Writing (90)

I must admit that in the past I was a tad judgmental about bloggers. I didn’t get it. Every blog I’d ever read sounded like a journal entry. I would often find myself wondering ,who were these blog people and why do they think that everyone cares about the minute details of their lives?”

Well, my little sister sends these emails every once in awhile. They started back when she was in college. She sends them to her close friends and family, myself included. They just give a brief detail of where she is and what she’s been up to since the last time she wrote. Back when she was studying abroad they included such detail that I started saving them. I thought, “ she’s going to want to look back on these some say, or maybe I will.” They were more than just a catalog of events, but read more like journal posts. Well, She’d written so many of them that I said she should create a blog. Of course, having such an anti-blog attitude, my suggestion was taken with some skepticism.

When I mentioned the idea to my husband, he said that I should write my own blog. I immediately adopted the role of skeptic. What on earth could I possibly have to say? I mean, sure, a can talk for hours, but I am a horrible typist. I have a the grammar of a 4th grader, despite the BA in English, and I haven’t tried to put coherent sentences together since I turned in my thesis 7 years ago. Then it hit me. I stopped writing. Not only had the creative writing stopped, but even my journaling had become sporadic. I used to write every single day. I really miss it, even if I never was very good.

So, I have decided to take my own advice. I’m starting a blog. About what, you may ask… well, about taking my own advice. I spend a great deal of time at work, as part of my business, and in my personal life dishing out advice. Every once in awhile I’ll say something, and immediately think, “wow, I should listen to my own advice.” Then, the moment passes. I forget that brief moment of clarity. It is almost as if by speaking the words aloud the woman or women that I am speaking to physically pluck the thought from my mind, place it in their purses, and leave with it. From this point on I will write down my advice as soon as realize that I’m giving it. Then I will figure out where it fits into my life. I will take action. Then I will post it on the internet. Score one point for narcissism.

This is not to say that I will be blogging every day. It simply means that I’m looking forward to finding out what the outcomes of my own advice may be. Perhaps there will even be a few of you out there who have fallen prey to one of my so called nuggets of wisdom and you want to put your two cents in. That would be great too. Often we have the best of intentions. We make a suggestion and we don’t realize that we have just changed someone’s life forever.

This time I’m going to change my own life. I’m going to take my own advice.

Stay tuned…

Lina Williams, Sexy Lifestyle Advisor

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5 Tips for Improving Your Online Writing Skills

Writing for the web is not the same as writing for print. If you are going to be writing content that will be consumed online there are a few concepts that you need to get clear on. By now most people understand
the fact that we don’t read text online in the same way that we read text in hard copy such as a book or a newspaper that we hold in our hands.

People tend to skim online copy very quickly with their eyes.
The Internet is by nature fast moving and bright and shiny. Our brains and eyes move hyper-fast when we are online and if what we are looking at does not appeal to us, we can quickly get rid of it within a nano-second by clicking the next link.

As writers, we need to get in touch with the way our readers engage with our work online so that we can create a product that will be both useful and enjoyable by those who consume it. You want to craft content that makes your readers stop long enough for you to convey the message that you are trying to send. Your words must draw them in so that they can consume your content and in exchange for their attention you must
fulfill the promise of supplying the information they were searching for.

Write for human readers but with SEO in mind.
Another unseen audience that is consuming our content online is the search engines. Since our human readers’ eyeballs are our most important audience we write for them, but it’s also important to keep the principles of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, in mind as we create web content.

Since many of us learned to write prior to the Internet age, there are a few specific strategies that we can employ in order to be effective at online writing.

  • Do Keyword research and write content that focuses on one or two keywords while delivering concise information that the end user is
    searching for.
  • Link to other related pieces of content within the site that add to topic.
  • Link out to related authority sites that have high search engine rankings and provide additional information for your reader.
  • Use images that illustrate your point and break up the text on the page.
  • Write in shorter paragraphs allowing for sufficient white space on the page to give the reader’s eyes a place to rest.
  • Use bullets and call-out boxes for the skimmers to grab information quickly.
  • Use meaningful sub-headers to introduce ideas.

Tips for sharpening the saw:

This is a list of five tips that can help you to improve your online writing skills, but this does not pretend to be an exhaustive list. You’ll want to keep learning and constantly strive to improve your craft over time–’sharpening the saw’ as Steven Covey calls it.

1. Read excellent writing
While it might sound far too simple and obvious, but reading good writing is really the best way to improve your own writing skills. Read widely on diverse topics. Pick authors whose writing style you admire and read several of their books. Get suggestions for good reads from fellow book-lovers, or make friends with your local librarian.

Here are a few blogs that feature both excellent writing and compelling content for writers:

2. Join a writing group
This can be tricky because a really good, established writing group can be quite challenging to find. You may end up starting one of your own, but find a group of fellow writers of varying levels of skill and accomplishment where you can share your work and get honest feedback on how you can improve it.

There are tons of writing groups online, but I prefer live groups because it gives you the chance to interact with other writers and create real relationships with real people who share your interests. Check out meetup.com to find a local writer’s critique group, or search online writing forums to find local writing groups.

3. Take a class
Visit your local University or Community College’s website to see if they offer an online writing class. It may, oddly enough, only be offered online, but you can find some live online writing classes as well. Other resources for online writing classes include:

4. Hire a writing coach
Working with a writing coach is an excellent investment. If you want to write a book, but you would like to polish up your writing style, a coach can help you to get motivated, get unstuck, create a writing routine that works for your lifestyle, and most of all hold you accountable to the goals that you have set for yourself.

5. Practice, practice and more practice.

“A writer writes,” as they say. Write something everyday. Set a daily word count goal that you feel that you can stick to, but that will also force you to stretch yourself a bit. Commit to meeting this goal, but don’t beat yourself up when you don’t. Just pick up where you left off. Keeping a daily longhand journal can be therapeutic and help you clear out what’s on your mind so that you can focus on creating good writing.

Keep a blog where you write about whatever inspires you. Write a new post every day and before long you will begin to notice that you are developing a unique style that your readers will come to enjoy.

Additional Writing Resources:

Want more writing, blogging and online marketing tips and resources? Visit, http://www.productivepen.com, and sign up for our email newsletter.

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Motivational quotes to inspire you.

"The mathematics of high achievement--

Begin with a dream.

Divide the problems and conquer them one by one.

Multiply the exciting possibilities in your mind.

Subtract all the negative thoughts to get started.

Add enthusiasm and determination.

And the result will be attainment of your goal."

- Anonymous

For more motivational quotes & articles, check out my blog, Mocha Writes.

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Special for my birthday!

It's my birthday month, ya'll (the actual date was the 14th, and I turned 24)!

To celebrate, I'm offering 24% off any copywriting service for the entire month of May to those who follow Mocha Writer on Twitter or are "likers" on Facebook.

Some services are:
  • Article Writing
  • Blog posts & blog creation
  • Press Releases
  • Brochure Copy
And much more!

Contact me for more information: jamiefleming@mochawriter.com, and get more details about my services on my website, mochawriter.com.
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Build Your Online Reputation

Write Your Book in Two Days is a new ebook is for writers of, and those who want to write,
articles, blogs, student essays and nonfiction books and ebooks.

Whywrite a book?

Blogs and online articles help you to build your reputation online. This book contains tips to help you develop your articles and blogs.

A book is the best way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. This can help you to attract opportunities as a speaker, and grow your business as a consultant or coach, or just attract more customers to your business.

Think about all the experts you have heard of them. Most of them are published authors.

If you have a blog or have published a series of articles, you are well on the way to writing your book.

Yes, you really can write your book in two days. This book is based on my direct personal experience. Whether you are just getting started or are an experienced writer who is feeling stuck, this book can be of benefit to you. Includes sections on

- writer's block
- coming up with ideas
- overcoming procrastination
- and much more.

Write Your Book in Two Days

Here's to your success!
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Build your brand- now

Hi ladies!

This is a post I recently wrote on my blog. Hope this helps someone:

I'm sure you know by now that branding any business is very important. (If you're not sure what branding is, check out this post).
Here are some tips you can use right now to build your brand:
  • Get a fabulous and effective website. By having a design that's professionally created (or at least looks like it), you'll gain credibility- and it's not as expensive as you might imagine. Two options to consider: 1) Use a theme that everyone and their grandma isn't using, or 2) Use a little money to hire a designer to modify an available, free theme.
  • Be serious about SEO (search engine optimization). Whatever business you're in, you don't want to spend a lot of time looking for clients/customers- you want to use your time to make money. If you take the time to work on your SEO, your name (or business's) will come up higher in search results; so, when someone is searching for the service/product you offer, they'll be more likely to choose you first.
  • Create compelling copy. You want the words on your website to convince others to purchase your product or service. However, it can be hard for you to write about how awesome you are, so you may want to think about hiring a copywriter. He or she can objectively convey why individuals should choose you.
  • Convey your brand to others. It's easier to form a brand following when you can "piggy-back on top of an exisiting brand." And with blogging being so popular, gaining recognition is pretty simple- one way to do this is by writing guest posts on other blogs.
  • Make a product to establish your authority. Having a product or download shows prospective clients that you know what you're doing. A couple of options: Write an ebook, or provide a free download that's related to your business's experience.

Check out more business and writing tips on Mocha Writer's Blog.

Happy Branding!

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Writing and publishing articles online is a highly effective way to promote your business.

I am in the top 3% of members of article site Squidoo.

I havetried quite a few article sites. Squidoo is one of my favourite sites
on the internet. It is free to join and has a 50% profit-sharing

To join Squidoo, just post an article here.

I think you will enjoy these articles:

Make Money through Writing Articles

The Best Content for Your Ebook

Here's to your success!
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Why Getting Published Can Help Your Business

This is a great article: Why Getting Published Can Help Your Business

Plus, check out my new ebook, Write Your Book in Two Days

This book is for writers of, and those who want to write, articles, blogs, student essays and nonfiction books and ebooks.

Yes, you really can write your book in two days. This book is based on my direct personal experience. Whether you are just getting started or are an experienced writer who is feeling stuck, this book can be of benefit to you. Includes sections on:

- writer's block
- coming up with ideas
- procrastination

and much more.

See also:

The Best Content for Your Ebook
(for writers of articles and blogs, and ebook writers and publishers)

Make Money through Writing Articles

Plus, I am always looking for articles and success stories for my More Black
Success free ebooks. If you would like to submit a story or article,
please read Books for Truth-Seekers and then contact me for guidelines.

Here’s to your success!

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Maybe I can help you! I recently started a blog to give tips to entrepreneurs about writing for their businesses. So, if you have any questions or want me to write a post about something in particular, please let me know. You can email me at jamiefleming@mochawriter.com.Also, feel free to check out the blog: Mocha Writer's Blog.

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As a freelance writer, I help entrepreneurs and small business owners develop their businesses. I do this by writing articles, blog posts, website content, press releases and more.

This month, I have a special going on:

Purchase one service, and get the second one half off!

If this is something that interests you, please contact me at jamiefleming@mochawriter.com, or leave me your email in the comments below, and I will contact you.

Check out all the services I offer, samples of previous work and testimonials from clients on my website, mochawriter.com.

Have a fabulous and blessed week, everyone! ^_^

~Jamie (Mocha Writer)

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Because joy is your birthright ........Dr. Ni's NewsDecember 11th, 2009THE BEGINNINGHello Dr Niama,I do believe poetry helps bridge the gap between different people by giving them some common ground which they can appreciate despite their diversity. It is my hope that in the course of time, we will be able to enrich each other's perspectives through exchange of poetic verse and ideas. If at the end of it all I beat the right drums and you soothe the hands through your words, it would be a step forward. I care to dream that at some stage there will be enough poetry exchanged to give rise to an "Anthology of the African Drum(mer) and the American ear (Doctor)."For now, my aim is to bridge the distance across the sea. I will give the sun its due, and the moon its respect.Thank you.The DrummerYour words bring such peace, such quiet joy.More later after I've had some sleep. Nana Essi and I have been up talkin!:-)Have a beautiful day.Love and blessings,Dr. Ni, who shares your hopes!THE FIRST POEMSHow is the drummer?Did he sleep well on his bed of dreamsOf hopes, of certainties that all wouldBe deep like the well of good his forefathers stokedFull of blessings for those forthcoming?A quick little message of love from Dr. Ni, not heard from in almost a year.Love and peace,Dr. NiThanks Dr Ni,The Drum is humming away...Trying to reconnect the bridge of one year ago.Trying to reach a heart across the sea.The Drum is humming way...Humming a subtle beat, looking for a rhythm.Looking for a rhythm to stir a dancer in a land far away.If you can hear a humming drum, then, the twitching of the dancing toes is not far off.Once the toes twitch, the dancer knows the dance is on the way.When the drummer starts humming the drum like a soothing stream, he is stirring the heart of the dancing heart.Give the drummer the dancing heart and the hum may become a buzz!R.I thought of you today.I thought of you today Nana.I embraced your mind today Nana.You took me in and hugged me back.I thought of you today.I thought of you today Nana.I thought of you today Niama, and instead calling you Niama,I called you Nana in my thoughts.I thought of you today NiamaI thought of you as Nana.I thought of you today.I thought of you Nana.regards,RobertHave a nice one.I CALL ACROSS THE WATERSNiama L. Williams, Ph.D.Copyright November 2009for mwangiBaba, I call across the waterslost one, still looking for homefor someone to recognize meidentify my people, my scars,my hut of no return.Baba, I call across the waterslooking for whom to touchwith my words, my desires,my concerns, my caringthat you there have foodclothingshelterwar zones cleared for treescattlelandhomes.Baba, I call across the watersaskingare there skyscrapersapartment housestall buildings in which one shitswhile the other eats dinneris the land developedquarteredis there successare there richeslushnessplenty?Baba, I call across the waterswanting to hear my beloved'sanswering heartbeatanswering cryanswer to all i lived withoutfrom a home in which manynot listened tonot heardunattended.Baba, I call across the watersa healing sounda loving toucha cleaving to that brings soul voiceto surfaceand cauterizes wounds.Baba, I call across the waterslove.###AboutYes, we creative types do get bored and seek to change the look of our habitual publications from time to time.Hope you enjoy the new look of the masthead for Dr. Ni's News after a brief respite with Just for Entrepreneurs.Dr. Ni's News is a publication of Blowing Up Barriers Enterprises and does not accept unsolicited submissions.Dr. Ni lives to help writers and seekers achieve their utmost potential and invites all to peruse her offerings at the company website.Be well, be blessed, be happy--it's a CHOICE.THE RADIO SHOW"Poetry & Prose & Anything Goes with Dr. Ni" is still encountering scheduling difficulties, but Dr. Ni plans to try a brief broadcast between Friday and Sunday, midnight to 6 a.m. featuring the prose and poetry from that Friday's newsletter.However, Monday, December 14th, 2009, will be a special broadcast featuring author Aaron Lazar and his newest novel, Mazurka. This will be Dr. Ni's first "traditional" interview in quite a long while. Prepare to enjoy!!!CODDLED CLIENTS CREATE CASH -- Tara ColquittTHE WHALE BRINGS BOATLOADS -- Orca CommunicationsTHIS WOMAN, A PRICE ABOVE RUBIES -- Rhonda WhiteTHE HARDEST WORKING PR FIRM -- Shaquilla SmithFinal words: As Ms. Marshall says, "God loves you, and so do I!" Have a great weekend. :-){!contact_address}
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Do you know the advantages of good copy?

Many time entrepreneurs and business owners debate whether they should write their own copy or hire someone professional to take care of it.Whether you write your own copy or not, it is a reflection of your business, and it should be well-written to convey your business’ message and its quality.What are some benefits of good copy?·Your business will stand out among others.·Good copy will assist you in gaining an instant connection with potential customers.-It will clearly tell potential customers the advantages of selecting your product or service.·Good copy will promote customer loyalty. Your customer will feel he/she has made a good choice in selecting your business.On the other hand, bad copy can:·Be unsuccessful in getting you noticed.·Hurt your image by making you appear unprofessional.·Make your competitors look better than you.·Allow you to lose money.As a freelance writer, I can help you make sure your copy works to your advantage! I specialize in writing copy for press releases, articles, blogs, brochures and much more.Please check out my website for the $150 special I have going on until September 26, 2009 and to see samples of my work.Feel free to contact me at jamiefleming@mochawriter.com or (706) 436.7982. The initial 30-minute consultation is free!Have a good week everyone!~Jamiemochawriter.comforcoloredgurls.com
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Book Marketing Package of the Month!

It’s September, which also means it’s my birthday! To celebrate my birthday, I am giving away the following specials:Basic Book Cover Review Package:Your book cover reviewed by a focus group of book buyers within one week.Professional suggestions as well as focus group suggestions on how to improve your book cover.2 recommendations on book cover artist.Attention email sent out to newsletter subscribers, telling them to watch out for your book (Over 4,000 subscribers)September Price: $25Platinum Book Cover Review PackageYour book cover reviewed by a focus group of book buyers within one week.Your book excerpt reviewed and a suggested example for you to use if necessary.Professional suggestions as well as focus group suggestions on how to improve your book cover.3 recommendations on book cover artist.Attention email sent out to newsletter subscribers, telling them to watch out for your book (Over 4,000 subscribers)September Price-$40Basic Book Review PackageBasic cover review within one week.Book review completed within one week after receiptNewsletter alert, Twitter alert, Blog AlertTear Sheet provided in PDF form.Review posted on any online platform author requests-Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, etc.September Price-$59Platinum Book Marketing PackageBasic cover review within one week.Book review completed within one week after receipt-Author and their book will be the book to read of the week.Book featured in the following: Twitter, Gather, Myspace, Facebook, Blog, Newsletter, Website, BlackPlanet, LinkedIn, NingPress Release written and distributedTear Sheet provided in PDF form.Author interview.Review posted on any online platform author requests: Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, etc.September Price: $85Writers who sign up for our newsletter and choose the Platinum Book Marketing Package get 10% off. We will email you your coupon code.Current newsletter subscribers get 10% off, we will also email you your coupon code.Pay right on our website-Go to Pay here and click in the price you have been emailed, if you are a subscriber. If you are not a subscriber, then just go to: Marketing Services for Book Reviews, Graphic Services for Basic and Platinum Book Cover Review Packages.Email your book covers to: submissions@zlspublishing.comMail your books to: ZLS Publishing, Book Reviews-255 Orange Street, Suite 207, Albany, NY 12208Email any e-books to submissions@zlspublishing.com
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Dissertation Writing Help For Students !!

Among many students dissertation writing help is a famous educational word and they use that word for getting help from experts which providing their services in this Internet world. The dissertation writing assignment is one of the most intense academic experiences that educational students face in their academic career. On the contrary one of the saddest moments in the academic community takes place when educational students share their experience that they were not able to complete their dissertation. The entire dissertation writing help process for many educational students appears similar to a mountain looming in the distance, inescapable, magnificent, but impossible to scale.Dissertation topic can be based on various different topics which are related to their fields like: Science, Business, Medicine, Literature and several other subjects. To complete a dissertation the requirements are very different then completing a thesis or an essay. Also dissertation are based on various international writing styles such as: APA (American Psychological Association) Dissertation Format, MLA (Modern Language Association) Dissertation Format, or Turabian or Harvard Dissertation Format.Dissertations require a great deal of work. This is likely the first time a dissertation writing student is making an academic dissertation so the student needs to understand the process, and understand the advice of the dissertation committee; it is likely that dissertation students will do more re-writes than the student can count. Dissertation help students must develop the attitude that no matter how difficult the dissertation topic the students must utilize their personal ability to make a dissertation properly and in the due course of time.The fear of the dissertation writing help process is a huge barrier for educational students. The process of working on a dissertation can cause an otherwise highly intelligent student who has earned full credit for all educational classes to run. Sometimes the student runs the other direction and quits the educational program becoming an all but custom dissertation for the rest of the student's life.Most of the students get help from online dissertation writing help and they are very much satisfied with the services. They not only get the help to write their dissertation but also get consultancy to pick any dissertation topic from the experts without any cost. We believe in making careers not on making money only. We are professionals but we are professors also so do not worry and get your dissertation help from us. We care for your degree and about your career.
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5 Ways to Create the Life You Want!

Who are you and what is it that you want out of life? These are questions that we should all seek the answers to and examine frequently. It is when we are honest about what we are feeling and what we want to experience that we can begin to live a more fulfilled life.As I experience the blessing of getting older, one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that the more authentic you are with yourself the more meaningful and joyful life becomes.My grandmother use to say, "If you live long enough you will have problems and challenges, good times and bad times". Of course, when I was younger the true meaning of that statement didn't give me an "ah-ha moment", but now that I have lived life a little longer I now welcome those wise words.Life becomes more meaningful when you know what your vision is and the choices and decisions you make are all contributing to the fulfillment of that vision. Yes, it will take hard work, persistence and a focused mind-set and you'll deal with obstacles and challenges along the way, but learning to overcome them and creating the life you want is worth it!We must learn to become authentic with ourselves by discovering who we are, what we like and what we don't like. We must be willing unveil all of our dreams and goals and love ourselves enough to embrace and accomplish them.We must stop hiding behind excuses and find the courage to create the life that we really want!Here are five ways to get started:1. Ask yourself,"What is it that I want out of life?" Sounds simple right? Well, it's not a simple question and don't be surprised if you really don't know!2. Ask yourself, "What is it that I don't want out of life?" This might be easier to answer than the first questions and can often help you with discovering what you do want.3. Write your vision. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 to 5 years? What will you be doing and experiencing? What's most important to you to accomplish in life?4. Identify the skills you will need to be successful. Personal development is the cornerstone of success and if you don't work on areas that need improvement in your life - you can't create the life you want. Commit to spending 45 minutes daily on personal development.5. Surround yourself with positive thoughts, people, places and things. "You are what you take in." The negative influences of television, friends, family and others can all have a negative impact on you and it can cause you to loose focus on what's really important in your life. Make a commit to surround yourself with things that contribute to you having a positive and joyful experience.Life really is what you make it and you have the choice to make it a joyful one or one that is full of despair, fear and mediocrity. What will your choice be?About the Writer:Trina Newby is founder of Women About Biz an online small business education and connection network just for business women. For more than 20 years, she has helped thousands of women start and grow their small business.
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Twenty-something branches out on her own with The Lioness GroupSPRINGFIELD, MASS. June 17, 2009 – With less employment options to turn to, many college graduates and early to mid-level professionals are investing in their greatest asset – themselves.“I like to think that I am a reflection of young, Black twenty-somethings looking to go into business for themselves. I want The Lioness Group to be a mirror image of our local business community and representing a diverse clientele will allow me to do that,” Natasha Clark, recent founder of The Lioness Group said.“I've always been asked if I do freelance work on the side. I never had the courage to actually step out and establish myself as a separate entity. But like so many other twenty-somethings facing this economic crisis, I realized that my future and talents are best left to be managed by me. The Lioness Group will allow me to do that on my own terms,” Clark said.The Lioness Group aims to serve entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to get their passion out to the masses, but it has an immediate goal of serving the minority business population. The last thing a small business owner wants to do is a face phenomenal fee after they've just invested so much into getting their dream up and running. The Lioness Group offers affordable, quality writing, editing and media services to entrepreneurs, artists, authors and small business owners including Web site content, marketing strategies, public relations and more.As a journalist, Clark has spent the last several years working with members of the local business community and getting an understanding of what they need. She has the dual advantage of standing in both the shoes of the entrepreneur and those of the media. She said it is terrifying being on the opposite end.“I think as a reporter, we tend to get in and out and we’re on to the next thing. As an entrepreneur the stress, the workload, it’s all waiting for you in the morning,” Clark explained. “I never considered starting my own company. I love to write and I’ve always been pleased to do it for someone else. But with layoffs, cuts and rising costs, I had to reevaluate my career path.”About The Lioness GroupThe Lioness Group was founded in 2009 after local business owners expressed a need for quality, low-cost writing and media services. For more information visit www.thelionessgroup.com
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YOUTHFUL THOUGHTS ANTHOLOGYQUARTERLY CONTESTTHE THIRD QUARTER TOPIC IS:BEDTIME STORIESTHE DEALIO:Create your own bedtime story, reminisce about bedtime stories read to YOU, talk about your favorite bedtime story, or talk about something that happened at bedtime (ex: a nightly ritual)THE CATCH:~ You MUST BE between the ages of 13-18 and a student (public, charter, homeschool, alternative, etc)~ Material can be up to 4,000 words max.~ Material can be either fiction or non-fiction in the form of a short story or a poem.~ No violent content (rape, murder, sodomy, incest, etc) or excessive use of swear words.~ No limit to number of entries.~ Material MUST BE original and unpublished.~ Please edit your work before sending it in. Material with numerous mistakes is annoying.~ Authors will receive a free copy of the Anthology and a copy will be donated to the author’s school library.~ Authors and school library will be able to purchase additional copies at a ten percent discount.~ All entrants will be notified of the contest results the 1st month following the end of each quarter. If you do not receive an email during the first two weeks, then your work was not chosen.~ Author will maintain copyrights and the ability to submit the story elsewhere, as long as Youthful Wisdom Press maintains the rights to publish the work first. There is no financial compensation for publication of your story.~ All submissions must go through a selection process. If your story is chosen, we will notify you by email and send you permission forms to return.~ Contest will close after a total 100 entries. If the amount is not reached, entry fees will be refunded.DEADLINE:Sept 30th, midnight MST. No submissions will be accepted after this date.THE PRICE:$10/per entry - Please pay first before submitting and be sure to include the title of your entry. If you submit without payment, your entry will be deleted.GO TO WEBSITE TO PAY FEE AND ENTER YOUR MATERIAL
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We are looking for teen writers to contribute to our monthly newsletter:~ MUST BE a student between the ages of 13-18~ Material MUST BE writing related (tips, how-to’s, writing routines, how you got started writing, etc)~ Material can be up to 800 words MAX. Please use the Word Count feature. Material exceeding this requirement will be deleted.~ Multiple submissions are allowed.~ Please thoroughly edit and proofread your work before submitting. Material with excessive typos and bad grammar will be deleted.~ Please send your submissions to: info@youthfulwisdompress.com with “YOUTHFUL MUSINGS NEWSLETTER” in the Subject Line. Send your material in a Word attachment. In the body of the email, please include the following: first name and initial of last name, age, name of school, grade, city and state, valid email address. We will notify you when your material will be published.~ If you submit, you MUST subscribe to the newsletter.NOTE: There is no monetary compensation for submitting your material. This opportunity is to hone your writing skills. This is subject to change.
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Monthly Archives