The Cost of Not Pursuing Your Passion

So many of us are unhappy and unsatisfied with how we are managing our lives. Though most of us are grateful for the ability to have an income during this tough economic season, I believe the #1 desire is to do what you love to do. A great percentage of time and energy is directed toward doing alot of busy work. Unfortunately when that's the case, we have no say so in the qualty of life for 7-12 hours of the day. That's a whole lot of time doing what you know doesn't offer satisfaction.

Operating in your passion is the most important thing you can do in life, because it causes something on the inside of you to bubble up. You feel euphoric. You're motivated, inspired and built up and you have a feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day, not dread that you got through it.

So what occurs when you are not connected to your passion?

  • You have no joy. It's all over your face.
  • You lose your sharpness.
  • You take less risks in life because you don't see the benefit of going against the grain.You become comfortable with where you are and what you're doing. You have found a way to be comfortable even though you are unhappy, joyless and unmotivated.
  • You miss out on opportunities to reach people with your gifts and talents. You're not changing lives. At the end of the day, you should ask yourself,"whose life have I changed today?"

You know I can list more, but I think you get the message. We were not created to live this way. I've found that people who are passionate about life are:

  • Productive daily.
  • They are not afraid.
  • They follow their calling, take risks, and see challenges as opportunities to expand.
  • They are in synch with who they really are and it's revealed in what they say, do and think.

Until you discover your core DNA, you are living a life of mediocrity. Take intentional steps to do the great things you were meant to do. You owe it to yourself!



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Because I am a business and marketing coach and I work with entrepreneurs, who are by nature extremely creative people, I find that many of them get caught in what I've affectionately called the "cute syndrome." You know, cute little names for programs and services, a pretty website with lots of color and no content or call to actions that produce results and create income, catch phrases and buzz words and sometimes even jargon. The big challenge when you're stuck in the "cute syndrome" is that it is seldom clear and effective in getting your ideal clients to see you as the only solution to their problem, which after all is the reason we are all in business, right?

Once I explain to you what I explain to my private clients, they get it almost immediately. Cute doesn't attract clients, cute doesn't have money deposited into your checking account; cute seldom pays the bills. I assert don't be cute if clarity is the sacrifice.
To become a successful service based entrepreneur, you've got to move beyond cute and focus on clarity. People only take action when the next best step is crystal clear. To create an environment where your ideal clients can move easily and effortlessly through your prospect and sales funnel, you've got to get clear on the transformation you provide as well as the results and benefits they will experience in working with you and displaying it in a language that is compelling, engaging and action-oriented.
Here are a few quick questions/tips you should consider to ensure that your content, sales copy, programs, products and services are clear and not just cute:
1. When I visit your website, will I immediately be able to tell the transformation that I will experience if I opt to work with you?
Most first time visitors to your website will never look beyond the fold of your website so, your best stuff, the clarity of what you do must be laid out in a "power statement" making it obvious who you work with, how you solve their problem and the results they get from moment go. If you fail to do that, ideal client prospects will click away, never to return.
2. Is your marketing messaging and website content compelling, engaging and easy to read?
Again, don't be cute; be clear about your compelling marketing messages and case studies to illustrate what you do, how you do it and what others will gain when they hire you. To write compelling copy is essential if you want to allow your website to make you money while you sleep.
3. Do you have social proof to validate the transformation you claim to provide?
It's great that you say you can do something amazing for your clients. Really, it is. But who else is saying it? Are you previous clients singing your praises? are the signing up to work with you again after their program is complete? Do you have one page on your website designated to reflect success stories or testimonials?
4. Does your Incredible Factor (USP, HUG, secret sauce and signature move stand out)?
Your Incredible Factor is your unique selling proposition, value proposition, hot undeniable gift, secret sauce and signature move all rolled into one yummy client magnetic package. When a prospect lands on your website is it clear to them how you stand out in the marketplace or do they look at your pictures and whisper, "aaww, that's cute;" before they click away?
5. Are your call to actions clear, strategically placed so the prospect doesn't get lost of confused?
Do you clearly lay out a path for prospects to follow to get closer to working with you or do they need to poke around until they find that needle in your website's haystack?
6. Are your programs designed to make the results clear and are the next steps that should be taken clear and easy to follow?
Are you so focused on selling the contents of your programs that you never tell what participants have gained by being enrolled? Do you tell them what to do next if they'd like to enroll?
7. Do you have a way for them to sample your offerings that is irresistible?
An irresistible free offer is like the pink spoon at Baskin's just enough to entice them to buy the full you have one that they'd do anything to have?
As you can see, cute doesn't pay off in the world of entrepreneurship. So take my advice - stop being cute and get clear.
If you desire to gain clarity so that your cute creates cash, contact me for a Play Big Strategy Session - in 60 minutes I will replace your cute with clear so that you become an ideal client magnet.
©2011 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit
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Stop Procrastinating

In order to reach your goals you must commit to taking action steps. If procrastination is an issue in your life then you must to take steps toward changing the habits that keep you from taking charge of your life.

Here are 40 tips to stop procrastinating:

  1. Plan your next day, hour by hour, the evening before
  2. Make one to-do list
  3. Write your tasks down
  4. Put it on a calendar
  5. Learn to say “No”
  6. Schedule 2 hours of uninterrupted time in which to work on your tasks
  7. Commit to not checking email during scheduled uninterrupted time
  8. Commit to turning your phone off during scheduled uninterrupted time
  9. Commit to not checking for texts during scheduled uninterrupted time
  10. Get your spouse or children involved in what you are doing
  11. Partner up with someone who will hold you accountable
  12. Hold yourself accountable
  13. Report to someone else
  14. Let your family know what you are doing and get their support
  15. Give yourself deadlines (time and date) to finish a project
  16. Set your desk up to be conducive to productive work
  17. Do your biggest task in the morning or first thing before anything else
  18. Do the most difficult task first
  19. Do the item that will yield the most results first
  20. Require yourself to finish at least one action step before going to bed
  21. You can maintain high standards but being a perfectionist may hold you back
  22. Take a break to rejuvenate, but decide on a specific to complete after your break
  23. Build momentum by getting one, then two, then three things done
  24. Break a large action step into bite size, manageable pieces
  25. Find a way to get started by doing the easiest part first, build momentum
  26. Make your decision and stop wavering; it’s holding you up!
  27. Face your fear
  28. Identify your obstacles
  29. Finish a task before you start on a new one
  30. Get organized
  31. Make your task fun
  32. Reward yourself
  33. Don’t over plan
  34. Create a routine and plan recurring tasks at the same time every day
  35. Be disciplined
  36. Have a sense of urgency
  37. Just do it and stop thinking about it
  38. Believe in yourself
  39. Say affirmations every day
  40. Look at your goals every day

Take a step over that line of procrastination and make things happen in your life. Your success or failure is up to you.

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eBiz Marketing is looking for contributing writers for articles and essays to be posted on eBiz Marketing and several of our network affiliate sites. These articles must be based on “Online Marketing Tactics/Techniques” and “How Your Business Can Survive the Recession”. We will provide a bio/bi-line and your contact information. Some articles may be posted in our “eBiz Marketing Newsletter" eBlast. Because our subscribers are typically African American Professionals , Companies interested in submitting articles must be 51% African American owned. eBiz Marketing has last say on what articles will be published. Once your article is approved we will contact you via email. You must have complete rights to publish your creative works. We at eBiz Marketing recognize the importance of featuring articles in blogs, blasts, and network sites. We are currently seeking your help in increasing our exposure. There are many excellent writers in this community. In exchange we hope to bring additional exposure to you and your business. We would additionally like to thank LaShonda for all the valuable information she provides on a daily basis.

Please Email the following information with your submissions to: NOTE All responses must come to email address provided. Thank you

Company Name
Company Website
Contact Number
Brief Bio or Bi-Line (95 words or less).
URL Links to any RSS Feeds, Blog Sites, etc..
URL link to where you may want articled to be linked to.
All articles must be submitted in word or notepad only.
Please do not submit any pictures, logos, or graphics.

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