Giving (10)


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3UO2982gs1VUUhWe-oDT5Pl9LmZxZbmgaZxcCVeubR2RU369B&__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1311970493448Let's be real, no matter the mindset shift, strategies you create and implement or how successful you may be, being a business owner is a tough job! It has it's ups and downs. I don't have to tell you the number of snafu I've averted or how much my prayers and faith have evolved and strengthen through perseverance. At each new level I achieve as an entrepreneur comes the same challenges just dressed up a little fancier. Sure I've learned to master many things so that I can continue to build exponentially, but there are things in which I cannot control that throw a nasty little wrench in the operations! 

There have been times when I wanted to not just throw in the towel but cut that sucker up in tiny little pieces then burn it to ashes, then take the ashes and place it in the grill under  lip-smacking ribs, burgers in my backyard of "Normal" life with a 9 to 5 job and predictability. Of course those thoughts are fleeting as I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times when you wonder about a life of predictability.

Real matter where you are, at each new level, comes new set of mindset shifts that you will need to master to move on to the next level. Therefore we all need a little dose of Affirmation, Confirmations, and inspiration to remind us why this journey is all worth the fight.

SO! This list of my 77, compiled while I was cleaning my bathroom, making the kids lunch, trying to figure out where the heck these fruit flies came from, AND responding to client emails, checking on book orders, confirming speaking engagements (WHEW!), is for all the women entrepreneurs, regardless of your level. This is for those who have embraced a lifestyle that you wouldn't trade for the world! but recognize that we all need a little pick me up every now and then.  ENJOY ;-)

77 Affirmations, Confirmations & Reminders why You're AWESOME!

1. You Rock! Yes you do! Why? Just because you rock ;-)

2. You were made for this! Everything in you tells you are, you got a strategy (if not get one) so WORK it!!

3. Your Time is NOW! Not tomorrow, not yesterday, just NOW (see#2)

4. Let it all go! Whatever is hurting you, bothering you, holding you back, just... let it go! You can't bring carry-on on this Success journey you're on!

5. Remember what counts! You deserve a break today! Go for a walk, have a bowl of (low fat) ice cream, don't forget about you!

6. Keep on dreaming! Even when others think you're crazy or simply don't notice you...keep on doing what you do! Blaze your trail and let other's catch up to you!

7. You are beautiful! You were made uniquely and out of love. Your eyes, your smile, you skin, your curves, whatever, celebrate your awesome beauty!

8.You are a natural leader! Women by design are natural leaders! You have the ability to lead nations with your power and influence.

9. Remember to smile! You know the song! Even when you feel like you can't, find a reason to smile.

10. Let the dishes go! And go indulge in a hot bath! Take time for you!

11. You know what? Stuff happens! It's bound to happen and it will. So, go with the flow, roll with it and keep on pressing!

12. You are gifted and talented! And you can use those gifts to make as much money as you can and create the lifestyle you desire.

13. You're skillful and genius. Use those skills and gifts to build your generational wealth! 

14. You DO know what you're doing! You may not have all the tools yet but that's part of the process, keep pushing you will find your chord.

15. You are not your past! Your past is just that, keep it there. Learn what you MUST learn from it accept it and use it as fuel to ignite your future!

16. You are worthy of love! Simply because you exist. There is nothing else you need to do to earn it.

17. You are an incredible multitasker! Even though at times you shouldn't, the fact that you CAN and HAVE makes you genius at building an awesome business.

18. Your business is wealthy! You have the ability to create a foundation in your business that will leave a legacy to your family, children, and other women (and men) throughout the world.

19. Your Business IS successful! Whether you wanted to earn $100,000 but you've only earned $10,000 or you earned $1,000,000 but you are still at $500,000 girl you EARNED those dollars using your OWN genius, skills, influence and talent. You better celebrate that! And keep moving forward

20.  You are a QUEEN! And you deserve to be treated as such! Don't except anything less!

21. You got this! Trust your instinct and gut!

22. You are a master communicator! 

23. Your Emotional IQ is high

24. You Survived! Whatever happened, if you're reading this that means you survived it and you have the ability to conquer anything.

25. You are open minded and willing to try new things.

26. You embrace your haters. They aren't really haters, but all the naysayers or those who doubted you, love them anyway!

Click here for the rest! I promise they won't disappoint!!


Copyright 2011 Katrina M. Harrell (Please include FULL author credit if you repost or share!)

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Why Does It Have to Be So Hard?


Why Does it Have to Be So Hard?


I am very supportive of others. Tell me what you are trying to do and I will try to help. What information or resources I don’t have, I will try to find for you or at least point you in the right direction, find someone that can help you.  I am one of these people that find it very difficult to ask anyone to do anything for me, I am not a sales person, and I don’t push my opportunities or products on anyone. I share and try to show the value.  Often times that works.   What I don’t like is so many people that want you to get into business with them, you sign up,  make the purchase and they disappear.  There is little training and no support. On top of that when you share your business or anything you would like to have supported, people that you supported are MIA.


We have to learn how to support each other. Circulate the dollars and resources within. This is too much of an individualistic society. Who truly makes it alone? We have to help one another. It does not have to be huge chunk of money. We can help each other with referrals, office equipment or other needed supplies; we can donate different things that someone may need to operate their business. IF you have a great skill that may be of great benefit to someone do some bartering, something.


And when it comes to charity, it is just has hard. I have been trying to collect clothing for a local shelter for months. I got one person to donate clothing. Another organization I support sends shoes to Liberia. I have not gotten one pair of shoes. I am collecting for a local pregnancy org that helps teen and pregnant women, I have not received one can of formula or diapers…I know that times are difficult. I am struggling. But I share when I can. It does the heart good to help. Even if it is one pack of socks to a battered women shelter. One box of baby wipes to a pregnancy program, a couple cans of vegetables to a homeless shelter. I am finding just how difficult it is. I thought it would be a lot easier. You care, you Give. Maybe not? I don’t get it but I will not be discouraged. I will continue to do what I am supposed to do and donate when I can and educate and encourage others. You never know when you or someone you love may be in need.




I am in the process of offering evening and weekend childcare. Akron Ohio area.


  • NightLight for Lil Angels Care~
    I would like to provide evening and weekend care for babies. Most mothers today have to return to work after 6 to 8 weeks. The days of staying home 3 months to a year or longer are over in today’s tight economy. This service would be helpful for those who work evenings/nights or who need a break for shopping, appointments on weekends or for a weekend get-a-way.


Donated clean, safe, working cribs, high chairs, play pins, strollers etc….would be very much appreciated.  I am trying to get started with “half “ a shoe string budget.


 Giving Efforts:


The Family That Gives


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SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO JUST GET STARTED! HELPING OTHERS IS NOT DIFFICULTHello Community,I know must of us are always trying to find programs that work.That benefit others as well as ourselves.I am involved in several.In my getting, I became involved, by recommendation from another network member,with Connecting Us All.I like this company mission, it actually, is very similar to another company I promote mission.To help others locally and around the world.If you are looking for a program yourself, examine Connecting Us All.Where you go from a YOU OR ME WORLD TO A YOU AND ME WORLDRefreshingly Different$20 CAN GO A LONG WAY!!Go to www.jusstart.comGet additional info. Get Started.
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Hard times are ahead and for some its already upon us. Only a few will take strong measures NOW to change their course of devastation. All are looking to the Internet for a business as their "pot of gold" when in "reality" your "pot of gold" is in you!It worked before in the earlier 1900's especially during the worst depression recorded on record. Ordinary people just like you, changed their fate by implementing one simple act in their daily routine. By doing so, many were able to live in "prosperity" and a few were able to live as the most affluent individuals of all times. They truly understood "there are no experts, only varying degrees of ignorance."A few of the affluent like John D. Rockefeller, once probably the most reviled man of his era, left behind for the human race riches as great as any man who has been on earth. Rockefeller practiced a formula from an early age and he taught his family, and the principle is still working for them today. He also revealed that his family did not accumulate its vast wealth for purely money's sake--a negation of the principle--for "Money itself is lifeless, impotent, sterile...but man with his brain, brawn and imagination, using money as servant, may feed the hungry, cure the diseased, make the desert places bloom, and bring beauty into life." "I have been brought up to believe and the conviction only grows upon me, that giving ought to be entered into in just the same careful way as investing."He was thoroughly and all-absorbingly in love with the principle. John D. Rockefeller embraced the principle and gave, and in return it gave, flooding abundance and wealth and prosperity over him almost beyond human power to count!And another, Andrew Carnegie revealed that the truly great fortunes were not received through the worship of money for money's sake. He said that there is "no idol more debasing than the worship of money." Andrew Carnegie practiced this principle and received in his lifetime more than $350,000,000.And another, Julius Rosenwald revealed that the truly great fortunes were not received through hoarding, but through circulating money--giving and receiving freely. He said "I believe that under no circumstances should funds be held in perpetuity." Julius Rosenwald practiced the principle and received in his lifetime more than $60,000,000.And lastly noted, Andrew Mellon, was a public figure, served as US Secretary of the Treasury. He practiced the principle in secret. He knew that no thoughts of others could possibly get into his mind to interrupt his application of the principle if no one knew of his system of multiplying his wealth. Andrew Mellon burned the notes of small debtors at Christmas time and gave away his money in large bundles with the greatest of secrecy. It is said that while Andrew Mellon practiced the principle, he received in his lifetime in excess of ONE BILLION DOLLARS.As the Psalmist said, "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation." Most of these generations have passed. A new generation unestablished to follow the path has lost their way. Great wealth is not for everyone. For with it -- is great responsibility. However, prosperity is a birth-right for everyone who chooses to claim it.Join the Crusade! Share Prosperity with Expectation! Make it your business today to enlighten a new generation that their true "pot of gold" lies within them and can be had by practicing a simple principle consciencely and daily everyday. We have an opportunity to truly help another find their way to prosperity from sharing knowledge of the principle. To lay claim to something you truly do not understand will not work. Thoroughly learn the principle and apply it to your daily life. Practice it for a minimum of 30 Days; but its most beneficial for a lifetime.Click the link!There's no time to waste!Get started learning and applying the principle today!Angela aka Superstaressadmin@seedstothebarns.comPS. Think on this. It is said "for money's sake". What does that mean? It means when you focus on money and money only, its a curse of void, suffering, and long struggles of debt and lack. But when you practice the principle, you focus on what the money is for, the good it can do not only for yourself but for others too.After you click the link, swiftly go down to the bottom of the web page and buy the ebooks to learn the difference to help you change your focus. You'll get three (3) eBooks with relevent subject matter; however, Seed Money In Action is written in layman's terms, easier to follow allowing you to implement immediately.
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To many the thought of receiving money that you "didn't work for" is so foreign, yet it is practiced every day in possibly every country in the world. Check out my 2 part video series on The Truth About Cash Gifting, and see why cash gifting is the #1 cash generator on the internet today. Learn how even the US govenrnment gives us the constitutional right to give and receive cash gifts Tax Free!!! Watch these 2 Videos, then visit

Part 1: The Truth About Cash Gifting

Part 2: The Truth About Cash Gifting

Giving & Receiving....A Way To Prosper Today!
Gee Renee
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5 Tips to Gift Giving Success

The gift giving season is almost upon us! Odds are that you are among the many who are frantically looking for ideas. To help you in your quest for that perfect gift, here are my five tips that are sure give you great results:1. Know the person you are shopping for. This may seem like a no brainer, but if you are part of a secret Santa program at work, you may not know the recipient that well. This is your chance to channel your inner detective. Ask co-workers about the person. Observe them, but by no means become a stalker! Look at their desk, is there a family or pet photo? Use these findings in your shopping.2. Be Aware of Your Budget. There is nothing worse than opening your credit card statement after the holiday shopping season. Make sure whatever gifts you give, you can afford.3. Go surfing! On the web that is. You can find the most unique items online from small mom and pop shops. Do a google search for WAHM directories to get listings of different online businesses. You’ll also find great deals online from bigger companies as well.4. Everybody wants to be pampered! Whether it is a free dinner, massage or manicure, people like a gift that treats them to something. Even if it is something that they have never done before, if it is free to them, they’ll take it!5. When in doubt, a gift card is always welcome! Who can’t use a gift card to Target or Walmart? Better yet, a Visa, Mastercard or American Express gift card that can be used any where is even better! I’ve yet to hear of someone trying to return a gift card! Just be sure that the recipient reads the fine print. Some gift cards start to charge fees if the card is not used in a specific amount of time.Now go forth and shop!
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Hello, it's Ruth.I found something that looks really great and I believe it will interest you also. I am very excited about it.I am looking for 2 motivated strategic business partners to have fun with. I respect you and would like to invite you to become one of my 2 strategic partners today. Please check it out thoroughly and get back to me today so we can see if you are going to be one of my 2 partners or not. Either way is fine with me. I was blown away when I checked it out.There are so many incredible people involved in this project.Watch the short 1 minute slide show on the home page. Please be sure you have your speakers turned on.Also, be sure to click on the $22K Income Generator Link & The Charity Link featuring Chuck Norris and Shakira!Please get back to me as soon as possible today or tomorrow at the latest as this is exploding worldwide right now and we are moving forward very fast.Sincerely,Ruth Clements413 363 2041prosperity_in_2008@yahoo.comCLICK HERE TO SEE THE WEBSITEPS: If you wish to become one of my 2 strategic partners, go ahead and sign up right away and get back to me ASAP.I'm looking forward to hearing back from you today or tomorrow at the latest. Thank you.http://ProsperityIn2008.mentorsclub.com
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Solutions Health & Wellness is showing support with Solutions Cancer Resource Center,Inc. in giving to others who are facing difficult health concerns. One of the things that we came up with is the care-giver baskets which are given to those who are taking care of a loved one who is terminally ill. Although most care givers just do it without a second thought, they are often overwhelmed with the thoughts of losing their loved one - putting their own selves at the back burner. The idea to give was simply a way to show appreciation -- just to say you are very special and we care about you. It is a treat that brings a smile - a lift in spirits - a moment that makes a difference. A way of showing that they are appreciated - a big 'Thank You!'We have now added gift baskets to the children who are ill and could certainly use a treat (toys, crayons, coloring books, books to read, etc.). Unfortunately, the systems that are already in place are not able to reach everyone. However, we have access and can identify many children who are in need of a special moment of joy. We have reached out to our friends,families as well as businesses and we are pleased with the response. The donations have ranged from sample products, variety of items purchased and already placed in baskets (ready to be delivered), monies(starting at $1). What we have found is that in all the gifts we have received, they were all given with great joy - just knowing that it will make a difference to someone. Nothing can describe the feeling of seeing someone smile or shed a tear of gratitude for receiving a gift basket -- it is truly priceless.As I have heard over the years, it is better to give than to receive. Well, just think of how you feel when you receive a gift especially when you least expect it, wouldn't you love to share that with someone else? I would encourage you as a business owner to give to others who are in need -- no matter how small your gift may seem it will mean so much more to someone. Your business will grow as a result as others recognize that you actually care.If you would like to join with us in helping to make it happen for these very special children who are facing some difficult challenges with their health - you help through paypal using the email address If you would prefer to send a gift send an email for the mailing address. Please note that your business/name will be added to the baskets.
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The Weekend Begins.................

This week flew by as all the weeks in the past have since I reached 30 years old which although it has been quite some time seems like just yesterday. It seems as though over the years the time just flies by....... This week I had two meetings set this week one at the Mayors Office to meet with one of the staff members to address the health initiatives and research projects that are geared toward reaching the residents of the community. The other meeting is to reach out to the medical staff members that are parishioners to work out a plan of getting members of the churches to participate in healthy choices and health promotional events. Both meetings went very well, we have to overcome some barriers which we are prepared to deal with other alternative methods.I have also found the courage to ask for support from others in helping to bring joy and comfort to those who are facing terminal illnesses, losing a loved one or those who are just giving their all to help a family member during this rough period of the end stage of life. When I first began giving gift baskets, I used my own monies and I can tell you how incredibly rewarding it is for me to make someone else enjoy a moment of joy during the roughest season of their lives. I really wished that I could give to everyone. Now I have expanded to children as they too need a great big pick me up -- especially having to face a terminal disease.Now here it is Friday the weekend is upon us yet again and I have a lot of work to do........... The Health & Wellness show airs tomorrow morning at 11 am. In addition, I am going to keep working to meet the needs of others through health, wellness and giving gifts to those who really need it most. As the saying goes, it is better to give than to receive - but then again the satisfaction in giving is priceless..............
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