Balance (16)

Having balance in life is important - spiritually and physically. Let's see what scripture has to say.

Romans 12:102
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Ephesians 4:23
Romans 8:12-14
1 Corinthians 9:27

Make wise lifestyle choices. Take care of health, (sleep, food, exercise). Learn to enjoy "down time" and appreciate relaxation time with family without feeling guilty.

Dr. Angela Butts Chester
Booking: 562-209-2083

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In Search of Inner Peace

10744077692?profile=originalWhat if you had given your all to everyone, and nothing was left for you. In a nutshell, you were missing your inner peace. How would you handle it? What if you were told, “You look drained and you need to take some time for you.” What would be your response? What if you went in search of something but had no idea what that something was. Where does your search begin?

All of those “what ifs” and many more could be asked of anyone. Oddly enough, everyone’s response may be a little different. Going through the motions of life, there are times when there is so much happening around us that we fail to recognize what was happening on the inside. That is when it is time to step back from life’s challenges, turn off the voices of others and go on a search - a search for inner peace.

The search begins in your bedroom. During this short period, you are searching for your suitcase, a journal or note pad, and a few essential clothes. You are packing to go to a place that does not include friends and family. You are preparing to search for your inner peace. That place can be anywhere (outside your home) that will allow you to think, pray, meditate and try to return home as a renewed woman, slightly different from the woman who left a few days earlier.

To desire inner peace is one thing but to consciously work towards obtaining it is another. So the work begins:

Day one – Identify and write down the things or people that prevent you from having inner peace. Be very specific as to how they affect you. If they are depleting you, perhaps this is an indication that a change needs to occur. It is not necessary to devise a plan of action at this time. The key is identifying the challenge.

Day two – Revisit your list from the previous day. Place the items you wrote down in order of how important they are to change. Under each item, create two or three bullet items that can be your plan of action. Write the affect this will have on you once it is changed. Please note, this is subject to change because the future cannot be predicted.

Day three – Review your list, plan of action, perceived outcome and make adjustments as you see fit. It is time to return home. It is time for you to have the inner peace you desire.

With plans in hand, begin the next phase of your journey toward inner peace. You are the only one who can fulfill your need for inner peace. Clear the clutter of people or things to reach your goal. Each day that you complete an item on your list will bring you closer to the end of your journey for inner peace. The woman who packed her bags a few days ago will emerge anew in the coming days, weeks, or months. As stated by Dr. Brian L. Weiss, ” You are greater than your fears, anxieties, bitterness, and worries – you are even greater than your own suffering.” The inner peace you desire is within reach. Where does your search begin?

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Image Courtesy of Fotolia


"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck

In the recent death of Steve Jobs, I watched a video of his 2005 commencement speech to Stanford University graduates. Ironically, I watched it using his brilliant creation, the I-phone. As I allowed his words to resonate in my mind, “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today,” I related those words to my life and to the many women who are business owners, mothers, mentors, volunteers and more. Are you living a life of purpose?

How will you know if you have succeeded in living a life of purpose? How do you keep score? Here are 4 ways to tune in to your purpose:
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CEO Blueprint to Optimum Work-life Balance

by Tangela M. Davis

B-Alert System by "The Power of Focus", Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen, Les Hewitt

“When you work, work, and when you play, play. Don’t get the two mixed up!”
You are going to walk away from this article a little more enriched in how to manage a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.” I, like some of you, may sometimes feel that you are Superman or Superwoman. “You rise early in the morning and work long hours, say you are going home to be with family and end up taking your work home with you and work even longer hours."
My topic for our April Newsletter is “Creating A Blueprint for Optimum Work-life Balance.” Do you relate to the following scenario... You rise early in the morning, no later than 6:00 am, drink 2-3 cups of coffee before you start your day, work hard all day including skipping lunch, maybe tell yourself you are going to spend time with family and will arrive home at a reasonable hour; however, you end up working later or taking work home with you and sometimes working into the wee hours.” This is becoming more and more common as people struggle to find a healthy balance in their lives. Often times greater pressures are on women, who work full time building a career or business, still expected to cook, clean and somehow cater to her family’s needs. In the mix, you lose site of taking care of yourself. Let me assure you, there is a better way and there are people who have achieved optimum balance in their daily lives. Let me share a story with you. Let’s take John and Jennifer who have been married for 15 years with two kids. Jennifer started her own business six years ago (a health spa center). This family takes annual vacations. At least six weeks off for fun every year. John and Jennifer had parents with strong values that influenced their habits growing up. An important value they learned was “If you are going to do a job, do it to the best of your ability.” Another strong value learned was saving and investing. By the time they were married, they both had a savings plan in place and they were able to maximize hetheir joint savings plan.  At work, Jennifer has a first-class personal assistant who allows her to focus on what she does best. She does not get caught up in unnecessary paperwork and rises early to kick-off her day. She rarely arrives home later than 6pm. At the beginning of the year Jennifer and John sit down and plan their personal and family goals. This includes scheduling time for vacation and mini-breaks. Twice a year Jennifer enjoys a long weekend away with her Mastermind Group to enjoy skiing.
Everyone, here is the million dollar question, “Do you enjoy a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle, doing work that you love, and that gives you an excellent financial return and allows you to have significant time off to pursue your other interest?” The answer is either “Yes” or “No.”
If your answer is “No”, let me introduce you to the B-ALERT System. If you check the dictionary for the word alert it reads “At the ready, mindful, using intelligence, on guard, conscious, and prepared.” Being at the ready every day and using intelligence will keep you mindful of your priorities and your state of balance. When you are truly alert you are more conscious of what is going on. Now what is the opposite of alert? Mindless, unprepared, unconscious, off-guard and stupid! If you had choice which side of the scale would you like to sit on?
“Every well-built house started with a definite plan in the form of blueprints.” – Napoleon Hill
B is for Blueprint– This is how you prepare for your day. You do prepare don’t you? A blueprint is simply a map for the day. There are two options for preparing your blueprint for the day. Either do it the night before or early the next morning before your day has started. You only need an extra ten to fifteen minutes to do this. Set specific time limits for your appointments. Also give over what projects must be worked on, and determine if you have reserved enough time to deal with them. It’s important to have your own blueprint recording system. Create one that works for you. For best results, keep it simple.
“The one thing that separates winners from losers is, winners take action!” – Anthony Robbins

A is for Action– When it comes to reviewing your results, the amount of action you put into your day will directly determine your score. You probably have already noticed, there is a major difference between being busy and taking specific, well-planned action. You can have a busy day with nothing to show for it. You didn’t move closer to accomplishing you goals. The day passed you by. You allowed little emergencies or yourself to be interrupted to many times during the day. Concentrate on the activities that produce the greatest results for you. Set limits on what you will and will not do. Delegate effectively, and be alert to stepping outside your boundaries.  When you are on vacation or having a day off for fun, your action is to simply enjoy yourself.
There are essentially two things that will make you wiser – The books you read and the people you meet. – Charles “Tremendous” Jones
L is for Learning– Another well-balanced day includes taking time to expand your knowledge. Develop the habit of reading at least twenty to thirty minutes in the morning. It’s a great way to start your day. What should you read? Anything that is stimulating, challenging or that gives you an edge in your industry or profession. What ever you do, avoid digesting any negative portions of the newspaper or internet. Thousands of books reveal the lives of interesting and successful people, from sports, stars and celebrities to adventurers, entrepreneurs and great leaders. There is a wealth of ideas in these books waiting to be absorbed by anyone with a little curiosity and desire to do better. Turn your car into a learning center. AudioCDs are one the most productive ways to expand your awareness. Tuning in for twenty minutes a day will give you over 100 hours per year to learn more. Finally, you can learn a lot more by observing and studying other people. What do wealthy people do? How did they become rich? Another idea for learning is to invite a successful person out to lunch every month – someone you really respect and admire. Drag the lunch out, the more courses the better. Ask questions. You’ll uncover a wealth of information.
“Having all the money in the world isn’t much good if you can hardly get out of bed in the morning to enjoy it.” – Author Unknown
E is for Exercise– I hear the “Oh Nos”. Do you want to be rich in health? Creating an excellent balance in your life means you don’t treat your health lightly. A little daily exercise is part of the prescription. About twenty minutes is all you need. One of the easiest ways to exercise is to enjoy a brisk walk. If you take fifteen minutes and walk around the block a few times, your body will thank you. If you take a forty-five minute walk four days a week you can lose up to 18lbs over the course of a year, without dieting. 
  • Exercising improves your sleeping habits.
  • Exercising increases your energy levels.
  • Exercising relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Exercising protects you against injury.
  • Exercising promotes a health posture.
  • Exercising relieves digestive disorders.
  • Exercising enhances your self-image.
  • Exercising expands your longevity.

A final thought on good health. Make it a study. Find out more about your metabolism and how to optimize the magnificent vehicle you have been given.
“Oh, to be free from the stifling pressures of life – to rest, a peaceful slumber that will rejuvenate my soul. – Les Hewitt
R is for Relaxing– This is the time to recharge your batteries during the day. Take a TPM. Twenty-five Peaceful Minutes. You may understand it as taking a nap. In warmer climates, a siesta is a normal part of the day. When you were a young child, your mother probably put you down for nap after lunch. As an adult, why not do the same. It’s good for you. You’re probably thinking, you are crazy, I don’t have enough time as it is without snoozing the afternoon away. Let me assure you that the most progressive and profitable organizations realize that a highly productive workforce is not achieved by pushing people until they drop from exhaustion. This doesn’t mean you need to lower your performance standards. Consider a TPM when you arrive home from the office. If you can plan a TPM for yourself before you switch roles, it will give you a chance to catch your breath, relax and mentally ready to focus on the family. If you plan to take one day off per week, make sure it’s a full 24 hours. Call it fun-time. This means the entire 24 hours you do nothing business related. If you have worked long, hard hours all week, you deserve a break to re-energize.
“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” – Peace Pilgrim
T is for Thinking– If you want to have unusual clarity about what is working and what is not working in your life, schedule time for reflective thinking. At the end of your workday, or just before you go to bed, take a few minutes to take a mental snapshot of the day. Regard each day as a mini-movie with you as the star. How did you do? Rerun the CD and take another look. What did you do well? Focus daily on the progress you made. Be alert to any shortcomings, but don’t beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes. Make reflection a daily habit. It only takes a few minutes, and it will make you stronger and wiser in the weeks and months ahead.
In conclusion, would you enjoy a better balance in your life if you had a clear blueprint for the day, were able to stay focused on your most important activities, maximized your energy and clarity with a little exercise and reflective thinking, and had some time off for fun? The answer is obvious. Of course you would! Make the effort and leverage the B-Alert System. Remember excellent balance will greatly enrich your mind, body and spirit, not to mention your relationships and bank account!

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A vehicle needs a tune up every two years or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first. The key to keeping a vehicle in good working condition is scheduling regular maintenance.  Right?  Well, just as your car needs scheduled care, so does your business.  According to Browder, founder of National Association Women on the Rise, it is vital that entrepreneurs get in the habit of looking “under the hood” regularly.  That means reviewing your operations, marketing and financial processes.  So, are you performing regularly scheduled maintenance for your business?  Here are 3 tips to tune-up your business.


Change the oil

Regularly changing your car's engine oil and filter is one of the most important things you can do to keep your car running well.  Consistent maintenance to your business each year is equally important.  Take some time to look at your business processes.  Think about your accomplishments.  Is there room for improvement?  Here are two ideas.

  • Reflect on the successes and failures of your professional and personal life.  Have you considered what changes you would like to implement this year?  As women entrepreneurs, it is important to look for ways to improve work-life balance.  Take some time to reflect on your business' progress and make plans on how you want your business to grow.
  • Reorganize to get rid of clutter.  What have you accumulated this past year that is hindering you from functioning at your optimal best?  Write down all the things that are cluttering your mind, distorting your life’s vision.  Take each of the things on your list and ask yourself the following questions:
  1. Why am I holding on to this clutter?
  2. What purpose does it serve?
  3. How do I rid myself of it?

Clutter can be distracting while adding to the chaos in our lives.    


Check engine light

The "check engine" light is part of your vehicle's onboard diagnostics (OBD) system. If a problem in the electronic-control system doesn’t ‘fix’ itself, the computer that controls the OBD turns on a yellow warning indicator that's labeled "check engine.  Ignore the warning and you could damage expensive components. 


Just as your engine is vital to your vehicle, your clients are the engine that drives the success in your business.  Do you know who your clients are?  Have you refined your target market (clients) to increase your bottom line?  We all know that the success of your business depends on making sales.  To identify your target client, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you know who your customers will be? 
  2. Do you understand their needs?
  3. Do you know where they are located?
  4. Will you offer the kind of products or services that they will buy?
  5. Will your prices be competitive?
  6. Do you understand how your business compares with your competitors?
  7. Will your business be conveniently located?

By refining your target market, you are ensuring the success of your business! 


Balance the tires

Balanced tires are imperative to safe driving. When the tires are out of balance, they place pressure on the bearings, shocks and other parts of the wheel assembly. When your business is out of balance, you can lose current and potential clients which can cause the loss of revenue or worse, your business!

Is your business running smoothly? Re-examine contracts with your suppliers such as telephone service, business and life insurance policies.  Look for ways to cut costs.  Check out your current memberships; local chambers and business and civic associations to make sure you are getting the most for your money.  In addition:

  • Create new revenue streams. 
  • Find innovative ways to promote your business and attract potential clients.

In conclusion, by taking control of your business and keeping it running at peak performance, will increase your chances for success and profitability!


WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it Sylvia Browder is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. The association’s mission is to provide professional and personal resources while uplifting and empowering women entrepreneurs through collaboration, education, mentoring, spiritual and peer support, leadership and networking. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004.  For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs,  She can be contacted at

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“There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women.” Madeleine K. Albright


We all want to believe that women are all busy connecting, supporting and empowering one another, but reality is that some are not doing their part.  What is causing women to lack compassion or become envious of other women?  Why would you not want to share your knowledge or resources?   


In a recent MSNBC interview, Elura Nanos, an attorney and a managing partner of Morange, an educational firm for law students, has seen tons of women, including herself, not helping other women but doesn’t think it’s about being “bitchy.”  Nanos said, “Many women are too busy to help each other. I own a business, work full time, I have two small children, and does charity work hobbies. I have a wonderful husband, but he doesn’t do half the amount of things I do.”


Yes, we are all busy wearing many hats, but is it really a good reason not to help others?  Think how you would feel if you needed help and nobody wanted to help you.  By putting yourself in their shoes, allows you to be more apt to find time to help them overcome challenges so that ultimately, everyone can achieve their goals and aspirations. 


Last week, two women from my virtual community, felt compelled to call me for advice.  Both gave me permission to share a little of their stories:     


·         Lisa (not her real name) works full time at a non-profit agency that provides career training to several rural communities.  In her spare time, she offers coaching services in a virtual setting. In a recent meeting with her immediate supervisor, who is also a business owner, she was surprised to be given an ultimatum; either stop her coaching business or resign from the company!  Mind you, her business model is very different from that of her employer.  So, she contacted me for a listening ear and advice. 


·         Diane (not her real name) recently started a human resource firm but struggling with deep personal issues which has caused her to doubt her abilities as a business owner.  She feels unworthy and was recently told by her mentor, a prominent business woman, that she should just give it up until she gets help with her issues and find a real job!  Can you imagine how devastated Diane felt as she shared her story with me?  After talking to her, I found her to be extremely experienced and capable of running a successful business! 


I could have easily used my jam packed calendar as a reason not to talk to these ladies, as I am as busy as Nanos is, i.e., employed as a full time director of a non-profit agency; run two virtual businesses, “National Association Women on the Rise” and “Browder Consulting Group;” have a very active family; hold two board positions, an avid motorcyclist and attend church regularly.  But, I didn’t think twice about my schedule when Lisa and Diane contacted me.  In fact, it was my pleasure to schedule an appointment to talk to both.  So, why are some women reluctant to help others? 



To help, here are 3 ways every woman can make a difference.   



Successful business women understand the importance of having a mentor.  In fact, developing a portfolio of mentors to meet different aspects of your life, both personally and professionally, is paramount!  By becoming a mentor allows you to visualize someone in your image who you’ve helped to become as successful as you someday!  After talking to Diane, I volunteered to mentor her monthly with weekly emails that includes action steps and affirmations.  In addition, I connected her with one of NAWR’s expert spiritual advisors.  



Many of us know the value of networking.  It is less about handing out your business cards and more about paying it forward.  When you are talking to people, think about who would be a good connection for them.  For example, at a recent chamber event I attended, I met a woman who was a writer for a newspaper and currently freelancing technical and ghost writing services.  Immediately, I thought about another business owner who wanted to start a blog but didn’t have time to write articles.  I was able to later connect them.


Peer-to-Peer Support

Why not form a peer advisory group?  This group of entrepreneurs could be from diverse industries and get together on a regular basis to share best practices, solve problems and be a source of support for the group.  

I have a dynamic group of peers who serve as expert advisors for NAWR’s members.  We are all supportive of each other.  Having a strong and solid relationship with this group of women makes it easy to give and receive business referrals.

In conclusion, we must strive to make it a part of our personal mission to support and be great role models to others.  When one of us succeeds, we all do!


WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:  Sylvia Browder is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. The association’s mission is to provide professional and personal resources while uplifting and empowering women entrepreneurs through collaboration, education, mentoring, spiritual and peer support, leadership and networking. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004.  For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs,  She can be contacted at

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10744052082?profile=originalRunning a company when you have children at home is more of an art than a science and it calls for a different approach from the norm. So if you feel that you are swimming against the flow in your day, here are a few tips for work-at-home moms to stay productive and profitable during summer breaks (or anytime).

  1. Summer Homework. Depending on the age of your child, the school they attend may have them to complete assignments in preparation for the upcoming school year. This is also a great way to refresh and reinforce concepts that they have already learned. Some children are eager to get assignments as soon as summer vacation begins but a better option is to give them one assignment to do each day.
  2. Supplement Assignments. You can add to homework by giving them fun lessons to do on their own. Have them create art, science, reading, or math projects to augment learning. Provide a reward for going the extra mile.
  3. Chores. Children complain less when they have something to keep them occupied. If your child is old enough to help out around the house then a few light assignments each day will keep their boredom blahs to a minimum. This also buys you some time during the day to get your business projects done.
  4. Office Help. In lieu of chores, older children can also assist you with running your home office. You could also use this time to help them develop their natural talents by assigning them to work that enhance their skill set.
  5. Swap childcare. Talk with a neighbor to see if they would like to exchange a few days with you. This especially comes in handy when you have projects that need to be done on time.
  6. Summer Reading. Many children love to read and most would not pass up an opportunity to hang out with their peers while doing it. Check your calendar and try to coordinate meetings or time sensitive projects when during the hours when children are away at camp.
  7. Alternative Summer Office Locations. When all is said and done you may simply find it is impossible to get anything done when the children are at home. In those cases a backup plan is the answer. Some places where you can pack up your lap top and plug away include the library, coffee shop, a business incubator, friend or relative’s home that works during the day, in a park, or by the lake.

A home office can be the best of both worlds for mompreneurs. By putting these easy to execute short-cuts in place you will create the lifestyle you love and have more time to create the profits you desire!

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Nationally recognized Authentic Life Empowerment Coach, Author andSpeaker reveals how mastering your mindset and realizing overcomingdisempowering behaviors leads to empowering personal, spiritual and businesssuccess.

For Immediate Release

Women Entrepreneurs Discover how to get empowered and turbo-boost their lifeand business during Online Boost Camp

Sacramento,CA – September 5, 2010– Robin Tramble Life Empowerment Coach,Authorand public speaker will share her Empowerment and Mindset insights

With women at The Women’s Empowerment and Mindset Breakthrough online Boost Camp which will start the last week ofSeptember.

“Savvy women and Woman Entrepreneurs need to know how to gain a competitive advantage in their life, business andrelationships by learning how to master their

mindsets and realize maximum empowerment in order to live an authentically brilliant life of Empowerment, while buildingthriving business,” says Robin Tramble

CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble International

During the Online Boost Camp, participants discover insights such as How to:
·EmpowerYour Career and Professional Life

·Discover balance and a renewed passion

(special component for WAHW included)

·Recover Your Self Concept

·Become a decisive player in your own life

·Conduct a Comprehensive Assessment of your life design

·Invigorate Your Relationships with the Power of Attraction

·Learn healthy lifestyle strategies including weight management

·2 habits that can sabotage your promotion and relationships

·Unleash the power of your mind

Bonus: Follow up session

“Women at times tend to focus soley on the external and end up sabotaging theirsuccess because they haven’t created a strong foundation internally,” says
Robin, “The Women’s Empowerment and Mindset Breakthrough Online Boost Camp ismy endeavor to equip women for empowering success inside-out!”

The Women’s Empowerment and Mindset Breakthrough Online Boost Camp will conveneover a period of about 5 weeks. Participants will have the opportunity to

interact with like-minded women, utilize the message boards and receive supporting

documents and assessments plus Robin’s empowering coaching.

For more information, or to register go to

About Robin Tramble International

Robin Tramble International was founded by Professional Life Empowerment Coach,

Robin Tramble to help women live a big, bold, beautiful and authentically brilliant

life of empowerment. Robin is a Mentor, speaker, Recording artist and Author of

the upcoming book “The Dynamic Power of Focus for unstoppable women.”

She is also creator of .

Find out more about Robin Tramble International at


Contact Details:

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Who hasn't wished at some point that there were more hours in a day? It sometimes seems that we spend so much time rushing from place to place or task to task that we don't actually accomplish anything except feeling more frustrated.

But we can accomplish what we want to each day if we put some basic time management principles in place and follow them. Be warned: these are not all easy things to do. You might have to struggle and work at these time management techniques. But the time you invest in learning how to do these things and practicing them will be paid back a thousand-fold. Use these five time management techniques consistently and you'll have more time, accomplish more, and feel better.

Time Management Technique #1: Recognize you can't do it all.
Too many of us are stretched too thin because we've bought into the myth that everyone can (and should) do it all. We should all work full-time, spend quality time with our children and spouses and pets, spend time with our friends, do volunteer and committee work, get involved in causes, work at staying fit and healthy, and spend time relaxing and rejuvenating ourselves.

This kind of balancing act is best left to the Flying Wallendas. And you know what? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are healthy and happy with how you’re spending your time. Decide what roles and activities are important to you and live your life accordingly.

Time Management Technique #2: Prioritize.
The other part of the myth that we all can and should do it all is that everything is equally important. It's not. Just look at your daily calendar on any given day. Is picking up the dry cleaning really as important as that meeting with a client? No. So if you have to choose between them, it's easy to decide to leave the day cleaning pickup for another day.

Don't just rush from task to task throughout the day. Review the list of what you have to do that day at the day's start and then pick out the things that you 'must do' that day. (Try to keep these 'must-dos' to three or less for starters.) Then focus on getting those things done. At the end of the day, you'll have a feeling of accomplishment, no matter what else got messed up or went wrong.

Time Management Technique #3: Learn to say "Yes" and "No".
The inability to say "No" is the cause of an incredible amount of misunderstanding and frustration. Instead of saying "No," people say "Maybe" or "I might be able to do that" or "I'll see", creating the expectation that they will do whatever it is on the part of the listener and the pressure on themselves to do it. Then when they don’t do it, the person they said "Maybe" to instead of "No" is disappointed/annoyed/hurt.

Make it a general rule not to say "Maybe" at all when you're asked to commit to something. Learn to make quick decisions and say "Yes" or "No" instead. And don't get hung up on elaborating. You don’t have to give extensive reasons for your decision. A simple "No, I can’t do that" is enough. The person you're speaking to will appreciate your honesty and your disinclination to waste their time. And you'll be without the pressure to fit in yet another activity or event you weren't that interested in anyhow.

Time Management Technique #4: Unplug.
Another modern myth that you have to disregard if you want to manage your time effectively is the idiotic idea that we all have to be reachable and 'connected' all the time. We don't, and in fact, there are times when it's important or useful to be unreachable to everyone or everything except the person or the task immediately in front of us.

For instance, if your child is telling you about a traumatic thing that happened to him at school that day or you're doing an estimate for a potential customer, you need to be listening to/communicating with the people right in front of you, not the ones calling or sending you email.

So recognize this and 'unplug' yourself when appropriate. And make yourself the manager of your technology rather than being managed by it. Do not read every piece of email as soon as it comes in, for example, or feel that you have to personally answer every phone call. Don't let incoming texts or Twitters interrupt you when you're working. Set aside particular times of day to read or listen and respond to email and phone calls.

Time Management Technique #5: Take time off.
Many business people in particular fall into the seven day trap. They feel that the more time they pour into their business, the more successful their business will be. Before you know it, they're working seven days a week every week and wondering why they feel so tired and frazzled all the time!

And is their business more successful? Maybe. Maybe not. You see, the success of their business depends on what they do, not on how much time they spend doing it.

Consider this analogy: if you want to learn golf and you spend eight hours a day seven days a week golfing but are holding the club wrong every time so that every ball you hit has a pronounced swing to the left, what happens to your golf game? It doesn't matter how much time you put into doing something if you're not doing it right.

So incorporate time off into your schedule. When you take time off, whether it's an afternoon or a weekend or a week, you return to your work refreshed and more productive, able to accomplish so much more in the amount of time available.

5 Time Management Techniques Equals More Time?
No. You won’t physically magically get more hours in a day when you put these time management principles into action. But you will be able to more effectively manage the time you have. And in terms or what you get done and how you feel, that will make all the difference.
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Women's Empowerment Tips: Take your power back!

The most common way people give up their power
is by thinking they don't have any.

~ Alice Walker ~

I recently posted an update to Facebook that received a
few inspired comments. I was not only speaking of women in
relationships with men as much as I was speaking overall
about the power you must express over your life and situations
that you face.

My audio 5 mistakes women make includes giving their power away
and this is so true, however, the quote above sheds a different light.
There are some who give up their power by thinking they don't have
any. Thinking that somehow they have to wait for approval to succeed.
Waiting to be validated instead of realizing that the power is within
them and success is in their hands.

How many times have you come to the realization that someone
was out to harm you or sabotage your endeavors and yet you
continued to tolerate their behavior and allow them in your space?

Here's one of the massive action steps I shared in my session for The
Empowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit.

Honor your boundaries
Boundaries protect you from people that your spirit cannot easily afford.

The update I shared is below. I would enjoy reading your comments.

You don't have to wait for anyone's permission to succeed. You have
everything within you. Success is in your hands. Make sure you are
connected to individuals that will inspire you to stretch. When you
find someone who is not for you have the courage to let them go. You
know it when you see it now be empowered through your union with your
Father God and let them go. It's not mean, you're protecting your
destiny. Eliminate the negatives. That is all.

Are you ready to realize a juicy manifestation of deliciously
authentic life and business empowerment? Great!

I invite you to request my special free gift package to support
you in your empowering success endeavors. Request yours by clicking here.

Remember empowerment is a choice. Choose empowerment today.
You don't have to do it alone. Allow me to be there for you as you
make this journey of EMPOWERMENT. Take your power back!
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April 19, 2010


Imagine receiving insight from 9 savvy experts in various fields that will catapult your personal, spiritual and business growth from the comfort of their home. The information shared is valued at hundreds and more, however, you won't pay that. The cost of this empowering event is FREE! Discover insider tips and strategies without the hype.

Why free? Robin Tramble the host of this event is passionate about
empowering women to discover their authentic self, get unstuck and live a big, bold, beautiful and deliciously authentic life!

TheEmpowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit will include topics on business
success, social media, life balance, health and fitness, empowerment,
military moms success, Parents and their teens and overcoming challenges.

Our featured speakers include:

Robin Tramble
Maruxa Murphy
Pam Perry
Lynne Lee
Sue Miley
Lynnis Mullins
NickCole Byrd
Nishaline Hines
Lori Bell

Weinvite you to take advantage of this empowering event. Your life will be enriched and your personal, spiritual and business growth will be catapulted!

Of course we encourage you to make all of the calls, however, you will have access to the replay for a limited time.
If you desire to secure a permanent copy for your collection you will be given an opportunity to do so.
You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

TheEmpowered Woman Entrepreneur Telesummit is sponsored by Robin Tramble
Authentic life International and The Association of Christian Women

Register now at

Welook forward to having you join us!

This event will fill so reserve your spot now at
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Begin and/or Finish Writing Your Book


Accomplish That BIG GOAL

Begin YOUR Business

Increase Your Savings

Accomplish 2010 Family Goals


12 Month Coaching in Goal-Setting & Accountability



It's never too late to re-align your goals or your life!...Begin Today


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Warning: What a girl Needs!

Are you aware your pad could make you sick?A company brought this technology & knowledge to the US eight weeks ago. We are excited to share this information to give you a healthier choice.Ordinary PadsIf we use the ordinary sanitary napkins, we are more vulnerable to various bacteria and may incur heavy expenses for treatments of various genital diseases of varying degrees of seriousness. As such, viewed from the perspectives of health and price, ‘Love Moon’ sanitary napkins are worth the money spent. At the time of the month when women need the best care, the use of ‘Love Moon” can keep us away from female genital diseases and give us a healthy and happy family.Love Moon Healthy PadsAfter the product demonstration, use questions to present the price comparison:(1) As far as you know, what are the prices of other brands of sanitary napkin sold in the market?(2) You have seen for yourself the quality of ‘Love Moon’ Anionic Sanitary Napkin. In addition, our product has two technological advancements and we are applying for their patents in 169 countries worldwide. We are also giving a Vaginitis Self Test Card costing RM12. What do you think is a reasonable price you would pay?(3) Tell the consumers that the price on first purchase is RM19 for 10 pieces (for day use) and for every subsequent purchase, a 30% discount is given.Studies Proving the Effectiveness of Negative Ions• Help prevent respiratory-related illnesses• Counteract the effects of smoking• Anti-depressant• Help sleep betterHealing properties of Negative IonsAn Anion tape is embedded in each sanitary pad, the Anion tape may help:o Eradicate odoro Reduce stresso Strengthen immunityo Enhance metabolismo Remove fatigueo Enhance hormonal balanceInterested in more info visit
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The Toxic Job

Is your JOB toxic?? We have all heard of toxic relationships and friendships. You know the ones that bring you down, lead you down the wrong path, or cause you more harm or hurt than good. So, is your JOB toxic? And how can you tell. If your immediate response to the question was yes, then case closed. If you are not so sure whether your job is toxic or not, I have some things you may want to think about. I'm not professing to be a career counselor, or anything like that, but I had a conversation with a friend that some people may be able to relate to...~ Signs your job may be "toxic" ~- Are you literally saddened by thoughts of your job or the thought of going to work?- Do you constantly go to work in a good mood, but leave angry or depressed?- Have you or are you developing health issues, (for example, high blood pressure, ulceres, anxiety) due to job related stress?- Does your job consumes all aspects of your life, even when you don't want it to?- Does your job interfere with your personal life or cause a strain in your personal relationships? You know, you are constantly missing valuable family time because you have to work late or bring the job home with you. ( Think carefully about this, don't confuse it with a toxic relationship at home)- Has your behavior change negatively since you have been working at your job.?- Do the practices of your company conflict with your personal values?I think that if you've answered yes to more than one or two of these questions then you may have a toxic situation on your hands. But what should you do about it? Now, with the economy today, I would not advise just quitting. 71,000 jobs were lost on Monday, 10,000 on Wednesday, and there are certainly more to come. So chances of getting hired somewhere else are slim.But in the meantime, see if there are other ways to survive and keep your sanity. Instead of griping about your job, thank God, that you have a means to provide for yourself or your family. While you are there, take comfort in knowing that you are doing the best that you can do while you are at work. Set limitations for your self try to work late only once or twice a week, and then set limitations on how late you will stay. Say I'm leaving at "x o'clock" no matter what. And stick to it. If possible, find something you do like, whether it be another job, or your own business. And by all means, be sure not to take the stresses of the day out on your loved ones. They will be there for you long after that job has passed.
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The Balanced Life

This is a picture I took on our drive up to Big Bear Lake......aahhh the beauties of Southern California :-)Acquiring a life of balance is a lot like rock climbing is for a newbie.This is one of my very first post on my blog, "B. beautiful, mind, body, spirit," ( I thought this was worth re-posting here.My husband and I have made our theme for 2008 be, working toward a life that is in balance. Theme title is "The Balanced Life, mind, body and spirit." Out of that same thought process comes this blog. I will be covering subjects that I deal with in my daily life, mostly the good.....but with life you sometimes get lemons, so I'll be covering the bad also.... hopefully conveying how I have made Lemonade. My goal is to be an inspiration to all that visit. I believe that a life well lived is one that is shared. Friends, family and even strangers contribute to making us better. Choose to search for the good in all situations. I'm not saying I, myself is any Ms. Happy Go Lucky 24/7, but I am saying it's Ok to want to see, have and be the best. And I am pursuing Ms. Happy so that she can become a majority partner at all times. Part of what I think a balanced life entails is to be aware of everything, the good, bad and the ugly but to consciously seek the good. So here's to the best that life has to offer, even when the best come through adversity.Keep Climbing.Are you married? Then please join our group "Still Dating My Spouse," at www.stilldatingmyspouse.ning.comB. beautiful, mind, body, spirit.
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