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Using a Virtual Assistant

What is a Virtual Assistant?
Need a VA? Call 469-737-0712
A virtual assistant, or VA, is an administrative professional who outsources his or her administrative talents and experience to small business, individuals and corporations for a long or short-term period. Most virtual assistants have several years of experience in the corporate world, and bring to their business the training and experience accumulated during those years.

For me, I have over 15 years experience in administrative roles and worked for top companies such as Fed Ex Office and Southwest Airlines. I also have a degree in Office Management and another degree in Business Management. I used my 8 years experience as an internet marketer to specialize as an internet marketing virtual assistant. So along with administrative tasks, I also help small businesses with marketing online.

Many administrators who leave the corporate world to start their own virtual assistant business do so because they are motivated to achieve and want to influence how their talents are used and developed. Virtual assistants are known for continually developing their administrative skills, business knowledge, and keeping up with leading edge technology to provide you, the client, with professional and reliable virtual service.

Virtual Assistants In Business
Virtual assistants are not employees. We are small business owners who work with you to support your business goals and needs. When you contract a virtual assistant, you receive expert and flexible administrative support, provided through popular and leading edge technology. VAs are business owners themselves and understand why you and your business need professional, timely, reasonably priced service. Because the client's satisfaction is key to the success of a virtual assistant business, you can expect solid and reliable performance on a continuing basis.

Though virtual assistants can be engaged for an occasional project, their potential is best realized in ongoing business relationships with their clients. Over time, your virtual assistant will become more familiar with the workings of your business, so he or she can better support you and add to your success.

The many small business owners and entrepreneurs of today's business world have found virtual assistants to be an invaluable resource. Virtual assistants have come a long way from being "work at home" secretaries. They can be writers, proofreaders, editors, database creators, researchers, marketers, web designers ... The list of possibilities is as diverse as the people who enter the VA industry. Business people are realizing they no longer have to do everything on their own and are hiring virtual assistants to take care of tasks they no longer have time for, or that they don't enjoy doing.

Where Is The VA Industry Going?
It's only going to get bigger and better! The current trend in business outsourcing means that the role of virtual assistants will become more significant in the future. As technology develops and business need grows, a virtual assistant may soon become a vital part of every successful business.

Dana Williams is an Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant specializing in online promotions for small businesses. Visit for her special report "Internet Marketing for Small Business".
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Create Your Online Branding Strategy in 5 Easy Steps

As a small business owner building your brand online is essential in this new economy. A few weeks ago I attended a webinar presented by Coach Tanya, of, a branding consulting company in Dallas, Texas.

In the webinar, Coach Tanya detailed these five steps to online branding. Follow these five online branding tips and you’ll be on your way to creating a solid brand for your small business.

  1. Develop a Visibility Strategy. Be seen and be heard. It used to said that– “it’s who you know”, but in this new economy, it’s “who knows you” that matters. To accomplish this strategy, create a blog for your business, use social media such as Twitter and Facebook but don’t forget about affinity groups like LinkedIn and Ning. Create a profile and get active on these sites.
  2. Be Known for Something. Become a thought leader. Define your strengths. What comes natural to you? What are you good at? What makes you think “I can’t wait to do that again?” Determine whatever it is and become a known leader in that area.
  3. Decide Your Style. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean it’s right for you. When it comes to marketing your business online, there are so many ways to do this. There’s social media, article-writing, press releases, blogs, etc. and so on. Don’t try to do it all. Test them out, then decide what’s right for you and go with that.
  4. Manage Your Time. Outsource what you don’t have time to do yourself. A tool like HootSuite is a real time-saver when it comes to posting to your social media accounts. Another way to save time is to hire a virtual assistant or outsource company to handle administrative or marketing tasks you don’t have time to do yourself.
  5. Monitor Your Brand. You can measure how well your brand ranks online by using sites like and These sites will let you know how strong your online brand is currently and give you some tips to leverage your online clout.

Dana Williams is an Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant specializing in online promotions for small businesses. Visit for her special report "Internet Marketing for Small Business".
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Get Noticed Now!

I wanted to share with my fellow networkers my new project. Recently, I have come in contact with several members of various sites and I have been asked time and time again where did you come from and how did you make such an impression so fast. Well I love people and I have always been a people person and every field that I have worked in has been catered around helping others, it’s a passion that I have. I spend a lot of time doing so, but I don’t mind because it’s fun. My fiancé asked me the other night, “Why don’t you help others do the same thing that you have done; I’m sure that they would appreciate it.” Now if you have been following my blog you will know that once a “Richetta” gets started on something there is no turning back. I hope that I will be able to reach and help others grow they’re market and GET NOTICED!!So until the next time this is Coach Richetta!Have a wonderful Tuesday!Coach Richetta BlackmonEmpowering Women- “One Lady at a Time”
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Social Media Impact on Business

Facebook. Twitter. Blogging. Website. LinkedIn. These are the buzz words/sites that are taking over virtual marketing today. Businesses are engaging these social mediums to market their products and services; however, some executives are intimidated or overwhelmed with the task of updating their social sites on a daily basis. To properly engage potential customers, business owners must build their online presence.Maintaining an active online presence can boost the companies sales and customer base. As a business owner, you are probably thinking "Oh no, not something else to add to my overflowing plate of responsibilities!"Savvy business owners are enlisting the help of a Virtual Assistant (VA) to manage their social accounts. Hiring a VA will allow the business owner to continue to focus on revenue generating tasks while the VA maintains the business online presence.The internet is the go to place for people when they are looking for information about products and services. Potential customers use the internet as a research tool to gather more information about products or services. Maintaining an updated website and social media presence will help build your company brand and establish brand loyalty.A VA can ensure that your business has an updated website and that your status on social media sites are updated regularly. Hiring a VA to manage your social presence will ensure that your business is remaining competitive and help build strong relationships online, monitor your brand reputation online, and gain support for your products or services by publicizing them online to establish a good image for your brand. Engaging customers in conversations about your product or service is the best possible publicity and its FREE!CMB Virtual Assistants, is a business support company, that offers social media services. CMB VA will ensure your business have an online presence without you adding an additional task to your already full day whilst your business still benefiting from the social media interaction. Pamela King, Virtual Office Manager, states "Companies today are utilizing social media sites as a way to reach their target market without investing a huge marketing budget."Contact CMB Virtual Assistants to plan your strategic strategy to enhance your social media presence.Visit for more information or call 206-376.0735 for your free consultation.
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How to Make Real Money as a VA (What Most Training Programs Don’t Teach You) F*R*E*E Teleseminar Event.* Learn the secret stumbling block why most Virtual Assistants miss out on their ideal client* Become empowered with a tip that will skyrocket your journey to your next BIG PAY DAY $$$* What 3 things most VA Training Programs Don’t Teach You and how to change what you don’t know to what you need to know for ultimate success* What business owners can to do empower their VA’s to assist more in their business for profitabilityClick here to sign up
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Is it time to Hire an Assistant?

Are you working every hour of the day, even in your sleep? Are you working odd hours - late into the night or very early in the morning? Are you missing quality family time because you “must” finish this one last thing? Is there simply too much to do and all of it has you feeling a bit overwhelmed?If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to hire an assistant. If you are:1. Spending more than 60% of your day on administrative tasks.You should be focusing on revenue generating activities, instead of pushing paper, making return phone calls, or updating your Facebook or Twitter page. If most of your time is spent on administrative tasks you are not adding value to your business which means your business is not growing.2. You have had to forgo your strategic plan in order to manage the day to day activities.Due to the economy, it is becoming the norm for Executives to play the office manager, the sales manager, and the CEO of their company; however, wearing these hats causes the Executive to lose focus on the long-term projects, which will sustain their business in the long run.3. When was the last time you took a “real” vacation? Are you still thinking? If so, you are overworked and you feel that you can’t take a vacation because you have no one that can handle things while you are gone.You must take time to smell the flowers. An overworked exhausted executive is a hazard to any company. You must take the time to revitalize your mind and body by taking much needed rest periods. Take some time to have fun and come back recharged and ready to grow your business.4. One man show! Be honest - You know you would produce more if you had someone to work with you.You would likely be able to make better decisions because there would be someone there to provide insights and ideas & this will give you the opportunity to delegate some tasks which will increase your time to focus on growing the business.5. You want to spend time with your family and friends and there is simply too much work to do.If any of these situations sound like you or your business, it may be time to consider hiring an assistant. Call CMB Virtual Assistants (206.376.0735) today to set up an appointment to discuss the services that we offer that will help you grow your business through our many levels of administrative support.
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So You're Considering a Virtual Assistant?

So you've decided that you need a virtual assistant. Great! A virtual assistant (also known as remote assistant) can offer services that you can utilize in your own business or even personal life to help you save time and money. I have come in contact with many people that know they need help but when I speak with them find out they really don't have a plan of action lined up. In order to find the right service provider and get the most from their services here are some things to consider before deciding if a virtual assistant is right for you:Know Your Project NeedsYou'd be surprised how many business owners or employers have little idea how much time and attention is required for the job they need completed. Now you may not have all of the details exactly. Write down an outline for your project, take a step back and look through objective eyes at your project needs. Then evaluate what is necessary to get the job done. Do you have at least an idea of how your project should be executed? If you need help with the finer details consult with the virtual assistant you are looking to hire to see how they would execute the work. Then go back and fine tune your project description. It's essential to be up front with yourself and your business and say 'I need someone to help me figure this out.' This pre-planning will help you save time and money down the road and facilitate healthy and productive communication with your perspective VA.Determine What Experience You Need Your VA to HaveAfter you have determined what project(s) or assistance you need ask yourself what experience must your VA have. It may be very basic experience like typing and data entry to more specialized experience like project management, accounting, or marketing. Don't make the mistake and tell yourself 'Anyone should be able to do what I need done,' because that seldom is the case. Not all virtual assistants are cut out to perform the same work and each VA will have a different background. Take the time to write down qualifications that the VA should have or at least should be able to develop over time while working on your project. Also remember the years of experience your VA has in certain areas always adds value.Don't Always Try to Go CheapWe've all heard the saying 'You get what you pay for.' Money is used in exchange for a product or service and also as a motivator. We all want to be paid for our services or what our products are worth. So if you don't know how much you should fairly pay someone consider looking at wage and salary charts online. Chances are if you hire someone with the intention to pay them under wage you may not get the desired results you are looking for and in the long run this will cost you and your business more time and money. Don't expect stellar or professional results if you are only willing to hire someone for minimum wage or less. Create your budget and decide how serious you are about your business. Your level of seriousness about your business will determine how far you are willing to go to hire the proper, professional help you need and at the appropriate cost.Determine the Level of Communication You Need With Your VAWe would all agree communication is extremely important in any business. How many of us really follow this advice? It is important that when you commission a VA to work with you to decide how much communication you need with them and to find out what degree of communication your VA is comfortable with. As the employer you are coming to the VA for services so make efforts to not only check-in and see if your work is getting done but to also ask your VA if there are things he or she may need from you, then provide what it is they need. Work to establish regular meetings via phone or remote meeting to speak with your VA, provide your schedule so your VA knows where you will be and respond to emails from your VA. Remember one of the reasons you have a virtual assistant is to have someone that works remotely. If you are not comfortable with email to help facilitate communication chances are you are not ready to have a VA. Also remember your VA has a life too. Some people make the mistake of calling their VA too much during working hours, after business hours or on the weekends. Respect their time like you would anyone else and establish your level of communication.Do you want to use this article on your website or blog? Certainly but you must include the following information with it: Lyn Twyman is a virtual assistant and Founder of TK Virtual Administrative Services. Lyn has worked with clients nationwide and worldwide providing specialized administrative support and offers small business start-up consulting, business development, and procurement services. Lyn posts a weekly blog article on effective ways business owners can utilize VA services at Learn how a virtual assistant can help your business by visiting www.tkvirtualadmin.comAll rights reserved 2009.
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Hello Everyone!It was a pleasure to meet so many wonderful and talented women of color on the "What's Working Now" webinar provided by the Business Women of Color Coaching Program today.Powerful and Inspirational! Many of you have reached out and I welcome the love. I invite you to sign up for my Newsletter at: http://www.sevenwindsva.netA majority of you want to know the following:How can I become a Virtual Assistant?How can I improve my Virtual Assistant business?What tools and systems can I utilize to improve my business IF I'm NOT a Virtual Assistant?I would like to learn from you Larissa, how can I go about doing that?I would love to have a mentor, are you available?I want to partner with you as my Virtual Assistant, what's the next step?For tips, news and updates I invite you to sign up for my Newsletter at http://www.sevenwindsva.netYou will have FIRST access to all of the new updates in order to help take your business and personal life to the next level. Please feel free to reserve an appointment with me through my website if I can be of further assistance.Seven Winds Virtual Assistance, LLC has many new exciting and upcoming products and services to enhance your life.Live life without limits!
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ENTREPRENEURS, SOLO-PRENEURS, SELF EMPLOYED, HOME BASE BUSINESSES AND BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS:We're introducing a program that's designed to help struggling business owners with back office support. Our prices are discounted from our regular prices and this will happen for the entire year of 2009. Access our website and go to our contact page and click on our BOOKNOW button and make an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION. HAPPY NEW YEAR.Visit our website: www.uniquely40virtualoffice.comPhyllis L JacksonCEO/FOUNDERUniquely40, LLC
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Are you in need of someone to help with the mundane task of organizing paperwork, scheduling appointments, researching, planning & scheduling events (business & personal), a billing reminder, Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable, etc, etc. Then my company is just what you’re looking for.My Company helps Entrepreneurs, Solo-preneurs, Self Employed, Home Base, Small and Large Businesses, or any individual in need of an experience Clerical/Administrative Assistant. I am a Virtual administrative Assistant; a Business Manager and Planner. I can assist you and your business. My services are endless. Why not save money and grow your business by working with me as your Business or Personal Administrative Assistant . I work by the hours, days, weeks or months my services are needed. I have a pricing system that works with everyone’s budget.Phyllis L JacksonCEO/FOUNDERUniquely40, LLChttp://www.uniquely40.comhttp://www.uniquely40virtualoffice.com
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Good Morning!This is your personal invitation to join us on tomorrow (Wednesday) June 11th at 11 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) for our online "live" radio show -- "Do I Need a Real Estate Agent or a Virtual Assistant".You can join us either in the chatroom on the host page or by phone, "dial in" phone number, (347) 205 -9229.If you need additional information on our radio, please check my blog on myspace, see you tomorrow!Altha
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