Training (65)


Watch & Participate Live On: My Website | SpreeCast | Facebook

Hey ACTIONista!


Calling all my game changers, history makers, movers and's time to make your big ideas happen!

What's the big deal with... creating an online presence that wins you clients, cash and compliments instead of robbing you of your time, money and freedom?

You're a blessing waiting to happen for someone! But, your big ideas are useless if they aren't reaching the people who need it.

So, what's keeping you from being a blessing? Technology? Confusing marketing strategies? Limited reach?

Building a  business online, that makes money and meaning, is not as easy as it used to be. Many of the strategies and tools that turned on the money faucet 5 years or even a year ago either no longer work or aren't as powerful.

The fact is, if you don't commit to building a solid foundation, you will blow with the winds of different marketing trends, and never taste the sweet fruit of sustained results.


That's why I am happy to announce my 1st...

 ActionCast - A Live Stream Mastermind for Shero-Entrepreneurs

Dicover How to Plan & Conquer Your Web Presence

Who Should Attend?

  • Mission driven women entrepreneurs operating as speakers, authors, coaches, mentors or consultants... who are tired of playing Russian Roulette with their online marketing...
  • Sher0-Entrepreneurs looking to launch, relaunch or grow their online business without investing time and money in the wrong places...
  • If building your online business feels like running in water...
  • If you are tired of building a million dollar hard drive and ready to build a million dollar business...

Let's Do IT!


What You'll Launch & Learn:

In this 60 minute interactive live stream mastermind you will learn:

  • What makes up an effective web presence, how good is yours and do you really need one?
  • My secret formula for creating a bankable web presence...
  • The one question to ask and answer that will keep you from getting sucked into the hype that keeps so many webpreneurs stuck and unprofitable...
  • The anatomy of a client-getting, profit-winning web presence...
  • The two tools you must have in place if you are serious about having success online...
  • And much more...

This is an action packed live stream mastermind. So, bring your questions, passion and brilliance!

Watch & Participate Live On: My Website | SpreeCast Facebook
See you there!





P.S. Can't make it live? Be sure to sign up if you can't attend live, for access to the replay. The recording will be repurposed for sale.

Sign up for notifications: 

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The B.I.G. Business Conference Is Seeking Trainers and Coaches!

You are invited to attend tonight's  ‘Call For Trainers’ Information Session to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

RSVP Here:


During this session we will provide information on how your participation in the B.I.G. Business Conference as a trainer/coach will help you:

1. Generate revenue while working within your passion – helping others learn. A compensation plan will be provided for all coaches and trainers.
2. Elevate your brand and position yourself as an expert in your niche and the small business community.
.....And More!

Click here to get more details and to R.S.V.P. for the Information Session:

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Do you think Like a 98 or 2 Percenter?


98% of the population excuses away all their vision, their dreams, their goals, and then the next step they do is they excuse away yours.  They tell you that you’re stupid if you go after your dreams in bad economic times like this.  They lost their dreams and now they are going to try and pollute yours.

2% will encourage you to be all that you desire to be and say nothing is impossible you work hard and go for it!  That’s what 2% knows that’s what they say and that’s how they live and they’ve got the results in their life that proves it.  They aint no talk and no action they’re talk with results!   But 98% of the population gave up their dreams and are going make sure they can pollute everyone else around them and make sure they give up their dreams to.  Why?  Because when you actually go after your dreams yourself it makes them feel a little uncomfortable.  Why?  Because they realize that something was possible.  Because they realize when they see you go after it it sheds some light on them… They wonder “if”.

98% of the population destroys their dreams and destroys others dreams and 2% of the population says WOW there is a lot I wanna do!  2% of the population is not limited by their bank account.  YOU are not limited by your bank account you’re limited by your brain and your lack of understanding that your dream somebody else is living it!  Someone else found a way to do it! How they did it is they grew their income circle to finance their dreams.  That’s the difference between 98% and 2%. 98% shrinks their dreams to be just a little bigger than their income so they don’t die.

A man without a Vision WILL Perish. What’s your vision?  Is your vision just big enough to pay off debt?  Is that all you wanna do is make ends meet??  If your vision isnt worthy of you getting out of bed every morning then your vision isn’t big enough.  If your vision isn’t big enough to get you over your biggest fears then your vision isn’t big enough.  If your vision isn’t big enough to cause other people to want to follow you with it then your vision isn’t big enough. If your vision is about You making Money then it isn’t big enough.  You better spend some time growing your vision. What is it?  Where you going?  If you don’t know where you’re going no one else can follow you.  They already know how to go no where!!!

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Hello Community
Micore Intl is jamming in Atlanta GA. The National Launch is going great. I am watching the live stream and "acting a fool" with excitment!! You got to be part of this history making company,
I am!!!!
Get started for $19.95

This company is a "gamechanger" in all aspects of the concept.

Micore Intl is "opening" the hair industry to "average" folk!!

Yes, $19.95 and you are in business within minutes.

Your own personalize website

Your own online store

Your own customer management system.

Your own complete product line!!


Yes, you can get a 25% discount on product

Yes, you can generate income from building your company reps,

yes, your reps, for you get paid when they make sales!!!


New product lines being introduced:

Hair growth product

Hair maintenance accessories

Education service expanded

Compensation "just got better" enhancements


Ok, enough already, get on this "trailbrazer" and braze your own trail!!!




Independent  Micore International Consultant

Juniques Marketing and Juniques Multi Cultural Connections (

endorse this message

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Micore Intl Launch Sunday 17 Mar 2013

We are announcing HUGE advancements like…

•Medical and Dental Insurance available

for all Independent Micore Representatives

•New scientifically formulated products

that grow hair, as well as hair and skin

care products

•New Product Packs to purchase or sell to

New Hair Consultants

•Improvements to our Compensation Plan

•New Director of Micore’ YOUniversity…our

training program

•And SO much more…

Get your business online in minutes for only $19.95 per month

Your own personalized website

Your own online store

Your own customer management system

and 25% discount on hair products


Get this business going today and be smiling all week long!!!

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This will only offered Once From Micore Intl University!!! Special 2 hour Training


This $90.00 consultant session will be open to the public at no cost!!!

Place this date on your schedule now.

Achal Jain who has over 12 years of experience in the hair extension industry will
be conducted this indepth 2 hour training session.

Micore Intl has gained a following of thousands. People are joining from all over
the country!!! The more they learn, The more they want to be a part of this
historical happening.

The Hair Industry has never open to general public at this level.
Moving from consumer to business owner!!!

This is an  opportunity
to learn about the Hair business and create income too!!!

You will learn the real truth about this billion dollar industry.

Send me your email address and I will provide you  specially prepared
training material publication just for this class.

email subject: I want to attend the special training from Micore Intl

Learn more about Micore Intl by viewing my Micore Hair business at
call 623-455-6364

Micore will be making its public launch 17 Mar 2013. Be part of this success story now!!

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Hello Community, The Special 2 Hour Micore Training Call has been moved
to Thurs, 21 Feb 2013, 8PM, EST.
here are the details

The Micore’ University Class for tonight has been rescheduled till tomorrow night in order to introduce everyone to Toni Love

– Co-Director of Micore’ University! We want to bring her on the call to introduce herself as she will be educating on many

of the calls moving forward.

Tomorrow Night’s class will be a full 2 hour class teaching the Hair Extensions 101 Basic Training Class. This will be the

LAST time the full class is open to the public and taught through this webinar format by our COO – Achal Jain.  Make sure to bring all your friends and clients. This class will be all the information you would ever want to know about the hair extensions industry.

Thursday (2/21/13) at 8:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM CST

Click here to be a part of the webinar:

(The webinar has online audio and a special conference call in# that will be listed on the webinar site)

This is great information for ALL Micore' Members!


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Part 2 What Spending A Half A Trillion Dollars on Hair Care and Weaves Says About Us
By H. Fields Grenee
Submitted by Rickey
Micore Intl Independent Consultant
Start your own Hair Business for $19.95

Consider this: $46,326 was the median household income in the United States according to 2010 U.S. Census data and the average income for African American families was $32,584, well below a middle-class lifestyle. Yet we over-spend for the purpose of appearance. Why is this?

”It’s not that I think “natural hair” is now invisible but (weave) has become a way for more people to achieve that “good hair” status if only synthetically,” gleamed Davarian L. Baldwin, Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of American Studies at Trinity College.

“The culture surrounding weaves; such as the links between more traditionally white hair textures and the pricing system of weaves, helps to exacerbate the notion of “good hair” as “non-Black.”

Baldwin continued, “Who really knows if “Indian Remi” (a popular human hair weft texture) is a reflection of actual Indian women’s hair or what “Hollywood Italian” (another texture classification) actually means, but in hair weave stores there is certainly a hierarchy of hairs that is also linked to a hierarchy of racial value.”

But it’s just fashion, right?

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Part 4  What Spending A Half A Trillion Dollars on Hair Care and Weaves Says About Us
By H. Fields Grenee

By H. Fields Grenee
Submitted by Rickey
Micore Intl Independent Consultant
Start your own Hair Business for $19.95

My Limitless shine and falseness style is divine

African Americans spent $507 billion (out of our total estimated buying power of $836 billion) in 2009 on hair care and personal grooming items, according to an annual report published by Target Market News. This figure is up 16.6% from the $435 billion spent the previous year.

Yet for those who are one with the weave – the price seems worth the sacrifice. And the psycho-social condemnation does not register.

“You should be willing to pay the money to have good hair put in,” Clark stressed. In fact, human hair is all she wears, because it easily fits into her lifestyle. “It has good body, takes heat well, can get wet and just lasts longer then synthetic hair,” she said.

This makes a difference since she visits her stylist twice a month or once a week when she sports a shorter cut – which is what she wears when she wants to convey sassy. Much like Johnny Wright, whose signature phrase: “I always tell people be vain or be forgotten,” channels the deep seeded quests for style.

Wright, stylist to the first lady Michelle Obama, Softsheen-Carson artistic style director and celebrity stylist doesn’t dabble in the controversy surrounding weave – he just creates. To him weave placement is just another avenue to crafting a clients’ look that best fits with her lifestyle.

When he works with weave what remains paramount in his mind is maintaining the overall quality and strength of the clients’ natural hair and scalp. Wright believes you should interview your beautician as if she were your doctor because improper weave placement can lead to baldness. Furthermore, he stressed that children should not be getting weave due to the pressure on the scalp.

“It’s not about how long a period of time (weave is worn). It’s more so if you are not taking care of your natural hair and scalp”, he said.

When the scalp is continuously irritated the hair follicles can break resulting in a form of baldness known as traction alopecia, a condition that causes the hair to break from repeated and severe braiding, weaving, extensions or tight ponytails.
go to part 5

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10744089470?profile=originalIf you’re a serious minded Black Business Woman, I’m sure that when you saw the term Business-Savvy Barrier in the title of this post, you raised your eyebrows and thought, “What the what?” But the numbers representing our success and progress compared to women in other races are startling. Black women business owners have come a long way in the past 20 years, but we still have a way to go.

Despite the growth of Black women entrepreneurs, there are multiple challenges, specifically regarding the income disparity experienced in the entrepreneurial sector. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, although Black female business ownership is up 59% since 2002, we only generate a little more than 3% of the gross sales receipts of the $1.2 billion dollars of all women-owned small business firms.

These are the demographics of the top three women-owned small business firms by race: White (72%); black (12%); and Asian (7%). While there are approximately 388,759 more Black women business owners than Asian women, they generate $51 million dollars more in annual gross sales receipts. Conversely, Black men with small businesses earn an average of $103,310 annually, compared to Black women business owners who earn an annual average of $43,000. This is disturbing and ladies, we must do better!

This suggests that Black men are somehow more successful in charting their ascent up the business ladder, being their own bosses, and spearheading their own economic futures. This may also indicate that Black female entrepreneurs have significant hurdles to overcome outside the corporate setting without access to capital, economic resources, angel investors, and eminent business advisors with “real-world” experience to help navigate the rough business terrain.

This should be an eye-opener for Black women business owners collectively. If, as the data indicates, we are struggling with disparity in gross sales receipts, what will it take to change the numbers? How can we enhance our Earning Power? I’ve already pointed out several barriers that we must overcome, but there are also other major obstacles such as lack of market expansion. Studies have also shown that Black women tend to network and sell to our own people, because we perceive that they are most interested in our products and services. But by far, the most substantial hurdle has to do with being Business-Savvy.

Is the research pointing to a legitimate short-coming? Is there a Business-Savvy Barrier for Black women entrepreneurs? Strong Business Acumen (the term I prefer) involves having solid business management skills such as, financial acumen, driving strategy and innovation, critical thinking, and the ability to build strategic relationships. This goes beyond technical skill and the depth of knowledge that you may have regarding your industry. So, for Black women, the missing element of the success and financial profitability equation is Business Acumen.

Black women have brilliant business ideas, but we have to shift our focus to learning how to become Masters in Business Acumen. Our businesses have the potential to get us a much bigger piece of the revenue pie. So how can Black women bridge the financial gap and greatly enhance our gross receipts over the next several years? Here are four steps that I suggest:

  1. Become More Business-Savvy: This means cultivate a deeper understanding of the business behind your business. From a business portfolio perspective, you must be cognizant of the primary functions that impact the bottom-line of your small business: Cash Flow (i.e. days of cash on hand and speed of cash generation), Customers (acquiring, serving and retaining them), Growth (achieved through new or enhanced products or services, reaching new customers, or moving into new markets), and Return (as a function of margin and velocity).
  2. Develop Financial Acumen: Don’t relegate this to a bookkeeper and then glance at the numbers when you get your reports. You must learn how to interpret the story that the numbers tell and take the appropriate action (strategic and/or tactical) in response to that story. This means knowing exactly what your company's financial numbers mean and their implications.
  3. Constantly Focus on Business Strategy: The business arena is all about change, all the time, no matter what industry you’re in—and that's more evident now than ever before. Your business strategy must do three things effectively: gain customer preference, create a sustainable competitive advantage, and leave money in the bank. To avoid the red zone of failure or to move from just breaking even, you must operate more strategically.
  4. Understand the Power of Positioning: Whether you are a new business owner or seasoned, you wear the mantle of a business leader. Innovation and strategy within your business will be driven by your great ideas and your ability to execute and implement those ideas. Understand your current position in the marketplace, see where your industry is heading and then take a LEAD position – get in the front of the line and deliver!

To know how closely you fit in the statistics, ask yourself this question: Based upon your tax return from 2011, would your accountant say that you have a “business” or a “hobby”? I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

I have a new virtual service coming on October 16, 2012 that can help you enhance your Business Acumen.  Take a look at this e-Brochure to learn more.  If you are serious about becoming a Business-Savvy Black Woman and want to increase your earning potential, the MBA Center for Women can help you! If you would like more information or want to sign-up for the MBACW mailing list, please visit The MBACW website and virtual training services can be previewed live on October 9, 2012 at


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Hello Juniques Multi Cultural Community members.(
I found this interview with Willie Crawford,
foremost Affiliate Marketer, to be extremely interesting.
He shares an answer to a common everyday problem,
earning income on the internet even if you never have before.
How to get started with other people help.
How to generate income today!

Willie's Story,

In my 16 years online, I've interacted with tens of
thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs... and coached
hundreds of them directly.

Many of these people started an online business  because
they had VERY limited budgets, and never would have been
able start brick-and-mortar businesses.

In fact, some insisted that they didn't even have enough
spare change to afford web hosting or an autoresponder.

When they approached me asking, what to do, I often
told them that they were better off taking a part-time
offline job, and using that money to bootstrap a business.

Back then, I didn't see any easy way to do it without
at least getting your own domain name,  some reputable
hosting, and a good autoresponder.  Yes, there were
companies that offered free hosting, etc., but that
didn't instill any confidence in potential customers...
and only branded the other company.

However, things change fast on the internet, and with
the advent to things like social media, it IS now
fairly easy to start an online business without spending
a penny... and if you HATE selling, you can earn a
decent income without even selling anything directly.

The biggest change, and the secret, actually is in
what makes social media "social."

Social media is all about sharing.

You can now generate a decent living just by SHARING

What you share are branded videos, ebooks, graphics,
webinar recordings, etc.  These are branded with YOUR
affiliate links.  You share them on Facebook, Pinterest,
Twitter, a blog or discussion forum, etc., and when
someone checks them out, they are also checking out your
affiliate links.

The things is, you share interesting content, and never
really need to ask them to buy anything.

Since people LOVE to share content on social media
sites, your "friends" or followers will often repost
your shared content, and when they do, they pass along
YOUR affiliate link.

Pretty simple isn't it?

My favorite site for getting brandable content, that you
get paid for sharing, is at:
Check it out.

Membership is free, but there are upgrades available
too, and if you are a prolific content creator, or run
your own affiliate program, you can even upload YOUR
content, and allow site members to join YOUR affiliate

The way you earn by sharing something as simple as say...
an inspiring/moving image though, is that when someone
visits the main site and joins... you get paid.

So you see, you can literally have no website, no
autoresponder... and even no cash, and start your
own online business.

Go ahead and check it out now.  I'm a member... here's
my link:

Let me know if you have any questions.
Rickey Johnson
POB 6121

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10744087468?profile=originalSmall Business Success for Women in 2013 and Beyond

In light of the significant job losses resulting from the 2008 economic recession, there has been an intense focus on boosting small business as a way to stimulate job growth.  Yet, it’s becoming more evident that many of the issues plaguing the American workforce are also impacting the small business industry.  According to the Small Business Administration, as of 2010 there were 27 million small business firms in the U.S. and approximately 2.3 million have more than four employees.  However, 22 million of those firms are non-employer firms – better known as solo or micro entrepreneurs – with combined gross receipts of $950 billion.

This figure looks impressive as a whole, but when you divide the average revenue among 22 million small businesses, the typical “non-employer business” made approximately $43,000 in gross receipts.  Conversely, when you analyze the slice of the pie for women-owned small businesses, the numbers are much lower.  There are a number of reasons why solo and micro entrepreneurial women are not achieving higher revenues in their businesses, but it's certainly not from lack of hard work and passion.

Women-owned small businesses, particularly solo and micro entrepreneurs, add tremendous value to the U.S. economy and we’re an important source of competition globally.  The statistics tell the story:

  • Women own 50% of all the solo and micro enterprises
  • 52% of the private workers are employed by solo and micro businesses with the largest proportion of those employees being younger, older, women, or part-time workers
  • Solo and micro entrepreneurs provide 80% of the net new jobs.  Sixty-seven percent of all workers received their initial on the job training from small business owners
  • 53% of solo/micro businesses are home-based and 3% are franchises

Additionally, the advancements in mobile technology and social media are leveling the playing field allowing solo and micro entrepreneurs to compete with their larger company counterparts. However, there’s still considerable room for improvement and we have to do better!  Going into 2013, we have to make sure that those who make up the heart and soul of our economy –solo and micro women entrepreneurs – receive earnings that are proportionate to our contribution.

Subsequently, just like the U.S. pathway to job creation, the path to increasing profitability for women small business owners is wrought with challenges.  Working with no staff or a small staff, limited time and a constrained budget, small business owners must find a way to balance the development and marketing of their ideas with the speed of the information age. Market and customer needs are continuously shifting and the size and pace of the information and services available all across the world to meet those needs creates fierce competition for solo entrepreneurs.

The shelf life of the current knowledge and specialization for most small business owners is already close to expiration. We now live in a “knowledge economy” where our skills inevitably lose their relevance and niche abilities may be difficult to apply as opportunities and technologies evolve.  Whether you have a product or service-based small business, it is also important for you to be able to see across market sectors and connect the dots between how innovations in one industry can be applied to another.

Economists and business leaders both agree that the solution to sustaining a small business and increasing profitability for entrepreneurs is ongoing and more specifically tailored development of core business skills. This will help to keep your business on the front lines moving into the future. In order for women to compete, remain relevant, and earn more in 2013 and beyond, we must pursue training to obtain ADVANCED BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE and consistently focus on ways to INNOVATE our products and services. 

Watch the Path to Profitability Video Blog:

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Becoming a Power Player in the Coaching Business isn't easy, but it's possible.

Ladies – are you:

  • A woman with a defined area of expertise or a unique skill to offer the world who is trying to determine if coaching is the right pathway?
  • An ambitious female entrepreneur who started your own coaching business and is trying to figure out how to get your business out of first gear?
  • A woman who ealized that the corporate world was not for her and left to use your expertise as a coach in your field?
  • A professional coach with an established coaching business who isn't earning what you deserve?

If you fit into any of these categories, keep reading.

The Coaching Business is like a game of chess and every woman entrepreneur must play to win. Regardless of your current position in the industry, all women share one common drive – to become the Queen of our respective domain. However, in order to become a Power Player, you must have more than desire and determination; you need to have a Framework for Success.

Let me start by setting the table:

In my twenty-four years in business, I’ve had the opportunity to sit in the C-Suite of two National Healthcare Corporations, work as a Division Chief for three State Government Agencies, serve as a Commissioner for Women in 2 states, and direct a National Women’s Association. In these roles, I hired a variety of coaches to help with skill development, provide training and speak at conferences. Today, as a National Business Consultant and Trainer, I have the pleasure of coaching hundreds of women (and men) in corporate leadership roles, as well as small business entrepreneurs.

Coaching is an industry that’s ripe, if you pick from the right tree! I want to see women entrepreneurs rock the coaching industry like never before; and now is the ideal time. But the only way this can be done is if more women learn how to become “Power Players”. A Power Player is a women that, no matter where she began her coaching journey – be it in the “Hood” or at “Harvard” – knows how to play the game exceptionally well, stand out, and even change the game altogether.

What Does It Take to be a Power Player?

The business arena is the ultimate proving ground for one’s skills and abilities, especially as a coach. It’s the ultimate self-development and growth experience. The business world provides you with the opportunity to stretch your mind and broaden your expertise in the process of producing results for your clients. Coaching is a matter of expanding the capacity of one person or many to win in the Super Bowl of their own life or career, but your coaching skills have to be a proficient enough to show them how to do that.

The structures, models and methodologies of the coaching business are numerous, but most are designed to facilitate learning new behavior for personal growth or professional advancement. Coaching is the process of helping to identify the skills and capabilities that are within a person, and enabling them to use them to the best of their ability. As a coach, you must possess the skill, ability and ingenuity to help people envision and create the better future for themselves or their organizations.

Becoming a Power Player in the coaching industry encompasses four things:

  1. Learning the Game – This involves knowing the rules of the industry, understanding your niche in the field, and figuring out what it takes to be one of the top contenders.
  2. Playing the Game – This involves knowing how to connect with the right networks, figuring out where to focus your efforts to build your clientele, and what products and services you should offer.
  3. Mastering the Game – This involves figuring out how to build eminence in the market and how to position yourself to continuously move through a series of destinations to avoid complacency.
  4. Redefining the Game – This involves leaving your mark in the field, becoming a revolutionary coach, and creating a legacy that will impacting others for years to come.

Now that you know what it takes, let’s outline the Power Player Manifesto. To be a powerful coach in today’s business environment, you must be serious about putting your coaching services on the national map and this requires a specific vision, mindset and method. The infographic below provides a framework to show you the four most critical areas for coaches to establish themselves and/or improve in order to step-up their game during the last quarter of 2012 and in 2013.

The Framework:

  • Business Strategy – How You Compete:

This helps establish your “position” in the field and guides how you compete. Coaches aren’t and shouldn’t try to be experts in every area. What is your established area of expertise? What type of coach are you – life, business, career, health, fitness, spiritual, executive, dating, financial, etc. Find and establish your niche. Trying to be a jack-of-all-trades makes you a master of none. Likewise, if you were a mailroom supervisor making $38,000 a year at the height of your professional career, you shouldn’t jump into the coaching business claiming to be able to show people how to make a million dollars as entrepreneurs – unless you’ve already made your first million.

Compete based upon what you know, do well, and can demonstrate past results! Your clients will know if your expertise is being recited from a blog or a book or if it came from your own experience and knowledge. Your business strategy should always flow from the position you’re establishing in the market. For example, Life Coaches offer very different services & products, and address a completely different set of issues than Executive Coaches and you don’t want to send a mixed message to clients or potential clients.

  • Branding Strategy – How You Build a Name, Reputation and Loyal Clients:

Once you know your business, then you can build a powerful brand. Your brand as a Coach is the platform upon which you stand and the promise of what you plan to offer to clients. Therefore, your brand messaging has to be consistent with the business area in which you’ve positioned yourself. If you’re a Business Coach, why would you market your latest “healthy living” product or "organic soap"? However, if health & wellness is a part of your business coaching platform, how have you integrated the two areas? Do your clients understand the correlation between all of your products and services? You don’t want potential clients to think that you’ve changed focus areas based upon your brand messaging, particularly if you cater to corporate clients.

  • Financial Strategy – How You Profit:

This is where the rubber meets the road. If you’ve started or plan to launch a coaching business for lifestyle economy reasons (i.e. to augment your 9-5 paycheck) and you’re not looking to build wealth as an entrepreneur, then none of this information is really pertinent. But, if you are in the coaching business to build an enterprise economy, then you must have the right financial strategy and revise it as the needs or trends in the market change. Do you know what are other coaches charging? Are your products comparable? Upon what did you base your pricing model? Did you know that pricing is related to and can actually dictate your target market? Pricing too low or too high can also make it difficult for you to move up or down at a later date.

Keep in mind that Ken Blanchard can bill a million+ dollars for his teams coaching services. Your products and methods may be just as good, if not better, but you have to prove that you are worth the higher bill rate. Posting YouTube videos of yourself sitting on your bed giving a coaching lesson in business management strategies won't get you to the million dollar club! Proven business experience comes from results and outcomes. What results can you show with current clients to substantiate your pricing model or bill rate?

  • Leadership Strategy – How You Build Eminence and Grow Your Business:

Okay – now for some real talk. If you don’t consistently play this game like you’re a “true” WNBA player, then you’ll end up on the bench or in early retirement. You must focus on optimizing what you offer and maximizing the results for your clients. Every day hundreds of men and women are stepping into the coaching field, including CEO’s from billion dollar corporations with “proven business experience” and the competition is fierce. Whatever got you to where you are today, won’t keep you there tomorrow.

If you want to be a leader in the field, you must be innovative and focus on solutions. Leaders don’t follow the same tactics as others, they figure out how to do things better and how to add more value than their competitors. Ask yourself this question, if you had to pitch a proposal for coaching services in "Change Management" to a group of CEO's from 3 Fortune 500 Companies, what innovative service or product could you bring to them that would make you a top contender against Ken Blanchard Companies, Anthony Robbins, or even another small business coach? This question illustrates why your leadership strategy must focus on where you want to go as a coach, and not just on where you are today!

Was this article helpful? I'd love to hear your comments!

If you are serious about becoming a Business-Savvy Entrepreneur and a Successful Coach and you want to increase your earning potential, Monique Stoner can help!

Visit her website at Monique has upcoming webinars focused on helping women in the Coaching and Consulting Businesses. LIKE her on Facebook at to get immediate notices about her webinars.

Monique is also launching the MBA Center for Women website and virtual training services on Oct. 16, 2012 at

Check out the MBACW e-Brochure!

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Moving Your Business from Potential to Profitability in 2013



Entrepreneurs – as you think about your business plan for 2013, consider the following questions:

  • Did your gross receipts exceed the level of effort and resources put in the business in 2012? (This answer indicates whether you have a business, per IRS standards, or just a hobby)
  • Are you aware of the substantial changes in your industry that will impact your business next year? (This includes new technologies, new competitors, new laws, etc.)
  • If Business Growth is one of your goals for 2013, have you already figured out what will be the “RIGHT” type of growth? (i.e. not just more clients, but the clients with whom you will have continuous sales next year)
  • If you are a Coach or Speaker, what “new” insights, services or products do you plan to bring to your clients or audiences next year? (In other words, what will make you stand apart from all the others in your field?)

As a solo entrepreneur or a small business owner, you may have the “potential” to make millions, but if you have not mapped out a strategy for addressing issues such as the ones listed above, increasing your profitability in 2013 is unlikely. Your business plan outlines your business structure, but a solid strategy is the bridge to get you to your destination.

As entrepreneurs, we must relentlessly pursue our highest level of potential in business. Utilizing our full potential empowers us to serve the world with our unique gifts and talents, while being compensated accordingly for doing so. I believe that every entrepreneur should strive for extraordinary success. If you know the precise destination in which you’d like to take your company, then you have a definite target for which to aim.

First, let’s look at why you need a strategy and not just a business plan:

  • Business plans are essential to have, but they are used primarily to start a business, obtain funding, or direct ongoing operations
  • A strategic plan is used to provide focus, direction and action in order to move your business from where it is now to where you want to go
  • A strategic plan is critical for prioritizing your three most valuable, but limited resources (time, talent and capital) to grow the revenue and increase the return on investment
  • A strategic plan focuses on building a sustainable competitive advantage and is futuristic in nature

Strategy helps you make clear and conscious choices about the direction of your company in relation to what’s happening in the dynamic business environment. Armed with strategic knowledge, you’re in a much better position to respond proactively to a changing environment.

Second, let’s review some of the fine points and benefits of small business strategy:

  • To establish a unique value proposition as compared to your competitors
  • To enable you to do the RIGHT things at the RIGHT time
  • To identify the tradeoffs and clarify what you should not do
  • To focus on activities that fit together and reinforce each other
  • To execute your business plan in a way that provides distinct and tailored value to customers

Third, strategic planning is the most effective way to “position” your solo venture or small business for success and profitability. Positioning helps you align your business activities with the goals that you have set and it helps differentiate your products and services from others in the mind of the consumer. If you think positioning your business strategically is an easy task, consider the following senarios:

  • The owner of a local bakery wants to remain small and local, but needs to increase profits. How should the owner adjust and align all business activities, including operations, inventory, marketing and customer service in order to achieve these goals in 2013?
  • A clothing designer wants to position her business to grow into a much bigger regional or national company in 2013. In what way would she need to adjust operations and inventory to cater to a broader client base? How will the owner develop the distribution channels needed to achieve this goal? How much will she need to invest initially – before profits?
  • A Health & Wellness Coach has been planning to launch a new suite of wellness products in 2013. She just found out that another contender in the market is also launching a similar suite of products with a sophisticated online portal at a much lower rate. The competitor is also positioning themselves to become a player in the healthcare exchange market in 2014. How should this Coach adjust her go-to-market strategy?

These are actal strategy senarios from three of my current clients. As you can see, developing a profitable and competitive strategy is much more complex than just putting together a business plan. You have to know the direction you want your company or solo venture to take, understand how to position yourself, and align the various elements of your enterprise with that directional goal. This avoids wasting time and effort on activities that don't add to your bottom line.

I realize that it’s not easy, so I want to help you develop a solid Game Plan for your business in 2013. Because I want you to succeed, you don’t have to work through this process alone. Joined by two other phenomenal business coaches (Chloe Taylor Brown and Cheryl Budden Earls), we have scheduled two workshops in an effort to coach and train you in the development of your “2013 Strategic Play Book”!

Follow the link below to find out more about the Strategic Coaching Workshops that I'll be offering in December, with Chloe Taylor Brown and Cheryl Budden Earls! Armed with the right strategy, you can Rock 2013 and drastically increase your profitability!

Click Here To Get Started with the 2013 Small Business Prosperity Challenge Today: It's totally FREE & there's no obligation.

Also, for additional 2013 Business Planning Tips, read my Five Steps to Business Success in 2013 article -

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Three Quick and Easy profitable Twittering strategies

What are your thoughts about using Twitter for business?

Twitter has been misunderstood by many, however, when used effectively it can lend itself to be a very empowering tool for any marketing endeavor. And then that all takes into again your goal(s).

I’m going to share four profitable Twittering strategies with you below. You don’t have to try to use everyone of them, however, do pick at least one to either refresh if you’ve tried it or start using.

Strategy #1 Generate Anticipation – Build Up To the Launch Event

Have you ever watched a launching campaign of another business owner? Or let’s take for instance a new movie. You’ll see preview after preview and maybe even fast food chains and others join in by merchandising as part of the launching campaign.

Twitter is a great way to help create anticipation. Post sneak peeks, samples, and links to content promoting the product before it is launched. Part of a successful launch is the anticipation of the new product.

Strategy #2 Offer Special Incentives

Consider making a special offer to your Twitter followers. For example, if you’re releasing a new service you can give your Twitter follower 10% off if they send you a direct message or a reply with the word #yourbusinessname in the message. Not only do you generate more awareness for your offer you’ll also generate sales for that new service and ultimately profits.

Of course you want to add scarcity to the mix. You can limit the offer. For example, limit the promotion to the first 100 who reply or retweet.

Strategy #3 Got a list? Want a list? Grow Your Opt-In List/Community

Whether you’re launching a new product or service you can begin to grow your list using Twitter. You can accomplish this by offering a free giveaway and teasing it on Twitter with a link to the opt-in page. You can also publish a blog post or article with a call to action in the article that sends readers to an opt-in page. Tease and link to the content on Twitter and watch your list grow. I don’t mean spam your followers but keep in mind the 60/20/20 ratio.

Okay here’s a bonus => Strategy #4 Publish Content

Have you ever seen other business owners provide content that offers part of a solution to a problem with a call to action that leads to a complete solution? This is a strategy used by many. The call to action is subtle and not aggressive. Merely a “Visit LINK to learn more about…” type of link.

The link then leads to either a squeeze or sales page for a product or service. You can use Twitter to promote the content and drive traffic to that content and thus ultimately to your sales or squeeze page.

Which one of the strategies mentioned will you use to increase your visibility and amp up your manifested desired results?

How would you like to learn more from me about experiencing social media success using Twitter?

I invite you to join me for my Twitter for business training. “I Rock Twitter and You can Too” is my Twitter training and it’s free!

Click here to register and secure your place for this Twitter for Business training. Can’t make the live call? Register and a VIP notice will be sent to you with the replay link.

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How much time are you spending on various activities to grow your business?

One area that I see far too many individuals spending little time on is that of marketing. I don’t know if it’s because of a lack of knowledge or the mere lack of desire to do so.

Within the activity of marketing is also that of recognizing the correct audience. If you neglect to complete this action all of your other efforts will go futile.

It a major factor in realizing the sales and attracting and getting the clients/customers you seek.

The right customers are known as targeted customers or niche market, those who will be happy to buy products that fulfil their wants and needs.

You no longer have to feel intimidated by the larger companies. The Internet has opened up opportunity for you to get a market share but only if you take the required steps. Targeting also gives an opportunity to you as a smaller firm to produce products, which can cater to the need of a section of people whose needs aren’t met specifically by the large companies.

So who is your ideal prospect? Who is it that you are called to serve? The success lies behind understanding this, which requires thorough research and analysis. And yet it can be accomplished with a simple exercise that I share in More prospects, clients an profits Biz Rockin’ Online Boot Camp. Various factors must be considered. The age group is the first factor, whether the product will be useful to babies or children or teenagers or youngsters or middle aged or old. Sometimes there is a possibility that the product will cater to the needs of all age groups. Next thing to consider is gender. Marital status, hobbies etc., are some of the factors that should also be pondered upon.

After this you must identify what keeps them up at night. What are some of their pains?

Your role comes in by discovering solutions that you will provide in response to the identified areas mentioned above.

You must make a list of the benefits of your solution and communicate it in such a way that your prospect will identify you as the solution to their problem or the expert to hire.

This will also be useful in creating your IFO (irresistible free offers), sales/opt in page and other marketing communications.

Recognizing the target market is crucial to any successful advertising and sales campaign. Once it is recognized, they can be reached through different channels like websites, newspapers, magazines, etc. This makes the customer think that they are being directly addressed to. This will further support the Know, like and trust factor which will make for greater conversions. And that makes the whole effort of identifying your target market down to your niche or whome you serve worth it.
Power up your business growth endeavors by taking the steps needed to complete this activity.

If this post has empowered you in any way you I invite you to request your FREE access to my Training audio "5 dead simple strategies to get your product/service in front of your exact target market!


Go to to request it now.



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There was a time that you could put up your offer for a free Newsletter and you could be guaranteed nice opt in rate. Now a days it takes a little more than a post that reads “Sign up for my free newsletter.”


It makes you wonder if E-mail marketing is dead?


A related aspect of online marketing that can be as annoying as it can be effective is targeted e-mail campaigns. Improper use of this avenue has lead to the use of so-called “junk” e-mail filters and huge campaigns against vendors and sites that knowingly send out millions of e-mails to any e-mail address they can harvest.

Junk e-mail is typically sent without regard to whether or not the person in question is a potential customer or not. Returns of less then 1% on these campaigns are common, and still considered a “success” because the costs are so low that any return seems worthwhile.

So is it worth my while to consider this strategy? While e-mail is one of the most abused forms of advertising on the Internet, it can be a great way to start a marketing campaign. Use it carefully and correctly, especially with customer acceptance and true manned “removal” systems.


So what is the key to successful e-mail campaigns?

The key to successful e-mail campaigns is to target people who would actually want to hear from you about your product, and then to personalize your e-mails in such a way that it isn’t apparent you are mass-marketing. One thing you will need to get started is an autoresponder. This will help you automate the process of capturing the prospects name, email and building rapport by sending follow up emails with value added content and hopefully converting them to a client/customer. This is of course after you build trust and demonstrate your expertise. You’re working on the know, like and trust factor throughout this process. Just be sure you act responsibly, or you may find your e-mails going into junk e-mail bins and all your marketing dollars wasted!


If you’re looking for a great autoresponder I recommend Aweber. It’s great to use while getting started. You can click here to learn more and get a 21 day free trial.


Consider adding e-mail marketing to your marketing plan. If you feel a little shakey and want additional support in this area and Online Marketing as a whole, I invite you to join other dynamic entrepreneurs and I for The Online Marketing Breakthrough Boot Camp.

Click here to learn more and secure your enrollment.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Are you experiencing the results you want with Online (Internet) Marketing endeavors? NO? What’s holding you back?

I want to start out by telling you that this “Internet Thing” really isn’t that tough, once you figure it out. Hang in there, apply what you learn and you will become successful.

I also want to give full disclosure…

I am NOT an Internet Guru. I’m sharing what I have learned and experience over the years.

I’ve invested thousands into the knowledge that I have and am passionate about sharing with other Savvy spiritually minded aspiring, new and enterprising Women Entrepreneurs!

This post will introduce you to the simple 3-Step System to succeeding on the Internet. If you’ve been struggling to make your Internet business work for you, then this post will open your eyes and give you hope.

Also I can’t guarantee your results but I will tell you that if you follow these simple steps in this system, you should be well on your way to becoming a success on the Internet and if you find that you can’t quite get started and you want to go deeper, I’ll share how you can get my support.

Step1–The Tools

Tool #1 A website
Okay I know you’re saying this is not going to work. I don’t have a clue about building a website. You don’t necessarily need a full fledge website. Many are utilizing blogs to get started and I’ll share more about this in my Boot Camp.

Tool #2 An Autoresponder
“The money is in the list.” You’ve probably heard it a million times. If you don’t have an autoresponder, you will not be able to build and maintain a list of any significant size.

An autoresponder is basically a service that will allow you to email your leads on a scheduled or on-demand basis. A good autoresponder service will allow you to create a series of emails to start sending your subscribers immediately. This is useful to create an e-course or to set up a series of emails that will allow you to automatically sell your own or affiliate products over time. You should also be able to send out a broadcast email on-demand to your list using your autoresponder service. This will allow you to promote the latest affiliate promotions to your list as they come out.

The number one reason to use an autoresponder is that it allows you to build a relationship with your subscribers.

If you need a good recommendation for an autoresponder you can try the one I currently use. I do receive a small commission when you connect and stay on after the 21 day fre.e trial with this link, however, I don’t recommend anything I don’t support. Go to to get started.

Tool #3 – A Product…
Now, when I first heard that I had to have a product of my own, my first thought was, “There is no way I can create a product.” If you’re just starting out, I’m sure you probably feel the same way.

However, last year I discovered a secret, you don’t have to create a product from scratch!
I’ll share more on this in The Online Marketing Breakthrough Boot Camp!

Step 2–The System

Now that you have the proper tools to get started, you need to set up a system. The key to success on the Internet is to have a system in place. Once you build a system you can then start to build your list and your business.

A system is quite simply a step-by-step process that your prospects will go through. Some people call it a sales funnel. The purpose of the system is to turn prospects into leads into customers. It’s really that simple.

Step 3-The Traffic

Now that you have your system created, it’s time to start driving traffic to your lead capture page. There are millions of web pages on the Internet. If you don’t have any traffic driven to your site, chances are pretty excellent not many people will see it. So, in order to get any leads into your system, you need to drive traffic to that system.
There are two kinds of traffic you can generate – Free or Paid.

Free Traffic –
When are first starting out you may not have a lot of money to invest into your business. After you have purchased your tools and maybe joined some Resell Rights web site, your budget may not allow you to spend money on traffic generation. Don’t worry, though, there are a lot of people who have made a lot of money from free traffic sources. It just may take a little while longer than the paid methods.

This is the general rule of thumb if you have money to invest you can consider paid. If you have more time than money, invest your time into free resources, however, I will say there is a certain skill required to be wise about investing into paid options even if you do have all the money you need.

You’ll notice that this is not a comprehensive course on Internet Marketing. There are far too many intricacies to go into in this short post.

If you want to uplevel your skills now, I invite you to join me for a phenomenal easy learning, step-by-step program “The Online Marketing Breakthrough Boot Camp!”

You’ll get a much more in-depth coverage of the topics presented here and more!
Go to to get started now!


Empowering you,


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Make Money Using Twitter!

We all know that Social Media is the hottest thing today.  If you're not making money using Twitter, you're loosing out.    Imagine all the Twitter users and your followers and making money from them.


Don't miss out!  What's great about it, this information is FREE!!  Have fun making money using Twitter!!



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Where can Savvy Women Entrepreneurs and aspiring go to find a training program to empower them to effectively market and up level their business by utilizing the internet without the overwhelm while still having time for what matters most?


Sacramento, California, June 24, 2011 – Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva announces her phenomenal easy learning, step-by- step More prospects, More clients/customers and More profits Online Marketing Boot Camp.




Robin intends to fill the gap in the online marketing and social media training arena by offering a supportive environment and program that incorporates components that address the internal and external.  This training has been designed with the Savvy Aspiring, New and Enterprising Woman Entrepreneur in mind. Thanks to Robin the days of regurgitated information is basically over for you and you won't experience information overload.


The MPCCP Online Marketing Boot Camp promises to guide those ready to reap the rewards for business ownership, in a no-hassle manner. Robin states, “If you desire to have step by step guidance with my full support over a 4 week period that will allow you to gain a competitive edge, increase your prospects, clients and/or customers and increase your profits without the overwhelm my Boot Camp is for you!”


Robin was named 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News, Robin Tramble is a coach, trainer, public speaker, author and CEO of Robin Tramble International, an enterprise created for the purpose of empowering women in order to “discover their authentic selves, get unstuck, and (become) laser focused so they can make big changes and manifest their desired results faster than ever before,” according to her spokesperson Gen Larson.


Her presence is also growing on Facebook via her thousands of friends and growing Facebook page community.


Robin’s goal is to empower you to gain World Wide Visibility while increasing your profits and living life on purpose “authentically!”


The More Prospects, Clients, Customers and Profits Online Marketing Boot Camp is an idea whose time has come!


Enrollments are being accepted at


Contact info:





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