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Join our NEW Ning site at to Become a Prosperity MagnetWhat Are You Made of on the Inside?“Also [I desire] that women should adorn themselves modestly and appropriately and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with [elaborate] hair arrangement or gold or pearls or expensive clothing” 1 Timothy 2:9 (Amplified Bible)Iwant to address this important issue because we have to move from being a woman to becoming ladies. A true lady has a sweet smell about herself. Do you carry this aura on the inside of you?
There is a certain aura that wealthy women possess and you can't help but notice when they walk into a room. The way they dress, the way they sway, their undeniable posture and the way they convey seems so natural. You can’t help but wonder if there is some sort of secret to being this fabulous. The reality is that we can all be that woman if we would just take the steps to change the way we think. You might think this is hard, but you have a helper and His name is Jesus.Every human being is a magnet, the attractive power of which may be developed in any desired direction. You will automatically draw from the well that is on the inside of you. So the key is, if I am a magnet, and I draw from my personal self, then what I’m I presently drawing into my life that is not what I want? Remember like will attract like. If there is a blockage in your financial growth then the first place you have to look is on the inside of you. I know that you believe that your salary and the fruit of your labor have provided for you shelter, transportation, clothes and food. This may be true, but your thought preceded your endeavor to obtain all of those things. Your mental plan went before your achievement.After moving from California and living in a house my parents had to move back to New York because of family issues. You see I spent the rest of my teen years in the hood in Brooklyn, New York. I was surrounded by drugs, gangs, poor housing conditions, teen pregnancy and the like. But I made up in my mind that I would be different. The key here is that even if your environment is not what you want right now don’t allow it to get into YOU. You must show a respect for yourself by speaking positive words, connecting with positive people, keeping yourself well groomed, even if your clothes may be from the salvation army. Surround yourself with an atmosphere of hope and expectancy of better things to come. In this way you are making yourself a prosperity magnet because your mental door has a welcome sign on it.Below is the Number 1 obstacles that will block your prosperity. I know it sounds strange, but as you clean your physical house you automatically begin to clean your mental house which opens the door of your mind for new ideals, new friendships and a new you. CleanlinessEverything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. I Cor. 14:40Wealth can’t live in uncleanliness. Have you seen people who spend tons of money on their home and then fail to keep it up? Wealthy Women love cleanliness. They work better, are more creative and complete their goals in clean environments. When you keep your environment clean and uncluttered you’re inviting wealth into your life. (Do this exercise = Is your house, desk, closets, stove, refrigerator, etc. clean? If not - why?)