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Work While Locked Up Program

Ok, before I start my own personal opinions and ideas of solutions, let me deliver the problem.

The Problem:
Incarcerated fathers/mothers that have no means to supporting their children financially.

The Facts:
  • Since 1991, the number of children with parents in prison has increased by more than 50 percent. Most of these children have an incarcerated father, but a growing number-currently 8 percent-have an incarcerated mother.
  • 1.1 million incarcerated persons are parents to an estimated 2.3 million children, Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • More than 7 million children have a parent under some form of correctional supervision, Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • Children of incarcerated parents will spend an average of 6 years 8 months separated from them, Aid to Children of Incarcerated Mothers, Inc.
My Story:
I am a single mother of a 7 year old daughter whose father as been incarcerated for almost 2 years with another 1-4 years to go. I am not single in the terms of not having anyone to help me raise my child, I have a life-partner that is helping me. (By the way my life partner is a man…I think he deserves more than boyfriend) Yet financially I still feel burdened because the majority of her financial needs still fall upon me. No, I'm not a welfare mother or a lazy gold digger…I am a hard working ambitious woman. I went back to work when my daughter was 2 months old and have held steady gainful income for over 10 years. Just over 2 years ago, I finally won my battle with getting steady child support. Yet a couple of months after that victory, I was hit with her father getting locked up. Not for for a little crime either. So I find myself here, and from the statistics plenty of other parents are here too, where my court order means nothing. Nothing but a piece of paper. While I wait for this man to get out of jail. Then what? He is not suddenly going to have a job, where he can meet his financial obligations. Thats a fact. So what do I do in the mean time?

The Solution:
I feel like something should be done, where parents that are incarcerated can spend their time working to support their children. And no, I don't want the government to pay these people using tax dollars…thats like me sending my own money. I want private companies to partner with the justice system and create/offer jobs to inmates. This job would be done inside of the jail and would have little to no impact on jobs for people that are not incarcerated. In others words, I don't want them to have to be transported anywhere or take away jobs of law abiding people's jobs. Something has to be done…something. So that I can go to my mail box on the 1st/15th and have a child support check. Especially when I have a court order. Something gotta give.

My Argument:
I am going to start by saying. I have little to no sympathy for my daughter's dad. I don't. I don't know about anyone else locked up. But him - he gets none. So my argument for supporting this "Work While Locked Up" program, is simply this. What else are they doing in jail! Watching TV, lifting weights, playing basketball, joining gangs?! I know that some people read and try to get an education. But your education is doing nothing for your child that has to live without you. Why not have something set up where a person (who cares enough) can work for minimum wages and send something to their children for financial support. It keeps a man/woman focused on doing something other than wallowing in their circumstances and makes it a little easier for single parent's in this situation.

Maybe I am seeing this too naively to think that private companies would jump on this program. But hope is a thing grown in the heart not with your eyes. Now what are yall's thought?
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Network marketing is a numbers game. The more people you introduce to your opportunity, the more money you’ll make. To start generating a steady stream of traffic to your site, try these 7 creative techniques:

1. Write and Distribute Articles, Reports and Ebooks. Internet users are all interested in one thing – information. Use this to promote your business by creating high quality content and allowing others to reprint it for you. One great way to do this is to distribute a brandable ebook or special report. This is one that a website or list owner can change to include a reference to their website. This doesn’t mean that it looks like they are the publisher, it’s just a way for them to include information on where the ebook was downloaded from and (if applicable) to include their affiliate link for your products and services.

2. Participate in Newsgroups, Forums, and Mailing Lists. There are hundreds of forums online and you can find one for almost any topic imaginable. Most allow you to include a signature line that will be attached to every message. This is a chance for you to advertise your site. Visiting these forums to post thoughtful questions and offer your expertise will mean your signature is viewed by others and will bring you free, targeted traffic. Of course how much traffic you get depends on how often you post and whether your signature makes people want to visit your site. A good approach is to use an ad you’ve had success with at other locations as your signature.

3. Join Networking Sites to Build your Personal Network. Networking sites are designed to make it easy for people to meet others in their industry and to advertise their products and service. Similar to offline networking events where lots of people come together for the sole purpose of meeting people, online networking sites work the same way.

4. Use Classified Sites and Traffic Exchanges. Classified ad sites and traffic exchanges have gotten a bad reputation, but they really do work if you know how to use them. If you’re promoting a product or service that advertisers can benefit from then they’re a great place to get traffic. Although not very many consumers visit this type of advertising sites, lots of website owners do in order to make sure their ad appears on the site. While there they can’t help but notice other ads and if one catches their attention you’re likely to get a visitor.

5. Run a Contest. People love the thought of winning something – that’s why a contest can be a great traffic generator. The key is to choose a prize that will attract people from your target audience. If you make the grand prize a new laptop you’ll get entries from everyone who would like to win a new laptop (which is basically every computer user in the world!). Get more targeted traffic by choosing something that your target audience is interested in but wouldn’t mean much to other people. To start promoting your contest do a search in Google for “Contest Directories” and you’ll find lots of places to list your contest for free.

6. Include a Powerful Signature on all Outgoing Email. Every time you send a piece of mail you have the potential to get a visitor to your site. Simply create a “signature” that is automatically added to every outgoing message. Use the signature to briefly explain what you do, give your Unique Selling Point or slogan and add a hyperlink to your site. Once it’s set up you don’t have to think about it again!

7. Try Newsletter Classified Ads. There are lots of newsletter publishers who give classified ads to new subscribers. Although these don’t typically bring a huge response, they can generate some traffic if you offer something with a high perceived value but low price tag. They’re also a great way to test new ads to see which ones get the best response. Once you’ve found a winner use it in a PPC campaign, make it your new email signature, run it as a top sponsor newsletter ad or use it as your forum signature.

Hopefully you've found this helpful! Have a wonderful Wednesday :-)



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7 Things I Shared on BBWO 3 Days Ago...

(1) According to a recent report, single white women have a median wealth of $42,600 and the median wealth for single black women is only $5. Continue Reading.

(2) Have you seen the official BBWO Logo + T-Shirt Design? Click here

(3) Several members requested an extension on the Black Business Starter Kit. You can still grab your copy before the 50% promo is officially over on April 11, 2010. Download Kit Now.

(4) Folks keep asking me for this, so here it is… Starting a business or writing an eBook? Need help with your marketing strategy? Now you can get a 60 minute consultation with BBWO Founder LaShanda Henry. Click here for details.

(5) Watch Leon’s video response to: Don’t ask me, ask Google. Click Here

(6) Are you watching my 90 days worth of Technology, Web Tools, and Business Talk videos? Daily marketing videos to keep you informed, motivated, and on top of technology today. Click here to start.

(7) Still need your input: share your suggestions for the BBWO 2010 Agenda and Invite your friends to BBWO

More to come! LaShanda Henry | @sistasense

p.s. Are we Facebook friends yet? We should be.
url: http://www.facebook.com/lashanda.henry
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Announcing Black Family Learning LLC

Black Family Learning LLC is a national college planning organization that provides a comprehensive range of educational services designed especially with the African-American family in mind.
Our college and career coaches help students and parents through every phase of college planning - from selecting a college, chosing a major, finding available scholarships and grants,as well as securing financing up to the cost of education, regardless of income and assets. The information and support we offer proves invaluable to students who are committed to attending and graduating from college.
Be sure to visit the website at www.blackfamilylearning.com.
Ladda Hawkins, College and Career Coach
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3 Ways to Grow Your Business

With all of the latest and greatest concepts, seminars, webcasts, and "How-To" books vying for your attention, you would think that growing your business was as complicated as building the space shuttle. The fact is, there are only three ways to expand business...

Option #1 – Increase the number of customers

You increase the number of customers you have by reaching new customers 1) with your existing offering or 2) developing a new offering. Ideally you will leverage the offering you have to enter a new market or expand the reach in your exisiting market. Three key questions to answer to increase the number of customers are:

  • Who has a real need for the product/service I’m selling? Does my product meet that need in a manner that either saves money or provides additional value?
  • How much, if anything, are they spending to address that need today?
  • How many of those potential customers are there? How do I reach them?
Answering these questions meaningfully necessitates market research. Market research is a prelude to selling. It teaches you a great deal about what you will need to know to effectively reach these new customers such as what to say, how to say it and to whom.

For example, our company just completed a national market research study that provided our client with the issues and challenges facing its target market. Using the research, which provided a keen understanding of the needs and wants of its customers, our client developed messaging and marketing materials that resonated not only with existing customers, but with new customers as well. Response rate to their lead-generating events have doubled.

Option #2 – Increase the frequency of purchase

The quickest path to increasing the frequency of purchases is by making it as easy as possible for your existing customers to do business with you repeatedly. Another way to look at this is providing additional customer value – and ultimately building customer loyalty. If you make it easier for customers to buy from you, relative to your competition, then you will continue to win their business. This, of course, assumes your products or services are comparable or superior to your competitors.

Outside of customer loyalty programs, here are a few areas to consider improving:

  • Responsiveness to requests, calls, emails
  • Accessibility to the customer’s primary contact
  • Consistency in offering
  • Follow-up and follow-through on meetings
  • Accurate and timely billing.
While these may seem like common sense, consider how many vendors you no longer use because they were too difficult to do business with. Don’t become one of them to your customers.

Option #3 – Increase the number of units sold

By default you will increase the number of units sold when you increase the number of clients and frequency of purchase. But you can also increase the number of units sold by understanding how to add value. If you want to sell more products or bill more hours, providing a value-add benefit or solution will begin to strengthen your customer relationship. If you are to consistently add-value to the customer relationship, you need to fully understand how your customers interpret, define, and quantify the value they receive from your products and services.

Here is a consumer example: A restaurateur offered existing customers 20 percent off for parties of 4 during lunch and early dinner. The idea was to add value to his existing clients by providing them with a benefit they could share. Result: His lunch business went up by 88% in one month and by 53% over the campaign. On the frequency side, he experienced 71% retention of his customers when he dropped the campaign after 3 months.

Finally, don’t forget, to see real results, you must start with what you already know about your customers. It is the market research, customer knowledge you already have, that is literally a hidden goldmine of profit that can grow your business and increase your company's top line. It is this customer-focused information that will provide the foundation for generating more sales, retaining and cross-selling customers, and acquiring new customer business. Armed with customer-focused information, you will know which is the best way to grow your business.

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What I learned from the movies - 'Date Night'

First and foremost, I am a HUGE Steve Carell. He is a comic genius. Second, this is my first blog post on this subject title. So, the format will most likely change over the next couple of months. Lastly, I strongly believe a film has done its job if it can entertain and enlighten at the same time. Now, on to the commentary.

My husband and I saw the film Date Night this weekend. If I didn't say it before, let me now, I AM A HUGE STEVE CARELL FAN!. COMIC GENUIS!

Date Night is about a married couple trying to relight the flame of passion and intimacy in their ritualistic daily lives. Their normal weekly date night is just as boring as the other parts of their lives. They decide to try something different. Everything goes wrong for them and this is were the lessons are learned.

Ten Things I Learned From The Movie DATE NIGHT

  1. Your husband can come up with a good plan every now and then
  2. Just becuase your girlfriend is unhappy, don't bring her drama into your marriage
  3. Steve Carell is a comic genius
  4. Your never too old to share a plate of food(with one spoon or fork) with your spouse
  5. Always know someone like Marky Mark (Sorry, Mark Wahlberg) to help you get out of bad situations
  6. Steve Carell is a comic genius
  7. You can't just make a marriage work. You have to work at the marriage.
  8. Counting to 3 or 5 or 10 work for adults as well as kids
  9. Steve Carell is a comic genius
  10. You know your spouse is a keeper when they go to things they HATE becuase they want to shoe there support for you.

Okay, I owe you three more:

  1. Just becuase marriage is a compromise, don't compromise on who you are
  2. Men love it when you dress up for them
  3. Never take someone reservation. That's just wrong. Nothing but bad karma will come from that

And that is what I learned from the movies.

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What Is Your Most Effective Business Strategy?

Would you like to be featured on my blog, or perhaps be published in my More Black Success ebooks?

Please answer this question: What has been your most effective business strategy to date? I am looking for your killer strategy. What advice would you give to a prospective business-owner or entrepreneur?

I look forward to hearing from you!

For more info, see Books for Truth-Seekers.

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Statistics show that African Americans are experiencing double the employment rate than the dominant culture. We represent 700 billion dollars in consumer buying power. Home based business owners can earn from $63,000 to 1million per year! That should be you!

If you are someone who wants to start a home based business and want to sell your own products then contact the African American Connection. My store is being built as we speak. I believe in this business model so much that I also invested in the company and became a Corporate Training Affiliate and project to earn 15k per month by December.

If you are someone who owns a business and needs a website with a free shopping cart then AAC is the right choice.

The average cost of website design with a shopping cart is $5,000 then the companies take a percentage of your sales. With AAC it's $29.95 a month...no catch, that's it!

Be a part of this revolutionary business model and stop selling other companies make up and the like and go into business for yourself. There are free webinars every Tuesday at 8pm EST but you can log onto my personal corporate portal and view the demo.

There is something for everyone here. There is also a general market store where you can receive up to 40% cash back in the form of a check when shopping with Macy's and Walmart online!

There is also a store just for youth business owners! Teach your children now to go into business for themselves!

Sign up for the next webinar by clicking on the tab in the right hand corner:


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A couple of years ago, I went through a very stressful time in my life, and became very careless with my diet and exercise regimen, and ended up gaining about 25-30 lbs. Now as a professional dancer, that
might as well have been 50 or 60 lbs.! During that time, I of course was
not happy with the condition that my body was in, however, it took a
while for me to get to the point where, it was time to wake up and make a
change. Mastering the power of focus is part of what got me out of the
rut that I was in.

This article is Part 2 in the, "Mastering the Power of Focus" Series, and I'd like to share with you how focusing can help you overcome challenges you may face with your health and wellness.

When it comes to your body, we all know that we need to "eat healthy and exercise regularly". But what happens when life takes over? Maybe you're stressed because of financial problems, or trouble in your
relationship or marriage. What if you, your child, or a loved one, is
sick, and the emotional stress is taking its toll on you? You see where
I'm going with this. Eating healthy and exercising regularly isn't
necessarily as easy as it sounds under these types of circumstances. We
must, however, put things in perspective.

I would say that, to master the power of focus, you need to realize/do three things:

1) Understand that the power of focus lies in your hands. You choose what you focus on. You can focus on your circumstances, or focus on God. Focus on the positive or focus on the negative. Therefore, it
can work for you, or against you. Focusing is an action word, a verb, a
decision, and it is crucial in your daily life. If you'd like to lose
weight, you must focus on that vision of your physical self, and your
life, once you are in a healthy place again, and nothing else. This will
allow you to overcome the junk food temptations that you are confronted
with everyday, because your focus is on your goal. The list goes on...

2) Set goals, focus on them, and begin crawling towards them. I use the word "crawl" because it's usually the little steps that we take each day that make the most difference. It's unbelievable to me how
much we can accomplish, or change in our lives by doing, or not doing
something, once or twice a day. Take time to meditate or go for a walk
for just 5 or 10 minutes, in the middle of the day, and see how
differently you feel. Choose to stop working from home at 8 pm every
night, and watch how much more relaxed, happy, and productive you will
be throughout the day. The same goes for going to sleep 30 min. or 1
hour earlier than normal. Figure out what will work for you, and do it

3) Your thoughts become actions, and your focus begins in your own mind. Are you a negative thinker? Do you always see the glass as half-empty? Well, if you focus on the negative, then that's what you'll
always get. Choose to be positive and see the positive in people and
situations. That way, negative people or occurrences (although they will
come) won't sway your new-found mastery of focusing on the positive and
what you want.

And by the way, no one ever said that this would be easy. But, it's crucial to be actively controlling and streamlining what you focus on from day to day. Otherwise, your mind will be controlled by your
circumstances, and by what others say, do, or think, and believe me, you
don't want that! :)

To Read more from my blog, go to, http://danceprosusa.wordpress.com

Stay tuned for Part 3......

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Are you using your personal credit to fund your church or ministry?

Are you an established or start up ministry without business credit?

Are you tired of having to use your personal credit and finances to fund your vision?

Do you have CHALLENGED personal credit and think that you can't establish YOUR MINISTRY business credit?

Greetings Fellow Kingdom Builders,

My name is Pastor April Mason and I want to tell you about this power packed webinar that will most likely change the way you operate in ministry. If you're an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, Artist, Author, Musician, Praise Dancer or anyone that has been given a vision and need the PROVISION.

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then you're ready to take the next step in securing the ong-term success of your ministry by building business ministry credit.

  • Get the computers you need for your staff and/or afterschool program
  • How to set up you ministry credit profile
  • How to apply for credit under the church or ministry name
  • How to get the video equipment you need
  • How to get credit cards (ie, Mastercard, Nordstorms, Airline Accounts, Home Depot etc...)
  • How to get vehicle leases

and much more...


•Rod Warren’s The Ultimate Credit Repair Guide eBook: 10 Steps to a Better Credit Score FREE ($34.99 value)

•ALlison Cross- Over 400+ page ebook of EVERY GRANT RESOURCE for Non-Profit’s FREE ($79.99 value)

•Allison Cross- How to Successfully Write a Grant Proposal ebook FREE ($39.99 value)


Learn how to secure hotel space for your conferences WITHOUT having to pay up front!



When: May 20, 2010

Time: 7PM PST

Investment: $147 early bird (includes material)

BEST VALUE: $247 early bird (includes material and 1hr of coaching with April Mason to get you on a running start)

For more information about bringing this workshop to your ministry or organization email us at info@aprilmason.com

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Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, feel like you have the gift of gab or just don’t know how to make small talk, networking know-how is very important for your business success. There is a notion in business that I believe most of us subscribe to that says “all things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those they know, like and trust.” And the key to this is obviously being able to develop relationships.Think of networking as the cultivation of mutually beneficial, win-win relationships. In order to be win-win, there must be GIVE and take (notice the emphasis on give). Networking shouldn’t be viewed as “events” where you go to sell your business. When effective networking is taking place, the parties involved actively share ideas, information, resources, etc.Ok, so you know that you should be networking because it is one of the most cost-effective lead generation activities when used wisely, appropriately and professionally. But, maybe that seems easier said than done. Here’s a seven step plan to really get going with networking for your business.1. Check out several groups to find the best chemistry and perceived value. Most groups will allow you to come and visit at least a couple of times before you have to join. Go and ask around to find out why others have joined and what value they get out of belonging.Resist the urge to just go join the Chamber of Commerce simply because everyone tells you that’s what you need to do. If that’s not where your target group can be found, then you might just be wasting a considerable amount of time (and money).I’m not telling you not to join the Chamber. Just be clear about what you’d like to get out of this or any other group. If it’s to find prospective clients or referral sources, then you need to be networking where those resources can be found.2. When you find a group or two, join and go to all the meetings you can. Don’t go just once or twice expecting things to happen and then if they don’t quit. Building mutually beneficial, win-win relationships will take some time.The contacts you make need to constantly see your face and hear your message. Continual contact with others over time will open up opportunities for you to go deeper and learn more about each others thoughts, ideas and capabilities in regards to your respective businesses.Know, like, and trust generally only happens over time. Being regular and persistent will pay off.3. Get involved - be visible. Do as much as you can to make yourself more visible within the organization. Volunteer to help with meetings, be on committees, or become a leader or board member.Being involved does a couple of things for you and your business. First, you’ll get more opportunities to establish connections and get to know some of the contacts you’ve made even better. Secondly, the higher the visibility you have in the group, the less you’ll have to work to make new connections. Instead, as new people come into the group, they will likely seek you out because they view you as a leader within the organization.4. Keep your circles of contacts informed. Don’t just assume that running in to someone once a month (or even once a week) will cause them to start doing business with you or sending it your way. You need to let them know what’s going on when you’re not at that particular group in order to inform and educate them.Send them invitations to your events or open houses. Send them email or letters to share big news or success stories, especially anything of relevance to them or those in their networks of contacts. If you believe that you have valuable ideas, information and resources to share with others, then doesn’t this just make sense?5. Work at GIVING referrals and sharing valuable information. That’s right, you need to be willing to GIVE before you get. That means you need to get to know other members and what makes a good prospect for them. What kinds of information might you have access to that could be useful to them?You may initially think you don’t have much of value to share with others (besides your business and what you provide). Part of the key to getting good at giving is to not make assumptions. For example, don’t assume that some basic resource (e.g., a web site) that you’re aware of is familiar to someone you might be talking to just because they are the “expert” in that field. Be willing to ask if they know about the resource and ready to share if they don’t.Want to get better at actually giving referrals? Here’s a simple question to ask someone you’re connecting with. “How am I going to know when I meet a really good prospect for you?”Just the fact that you are willing to explore giving will elevate your know, like and trust factor.6. Focus on Quality, not Quantity, Quantity, Quantity. It’s not necessarily about the number of connections you make, but about the quality of the ones you do make. Are they mutually beneficial, win-win relationships?Quality connections will be identifiable because all involved parties will be actively sharing ideas, information, and resources. Yes, it is true that you need to spend some time and effort getting to know the other person(s) and what’s important to them. But, you also need to be clear and actively thinking about what information or resources you want and need.Staying in touch with and following up with a smaller number of quality relationships will generally be much more productive than trying to follow up with a larger number of superficial contacts.7. Be persistent, but be patient. The goal of a networking event shouldn’t necessarily be to come away with prospects every time you go out, but to come away with great connections. Networking usually takes time to get the relationships developed and nurtured.Don’t approach networking as a scary proposition or a necessary evil for being in business. Take the pressure off yourself and really focus on how you might be able to connect with someone you meet. Focus on them first and look for ways to be useful to them. As you become known as a connector you’ll eventually be ready to reap what you sow.
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Grand Opening!!!!

Hi Everyone:

Just recently, I started my own gift basket and flower business.

I'm enclosing my website so that you could see the baskets and flowers that I carry. I'm so excited about my new business because Iactually help people save money on their gifting needs and I receive anopportunity work at home and own my own business.

As my friend, I'm asking for your help. Can you take a look at my website and see how we can help you with your gifting needs.

Would you please do two things for me.

1.) Just take a moment to consider the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions when you could use my gifts .Then, just send me the approximate dates. I'll put them in my birthdayalarm and send you a reminder a few weeks before just so you can lookthrough my online catalog to see if something fits the occasion. As myfriend, you know there is no obligation to buy anything---I just want toremind you to look.

2.) Refer me to someone else. It would mean a lot to me if youwould refer me to a few of your other friends in case they need what Imarket. Since they are referred by you, I'll make sure they are 100% satisfied! Please copy me on the email so I can follow uplater with them directly since I know you're very busy.

You know I wouldn't be asking you but I'm so excited about my business and I'm excited to get if off the ground very quickly! Pleasetake just one minute to respond to my email with your potential giftgiving occasions and send also send this on to a few friends.

Thanks very much. If there's anything I can do now for you, just let me know.

Your friend,

For great gift baskets and flowers visit my website at: www.mylabellabaskets.com/tamesha.html

Tamesha Salim

Basket Consultant


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Hello BBWO!

I am on a mission to get back to my roots of giving and share some of my best small business, internet marketing, blogging, and social media marketing tips with you. For the next 90 days I will be video blogging everyday, so I hope you have subscribed to my blog: SistaSense, so that you can get each video as they are posted.

Truth be told I have already completed all videos, 91 to be exact and I did them in the last two days! I wanted to make sure I stick to my promise, so I got them all done just for you and am currently uploading videos to my youtube channel (feel free to subscribe to that as well).

Click here so I can tell you more about the project and then go here to watch the first video!

More to Come!

LaShanda Henry | BBWO Founder | SistaSense.com
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With the growing popularity of small business credit cards and ever changing interest rates, now is the time to learn the 6 steps to effective small business credit card management.

We've entered into a new age of credit for small business. New opportunities apply but credit debt still needs to be approached with caution. Over 2/3 of small businesses use a credit card for expenses with only 40% using a business credit card exclusively, as indicated by a Tower Group report. Should you use a small business credit card over a personal card?

Yes. With prudent use and management, your small business credit card can provide many benefits including:

Advantages of Small Business Credit Cards

  • Avoid Co-mingling: Mixing your business and personal transactions creates potential tax and money management problems. By using a small business credit card, you will let the IRS and anyone else know you are serious about your business.

  • Easy Itemization: Tracking your business expenditures at year-end can be a nightmare for small business owners. Many credit card companies will provide you with a year-end statement summary with your transactions itemized and categorized. Why worry worry about a shoebox full of receipts? Organize your bookkeeping process with a small business credit card.

  • Build Business Credit: A small business credit card provides a newly established business the opportunity to build business credit. This will be useful in the future as your business grows and you need capital in the form of credit lines or loans.

  • Special Rewards: The competitive credit card and business market has led to the development of reward and discount programs for small business credit card users. Discounts and rewards range from office supplies and travel to software and phone services. Take advantage of using the credit card to lower your expenses.

  • Manage Employee Spending: Another plus to small business credit cards is the ability to provide cards for your employees with preset limits. Just make sure you monitor their spending on the separate statements you receive.

A small business credit card is like most financial instruments - responsible use of credit can help your business - misuse of your business credit makes you personally liable in most cases and has the potential to destroy your business and dreams. Use these small business credit card tips to effectively manage your credit.

6 Steps to Effective Small Business Credit Card Management

1. Apply at Home: Always consider applying for your small business credit card at your existing financial institution. Your banking relationship can aid with the approval process. When you need a line of credit or loan you will have a relationship established with your lender helping with credit applications over $100,000 not using automated scoring systems.

2. Limit Card Hopping: Signing up for multiple cards to take advantage of deals can have a negative impact on your credit rating and make managing your cards more difficult.

3. Use Grace: The majority of small business credit cards offers a 21-day grace period before you have to make payment on your purchases. Improve your cash flow using a credit card instead of checks since the new Check 21 act creates quicker clearing of checks.

4. Pay Online: Save time and extra costs by paying your small business credit card online versus paying by teller at your local branch or mailing in your payment.

5. No Cash Advance: Reduce credit card fees and interest costs by not using the cash advance feature on your card. Cash advances incur more fees and costs. Use your business account debit when you need immediate funds.

6. Avoid Late Payments: Late fees and high interest rates quickly erode the merits of using your small business credit card. Be responsible by paying off your business credit each month.

Treat your business credit card ownership as a privilege and you will avoid the disastrous effect of credit card mismanagement. Apply the same level of responsibility as the rest of your business and you will enjoy many more years of profitable business growth.

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Today I wanted to do a quick celebration - motivation post. It's official ... I was recently quoted in the article Digital Discretion by Nicole Marie Richardson, which was published in the April 2010 issue of Essence Magazine! When I first saw the published article I had to share it with my facebook friends and now I've taken the time to officially post it on sistasense.com. Getting into Essence is every black woman's dream, so I am so excited about getting quoted and looking forward to my first official Essence interview (hint hint).

This particular article is about how to maintain your professional image on social networks, so if you don't have this issue go get it! This issue also includes the 2010 Black Woman's Tech Guide. Social Media Marketing is a BIG part of my business, so I was honored to do the interview. Funny story, last year May I almost fell out of my chair when I got interviewed for The Network Journal, in the article 'Does Your Business Need a Website?' ... I was so excited! There is no better feeling than being recognized as a noted expert in your field, and I can tell you that THIS all goes to show how valuable social networking and consistent blogging is to your business.

I've never had a PR Agent ... never done a Speaking Engagement ... and yet through my blogging and social media activities I've been able to not just teach but reach thousands of women entrepreneurs, which has put me in the eye of publications and people I could have only dreamed about just a few years prior! So keep on blogging your way to the top! I'm not at my peak yet, but trust me when I say ... I Am enjoying the climb.

You may or may not know that I am currently doing my 90 days worth of Technology, Tools and Talk videos. I wanted to repost two of my videos here to add some motivation to your day about Social Media, PR, and Professionalism. To watch all videos subscribe to both my youtube channel and subscribe to the sistasense blog.

Video: Don't Wait for PR or Big Names to Find You!

Video: Turning Professionalism into Profit

If you can not see these videos click here! Have you downloaded my Black Business Starter Kit yet? It has my 15+ ebooks and best 3 eCourses on Social Networking, Building Your Business and Attracting Clients Online. For a limited time you can get it for $97 on my social network Black Business Women Online. [click here for details] And I do have a 'Blogging for Beginners' ecourse for all my newbie Bloggers / Internet Entrepreneurs.
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