I now make handmade fashion jewelry and it is being sold on my Etsy page at http://www.etsy.com/people/gina28304 Check it out! Something for everyone..
earrings (15)
This is my first week participating in a Friday Night Special on Etsy. The special will start today Now and end Saturday at 6 p.m. Click on my shop button after Now EST until 6 am Saturday. . Yes, I ship internationally. Use Code BBWO1 for 25% off.
here http://wirequeen.com click shop
Today has been a very interesting day and it’s only noon! What I did was I went on some of my websites and I offered a pair of my handcrafted earrings at as “today’s freebie” well I really didn’t expect any replies…wow was I wrong! After posting that, within 1 hour someone responded and snagged a free pair of earrings I was offering. So in celebration of this, starting today I will be offering something for free every week for the next 12 months. Yes, you saw this correctly for one full year I will offer a freebie on my websites. I’m so excited!!!
If you are looking for a special and unique gift for that special someone, then contact me on here or my website to see what I have to offer. There's something for everyone women, men, and children. I offer handcrafted jewelry such as: earrings, bag charms, bracelets, necklaces, jewelry sets, key chains, candle holders and much more.
Make a statement without saying a word. Pair these fashionable over the top earrings with a blazer and jeans or edge it up a bit by pairing with a suit. They're fun, flirty and attention grabbing and LHBOUTIQUE.com has all the yummy options!
Shop the collection now Basketball Wives Earrings
I edited my entire Wire Queen shop on Etsy using the new feature "On Sale" to take 10% off all my one of a kind handmade jewelry. With the click of a mouse I took 10% off shop wide. I then set up the coupon code on paypal to take an additional 10% percent off using the coupon code "BOOKMARK". You can receive a totaI discount of 20% off. I rarely do sales so this is your opportunity to get one of a kind handmade quality jewelry.
Grab your pretties now because when they're gone, they're gone. http://wirequeen.com
As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for the tasks at hand, Ioffer up this most ardent prayer:
I pray for continued clarity of purpose so that I may hold my vision steady andkeep my focus on the needs and success of others, which in turn shall bring memy success.
I pray for the wisdom to expect abundance in my life, that it surrounds me and isavailable for the taking and to be shameless and unapologetic upon its receipt,for I deserve abundance.
I pray for a cheerful countenance, be it clear or cloudy skies and that I mayradiate and infect others with my positive attitude.
I pray for the trust of others that they may recognize my sincerity and trueintentions so that we may move forward together.
I pray for the strength to fend off adversity and use my desire and determinationas both weapon and shield.
I pray for the courage to carry forth my convictions during the battle ofbusiness and to resist temptation to a quicker monetary result when such temptationcompromises these things for which I stand.
I pray that I may be used as a lightning rod to collect the amazing ideasalready present in the universe and when blessed with such inspiration, that Imay be able to apply my talents and abilities to turn the power of thought intomeasurable advancement of my goals.
I pray to retain my childhood wonder so that I can recognize and revel in thesmall miracles of each day that others may miss.
I pray for an infinite supply of self-confidence for it alone fortifies faith,strengthens my resolve and conquers the largest enemy I will ever face - fear.
I pray for a compassionate spirit and the patience to offer those who seek myadvice and my help, my full and undivided attention.
I pray for good health and a feeling of well being, and the continued desire toimprove those areas of my physical life I may be neglecting in the name of myspiritual and entrepreneurial advancement.
I pray that today is a day of excellence and at its conclusion I can acknowledgeand be grateful for the forward motion I have made and the growth I haveexperienced.
I pray most of all for the understanding and support of those closest to myheart, my family, that they will equate what may seem like endless hours ofapparent pre-occupation with affairs of business to what is at the very core ofmy being, that which drives me, for once I achieve what I have set out in itsfullest, I will become that more complete being I strive to be.
It is for these things that I pray, for I am an entrepreneur.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.