pressure (7)

According to Dr. Erikz Schwartz, hormone expert, some of the biggest health concerns she sees among female patients of color are:

Weight issues, prediabetic conditions, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction. The thyroid is also under-diagnosed in women of color. If you can't lose weight, it's probably your thyroid that should be tested. These concerns are mostly overlooked or discarded by conventionally trained physicians who have no training or interest in prevention and thus wait until the patient actually comes down with chronic illnesses. Treatment of women in general is still sub par in our country and women of color continue to receive even poorer treatment still.

Read more of what hormone expert, Dr. Erika Schwartz, has to say -
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Teachers/Mentors Edition of Up in the Attic Hip Hop Movie

The Hip Hop Movie of the Year 2010! | MySpace Video
Teachers, Parents and Mentors use the Up in the Attic teen movie to open up dialogue with our youth on subjects such as sex, drugs, peer pressure, abuse and more!For more information or to contact Director Kamal Imani for group discussions and lectures go to http://www.upintheatticmovie.comcipherkam@gmail.comCall Mr. Kevin Barksdale 201-923-9213

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“It’s Crunch Time!“, by Marie Brewer ( for the link to book) This is my book ofmuscle for boys (ages 9-12) to point them in the direction of HOPE!...This is an interactive book where they can write about their feelings. It discusses acceptable behavior, good self-image, respect for females and animals, appreciation for teachers/school, choosing good friends. The book also talks about resisting gangs, guns, drugs, violence, alcohol and bad influences. Let's attack the behavior, not the boy. "It's Crunch Time!" , by Marie Brewer, Be a part of the village to help our boys envision their true God-given purpose!We can turn this thing around!SEE! THINK ! ACT!
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The Inspiration to Roar - Michelle Obama

Black women have always been an indispensable and fundamental bridge connecting, the elements and conditions of every day living to purpose, strength and determination. Working women were confirmed by the Feminist Movement that is it okay to be every woman successfully juggling multiple roles of wife, mother, caregiver and career while negotiating the obstacles of race, class and gender.In the past decade, there have been phenomenal achievements by Black women as Entrepreneurs Scientists, roles in technology, in the board room as executives, in many areas as athletes, world famous entertainers, television talk show hosts, moguls and actors in spite of socioeconomic indicators showing that Black women are still straggling to catch up to their White counterparts.A woman’s role today can be defined as a stay-at-home/work-at-home entrepreneur or a single working mother with a high powered corporate title trophy wife defined as a symbol of success and prowess being sought out by high powered men. Women have broken through the old barriers of sexism all the way to the White House.Read moreOmitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".
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Why am I asking this quesiton? I want to help you save money. Keeping your tires at the proper inflation is very important. Yes, they're just made of rubber. They help you keep traction with the road., If they're in good shape, you don't skid across the road, in the rain.But, here are the points on keeping your tire pressure, in check. By checking your tire pressure, you won't have to buy tires every six months. It won't wear your front brakes out. You'll help out your front end parts. You'll get a better ride. You'll save on your trips to the gas station.Now, here's the what-not-to-dos: Don't trust the free air pump gauges. Carry your own tire gauge. The free air pump gauge is used by everyone. The air gauge is dropping on the ground. It's not calibrated by the service station owner. They're just providing a free service. When airing up your tires, don't use the eye test. You know the one, where you stand back and look to see if the tire no longer touches the ground. This isn't a good tire gauge. Once again, get one from your local part store. Oh yeah, the kick the tire test doesn't work either. Here's something you can use. Your proper tire pressure is located in the driver's door jam. This sticker will inform you of the correct tire pressure and tire size. Use the information located on this sticker. It's there for you to use. You can't go wrong with this information.Until next time, happy motoring.
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How do you handle the pressure - the stress?

As a business woman you are faced with many challenges. The pressure and the stress can be overwhelming. Pressure is an effect which occurs when a Force is applied on a surface while stress is defined as forces from the outside world impinging on the individual.Each day comes with a new challenge and how we handle the challenge determines how we work through the potential stress that comes along with the task at hand. Some days the pressure is more intense than others and it becomes so overwhelming - it makes you question yourself. Is it worth it? What am I a going to do? How will I get through this? Why after all that I have gone through getting things together is this happening now? and amidst all the wondering you ask Why does this happen only to me?Well the truth is you are not alone. As long as you are a living being, you will face pressures and challenges. The best way to handle the forces that appear to be crushing you is to face them head on as calmly as possible.• Look at the situation• Evaluate the problem• Devise a plan• Reach out to othersThere are those who feel that they are all alone but wait a minute you are not - you have joined the site. It's time to use your networking skills to find a way to resolve your problem. Go to the board and ask questions. Send an email. Don't be shy, chances are there is someone else who has faced a similar situation. Reach out to the friends you have on your business site list they may be able to assist you or encourage you through the process. It is a time to band together - a time to support and uplift.After all is said and done -- you can be sure that there will be more challenges ahead so don't allow it to overwhelm you. You have a business to run -goals to achieve - and a life to live..........
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