Direct (10)

People Who Prosper is pleased to announce our new segment, A Day in the Life of... Series.  In addition to featuring successful business persons, we will be featuring work-from-home business owners, chronicling a typical day in their life. This segment is to help those CURIOUS and perhaps INTERESTED in a career change. 

Our first A Day in the Life of… feature entrepreneur is Shakirah Karim. She is a Seacret Agent by day..and by night. Shakirah is a successful distributor with Seacret Direct. Seacret Direct started about two years ago, branching off of their kiosks in malls. Shakirah and her partner Felipe have jumped right in and are steadily moving up the ranks. 007 couldn’t touch her as she rises to the top in this company.  So, watch your back as you read A Day in the Life of…Shakirah Karim, Seacret Agent. 


1. What do you do and how long have you been self-employed ?


My background is in public relations/Marketing and I'm currently a partner in a few small businesses. I've been self-employed as a network marketer for 6 years and for the past 2 years my main focus has been as a SEACRET Agent, an independent partner within the community of Seacret: an established retail brand now converted into a network business model. 

2. How did you find your business and what made you decide to become self-employed?

I was introduced to SEACRET by a few close friends. They had been inspired by products and had come up with a new concept that would redefine the Seacret brand. They developed a system where instead of chasing people at the mall through high pressured kiosk sales, they could WOW them in the comforts of their own home. Today, with still less than 30,000 agents within the entire company (US, Canada, Mexico, South Korea) and more international capabilities there is so much more growth we're going to experience and those that take action and position themselves  now while we're doing less than $5 million a month will be reaping the many rewards once we reach $100 million mark! 

3. What are your daily success, productive, personal development and/or family routines? Explain a day in your life: Morning. Afternoon. Evening.

My daily routine consists of waking up, walking my dog, reading a few pages of the Bible. Then I spend 30-45 minutes doing personal development, I just finished reading Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napolean Hill and I've just started reading The Leader Within by John C Maxwell. I try to make it to the gym at least 4 times in the week. I make sure I start my day off right and continue to working on myself inside and out. Creating good habits like these help you develop in business and in other areas of your life. The remainder of my day consists of a mixture of sharing the products with new people and helping new agents launch their business and helping them with their WOW parties.  I work Seacret on a full-time basis so I will have 1-2 WOW parties a day. The majority of people who work with us are on a part-time basis, doing maybe 1 WOW party a week. I'm on a leadership hunt, we're less than 25,000 agents, the top money earners coming out of Seacret haven't even heard of this opportunity yet. 

4. What are the biggest challenges in your business operations?

The biggest challenge that I face would have to be MINDSET. It's something that we all struggle with not only in business, in our faith, in our life. What's interesting, is it’s also the only thing we have control over. I can't control what others are going to do or not do. But I can control how I feel, how I react and what action I take. I continue to work on keeping a positive forward thinking mindset. For the first time I've found a passion and purpose in what I’m doing and I’m confident on where it will take me and my family. Never forgetting where I've come from, I'm focused on where I'm going and how many people I can take with me. 

5. What keeps you motivated to work from home or stay self-employed and not get an everyday J.O.B.?

I'm motivated by the future of this company. Seacret was a $800 Million powerhouse and to be a part of that moving over to the relationship marketing space has been amazing. What motivates me is that fact that we have WOW products that shows results, it's sold in over 40 countries, and has only been open for less than 2 years. The timing of the company has made me want to work even harder. There's no other industry that can provide me unlimited income potential and time freedom. And with Seacret I've been able to help other people realize their goals and dreams as well, because it's not just what you do in your life but how many other people you can effect as well.

6. What advice would you give to someone looking to be self-employed?

What I love about this business is that it's meant to be built part-time. You should be working full-time on your job and part-time on your fortune (your business). I think self-employment is the key to freedom. Having a part-time home based business that pays can give the average person choices. If you find the right venture and follow a proven system that part-time business could do anything from cover the bills to pay for that vacation or even completely transform your life financially. Once the income from your part-time business outweighs your full-time income you have reached freedom. Then you are in a position to choose where you want to spend your time. When deciding to start/open a business do your research, find something that will give you exponential return. With respect to network marketing if you want to build true leverage invest in a venture where there's still an opportunity for growth and not in a company that has an already well established distribution. Mark Twain once said that success was simple: "Find out where everyone is going and then get there first."



If you would be interested in being feature in our A Day in the Life of.... Series, please email with a synopsis of your journey to working at home.

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Be Featured!

GPS is looking for People Who Prosper OR anyone that is successful, considers themselves successful, or on their way to success!

We are looking to feature and introduce people who are up and coming in their business or already there! is a place that features business owners and shares their stories with someone who just might be able to relate. Believe it or not, sometimes it helps to stay motivated when you hear other people's stories, and this is our goal: Not only to feature successful prosperous people, but to help keep others MOTIVATED.

The other part of this, is that we want you to tell US about YOU. It's easy for anyone to be a fan of your website, blog, Facebook page, or twitter. But is a place for you to challenge yourself and put yourself out there. We give you a chance to brag about yourself! Because let's face it, if you can't talk about you, then who else will? Tell us about your business and services and how long you've been in business. We want to hear your story. Why did you decide to go into business for yourself?

I am challenging you today to step out and tell others about you! Here's all you have to do: Email with subject line PeopleWhoProsper to Include your business name, website and a synopsis of "your story". After getting in touch with you, you will be sent a series of questions about yourself, your business and/or services. After you return the answered questions, you will then be featured on, PeopleWhoProsperTV, and over 16,000 people on youtube!

So, take the first step today and tell us about yourself! You never know who will need to hear your story OR need your services! Deuteronomy 8:18: But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

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Why Most People Join Direct Sales & MLMs

How often do you get to gather with other people who are passionate about direct sales and MLM, exchange ideas and make plans for BIG results...the outcome is electric! Events that allow you to do this (even if it's a Mastermind or Networking Event) are great for your business.  During this time of the year, you are most likely traveling to your company's Leader Retreat or Leadership Conference to restart or jumpstart your business.
With all the positive energy and excitement in the room, you begin saying to yourself, "I can do this! I can return to my town and share this amazing direct sales or MLM opportunity with others!" The truth is: when you're excited about what you do, your job becomes easier. The buzz gets around that this is the place to be!
But when we look at the reality of it, most of us don’t share our business opportunity because we think we are being too “salesy” or in actuality, “salesy” is exactly how it comes out!
As you talk to others contemplating joining you, here are a few points you can proudly share to create a buzz:
We Care About Each Other
Our business is strengthened by the quality of our relationships with each other and with our customers, Hosts, and fellow Direct Sales or MLM Business Partners. We attract people to our environment because it is fun and filled with positive energy, we retain people because of the relationships we build.  Have you ever approached someone about joining your direct sales or MLM business and received the response, “No, I’m not interested” or “I don’t like sales”.  Well, what exactly is sales?  Sales is sharing a product, service, or idea with someone who needs it or you think will be a great fit for it.  And it’s about educating the benefits of what we do with people we care about.  I hear it time and time again – “people do business with who they like, not necessarily who they know.”  So don’t focus on making a sale, focus on building rapport and developing a relationship.  Ultimately, you don’t know who that person knows who might enjoy what you do.
We influence the World!
Think of all the customers and Hosts you influence! Think of all the lives you change when someone starts her own direct sales or MLM business because you offered her the opportunity. You know, there's never been a better time to move up your company's Career Plan than right now. Grow your team and expand your influence as you THINK BIG in 2011 and build your team!
We Change Lives!
There are many women who desire to spend more time with their family and children. Joining a direct sales company or MLM and making it their full time career will allow them this luxury that people think only the rich and famous can do. Or maybe you were already a stay-at-home mom and you decided to start your own home base business to show your children a positive image of what a successful business person can do and still be a stay-at-home mom.
When we share our business, we use our influence to build solid relationships and help others activate their self-esteem. So remember as you make the most of this month, that your opportunity is special. And so are you!
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The Two-Fold Problem of MLM

Too often people join Multi-Level and Networking Marketing businesses without doing their homework.

After having a successful stint in the industry for five years, I’m compelled to share what I know to be true and how you too can experience success in this fascinating business – online!

Unlike several years ago, you now have the opportunity to leverage the POWER of the Internet. If you’re coachable, teachable and trainable – you’ll succeed with the information contained in this report.

Attempt to look at it this way:

When you begin a new job, you go in not knowing everything it takes to fulfill the position you’ve been awarded but because of your personality, maybe a little experience (maybe not), professionalism and the right attitude – you’re now open to learning – “the unknown”, right?

The Network Marketing Industry can either make or break you – but it can do neither without YOUR input. I chose to listen, read, and apply proven steps that eventually opened up a 5 figure monthly income.

With that said, I’m inviting you to grab a copy of my new guide: Network Marketers: Use Social Media Networks to Attract Your Own Team. It’s a 22 page guide that gets to the nitty gritty of building a successful organization. It’s hype free – which means, there’s no get rich scheme. If you follow the steps, you’ll see results, it’s simple as that.

Here’s what’s included:
  • The Two-Fold Problem of MLM
  • Problem #1 – How Do You Reach Serious Prospects?
  • Problem #2 – Convenient Training and Encouragement for New Recruits
  • Use Social Media Networks to Attract Your Own Team
  • Educate Your Team in a Peer-Based Social Setting
  • Don’t Forget to Sell Products!
  • Become a Trusted Leader in Your Niche
I encourage you to set aside time to apply the steps within this report. Don’t stray away from it – remain focused – and NEVER give up!

Click here to grab it for ONLY $20

I keep it real,

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The following is a re-print of an article that I found in the NY Times and I wanted to share it with you. Please take a moment to read it and let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy!Greg Sailor for The New York TimesKristiauna Mangum, left, an Ohio State University student and the campus sales manager for Mark cosmetics, with Amanda Heintzelman, a sales representative.By CAMILLE SWEENEYPublished: January 13, 2010

KRISTIAUNA MANGUM, 22, a senior at Ohio State University in Columbus, said she always had a flair for makeup, but never considered it a professional calling. Then she heard about a pilot college program offered by Avon’s little sister brand, Mark, two years ago. “My mother was an Avon Lady, so I thought, huh, maybe becoming a Mark Girl could really be the way to go,” she said.

Greg Sailor for The New York TimesDIGITAL TOOL A Mark iPhone app.Now Ms. Mangum is the sales manager for Mark at Ohio State, and manages 155 other Mark Girls who roam the dormitories and sorority houses, selling Mark beauty products and fashion accessories for a commission in the range of 20 to 50 percent.“It’s really a grass-roots kind of thing, hitting the dorms, sororities, Facebook,” said Ms. Mangum, who uses her share of the profit, about $800 a month, to help settle her student loans. “I even rented space at local high school fairs — with 16- and 17-year-olds, you can move a lot of lip gloss,” said Ms. Mangum, whose major is marketing.She is one of more than 40,000 Mark Girls in North America, mainly 18- to 24-year-old women who are changing the nature of direct sales by using the brand’s personalized e-boutiques, iPhone app and new Facebook e-shop, one of the beauty industry’s first forays into Facebook e-commerce.“We’ve taken the same DNA of direct selling that has always been a part of Avon’s history and applied it to the digital world for our Mark reps to reach their customers,” said Claudia Poccia, president of Mark at Avon, which introduced the brand in 2003. “Now, we’re offering our Mark reps the opportunity to sell products not just door to door, but on Facebook, wall to wall.”The Mark brand is evolving. It has its own spokeswoman, Lauren Conrad, the former reality TV star of “The Hills,” now a fashion designer and best-selling author of “L.A. Candy.” Its Facebook fan page has over 84,000 fans. According to estimates from Stifel Nicolaus, an investment bank, Mark’s revenue last year was about $70 million.Unlike other companies involved in direct sales — including Amway, which may dedicate a product line or two to a more youth-oriented market, or Mary Kay and Avon, whose products are geared toward middle-aged women — Mark focuses almost exclusively on teenagers and women under 30.The younger demographic, at least concerning sales representatives, has its drawbacks. “The fact that the reps are younger can mean different rules apply as to how a direct-selling company is going to have to manage them,” said Linda Bolton Weiser, a managing director of consumer equity research at Caris & Company, an investment bank. “There could be questions about volume limits and credit — a younger rep may be cut off earlier. And, if a rep is under 18, obviously you would need parental permission.”Still, Mark’s motto — “Make your mark” — seems to resonate with its zealous representatives.But can Tweets and news feeds from Mark Girls compete with over a century of Avon Ladies’ experience?Because of the difference in how the products are branded and the separation between Avon and Mark representatives (those selling Avon can also sell Mark products, but not the other way around), there is some internal competition among representatives.On the mark.girl discussion board on Facebook, the Mark-versus-Avon topic sparked a lively debate when one Mark representative wrote: “Has anybody else noticed Avon reps not taking the Mark product seriously?” An Avon representative replied: “A lot of Avon women I know don’t push Mark because it has a lower profit as compared to the Avon core product line.”Some experts in the beauty business are fans of Mark. “It really helps that Mark has such low price points,” said Elaine D’Farley, beauty director of Self magazine. “Visually, it’s fun. The products hit the trend.”Indeed, products such as the magnetic refillable color palette compact ($4) and Hook Ups (about $10) — two-ended cosmetic dispensers that can be customized to connect, for example, lip gloss and lip pencil, eyeliner and mascara — are so popular, as one Mark representative said, that “they’re impossible to keep in my purse.”But some products have been criticized online, where a bad review may resonate more negatively than an item quietly returned to a store. On the Mark Web site, one reviewer said that a cheek tint left “zero shimmer on my cheek but plenty on my hands.” And on Makeupalley, a forum for comments on beauty products, a reviewer complained about Mark’s Good Riddance: “I have under eye circles and it didn’t even come close to covering them.”But when it comes to using social media tools to sell services or products, Annemarie Frank, director of digital media and strategic alliance of Mark at Avon, said the viral nature of Mark’s brand presence is what company executives are after.“Mark Girls can advertise their ability to sell products right on their Facebook profiles, and the widget functionality of Mark’s e-shop enables us to drop the shop into other places to give the brand a presence wherever people hang out online,” she said.Of course, Mark is not the only beauty company to use digital marketing. Direct-sales firms like Mary Kay and Avon are also using social media and online tools. Both companies have a presence on Facebook as well as apps for cellphones and hand-held devices that their representatives can use to make sales.Other skin care companies like Jafra, which also sells cosmetics, and Arbonne do less with social media.But this might be changing.The Direct Selling Association dedicated its annual communications seminar last month to new media strategies. “Attendance was double our usual number,” said Amy Robinson, an association spokeswoman. “If you’re a direct-selling company and you’re not on the Internet or making use of some of these new technologies, you’re already behind.”For college-age sales representatives, Mark’s digital and mobile offerings can inspire any number of approaches.One Mark representative, Hannah Parish, 20, a senior at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, S.C., has been selling Mark products since last January, when she ordered a Speedway Do Everything cover stick ($8) and signed up for her Mark Girl starter kit two weeks later.“I fell in love with it,” Ms. Parish said.This fall, when the Mark Rewards Program advertised a contest for all-expense-paid trips to this year’s Sundance Film Festival (a guest included) for the two highest-selling Mark Girls, Ms. Parish said, “That forced me to be really creative.”She created a Facebook event, “Send Hannah to Sundance,” and invited 600 people in her network to join. She made numerous special offers, including one to bring her best client along with her to the festival in Park City, Utah.Ms. Parish sold $6,000 worth of products; she and a friend will be traveling to the festival in two weeks.“I’m a film buff and I’ve never seen snow," she said. “When I answered the phone and heard, ‘Congratulations,’ I started screaming. My friend who bought $617 worth of merchandise and gets to come with me is still screaming.”
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MLM As You Know It Is Dead, And The Internet Killed It!If you're looking to achieve financial freedom from home, specifically through a "MLM" or network marketing opportunity, you're in for a rude awakening my friend. If you're already in that trench, fighting for much less money than it's worth, it's not your fault...The times have changed!You see, the industry is changing rapidly and I want to make you aware of some very unsettling insights that you need to know if you plan to make more than $10,000/month from home. Right now, network marketing is in a struggle to find itself in a time where people leave as fast as they join, the cost to sign a new rep has sky-rocketed, and when “newer, bigger, and better” dominates the landscape which basically means…trying to build a downline is like trying to fill a leaking bucket! You can get ahead of the curve for a while if you have the time, money, and energy, but it’s only a matter of time before it will drain dry.In an industry where hype and the pre-launch have become the norm, a growing trend is quickly gaining popularity with professional Networkers who are sick of the 3-ring circus MLM has become. It’s a concept called G.P.T., and it’s going to play a major role in Networking from this point forward. It will allow you to put tens-of-thousands of dollars of cash into your pocket in weeks and months…not years. But the best part about G.P.T., is that you won’t even have to build a downline.So if this Get Paid Today model makes sense to you...and you are ready to make $10,000 + per monthwithin weeks or months instead of years, and without the risks or headaches of building a downline, then maybe it's time you considered participating in a "Top Tier Opportunity" like EZ Wealth Solution. I recommend you take a serious look at EZ Wealth Solution, an opportunity that many industry leaders are calling "The Most Powerful Cash Flow System Ever Developed!” A system that can have you generating $1,000 to $4,000 per week, starting this week!
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Moms wanting to work from home

Hey moms:Are you looking to generate some extra cash at home with the kids? I am accepting applications for the next 25 moms who are. In addition, you will get free holistic business coaching with me free of charge for this limited time offer.In addition, you can receive $300 Free Gas Certificate for an Entire Year!Be on of the next 25 moms to contact me and submit an application and receive a free trio sample gift set!Apply today at www.earnextraspincome.comDebbi Patrick - Holistic Business CoachMy office: 641-15-3900 x58223#
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Play the world’s richest lottery! €2.6 Billion up for grabsThe Christmas El Gordo draw only happens once a year and is drawn on 22nd December. And that's right, this year €2.6 billion has to be won, including:195 jackpots of €3,000.000 each195 second prizes of €1.000.000 each345,930 sixth prizes of €1,000 each26,001,300 (26 ) individual prizesEach 'decimo' ticket can win up to 90 timesAnd, this is the best part, e-y's system GS that every El Gordo syndicate will at least one prize!Unlike most lotteries, El Gordo tickets are issued with predeter-mined numbers. This means that tickets are limited, so once they are sold, no more will be made available.We will be launching y El Gordo syndicates to the public on Thursday 4th December and we expect demand to be high.However, as an e-lottery member, we are giving you an exclusive opportunity to join an El Gordo syndicate before the public release. But spaces are limited, so get in quick!CLICK HERE
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Networking with Your Key Target Audience

What I’ve learnt over the years is that networking the traditional way is one of the non profitable ways of growing a business. So why do people go to networking events? I guess it’s to get more clients, but that’s not what’s actually happening is it?I’m not saying networking is a bad thing but the way we do our networking is. Here are effective ways to massively increase your networking results WITHOUT ever having to waste your time at networking events!There is a lot of information out there that talks about how to network effectively. They talk about creating a powerful elevation speech, listening to potential clients and doing all the right things but they don’t mentioning the real reason why most people fail to gain anything worthwhile from their networking efforts!Why networking events hasn’t work for meMost of the networking events I go to like the chamber of commerce is full of people that are not really interested in my products and services, they are there to secure deals for themselves, which makes it a waste of time and money for me. There are a few qualified, potential clients and LOTS of competitors!You need to network where there is no competition.As a service professional, we find ourselves sharing the networking room with numerous competitors. All these competitors are there to get the same limited business that we are there for. Most of the peoples at networking events are all sellers not buyersBig companies tend to send their sales staff to networking events to help them win more business. Most of these people are not the decision makers and those that are decision makers are there to make money not to spend it. So the really potential clients are limited.I have also noticed over the past few years that these networking events are full of the same people, just a handful of them are new and that doesn’t mean that these new people are still not my direct competitors.Networking events can cost you a lot of money. You will not know how much you have wasted until you take the cost of the annual membership and ADD the cost of attending the event to the cost of your time maybe 2 hours or more to the hour you spend traveling to figure out the real value.What would €4,000 investment in a direct mail campaign win you in new clients? I just sent out 50 letters that cost me €60.47 to potential accountant that brought in a total of €60,990. Taking about investment huh.How to Network Effectively and Get ResultsI have been able to work well with accountants over the years, so I make it a priority to be where they are. I subscribed to a free Accountant ezines or magazines. These ezines or magazine always list where the next local events are held, so I don’t miss any networking event. I go there on a regular basis.When I network with my ideal clients, I tend to lookout for ways I can help solve their problems. Most of the time, they are there just to discuss problems they are facing in their businesses. In this kind of setting I know that I have access to my ideal clients with no competition. So whenever I give a solution to a well known problem, I get the attention. So when these prospective clients find out that I am there to learn more about their challenges; so that I can serve them better, they want to discuss their issues with me. People in these networking events are not there to sell. They are there to listen - making them perfect for anyone, like myself, with a valuable message. You could use this approach with just about any industry or profession.So if you are going to go to any networking event, be where there are no competitors and where the event is filled with ideal, prospective clients.~ Joyce OladipoJoyce Oladipo, The Business Growth & Marketing Mentor, is creator of the Profit Building system, the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to grow your business fast without spending extra money on marketing. To Add $1,000's In Pure Profit To Your Business and receive her weekly marketing articles on dramatically increasing your income, visit
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9 Steps to Customer Loyalty

Make your relationship personal.Ask customers about themselves and their family.Delight them by remembering dates important to them like their anniversary (this could also be the date they first became your customer).Over-deliver and surprise them with an extra bonus.Do more of what you do best and expand on it.Send them thank you notes, they may lead to referrals.Surprise them with a gift.Send them useful information about items that might interest them.Reward them with a frequent buyer program.For more tips like these, visit our blog.
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