networking (161)

Last week, I attended a NetworkPhoenix event. It was such a nice event! This is my second time attending an event by this coordinator, Gelie Akhenblit. It is always a five-star, red-carpet, event that includes numerous vendors, food, and drinks! Not only does she put on great events but she also has a social network feature on her website for members. There, people can connect, share business information, their website, Facebook and twitter information. I applaud Gelie for such a star-studded event. Excited for the next one!

I enjoy attending networking events because not only does it give me an opportunity to get the word out about my business but it allows me to step out of my comfort zone! :) I am forced to polish up on my business "spiel" and work on my firm hand shake and eye contact. I gave out and got a lot of business cards and met a lot of people. However, there are things I've noticed at networking events are not exactly Networking Event Etiquette.

Here are a few networking event tips to keep in mind:

1) Make sure you take plenty of business cards and information!

PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED at that. I have received pieces of computer paper with information on it and once someone ran out of cards so they wrote info on a napkin. That is not professional and not a good way to give a "first impression". You should also have your "spiel" down pat so you're not struggling to find words when explaining yourself. At networking events you will be getting a lot of business cards so it is a good idea to write notes to yourself on the back of the cards.

2) Dress professionally

ATTENTION LADIES! DO NOT COME TO A NETWORKING EVENT LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO THE CLUB! :) Unfortunately, I have been to events where cleavages and thighs were the highlight of the evening! There are plenty of stylish, professional, affordable outfits you can choose from. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that there is a possibility of meeting someone of the opposite sex at such an event that you may want to impress. But if they aren't attracted to you in your Diva-fit then why would you want him anyway? You want the men to take you seriously at these events. Keep it simple and look nice! GENTLEMEN you aren't off the hook either. I understand that jeans are becoming more common to wear because you can dress them up with nice dress shirts and jackets, but NOT ALL THE TIME! If you're trying to impress someone, no matter what year we're in, JEANS is not the route to go.

3) Go light on the drinks

Always a feature at networking events, are the drinks! I understand a glass of wine here and there may make the environment more bearable but if you're trying to build a business you might want to lay off a bit. I have had people who have talked my ear off about their personal lives or been in my communication box because they went over the unsaid 2 drink minimum rule. Keep it together and don't go overboard OR just wait until you're done networking . Remember you want to make a good first impression.

4) Be confident, positive, and friendly.

This is the time to show what you learned about having a good interview: give a firm handshake and direct eye contact. When meeting people and telling them about your business, you are conducting mini informal interviews! You should impress people with your clear communication, and knowledge in your business.

By keeping these few tips in mind, you should have a successful networking event experience. It is important to attend networking events because business doesn't come through the door if you don't get out of it. You want your business to be recognized at these events so you might have to attend up to 3 to 5 times. Happy networking!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas


We make the calls you're 2 busy 2 make!


Brag about yourself!

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Do you want more Profit for your business? Want more qualified leads? Social Media Marketing is the answer!



I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?


For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.


I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.


Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.


Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. Our small team uses the most powerful software available to make sure that your message is delivered to exactly the right target audience.


The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.


We can adapt our campaigns to suit your budget. Give us a try, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Please feel free to contact us at


I look forward to speaking with you.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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For Spiritually Empowered Female Entrepreneurs!


Hi there!  We kick off the real meat of theTraining for your effective Social and Online marketing at 1 PM PST today...

If you haven't grabbed your spot into our More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Boot Camp


Grab it now...doors are closing real soon!


This is what one of the participants stated about the pre-program lessons that you'll still get access to as a bonus

"I worked through my Facebook assignment today and sent out numerous friend request. I must say that the exercise helped me to break through a lot of barriers that were in place that I was not even aware existed."


This is not just a training program for your business!

They said no to overwhelm and yes to personal, spiritual and professional empowerment. Yes to Freedom to build their businesses with effective Social Media and Online marketing. Yes to More Prospects, Clients and Profits! The meat of the More Prospects, Clients and Profits kicks off today. What will you be doing over the next 4 weeks for your empowering success? You'll also experience the Spiritual Fitness Module.


I can't wait to see the manifestations that will happen in the lives of these dynamic women.


There are a few hours and a few spots left for The More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Online Boot Camp.


Go to to secure your place and change the course of your life and business forever!

Don't let anyone tell you that you don't need it. You make the decision. What do you want for your life? Your Family? Are you satisfied with where you are? Will you realize your desired results with what you're doing at this present time?


This isn't for everyone, however, it is for someone.


I hope to welcome you!


Empowering you,



P.S. If you have questions email and we will get right back with you.

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Please register here => likesclients


“In just 43 minutes and 27 seconds, you’ll learn 5 dead- simple strategies for getting your product in front of your exact target market now...”



July 6 at 1:00 pm PST

Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants!

Attention Christian Coaches, Authors,Women Entrepreneurs and aspiring, Solopreneurs

Are you seeking to increase the exposure to your business but aren't quite sure of which strategy to use?

You're frustrated because you have no clients/customers or you can't attract and get enough clients/customers

Do you feel anxious when even thinking about using Social Media?

Have a great idea, product, program, book etc. but don't know where to begin to get it out there?

If any of this sounds like you then you are a perfect candidate for my No cost Tele-training!

Join me for......

World-wide visibility: 5 dead- simple strategies for getting your product in front of your exact target market now...”


I've been hearing from many women entrepreneurs including coaches and authors who are frustrated by a lack of customers/clients and although they're trying everything they know they are left with few or no clients/customers.

You may be one of those who have a great product, book, message, program and are frustrated by all of the time you're putting in and you're not getting any results.

Maybe you're still using conventional methods but know there must be a better way!

On this call I'm going to share the following


5 dead simple strategies  to get your Message, Book, Product, Program in front of your

exact target market now....

Yummy tactics you can use to gain profitable visibility online

One thing you need to empower you to make Quantum leaps and become unstoppable

One Big mistake you're probably making with your marketing endeavors

And more!

When: Wednesday, July 6 at 1:00 pm PST
Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available for a few to all registrants.

Register here likesclients

Secure your place for this Empowerment Call

Let's get your message out there "Authentically!"

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Do you have a Facebook Fanpage or Facebook Business Page? Don't know whether you need one or not?

I have the pleasure of empowering women in their personal, spiritual and business growth. One area that I've extended my reach to is Woman Entrepreneur Empowerment. This is not a brand new area, however, I've committed a greater percentage of my reach to this particular group.

One thing that is apparent is that women are identifying the need to become equipped to use Social Media effectively without wasting time or money.

If your niche (who you serve) or audience can be found on Facebook thank you need to Power up your Social Media endeavors with a Facebook Fanpage.


A Facebook fan page is more than just another way to connect with prospects and customers online. Your Facebook fan page can:


Click here to read this Business empowerment post.

I'm sure you'll be motivated to get busy utilizing this powerful tool.


Empowering you,


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva




5 irrefutable steps to creating a profitable Facebook Business Page and getting more likes!

Tuesday, June 28 at 12:00 noon PST

Can't make the call the Audio replay will be available to all registrants

Go to to register

Limited phone lines



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Savvy 24 Seven June Promotion

As a part of our community growth we are offering several promotional incentives for members. For the month of June 2011, community members are eligible to win the following cash rewards:


  • Top Member: $50 (member with the most activity, including comments)
  • Top Blog Post: $20 (member with the most popular blog posts).
  • Top Forum: $20 (member with the most active forum discussion)
  • Top Video: $10 (member with the most popular videos)
For more information, go to:
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Why Does It Have to Be So Hard?


Why Does it Have to Be So Hard?


I am very supportive of others. Tell me what you are trying to do and I will try to help. What information or resources I don’t have, I will try to find for you or at least point you in the right direction, find someone that can help you.  I am one of these people that find it very difficult to ask anyone to do anything for me, I am not a sales person, and I don’t push my opportunities or products on anyone. I share and try to show the value.  Often times that works.   What I don’t like is so many people that want you to get into business with them, you sign up,  make the purchase and they disappear.  There is little training and no support. On top of that when you share your business or anything you would like to have supported, people that you supported are MIA.


We have to learn how to support each other. Circulate the dollars and resources within. This is too much of an individualistic society. Who truly makes it alone? We have to help one another. It does not have to be huge chunk of money. We can help each other with referrals, office equipment or other needed supplies; we can donate different things that someone may need to operate their business. IF you have a great skill that may be of great benefit to someone do some bartering, something.


And when it comes to charity, it is just has hard. I have been trying to collect clothing for a local shelter for months. I got one person to donate clothing. Another organization I support sends shoes to Liberia. I have not gotten one pair of shoes. I am collecting for a local pregnancy org that helps teen and pregnant women, I have not received one can of formula or diapers…I know that times are difficult. I am struggling. But I share when I can. It does the heart good to help. Even if it is one pack of socks to a battered women shelter. One box of baby wipes to a pregnancy program, a couple cans of vegetables to a homeless shelter. I am finding just how difficult it is. I thought it would be a lot easier. You care, you Give. Maybe not? I don’t get it but I will not be discouraged. I will continue to do what I am supposed to do and donate when I can and educate and encourage others. You never know when you or someone you love may be in need.




I am in the process of offering evening and weekend childcare. Akron Ohio area.


  • NightLight for Lil Angels Care~
    I would like to provide evening and weekend care for babies. Most mothers today have to return to work after 6 to 8 weeks. The days of staying home 3 months to a year or longer are over in today’s tight economy. This service would be helpful for those who work evenings/nights or who need a break for shopping, appointments on weekends or for a weekend get-a-way.


Donated clean, safe, working cribs, high chairs, play pins, strollers etc….would be very much appreciated.  I am trying to get started with “half “ a shoe string budget.


 Giving Efforts:


The Family That Gives


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Does It Matter



Are Good Manners Taboo in Today's Business World?

Have you noticed a theme about manners and etiquette lately?  There seems to be a question about the importance of polite behavior.  More and more people are asking:


  • Are good manners a thing of the past?
  • Is it important to be nice?
  • How do you spell "respect"?
  • What difference does it make if you know which fork to use?
  • What is all the fuss about a firm handshake?
  • If I am good at my job, what does it matter how I dress for work?10744065299?profile=original

What do you say?  Please be diplomatic.

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Successful Southern Sistas is pleased to present our May Feature Friday interview. This month we’re featuring Kimberly S. George, Owner of Lab-Ratz Technical Solutions in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. This under 30 tech savvy Diva is not taking no for an answer as she builds her successful Information Technology services company. Recently, we had a moment to speak to Kimberly and to learn more about how she’s blazing a trail for other women in the information technology field.

Please tell us about your background? I’m Kimberly George the owner of Lab-Ratz Technical Solutions.
I am a Louisiana native but relocated to Dallas Texas in 2007 after finishing grad school at Southern University A&M College to pursue a career in technology. In 2009, I started Lab-Ratz Technical Solutions – an IT services company that provides computer and network support to small businesses in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.

Wow, there aren’t that many women in the I.T. field, How are you blazing a trail?
I think that I’m blazing a trail for women in IT honestly by having the courage to start a business in an industry that is male dominated. By starting Lab-Ratz, I’m showing the world that I/women are just as knowledgeable in IT and capable of helping small businesses owners with computer problems as my male counterparts.

What is the best business advice you’ve received?
The best business advice I’ve received was to remain resilient in my endeavors as a small business owner and to never give up on anything that you truly love and are passionate about doing. I’ve also been told to surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher. For me, surrounding yourself with people who have your best interest at heart is very important. As a small business owner, there are times that you will get discouraged, and want to quit. Surrounding yourself with positive people who continuously motivate you to pursue your dreams no matter what– can make all of the difference in the world.


Read the Full Interview

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Networking for the "Authorpreneur"

In order to efficiently reach a large number of people, you need to develop and leverage a network of contacts who will help you identify, build, and connect with your platform. These individuals include, but are not limited to:
  • Publishing professionals (e.g., your editor, publicist, or agent)
  • Booksellers in your genre
  • Other writers
  • Members of industry or trade organizations to which you belong
  • Media personalities (e.g., reporters, radio hosts, or producers)


The Author Power Team

As an author, you are always on the lookout for new ways to improve your marketing strategy and grow your platform. One of the best ways to do this is by developing your power team.


What’s a power team? A familiar term among business networking professionals, a power team is comprised of individuals and/or businesses with whom you share common goals or a common client base.


How can it help you as an author? The members of your power team can help you improve your strategy, connect with more readers, identify more opportunities, hone your message, and expand your reach.


Let’s look at key members of an author power team and how they help you build your career.

  • Publisher: Your publisher is an industry insider. If you have chosen wisely, your publisher should have a track record of producing successful books in your genre and should be able to provide you with tips and insights to help you get on bookshelves and in front of readers. Keep your contacts at the publisher in the loop so they are aware of all of your marketing and publicity efforts. This helps them keep your book stocked when and where it needs to be available. They can also give you feedback on publishing best practices.
  • Publicist: A publicist helps you develop your marketing strategy and puts you in front of big media—radio, television, print, and online. A publicist also helps you hone your message and clarify your brand so you can reach readers. They have spent years cultivating relationships with media and industry professionals and have access to contacts you may not be able to reach on your own.
  • Other Authors in Your Genre: Wait—they’re your competition, right? Not necessarily. If you have differentiated yourself well, your work will stand out when compared to other authors’ work. Each author has something unique to give to the reader, but authors in the same genre share the same audience and are marketing to the same people. If you have been growing your platform and marketing your book, you should already have a following. Pull your efforts together with another author doing the same and you can double the strength of your platform and gain twice the reach.
  • Bloggers: Bloggers who write about your topic or genre also share face time with your audience. They often have an open dialogue with a following that listens to their advice and trusts their recommendations. Develop relationships with bloggers in your category and offer to write guest posts, send them a free review copy of your book, share links, or come up with cross-promotional activities.
  • Industry Gurus: No matter what topic or genre your book covers, there will be some movers and shakers already commanding a strong following in the same area. Cultivate a relationship with these people. They’re connected and know what your readers are looking for. They can get you into events and speaking engagements that will put you directly in front of your target audience.


These are the primary members of your power team, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box while choosing members. Each book and genre has special needs and interests that are served by many people. Aligning yourself with those people will help you engage your audience and, in turn, sell more books.


Remember, just as with your audience, be willing to provide value before you ask for anything from your power team in return. You are looking to cultivate relationships, not just take what you can get. Here are a few key things to remember as you build your team:

  1. Be sincerely interested in the other person.
  2. Find ways to help them meet their goals.
  3. Be willing and able to promote and/or endorse them.
  4. Relationships are a series of meaningful interactions. Make time to check in and see how they are doing, without looking for something in return.


Above all, treat them as you would want to be treated. If you are truly interested, considerate, and helpful, they will reciprocate.


Keeping Track of Opportunities

As an author, you’re constantly chasing down opportunities to share your book, speak to a crowd, serve as a resource, and perform other platform-building activities. People will often say no to your first request—but don’t let that discourage you or stop you from pursuing a lead after the first contact!


It takes at least six points of contact for a message to sink in—six—yet more than 75 percent of the time, people stop pursuing leads after the first point of contact (Good Day 2009). Sometimes authors stop pursuing because they receive a no on the first try, other times because the number of leads to manage is overwhelming. Cultivating relationships is crucial to your career, but it doesn’t need to take up all of your time.


The first thing you need to do is gather contact information. Every time you meet a lead or come across someone in a search, collect his or her contact information or business card right away. Enter them into a simple database such as Microsoft Outlook, PlanPlus, or Salesforce. Spreadsheets and Rolodexes can be hard to manage effectively, but databases like these allow you to classify your contacts, set up reminders, add notes, and keep track of all interactions. You can also consider adding new contacts on LinkedIn if you feel you know the person well enough to engage them online.


Next, you want to categorize your leads. Not all leads are created equal, and each group requires a different type of interaction. Here is a simple way to classify your leads:

  1. Hot or “A” Leads: These are people interested in having you speak or scheduling you for some other event. These contacts are ready to go and need to receive frequent, personal contact in order for the relationship to develop into an event or opportunity. These contacts go to the top of your list.
  2. Warm or “B” Leads: These are people who showed interest, but who have not yet decided whether they want to work with you. You will need to provide them with more information and work to cultivate the relationship.
  3. Cold or “C” Leads: Cold leads are people with whom you have no rapport, such as those you find on the Internet or find out about through third-party sources. These contacts are usually managed through what is called “drip line marketing.” Drip line marketing consists of things like newsletters or emails you send out to a distribution list on an infrequent basis. You may need to send an introductory email and then a reminder a few months later or add them to an informational newsletter until they opt out or say they are not interested. Setting up a drip line campaign is to help you cultivate those six points of contact and to educate potential clients who may turn into A or B leads.


Sorting your leads into these categories will help you better identify and manage opportunities as they come. Don’t forget to provide value first, and remember that your leads are people. Treat them with respect and consideration, and always show your appreciation for their time.



Rochelle Carter is the President/CEO of Ellechor Publishing House. Ellechor is a publisher of Inspirational Christian books, including Adventure and Romantic fiction, and non-fiction/devotionals dealing with Relationships, Suicide Prevention and General Self-Help.

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10744063692?profile=originalAre you sabotaging your success?

Everything we do reflect on our company and our products. By acting professionally, we send the message that our business is credible and trustworthy. Personalized care may very well be your edge against the competition. This is why Business Etiquette critical to your success.

You’ve only got one chance to make a good first  impression!   Anonymous

Do you fear fitting in new social circles, do you feel uncomfortable, out of place?
Learn the Skills of Proper Etiquette and Stop Sabotaging your Success.

You have made it, you are a success.  The time has come for the meeting that could change your life forever.  You’ve been invited to the social event of the year, doubt and fear sets in.  You ask yourself how do I make introductions, how to start and maintain a conversation.  
 Avoid embarrassing moments-don’t allow negative impressions to sabotage your success.

  • Successful business owners
  • Actors, Actresses and Entertainers
  • High Profile Sports Figures
  • Sales People
  • Coaches
  • Speakers
12 Good Reasons to Act Now
How etiquette can help ensure your success:
  1. Develop and maintain business
  2. Project a positive image
  3. Project confidence and authority
  4. Earn more money
  5. Establish relationships with decision makers
  6. Establish trust and credibility
  7. Establish authority
  8. Attract more business opportunities
  9. Get publicity opportunities
  10. Establish your brand
  11. Enhanced confidence and self respect
  12. Feel at ease in social situation

Doors open, as those you meet respond positively and want to build lasting personal and professional relationships.

I’m proud to announce I’m now an instructor with The Global Institute of Enterprise Development now you can enjoy the convenience of learning business etiquette online.  This represents an exciting and affordable opportunity for you to enhance your business and social etiquette skills in the privacy of your home or office.

When it comes to understanding proper business/social etiquette and protocol, you can’t afford to assume that you know how these rules apply; you must make sure.
With our course, Business Etiquette for Todays’ Savvy Entrepreneur.  you’ll feel confident and ready to handle any social situation.
Click here for more information.
You will be taken to The Global Institute of Enterprise Development page description of the program.

I’m available by email to assist you in any way.
Contact information:
Walethia Aquil (Grace and Charm)
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10744060467?profile=originalLet start with what networking is not.  Networking is not handing out a bunch of business cards, and hoping someone calls.


Business networking as described by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time.

Technology makes it easy for us to expand our circle of influence.  However, the most powerful connections are made face to face.

Master these powerful networking skills and you will gain respect and credibility from your colleagues and clients. 

1.  Take a positive and deliberate approach to networking, you will find this extra level of attention makes it easier to establish relationships.

2.  Your business image should reflect your abilities, values, goals, and business mission.

3.  Build brand loyalty one fan group at a time.

4.  Exude energy and passion to command respect and grab attention.

5.  Be honest about what you can do and cannot do.  If something has gone wrong be honest and upfront immediately.

6.  Focus on following up and following through while you’re still at the meeting.

7.  Asking this one questions will increase your bottom line.  “Who is your ideal client/customer, and how can I help you.

8. Remember the name.  We all like to hear our name, but don’t use first names unless you are asked to.

9.  Always defer to the other person.  Don’t monopolize the conversation or talk about yourself too much. Allow the others to have the spotlight.

10.  Using the terms “ma’am and sir”, shows the utmost respect.

11.  Be well informed.

12.  Perfect your “30 second commercial.”

13.  Remain standing as much as possible-you will appear more approachable.

14.  Remain in control even under pressure.

These techniques and tactics will allow you to seize opportunities that otherwise would not be possible.

“Take the time to be exceptional, it will show in how you make others feel, and in your bottom line.” Walethia Aquil

I know how vital it is that you leverage your unique knowledge, experience and brilliance. I definitely want to help you expand your business development and growth experiences, enhance your professional profile, promote your business and create visibility to attract those who want more from you. 

Schedule your complimentary discovery session today.  Send request to:  Put Discovery Session in subject box.

Make sure you get your copy of the free report “How to Network Effectively: The Key to Power, Influence and Wealth.”

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10744063291?profile=originalI am so excited to announce the launch of Caribbean Women Who Lunch, Inc. ( This is an organization with a mission to provide global networking and learning opportunities aimed at helping to grow the careers of women of Caribbean descent.


Women are notorious for not engaging their networks in the same way that men are able to do, so my dream for CWWL is to provide a forum for professional women of Caribbean descent that will facilitate access to global networks online, while also encouraging members to tap into their local networks through power lunches. This way you can build some truly meaningful relationships that help to move you forward professionally. The CWWL website is a social networking site that allows you to invite your own networks and also tap into the networks of other members, all of whom have some connection to the Caribbean, so you are already starting off with something in common.


This idea came to me a couple of years ago when I decided to launch my coaching practice. I wanted to start a group of women who would be able to offer advice and support to each other as we progressed in our careers. I also thought about how migrating to New York when I was 26 had impacted the networks I had back home in Jamaica. Essentially I had to start over upon moving to the U.S. so I thought why not create a network that women can access from anywhere in the world?


In order to help the membership grow quickly so it offers immediate benefit to the membership, the first 500 members will get the first year of membership for free. Just click on this link, and with a few clicks you’ll be on and ready to invite your own networks by connecting to your email account(s).


Let’s network, learn and succeed!

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Networking Etiquette

I’ve noticed more and more that people forget why they become successful in life and in business. If you don’t build relationships and present some type of VALUE to your peers, business prospects and customers, why should you be in business to begin with?

Recently I’ve been getting a lot of emails and comments on my networking sites about joining different companies. Often I’m not even their “friend” and could not tell you the first thing about how they found me. Why is it so hard for people to introduce themselves to one another and at least find out what the other person is interested in before you jump into a pitch?

Over the past three months, my mentors have expressed the need of reaching out to people via phone and in person, not just online, and give people some type of VALUE. How do you manage to do this? By speaking with the people and finding out what it is that interests THEM and not you! So thank you Lorina Noble and Jeremiah Carstarphen for instilling in our team great business etiquette. Again Thank You!

Yes you will cross paths with people who know everything and are not open to learning anything new, but you will find that a lot of people like to talk about themselves. How do I know this? Check a couple of your Facebook friend’s pages. See how much information about their life they put on their page? See how many pictures they have uploaded? People like to brag about themselves. Why present them with products and business opportunities they clearly are not interested in?

As I look back on all the times I’ve been told to brand myself and bring people VALUE I feel like the more VALUE I give the more people ignore my purpose. It is sad that there are people out there who would rather build their business on dishonesty and branding a company (instead of themselves) than being truthful and helping others.

This is my insight for you and I will leave you with a quote that is referencing the true meaning of business networking.

“It’s about forming authentic relationships based on a mutual desire to help each other and a genuine willingness to contribute and bring value to the table” ~Earl G. Graves, Sr


 Miss Insight 4 U

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How Not To Put Your Foot In Your Mouth

Conversation Etiquette 101

In today’s competitive business world it takes more than expensive clothes and a pleasant personality to be successful; it is also how you present yourself.

Make a wrong remark during a conversation and you could ruin your business and social position within certain social circles.

Ever wonder why you were not invited to an event?

Your conversation etiquette in meeting and social setting, especially those that include important business partners or high profile personalities, could determine if you are invited back or banned from future events.

8 Topics That Will Kill a Conversation: What not to say during a conversation.

One of the best rules in conversation is, never to say a thing which any of the company can reasonably wish had been left unsaid.”  Jonathan Swift

  1. Politics-Talking about politics is always a touch subject.  Some people are very passionate about their political views.  If you don’t agree with something that has been said, just acknowledge what has been shared by nodding .
  2. Health-People really do not what to hear about your latest surgery.  Sharing too much bad news can bring the conversation down.
  3. The cost of things-Ever been around someone and all the talked about was how much they paid for their car, house.  Don’t ask and don’t tell.
  4. Personal question-Don’t ask questions such as “How much money do you make?” Or “When do you plan to have children.”
  5. Don’t gossip-When you gossip you destroy your creditability and trust with the group.
  6. Your boss/or job-You never know who knows whom. 
  7. Off-color jokes-I tried to justify this by saying, “If you are with close friends and you all share the same views; however, I cannot.  It is never acceptable to joke about another’s weight, religion, racial heritage, physical limitations, or make any remark that will hurt another person.
  8. Doom and gloom-People hear enough bad news, all one has to do is turn on the TV.  If you want to draw people to you, be happy and optimistic.

So, what can you do to avoid putting your foot in your mouth?

Learn the art of small talk.

   Definition of small talk:  n. polite conversation about matter of little Importance, especially between people who do not know each other well. Encarta World Dictionary.

Small talk is not profound or deep conversation.  Small talk is casual conversation.
Practice these tips to improve your small talk ability:

  • Be well informed-Read the news paper, Keep up with current events, locally, nationally, and internationally. Watch interesting documentaries on TV.
  • Don’t interrupt-Interrupting a person’s conversation is very rude.  People could see you as being argumentative.
  • Focus on the other person-Use the others persons name during the convection.  Pay attention to what they say, the other person will say something you can comment on.  They may share their love for a certain sport, or a movie or book they’ve read. 
  • Maintain eye contact-Eye contact shows you are interested in what the other person is saying.
  • Ask for their advice-Keep the topic light.  You may ask their advice or opinion on a new restaurant, or play.
  • Don’t give advice-Give advice only if the other person asks.  It is best to hold off giving advice on personal matters, even if asked.
  • Think before you speak-There have been more times than I care to admit, when I should have not said one word. 
  • Always apologize if you say the wrong thing, or even is what you have said is misinterpreted.  People will respect you more.

Grace and Charm Insight:  Always close a conversation before walking away form the other person.   You can say, “It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I hope we meet again.”

Are you ready to up level your career or business?  Now you can gain the insight, learn tips and strategies that will help you STAND UP AND STAND OUT!  Let me help you.  Click here

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Simply put, THE MONEY AND SUCCESS IS IN YOUR NETWORK and ALL the giants are going to be there: Mike Dillard, Katie Frieling, Daegan Smith, Jonathan Budd... you name it, they're going to be there. This is your opportunity to shake hands and trade business cards with them all. Your time to recruit up and if you're not in the network marketing industry, your time to put your products in front of an entirely new audience. The events takes place in San Diego, CA May 6th-8th and here's what you'll get:


#1. You're going to be surrounded
by the BEST of the BEST in the
online networking industry. 
The affiliates & networkers in the
field who are making it happen
on a daily basis, and know how to
make the kind of money you want too.
#2. You'll Expand your network methodically
through the group exercises & partnership
opportunities you'll have throughout the
entire weekend.
You will never have felt as close to this
community, & formed as many connections
as you will at "Unstoppable Entrepreneur".
#3. You're going to put in touch with your
inner power to create in life on an ENTIRELY
new level.
You'll be given several extremely powerful
techniques to remove any obstacles currently
stopping you...
... and you'll replace them with an inner
strength you DEVELOPED & exercised
during your weekend of "Unstoppable"
entrepreneur. Get ready to BECOME
the type of person who can create the
kind of money you really want in life!
#4. Be shown the next wave of marketing
& advertising BEFORE the rest of our
industry.  You'll discover the traffic source
3x the size of the Internet...
... and how to get there before everyone
else is.  Jonathan's special presenter "Mr. X",
one of the most prolific & little known
traffic experts in the industry, will show
you exactly how he generated 700+ leads
his first week with this traffic source!
#5. I'm not kidding when I tell you, you'll
have the time of your LIFE this weekend,
in one of the funnest & "rock star" style
environments you've ever been in.
If you love concerts, parties, &
celebrating life to it's MAX then you'll
absolutely love this weekend.
#6. Escape to paradise in beautiful scenic
San Diego.  Located in the heart of the
"Gas Lamp District" in downtown San Diego,
the Unstoppable Entrepreneur event will
take place in one of the most amazing &
gorgeous venues in all of this city.

And these are just a tiny fraction of the
reasons why you should be in attendance
for this first ever event...
The bottom line is you can not afford to miss out on what is in store. People are already strategizing their business plans for the next 6-1 months. This is where leaders will be made. You want a "guru" to endorse your brand? You NEED to be here. Tickets are selling fast and the doors official close tomorrow February 28th, 2011 so ACT FAST! Go to HTTP://THEUNSTOPPABLEENTREPRENEUR.INFO and reserve your seat NOW!
As an extra bonus, everyone who orders through this link will be entered for a chance to win roundtrip airfare to the event and a Samsung Tablet.

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Offline gatherings are great for online businesses. You get to meet people who you only know through the screen of your computer. If you’ve never attended a live event, the one thing that can be said is to make sure that you get that experience. It can change your life.
There are many reasons to attend a live event. For one, curiosity often gets most people. They want to see what it is all about and how it can help their business. At these events, you are the focus. At your computer, it is the customer that you think about but here, you are given carte blanche to explore your future plans, chart a new course for your business and have fun doing both.
To get the most benefit out of your conference investment  it is important to have a plan:  what are your goals, what type of event it is, who is it you want to meet.  These are the kinds of questions you want to ask yourself before attending any conference or networking event.
The answer to these questions will determine the type of conference you attend, your focus and goals.

Four Reasons Why You Should Attend Live Events.

1.  Get out of your comfort zone. Many wouldn’t call this a plus, but how can your business grow doing the same thing over and over again? For one, you’ll get bored. If you are used to seeing people through their words, now you can put a name to a face and so can they. Stretch your business self with interesting people and thought-provoking seminars.

2.  Meet people with similar goals. It is refreshing to hold a conversation with someone who understands where you are coming from. If you are new to business, even the experts can remember back and give you practical advice on how to go from where you are to where they are and beyond.

3.  Begin a few joint ventures. Businesses partner with other businesses all the time. If you each have something that can benefit the other, it can be a match made in heaven or at least in cyberspace. But, you may not get the chance unless you attend a live event. When you get to see and hear their plans, you can make a confident decision that this person will be great to work with.

4.  Build your business. Oh, yeah, there is this one. There will be people from all walks of life with the same goal – improve their business standing. You will get business cards, photo opportunities, business materials and possibly drinks by the pool with others who are more than willing to talk with you about how to take your business to the next level.

Never been to a live event? Now you have four (of many) dynamite reasons that it needs to be on your “To Do” list.
If you don’t feel comfortable networking, my Grace and Charm Success Systemcan help you develop greater skills in this area.  When weighting the cost of a coach, keep in mind the right relationship can be worth million of dollars to you.I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant access to Achieving Success With Grace and Charm Business Etiquette e-course, when you visit You will learn the ins and outs of using proper etiquette, so that you can boost your confidence, transform your life and accelerate your success.”

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  • You will feel more comfortable because you know how to behave in different situations.
  • You will be surrounded by people who enjoy your company because you are confident and poised.
  • You will get along with other people easier and it will help your to draw people to you.
  • Be it business or personal, it will help you in the initial establishment of any sort of relationship.
  • You can set yourself apart from the competition. It will open up plethora of good career prospects and job opportunities and increasing your clientele. Better, higher paying clients will be the result.
  • You will be more professional and confident by keeping the company operating at peek capacity.
  • Your might be able to get promoted faster and earn more money.
  • It will teach you how you can avoid international, social or professional faux pas.
  • You will lean essential human to human connection skills and behavior-attributes that will lead to success for associations as well as groups.
  • It promotes respect, civility and teamwork to keep dedication and high morale,
  • Last, but not least, it might allow you to find the right person to get married quicker.

What differentiates you from the thousands of coach, speakers, consultants, MLM and authors that all make the same promises?
You have to think of yourself and "brand yourself" as a celebrity within your own right. Celebrities don't enter the spotlight by accident and neither should you.

What if you could

  • Learn the skills necessary to reinforce your brand
  • Connect with your ideal client in 90 sec or less.
  • Become more charming, memorable and persuasive.
  • Learn the universal rules of effective networking and the types of people who can be helpful to you professionally.
  • Learn the attributes of great networkers and how you can attain them.
  • Instantly establish instant trust and credibility

Watch for my upcoming FREE webinar, Bridging the Gap:  The 5 Essential Skills That Accelerate Your Success. 
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