teleseminar (3)

How to Make Real Money as a VA (What Most Training Programs Don’t Teach You) F*R*E*E Teleseminar Event.* Learn the secret stumbling block why most Virtual Assistants miss out on their ideal client* Become empowered with a tip that will skyrocket your journey to your next BIG PAY DAY $$$* What 3 things most VA Training Programs Don’t Teach You and how to change what you don’t know to what you need to know for ultimate success* What business owners can to do empower their VA’s to assist more in their business for profitabilityClick here to sign up
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Overcoming fear

Overcoming fear© 2008 Robin TrambleHave you ever been hindered by a fear of success (or a fear of failure)?Have you ever received news that seemed to immobilize you with fear?Fear tried to grip me when I was awakened at 2:30 in the morning by my daughter's voice with these words "mom, I can't see!." Well, she recovered and my daughter , my family and I overcame the fear, doubt and unbelief.Faith is the opposite of fear. Doubt and fear are the cousins.People everywhere are beginning to live in a state of fear. There is good fear and bad fear. Fear was also designed to warn us and protect us from certain things, however, for the most part people become in bondage to the negative fear.What is fear?Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of pain.You can begin to overcome fear by following a few of the keys below.1) Recognize fear as the following acronym: False – Evidence – Appearing – RealUsually we fear the outcome of the unknown. The evidence that is presented beforeyou is not necessarily truth. So it is key to know that it is only the way it appears, it is an illusion so to speak. We have somehow allowed ourselves to believe that it is real.2) Identify the source of your fear: Where does your fear stem from? Do you find yourself becoming bound by fear when facing new tasks? Could this be a result of the negative responses you received when coming up in response to your failures? Do you become bound by fear when you approach certain types of relationships? Does fear try to grip you when in confrontational situations at work? Identifying the source of your fear plays a key role in overcoming your fears.3) Develop courage: Courage, also known as bravery, will, intrepidity, and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. You can see by the definition that courage is very important to develop when learning to overcome your fears. You cannot be passive when dealing with fear. You must confront it head on. You must do as the last key listed below andthat is to continue in the face of fear.4) Continue in the face of fear: You must acknowledge that Fear is a spirit.2 Timothy 5:7 states “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. When you realize that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, you can continue in the face of fear. You must face it head on.Be empowered through your union with Father God, embrace the power that it ours. Put on love and receive a sound mind. This will help you to counteract fear and continue.5) Build your confidence: A lack of confidence only fuels the spirit of fear. Learn strategies for building your confidence. The more confident you are the more you will be able to face fear head on and you can also begin to embrace courage.Fear will immobilize us, steal our destiny, health and relationships. Fear empowers us to FAIL. Faith is just the opposite. Live by faith and begin to enjoy a life of freedom, freedom from a lifestyle of fear.Utilize the above keys to overcoming your fears. Don’t read them, but select one to focus on and write it down. Think about some actions you can take to bring life to the key chosen. Write them down and at weeks end update with your progress.These are just a few suggested keys to overcoming your fears.Visit here to access a free resource to aid in your effort in overcoming fear. eBook 15 POWERFUL tips towards boosting self esteem and confidenceWhat’s holding you back from achieving all you desire?How would you like to see some of your dreams come true in under a year?Robin Tramble is your empowering, mentoring, Trainer/Coach. Get connected todayand realize dreams come true in under a year.
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Good Morning!This is your personal invitation to join us on tomorrow (Wednesday) June 11th at 11 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) for our online "live" radio show -- "Do I Need a Real Estate Agent or a Virtual Assistant".You can join us either in the chatroom on the host page or by phone, "dial in" phone number, (347) 205 -9229.If you need additional information on our radio, please check my blog on myspace, see you tomorrow!Altha
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