Are you ready to have the best romantic relationship ever? Yes, well learning how to love your man or become the woman of your future man's dreams can be a fun-filled journey of self-discovery and unexpected pleasure.
We crave and desire so much from our most intimate and personal relationship. We watch movies, TV, read romance novels, and share conversations about our dream guy while searching for the “One” with our girlfriends.
If single, we get all “dreamy and gooey” inside when we see a man who catches our eye as we walk past him on the street or sitting in Starbucks talking to one of our girls. We feel flushed, a little warm, but we are excited. Especially, if he walks over to introduce himself, exchanges a brief conversation, then ask for our number.
Or if you are in a long term relationship, you may find yourself remembering when you felt “butterflies” in the pit of your stomach whenever your beloved spoke to you in that “oh so sweet and sexy voice”. You know the “voice”… how he sounds when he walks up behind you, places his arms around you, and kisses the side of your neck; then tells you how beautiful you look and he is the luckiest man in the world to be your man. It took everything in you, not to drop to the floor because all of a sudden you felt weak in the knees. And if he wasn’t holding you; you would probably be on the floor; weak with desire for his passionate kisses and more.
Well, whether you are single or in a committed relationship. Loving a man can seem like an uphill battle at times. They seem to “speak” a language that is confusing and causes you to despair when things take an unexpected turn for the worse.
We want to keep romance and passion alive, but aren’t sure how to do it. Well, allow me over the next few blog post share a few secrets with you that can turn you into a love and man magnet and receive the love you yearn for and get your beloved to remember why he is so lucky to have you in his life or if single, captivate and capture the right man for you.
Personal coaching allows you to open up and receive unbiased assistance that helps you become a sexy and romantically successful woman without destroying a man's confidence and masculine identity in the process. Learn how to give what you want to receive in a way that a man appreciates and understands. Crack the code to love’s mystery with the man of your dreams; whether he is a part of your life right now or you are preparing yourself for his arrival. Love waits for no one so, be proactive and learn how to create the changes needed for your loving success.
So, get ready for the good stuff and I am looking forward to our next conversation. Stay tuned for the first man magnet tip… Showing Appreciation and ways to incorporate it into your daily interactions with your beloved or delightful men you meet throughout the day.
Have a wonderful day and we’ll talk soon.
Cyndi Harris, HP
Author, Relationship Transformation Coach, and Man Whisperer or