stop (6) 1-800-652-7157 Stop buying net30's and business credit services if you have bad credit.  hen you try to build up your business credit by purchasing net30's, trade lines, having corporate financials and taxes prepared as well as add ucc's to the company, you still are not guaranteed to get the funing you need to help your business.

Most banks and other lending instituions are insisting you do a personal guarantee or have enough assets to cover the loan.  Many of us, unfortunately don't have assets to cover the loan, however we can fix our personal credit to sign off for the loan.  

Good credit Union helps people all the time to fix their personal credit and help them obtain loans upto $50k in cash funding under their personal credit.  Business Credit America builds the client a 3 to 5 year old shelf corp and pair it up with their personal credit to get them up to $100k in cash funding.

I understand many of us have been taught it's not necessary to use your personal credit to get funding under the business, however due to new rules and regulations with the financial institutions things have changed.  I try to encourage people to fix their personal credit first because they will be able to have access to many other opportunities.  They can buy a car with no money down, pay lower interest rates on loans for mortgages, and personal loans.

This Tax season fix your personal credit first and you'll have access to money all year long.

Check out our other great services
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 This is a clients file that allowed us to use it as a testimonial video.  This is not a cpn file.  This individual only had a childsupport case showing on his credit.  We added 5 Authorize User to his account to get him in the 700's due to the fact we had applied for several credit cards and a loan.  This individual was approved for a Amex card, a $5k discover card and a $4100.00 citi card.

Check our our other great services.
2013 and Past Due Tax Preparation for Personal and Small Business Taxes
Business Credit Building with No Upfront Fee
Personal Credit Sweep
Personal Credit Repair
Bankruptcy Removal
Private Student Loan Removal
Guarantee Funding
Foreclosure Removal
Chex System Removal
Seasoned Trade Lines
Retirement Plan Transfer to your Corporation
Car Repossession Removal
Credit Card Charge off Removal
Free Net30 Account Reporting
Dun and Bradstreet File Review 1-800-652-7157

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Hello Powerful one!
It's real! Many people are struggling with the emotion fear.
This is an urgent call in response to the vibe I'm feeling amongst women and
people everywhere. I'm gifting this fre.e laser coaching call to 90 women.
A few will be selected to receive laser coaching on the call. 
It's time to blast fear, procrastination and get focused so you can manifest your best year ever!
Register for access =>

Is fear holding you back from realizing
the empowering success you so deserve?
...Request your Scholarship to Robin's Urgent
FREE laser coaching call today!
I have a question for you. What could you do if you were fear-less?

Fear can steal years from you, destroy relationships, hinder opportunities that should have been yours and more! It will also immobilize you. I see and can feel it in the spirit the impact that it is having on many including myself. I have lost many years and lost out on opportunities because of fear. This is why I'm holding this urgent FREE laser coaching call. I want to support as many as I can. I want to be there for you as you break free from the bondage of Fear.

No I'm not saying that you are to become obsessed with eliminating fear, however, I am saying to develop your skills and learn ways to become FAITH-FULL so that you can live an empowered life as opposed to being a victim.

Register now!

This is only open to 90 participants.

You'll get a chance to submit your questions on Fear, procrastination and focus.
I will then answer them on the call and if you desire to participate in a laser coaching session around this you'll be invited to do so on the call.  
Talk to you soon!
P.S. If you're not interested in the laser coaching just join us for the call and
glean from the information shared. I'll start off the call with juicy content for
your empowering success and total transformation!
P.P.S. Once you're in why not share it with your friend(s). They'll love you for it.
This call is a value of over $147 but you're receiving a scholarship to attend at
no cost.

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Are you struggling with the emotion fear?

Why are you struggling? Isn’t it time to take control and acquire the necessary skills to combat fear. I’m not saying to focus on fear because “what you focus on expands!”

There’s no time to contemplate or ponder this thing. It’s time now to break free so you can live your best life ever!

Here are three reasons that you must break free from fear now!


Fear is a Dream Killer
Like procrastination, fear is a thief of time and I know all to well
about this one. There are many opportunities that have been lost
because of fear. I’m sure you can think of some missed opportunities
of your own. This will continue to happen unless you break free.
The life of your dreams is at stake. You must break free now!


Fear is a toxin
Our subconscious mind receives messages from our thoughts and actions
and it doesn’t know whether it’s a temporary or insincere thought.
No, our subconscious mind gets to work on whatever we send its way.
So in essence fear is a toxin to the subconscious mind.


Fear is not a part of God’s plan and is not from God
In the bible we read that God has not given us a spirit of
fear but He’s given us power, love and a sound mind. So if
God didn’t give it to us then we shouldn’t have it and it
hinders the flow of blessing on our lives.

Your goal should never be to focus on totally being free from fear,
that would be unbalanced, however, you should learn keys and the
necessary mindset shifts needed to empower you to live a life free
from the bondage of fear.

What will you do if you never break free? You don’t have to wait
any longer.


I invite you to request access to my FREE laser coaching call “Blast fear, procrastination and get focused!” You’ll hear the value added content I shared and hear the laser coaching a few of the ladies experienced with me on the call.

Go to to get access now!

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There was a time when I used to be amazed at the number of seemingly grown men who were unwilling to be responsible for their own lives and for those of the families they made. Like everyone else, I’ve seen the increasing dismal statistics of fatherlessness in the American community. I would even go so far as to say there is pandemic manlessness as well. Men in our extended families are also becoming increasingly rare. What seems to be commonplace now are families with lots of women, young children, and old men. Young men are few and far between – and getting fewer all the time.Many women have rushed to blame the men for this. After all, ultimately it is their choice to leave; their choice to follow the examples, or the lack thereof, that preceded them. These are grown men and entirely accountable for their action and/or inaction – granted.However, I submit to you that many women – particularly many single mothers – are in the deepest denial about their contribution to this pandemic. In their zeal to raise good sons they have often neglected to raise responsible men who would actually be suitably productive husbands and fathers. So many single mothers, mothering from the own pains and issues, often deliberately or incidentally surrogate their children into “pseudo-spouses”. In the process, these children often receive severely mixed messages. On the one hand, they are constantly reminded of how much they resemble all the worst traits in their fathers. On the other, their mothers are quick to lay guilt trips on them if they dare to establish an independent identity or a different significant female relationship. These boys get angry and resentful, so the mother’s remedy is often to indulge them. They are rewarded with material things in return for their faithfulness to fulfilling their mother’s wishes.And so the cycle continues until the sex drive takes over. Now, these same young men start “mating and procreating” with no significant grasp of the level of responsibility that creates. However, thinking that they do, they often “try” to be there. That usually lasts until he gets overwhelmed and/or it’s not fun anymore. She wakes up one day without him; and grandma is raising babies once again. Why? Because we have spawned yet another generation of people who believe the universe exists solely to serve them. If it doesn’t, then there is clearly something wrong with the universe – it couldn’t possibly be something wrong with them. We’ve created yet another generation of perfect pimps and then we get mad at them when they behave accordingly. We often create the monsters that come back to kill us.How do we stop it? Here are three things we can do: 1) Put them out of their parents’ house by age 21 – sooner if they don’t go to college at 18; 2) stop letting them have sex in a home they don’t have a lease/mortgage on; and 3) stop letting them move their girlfriends into that same house.Brain surgery – it is not!Speaking the truth in love,Deidre
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