Posted by Gloria Walker on October 21, 2009 at 1:00am
Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD (Most People Do Not Know About Tourette Syndrome)African American Man Who Has Tourette Syndrome Writes A BookMe & My Tourette's: Motivated By GODMyles R. Walker Syndrome Awareness Month Was May 15, 2008 - June 15, 2008As you may or may not know, Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a genetic, neurobiological disorder, characterized by involuntary movements and sounds that are known as "tics." Tics are quite common in childhood, but in moderate or severe cases tics can cause functional impairment, social impairment, and pain. In addition to tics themselves, the usual person with TS has other difficulties because of accompanying and associated disorders. The two most common are attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GODHe is an African American Man who has Tourette Syndrome and has had it for 20+ years.He is trying to increase people's awareness in the African American Community, as well as other minority, and non-minorities who do not know about Tourette Syndrome.He has written a book which is published by and the title of the book is"Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD" and you can get your copy today at:"Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD" is also available at 25,000 online and offline bookstores including Barnes and Noble. (If "Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD" is not available at your favorite bookstore, then you can ask the store manager or store clerk to order it and they will).Even, if you do not have Tourette Syndrome, do not know of someone who has Tourette Syndrome,"Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD" can give you encouragement in overcoming some of your obstacles.He also has done a few internet radio show interviews as well, you can go to his myspace page and listen to his interviews.He is promoting his book himself! "Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD", was written not only for people who have Tourette Syndrome, but it was also written to for those who need some motivation, inspiration, encouragement, in still faith, when and if no one else will, help, believe, and push you to succeed!"Me & My Tourette's Motivated By God" will hopefully increase the public's awareness and shed new light which most people do not know about Tourette Syndrome.Most people always associate Tourette Syndrome with swearing (curse words) (which is not the case, or as others may think about people who have Tourette Syndrome only a small percentage of people do swear. His tics are vocal, and sometimes sounds like a continuous hiccup. They can be loud and are uncontrollable.Myles words below:"I wrote "Me & My Tourette's: Motivated By GOD" because people who have Tourette Syndrome are usually discriminated against from people, associates who you may meet on a day to day basis, family, churches, school, in the workplace, having a place to live, in the general public eyes, etc.""We are people with feelings too, and we are normal just like anyone else and can do anything just like anyone else. The difference between me and you is that people with Tourette Syndrome have involuntary vocal tics as well as involuntary movements of different parts of the body. We want to be accepted, we want to be loved, we want to be a family and to have a family. We want to have friends, we want to go to church, we want to go to school, we want to go to work and we also want a decent place to live as well, including enjoying our lives!""We also want to be accepted as decent and kind human beings! There are people that have Tourette Syndrome, but are not aware that they may have it. Or, they might know of someone that does have it. As well as in the African American Community, other minorities and non-minority groups who do not know anything about Tourette Syndrome."If you have any questions, and/or would like to interview Myles R. Walker for any speaking engagements, stories, photos, book signings, etc, please feel free to email him at MylesW27@gmail.comThank You!P.S.I am the Mother of Myles R. Walker and also his manager in trying to get the word out about Tourette Syndrome! I raised both Myles and his brother Robert who does not have Tourette Syndrome, by myself with God's help! I love and am proud of both of my sons! I also love and am proud of my two Nanna babies as well!!
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One of my clients co wrote this movie in Memphis and they filmed here as well.For Immediate ReleasePRESS RELEASEAugust 28, 2008Memphis native self-finances first feature filmN-Secure Films Shoots in MemphisMemphis, TN - Memphis native and concert promoter Julius Lewis finances his first feature film, “N-Secure.” He co-wrote the film with Christie Taylor, motivational speaker and former afternoon drive personality of 95.7 – Hallelujah FM.“N-Secure” is set for production with a five-week shoot September 9, 2008 through October 7, 2008 under the direction of David Matthews. Mr. Matthews’ resume’ includes writing and producing TV shows such as “Mad About You”, “The Nanny”, “Cybil”, “Half and Half” and won an Enemy for “Young and the Restless”. N-Secure was cast by Kevin Scott whose credits include casting for “West Wing”, “ER” and “My Wife and Kids”. The film will be shot solely in Memphis at various locations.The movie centers around main character David Washington played by Cordell Moore, known for his work on-stage in both Tyler Perry’s plays “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” and “Why Did I Get Married?” Washington’s controlling ways and insecurities cause him to spiral out of control with love gone wrong, unraveling events where envy, jealousy, and betrayal lead to murder. His destructive descent undoubtedly affects the lives of those around him.The all-star cast includes Essence Atkins, formerly Dee Dee Thorne on UPN’s “Half and Half”; Tempestt Bledsoe from “The Cosby Show” and VH1’s “Celebrity Fit Club”; Lamman Rucker, known for his roles in Tyler Perry’s hit movies “Why Did I Get Married” as Sheriff Troy and “Meet the Browns.” Memphian Elise Neal, known for her critically acclaimed role in “Hustle and Flow” and as Comedian/actor D.L. Hughley’s wife in “The Hughleys” stars in the movie along with Denise Boutte from “Why Did I Get Married”; actress Toni Trucks, whose played a series of recurring roles in “Barbershop” and UPN’s “All of Us”; and “Lincoln Heights” Caryn Ward from the “Game” also star in this sexy and suspenseful movie. R&B superstar Tank will make his on screen debut.
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Investing in the family requires unshakable commitment to the preservation of the family as the center of our existence no matter what challenges we face. Our family is always our refuge when life is difficult and filled with drama. We cannot help but to love each other unconditionally and demonstrate it by continuing to stay connected no matter what.
We can distance ourselves but will always be tied to our family because we cannot disassociate ourselves from them or stop being related to them. Families have issues and disagreements with each and write each other off. Being right and being correct in you conduct is not the goal of relationships. Every event that affects them affects us deep inside even when we go to war with one another. In every family, some form of dysfunction shows up as neglect, abandonment, jealousy, resentment, competition, control issues which can become a form of abuse. This toxic behavior expresses itself in ways that break down the foundation of family life.Read moreOmitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of "The Ripple Effect".
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Posted by Dominique on October 31, 2008 at 10:00pm
From A Writers POV has been updated todayHere's a little info on what we are offering and what you can expect to see at the magazine.FROM A WRITERS POV IS LOOKING POEM WRITERS!!!!!Your poem could be featured on our website for one full week for reveiws and feedback!Submit your poem today: also offer Advertisements!There are Monthly Corner Advertisments & Monthly Half-Page Advertisments.5 spots throughout our site that are available on first come first serve basis for the Monthly Corner Ad and 2 spots throughout our site that are available on first come first serve basis for the Monthly Half-Page Ad.For more infor on these ads and how to reserve your spot, view our link here: you an author looking to advertise yourself and your book?If you are a published author looking to shine light on your new book or upcoming book, please check out our 2 packages for Book Ads. this month!November 2008 Articles:http://fromawriterspovarticles.webs.comNew Writing Event!Let your voice be heard! See what other writers wanted to be heard on. who our readers think our next president should behttp://fromawriterspov.webs.comThanks, Dominique
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I am ranting about Dads today....Mom's generally have most of the responsibility with children. Even if mom works full or part-time, they are expected to do everything. Even when father's are in the home, mother's do most of the work.Mothers manage every aspect of their child or children's lives. There are some Dad's who do these things too. So why is to special and amazing when a man does these thing but just responsibility when a woman does it?Not every woman may do everything on this list. This list reflects the things that children need. They can exist without all of these things, But they deserve this and more. If you are not doing all these things, this in no way is a reflection of you or how you live and/or take care of your children.These things are done by most women, and not meant to reflect every possible situation. Whether a women is married or has a partner, these items are the what every women should be doing for her children if she has them.Work in or out of the home to make a living to maintain basic needs of her familyBuy and cook for their children on a regular basisShop for whatever it is that children need, based on what they can affordClean up behind them and teach them to maintain a clean environmentPrepare children for private/public child care or school by potty-training, manners, communicate, share, etcBathe them or make sure the bathe everydayComb or cut their hair, wash it and teach them to take care of itEnsure that children brush their teeth at least twice a dayGet them to school either by walking/driving or pubic transportationMonitor how much television they watchMonitor how much time they spend playing video games or using the computerRead to them, and teach them to readHomework is essential to be done with at least one parent dailyBeing their biggest fan and letting them know they are celebratedWipe their butts and teach them to wipe their own buttsWashing, storing, taking care of clothes that they grow out ofPurchase what they need - from A to ZSort through what they have outgrownMake sure they dress appropriately for the weatherSupport them in social activities and sportsInspire a desire for learningOkay so this is not what I would call is an extensive list, so what do Dad's do?????If you are a dad and you do these things, great, but what happens if you want to go out with the boys, or watch the football game? Why is it easier for men to go about doing whatever they want to do and the women is always expected to take care of the children? The children belong to both parents even if they do not live together.Omitunde, Publisher of African American Family ConnectionAn online magazine about African American Family values and community.Visit AAFC for the latest issue each month and a copy of ."The Ripple Effect"Read more…
Ladies -Aziza Beauty Supply is having a Pre-Holiday Sale with discounts on Jane Carters Solutions, Curls, Jessicurl, Hydrotherma Naturals, Ohm Body and other products.Entire stock of Flower Peddler Bath and Body, Klean Bath and Body and 100% Pure are 20% off.We’ve added a sampler section and a sale section that will give you some great options for awesome Christmas gifts.When ordering a sampler pack, you now have a choice of 1 oz samples or a custom Aziza sampler bag.Gift bags will be available after Nov 15th starting at $15. Checkout our Accessories Blowout in December, I’ve got one word for you ladies “earrings”.Save 10% off…..If you spend $50 or more. Good if you're going to stock up for the Holidays.***November Promotion Code: nov08 *** Spend $50 between November 1st – November 29th, and receive 10% savings by entering the following promotion code – nov08 – on the shopping cart page. Please note that you have to “recalculate” before proceeding to the checkout, for the discount to be applied. Additionally, this promotion applies to online purchases only where the total purchase of the products equals $50 or more; (excludes shipping and applicable taxes).Thank you for your continued support!
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"Only by pride cometh contention; but with the well advised is wisdom."Proverbs 13:10Pride is a deadly weapon that has been used by the enemy to destroy the lives of many people. It occurs when we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we should. We start believing the false notion that we should get special attention or treatment because of who we are and what we have accomplished.The Word of God tells us that pride only breeds contention. Therefore, we must refuse to let pride be a part of our lives. If we would remember that it is God, and not us, who is the source of all that we achieve, then we would never succumb to pride and its trappings. After all, God does not love us because of what we have accomplished. He loves us for who we are, His Children!Created by By:Winning In Life Daily Devotional
| Faith Christian Center |
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The Riverside Hotel is no longer where our Friday and Saturday (November 7th and 8th) events will take place. Due to sponsorship being very low this conference year and not enough PAID registration taking place prior to the event, we could not afford to pay for that space.WCCCD NEW Northwest campus has graciously given us the space we need in order to facilitate the conference.Wayne County Community College District-Northwest Campus8200 West Outer DriveDetroit, MII hope to see you there!For more information visit....essenceofmotown.comMonica Marie JonesAuthor of FLOSSGet your copy today at
Great day! BBWO...Today I'm going to share with you some awesome information on how to find the best lip color.The ideal neutral lip color is like the perfect pair of jeans; it is a basic that you can dress up or down, and it will always look great on you.Put it in neutral. The most versatile lipstick you can win is a shade that’s just a bit brighter than your natural lip color. It will even out and define your lips the way a subtle coat of mascara draws attention to your eyes. For some people, that color is a peachy brown or rosy pink; for African-American woman, it might be eggplant. Keep in mind that neutral lipstick shouldn’t be the color of concealer (a look that only works on the runway) and that a matte lipstick that is lighter than your natural lip color will wash out your face.Try it right. Use the middle of your lower lip as a guide when looking for the right color, and try lipstick on in the daylight for the most accurate assessment. If you’ve tested more than three or four shades, take a break—your lips will be strained. You may also need to find a new color if you’ve been out in the sun a lot, since your lips might be darker.Know yourself. As a makeup artist, I learned quickly that the color of your lips affects the way lipstick looks. If you see your friend wearing a great color, don’t assume it will be right for you. Her shade might look ashy or muddy on your lips.Mix it up. Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is pinky, beige or neutral, that doesn’t mean you can’t wear deep burgundy. Apply one coat of wine, burgundy, or any other color you want to try on top. Even the craziest lipstick shade can be adjusted to suit your coloring.Now! Go and experiment with difference lip colors by trying my online Virtual Makeover don’t forget to tell me what you think?Until next time!Corinne
Read more… LOVES YOU! We want to bring you the BEST Deals out there! So here you Go!Come OPEN YOUR Store on FuzzB Today for just $20 a YEAR! That's Right $20 a year! We are creating the PERFECT way for you to make money and not have to give it all back to the site you are selling on. We are selling our products like crazy on FuzzB and LOVING IT... Our artists, authors, crafters, Doll artists and more are selling fantastic and making 3 times what they were making on Ebay ! Come get your store in time for the Holiday Sales..You can also list your site in our NEW FREE Directory and Promote with your Blogs,videos and much much more on FuzzB .FuzzB has created the Perfect way for you to do it all in one place SHOP~ SELL~ SOCIALZE and not take your profits. You are the one getting the money on FuzzB.Come Join us all Today on www. FuzzB. com
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Posted by Joni Durham on October 30, 2008 at 9:39pm
Visit to enter our monthly artist spotlight contest and have your work displayed on our site for an entire month. It is a great way to get noticed by people all over the world! Please share your talent with us and our community.
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Hello everyone!Big Gyrl Clothing has been nominated for Best Retailer Award for the Delaware Black Awards! Please do this plus size retailer a favor and vote for BGC as the Best Retailer Award at The ceremony will be held November 14th, 2008 at the Christiana Cultural Arts Center, Wilmington Delaware 19801. We are so honored to receive this nomination and hope that it will motivate not only plus sisters, but all of my other business owner sisters to never give up because you never know when you will receive a gift such as this.Stay beautiful and blessed,Syreeta RiosCEO Big Gyrl Clothing, IncFashion for the Urban Plus Woman
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Click here to read a copy of the article: years ago I was featured in an article entitled Magic Hands that was published in the November 2001 issue of Heart and Soul Magazine. I co-wrote the article with Juvita Layne Abrams. It discussed how I became an artist and the source of inspiration for my artwork. When the article hit the newsstands several weeks after September 11th, my sistalove/legal counsel Lauren ( and I decided to visit New York City to honor the spirits of those impacted by the terrorist attacks and celebrate the publication of the article. It was a bittersweet trip that filled us with so many mixed emotions. After visiting the offices of Heart and Soul to pick up copies of the article and witnessing the staff move through their day with creative energy, I realized how powerful and strong the human spirit is. We are so much more than what we think we are!
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Click here to read the article: News! I was recently featured in the Fiesta 2008 issue of Prince George's Suite Magazine ( Writer Marc Hopkins wrote an article entitled Writer's Block that discussed my debut novel, Love's Troubadours - Karma: Book One ( and its connection to Prince George's County, Maryland. The article also shared information about my childhood in Landover and Mitchellville, Maryland, and work with Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts ( at Howard University Hospital ( Many thanks to the Prince George's Suite Magazine staff: Raoul Dennis - Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Marc Hopkins - Staff Writer, Helene Fisher - Staff Writer, and other staff members.
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Black Women 4 Change, LLC is hosting their Women's Conference next month at the Atlanta Marriott Northwest November 15, 2008.We still have tables left if you are interested in becoming a vendor. We are catering to the needs of women so if you have that special product or service, please visit and click on the tab for vendors for more information.What: 2008 Women's Conference - "Men and Commitment"Where: Atlanta Marriott Northwest200 Interstate North PkwyAtlanta, GA 30339Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pmContact: or
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Posted by Jim Neusom on October 29, 2008 at 7:30pm
Greetings Family,(Contact Information At The Bottom Of The Page)It's your friendly neighborhood "Digital Drummer" again...smileBelow is a great article I first posted in Nov of 06. I’m reposting it this morning because after recruiting 30,000 models and entertainers as friends on MySpace, BlackPlanet, FaceBook, and Ning….I still see the same mistakes.I have been reviewing and observing the level of professionalism and experience in this online community of Black models and entertainers. Some of you have it all together, and others are still learning. So if the shoe fits...Wear It! If not, then this article will only confirm that you're doing all the right things.The article is a long one, so I've edited it down and just taken excerpts out the paragraphs/content that I thought might be relevant to this group. You should read the full article (see link below), to get a feel for some of the more common mistakes, that people make in responding to online job opportunities.I picked this story up, off a good Yahoogroup full of experienced Black music and film professionals…BlackEntertainmentProfessionals. The is also a good website to pick up on industry happenings and job opportunities. I recommend that you add it to your favorites (smile) If you decide to join the BlackEntertainmentProfesssionals@yahoogroups, tell them heard about the group, in The City Lights Reporter.Remember, We Must Share The Knowledge (Network)... To Share The Dollars!!!Peace and Gods Blessings,Jim Neusom***************(Advertisement)*********************Need some great ideas for corporate or personal gift-giving?Then go to City Lights Software( see some of the most unique afrocentric gifts available online!We Deliver ONLINE - Direct To Your Desktop for just $14.95Please take the time to purchase one our afrocentric screen savers TODAY!Don't Just Talk the Talk...Let Your Dollars Walk the WalkIf you have any problems with purchasing online contact me direct at sales@citylightssoftware.comor call (213) 944-4176***************************************************----Original Message----Date: 4 Apr 2006 21:49:58 -0000From: BlackEntertainmentProfesssionals@yahoogroups.comTo: Jim NeusomSubject: [BlackEntertainmentProfesssionals] Digest Number 1072Message: 2Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 15:07:37 -0700From: gig@gigslist.orgSubject: How to Write and Post a Show Biz Resume Online.How to Write and Post a Show Biz Resume Online.ORDetails of a Show Biz Recruiter's Living Hell and her Dreams of a Better Future. Deborah PaulinoManaging editor of an entertainment employment resource and resume library.I've been reading and moderating show biz resumes online for 7 years, for all mediums and genres. Every year I write and broadcast an article about this subject. Not because I have nothing industry else to write about, but because people post the most stupid things in show biz resume libraries and it drives show biz employers and me crazy. And it is not getting any better, dammit!I'm not joking. Some budding bright sparks just write "I am the best" or "Make me a star" or "I am looking or a job" or "I have experience"; not even enough words for a half decent classified ad. One person sent me a death threat after I asked them to repost a professional resume with more detail.--------Excerpt-----------So what do show biz employers want to see?Show biz employers are just the same as nine to five employers, they want to see a professional resume custom written for their opportunity job/role/position/exposure/funding they are offering and which you are applying for. They want to see you have thought about their opportunity and industry and that you've take time to write skill set keywords, credits, work experience, summary description relating to that opportunity. It always pays to advertise, never be shy about self promotion but always keep it business like, to the point, and truthful.First up is preparation and investment: Materials and text for your resume and profile, and basic equipment for running and promoting your business. This is an investment in your business, just like costumes, a car, cell phone, or recording equipment.1# Get a set of professional head/promo photos done. Three quarter view works better online: Yourself on set, on stage, at the boards, in the rigging, with your instrument or camera, or of your designs or logo. A picture tells a thousand words so look your best at what you do best. You need digital on cd as well as high quality prints and transparencies for reproduction.2# Use the image edit program on your computer to resize your images for the web. You need digital images no more than 200w by 400h pixels, and no more than 64 k in memory size so they load fast. Employers don't wait for big images to download, they simply click onto the next resume.3# Pick an industry and skill set you are most experienced with and write a paragraph about it and how you feel/think about your work and role in it. Keep it all truthful and as succinct as possible, aka short and to the point.4# Pick out keywords that describe your actual skills and work experience set. e.g.. Set builder might be: rigging, welding, carpentry, scenic painting. Actress might be: character, improv, voice over, singing, dancing. Event manager: budgeting, site planning, bookings, production management5# Write a list of your credits, productions/projects you have worked on and your job in 2 or 3 words. For music artists this might be major artists you have opened for or recorded with and the better albums and shows you've played.6# Get a web site and your own domain name, just start with 3 pages, don't bother with the free stuff with it's banner advertising. Hosting your own web site is as little as $5 per month and gives you a professional virtual reception area, brochure, mailing list collector and newsletter publisher. It also lets prospective clients see you are professional and care about details.7# Make sure your best mp3's, videos, and photos are on your web site, not everything, just 3 or 4 of the best to start.8# If you have testimonials from professionals who have worked with you include them on your web site.9# Invest in a wireless web laptop and printer, a new one with at least a 2 year warranty, and sign on to a broad band service. It is tax deductible as it is a part of your business. It will also help you get your promote out and receive responses a lot more efficiently and on the move. Doesn't have to be top shelf, a reliable student model will do, and they all come with basic image editing and word processing programs already installed.10# Make sure your email, web site, mp3's, reels, demos, cd's, photos, phone number, fax, cell, voice mail, all forms of contact work and you can access them correctly. Sit down with your email account for a couple of hours and teach yourself how to use it, do the same with your cell phone and palm device.11# Research a list of industry only web sites that have resume libraries and production directories. has an updated list of over 100 listed in it's employment library.Now you are ready to write your resume... Write the components of your resume in the following order for easier employer attention grabbing:1 Title: What you do.2 Skills: Skill set keywords. (employers look for these first)3 Summary: Paragraph about your work.4 Credits: Work experience.5 PortFolio: Links to your web sites, mp3's, reels etc.6 Contacts: Name, phone, email, post mail, best times to call etc.Don't forget to spell check.--------Excerpt-----------You think this is long winded and involved for a tip sheet on resumes? I challenge you! Complete everything listed in this article and then consider your opinion. If you don't complete everything in these lists for reasons other than act's of god then maybe you are not serious and focused enough for a paid show biz gig. If you do complete the list, then that is just the start of refining it and getting your business and career to the next level.don't stop promoting yourself, you've only just begun***************************************************This Online Journal was brought to you by InterServe Networks. Feel Free To Forward To Your Network Of Online FriendsWe Practice Responsible E-Commerce Marketing and Privacy Policies. We do not indulge in or encourage Spamming. We never send unsolicited emails. You are receiving this message as part of our opt-in subscriber mailing list or you are a member of an affiliated newsgroup.For comments or suggestions please contact us at the following;Jim Neusom ( Director/PublisherInterServe Networks/City Lights Software, subscribe to our opt-in mailing list simply send an email to; ( on Myspace go to )
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I am looking to add on several more healthy hair consultants. (NO prior experience necessary, I will provide you with training). The ONLY qualifying factor is you need to want healthy hair and have the desire to educate other sisters on the way of having it through games, workshops and FUN!!! My hair care parties are NOT your average home party. During our parties we teach the importance of maintaining moisture and protein balance, and how to do this, the "good" ingredeints and "bad" ingredients in our hair care products, how to shop for a good conditioner and shampoo, how to maintain hair extensions and MUCH more! If you are interested...better yet, if you are EXCITED and ENTHUSIASTIC, please contact me at testimonials about these premium, products check out my website and click on testimonials)
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You keep hearing me say I am "The first step towards organizing your business and becoming stress free" that's my slogan, but after pondering it for some time I have decided that those words are a very vague description of what I do. So I decided to be more detailed, and have changed my slogan to "The Only Thing I Cannot Do For You Is Get Your Coffee." and here is why....I can assist any type of business owner. No kidding.AuthorsNot only can I create press kits, a synopsis, query letter or set up interviews, but my sister company Sean's Web World can create or update you Myspace, Ning network or professional website. Start spending more time writing your next masterpiece and less time directing buyers to your site. Our services are even better if you self publish or own your own publishing company. We can make sure all of your authors get the exposure they deserve.Entertainers or Entertainment CompaniesNeed additional operating funds? We can write the best business plan for you and submit it to lenders who can actually help you, even in this broken economy. We can also assist you with booking shows, arranging interviews, and general administrative tasks such as virtual reception services and personal assistance. Having an assistant makes you look much more professional and successful, making others eager to do business with you. The only difference is, you're not paying for a real live assistant. You have a virtual assistant that pays their own taxes, acquires their own health benefits and is available when you need them the most.Network MarketersDon't think you need a virtual assistant? Well think again. You spend hours online marketing your products or service, making connections, blogging, and creating profiles. Do you know how much a VA can get done is 10 hours a week? Probably a weeks worth of marketing that you do. Two heads are better than one and by having someone else assist you in your marketing efforts, you can increase your profits by at least 30%. Ask my one of my MLM clients...he'll tell you!Any other general business that I did not list, I will get to you in part 2. The bottom line is everyone can use a VA, so what are you waiting for? Too expensive? Not really. My services are only $15.00 an hour with a 10 hour minimum. You can spread those hours out over the entire month. So you see, for $150.00 a month a VA is an excellent investment!See you soon....virtually!Mittie Stephens-Lewis
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This is very sound advice, but unless you have nothing, you have to take the plunge. Go through your house, and tag all your items. Take an inventory of every single piece, except for food, clothing, computers, electronic, etc. The average person will buy 2-3 different sets of furniture during their lifetime, between 10-15 cars, and 2-3 homes. We have a client who retired at the age of 42 with a net worth of 1.3 million. When she first came to us, 7 years ago, her net worth was $130,000. She was very brave however, and immediately started selling off the furnishings in her home, liquidating her Janus account and pooling together all the funds to begin her wealth transformation. Seven years later with a lot of research, countless hours traveling to auctions, and a lot of upgrading and haggling over prices she can now work at her leisure or not at all if she chooses and enjoy the fruits of her labor. She has a "Rosewood room" with 4 inlaid Herter brothers chairs $50,000-$70,000. One Allen Brothers inlaid chair $8,000-$12,000, an inlaid sewing table $40,000-60,000. That is not her most valuable room.Another client had an extremely modest income working as a maid. She came to us when she was 30 years old with a net worth of $5,000. She was not brave, and 12 years later her net worth is $25,000, all of which she accumulated during the first 2 years of working with us, after which she decided to try to do it on her own. She had all the resources and our support, but she refused to let go of basically worthless items in her home in order to create cash flow. That is an impossible task. Short of an inheritance, your must sell in order to buy. For whatever style it is that you like, there is an extremely valuable variety and a worthless variety of that particular style. You must be honest and decide which variety you have and whether or not you are willing to literally live in an empty house/apartment until you get the very best. Something that is appreciating in value every single day, even if it is only 1 penny per day. That means the chair you sit in; the plates you use to eat; your forks; your spoons; your tables; your rugs; your tea set; your books; your lamps; your paintings; your chandeliers; your mirrors; your bed; your clocks; your watches; your home; and your car should all be going up in value every day. It is all very easy to do. You just have to be brave, resourceful, and patient. If you don't possess those qualities, hire someone that does.The challenge of the week is to get rid of one value that is depreciating in value and replace it with one item that is appreciating in value. Thank-you for reading this bonus topic of the week. We pray that you have peace and prosperous blessings during the rest of the week.Shalom,Tamar
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