Posted by Paradise on September 12, 2009 at 2:00pm
A Variety of Tips From the Marketing Grab Bag!By Renea Myers, president of Renea Myers Marketing• Set aside time each month to brainstorm story ideas to pitch to the local media. Publicity is the best form of FREE advertising.• Find a Marketing Strategic Partner—someone who targets the same audience you do. Share a client appreciation/referral event.• Send your best customers a seasonal treat such as a gift card for coffee, candy, or ice cream. Include two gift cards- one to use and one to share with someone they think would be a good referral for you. Staple your card to the certificates and be sure to casually inquire who received the referral treat.• Make a networking calendar of events for the rest of 2008. As a courtesy, share with your clients and prospects via email.• Develop a small list of targeted prospects and send them a direct mail series with a specific call to action. Postcards are a good bet.• If you’ve purchased a large mailing list but don’t have the staff for timely follow-up, consider mailing only 50 pieces at a time. It makes follow-up much more manageable.CLICK HERE FOR MORERead more…
I belielve that sexual intimacy is a gift for most all to enjoy. I support and promote a safe, creative and fulfilled sex life.The word "eroticism" is derived from the name of the Greek god of love, Eros, or Cupid. It is conceived as sensual love or the human sex drive (libido). Philosophers and theologians discern four kinds of love: eros, philia, physio, and agape. Of the four, eros is considered the most egocentric, focusing on care for the self.
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This is one of my favorite Self Help Books.In his #1 bestseller 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey presented a framework for personal effectiveness. The following is a summary of the seven habits.Try this and see if it helps :)SUMMARY OF THE SEVEN HABITSHabit 1: Be ProactiveChange starts from within, and highly effective people make the decision to improve their lives through the things that they can influence rather than by simply reacting to external forces.Habit 2: Begin with the End in MindDevelop a principle-centered personal mission statement. Extend the mission statement into long-term goals based on personal principles.Habit 3: Put First Things FirstSpend time doing what fits into your personal mission, observing the proper balance between production and building production capacity. Identify the key roles that you take on in life, and make time for each of them.Habit 4: Think Win/WinSeek agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial. In cases where a "win/win" deal cannot be achieved, accept the fact that agreeing to make "no deal" may be the best alternative. In developing an organizational culture, be sure to reward win/win behavior among employees and avoid inadvertantly rewarding win/lose behavior.Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be UnderstoodFirst seek to understand the other person, and only then try to be understood. Stephen Covey presents this habit as the most important principle of interpersonal relations. Effective listening is not simply echoing what the other person has said through the lens of one's own experience. Rather, it is putting oneself in the perspective of the other person, listening empathically for both feeling and meaning.Habit 6: SynergizeThrough trustful communication, find ways to leverage individual differences to create a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Through mutual trust and understanding, one often can solve conflicts and find a better solution than would have been obtained through either person's own solution.Habit 7: Sharpen the SawTake time out from production to build production capacity through personal renewal of the physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Maintain a balance among these dimensions.If you found this article helpful please leave a comment. To get more ONLINE tips or have something to SHARE? go to www.SeekingTopNetworkers.comJessicawww.SeekingTopNetworkers.comRead more…
Posted by Robin Tramble on August 31, 2009 at 9:51pm
I have been a believer of the power of positive thinking and living.No we cannot just participate in positive thinking and believe thatis the solution and everything will manifest magically, however, thiscoupled with other life skill sets will greatly enhace the results youreceive from any endeavor to live your best empowered life, anextraordinary life.I'm sharing an article that provides proof of the power ofpositive thinking.Scientists have come up with proof of the power of positive thinking.They have found people who have a sunny, optimistic outlook on growing older live longer than those who are constantly worrying.Positive self-perceptions can prolong life expectancyYale University researchersThe research suggests that people who feel bad about getting old accelerate the ageing process.In contrast a positive attitude will add more years to your life than not smoking or taking regular exercise.A team of American psychologists found that people who were positive about ageing lived an average of 7.5 years longer than those who regretted the passing years.They believe that negative thoughts about the ageing process have a direct impact on the will to live.Better than low blood pressureThe researchers, led by Dr Becca Levy, from Yale University, in Connecticut, said the effect of a positive attitude towards ageing was greater than physiological measures such as low blood pressure and cholesterol - each of which is thought to add a maximum of four years to life.The effect was even more pronounced than factors such as keeping weight down, not smoking and taking exercise - each thought to add between one and three years to life.The researchers studied information from 660 volunteers aged fifty plus.Death rates among the participants were compared with their responses to a survey conducted 23 years earlier.The volunteers were asked if they agreed or disagreed to statements such as "as you get older, you are less useful".Dr Levy's team believe the sheer will to live partly explains the link between positive thinking and longevity. However, they don't think it is the only reason.StressThey believe another factor is the effect of stress on the heart.Previous research has shown that the hearts and arteries of elderly people exposed to negative ageing stereotypes do not respond well to stress.People could have negative thoughts about aging picked up from society without even being aware of them, said the researchers."Our study carries two messages," they wrote."The discouraging one is that negative self-perceptions can diminish life expectancy."The encouraging one is that positive self-perceptions can prolong life expectancy."The researchers warn that a poor attitude towards the elderly in Western societies may exacerbate the problems. It is time to stop knocking the old, they say, and make them feel good.The research is published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. are you thinking?Coming up "How your subconscious thoughts are tricking you into to sabotagedempowering success and what you can do to stop them"Learn more about positive thinking, mindset breakthroughs, confidence,self esteem, empowering successand more. Visit here and be sure to request my empowering ezine and receive 2 additional gifts.Empowering you,Robin aka Empowerment Diva
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Posted by Dana Hickles on August 31, 2009 at 9:43pm
Report: U.S. turns profit on bank bailoutsDallas Business JournalThe U.S. government has made a profit of about $4 billion on the bank bailout program so far as some of the largest banks have already repaid their loans, according to a report by the New York Times.In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, locally-based Plains Capital Corp. was listed late last year as the recipient of $87.6 million in Troubled Asset Relief Program funds.To date, the Treasury says it has allocated $250 billion in TARP funds.The Associated Press is now reporting that lawmakers, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, are going to draft legislation that will force companies benefiting from the funds to report how the money is spent.The lawmakers' decision follows an Associated Press report in which the news agency said it had asked 21 banks how they’re spending the money — only to receive no answers or vague answers at best.The article said the profit so far amounts to about a 15 percent return annually, and that the news comes as a pleasant surprise given a lot of controversy around the Troubled Asset Relief Program when it was approved.The profit so far has included $1.4 billion from Goldman Sachs, $1.3 billion from Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) and $414 million on American Express (NYSE: AXP), as well as between $100 million and $334 million in profit from the five other banks that have repaid the government, according to the Times report. It does not include $35 million from 14 smaller banks.The banks operating in the Dayton area that have paid back their TARP funds include U.S. Bancorp (NYSE: USB) and JPMorgan & Chase Co. (NYSE: JPM).The article cautions that the government has yet to be paid back by insurance giant American International Group (NYSE: AIG) or the automakers, General Motors and Chrysler.
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Man kicked 2-year-old in head, foster mom testifiesBy Ben Aguirre Jr.Oakland TribunePosted: 08/27/2009 06:07:09 PM PDTUpdated: 08/27/2009 07:52:41 PM PDTHAYWARD — Sherrie Corder, the wife of a man charged with killing a 2-year-old foster child in their Fremont home in 2004, testified Thursday that her husband hit and kicked the boy, and then suggested that the couple hide his body the next morning when it was discovered that the toddler was not breathing."He said, 'It's too bad we can't hide the body,'"‰" Sherrie Corder said as she tearfully offered her account of events that preceded the boy's death.Terry Corder, who has been married to Sherrie Corder for 16 years, is charged with murder and assault on a child, causing death.The boy, named Dylan, was beaten Oct. 2, 2004, inside the Corders' Lahana Way home in Fremont, but died two days later in a hospital, officials have said.During the autopsy, it was determined that the boy died from blunt trauma to the head, and that he had more than 20 bruises under his scalp.Both Sherrie and Terry Corder, each 45, were charged with the boy's death, but Sherrie accepted a plea agreement in 2006 in exchange for her testimony. She has pleaded guilty to child endangerment and will be sentenced at the end of her husband's trial to either four or six years in prison.Because of the time she already has served in jail, Sherrie Corder — who is out of custody on bail — may not spend any time in prison.She began her testimony Wednesday afternoon and returned to the stand Thursday, and will testify again--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Advertisement--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monday when the case resumes.She told jurors that she checked on the boy throughout the night and feared he might be badly hurt, but didn't call police "because I was scared for my girls." Her daughters were ages 2, 5 and 7 at the time."I thought they'd be hurt and taken away because Terry hurt Dylan."All three girls — two of whom have testified during the trial — are now in foster care.Sherrie Corder also gave details about the beating that ensued when Dylan refused to eat his food.She said her husband, who had been drinking that day, forced Dylan to walk in circles, and hit him on the head with his knuckles several times. At one point, Terry Corder knocked the boy to the floor with a kick to his buttocks, and then delivered a kick to the toddler's head as he was on the ground."It was hard enough that it moved Dylan "... a couple of inches," his wife said when describing the force of the kick.After the assault, she said she gave the boy a bath and then held him for a while before he fell asleep. That evening, her husband concocted an alibi for the bruises and blood on the boy's face. He urged her to lie and say that the boy fell in the bathtub, Sherrie Corder testified.At times during her testimony, Sherrie Corder cried, particularly when prosecutor Elgin Lowe replayed the 911 tape for the jury.On the tape, Sherrie Corder told emergency dispatchers that the boy was not breathing, likely because he fell in the bathtub the night before.Defense attorney Barbara Thomas started her cross-examination by focusing largely on the credibility of Sherrie Corder.Under questioning from Thomas, Sherrie Corder said she didn't pay taxes when she was working as a baby sitter in San Mateo County in the 1990s, and that at one time she and her husband were addicted to cocaine.Thomas also played a videotape of the first interview Sherrie Corder had with Fremont detectives.While the video was playing, Sherrie Corder remained on the witness stand sometimes dabbing tears from her eyes. At times, Thomas stopped the video to ask her to elaborate on certain aspects of what she was being asked on the video, also to help discern what parts of it were true or false.
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It is an accepted principle that a parent has a constitutionally protected interest in the custody and care of his or her child. This interest does have exceptions, especially when the child may be in immediate or apparent danger. This is when child protection services gets involved. Crucial to every child protection investigation is to establish the facts and circumstances of the case. When these are presented to the court at a dependency hearing, the evidence may become proof.The best professional judgment of child protection workers may, in hindsight, be wrong. For this and other reasons, child protection workers usually have some level of immunity from prosecution.1 When individual government officials are sued for monetary damages they generally are granted either absolute or qualified immunity. The United States Supreme Court has stated that qualified immunity is the norm, absolute immunity is the exception.2Should that immunity disappear when, in their official capacities as child protection workers, they make knowingly inaccurate or false statements which result in the wrongful removal of a child? California law provides for public employee immunity from liability for an injury caused by the employee instituting or prosecuting any judicial or administrative proceeding within the scope of their employment, even if he or she acts maliciously and without probable cause.3 However, a public employee has no such immunity if he or she acted with malice in committing perjury, fabricating evidence failing to disclose exculpatory evidence or obtaining evidence by duress.Generally, whether an employee is acting within the scope of his or her employment is ordinarily a question of fact to be determined in light of the evidence of the particular case. Some courts hold that immunity for child protective workers exists as long as they act responsibly in the performance of their duties. The immunity applies even where a complaint alleges caseworker misconduct or intentional wrongdoing.4 Others hold that the worker must be involved in a function critical to the judicial process itself. In either case, the more outrageous the employee’s alleged tortuous conduct, the less likely it could be described as foreseeable, and the less likely the social service agency could be required to assume responsibility for the act as a general risk of doing business.Recent CasesIn Doe v. Lebbos (later overruled)5 the Ninth Circuit held that a social worker was entitled to absolute immunity for allegedly failing to investigate adequately the allegations of abuse and neglect against a father and in allegedly fabricating evidence in a child dependency petition because those actions had the requisite connection to the judicial process to be protected by absolute immunity (at 826).” In Van Emrik v. Chemung County Dep’t of Soc. Servs. 6 the court found that child protective caseworkers were entitled to qualified immunity in connection with the removal of a child from the custody of her parents during a child abuse investigation. In the Sixth Circuit and the District of Columbia Circuit the type of immunity depends on the particular task the worker is doing. In Gray v. Poole 7 the court held that qualified immunity covers social workers acting as investigators, while social workers testifying as witnesses are protected by absolute immunity. In Rippy ex rel. Rippy v. Hattaway 8 the court ruled that absolute immunity protects social workers who initiate proceedings on behalf of a child. In Austin v. Borel 9 the court ruled that child protection workers were not entitled to absolute immunity when they filed an "allegedly false verified complaint seeking the removal of two children" from the family home (at 1363).Ethical considerationsThere is, of course, a difference between misrepresentation of a piece of physical or verbal evidence and the actual creation of false evidence. Misrepresentation involves the willful giving of a misleading representation of the facts. Creation of false evidence involves the act of improperly causing a ‘fact’ to exist. More often, critics and attorneys accuse workers of a willingness to misrepresent, selectively quote, and misconstrue information to support their claims and therefore to present an entirely misleading case. Rather than sticking to agency protocols and training the workers sensationalize their documentation and findings in a misleading fashion.To what extent are such allegations true? Do workers consciously or unconsciously misrepresent evidence, and selectively engage in systematic distortion? How often do they make deliberate efforts to mislead, deceive, or confuse their own supervisor or the court in order to promote their own personal or ideological objectives? How frequently are workers omitting or concealing material facts? Under the guise of vigilance, are there child protection workers whose adherence to rules and procedures is purposely excessive?From a social work, legal, or judicial perspective, making a knowing misrepresentation in a child protection case is a serious ethical breach. The NASW Code of Ethics, 4.01(c), notes that: “Social workers should base practice on recognized knowledge, including empirically based knowledge, relevant to social work and social work ethics.” At 4.04 the Code goes on to state: “Social workers should not participate in, condone, or be associated with dishonesty, fraud, or deception.” Dishonesty, shading the truth, or a lack of candor cannot be tolerated in child protection services, a field of endeavor built upon trust and respect for the law. Whether or not child protection workers deserve immunity from prosecution when they misrepresent or fabricate evidence is a question each states’ courts are dealing with. Similarly, each court must decide whether such misconduct warrants setting aside the decision to remove the child from his or her home. In the final analysis, the question might soon find itself before the U.S. Supreme Court.A worker’s misrepresentation or fabrication of evidence is particularly pernicious because it puts the whole field of child protection in a negative light. Whether or not immunity is granted, there is simply no excuse for this kind of willful and egregious conduct.
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OKLAHOMA CITY -- The foster parent accused of branding a child with a cooking utensil appeared in front of a judge on Thursday.Bond Set For Metro Foster MomJoin Our u local CommunityGet Wireless Alerts!Jocelyn Louis is officially charged with child abuse, accused of using a hot, metal potato masher to punish her 9-year-old foster son.The boy suffered second- and third-degree burns, police said.An Oklahoma County judge set Louis' bond at $10,000.Louis will be going back to court in about two months.
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I remember hearing about network marketing and immediately thought “scams” where it was to good to be true. I held on to that for years. I recently began researching companies that came out with products that appeared to be good. I found many had a lot in common in there approach. I would like to share some of that information with you because when you are uneducated you can make costly mistakes or fail to see when a reputable company comes along.I use to cringe when folks would attempt to aggressively recruit me because of my position with people. It was difficult for me to say, NO because I wasn’t armed with information. My past experience as an educated has proved to be key when dealing with people about products and services.RED FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!NOW IS THE TIME!ASK FOR LARGE AMOUNT TO GET IN!NOT LISTED OR DOESN’T HAVE A GOOD RATING *BBB or Direct SalesONLY THE FOLKS ON TOP GET PAIDCOMPENSATION PLAN NOT SOLIDUSES AGGRESSIVE SALES TACTICSTREND PRODUCTWhen you see these types to things you need to stay away from these ideas because they can get you in a lot of trouble with those you bring into the business and those you sell to.GREAT INDICATORS!!!!!!!!GREAT PRODUCT OR SERVICESMALL START UP COSTSOLID COMPANYGREAT COMPENSATION PLANFOCUSES ON TEAM BUILDINGOFFERS TO ALL *meaning products can be for entire household*NO TERRITORY ISSUESYOUR EFFORTS COUNT TOWARDS YOUOFFER GREAT TRAININGANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME TO JOINIf you see these kinds of offers and can prove them you have just found a solid network marketing company that can yield you anywhere from 500-10,000 month. In the business that I am in people approach me all the time about joining their teams. I can’t take the risk of getting caught up in a company that will not be around. I encourage you to do your research before you jump in.I have been afforded the opportunity to be a part of two great companies like Prepaid Legal and Arbonne International. Please research both companies and you will find they are solid and have great compensation plans.Please call me if you have any questions @901-553-8901or email me
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P R E S S R E L E A S EFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT:Mr. David FattahCoordinator, National 2009 Million Father March for the City of PhiladelphiaCo-Founder, House of Umoja, Inc.Telephone: (215) 473-5893Facsimile: (215) 879-5340E-Mail: falakafattah@aol.comPHILADELPHIA, PA (USA) – 29 August 2009 – Officials from the School District of Philadelphia and Mr. David Fattah, Coordinator for the National 2009 Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia and Co-Founder of the House of Umoja, Inc. will hold a press conference on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 at 10:00 A.M. in the Washington Room (Room Number 1173) of the School District of Philadelphia Administration Building which is located at 440 North Broad Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On 8 September 2009, the first day of the 2009-2010 academic year, the city of Philadelphia will be one of an estimated 550 cities in the United States that will participate in the National 2009 National Million Father March which has been endorsed by United States Secretary of Education, The Honorable Arne Duncan.The press conference which is open to the media and the general public will unveil plans for the National 2009 Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia which will occur on Tuesday, 8 September 2009. The City of Philadelphia’s role in the National 2009 Million Father March will be discussed by its coordinator, Mr. David Fattah, the Co-Founder of the House Of Umoja, Inc., an internationally acclaimed organization that has positively transformed the lives of over approximately 3,000 young urban males in the City of Philadelphia and successfully negotiated, in 1974, a peace pact with gangs in the nation’s fifth largest city which ended years of bloody and deadly gang violence.What is the 2009 Million Father March all about?“The School District of Philadelphia and the House of Umoja, Inc. are asking all Fathers throughout the City of Philadelphia to ‘step up’ and escort their children to school on Tuesday, 8 September 2009, the first day of the 2009-2010 academic year. We are also asking Fathers to encourage their children to excel academically, to ‘want more, be more, and do more,’ and to pick up a copy of their child’s roster along with a copy of the Academic Calendar Of Events from their child’s school. We would like Fathers to meet the principal and teachers of their child’s school and he House Of Umoja, Inc. is asking all Fathers to encourage their children to commit to nonviolence by signing the Imani Pledge,” explained Mr. Fattah.Who should attend the press conference scheduled for Tuesday, 1 September 2009?“We are inviting mothers, fathers, Fatherhood Practitioners, social ntrepreneurs, male parenting organizations, faith-based organizations, religious institutions, grassroots community organizations, businesses, social services professionals and providers, health care professionals and providers, educators, and concerned individuals to attend the press conference which will be held on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 at 10:00 A.M. at the School District of Philadelphia’s Administration Building at 440 North Broad Street . We are calling on them to become involved in the 2009 National Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia. The National 2009 Million Father March is about eveyone bringing their key pieces of the puzzle to the Table of Humanity to enable Fathers to ‘step up’ and move our children – our future – our bridge to the future -- to excel academically, commit to nonviolence, and embark on a path that will lead them to becoming productive and successful adults. And when it’s all said done, shouldn’t it really be about the children?” Mr. David Fattah, the Coordinator of the 2009 National Million Father March for the City of Philadelphia and Co-Founder of the House Of Umoja, Inc. explained.For information about the National 2009 Million Father March in the City of Philadelphia, contact its Coordinator, Mr. David Fattah at (215) 473-5893 or send an e-mail to: For information about the House Of Umoja, Inc., please visit the organization’s website at # #
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