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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. Juniques MultiCultural Connections supports this campaign. A portion of each purchase is donated to breast cancer research


Breast Cancer Awareness



visit juniques multicultural connections

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I recently had a truly eye opening conversation with my hubby about entrepreneurs and small businesses that struggle vs those who actually survive, thrive and consistently make money online. He pointed out to me that eBay was created in 1995 and since then it has become a multi-billion dollar company. Ebay, Facebok, Amazon how did their founders come up with these innovative ideas? And why is it that so many of the entrepreneurs you meet online can't figure out how to do the same?

In response to his question I started talking about Pandora, a popular streaming music service available both online and via mobile apps. I told him to take a hard look at a company like Pandora. Its free to create an account and listen to your favorite music, but dig a little deeper and you will see that its a successful and lucrative business because it includes at least three profit streams that work really well. Pandora taps into ad revenue, which comes from the advertisements featured between songs. They have passive income that comes in from premium membership subscriptions for those subscribers who prefer to listen without ads. And I am almost certain they generate affiliate revenue when listeners use the option to 'buy a song from itunes'. Three revenue models that work really well AND that I have personally been using for years to sustain a thriving work at home, web based business.

The key to making money online is to take note of those revenue models that actually work and figure out how to integrate them into your business.

If your business is built on you paying someone else to provide you with a 'turn key business supposedly guaranteed to make sales,' eventually you will realize the only person making money is the person that sold you a get rich quick and/or easy dream. If you suck at sales you won't make any real money online because truth #1 is that most of the hyped up 'make money online' programs out there don't work. Truth #2 is that when you are spending MORE on your business than you you are actually bringing in you simply are not making money.

I say all of this to talk to you about the make money online methods I've learned and share the video above. My not-so secret method to consistently making money online is 'LPP + HPP + PIP + OPP = $$$'. So what does this all mean?

I consistently bring revenue into my business by focusing on 4 revenue models that work:

  • Selling Low Price Point Products - LPP (as an information entrepreneur my low price point products are ebooks and ecourses) teaching others what I've learned about marketing my business online. These products are great because most people are looking for low-cost offers and feel more comfortable giving you (a new business) less money until they build up a relationship with you.

  • Selling High Price Point Products - HPP (as a service professional my higher priced offers are my web design services) helping others build their websites, blogs and social networks online. These products are great because they allow you to make money faster with fewer clients. I only need 5 ($1000 web projects) to generate $5000 in profit vs needing 5000 ($.99 ebook sales) to generate the same amount.While it is much harder to make 5000 sales versus 5 sales; it takes more skill and effort to close a $1000 sale versus one for .99 cents. Therefore It's nice to find a balance between LPP and HPP offers because the lower priced ones can generate daily revenue for you while you take the time to 'woo' potential clients and close bigger deals.

  • Selling Passive Income Products - PIP (as someone who builds websites and a mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs online my passive income mainly comes from the subscription based training programs and advertising networks that I maintain). Many struggling entrepreneurs spending too much time desperately searching for the next customer vs implementing revenue models that motivate return sales from existing clientele. Most of the fortune 500 companies that you know are successful because their customers pay them every month. Think about your monthly business, whether you realize it or not, all of those companies basically have you on a monthly payment system. If it works for their business, why can't it work for yours?

  • Selling Other People Products - OPP (as a web marketing advisor to other women and blogger I make affiliate earnings by recommending useful products to my following. The Big A's for me are Advertisers, Adsense and Affiliate Marketing. As I built my business following I quickly realized that a lot of people will pay you quite handsomely for just a little access to your list. Many struggling entrepreneurs spend too much of their time trying to create new material or only push their offers out of fear that if they share other people's stuff they will lose business. The truth is that major companies are into affiliate marketing too! They might call it something different, like strategic partnerships, but it's all the same. They share their customers and every body gets a cut of the sales.

This is my method to consistently making money online. Now that you know exactly what I do, are you curious about how it all works? I've got my weekly calls, one-on-one sessions, training videos and regular blog posts, so I can certainly show you how this all works. Let me know when you are ready.

Related reads and resources:

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Here is Issa Rae on the Katie Couric show. Writer, director, and comedic actress Issa Rae has made a name for herself turning uncomfortable moments into a funny and fearless web series, "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl." The puts her on our list for “one to watch.” [website link here]

As part of my Unblock Your Blessings 90 Day challenge I talk about creating your own Be Blessed Vision Boards. On one section of your board I recommend you share a few people you would like to meet. One person I can't wait to meet is Issa Rae, creator of the youtube sensation "Awkward Black Girl". Taking her series from nothing to a HUGE something with offers product new shows and all this wonderful recognition is such a great start up story and I can't wait to meet her and sit down for a great chat.

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Jumpstart Your Business Weekly Calls

Anyone who starts a business and says they are not really interested in bringing in money is either lying or crazy! Seriously, once you set up shop bringing in dollars just makes sense. Of course it's worth noting that before you can start generating revenue you actually have to sell and that's the part that most of us seem to hate. Starting the business is exciting. Designing the logo is fun. Building the website makes it all feel real, but the truth is the business doesn't actually become real until you start making sales.

Let's take a look at the big questions first:

  • How do you get people to buy your services?
  • What are you doing to generate sales right now?
  • Are you a service professional - web designer like me, a personal trainer, a publisher, or coach?
  • Are you just starting up?
  • Do you have fabulous offerings, great packages, a beautiful site and social media all set up?
  • Are your current marketing efforts not working?
  • Are your potential customers and website visitors not buying as much as you would like?

Our next live call (happening in a few days) is all about 7 ways to close more deals and make more sales. This teleclass is especially for my fellow service professionals out there: freelancers, designers, trainers, and coaches.

To access the call in details:

  • The date, time and access codes are in your member area
  • If you are not a member join here, it's $7 per month
  • Missed the live call? No worries, all the replays are here

Before we actually get on the call, let's talk now about the scary and often complicated world of selling your services online.

When I decided to work from home back in '07 I was truly a shy entrepreneur. In an effort to not interact with people I tried to find revenue streams that avoided direct sales at all costs, so I started building my own websites in the hopes of strictly selling products and ad space. It didn't take long before people began praising my sites and asking about my web design services. I honestly fell into being a service professional.

At first I HATED it because I just knew working for other people was going to turn my passion into a pain:

  • I didn't know how to get a steady stream of customers
  • I didn't know how to charge what I was worth
  • I didn't want people calling me or picking my brain
  • I was afraid of dealing with customers over the phone
  • I was afraid of customers with crazy demands
  • I just wanted to do my own thang

Truth is there were were a lot of things that scared me in the beginning... things I didn't really understand or want to do, but momma didn't raise no fool!

As I explained in a previous post on my methods to generating steady income as a service professional, the best way to quickly make more money online is to sell a high price point service based product and for me that's website design.

I pretty much went though all the growing pains you might be going through now. I gave away too much information on free consultations. I talked clients out of bigger packages by over selling the smaller ones. I did deep discounts to close deals, only to find myself working too hard for little to nothing. And I often times gave up too much of my power to clients, trying to meet their deadlines and demands, work within their budgets, going above and beyond with revision requests and the list goes on.

The sum total of my frustration with web design clients was one of the biggest reasons I only took on a handful of new projects per month. Keep in mind, my hubby insisted that I was crazy for leaving so much money on the table because every body needs a website. My rational was that its too hard and sometimes too frustrating working as a service professional, but he would always say the same thing - "You are the boss, so act like one! Instead of feeling powerless to clients assume your role as the boss, set boundaries, be clear and concise, be firm but professional at the same time."

It honestly took a long time for me to settle into my role as the boss, but once I got the hang of it I fired all crazy clients and turned my pain back into a lucrative passion.

Knowing that I had the potential to generate thousands of dollars monthly just from being creative, I decided to work through all my complaints, mistakes, and fears until I got better at selling services online.

I say all this to say that this stuff is frustrating and there is a learning curve, but I know you can get better at it. Hopefully I will see you on the next call - sign up details here.

My fellow service professionals might also like:

Love it links: Join Our Weekly Calls | Previous Call Replays

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Got Google Juice?


Guest Post by Power Circle Expert
Pam Perry,

I'm not claiming to be an expert SEO or a whiz at Web Analytics and I really am not a "geek" or a "techie." I am a public relations professional who reinvented my business and have made some pretty significant strides in the online world. This year alone we've been honored with five awards and received trade publicity for our social media marketing tactics. It's PR 2.0 and it's working for our PR coaching clients.

But still a lot of folks don't "get it." They think Social Media Marketing is just trend. But it's not. It is a way of life. It is the new economy. It is the way companies are thriving while other companies who aren't "GOOGLICIOUS" are dying.

Test Your Googlicious Quotient:

  1. Do you have a Facebook account with at least 1,000 friends in your niche?
  2. Have you set up a "Like" Page for your brand, book or business and connected it to Twitter?
  3. Do you tweet at least 5 times a day by adding value?
  4. Do you use Twitter tools like Tweet Deck or Hoot Suite with your tweets?
  5. Do you have an updated and full and complete Google profile?
  6. Have you set up a YouTube video channel that brands you by name and look?
  7. Have you created at least one video and posted it on your channel with relevant key words to your brand?
  8. Do you have a LinkedIn account with recommendations from others proving you to be all you say you are and key words in your "about me" section?
  9. Are you part of any groups in LinkedIn and post comments with links (live urls) there often?
  10. Do you blog regularly (at least once a week)? Do you have blogroll on it and RSS feed?
  11. Do you podcast or are featured on Blogtalk Radio frequently?
  12. Do you have photos of yourself tagged on your blog or website with your name as the description?
  13. Have you secured a personal domain of your name at a "dot com?" Have you used to secure your social media "real estate"?
  14. Do you have a list of the key words people search for in your industry? Do you use them in blogs and in other content-sharing activities?
  15. Have you installed Google Analytics to your blog or website? Do you know where your traffic is coming from and where they are going when they land on your site?
  16. Do you have a FriendFeed account?
  17. Do you Bookmark items in Digg, Stumbleupon or De.lic.ious?
  18. Do you have a professional Flickr account for your photos and videos?
  19. Do you have a Slideshare, Scribd or GoogleDocs account?
  20. Do you have an email marketing program that posts your emails to your social networks?
  21. 21. Do you post articles in article directories and/or do your regularly distribute social media releases?
  22. 22. If an author, do you have an updated bio, your blog and video in your Amazon profile? Do you have an online press kit?
  23. Are you connecting with your core customer in Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn by delivering "fremiums" to them and growing your email list an average of 10 per week?
  24. Do you have RSS "chicklets" or "widgets" on your blog or website that gives you backlinks (which is a key SEO rankings)?
  25. Do you have most of the Google products: Google Reader, Google Friend Connect, Gmail, GoogleTalk,Youtube, Google maps, photos, Feedburner and Google Buzz?

If you have 15 or more "yes" answers, you are on you way to being very Googlicious and having your possible customers, potential clients and media find you. Once they find you - that's where the "Ka-Ching" happens!

People are searching in Google - can they find you? And once they find you, do you know how to convert that connection into a customer?

Let Pam show you how to go from unknown to A list: Steps to launch like A superstar inside our Back to Business Webinar Conference, join us live or watch the replays.

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Hello community, Make sure you add to your must read our monthly newsletter Happy New Month,

There is a lot of online business development for some companies that are determined to be "game changers"  in their industries.

Mobile Messaging and Blogging  is here to stay and Empower Network plans to play a major role in being a service provider.


You Get Paid Fast, a one time only payment company, offering software, and lead development system is changing how payment to members are being done. It infinity line , 4 level, payment system has hundreds joining daily.


Juniques Multi Cultural Connections introduces new silver coin rebate program. Paid Membership can receive 4 silver coins per year. Having Silver Coins in your asset portfolio is a smart financial move


Offering 800# quote service ( USA and Canada) is proving to be very helpful for work at home individuals who really like to just provide a service and get paid.  Now for no fees, a person can offer 800# quote for companies that pay them to promote.


Art and Sports Fundraiser. ( USA and England ) Donald Brown, renown sculptor, has put together a great fundraiser for any organization.  By providing his award winning sculptors and prints in a no fee affiliate program has open the door for many cash strapped organization to generate money for their organization.



Juniques Marketing, recognizes and accept, people do not like to sell. Advocate of No Rejection Marketing and providing the communication tools to only speak with those who want to speak with you. Many services are free. info


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I want to invite all of my friends here on Black Business Women Online to visit my blog I teach lifeskills such as extreme couponing, sweepstaking, business skills, farming, etc.. as a born again Christian my goal is to help families live a better life. 

say hi to me on twitter @R47R

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I want to invite all of my friends here on Black Business Women Online to visit my blog I teach lifeskills such as extreme couponing, sweepstaking, business skills, farming, etc.. as a born again Christian my goal is to help families live a better life. 

say hi to me on twitter @R47R

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Your support is needed in helping to send five Women Veterans/Military Women to this awesome weekend, who may not have the necessary funds to attend. Remember these Women HAVE & ARE SERVING OUR COUNTRY..lets show OUR APPRECIATION..

Women Vets &  Military Women Veterans Day Wknd Extravaganza

If you would like to donate:






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“ My life’s mission is to: MOTIVATE.INFORM.INSPIRE.CONNECT”  LaShanda Henry



This is exactly why I chose LaShanda Henry. With a network of over 66,000 the number speaks for itself. LaShanda Henry is so consistent with her mission; she has and will continue to bring volumes of information, resources, attention to detail, and the ability to EMPOWER Women. SHOWCASE Magazine is very new, still a work in progress with lots more to learn; even so LaShanda agreed to be apart of this publication without hesitation, my way in showing appreciation for her work and what she brings to others. Honored to be able to feature LaShanda Henry…


Be inspired and support all the Women in this edition...building on the SISTERHOOD” (DB)

(Purchase Link To Follow)





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Are You Flirting With Me?

I thought I would get your attention!

Whether you love it or hate it, marketing and sales are critical to the life blood of any business. You can make it more fun, if you take the approach that you want to seriously flirt with a growing list of prospects.

Marketing attraction. It sounds like flirting doesn’t it? And in a way, that’s exactly right.

You do want to flirt with your prospects, to allow them to get to know, like, and trust you. Since it takes upwards of 7 touches to make a sale today, you need to attract them to your product, service, or program in many different ways.

One critical element you must have in your basket of attraction tools today is a fully developed web presence.

People are most likely to Google for you or your service or the benefit/solution they seek first. They are less likely to open the telephone book and flip through the yellow pages. The future of your marketing reach is the internet.

Even with the internet, you need an arsenal of marketing strategies to reach your prospects and attract them to your product and services. You can’t flirt with them, if they can’t find you.

Here are a few ideas which you can do quickly and on a budget. They are culled from the likes of Mitch Meyerson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Seth Godin, and Bea Fields.

On your website:

  • Build a powerful direct response entity
  • Make sure your headlines are engaging with a problem/solution approach
  • Direct their eyes to the one thing you want them to do

On your email signature:

  • Include your business contact information, of course
  • Promote one thing – a new product, service, newsletter, auto-responder series, article, free conference call.

This is your best and first opportunity to ask everyone to engage with you and your company

Develop relationships for referral business – complementary services serving the same market niche and get listed on their websites

Include client testimonials – use them in all your printed and online collateral materials.

The hottest new thing is audio and video testimonials you put up on your site.

Use audio and video conferencing from your PC for sales, presentations, meetings. They work effectively for a prospects, clients and vendors.  It’s no longer novel. It’s cost effective, timely, direct, and can be very interactive.

Write articles and press releases about everything you do and get them published in print but more importantly across the web.

Yes, all of these are ideas you can do yourself, burning the midnight oil.

But what’s even better, is that these tools and systems can be delegated and automated – one more way for you to generate more profit in less time.

We have NEW Autoresponder Courses in which you can use for your subscribers to show them how to use quick tips to help grow their business online. 

Click Here >>>Check them out!

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10744098097?profile=original  If you’re an entrepreneur or veteran in your business, and you’re finding it difficult to borrow money, then you may need to look at the foundation of your business. It’s unfortunate a lot of financial institutions loan officer do not have the knowledge to help you qualify for funding.
As a business owner for over 10 years, I am very familiar with the stress that comes about when you need money either to expand your business or just trying to make payroll. I discover 4 years ago about business credit, and I took all my free time to learn as much as I could about it. Many used this method to acquire funding, because their personal credit was destroyed.

A few things that I learned from studying business credit was that in order to obtain funding you must have a strong business foundation as well as good personal credit. Although, those facts made since, it made me feel discourage and uncomfortable, but as I educated myself more and took action, I felt a sense of relief.

I’ll like to share with you those steps I took to build up the foundation of my business in this outline.

 1st you must pick a favorable lending code. In the business world they call it SIC CODE or NAICS CODE. I made a video explaining these terms on my youtube channel on my website  Some of the favorable lending codes with be the following niches such as technology, education, retail, wholesale, and telecommunication.

  2nd step to building the foundation of your business is the structure of the business. Banks and Credit Unions are biased to the structure of the business. The majority of business owners are focused on either a S-Corporation or an LLC. However, banks favor C-corporations, because it’s look at as an entity that can vouch for its own credit, built up correctly. Another reason the C-corporation is preferred is because you can raise capital by issuing stock in the company.

 3rd step in building the foundation of your business is the registration of the company online. There are several avenues you need to take when registering your business. You would start with the business credit bureaus. These would be Experian business, Equifax business,, and Dun and Bradstreet. Once you’ve register with those, you move on and register with the government systems like,, ORCA, MBA, and SBA. After, you’ve completed those you’ll register with the top search engines like google, bing, yahoo to name a few. The purpose of doing all of this registration, because this acts as a third party verifier. I discuss more of this in my ebook THE INSIDER BANK SECRETS.

 4th step in obtaining business funding is opening up 3 business bank accounts (checking, savings, and expense). By opening these accounts, you are establishing a relationship with the banks as well as building business credit with the credit bureaus. In my ebook I teach you how to make a small budget go a long way when building a good business relationship with the banks.
If you wish to learn more tips and secrets on how to build business credit to obtain funding join our community and forum at

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What's your upcoming event?


We women entrepreneurs do more than create great businesses. We also love to plan wonderful events! If you would like to share your upcoming event, here are a few helpful recommendations when it comes to event planning and promotion.


  • Add your event to as many event directories as you can. You can share the details on our BBWO events page plus create special event pages on Facebook and Twitter. The key to social media is building up your audience with customers, local connections and professionals in your industry. You want to have your own strong social lists, so when you do have an event you can keep these great contacts in the loop.

  • Create a viral video: use a service like to turn your event photos into a great video in 10 minutes or less than you can add on youtube and share on all your social spaces. Remember... make sure the first thing you include in your video description is the link to your event. And your first keyword tags should be your event name, your name, your brand / business name and event location. You can add your promo videos here on BBWO.

  • Don't be afraid to ask: make a list of previous people who attended your previous events, key influencers and local bloggers who could share your event and your speakers. Ask these people to share your event and make sure you do it personally, don't send out a mass email. For the best results, be genuine and reach out to each person one-by-one. Plus remember you can send out eBlasts on BBWO too.


I hope these tips are helpful. Be sure to join me and 8 power house women entrepreneurs for the Back to Business Webinar Conference live and/or watch the replays.

To your success,

LaShanda Henry

p.s. Let's talk events! Be sure to leave a comment below if you are currently working on an event that you would like to share.

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(In 2 Days) Back to Business Webinar Conference


Two more days till the big day! I am so excited to have Richelle Tamu Shaw, Pam Perry, Tanya Smith, Lucinda Cross, Carla Cannon, Katrina Harrell and Cheryl A. Pullins speaking at the SistaSense Back to Business webinar conference this week!

We are going to have a GREAT time ladies! Grab your virtual seat at -


As soon as you register you will get all the webinar login details + access to the replays in case you miss anything or can't make any of the sessions.


Plus if you only want to get the replays OR you prefer to listen in vs watch webinars live (now you can get just these two) for as little as $20 using the code '7OFF'.

Make the last 90 days of 2013 count! Join our full day of information packed webinar sessions, so you can make the right choices and changes that can help take your business to the next level this year.


Follow this link to reserve your seat now - and we will see you inside the power circle!


LaShanda Henry, Founder of BBWO and

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Are You an Entrepreneur in the Making?

Are you tired of your J O B “just over broke”? Do you see others living out their dreams and passions as business owners and wonder how you can do that too? If you answered “Yes”, you’re not alone. Everyday entrepreneurs are longing for ways to fire their bosses and take control of their own destinies. I was feeling the same way about 10 years ago when I was working to build someone else’s business. My background mainly consisted of legal secretary work for high level attorneys. I had advanced level knowledge of MS Word and Excel and was highly organized. I knew my stuff and was highly marketable. My downfall that I was a job hopper moving from one job to the next because I just wasn’t happy.

[Read More]

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Would you like to tune in to learn from seven-figure sisters? Black Women who ALREADY have broken the million-dollar mark—and are still real and warm?

(YOU are going to LOVE me for this one.)

Defy Impossible is on FIRE!!!!


Defy Impossible Live Experience for Black Women in Business
Meet the Experts: Seven-Figure Sisters Series
Complementary Live Stream

  • Tuesday, September 24
  • Tuesday, October 1
  • Tuesday, October 8
  • 9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CST/7 p.m. MST/6 p.m. PST

Dr. Venus here.

I am NOT playing with you about this.

I am dead serious that entrepreneurial Black Woman experts, executives, professionals, and service providers need to learn how to identify, monetize, and leverage their worth for BIG paydays, while feeling free and fulfilled.

Here is the link to save your spot:

I have pulled the HOTTEST chicks in the game as my expert speakers for my live event in Dallas, TX, Oct. 10–12. We will be doing the series via live stream on Google+. Yeah, baby! (Let’s get it.)

Each of these sisters is unique.
She has either exceeded the seven-figure mark in her business, has secured seven-figure contracts, and/or runs a seven-figure business with someone else.

However she did it, these sisters are GANGSTA with it and you need to know them!

I cherry-picked each expert to complement what you will be learning from me on the live stream and at the live event. I created the live event to be a training that actually produces results. I want you to win!

The three experts I have for you will be sharing their wisdom in their area of expertise:

  • sales
  • branding/social media
  • landing government or corporate contracts

But more than their sheer genius at what they do, each sister has a giver’s heart. They are the BEST sort of human being you would want to learn from and grow with. Each one has mentored me and empowered my success in tangible ways. So when I say you are getting the best of the best, I am speaking from personal experience.

We will be doing the live stream via Google+, so if you want optimal interaction with these seven-figure sisters, please join Google+. If not, you can ask questions via YouTube. A box for comments will appear next to the video player when the event is active, and you can ask questions in that box.

At the end of each live stream, each expert will present a special offer that you simply CANNOT get anywhere else. So mark your calendar, handle your house, and tune in!

See you on the live stream with our seven-figure sisters!!


Dr. Venus

Ps: Share the love! If you know some sisters who would benefit from learning from Black Women who are CRUSHING IT, forward this email to them and invite them!

How many sisters do you know who are making seven figures? Meet them in this series!

Pay it forward! Sisters need to know that WE can do this! Don’t be stingy! Give. This invite could be the answer to some sister’s prayer. Register now.

PPS: Oh, yes! I almost forgot.  

This series is fresh off the press! Literally, you will optin to a basic page because you are you are getting the hottest stuff first! Enjoy! The page will be changing as we REVEAL the speakers! Be ready to be surprise and delighted!

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La Marchalle's Fashion Boutique Give Away

Let the games begin! This is how you can win this infinity Scarf in Rust!!! $25 value.
Rules to the game.
1. Become a fan of
2. Sign into the website and leave your info.
3. Join the group La Marchalle's Fashion Revew here on Face Book
4. When you ask your friends to join one or all of these they have to mention your name. (_________ Fashion Halla).
5. At least 5 of your friends would have to become a fan, join the group, or leave their info on the sight for you to win.
6. The person with the most friend invites will when this infinity scarf in rust OR $25 in La Marchalle's Fashion Boutique (Fashion Buck's) to add to any item on the website.

The Contest will begin on Tuesday September 17, 2013 and will end on Tuesday September 24, 201310744095881?profile=original

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 How to Build Business Credit without Net30 Accounts. 

In this video I explain why net30 accounts are not necessary for business credit funding. I have stated over the year that if people want to get approved for revolving credit they have to do several things, starting with their personal credit.

1. Repairing your personal credit so you can be a guarantor on business credit cards or loans is important to the business.  If you feel that repairing your personal credit may take to long, then find a service that offer cpn's or scn's. 
Click on the link

Some business owners have elected to add someone with strong credit on their board to be a personal guarantee for the company.

Click on the link

2. Building the business foundation to acquire funding.  As a small business owner you need a website and social media, as well as, registering the company.

3.  Business owners need to file financials and ucc-1.  This is what the banks look for in a business credit file.  These documents are what is used to help get the business loans and revolving credit cards.

4.  When you receive your articles of incorporation, you need to go open up 3 bank accounts (checking, savings, and expense).  In the ebook I teach you how to properly use those bank accounts to build a relationship with the banks. 

5. Purchasing the Dun and Bradstreet credit builder package is a good way to expedite to build up your business credit file.

Check out the ebook

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