Forget the obvious holidays and observances. We will all probably cover Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some of the minor holidays and observances could punch up your blog’s SEO (search engine optimization) as well as help in marketing your brand in a totally new way. Here are a few:
Chanukah/Hanukkah, Thursday November 28, 2013
You don’t have to be Jewish to discuss Chanukah. As Christians, we have an instant connection through the Savior. Share something special about this holy day with your readers. Teach them a blessing to share with their Jewish friends and co-workers.
Black Friday (11/29), Small Business Saturday (11/30) and Cyber Monday (12/2)
These are three of the busiest shopping days of the year. Offer a discount or a promotion to your readers. Encourage them to shop with some of your colleagues who own businesses. Spotlight businesses you utilize to say thank you.
November is the month of many things, but there is one observance that can keep your blog busy with traffic: National Inspirational Role Models Month. This is an odd observance, but it is a great one to forward as a movement and to celebrate your inspirations.
Rosa Parks Day, Sunday December 1, 2013
If you’ve ever had to stand your ground for justice or be the only one in an environment who is like you, then this day could make for some very inspiring posts. Read a biographical profile and find that one thing about Rosa that resonates with you and perhaps your readers.
National Bathtub Day, Thursday December 5, 2013
The fun you can have with this topic is endless.
National Chocolate-covered Anything Day, Monday December 16, 2013
Enough said.
Google “national observances and holidays” to find any number of sites with these and more days, weeks and months to add to your editorial calendar. Which odd observances do you write about?
Guest Blog provided by Robin Caldwell for SteppingIntoVictory.com