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What's in the Box?

I’ve always been fascinated with jewelry boxes. Not only are they perfect for storing your most precious jewelry, but they also look really nice on your dresser top. If you’re a girl like me, then you probably have anywhere from 3 to 4 jewelry boxes, since it’s almost impossible to have just 1 that fits every piece of jewelry you own. I like to keep my jewelry separate from each other. For instance, I have 1 box for all my gold, 1 for silver, 1 for costume and 1 for beaded jewelry. I keep them all in visible sight in my closet so that I can open the boxes and view the pieces while getting dressed. Check out these beautiful handmade jewelry boxes from a fellow Etsian Design Hut USA at or ~Kamilah C.
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Reaching College Students with Advertising

College students have always been a prized demographic for advertisers. They have lots of disposable income compared to their expenses and are avid consumers. College students spend 198 billion dollars per year, according to Harris Interactive, but reaching them with product placements has proven problematic.They watch the least amount of television than any other age group and with TiVo and DVRs, there is no guarantee your ads are reaching them when they do. Newspapers and magazines don't work, as they get most of their information from the Internet. In light of this, a couple of companies have shown some real creativity in terms of reaching this consumer group.www.Great-Promo has come up with a way to distribute your brand/logo on several college campuses. Interested?email us for info
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Pampered Pets - A new market for your products?

Are you looking to produce Tail-Wagging Profits?According to the latest national pet owners survey, from American Pet Products Manufacturer's Association APPMA), 63% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 71.1 million homes. In a press release from February, APPMA figures show total pet spending in 2007 topped $41 billion, more than double the 21 billion Americans spent in 1996. That figure is expected to approach 44 billion in 2008.From a sales and marketing perspective, the big business opportunities are in maintenance, care and papering of household pets, as opposed to their initial sale. Of the $41 billion represents Vet care. That leaves around $29 billion being spent annually on food, supplies, accessories, grooming products and pet services.Cats and dogs still lead the parade of most popular pets. 44.8 million ;households have dogs in residence and 38.4 million have at least one cat.Pet Insurance currently has over 2 million subscribers and is projected to grow to 5.7% of all pet owners in 2010 Dr. Barbara Kitchell, who heads the medical oncology service at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Urbana, knows that treatment for cancer can be very costly. One of the benefits of having pet insurance is that many of the policies available cover not only emergency care but also routine expenses such as vaccintations and routine surgery such as neutering and spaying.SO, LET'S SPOIL THEM!Companies normally known for marketing high quality human products are introducing species crossover selections for dogs, cats and even reptiles. If companies like Omaha Steaks, Origins, Harley Davidson and Old Navy are offering lines of pet products then why won't you?
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The First Dance is a staple in couple's wedding reception. After the entrance of the wedding party, the bride and groom enter and before anything else takes place they grace the floor and their guests with the first dance as husband and wife. Well, before the most important task was picking the song that all your guests would remember you dancing to. A song with significance of your journey to now this wondrous time as husband and wife. Now, in addition to picking a great song, couples are doing the unthinkable. Continue reading....
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Experts say it takes 30 days to change a negative behavior to a positive behavior. With that in mind I will be posting a positive quote of the day for the next 30 days. I hope all of you will find a quote that pushes you forward in your goal towards business success.Day 1If you don't keep doing it better, your competition will.Stay tuned.......Zanira Says SMILE......
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We had so much fun Saturday at Indies in the City, Columbia, South Carolina. Panera Bread offered a wonderful respite from the soaring temperatures. We had plenty of space to take over several tables in the middle of the restaurant!

Here's a picture of everyone smiling in the midst of the chicha. A video is coming soon!


Seated: Dedra Harvin, Ivory Magnolia; Terri Bynoe, freelance beauty writer, Pat Hoyt, Kimberly Moss, kgbags. Standing: Anita Nelam, Lela Barker, Bella Lucce; dM

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Borrowing Dumb Oh Dumb

A few days ago, I caught a recent segment of ABC's Good Morning America. Host Robin Roberts (one of my favorites) interviewed GMA's financial contributor, the president of Ariel Investments, Mellody Hobson. Mellody was sharing her "Borrowing 101" tips.


After confirming that credit is hard to come by these days, Mellody offered "solutions" to the dilemma, including that you should consider asking a friend to co-sign for a loan if you can't get a loan on your own. Huh?

Sober Up! The Money Binge is Over

If you've been living under a rock, here's some cold water on your face.

So why is a seasoned financial expert recommending that people with poor credit continue to use other people's money (OPM), even a friend's, to buy stuff without first considering alternatives to borrowing?

Yes, and there are other alternatives.

To be fair to GMA and Mellody, the focus of the segment was on how to borrow money. So they had to cover that. Having said that, it is irresponsible for a financial expert to fail to mention that one should consider alternatives before borrowing money.

Here are a few novel suggestions. First, how about assessing whether, in the first place, you even need the item you are thinking of buying with OPM? Second, if you do need the item, how about saving up for it?

Imagine that? Discipline + delayed gratification = saving your rear end.

I know the Hobson segment was about how to borrow money. But you can't separate the question of how to borrow money from the question whether you should borrow it in the first place. And you can't separate that question from the question whether you really need, and need right now, what you're thinking of buying.

Need vs. Want

You need a car when you don't have a car, you don't have a car pool option and you don't have access to public transporation -- yet you need to get to your job across town.

You want a car when you don't like the car you have, you don't like the people you could car pool with (or their cars) and you don't like the readily available public transportation system -- yet you need to get to your job across town.

In the first situation, you need a car so a short term borrowing situation may make sense if you can't buy one outright. In the latter situation, you want a car and have no business using OPM to get one.

OK, so ask me how I know. Yes, I was a money idiot in a past life.

These days, I like sleeping peacefully through the night. I like having dinner without creditors calling. I like answering the phone and not having to pretend I'm not home. These simple pleasures are the result of a cash only lifestyle.

So the next time someone suggests that you borrow money, or that you ask a friend to co-sign for you, first stop and think about whether you really need the item you are considering buying, and whether you need it now. Oh, and consider whether or not you want to ruin the friendship. If not, skip the OPM and save up for the item yourself.

Let's Learn From Our Mistakes

The money binge is over. It's time for us to be more than just consumers. We need to be savvy consumers. Think before you buy. Think before you borrow. Otherwise, you'll always be in debt, and I don't want that for you!!

After all, if all you are is a consumer, you'll just get consumed. And I didn't make that concept up. It's happening in every community across this nation. Don't let it happen to you.

What do you think?

Dire circumstances sometimes require us to do things we might not otherwise do. However, with a platform like GMA, and with so many people in debt up to their eyeballs, I think a financial expert should try to help us get out of the debt we have, not encourage us to multiply it.

What say you, Indies??! Tell us in the comments section below.

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One of the best things about being Indie is teaching children about money from an entrepreneurial perspective. I love showing my kids the connection between our business and our ability to care of our current and future needs as a family.


This past Monday, along with some of my fellow Mocha Moms, I was called upon by award winning journalist Michel Martin, host of NPR's Tell Me More, to share some of my best tips for teaching children about money. You can listen to the show audio here.

When it comes to money, we have to be vigilant and steadfast in teaching our children. We must arm them with a money mindset that helps them avoid ending up on the short end of the next economic meltdown. It's important for everyone, but especially for those of us who are not relying on a traditional job to secure our well being. To that end, I offer my tips for teaching children about money.

Donna Maria's Top 10 Tips For Teaching Children About Money

1. Start early. I started teaching my kids about money before they could talk. I talked to them about money. I showed them money. I let them touch money -- in my presence of course, for safety reasons. I let them push buttons when I was dealing with money -- the grocery story, ATM, etc. Anytime I was thinking about money, which was a lot, I said my thoughts out loud so my babies could hear them. This establishes your mindset early on as a parent to make sure you never miss an opportunity to teach your children about money.

2. Use mantras. Repetition works. From the time they can talk, teach them mantras. My favorite is, "There are 4 things you can do with money: spend it, save it, invest it, donate it." I say the first part, my kids say the second part. Another one: "Take care of your money and your money will: take care of you." Again, you say the first part and they say the second part. This confirms that your children are in control of their money and not the other way around.

3. Use coupons. Clip coupons to use for snacks and treats. At the grocery store, if your children can find a coupon for something they want, they can buy it. This lets them know that you should rarely buy anything at the grocery store unless you also have a coupon for it so you can save money.

4. Teach them to use cash. At the grocery store, show them that you are using cash so you don't overspend. Show them a credit card and let them feel the difference between that and cash. Let them know that both can be used to take care of yourself, but that when you use cash, you have more money left over for other things. As a simple example, tell them that, if you use a credit card, you're paying $1.25 for a candy bar that really only costs $1.00.

5. Teach them not to pay full price. Let them know that everything eventually goes on sale. Use newspaper circulars to teach this principle. Show them their favorite cereal in the grocery store and let them see the price in the store. Then show them a sale circular for the same product for less money at another store. Then go to the other store and buy the product (using coupons of course). This lets them see that they never have to pay full price, and they can use coupons on sale items to multiply savings.

6. Teach them about commercials. From the time they start watching kids' television, teach them the difference between content and a commercial. Let them know that commercials are trying to get them to give up their money. So, here's another mantra. When a commercial comes on, train your children to recognize what it really is. Here's a suggestion for a mantra when a commercial comes on:

Parent: What's that?
Child: A commercial.
Parent: What are they trying to do?
Child: Get our money.

7. Let them see you deposit money in the bank and pay bills. Most children see their parents take money out of the ATM, but with automatic deposits and fewer paper transactions these days, they don't often see you put money in the bank. Take some cash to the bank and let your children see you deposit it. In this way, you show them that you can't get money out unless you first put money in.

Also, let them see you pay bills. I know it's a hassle, but how else will they learn? I don't want my kids to be like me. My parents paid for everything, bless their hearts. They were money management champions, but they never passed the nuts and bolts on to me. When I went to college, they sent me off with a nice starter checking account, but I didn't know how to balance a checkbook.

What do you think happened next? Let me tell you about the $10.25 candy bar.

As a freshman, I wrote a check for $1.25 to pay for a candy bar. The check bounced and the bank imposed a $10 bounced check fee. Mom and dad closed the account and I was back to cash and food cards, which is what my money-dumb-self should have been using in the first place.

I don't want this to happen to my kids. Now and then, I take cash to their pre-school and let them see me pay the bill in cash. Their eyes get really wide when they see the huge wad of money being forked over.

In this country, 9 times out of 10, how much education you have is inextricably tied to how much money you are willing and/or able to pay for that education. Children benefit from being aware of this connection.

8. Save money in a big glass jar. Piggy banks are nice, but kids need to see money accumulate in order to understand how that happens. Instead of a piggy bank, help them put their money in a glass jar so they can see it add up. The smaller the jar the better at first because it looks like a lot more money that way.

9. Pass the plate and let them donate. Help them donate a percentage of the money they get as gifts or whatever. We try to use the 10% rule, helping them calculate 10% of each dollar for the collection plate at church. This can be done for any charitable organization that you and your family support.

10. Pay them for working in a business. Most families these days have some kind of small business at home. When my kids were just 2, they started emptying the trash in the home office for a quarter. This money goes into their money jar right away. Make the chores age appropriate, but remember that they don't really have to accomplish much to teach the lesson. If my son empties a trash can with 2 sheets of balled up paper in it, or my daughter does something as simple as wipe off the window sills or put all the pens in the pen holder, they still get paid. This teaches them that they have to work for money. If you connect the task to your business, it also teaches them a little about entrepreneurship. (You may also be able to deduct these payments on your taxes. Check with an accountant first.)

We do not compensate our children for doing chores around the house, because life doesn't work that way. Chores are a part of your contribution to the family. Mommy doesn't get paid for sorting the laundry, and neither will you.

But mommy does get paid in her business, and you can too.

When they ask for a new toy, we send them into the home office to clean it up, AFTER they've done their chores. Then they get paid. Then they can save up to buy their new toy.

What do you think?

Some may say I am stressing my kids about money. I disagree. It's not like all we talk about is money. Of course not.

On the other hand, I don't want to raise ignorant children who end up paying $10.25 for a candy bar because they don't know how the game is played. A $10.25 candy bar today becomes an adjustable interest rate worth hundreds of thousands of dollars tomorrow.

I am telling my kids like it is. Good stewardship, whether it's over money, environmental resources or our bodies, begins at home.

Money is a part of life. Money cannot make one happy. In fact, the love of money is the root of all evil. At the same time, money is a part of human existence. Whether you have a lot or a little of it, money impacts your life.

It's not about getting untold riches and countless gobs of money. My goal is to teach my children to respect money. To use it to acheive financial freedom and contentment. To take control of the money they earn so the money they earn does not control them.

For more small business money tips, subscribe to Indie Business Blog today.

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Jewelry Piece Feature of the Week

This week’s feature is the Travel The Seas ring. This sea blue artisan beaded ring collides with a teal beaded band spelling “hot” in its own way. Apart of the Chic Summer collection the colors of this piece are reminiscent of the various ocean colors. Sold Exclusively on C.
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Gift giving is one of the oldest social traditions. Business relationships are built on personal relationships, and gifts are an important part of cementing social bonds among executives in most parts of the world. The gift you select, the label, the color, and quality of the wrapping paper, the message with the gift, the timing of the presentation all speak loudly about you as a long-term business contact and reliable friend or colleague. On the other hand, careless or improper gift giving can sometimes do you more harm than good to a business relationship. With the holidays right around the corner, consider the following tips to help make gift giving easier and more enjoyable:Logos should always be used with discretion on any gift. Don't put a logo on just anything. Logo gifts must be of the highest quality and in good taste. Always keep the logo small so that it doesn't look as though the gift is really a corporate advertisement.If you've developed a close relationship with a particular client, the gift should be more personal than the standard logo item or the generic gift purchased by the corporation. The gift should appeal to the client's personal interests.Do your homework. Keep a file noting your clients' likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies and other personal information that arise in conversation throughout your relationship.Avoid humorous gifts when dealing with persons of other cultures. While you may interpret the gift as comical, your client may interpret the gift as an insult.For the rest of the story, visit:
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GIFT ETIQUETTE 101 - How do I handle...?

One of the most common questions that I get emailed about has to do with this: how do I handle a gift when I've been invited to a wedding, birthday party, graduation celebration, bridal shower, baby shower, etc. (fill in the blank) and I can't go?The short answer is this: you do not have to send a gift if you RSVP "No."No go? No gift.I hope this helps to make a lot of people a little less stressed out!
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PRELUDE TO GIFT ETIQUETTE 101Yes, I know that the Holidays are 6 months away but I'd like to begin to address the idea of corporate gift giving now. Every year, Our WOW NOW program (, a gift basket business run by www.Great-Promo.Com, is bombarded with questions regarding Gift/Entertainment write offs approved by the IRS.Here are a list of steps you should consider when growing your business:Step1Know the IRS characterization of a business gift. Generally, this means appreciation for past service or to strengthen a business relationship. If it can be considered either entertainment or a gift, the IRS classifies it as entertainment. You can give gifts to as many business associates as you wish, but there are limitations and exceptions.Step2Recognize that the IRS places a limit of $25 on the deductability of all gifts to one recipient. This limit applies to all gifts in any tax year to the same recipient. For example, if you give a gift worth $15 to a recipient and then later give a $10 gift to the same person, the total is $25 and both gifts are fully deductible. However, if you do business with a husband and wife, they are counted as one recipient and the $25 limit applies the total you give to both of them.Step3Understand that the $25 limitation also applies if you and your spouse are in business together and you are the givers. The IRS treats the two of you as a single giver as well. This means that you and your spouse cannot each give a $25 gift to the same recipient and claim a deduction for both gifts.Step4Consider that some expenses must be treated as entertainment rather than a gift. For example, if you take the recipeint(s) to dinner, a concert, a sporting event or the theater, the IRS requires you to treat this as business entertainment. Entertainment is deductible at 50% of the cost. This is often a better deduction than treating the event as a gift with the $25 limitation.Step5Give a customer or other business associate tickets without accompanying him to the performance or event gives you the option of treating it as a gift or entertainment. Determine whether classifying it as a gift or a business entertainment expense gives you a better deduction, and use the one that gives you the better tax benefit.Stay tuned in for more gift giving practices.
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In today's business world, every Tina, Debra, and Suzie is an entrepreneur. With the convenience and accessibility of the internet, it's never been easier to carve out a business presence on the world wide web. With that said, there has to be something that sets those super-successful businesses apart from the mediocre ones. What's that thing? Branding.Branding is the ongoing development of the perceived value of an individual or business, in relation to its competitors, as viewed by an audience -and whether you have a small startup or a mega-franchise or are simply trying to market yourself, branding should be at the forefront of your mind.There are two main types of branding- personal and professional- and both types are extremely crucial in the success of an individual or business. Here are some tips that can apply to the development of both types of branding.Image should not be contradictory- you cannot market yourself or your business as one thing but speak, dress, and act as another. It's important that you stay true to who you are and what you want to portray. As long as you are honest with yourself and others, it won't be difficult to maintain consistency in branding your business and/or yourself.Brand should be easily accessible and identifiable- if you google your name or your business' name what would you find? If there is any information there at all, is it accurate and consistent? If you are less than satisfied with the results, be sure to do what you can to correct it. There are plenty of articles out there that help you figure out how to successfully use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to build your personal and professional brand.Be consistent in your brand development- you cannot expect to build or change your brand overnight. Branding is an ongoing process that should be taken seriously and given much thought. Create a daily, weekly, or monthly block of time for you to focus on branding. Once you find a method (or methods) that work for you, stick with them and monitor how effective they are.Be careful where you leave your footprint (mouse-print)- although the internet is a great tool to build your business and your brand, it can also prove to be a place where images are destroyed. Pay attention to the pictures you let circulate, the comments you leave on others' blogs, and the social networks you become a member of. With the click of a mouse, anyone can learn all about how you spent Spring Break '07 in Cancun. If it fits into your image and brand, then there's no problem. But if it doesn't, it can put a damper on the way others see you.Personal and Professional branding, if used correctly, can really give you the competitive edge as you grow your business. It's important that you take the time to carefully develop and maintain a brand that will prove to be a positive addition on your journey to success.
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Good Reading for You and Friends

Stop by and visit my writing blog As I Was Saying... to read my lastest post on the publishing biz. Great links, too!I'm a regular columnist on Blogging In Black. Check out my July 21st post. In fact, read all the recent great columnist contributions. You won't be disappointed.Want distinct gifts? Something more than a greeting card to uplift the person who receives it? Then you should definitely visit Words of Sunlight You can give someone you care about a gift with words to encourage and black art to delight the eyes. The words are mine, the art from the collection of a great Black artist Jean Paul Hubbard. Jean Paul was my late husband. So share your love with Words of Sunlight and beautiful art!

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Goals & Personal Happiness

Did you know that goals and your personal happiness can be linked? You may not know this because it because of the success of making it to your goals that you will find personal happiness. You will also find that there are many other things that you can build happiness with, but you will find that good health, spiritual comfort, money, power, and beauty are all because of goal setting. They do make us happy, however, you will get all and more when you learn how to reach for your personal goals and find a way to your personal happiness.Right now you must have at least two goals; one short term and one long term goal. You will want to think about how you feel when you do end up reaching these goals. You will want to make sure that you take your time to explain your feelings, because in the end you need to find your happiness. Do you think that your current goals will find your happiness? Do you really think that you can work on being a better person by changing your goals? It is very important that you learn how to be a happier person, but it is more important to seek out the goals that you truly believe will make you happy.Keep in mind that true happiness and your personal success doesn't just happen by chance. You will also find that luck has nothing to do with it either. The thing is that you need to figure out what it is that you need to be happy and then you will need to work hard to achieve those goals. You will also need to face the facts that cheating and money will not buy you happiness. It can buy you success, but there is a factor of integrity that makes you feel good about reaching a goal. If you do not have integrity, then you might as well just give up on your personal happiness.Also, you can't compare the way you feel to the way others feel. You will not be able to find the same happiness that others find in specific goals, because it has to truly be in the heart. Happiness is actually a condition and it's completely in your head. You will need to set some goals along with objectives so that you can reach out for bigger and better things. The fact that you try your hardest for something will also make you feel very happy in the end. Also, keep in mind that this is just you. You can't make happiness for anyone else, specially your family. Your mate may become happy because you are happy, but their true happiness lies in your smile or confidence. Keep in mind that happiness is only good for one person; however, you can strive with your mate and possible reach happiness together.
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Hey everyone,Well you are probably wondering where I have been, alright even if you haven't been wondering, I am going to tell you anyway. I have been researching and learning through a forum that is fantastic called Earn 1k a day. Dennis Becker, the same person who wrote 5bucks a day, which I love, has a great forum and everyone is really nice and supportive. They are willing to help and give you an old fashion kick in the butt when you need one. They are the main reason I know that I can make money online and I have actually made two sales from the tips I received there. It may not seem like a lot but when you have been making zero dollars hoping and dreaming about it , it is amazing. I woke up one morning and had an email that said "you got money". I was jumping up and down like a crazy woman.I am really grateful to Dennis for writing 5 bucks a day and creating the forum Earn 1k a dayThere are so many benefits such as:Access to Instant Cash Generators, where 100's of others pay $9.95 a month.Access to Sell Your Writing Online, where 100's of others pay $9.95 a month.Access to Super Simple Marketing, where 100's of others pay $27.00 a monthAccess to IM Coaching Club, where 100's of others pay $67.00 a monthLicense to use LP Genie and the Mini Money Site framework, not currently available anywhere else for any price.Access to instructional videos showing how to build Mini Money Sites and membership sites, including all the software and framework necessary, not currently available anywhere else for any price.Access to a closed forum where 100's of like minded internet marketers share and discuss their best ideas, encourage and help others, and learn to grow their business.Access to a members download area where fresh reports, videos, audios, and software are contributed on a regular basis without regard to cost. Some of the items come with resell rights which can be used for immediate profitable income streams.I could go on and on about the benefits, but most important are the people that are in the forums. Again, as I said before, everyone is friendly, encouraging, and helpful. Right now you get all these benefits and more for $29.95, but there is going to be a price increase this month I am told.Check out Earn 1k a day.I am still in the process of doing my business model and will let you know once I have gone through to completion. Hold me accountable and I will talk to you later this coming weekDream Bigger and Bigger,Tracey
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Hi All,I have a new product which I created for the COMFORT of ladies toes, It is designed to be placed in the roof of women's shoes/slippers to provide comfort to toes, to prevent corns from forming on toes and/or to cushion existing corns. This product is made from a medical grade material, breathable, thin and extremely comforting on the toes, this is well deserving for women who wear shoes all day.I also have my own shoe line in the work producing fashionable, trendy ladies shoes in sizes 9 to 15, yes, this is not a mistake, sizes 9 to 15 it is. As we age our insteps flattens, this causes us to wear larger sizes as we get older.Send me an email if you need info and or to provide suggestions as i'm currently working on marketing these fabulous products or or 416-576-6127Give me some FEEDBACK TODAY!!!
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ARE YOU A VENDOR OR SOMEONE THAT PURCHASE VENDOR SPACE TO SHOWCASE YOUR BUSINESS SERVICES OR PRODUCTS?If Yes?Are you saving money on your vendors space? Or are you paying full price?BLACK VENDORS NETWORK-Can save you money on your vendors space-Enhance your bottom line profits-Save you time and effort in locating events to participate inHow?BLACK VENDORS NETWORKHas partnered with various organizations that need you - the vendor. By becoming a member of Black Vendors Network, you will no longer have to search for your own events and because you are a member, you will receive discounts on some really great events. No longer will you have to wonder if the traffic will be there for you to make your profit. We have that information up front for you.We currently have events in:-New York expecting 500 plus people for 300.00 without BVN Discount (BVN Discount do apply)-N.Carolina expecting 1500-4000 people for 150.00 without BVN Discount (BVN Discount do apply)-Phila expecting 15,000 people at 825.00 without BVN Discount (BVN Discount do apply)AND MORE COMING!!!!!!Want to get in on the SAVINGSJOIN TODAY:www.blackvendors.ning.comor Email us to receive your Membership Package IMMEDIATELYEmail:, with Subject Line - SEND MY MEMBERSHIP PKGE NOW
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