Nearthe end of ‘09, I partnered up with C.Thomas Gambrell, of C.ThomasSuccess Coaching, to host a teleseminar entitled, “Dance Your Way IntoBusiness Success”. Two of the major components that we discussed, as itrelates to being successful, were the ideas that, “You Are Your BigBreak”, and “You Must Face Your Fears”. If there’s one thing that manyof us have learned in the current economy it’s that, waiting for someone else to make yousuccessful or to create opportunities for you, is a complete waste oftime, and will only prevent you from reachingyour goals and dreams.
I believe that when it comes to your life, your career, or your business, you can not afford to be passive, or a bystander, and expectothers to recognize your talents and create the blueprint for you thatlead to success and prosperity. Only You can do this.
Here are 5 Deadly Thoughts on the Road to Success:
1) There just aren’t any opportunities out there.
2) I don’t have the money.
3) What if I fail?
4) No one’s ever done it before.
5) I don’t even know where to start.
Here are my responses to these statements:
1) “There just aren’t any opportunities out there.” – Yes, there are. If you feelthis way, you probably need to do more research, and even enlist theassistance of someone else to help you. If the opportunity isn’t there,then that’s even better! That means that you can be an innovator, andcreate something completely new!
2) “I don’t have the money.” – With the internet, do-it-yourself websites, and the explosion socialmedia, which is totally free, you don’t necessarily need a ton of moneyto get started. Now granted, I don’t recommend starting a business withno capital, but, don’t let that minor obstacle stop you. Save up, getcreative, start small, and go from there.
3) “What if I fail?” - There’s a good chance that you will. Let me rephrase that. There’s somethingcalled a “learning curve” in business, which is basically a fancy way ofsaying, “I failed a bunch of times along the way, and learned from mymistakes.” Remember, failure is not permanent. It is part of a learningprocess. There’s ALWAYS a way to bounce back from failure, and the mainway is, get up and try it again (a little differently).
4) “No one’s ever done it before.” – This is a no-brainer! Obviously, that means that there’s a greatopportunity for you to do something really special. And guess what,since you have no competition, you have a really great advantage! Whatare you waiting for? Do a little market research to find out if peoplewould be interested in your idea, and discover if it’s a viable conceptor not.
5) “I don’t even know where to start.” Ok, this is a tough one (Not!), so let me help you…grab a piece ofpaper, and a pen, or better yet, go to your computer, and put on paperwhat your ideas are. That’s how you start! After that, ask yourself theWho, What, Where, Why, and How about your idea; Who would be interestedin this product/service? What will it be used for? Where will people goto access this product/service? Why would potential clients beinterested in this product/service? How will I market it to my target audience?
See, how easy that was? Now you’re on your way! I would also recommend doing some soul-searching to determine themotivation behind your particular idea. Is it something that you’repassionate about? Are you good at it? Do you have a lot of knowledgeabout that particular industry? Do you think it’s a way to make somefast cash? Are you willing sacrifice and deal with the stress,instability, and pressure that you may have to face along the way?
Answer these questions, and don’t be afraid! Step out on faith, and walk in your purpose. Anything less would notonly be sad, but boring!
This article added from my blog on Wordpress,