next level. Food, speakers, door prizes, and fellowship included. Get your tickets now. Limited Seating!Time: August 15, 2009 from 1pm to 4pmLocation: Lafayette ClubStreet: 59 E. Market StreetCity/Town: York, PAPhone: 717-542-1748Admission: $25 a personHost: Christ's Dominion International
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The real secret to making money online has nothing to do with your site or the product you sell......Fact!What really makes the difference as to whether you make money or go bust is all dependant on how many people see your site each day.If you only get 10 to 100 people per day visit your site, you might as well give up now.What if you could get 1 million visitors in the next 30 days? Would that make your sales increase?What if you could guarantee that all these visitors were real people, and they would be on your site for at least 10 seconds each? And what if you could get all this completely free?Would your bank balance be able to take the strain as the sales poored in?There's an incredible new marketing system that can easily and very realistically send you over a million guaranteed real visitors to your website, and it won't cost you a thing.This is a great way to promote other Women Owned Black operated businesses, as well as your own.Its to simple!!!All you have to do is check outCLICK HERE AND START GETTING PEOPLE TO YOUR MESSAGE
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Donate for a cause!

Hello there Family and Friends,BGC, Inc. needs you to donate whatever you can to help us become successful. We have two fashion shows coming up, a wardrobe to provide for a play, and charities that need us! With every purchase made, 10% of the sale goes to charities for children, breast cancer research, and domestic abuse organizations. We need you! They need us! Let's work together and make this happen. Please email us here, via Facebook Syreeta Rios, or via email and we can send you a paypal invoice for the amount you would like to donate.Be the change you want to see in the world people!LoveS. Sahara Riosceo Big Gyrl Clothing, IncFashion for the Urban Plus
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Hey there divas, just checking in on you to see how everything is going. I am doing ok, just wondering what is going on. There have been so many celebrities dying lately, and now my Aunt Peaches and a few guys that I grew up with. It seems to be a privilege to make to 30 years old. Well my aunt was very old, but now I feel for my grandmother. She lost aunt peaches, uncle sunny, its only uncle phil and she left. Just want everyone to be safe and keep in touch with your family.On another note, I wanted to share a link with you to show support. I am a columnist for and i am focusing on the Atlanta night life. If you will, show support by reading my articles and forwarding them on to friends, family, etc. Thanks a mil and have a great week everyone! R
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Have you ever been around someone who brings negative energy into every environment they walk into? Do you know someone who can't seem to understand that there are a lot of positive things in life but are unable to see them? Are such people your friends and colleagues? If they are, you may want to remove yourself from their line of sight because toxic people reduce your chances of having a successful life.A successful life has many components but for sure, toxic people are those who work, day in and day out to suck the life out of anyone who strives for success. Toxic people may not have the capacity to make friends feel good about their appearance or encourage them during the upstart of a business venture. If a person does not have the capacity to make you feel uplifted, encouraged and supported you have potentially run into a toxic person.Whatever motives a toxic person has for their behavior towards others, it is not your business to figure it out unless it is a child, close family member or in some cases, a close friend with a mental disorder. You have to be able to know when to cut the strings to someone who sucks the energy out of you because quite literally, such people can make you feel physically ill and exhausted. Also, toxic people reduce your chances of having a successful life.Here are some things you can do to prevent toxic people from de-energizing your life and surroundings.1 - Make a mental inventory of all your friends, family and co-workers. Figure out which people in these groups may have toxic tendencies.2 - If you have friends who bring negative energy into your life, cut them out of our life. If cutting someone out of your life seems difficult, think about what you have been doing to encourage his or her behavior. Gradually work at having non-toxic friends in your life.3- If you have family members who are toxic, think about the role they play in your life. If Aunt Petunia has the yearly Thanksgiving Dinner at her house and you only see her once a year, make a point of only being with this gathering for a short time. Then leave. Remember, you have control of your own time.4- Find others who share your love of life and everything it brings. Nurture the relationships that bring you peace and tranquility. Such people will support your endeavors and make you feel like a million bucks.There are times in your life that you will have toxic people in your life and that is when you will have to decide what boundaries you will set so that the negative energy does not come your way. Toxic people reduce your chances of having a successful life but with careful planning and thought, your life can meet all your expectation and dreams.
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University of Pennsylvania PhD Prep Program for Black MalesThe University of Pennsylvania is launching an 18-month Academy focused on preparing Black males for admission to Ph.D. programs in education immediately upon completion of their undergraduate studies.The Academy will begin this fall with 10 Black males who are in their junior year of college. Academy participant will receive a 4-day all-expense paid visit to Philadelphia this fall; opportunities for meaningful engagement with the dean, faculty, graduate students, and Black male alumni; free enrollment in a 3-month Kaplan GRE Prep Course (for which Penn is paying $1,200 per participant); a current Black male Ph.D. student who will mentor him through the application process; and an application fee waiver when he applies for Fall 2011 admission to Penn (valued at $8 5).Most importantly, those who are admitted to our Ph.D. Programs two years from now will be fully funded for their entire 3-4 years of doctoral study.THIS PROGRAM IS FOR JUNIORS ONLY — those who are starting their junior year of college in Fall 2009 and anticipate earning bachelor’s degrees at the end of Spring 2011. Applications are invited from students across all majors, not just education.However, only those who have intellectual interests that are somehow related to education (the study of teaching and learning, human development, educational psychology and counseling, history of education, K-12 or higher education leadership, sociology or philosophy of education, language and literacy, educational disparities that disadvantage certain populations, education finance, research methodologies applied to education, student affairs and collegestudent development, or K-12 or higher education policy) should apply.Submit applications by August 21st. The Academy is only for Black men who are starting their junior year this fall and planning to graduate in Spring 2011.
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This only takes a minute and is worth reviewing at least once a year.I will continue to forward this every time it comes around!STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters.... S.T.R.My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree.If everyone can remember something this simple,we could save some folks. Seriously..Please read:STROKE IDENTIFICATION:During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall,she assured everyone that she was fine (they offeredto call paramedics) .....she said she had just trippedover a brick because of her new shoes.They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid wentabout enjoying herself the rest of the evening.Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that hiswife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingridpassed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ.Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke,perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die,they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.It only takes a minute to read this...A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of astroke... totally . He said the trick was getting a strokerecognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patientmedically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.RECOGNIZING A STROKEThank God for the sense to remember the"3" steps, STR . Read and Learn!Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify.Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster Thestroke victim may suffer severe brain damage whenpeople nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke .Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a strokeby asking three simple questions:S * Ask the individual to SMILE.T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) i.e. It is sunny out today)R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks,call 999/911 immediately and describe thesymptoms to the dispatcher.New Sign of a Stroke ------- Stick out Your TongueNOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the personto 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked',if it goes to one side or the other , that is also anindication of a stroke.A cardiologist says if everyone who gets thise-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet thatat least one life will be saved. This email and any attachments are intended solely for the named recipient and are confidential. The copying or distribution of them or any information they contain by anyone other than the named recipient is prohibited. If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender and delete all copies from your computer system and destroy all hard copies. It is the recipient's responsibility to check this email and any attachments to this email for viruses before use.
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Be Patient, Act Quickly

Be patient, Act quickly!You don’t need to jump on the first properties you see, however when the right deal comes along, be prepared to move quickly. A good deal won’t last long and you’ll need to be prepared to make a move to secure it for yourself.Join my free networking group at To register for a free training seminar, visit PowellQueen of Real Estate

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PROPHECYIt's not often that I speak, but nonetheless..... here are my words !!!!!"HAPPY ARE THOSE WHO DREAM DREAMS AND ARE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE TO MAKE THEM COME TRUE."Presently you may have been experiencing feelings of inadequacy, incapability or inferiority of accomplishing your dreams..... but the fact is...... GOD HAS GIVEN YOU A CLEAR PICTURE, ( visual ), OF THE MIRACLE YOU DESIRE, AND THIS IS PROOF IT EXIST FOR YOU !Geese would not desire to fly south if God did not give them the desire or the south to fly to !We can not, with our human,( hue-man ), minds, out dream God !We cannot create something in our minds that God cannot produce !Faith cannot be targeted until we establish a clear-cut goal to focus it on.It is only when we advance CONFIDENTLY IN FAITH TOWARD DIRECTIONS OF OUR DREAMS AND ENDEAVOR TO LIVE THE LIFE WE HAVE "PICTURED" IN OUR MINDS !Only then, will we meet with success beyond expectation in GOD'S TIME !At this time,.... here is a "door of opportunity" that will allow you access to a deeper dimension of spriritual knowledge and growth, should you choose to open it.Here is my message of prophecy to you :"MY CHILD, MY SPIRIT IS THAT, WHICH COMES TO YOU TO GIVE YOU THE GUIDANCE BEYOND THE WORLD AS YOU KNOW OF. ALLOW YOUR "SPIRIT TO CONNECT WITH MINE SO THAT YOU CAN CLIMB TOWARD PROGRESS IN MY LIGHT, AND SO YOU CAN EXPERIENCE A MOUNTAIN CLIMB TOWARD PROGRESS AND FULFILLMENT OF YOUR DREAMS.FOR IT IS EVERY STEP IN FAITH THAT WILL TAKE YOU CLOSER.YOUR OPEN HEART AND LETTING NOTHING HINDER YOU WITH THIS WORK OF DELIVERANCE WILL MAKE IT POSSIBLE.FOR WONDERFUL ARE MY WAYS !"And he said unto them, "Hinder me not, seeing the Lord hath prospered my way; send me away, that I may go to my master."Genesis 24:56And so God knocks at your door !Visit us at : http://thegoddessesblessinggoddesses.comPosted Monday, August 10th 2009 at 5:30PM by: Min.Dr.LaDonnaI've already began posting this on other sites for the world to benefit !I love you !Your Goddess Sister in faith,M.G.
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The Goverment is Giving Away up to $4,500 for Your Junk CarThe CAR Allowance Rebate System (CARS) is still operating. Go to for more information.Consumers can still take advantage of the government program and receive a $3,500 or $4,500 discount for their trade-in vehicle when purchasing or leasing a new vehicle. Click here ( ) to view the list of eligible cars Click here( ) to view the list of ineligible cars To search all vehicles, click the MPG Ratings tab at thetop of the pageWhat to bring to the dealer to qualify: One-year Proof of Insurance. If your insurance card does not cover the entire year preceding the trade in, you will need other proof of insurance. Contact your insurance company to get evidence of one-year worth of insurance. The form must include, at a minimum, the insurance company, policy number, VIN, start and end date of insurance (showing at least 1 year). Proof of Registration going back at least one-year. "Clear" title. This means the title must be free of any liens or other encumbrances. If you have liens, you need to get these cleared before going to the dealer. This may include evidence on the face of the title showing no lien; that the title has been cleared (signed and stamped accordingly), or with an attached lien release from the lien holder. The vehicle manufacturer date found on the driver's door or door jamb is less than 25 years old when you trade it in.If you do not have any of the above items in your possession, you may do the following: Call your insurance company and have them provide evidence of 1 years worth of insurance on the trade-in vehicle. Make sure it includes the minimum requirements noted above. Contact your DMV for copies of prior registration certificates to show proof of ownership of the trade-in vehicle for at least the past year. The name on the registration must be the same as the name on the title and the same as the purchaser of the new vehicle. Clear your title by paying-off any loans outstanding and receive either a newly issued title from the DMV that is free of all liens and other encumbrances, or have the lien release document from the lien holder (signed and stamped accordingly), or your title signed and stamped accordingly (showing it is clear)Once you are at the dealer you will be asked to certify to the following under penalty of law. The above documents will provide proof to the dealer to assist in this certification process. The trade-in is in drivable condition. You are the registered owner, and have been for at least the last year. The trade-in has been continuously insured for the last year. The trade-in is titled in your name and has been for the last year. You have not previously participated in the CARS program. NHTSA will process transactions in accordance with the data on The 78 vehiclemodel types that were eligible under EPA's mileage criteria until EPA's revisions were issued on July 24th will continue to be considered as eligible for transactions that occurred on or before July24th. The 86 model types that became eligible on July 24th will be treated as eligible if they are part ofsale or lease that occurred on or after July 24th. Go to to view the list of eligible cars Go to to view the list of ineligible cars To search all vehicles, click the MPG Ratings tab at thetop of the page__________________________________Don't forget to join the Women Who Win Network at Create your own group and invite all your friends for wonderful information about scholarships, grants, business startup info, credit and debt help.Copyright © Elizabeth Felder - UnStoppable Women Who Win, All Rights Reserved. Articles may not be reproduced in original or altered form without written authorization by Elizabeth Felder - UnStoppable Women Who Win.Coach Elizabeth FelderAuthor & Life Coach to Women
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