attitude (7)


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Great Day to ya!!!!

This is the area that many do not talk about with any substance.
It is always presented as the "thing" to avoid while making your success journey.
REALITY, it is the "thing" you must properly place in your psyche as move on the road of life.

It is a subject that deserves discussion, for the proper understanding of this event, will help multitudes move forward.

Enjoy Everyday to the Fullest

With the Puritans, the success/failure ethic was born. America invented a new upper class with only one entry requirement: money. America is the cruelest county in which to fail
America is also the best place in the world to fail.

This is the land where you can go from rags to riches to rags and still hope to go back to riches. Few of us recognize the benefit of failure.

It is important to fail and important to give our children permission to fail.

Learning early in life, that you can survive defeat, makes you tougher and more resilient, for the rest of your life.

There is no accomplishment without risk. Failure gives you options. It is important to understand what failure is and what it isn’t.

Success and failure are not polar opposites they are part of a continuum.
Neither is likely to be permanent; the irony is we believe both we last forever. It is the way you cope with failure that shapes you, not the failure itself.

In the end, real strength comes from knowing we can survive.

There are few things worse than feeling you have failed.

Your mood swings wildly from hope to despair.
It is a time of great confusion.

Failure seems to trigger a series of stages that are distinct and predictable.
The stages are (1) Shock, (2) Fear, (3)Anger and Blame, (4) Shame, (5) Despair.

First stage – Shock– The first reaction to sudden loss is disbelief, shock, and numbness.
The mind denies what it cannot process.

Reactions are often physical; at this stage you should do nothing.

It is always a mistake to make any major decisions during this phase.

What you need most at this stage is a sympathetic listener, not someone who will offer advice.
Whenever shock occurs, it is safer do absolutely nothing except wait and allow the pain to recede
Second Stage – Fear– At first, fear may be quite specific and even appropriate, but they can escalate quickly to unmanageable proportions.

By taking fear out of the shadows, fear becomes more manageable. Fear can turn into panic – a sense of sudden, incapacitating alarm.

Third Stage – Anger and Blame- as long as it is a passing stage it’s healthy. It is a sign you value yourself.

Blame, although everybody engages in it, it is almost always inaccurate.

Blame, in other words, will only be your first interpretation, and not a very accurate one at that. Anger, revenge, and blame are temporary and highly useful emotions. These feelings serve a definite function; they become a problem only if they persist.

Fourth Stage – Shame– Shame owes its existence to the authority we give other people to judge us. Judging our own behavior, we might feel ashamed- a personal regret in not living up to an ideal – not shame – disapproval in the yes of others.

Your attitude will determine the way they see you. If you act ashamed and defeated people will treat you accordingly. Shame is an unproductive feeling, but one that can only exist if you grant others authority to judge you. Remind yourself that you are in power here.

(Say that Again!!!!)

Fifth Stage – Despair– Despair occurs only when there is a massive ego loss with no subsequent ego gain, and no apparent way out “Depression occurs when we lose confidence in our own coping mechanisms.

"We become depressed when we are bankrupt of self-esteem and self-confidence, when we no longer have sense of our own capacities to insure either our actual survival or the worthiness or value of the life which we can sustain. Psychiatrist Willard Gaylin.”

Most depression is self-limiting. Usually after a period of a few months at most, the depression will usually have run it course.

One of the best ways to hasten the end of this stage of despair is to give in to it and allow yourself to mourn.

The best way to overcome despair is to give up least temporarily the serious endeavor that has defeated you and to turn instead to an easier, more accomplishable, different activity.

The stages of failure are as predictable as the stages of a disease, and just as survivable.

Everyone experiences them and although they are uncomfortable, they are not permanent.

What is important is to let them happen so that you can get done with them.

To fail achieving a particular objective or goal is not a determination of self – worth.

It is just measuring point of what other areas of self-development you may need to experience or skills you may need to obtain.

The irony of succeeding is that one must fail first, to some degree, to obtain success.

This is a valuable lesson of life to recognize and accept.
Once you understand this realization, that succeeding is failing and failing leads to success, you are own your on way to some exciting and personally rewarding experiences.

This is one of business building articles by Juniques Marketing.

I Love to Fail and You should too! Will help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Why buy hair when you can buy a hair business for only $19.95
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Ok Now that you have written your positive, visionary, dream, goals list and detroyed the negative list take a moment to reflect on the things you already have in your life that currently bring joy to you. The things you should reflect on are things that are not on your list, this thought process is strictly related to what you already have that you are grateful for.

Gratitude is essential in the process of having a positive mindset about your vision, dreams, goals. Showing or having an attitude of gratitude allows you to have a balance in your mindset regarding reflecting upon what you have, but also allows you to "see" the tools you currently have to help your vision come to pass. For instance, begin to become grateful for things that you may not have even thought of as an option to be grateful for. Most of the time when people reflect on what they are grateful for it's usually things that are essentially priceless like life, your children, your husband/wife, pets, etc. However, also consider being grateful for other things as well like your home, transportation, internet access, a computer, a job, your business, financial resources, etc. Now I know you may be thinking, "but those things are tangible and monetary?," and I'll say yes they are, but sometimes we can be "ungrateful" for those things. Here's what I mean, because we already "have" those things we neglect to reflect on what life would be like if we didn't have a car, a home to live in, clothing, shoes, a computer, internet access, a job and we can easily take those things for granted and not be faithful over them. Just like the bible says be faithful over the little things (few things) and I will make you ruler over much, how do you expect to obtain more or be blessed with more if you are not grateful for or do not take care of what you have now?

So as you reflect on your vision/goal list that you already created, also take time to show gratitude for what you already have.

Bring more Joy into your life and the life of others....


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Ok so I just wanted to write a blog to uplift and encourage everyone out there. As women (and men) we all deal with daily struggles and sometimes things may seem a little overwhelmming and overbearing for us to handle. Some of us have children, husbands (wives for the men reading this), jobs, pets, social lives, part time jobs, etc. the list can go on and on...all of these aspects of our lives can bring unneccessary stress or an abundance of JOY. Which one occurs stress or JOY depends on what you allow to happen in your life.

Speaking only to the women now, as women we all have an inner strength that allows us to overcome any obstacle that may cross our path. That inner strength also gives us the remarkable power and ability to by pass foolishness, yet sometimes we get caught up in foolishness and negate our ability to be greater than our circumstances. The type of foolishness I'm referring to is things that we all know don't warrant a second of our time but we still spend our precious energy, time, and efforts focusing on things that will not bring any multiplication, power, strength, or JOY to our lives.

So here's what I say, I say let's take time to think about what really matters to us, what is really important, what will help us live a joyful and fulfilled life. Once we do that let's collectively decide to focus on the things in our lives that we know will help us move forward and not backward. Part of doing this will allow all of us to see what's really important in life and what we need to focus on to move forward in our life journey.


As an exercise I think that everyone men and women alike should write down the things that they know are not positive and do not bring any satisfaction or joy to them. Once that list is written out don't even look at it anymore, crumple it up and set it asside. Then write a list of all the things you want to accomplish, achieve, aspire toward in life read it out loud, make copies of it and put it up all over the house in places you will always be able to look at it, reflect on it, and expound on it. Take the other list that you crumpled up that has all of the negative things and burn it up. That's right I said burn it up, but be sure to do it in a safe place that will not cause a harmful fire to occur in your home (practice safety first). Once the negative list is burned up forget about everything you wrote on that list that doesn't bring any joy to your life and focus on the positive list you created.


I'd like to present a challenge to everyone to focus on your list of positive things for the entire week. Then post a response of what happened as a result of having a positive attitude and outlook on life.

Be Blessed in all you do and become a blessing to others!

Have a great and prosperous day!

~Tamishia Clayborn~

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We often find ourselves regretting where we are in life. This sends us on a spiraling journey downward as we begin complaining and nourishing fear which is the enemy of faith.One key area in living a prosperous life is having an attitude of gratitude.Let's take a look further into the definition of gratitude. Gratitude-State of being grateful. Grateful-Thankful or appreciative.Having an attitude of gratitude will provide the following benefits, not necessarily in the order written.Provides clear vision.Allows free course for Father God to reward you.Stops the cancer of murmuring and complaining in it's Tracks.Ignites the fire for an atmosphere of praise.An attitude of gratitude will render an altitude of Good success.You can take time to think of a few more. The word tells us in I Thess 5:18 to give thanks in everything.Give thanks for your temple. God's gift to us is life what we do with it is our gift to Him.This is not speaking of being thankful that you had an accident, being thankful that you lost your job, being thankful that your children don't have clothes or food to eat. No! It is speaking of an attitude of thankfulness, gratitude and thereby praise. Let's put it this way, it may seem that you've lost more than you imagined that you would at this time, however, an attitude of gratitude would be thankful that you didn't lose it all.Thanks in the greek means; eucharisteo (Yoo-khar-is-the'-o) to be grateful, (act) to express gratitude (towards).Live long and prosper with an attitude of gratitude.Your attitude determines your altitude.(c) Robin G. Tramble
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Stress, women and chronic disease

Did you know that stress can be attributed to 90% of all chronic diseases?This thing is serious!Many times as women we are in denial and feel that we havea grip on stress and are managing well, however, without becomingaware of stressors in your life you are basically yielding yourself totremendous damage to your health and well being.I use assessments to help individuals discover their subsceptibilityto stress. A few of the questions that I ask would include the following.Do you experience unidentified pain in your shoulders, neck or back?Have you experienced loss in the last year (i.e. loss of a loved one, job etc.)?Do you find it easy to take time for yourself at least once or twice per week?This is your life and you have a choice to make to either take aproactive approach to your personal development, health and wellnessplan or become a victim and shorten the time you have here on earth tobenefit from the fruits of your labor.I invite you to get my free new report "Stress reduction and thepowers of a positive attitude." You can find it at: stressed-less and prosper!RobinEmpowering Mentor/Trainer/Coach
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Empowering Women NotesKim Eaton (Woman Surviving Cancer)~Understand the power of Perseverance~Always have a dynamic powerful Attitude~Never Give up~Be Enthusiastic~Be Positive~Be Involved (Attend as much Training & Presentations as you can)~Learn How to Build the businessApproach Method ~ "Are you open to taking a look at something that will make or bring you added success?"~Always have the attitude that everybody needs World VenturesKaren HanzlikContact Info: Karen_CPO@LifeSoulutions.com503.998.5009Motivational Speaker and A Life/Personal Coach.Most recent project is Life Soulutions where she teaches a 6-month Mastery of skills classNotes~Make a decision to be successful~Do things that build your confidence~Get as much information and knowledge about the business~See yourself being successful/Affirmation {Visualize that when you are talking to someone about anything there are NO barriers between you and that person. (She referred to this as "lowering your screen of anxiety")~Deal with one person at a time~Treat people according to their personalities/write notes/find out what that person's goals are and try to provide World Ventures (or any Network Marketing business) as a SERVICE to them~Focus on what people want~Make sharing the business a habit/daily try and speak to someone and not just about the business/this will build your confidence~Always stay at a level of Service
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Good Message...There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. 'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'So she did and she had a wonderful day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.'H-M-M,' she said,'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'So she did and she had a grand day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.' So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.'YAY!' she exclaimed.'I don't have to fix my hair today!'Attitude is everything.Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.Live simply,Love generously,Care deeply,Speak kindly.......Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
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