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Also, do you ladies have any advice on how to market a business such as mine?
WHITNEY,TX - Stephen Pierce, who went from being bankrupt and homeless to running a multi-million dollar business the past ten years, announces the release of his Infinite Internet Income Workshop. As a Certified Accelerated Innovation Trainer, Pierce travels the world and coaches CEOs and other corporate executives. He's also a Certified Coach and works one-on-one with individuals who want to pursue their dreams and set up their own home-based Internet business.
Thanks to his travels toSingapore, Australia, India, Malaysia, Dubai, South Africa and other countries, he's helped thousands of people around the world set up their own successful online business as a result of his coaching and inspiration. "I created the Infinite Internet Income Workshop because making more money doesn’t have to mean working more hours. It’s not about working harder… it’s about working smarter and using leverage."
Thanks to theinternet there is unprecedented opportunity to make money from home, even during difficult economic times.The Infinite Internet Income Workshop will literally change the way you think about making money and help you take concrete steps to ridding yourself of debt and start living a healthier, wealthier life. It shows people step by step how to create an online business and gives members the tools they need to get their websites up and running in hours, with no computer skills required.
In these 3 extraordinary days you will learn…
- How anyone with a computer and Internet connection can make more money starting immediately.
- How to build automated income machines that pump in cash daily to increase your income.
- My step-by-step system for success.
- Mental strategies to overcome obstacles and excel in the face of challenges.
- How to build websites that pump in cash daily and create long-term passive residual income for you and your family.
- How to eliminate your fears and embrace your financial freedom.
- How to start making $100 a day in 14 days.
- How to make quick chunks of cash on the Internet in 3 days or less.
- And tons more!
It can if you're talking about Body Magic, a revolutionary garment designed by a orthopedic surgeon and a medical engineer for a company called Ardyss International.
Ardyss was founded by the Diaz de Leon family in Mexico a little over 20 years ago. The company expanded to the United States of America around 2008. It is still a family owned and operated company to this day. Ardyss offers a reshaping line of garments for both men and women, a 100% all natural line of nutritional supplements and a cosmetic/skin care line.
It's flagship product the Body Magic is changing the lives of women all over. This garment instantly reduces a women figure and sends her confidence level through the roof. The Body Magic is a two part system, the second part being the Levive juice. The Levive contains the 5 most potent antioxyden fruits in the world; mangosten, gogi, noni, acai berry and pomogranite. Unlike any garment out there the Body Magic actually reshapes the body while the properties of the Levive juice help to detoxify, provide energy, assist in weight loss and has been said by people drinking it to aid in blood pressure and diabetis regulation.
I personally started wearing the Body Magic and drinking the Levive juice in Nov '09 at which time I was struggling to get into a size 16 today I can easily fit a size 12 and depending on the cut and material wear some 10's. I've had more energy and felt better since taking the nutritional products than I had in a very long time. And yes the results are permanent because I can fit clothes that were hidding in the back of my closet from before I had gained weight and this is even when I'm not wearing my garment.
It is a beautiful and priceless feeling when you can change a womans appearence and give her back the confidence she may have lost with gaining a couple of extra pounds.
To learn more about the nutritional products and garments that are avail please visit you can also reach me at
An appointment with Ardyss will change your life.
Going against the grain
The challenge is to assert yourself not only vigilantly and resolutely but also compassionately, sensitive to others' fear, yet always mindful not to sacrifice yourself in order to preserve a relationsip. Those who truly love us will eventually celebrate our success and (hopefully) be inspired to live in more deeply satisfying and personally expressive ways themselves.
I know there are a lot of members of the community that are web designers so I thought I'd share this email I received. It's from Weebly the site I used to create my website.
"We just launched a new theme community, and are giving away in cash to top designers.
Create a theme for Weebly for a chance to win and have it used by websites all over the web!
You want it, you got it.
We've listened carefully to your feedback, and your top request has been for more themes, and better design options. That's why we're proud to release a brand new theme community, where anybody can upload a design and share it with all Weebly users, as well as more powerful design options to customize even further. It's all under the new "Design" tab.
So, how do I win?
- Learn how to create a theme for Weebly. It's simple!
- Submit your design to the contest as a PSD file by April 30th (you only have to design the theme -- we'll convert it to HTML for you)
- Our panel of well-known designers will choose the top 10 best themes
- The Weebly users will vote for the top prize winners!
How much can I win?
- 1st Place: $10,000
- 2nd Place: $2,000
- 3rd Place: $1,000
- All top 10 designers will be recognized on the Weebly blog and receive a special bonus gift too!"
Good Luck!
Stephanie LaRae
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Ask James!!
WHITNEY,TX -March 25, 2010 - Stephen Pierce, the World’s #1 Internet Wealth Advocate, announces the launch of his new workshop, Infinite Internet Income Workshop, . Pierce has appeared on FOX News, NBC News, ABC News, CBS, DayTime, Daystar, ABC News Radio, Bloomberg Business Radio and other major network TV stations and cable shows radio programs to explain to audiences how they, too, can make money from their homes on the internet they way Pierce has for the past ten years.
"It takes as much time to stay broke as it does to earn $100,000 per month," says Pierce. "The key to surviving in a down economy isn't a second job. It's passive residual income from work you only do one time. I teach you
exactly how to do that."
The Internet Income Workshop gives people the ongoing support theyneed as they create online businesses from their homes, yet it is also priced very economically so that it can fit most any budget. The attendance fee is only $49.00 for all three days. "I’ve never forgotten what it was like to literally own nothing. I would’ve given anything for a little bit of guidance at the beginning. I would have loved a real step-by-step money making system like my Infinite Internet Income Workshop years ago. It would have helped me to avoid costly mistakes and succeed much faster," says Pierce.
During the Infinite Internet Income Workshop, attendees will learnhow they can:
* Come home to automate cash each day.
* Doing what you want, and loving what you do.
* Beingcomfortable and secure as your family’s provider.
* Paying off lingering debt.
* Genuinely understanding “thepursuit of happiness”, as you live your American Dream!
InfiniteInternet Income Workshop attendees include stay-at-home moms, retired folks, real estate investors, financial planners and people from all walks of life. You don't need to have any computer skills to become
attend this training and to use the tools taught to participants. For more information about the Infinite Internet Income Workshop visit
Actually, a better question is how to increase the size of your circle to include more people. In order to refer you business, people need to know, like, and trust you. They want to be sure that you will take good care of the clients they send you. For that, they'd like to be better acquainted than just hearing your name.
Imagine that you had a group of 100 people who were willing to refer clients to you. Now, imagine further that this "circle of 100" were people whose own work put them in touch with your potential clients every day. Sounds ideal, doesn't it? Building a circle like this of your own may be easier than you think.
One of my clients, a graphic designer, set about doing exactly this when she first launched her business. She identified a list of people in her city who were likely to be strong referral sources, and began methodically making their acquaintance. Within a few months, she had a steady stream of new clients. Better still, since all these clients were referrals, they were usually ready to do business when they first contacted her, and required little selling on her part.
To use this approach effectively, it's not just a matter of knowing enough people. You have to know the right people. Here's how to begin:
1. Create a most-wanted list of ten occupational categories whose members are frequently in touch with the type of client you desire. For example, a graphic designer who specializes in working with small start-up businesses might choose accountants, attorneys, bankers, business coaches and consultants, business teachers, career counselors, entrepreneurship center staff, office supply vendors, printers, and secretarial services.
2. Make the acquaintance of ten people in each occupation. Seek them out, meet with them, and familiarize them with your expertise and the benefits of the service you offer. Find out more about what they do and the type of clients they serve so you can refer business to them as well.
3. When you connect with someone who seems open to sending you business referrals from time to time, you have found a referral partner. Add their name to your list. Ten people times ten occupations equals your circle of 100.
No matter what your business is, if you can define your niche, you can identify others that serve it. A marketing consultant might target web designers, copywriters, and graphic artists. A massage therapist could seek out chiropractors, acupuncturists, and yoga instructors. If you have trouble coming up with a list of occupations, ask your current clients who else they currently do business with.
When you have a specific goal like this in mind, your networking can become much more focused. As you meet new people, you'll be able to decide just from looking at the title on their business card whether following up with them should be part of your plan. Whenever you meet someone whose occupation matches one on your list, ask, "I think we might be able to refer each other clients. Can we get together and talk about that?"
Share your most-wanted list with others, and ask for introductions to people they already know. For example, if accountants are on your list, ask your clients, colleagues, and friends who their accountant is. Or if you are seeking business instructors, ask friends for the names of instructors they have taken business classes from.
When you aren't able to make enough connections through networking and your existing contacts, don't be afraid to just look them up. You can find people in almost any occupation listed in your local phone directory or on the web. If you approach them as a colleague and express your desire for the two of you to help each other be more successful, you'll find many people willing to get better acquainted.
Regardless of how you first get in touch, some of the people you talk to won't be receptive to getting to know you better or the idea of referring each other business. That's okay. You only need ten names for each occupation, and there are plenty of people to choose from. Just move on to the next possibility.
Also, don't be concerned if you fear that you won't have any business referrals to give the people you're talking to. Neither of you are making a promise to send each other clients; you are simply expanding your circles to increase the likelihood of that happening. As you get to know more people in your niche, it's quite likely that you will find yourself making referrals more often.
One of the most useful elements of this strategy is that it is both simple and systematic. All you have to do is look at your most-wanted list, and you'll know right away what needs to be done next. Do you need to add more occupations, or do you need more new names in any group to reach your total of 100? Just follow the suggestions above until you get there.
Once you have 100 names listed, you can change your tactics from getting acquainted to following up. Stay in touch with everyone on your list at least once per quarter. With only 100 names, you should be able to do that easily.
Over time, you may find that some of the people in your circle aren't particularly good referral sources. That's to be expected. The reason you want so many names to start with is that only a few of them will consistently refer. You can always add more names later to replace some of the people who don't seem as helpful. It's likely, though, that just a few steady referral partners will be more than enough to keep you busy.
Become a referral partner today! Register your business in our directory it's simple and free

How to Add Romance Back Into Your Relationship With 2 Easy Tips!
By Deanna Raymond
Is the romance missing? Do you want more passion? Do you crave more attention? Every relationship goes through ups and downs. But those that can navigate these times are the ones that will last. If you want more from your relationship...if you want to feel like you felt when you first got together... this is the start. Of course, there is more to it than this, but this where you need to begin to reignite the flame and re-spark the passion. And it begins with you. Yes, you.
I'm sure you are thinking "why me?" My partner is the one that is at fault. Well, that may be the case, but really it takes two to make a relationship and you can take the steps needed to pull you both out of this. OK, now that that is out of the way, and you've set your ego aside for a second try this...
Try talking to your partner about your needs. Out of so many couples I've talked to, you would be surprised at just how many times one person isn't aware that there is a problem. We all get busy. Jobs, gets in the way. And sometimes just talking to your partner and telling them you need a bit more romance is all it takes. Try it!
Next tip is to consider setting up one night a week (or every other week if you are both really busy) to have a date night. This night is dedicated to just the two of you. Candlelight dinner, some mood music, time to just share with each other. This date night idea has helped more couples than I could begin to count.
Learn how easy it is to Rekindle That Love when you Click Here Now!
Article Source:!&id=3983987

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.
You'll always hit what you aim for in the long run. So why not aim high?
Have the courage to follow your dreams. It's the first step towards attaining your destiny.
If you can dream it, you can do it. If you don't have a dream,
how are you going to make it come true?
In order to succeed beyond your wildest expectations, you need some wild expectations.
By: La Bella Baskets Administration
Enjoy your day and please share with others..
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Step 2
Focus on what you already have, evenif you don't have a lot of material or monetary things. Most of our blessings
come in the smallest of packages; they are the things we tend to take for
Exercise to strengthen your mind and body. You'll look and feel like a million bucks, even if you don't have it.
Surround yourself with positive, goal-driven people who want something out of life and are doing what is
Find something that you enjoy doing and are really good at. Turn it into an opportunity to make money and new
friends. Refer to those self-help/enrichment books for ideas and tips.
Step 6Be persistent. If something doesn'twork the first time you try it, don't give up. Keep working at it and look for ways to improve your approach.
Step 7
Join a support group online or inyour local area. Listening to others in need can be therapeutic for you and
them. Inspire each other and don't judge.
Learn to forgive those who hurt you in the past and let go of things you have no control over. This baggage will
Step 9
If you're fortunate enough to be aparent, look into your angel's beautiful eyes and smile. Give him or her a bear hug and kiss and listen to them coo. Do this at least 10 times a day if you can. Don't forget to
Stay organized and focus on what needs to be done. Make a list of items that are to be addressed, devise a
detailed plan and stick to it. Before you know it, you'll start to work your
way through the maze.
Reach out to someone else in need and offer a little of yourself. Volunteer at a local nursing home or become a