Fitness Is Changing My Life and My Business
In late June, I started a healthy lifestyle program. I have to admit that it really wasn't much of a program. More of a more serious desire to be a Fit Indie. At the beginning, I took a sort of relaxed approach to things. I worked out when I could, changed my eating habits a little (but not nearly enough) and began to generally be more conscious about how I was treating my body. Then, in August, my neighbor, friend and sometime walking partner underwent gastric bypass surgery. The next day, she told me she felt like she had been run over by a truck. Sometimes I felt that way and I hadn't even had surgery. And that's not good.

Watching my neighbor go through the gastric thing kicked me into more of a high gear. I didn't want to ever have to go that route. Not that there's anything wrong with it -- I support my friend as she finds her own path to wellness. We have the same general goals, but I felt that surgery was not for me. So earlier this month, I stepped it up. I have lost 6 pounds so far this month.
And I am starting to notice a funny thing on the way to the scale. I am becoming more energized and productive in my career. I have a built-in support system in the 700+ members of the Indie Beauty Network, and that's a plus. Everyone should be so lucky. And things are starting to change for the better.
Candace Sweeney
Last week's newsletter featured IBN member Candace Sweeney in my first Fit Indie Feature. As you can see, Candace has a compelling Fit Indie story. She inspires me and encourages me to continue my path toward fitness. If you are a Fit Indie and would like to be featured in the newsletter or on Indie Business Radio, send an email to me at donnamaria @
Anne-Marie Faiola
Another great inspiration is IBN member Anne-Marie Faiola of Brambleberry. Anne-Marie tells me that she works out at least 5 times a week, doing a combination of different things like hiking, yoga, Pilates and running. She says she "eats clean," except for the care and feeding of a little cupcake addiction.
Kelly Bloom
Another IBN member, Kelly Bloom at Southern Soapers, hosts a Yahoo group where, in addition to lively discussion about the supplies Kelly sells, members have a periodic weigh in. The "Lose to Win" program started because one of the group members underwent gastric bypass surgery. Kelly tells me that, so far, the group has collectively lost 200 pounds.
Kayla Fioravanti
Kayla Fioravanti of Essential Wholesale lost 60 pounds a few years ago and she's kept it off by exercising. She looks great. She tells me that she started off cutting back on her eating and, after a few months, realized she needed to incorporate exercise. Her husband took over some of the morning childcare responsibilities so Kayla could swim before heading to the office. Kayla told me that it was difficult at first, not only to get into shape, but also, to resist the urge to work when she should fit in the exercise.
At the end of the day, we all have that issue don't we? We love what we do, and there's so much to be done and we Indies either do it all or do so much of it that there's little time for us. It's hard to take the time to care for ourselves as we should. But we can and we should and Candace, Anne-Marie, Kelly and Kayla are good examples of that.
Do my Indies rock or what!!?
So, here I am. Working out gives me more energy and affirms my individual power as a woman. Spinning works my legs and core. Zumba works everything and is a fun way to connect with women of all fitness levels who just like moving their curves. Step aerobics incorporates fun dance steps around a step. The activity actually makes me feel somewhat coordinated.
At the end of each class, I've been snapping photos of myself with my fitness instructors to document my progress, hold myself accountable and make it even more fun. I post the pictures to my Twitter page so everyone can enjoy the ride with me. The fun part is easy, especially for Jatrine's zumba class (see photo above) because she is awesome and also because Tay, who takes Jatrine's class regularly, often shows up in costume. Today she was an eggplant.
Can you beat that? Dancing with a bunch of screaming women while one of them runs around encouraging you dressed as an eggplant. Who could afford to miss that? If you're in the Charlotte area, you owe it to yourself to find out where Jatrine is teaching a zumba class and go and sign yourself up. Jatrine maintains a website and a Facebook page so you can easily find her. One zumba class with Jatrine and you'll have to reapply your hips! It's a good thing. You'll be hooked and you'll feel feminine and powerful at the same time. Tell Jatrine that Donna Maria, the crazy woman who chases down fitness instructors with her camera, sent you.
So listen, this is fun. But it's not easy. I have a long way to go but that's OK. Just like in business, we all have to start somewhere. I always advise my clients to focus on their goals and never rest until they are achieved. I've never had a problem doing that in business. Now it's time to do it where my health is concerned too.
What about you?
Maybe you'd like to join me. Do you have some fitness goals you are trying to reach? Leave your comment below and let's see how we can work to encourage and inspire one another to reach our goals.
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