capital (4)


LEARN HOW TO GET CUSTOMERS FAST FOR YOUR MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) BUSINESS. Making money through multi level marketing (MLM) is another way to increase your earnings. For people who would want to conduct business from their home, owning their time and write their own paycheck without creating their own product? MLM will work. MLM will work even better if you have good leadership skills a self-starter and a hard worker where selling and promoting products does not give you shivers. If selling and promoting however is not your stronger points, MLM might prove to be a challenge for you since your success will largely rest on your ability to create down line. Multi level marketing has proven successful to only 5% of its members. The majority of the 95% fall out within the week, most in a year's time. Your multi level marketing upline will sell you the idea that you do not have much to do once your downline is established. This is mostly incorrect and partly true. Real downright hard work, especially so in personal selling. If someone says that it is a laid down work, that someone is pulling your leg. No matter, if you possess the above qualities, MLM marketing should not be a problem for you. It is a real moneymaker even if only a small percentage of those who joined have something to show for it. WEBSITE SETUP- CORPORATE PHONE NUMBER- GODADDY 99CENT DOMAIN- Set Up your online store- Click here

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There are many perks to being a business owner, like being you own boss, making your own schedule, putting a higher dollar value on your time, and pride of ownership. Another great reason, you want to own a business because you can qualify for higher credit card limits and these credit cards do not affect your personal credit once you’re approved and if you’re set up as a C-corporation.

However, one the biggest most benefits are the business tax write-offs.  Business ownership does have a price, especially when you’re using the banks money to help fund the business.  The good news is that business bank fees can be tax deductible and we give you a few examples here:

Annual Fees

Annual fees on a business card are tax deductible. This may be a great way to justify getting that card with the steep annual fee that also has amazing rewards. Yes, you can write it off, but keep in mind that the primary use of the card needs to be for business purposes and not for personal use.

Late Fees

Hopefully you’re not incurring late fees on your credit cards, but mistakes happen and you sometimes forget to make a payment. Those fees can be written off for your business taxes. Of course, it’s always best to call the company and explain you simply forgot and ask if they can waive the fee this time; saving $35 is almost always going to be better than claiming a $35 tax deduction.

Interest Charges

Again, in an ideal world you won’t be paying interest on any of your purchases. But there are times when you need equipment, and there just isn’t enough cash in the bank to pay for it right away. Those interest charges are all tax deductible.

Swipe Fees (point of sales fees)

As a business owner, you pay the credit card company every time someone uses their card to pay you. These are always business-related expenses and fully tax deductible.

Miscellaneous Fees

There are sometimes other fees associated with using a credit card. For instance, your cash advance fees are deductible.  

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How to get a business loan for people with bad credit?

The easiest way to get a business loan for people with bad credit is to take out a loan thru your 401k plan it’s called a ROB (ROLL OVER BUSINESS LOAN).  If you don’t have a 401k or Roth, you may want to consider putting up some assets for a collateral loan.  It’s a lot of lenders that will ignore your personal credit if you have an asset to borrow against.  Those assets make be a piece of land, a car, or a family heirloom.

However, if you don’t have any assets to use as collateral, you make want to borrow the money from a family member of a friend or ask them if they would be willing go into business with you.  You make want to also start putting a small portion of your paycheck aside to help you move toward you goal of saving up to start your business.  

Now depending on what type of business you’re going into, you make be able to pick up a few clients and see if they will give you an advance toward future business. 

Most don’t realize it really does not cost a lot to start a business the issue for most is finding the right customer for your product or service.

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Seven Pitfalls of Business Failure

Patricia Schaefer, Attard Communications, Inc., advises aspiring entrepreneurs that the latest statistics from the Small Business Administration (SBA) show that "two-thirds of new employer establishments survive at lease two years, and 44 percent survive at least four years." This is a far cry from the previous long-held belief that 50 percent of businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within five years.Better success rates notwithstanding, a significant percentage of new businesses do fail. Expert opinions abound about what a business owner should and shouldn't do to keep a new business afloat in the perilous waters of the entrepreneurial sea. There are, however, key factors that -- if not avoided -- will be certain to weigh down a business and possibly sink it forevermore.1. You start your business for the wrong reasonsWould the sole reason you would be starting your own business be that you would want to make a lot of money? Do you think that if you had your own business that you'd have more time with your family? Or maybe that you wouldn't have to answer to anyone else? If so, you'd better think again.On the other hand, if you start your business for these reasons, you'll have a better chance at entrepreneurial success:You have a passion and love for what you'll be doing, and strongly believe -- based on educated study and investigation -- that your product or service would fulfill a real need in the marketplace.You are physically fit and possess the needed mental stamina to withstand potential challenges. Often overlooked, less-than-robust health has been responsible for more than a few bankruptcies.You have drive, determination, patience and a positive attitude. When others throw in the towel, you are more determined than ever.Failures don't defeat you. You learn from your mistakes, and use these lessons to succeed the next time around. Head, SBA economist, noted that studies of successful business owners showed they attributed much of their success to "building on earlier failures;" on using failures as a "learning process."You thrive on independence, and are skilled at taking charge when a creative or intelligent solution is needed. This is especially important when under strict time constraints.You like -- if not love -- your fellow man, and show this in your honesty, integrity, and interactions with others. You get along with and can deal with all different types of individuals.2. Poor ManagementMany a report on business failures cites poor management as the number one reason for failure. New business owners frequently lack relevant business and management expertise in areas such as finance, purchasing, selling, production, and hiring and managing employees. Unless they recognize what they don't do well, and seek help, business owners may soon face disaster. They must also be educated and alert to fraud, and put into place measures to avoid it.Neglect of a business can also be its downfall. Care must be taken to regularly study, organize, plan and control all activities of its operations. This includes the continuing study of market research and customer data, an area which may be more prone to disregard once a business has been established.A successful manager is also a good leader who creates a work climate that encourages productivity. He or she has a skill at hiring competent people, training them and is able to delegate. A good leader is also skilled at strategic thinking, able to make a vision a reality, and able to confront change, make transitions, and envision new possibilities for the future.3. Insufficient CapitalA common fatal mistake for many failed businesses is having insufficient operating funds. Business owners underestimate how much money is needed and they are forced to close before they even have had a fair chance to succeed. They also may have an unrealistic expectation of incoming revenues from sales.It is imperative to ascertain how much money your business will require; not only the costs of starting, but the costs of staying in business. It is important to take into consideration that many businesses take a year or two to get going. This means you will need enough funds to cover all costs until sales can eventually pay for these costs.4. Location, Location, LocationYour college professor was right -- location is critical to the success of your business. Whereas a good location may enable a struggling business to ultimately survive and thrive, a bad location could spell disaster to even the best-managed enterprise.Some factors to consider:Where your customers areTraffic, accessibility, parking and lightingLocation of competitorsCondition and safety of buildingLocal incentive programs for business start-ups in specific targeted areasThe history, community flavor and receptiveness to a new business at a prospective site5. Lack of PlanningAnyone who has ever been in charge of a successful major event knows that were it not for their careful, methodical, strategic planning -- and hard work -- success would not have followed. The same could be said of most business successes.It is critical for all businesses to have a business plan. Many small businesses fail because of fundamental shortcomings in their business planning. It must be realistic and based on accurate, current information and educated projections for the future.Components may include:Description of the business, vision, goals, and keys to successWork force needsPotential problems and solutionsFinancial: capital equipment and supply list, balance sheet, income statement and cash flow analysis, sales and expense forecastAnalysis of competitionMarketing, advertising and promotional activitiesBudgeting and managing company growthIn addition, most bankers request a business plan if you are seeking to secure addition capital for your company.6. OverexpansionA leading cause of business failure, overexpansion often happens when business owners confuse success with how fast they can expand their business. A focus on slow and steady growth is optimum. Many a bankruptcy has been caused by rapidly expanding companies.At the same time, you do not want to repress growth. Once you have an established solid customer base and a good cash flow, let your success help you set the right measured pace. Some indications that an expansion may be warranted include the inability to fill customer needs in a timely basis, and employees having difficulty keeping up with production demands.If expansion is warranted after careful review, research and analysis, identify what and who you need to add in order for your business to grow. Then with the right systems and people in place, you can focus on the growth of your business, not on doing everything in it yourself.7. No WebsiteSimply put, if you have a business today, you need a website. Period. At the very least, every business should have a professional looking and well-designed website that enables users to easily find out about their business and how to avail themselves of their products and services. Later, additional ways to generate revenue on the website can be added; i.e., selling ad space, drop-shipping products, or recommending affiliate products.Remember, if you don't have a website, you'll most likely be losing business to those that do. And make sure that website makes your business look good, not bad -- you want to increase revenues, not decrease them.When it comes to the success of any new business, you -- the business owner -- are ultimately the "secret" to your success.For many successful business owners, failure was never an option. Armed with drive, determination, and a positive mindset, these individuals view any setback as only an opportunity to learn and grow. Most self-made millionaires possess average intelligence.What sets them apart is their openness to new knowledge and their willingness to learn whatever it takes to succeed.There you have the pitfalls - what will set you apart in 2010?
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