information (16)

Calling Africa


If you're a business person in Nigeria or Ghana, please contact me. I'm looking for a secure drop off and also seeking information about pop up shops, I know that landlords in Africa prefer to let long term but times they are a changing.

Anyway if you're in either of these locations or you have any helpful information please get in touch and we can speak more via email or whatsapp.



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If you are selling anything on your site, chances are you accept credit cards.  With credit card fraud and identity theft abound, how do you protect your e-commerce business and still offer your customers the convenience of purchasing with credit?

Credit-Cards.jpgYour responsibilities as a merchant are governed by the laws and regulations in your state, federal laws and regulations, and the specific requirements of the particular card entity (i.e. American Express, Discover, etc.).   Many of the major cards have also come together to create the PCI Standards Council.  They’ve created a series of requirements that merchants must adhere to when agreeing to accept credit cards.

So, why does all of this matter, you ask?  You’re only running a small online store.  Well, when you agree to accept credit cards, you enter into an agreement with the major cards.  As such, you agree to comply with all of these requirements.

Plus, dealing with fraud, chargebacks (amounts charged back to the credit card) and other breach hassles can be both costly (think thousands of dollars) and time consuming.

As you’re setting up your online venture, here are a few steps you can take to better protect your site and ultimately your business.

Use a Third-Party Gateway

Payment gateways are a bridge between your site and the actual payment processing that takes place.  That means that you don’t have to personally handle anyone’s credit card information.  If I purchase from your site and you use a payment gateway, I enter my information and you never see it.  The card is authorized via the payment gateway.  From a data breach perspective, that’s really important.  You don’t have to store anyone’s sensitive cardholder information which could help protect you from some liability.

Select a Reputable  Merchant Account Provider

A merchant account provider is a company that processes your card transactions and deposits the funds from the cards into your business bank account.  Beware.  Not all merchant account providers are created equal.  Some have seemingly excessive fees.  Others try to bind you to a contract term of 36 or more months.  Read the fine print of the agreements carefully, and once you’ve narrowed down your choices, sit down with your attorney to make sure you fully understand the terms of your particular contract.  The terms are legally binding, so you don’t want to enter into the agreement until it is clear to you.

Set the Strictest Possible Verification Measures

Some payment gateways give the merchant a little leeway to determine what information will be required to process the transaction.  For instance, will the cardholder be required to give the three-digit code on the back of the card?  What if the address for the cardholder does not match the billing address the online customer provides?  Will you refuse to process the purchase?  These are all decisions that you will have to make as a merchant.  The more steps you require, the greater protection you provide yourself and the cardholder.  Stricter controls may seem cumbersome, but it pays off with fewer chargebacks  and identity theft claims.

Make Sure Your Site Has a Security Certificate

Most merchant account providers and payment gateway providers require the site holder to have certain security certificates in place that encrypt data that flows over the internet.  This certificate can usually be purchased from the same company that hosts your site.  For example hosting companies like GoDaddy and Blue Host offer security certificates.  Even if your provider does not require it, it is a good idea to take the extra step to add a security certificate to your site, particularly the store portion of your site.

Verify that Your Business Insurance Covers Online Transactions

Some insurers deem online behavior to risky and specifically exclude it from coverage.  When you’re deciding on a policy to cover your business activities, read the exclusions carefully to verify that your online transactions will be covered under your existing insurance policy.  Having to address fraud claims and other possible security breaches without insurance can endanger your business and definitely lessen its profitability.

Limit Access to Sensitive Information

If for some reason you do maintain certain cardholder information, limit access to only those individuals that absolutely need to know this highly private information.  Set measures that can track when and how those individuals access this private information.

Carefully Review the Data Security Standards and All Individual Card Requirements

The PCI Standards Council issues the Data Security Standards to which every merchant must adhere.  Review them carefully.  Ask questions.  Consult with an IT person to ensure that your systems meet the requirements.

Finally, as with all agreements you enter into as a business owner, invest in a consultation with a licensed attorney in your area.  The peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ve covered your bases will be invaluable and better equip you in the unfortunate event that you do have to defend against claims of security breach.

For additional information, visit the PCI Standards Council site.

Here’s to your business success!

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Turn your knowledge into profits and activate your magnetic
CASH flow force so you can manifest your best year ever!


Do you feel that everybody else has an innate ability 
to make money via their knowledge or passion but you? 

Do you play small and feel that you don't know enough to command an 
investment in your offerings? 

How many opportunities have you missed due to low self esteem or lack of 
confidence in your abilities? 

Do you spend endless nights comparing yourself to others? 

Want to monetize what you know but don't have a clue where to begin? 

Tired of the hype and ready for the support you need that 
will guide you and empower you to manifest a new 
healthier, fabulous you inside/out? 

I have a solution for you!! 


It's time you started monetizing your knowledge and making available the solutions you have

for your identified target market and even deeper your niche (those whom you serve).


Click here to secure your seat now! 

"Give me just 45 minutes 
and I'll share with you secrets to 
turning your knowledge into 
profits so you can activate 
your magnetic cash flow 

You'll also embark on a journey 
to wholeness as you realize Total 
Transformation, manifest as the unstoppable 
irresistable woman you were meant to be 
with laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset 
and live an Authentically Brilliant 
Diamond life!!

When: Thursday March 16 at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST 
This week's topic: Turn your knowledge into profits and activate your magnetic cash flow force! 
Can't take the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants 

Cost: None

Click here to secure your seat now!

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Doing Big Business In A Small Business World:

In my 25 years of working with both small and large companies I have seen it all the good, the bad and the ugly. People often ask why their business can't seem to launch while others thrive? The answer is very simple. Think Big!!! In a small way. How? I am going to give you a few tips that every business owner should want to know.

The most over looked and underrated value of doing business comes in two-folds, the first is to find your business niche...If you find a niche for your brand of business, I can assure you that success is not too far away. The next is research of your prospects habits, this can not be over looked nor taken for granted. Example: How can a wine maker not know it's fruits or not knowing the ingredients and the process of making wine? The same is for a business owner.

Big companies spend tons of money to pay researchers to understand the habits of their potential clients and let me tell you that there would be no detail missed. Big companies know your habits regarding family,entertainment,spending habits and how to feed your unconscious behavior. This is a common fact for any business. Follow these steps you and your business will have a great chance of surviving, if not you are killing your business before it has a chance to live.

You don't need to spend money to get this valuable information there are plenty of free information over the Internet regarding people spending habits and how to reach them. Search for the unconscious consumer, the psychology of selling and how to get people to buy from you. There are no great secrets to success, it is basic knowledge to understand what it takes to run a business.

Advertising is a must no matter what portals you are using. Any form of advertising is better than none. I will be giving more tips to assist you with your business needs and will ask that you all share with each other in regards to buying from one another and knowledge. Advertise with LaShanda Henry and let her mentor you and I promise I will do the same as well. Together we can do amazing things divided we fail. Jay W.Sumlin

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What Is Your Most Effective Business Strategy?

Would you like to be featured on my blog, or perhaps be published in my More Black Success ebooks?

Please answer this question: What has been your most effective business strategy to date? I am looking for your killer strategy. What advice would you give to a prospective business-owner or entrepreneur?

I look forward to hearing from you!

For more info, see Books for Truth-Seekers.

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Free Advice for Black Businesses

We have loads of articles about how to build your successful Black-owned business in More Black Success. .

For example, MBS 5 contains an article by Mercy Gilbert of Art Connoisseur about how to build your business. She talks about her work as a business advisor. Plus check out the article by Basmatie Littles about how she started and built her Karma Kidz fashion business.

In MBS 3, Shola Arewa talks about how to help and inspire your customers to find the money they need to pay for your services.

To get your free copies, go to More Black Success,

For more information, or If you would like to submit an article, go to Books for Truth-Seekers.
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I’ve got a few questions for you. Please take a few moments to read this and think about it:The most important questions I have are:What do you need information about? What questions do you have? What problems are you facing in your business?To read more, see: The Best Content for Your Ebook.For more answers, see Nurture Success.
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10 Things Social Media Is NOT…

After doing several Social Media Workshops, Panel discussions and everything in between. I am writing this article for all of the conversations, discussions and pushback. I hope this list adds some value.Social Media is NOT…1. It is NOT the Holy Grail… Yes it is everywhere. Yes it is low cost. Yes it is effective. Yes it is Powerful if used properly. It still can only be one prong of your overall marketing approach. Social Media is designed to strengthen and insulate relationships. You still need some traditional marketing. Obviously this is based on your market, your company, your goals etc. It is meant to enhance and amplify your message. Do not put all your eggs in any basket. Balance, prioritize, have a strategy and goals. Engage you audience.2. It is NOT Magic… You are not pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It is not a way to pull the cover over your customer’s eyes. So let me advise not going out and planting those beans in hopes of a magic beanstalk.3. It is NOT Fake… I truly believe it can be either the most powerful tool or the biggest fake. Always remember that you have to earn attention. It is creating, maintaining and enhancing relationships. So do not have someone write tweets for you. Work hard at providing the right experience for the right audience in an authentic and genuine way.4. It is NOT One-Way… I hear SO many people say that they do not think a social media tool doesn’t work or that social media overall is not an effective medium. Then after discussion with them about how they are using it, we discover they use it as a broadcast medium. They do not engage with the audience. They create content and let it sit without using the real power of the medium. CONVERSATION. This creates connection.5. It is NOT Advertising… It is not about you. It is social exchange of ideas, thoughts, insights and best practices. The great news for those who forget. It is Social Media and it is in the title for you. It is SOCIAL. It is a chance to interact with your customers, prospects and suspects in an engaging way.6. It is NOT Something to Do Without a Plan… Take the time and effort to set some goals, a benchmark. Have an idea where your audience is and what you are going to share with them. Start with a destination and then a map of how you will get there. If you do not, then any road will get you there and that road may be through un-travelable roads or roads with heavy roadblocks.7. It is NOT Corporate… Again, this is human and personal. Do not talk about you, your products or your company. Do not talk like a corporation in your annual report. Do not talk with your logo. Speak in a voice. Be real. Be from this planet. Have fun and relax.8. It is NOT a Replacement For Eyeball to Eyeball… It is a way to enhance person to person networking. It strengthens relationships. It is a great way to share or talk about events.9. It is NOT a FREE… So even though the platforms require a very low cost. It requires a lot of human capital to run a successful social media campaign. There is a big cost; it just doesn’t come in the way of subscription or dues. There is also a bigger cost of avoiding and putting on the backburner.10. It is NOT Without Work & Effort… You cannot just put up a profile and then go away. It requires interaction and engagement. The effort can not be when you want. It has to be frequent, consistent and sustained.Even though this list is not exhaustive, it is something to think about.Other Related Article(s)I wrote another article last week you might also enjoy about 10 Myths of Social Media -* By Chad Rothschild MBA, Marketing & Branding Expert | Social Media Marketing Authority | Author | Speaker | Workshops |
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This time is local. Less than one month after successfully debuting in Black Enterprise Magazine, the members of the Black Business BuildersClub are working together to start local Black Business Awareness campaigns.First stop - Jersey City, NJThe Bergen Avenue Bus Lines is one of the Old Bus Lines in Jersey City NJ. Itgoes from Bayonne to Journal Square. Daily people ride the bus to commute towork, school, or just the pursuit of entertainment. With Black Community ofover 67 thousand Blacks according to the US Census Bureau 2000 data."Making the Black Business Builder Club and the Black Folks Guide a householdname within the Black Community is our goal for 2009 and 2010", stated ClarenceCoggins (aka Crown PRince of WeB 2.0), Project Coordinator.This project is the genesis of other efforts in our communities which will be acontinuation of a long legacy of Blacks striving for Economic Empowerment andFinancial Freedom. The Black Business Builders Club is a membership organizationthat teaches it members how to use the Internet to generate income from home.The Black Folks Guide to Making Big Money on the Internet was written by LeeGreen, Chairman of the National Black Business Trade Association and Founderof the Black Business Builders Club. It serves as an guide for members to getthe most out of the club and the internet.The deadline for participation in the second coop is July 15, 2009. For Moreinformation visit or call 973-943-4073
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Four Secrets to a Successful Joint VentureEvery successful Joint Venture should include a Clear Objective, The Right Partner, A Great Plan, Good Management.1. Objective - Have a clear objective. You should know what you want to accomplish right from the beginning. The company that you partner with will want to know and see that you are clear about what you want to accomplish by partnering with them. Be aware that your joint venture partner may not have the same objective as you, which is fine as longs as they compliment each others.2. Choosing the right joint venture partner is very important. The right partner in your joint venture will create a win win situation for both parties or all parties involved. You need to take ample time to search out and find the right partner / company that has similar objectives to yours and one that is interested in going into a joint venture. Some businesses might want to joint venture, but don’t have the same objective as you and their objective do not compliment yours. This is not and will not be a good joint venture for you…Move on from this one if you should come across it. You want to find a company or business partner that have an interest in going into a joint venture and that have objectives that are similar to your or that at least compliment yours. If you come across this person, a joint venture could be considered. What both parties want should come into alignment with each other, so not to clash with one another later.3. Have a great plan for your venture. Work out how you are going to go about negotiating and Continue
Saundra WatsonJoint Venture Network for Women
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What is Joint Venture

Joint Venture is the coming together of two or more business people or 2 or more companies partnering to create win, win and win situations. Win, win for both partners and win for the public or consumers, those that will buy or use the product or services created from the Joint VentureIn short 2 people/business come together to create a win win for all parties involvedIf you are a novice to Joint Ventures, it can be somewhat tricky and Continue Reading
Get your FREE JV Membership and get all the information that you need to get you started in Joint Ventures at www.jvdivas.comSaundra WatsonJV DivaJV Network for WomenFollow me on Twitter:
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Blessings and greetings to all of my online friends! This is Darlene Robinson of TAG TEAM Marketing giving you a friendly reminder of this Saturday’s launch party for… The Phenomenal Black Business Network 4.0 in Atlanta, GA…. Unfortunately, I can’t get to Atlanta this weekend to attend in person because of a business commitment,… but I am so excited about watching the internet broadcast of this event online, on Sunday, February 22, 2009,…that I am throwing a watch party here in Orlando to share this event with other positive Black people right here in my community!So consider this your personal invitation to attend the live Black Business Network 4.0 launch party in Atlanta on Saturday, February 21, 2009.. Don’t forget you can also watch the rebroadcast on your computer… in the comfort of your home on Sunday, February 22, 2009.. for FREE!You can register to reserve you seat, or internet viewing slot at… by clicking on EVENTS,... select the date… and click REGISTER…. Although this event is free… you must be a member of the TAG TEAM online community to have access... After the event,.. shoot me an email to let me know what you thought…Well that’s it for now,… I will be back at cha next week with more event updates from TAG TEAM Marketing…. Remember TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More!Until next time have a blessed and prosperous day,… your friend Darlene Robinson.

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ObesityWhat is obesity?Being obese means having so much body fat that your health is in danger. Having too much body fat can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke.Because of these risks, it is important to lose weight even if you do not feel bad now. It is hard to change eating habits and exercise habits. But you can do it if you make a plan.How do you know if you are obese?You can use a measurement called a body mass index, or BMI, to decide whether your weight is dangerous to your health. The BMI is a combination of your height and weight. If you have a BMI of 30 or higher, your extra weight is putting your health in danger. If you are Asian, your health may be at risk with a BMI of 27.5 or higher.1Use the Interactive Tool: Weight and Health Risks to check your body mass index.Where you carry your body fat may be as important as how many extra pounds you have. People who carry too much fat around the middle, rather than around the hips, are more likely to have health problems. In women, a waist size of 35 in. or more raises the chance for disease. In men, a waist size of 40 in. or more raises the chance for disease.2 In Asian people, health problems are seen with a smaller waist size. In Asian women, a waist size of 32 in. or more raises the chance for disease. In Asian men, a waist size of 36 in. or more raises the chance for disease.1What causes obesity?When you take in more calories than you burn off, you gain weight. How you eat, how active you are, and other things affect how your body uses calories and whether you gain weight.If your family members are obese, you may have inherited a tendency to gain weight. And your family also helps form your eating and lifestyle habits, which can lead to obesity.Also, our busy lives make it harder to plan and cook healthy meals. For many of us, it's easier to reach for prepared foods, go out to eat, or go to the drive-through. But these foods are often high in fat and calories. Portions are often too large. Work schedules, long commutes, and other commitments also cut into the time we have for physical activity.If you are ready to take action and change your lifestyle to a more healthier one with all natural products, visit my profile and leave a comment or send me a message.
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LinkedIn Information

Hello,Please join me on LinkedIn. My information is below.--Sincerely,Candice L. MasonDirector of Communications, Solutions Now! GroupHostess, Solutions Now! RadioTelephone/Fax: 1 (888) 851-9035eMail: solutionsradio@aol.comWebsite:
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