Goals (88)

Experts say it takes 30 days to change a negative behavior to a positive behavior. With that in mind I will be posting a positive quote of the day for the next 30 days. I hope all of you will find a quote that pushes you forward in your goal towards business success.Day 1If you don't keep doing it better, your competition will.Stay tuned.......Zanira Says SMILE......
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Are YOU Most Productive?

Post from BabyDollKissez.Com I hope you enjoy


Two things more valuable than money in this day and age is Time and more Time. People are always complaining of not having enough time. being in a rush and so forth. Time is money, so what can you do to make your day most productive?

Start you day of right!

How do you start your day off? You do know that the beginning could be the end so start it off right. Ever had a bad morning and its followed its way through? Well that's what I mean. I normally start my day off with meditation lets keep it fresh, I don't sit with candles and incense burning chanting "hum rey yum" I don't have time for that I just take 5-10 minutes in silence just to be still and think, sometimes I think of tasks I wish to complete and then I take time to show gratitude. I actually find when I don't do this, the rest of the day I'm running around like an unorganised headless chicken. Most of us really underestimate the power of just sitting and being still for a while. Being still really helps to clear your thoughts......

So ....Book a date with yourself!

Regardless of the time of the day, have 10-20 minutes just to sit and think, if you want to jot down notes of things you have to do then do that. This will help you to focus, you will have time to concentrate and remember all tasks you wish to complete and ways in which to do so. Therefore in action you will be most productive, already having run through your tasks.

Everyone has a peek time within there day. You know a time where you find your self most active, most enthusiastic etc. Are you a morning person? An afternoon person? An evening person? Which ever you identify with, do your most important tasks within this period while you are switched on and ready to go. Doing them at your peek points and not your tedeious will make the most difficult tasks easier to bear.

Cancel Interruptions!

This especially applies to those that work at home, if you have been working all day (whether office or home) have a small gateway period where the phone is plugged out mobiles switched off do not check your email just chill. Break off for a moment and do you. Avoid prolonging this for too long (you don't want people to be worry about you lol.)

Most of all Have a Purpose for your day

Try to get something from each day. Make sure you do one great thing each day no matter how big or small just great.


Have fun with your day keep it funky. Be realistic stuff happens and the slightest thing can put a damper on your day but you are the only one in control of your emotions, so regardless of the exterior impacts or people around you make sure your smiling keep your spirits up and things will turn out fine. Things never seem so bad when your smiling and when your having fun the day goes quicker. Ask yourself do you see your glass half empty or Half full ;-)

See I started with asking what can you do to make your day most productive, but what you have to understand is in order to be most productive your personal self awareness and well-being has to be in check. So when asking about being most productive its really about self management rather than task management. As long as your head is clear, you will find most other things in life follow through.

I hope this helps. QueenB.D


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Has it really been a New Year New You?

Here is an extract from the lastest post on my BDK blog, do read, I hope you enjoy:


BabyDolls we are now approaching our 6th month of the year, so you may as well call it mid year, what changes have we made so far that are different from those of before? What were the resolutions that you set on the 1st of January have you accomplished what you had hoped to accomplish?BabyDolls you have to be at the top of your game, there is only one person in control of your well-being and that is you so make sure your doing what your suppose to, do not keep putting things off because like the saying says: “you will put it all til tomorrow…too late“. There must have been a reason why you joined that gym, you paid all that money and have only been once!! You better pack your gym bag for tomorrow and get stepping! Or did you plan to be more healthy this year, remember a healthy heart is a healthy start, put the phone down no takeout for you tonight!The point I am trying to make is stay on track! I know there are many twist and turns in life that steer you from where you want to go but it is up to you to shout timeout, re-evaluate and get it together. What ever you resolutions were whether large or small its not too late you still have another 6 whole months. Just do not forget about them completely.I am sorry for ranting if you have stuck to your goals whether stopped smoking, saved for your holiday, gone back to education whatever I applaud you well done go and have a glass of rosé and be fabulous lolFor those who have slipped alittle it is OK at least you have been reminded. Get back on track and be the best you can be. Life is about regenerating yourself constantly. However if you didn’t bother to set any resolutions this year why not set a few goals now. Don’t feel strained you haven’t got to write an essay just a few lines and see if you can strive to achieve them all.BabyDolls believe me there is nothing better than ticking off a goal you have achieved and feeling you are closer to where you should be, I hope my words have helpedQueenB.D xoxoxo
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The Week's Report..........

I write to hold myself accountable to my thoughts, ideas, goals..........The results are in and I am prepared to share them with you. I have great news - the goal was to get three clients and I was able to get two. Yes, I was successful.I addressed the legislators at the Public Hearing for Access to Health Care. It was a rewarding experience as at the end of the meeting, a prospective client approached me. I have a meeting set up to discuss further.In addition, I have two meetings set this week one at the Mayors Office to meet with one of the staff members to address the health initiatives and research projects that are geared toward reaching the residents of the community. The other meeting is to reach out to the medical staff members that are parishioners to work out a plan of getting members of the churches to participate in healthy choices and health promotional events.The debut of my Health & Wellness show aired live on this past Saturday and it will be live on Saturdays at 11 am. It was off to a beginners start and I am very excited about it as we will be having a great time with addressing topics that will promote healthy life choices.In addition, I finally joined the myspace site. A site that I thought was quite annoying as my girls would spend what would seem like an eternity on this site. I would have to tell them to get off and do something smart like read a book or at least use the computer to research something intelligent. They would tell me that I am beasting (over reacting).Now to think that I am a part of the myspace site is hilarious........ I did explain to my girls that it was for business purposes and that I will not be entertaining friend requests from them or their friends. I just pray that I do not become consumed with the myspace hype. On the other hand, I hope it does not become a place where I forget to check in and update as needed. I am a hands on person - not a micro manager - I just like to ensure that my work is representative of me.Now here it is Monday again and I have a lot of work to do........... I am enjoying this journey - it's not all easy but it is certainly a great work in progress.
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THE GOALIt’s like reaching for something far away. If you keep on reaching and running without stopping, you will obtain what you are reaching for. Persevering, not quitting, but going after it with all your might, as though you have to have it; that’s the driving force. Don’t look at time as a barrier. Look at it this way, the years are going to pass anyway, so why not accomplish what you wish.The battle starts in your mind, that’s where it is. It is a war between your spirit and your mind. (Your mind being your common sense) Once your mind is working in cooperation with your spirit, the struggle ceases.It is almost like going down a long tunnel. You don’t see anything on your right or on your left. You only focus on what’s straight ahead.You are determined to get to the end of the tunnel because at the end of the tunnel the light appears. The sun looks like the dawning of a new day, with new opportunities. Nothing distracts you; you are staying on course.The word procrastination is not a part of your vocabulary. Most of the time that is the problem, people don’t act. Whatever needs to be done should be completed and taken care of in a timely manner. As a matter of fact, it should be done before the required time to make sure there are no slip-ups.Some people would say, “I’ll start when the kids grow-up, or when I attain a certain amount of money”. “I’m too old, or I will wait 2,5,10 years from now”. Well, those years are going to come and go and then you will think about the things that you could have accomplished but didn’t. Why not look back and be able to say you have attained your goal and dream.Another way is to go at it one day at a time. Instead of looking at it as a long haul, look at it as taking little leaps. You will be surprised at how, in time, you will be closer to your goal.You must understand that no one else controls your destiny. A lot of times people confide in others and ask their opinion on what they should do. The person or persons they confide in may not have any ambition to succeed, and jealousy steps in. They discourage and cause them to remain immobile. Stay away from those types of people. As soon as discouragement is thrown at you, throw it back. Don’t allow it to seep into your thinking and bring back the battle in your mind.Success is determined by your actions not anyone else’s.Brenda Farrar-Ejemai(c) 1998www.TheFamilyInTheCar.comwww.ebookstand.com/books.grp/BR2191.htmlISBN 978-1-58909-485-7No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission of the publisher.
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Stay focused!

Stay focused! When you are on your path towards your destiny it is important to remain focused. People will try to discourage you, times will be tough, but if you continue towards your goal you have no choice but to reach it. Staying focused is something easy to say, but not always the easiest thing to accomplish. This is why it is important for you to surround yourself with people who are uplifting you and motivating you to move forward.Trust me I know first hand that it can be hard. Believe me there are days I want to give up, because things do not look like there getting any better. I just have to remember that everything comes in God's timing not mine. And I am reminded by the circle of people that I choose to surround myself with.If you would like to continue reading this post please go to the following link: http://iambeingled.blogspot.com
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Monday - Monday...................

It's a new day. This is the day that begins a new week of goals. My goal is to gain 3 new clients. A challenge that I am ready to meet head on - I know that this is no easy feat.The target list is out and I am preparing to make the necessary calls and make it happen. In addition, I have some research - to further look into another great idea I have. Research is essential for me in making some decisions although there are those times when I work with my intuitive/spiritual guide. My spiritual guide is not by going to a specialist who can guide me through the use of cards or with closed eyes and candles. My spiritual guide is my own inner voice/conversational moments where thoughts and ideas run rampant through my mind guiding me to fulfill my purpose.I listen to my thoughts, I flush through the ideas and do my own pros and cons of how I can make it work. I have learned not to say too much to others as they like to give the worst case scenario in their own efforts to protect me from failure. However, my focus is on success. Therefore, I am going to do what I do best and make it happen.In addition, I am scheduled to speak at a Public Hearing to address the legislators on Access to Health Care, contact various clergy regarding addressing health concerns to their church members/attendees, review a new medical study, etc.It's Monday and I have a lot to do and by Friday I will have reached my goals.
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I Quit - I Give Up!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008I Quit - I Give Up!Yes, I am a quitter. I am giving up. I am no longer making to do lists only to do other things rather than focus on my list. I have great plans and I recognize that I am not accomplishing anything by keeping those plans hostage in my mind.Today, I am going to make some great accomplishments.- make the phone calls- send out the emails- research informationIt's early and I have a lot of work to do. I promised myself that 2008 will be a successful year. Today, I am making sure that I follow through with my to do list - I am holding myself accountable. I must go - there is work that must be done.
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