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We are currently beta testing this new system, which means the signup fee will increase once testing is complete. During this time access to non members is limited to the main page only.
If you still haven't signed up to BBWO, now is the time to do so. Existing members can now receive earnings for inviting the women in their circle to join the network. To learn more about this new initiative review Building BBWO: The $5,000 Challenge.
Project Details are available:
For Members:
For Non Members:
"Live Events, Business Development Opportunities, Financial Counseling, Jobs, Investment Capital … these are the things I am working towards adding to BBWO in the near future. ... Ultimately my goal is to continue to build BBWO, make it better, and give back to you in the process." -LaShanda Henry
I have been in the shea body butter business since 2006. As a woman who wears her hair natural, I've been working with my butters and oils over the years to create a formulation that is both good for the hair and
will also give me the shine and curl definition that I need.
I've tried many products on the market, but always found them too sticky, too greasy or too many chemicals. I also don't care for the use of mineral oil on my hair because it doesn't seem to absorb. (Note
that I am not against mineral oil - I use good ol' Vaseline for those pesky edges as well as to remove makeup on occasion.)
After much experimentation and melting and whipping, I finally created a product that is great for my, and my daughter's natural hair. It gives us shine and curl definition and is never sticky or too greasy.
I call it Curlicreme, and it contains shea butter, mango butter, aloe vera gel and black castor oil.
Check it out here.
You can purchase a 2 oz jar for just 5.00 plus shipping.
If you have any questions please post comments!
I was having a conversation with Tee89 over at Fabby Girl, about women sticking together. Iwas never one to have many female friends growing up, but now as anadult, I see the value in having female friends. It's just two sexes onthis planet. And, the males have dominated it, but last I heard, theearth was called MOTHER EARTH. So, women, take heed in our power. Someof us are fragile, weak-minded, strong, strong-willed when we are byourselves. Imagine when all of us with our many talents and weaknessesand strengths bond together.
When you have time, read or just scan through this article. It is about a women gang for justice. Enjoy!!
Help with Your Ning Network
Help with Starting a Business Online
Help with Low Cost Marketing Strategies & Driving Traffic to Your Site
Help with Making Money online
Help with Starting a Blog
Help with Selling eBooks Online
Of course don't forget to visit my Ask LaShanda page, where you can leave a comment and ask me a question.
More to come | Lashanda Henry @sistasense
(Info is taken from
What Is the Divine Self?
Orin refers to your Divine Self as the Self that exists at an even higher level than your soul. It is the Divine essence of your being, the source of all light and life within you. Your soul is closer to your personality, and is an intermediary between you and your Divine Self until such time as you are able to directly experience and realize the Divine Self as who you are.
Why Contact Your Divine Self?
As you open to your Divine Self, you can receive its guidance, peace, harmony, and illuminating light. You can more easily turn away from the distractions of the physical world, and restore yourself in the light, love, and power of this eternal Self.
Through this Self, you can play in the world of all potential and manifest your highest path. This Self will reveal the illusions, desires, and attachments that keep you trapped in a lower vibration and on a lesser path. You gain a greater ability to recognize limiting, disharmonious, and restricting energies and forms. Not only will It reveal these limitations; contact with this Self will enable you to have the power, wisdom, and vision to release these energies.
Your Divine Self is always trying to reach you, to send you the power, illumination, love, and wisdom to draw higher forms, thoughts, feelings, and situations into your life. Your Divine Self is wise; it knows all, and is always showing you an easier, better, more joyful way to live.
Contacting Your Divine Self
Your Divine Self is always trying to reach you, to send you the illumination, love, and wisdom to live as your Divine Self. You can open to all the gifts that it has for you by consciously making contact with it, opening to it, and asking for Its guidance and assistance. You need to make contact, to open up to, and to have the intention for this to occur. Remember that this Self is who you are, so you are opening to that greater part of yourself.
You do not need to use will power, to struggle, to effort, or to try hard to contact your Divine Self. All you need do is set your intention and open to all the gifts of consciousness that await you as you connect with this innermost Self.
One way to contact your Divine Self is through silence. This connection happens beyond the mind. Because of this you may not feel you have made contact. Your intention to connect with your Divine Self and your receptivity to It are all that are needed to make this connection and to receive Its guidance, energy, and inspiration. It always responds to your call.
1. Start by sitting quietly. Set your intention to make contact with your Divine Self, to open to It and to receive Its energy, love, inspiration, and all the transformation, awareness, and gifts of consciousness It is always offering you.
2. Let go of any thoughts, and imagine that you are infinite intelligence, unconditional love, and all knowing wisdom, looking out through your eyes. Sense the "I" within you that is always present, that which is pure awareness.
3. Let your mind come completely to rest, to a state of inner stillness, with nothing to do or think about, even if just for a moment. Let go of any thoughts about the outer world and go within, asking for your Divine Self to draw you into Itself.
4. You can make the connection to your Divine Self even stronger by having the intention to release any thoughts or beliefs that may be an obstacle to contacting your Divine Self or to receiving Its gifts.
5. If you would like, ask for guidance, an insight, or an answer as you enter into the silence.
6. It is in moments of silence that the Divine Self can impart to you as much of Its wisdom, power, and love that you can receive. Notice what new thoughts you have after these moments of silence, calling upon your Divine Self. Doing this brings more power, love, wisdom, guidance, abundance, and spiritual vision.
7. Afterward, you may receive an inner message (it is fine if this feels like you giving yourself a message). Contact may come through a sense of energy, peace, an inner knowingness, an answer, a deeper breath, or in many other ways. It is fine if you do not have any response you can feel or identify; know that contact has been made simply through your intention to make contact. With this, some insight, extra energy, or inspiration has been imparted to you that will unfold at the perfect time.
You do not have to spend a lot of time doing this meditation; in fact it is very effective to have frequent ten or twenty second meditation periods during the day. Even pausing briefly during a busy day to get quiet and ask for energy or guidance is a wonderful way to deepen contact with your Divine Self.
Some Descriptions and Qualities of the Divine, Eternal Self
Omnipresent (everywhere at once).
Omnipotent (all powerful).
Omniscient (all-knowing).
Eternal, infinite perfection of being.
Infinite Being, love, and wisdom.
Infinite, endless light.
Self that is free from all attachments and beyond all action.
Self that is constant, unchanging, indestructible, and immutable. Is always the same.
Self that is the observer, the witness of your experience.
Witness of the activities of mind, but not identified with them.
Source of all answers.
A center of consciousness within the One Life.
A center of consciousness in the great ocean of Life.
A center of consciousness upon the surface of the one great "I."
The consciousness of the whole, manifesting through your point or center of consciousness.
Consciousness at rest, no thought.
Note that all words or descriptions of the Divine Self are inadequate; the Self can only be known through a direct experience of It and cannot be known through the rational mind.
Your consciousness gradually expands until it realizes its identity with the Whole. Beneath all forms and names of the visible world, there is to be found One Life–One Power–One Existence–One Reality–ONE.
Clearing Blockages with Your Divine Self
Your Divine Self is able to break through the limitations of your personality and concepts, and open you to new ways of living and being. Connecting with this Self brings a sense of flow, of moving with the current, and of being on an upward spiral.
Your Divine Self is always with you, guiding you and sending you exactly what energy you need in that moment. Your Divine Self is like a sun that shines eternally. It opens the way to a more spiritual existence. It has many gifts and blessings for you, more than you could even think to ask for.
Your Divine Self has the power to bring about the divine Plan of your life. It brings miracles, synchronicity, and all events and circumstances that are required for your unfoldment.
Your Divine Self can lead you to enlightenment, clear the way, and give you answers. It knows that lack and limitation is an illusion. It holds the blueprint of your perfection, and knows that you are perfect just as you are. Sense the power that you have at your command as the Divine Self–the spiritual power of love, wisdom, and the ability to make things happen.
Using the above process to contact your Divine Self, sit quietly, and open up to your Divine Self. Let your mind come to a state of rest, of stillness, of no thought. In a state of stillness, allow the power, wisdom, love, harmony, and freedom of your Divine Self to flow into you, restoring and revitalizing you.
Ask this Self within you to send you an idea, blessing, wisdom, or answer. Any sincere and earnest call made to the Self will always invoke Its response. Remain open to receive this response. It may come as energy, insights, a path or doorway may open up, a new opportunity may come to you, energy may be withdrawn from one path; you may receive a new vision, understanding, a feeling of peace and harmony; there are ways your Divine Self connects with you that are too numerous to list. Remain open for the response in whatever way it may come to you.
More Suggestions to ask your Divine Self to do for you as you connect with It:
1.Open your heart, and release any thoughts or feelings that are less than loving to yourself and others
2. Free you from all thoughts and energies that keep you from hearing Its voice, from knowing Its wisdom
3.Release things that are keeping you stuck or unable to move forward in some area of your life
4.Remove doubts or distractions that keep you from your higher path
5.Dissipate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that stop you from creating a life of beauty, joy, harmony, and peace
6.Dissolve desires and attachments that keep you recreating the past
7.Give you the strength, courage, and power to release any forms or situations that are taking the life out of you
8.Free you from fear–fear of change, of the new, of the unknown, of taking a risk, of being your Divine Self
9.Liberate you from all imprisoning forms that keep you bound to a lesser path and a less joyful life
10.Release all lesser energies within you that are holding you back
11.Take away negative self images, self-criticism, and thoughts that you have been a failure in anything in your life
12.Release illusions or mental concepts that are keeping you from seeing your next steps and higher path
13.Release the cause of any negative circumstance in your life, so that you cannot recreate it
14.Think of anything else and ask! There is nothing your Divine Self cannot do!
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*Some services are only available for co-workers who rent a permanent space.
Enjoy Life Co-working! A Creative Suite for Creative Minds. Coming Mid August - Now accepting applicants!
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Today's DailyClick is brought to you by the Black Girl Click Ad Network and the Search Urban Directory. Would you like to be featured in the Daily Click? Click Here to submit your website for review.
It is said that each of us has a circle of influence of at least 200 people. This circle includes friends, family clients and business colleagues. Recently on my blog Women of color in business I posted about referrals being one of the best ways to help your business grow, word of mouth can definitely help or hurt your business.
Let's say you are a gift basket consultant and your attend a family/business picnic where you meet the wife of one of the business men attending the outing, lets call his wife Anne. You talk a little with Anne and you find out that she is an Avon representative. You talk just enough with her to be polite but discount really taking any time to get to know Anne as any type of connection your business would or could associate with.
A few weeks later you find out that one of your competitors who also attended the picnic ended up with a large corporate account from a client of Anne's. You're floored and you can't figure out how this could be possible as Anne is just an Avon representative after all she couldn't possible know anyone your gift consulting business could obtain a large order from.
Wrong! - Your competitor took the time to get to know Anne and Anne was more than happy to share information about your competitor with her circle of influence.
Best practice? Never discount the circle of influence of any of your colleagues, friends, clients or family. You never know who they might know. Someone within their circle could be the perfect client for you.
Tina D. Fermin is the owner of TD Gift Solutions, LLC. A gift consulting company using the WINS of your clients, friends, family and colleagues to create gifts you will be remembered for. Need a gift unique to your business or a large order for events or hotel amenities, contact us for gifts that make your statement.
Recently I had the honor of meeeting the lovely and powerful Queen Afua.
For those who may not know who she is, she is the author of such books as "The sacred woman", "Heal Thyself" and "Overcoming an angry vagina."
The event was for a grand opening for The Afrikan Woman Institute of Atlanta.
I received some powerful messages and
I saw some things that I did not expect to see at the venue.
Some danced and some cried.
I danced.
SoulSeed Tees was a vendor as well and I learned some valuable things that I wanted to share:
- Know your venue
- Check out the facility where the event is to be held
- Find out if there is an admission to get in & if so how much
- Make sure there has been adequate advertising
In keeping my experiences real
I have to say that economically working the
event was not worth the 5 hour drive or the money that was spent
because there were not enough people,
the facilties were small and there was an admission to see Queen Afua speak on Day 2 .
Charging an admission affected the spending of the buyers at the event on Day 2 I think.
There are many elements to consider when working events I see.
By no means am I knocking the Afrikan Woman Institute of Atlanta.
I think as they grow they will be valuable to the community.
The venue was just not very beneficial to the vendors that attended.
Does anyone else have any tips or shared experiences on vending?
I am all ears.
Thank you!
LaShanda Henry
Click here to leave comment about BBWO on our Facebook page.
Flies. They walk over s**t. They trample through carrion. Their babies are maggots. I know they’re God’s creatures. I know they have a purpose. I know they have as much right to life as I have. But. I hate flies. I abhor them. I despise them. I kill them.
Unlike spiders, flies do their best to announce their presence. They fly recklessly around the room, eventually two centimeters from my face always at eye level. And they buzz. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Twitter for me is like a fly. All day long tweople buzz their quotes from Ghandi and the Dalai Lama around the head of the internet. They recklessly toss their products and free offers in my face, whether I want them or not. They fly around my home space and stop to show off the long trains
of conversation they’re privileged to have with this celebrity or that entertainer. They distract me with insignificant news of being stuck in traffic or of how busy they are buzzing in their followers’ ears.
As an independent publisher, I know only too well that Twitter is a necessary tool that can empower someone like me who’s responsible for establishing her own reader base. After I’ve posted this piece on my blog, I’ll head straight to Twitter to inform those who are following my tweets of its existence. When I read an enlightening article from a Muslim woman on wearing a naquib, I retweeted. When my book is released, I will announce it. I do indeed have a powerful, ready-made venue at hand for spreading my messages. But at what point does a tweeter become as pesky as my friend the fly?
A celebrity that I USED TO follow repeatedly tweeted her request to increase her reach to 10,000 followers. She tweeted a message that went something like this:
“I follow hundreds of people who don’t follow me. People, why aren’t you following me back?” Is there a magic number of followers you need to interest sponsors and advertisers? Is it to prove how popular you are? I used to follow another person who’d save up at least 10 inspirational saying
just so she could tweet them at the same time, in succession. If I want to be reminded that “early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” I’ll read up on my Benjamin Franklin.
I love the tweets that link useful writing tips. I love links to articles that teach me something about another culture. I forward articles and link to blogs that show black women doing something creative and positive with their time here on earth. I’ll check out the websites of twitterers of quality. I may even buy their products. Quantity is just that, and I won’t waste my time following up on someone who buzzes about waiting in line to pump gas or about how delicious organic apples are.
We’ve become so obsessed with numbers that we’ve lost sight of what they really mean. My understanding of Twitter etiquette is that if I follow someone, s/he’ll follow me back regardless of who I am or what I might stand for. Chances are, s/he will never know about my writing process or about my daily life as a black woman living abroad or about how I overcame the
limitations of my identity. Therefore, s/he will not read my book. So what’s the point? I may lose a follower or two or a hundred. But, then again, I’d rather communicate with people who are actually willing to listen to my message than simply be an irritating fly in their ear.
Today's DailyClick is brought to you by the Black Girl Click Ad Network and the Search Urban Directory. Would you like to be featured in the Daily Click? Click Here to submit your website for review.
This article will cover 7 frequently asked questions about online brand presence for career professionals. Unlike most other articles and media that refer to social networking and online visibility, this message will address people who are still in a workplace setting and the relevance of getting engaged in the online wave of the future.
FAQs About Online Brand for Career Professionals:
- Why do I need an online brand presence when I work for someone else? Competing in today's workforce has been quite a different environment these days. Employers are looking more meticulously and for skilled workers, if they're looking at all. Instead of distributing unnecessary salary dollars to have a recruiter travel to job fairs and collect a pay check all day, thousands of dollars can be saved when recruiting is sourced right from the computer. An article on by Stuart J. Johnson followed a survey that indicated more than 70% of HR professionals and recruiters rejected job candidates due to what they found online about them. And I suspect that if employers cannot find you at all, they can see your competitor who has a tremendous online profile, and therefore an automatic advantage over you for the position.
- How do I get started in creating an online brand presence, especially when I don't have these skills? There are lots and lots of social media experts and online tutorials. Once you have identified your personal brand strategy (perhaps with the help of a career coach specializing in this area), you can better determine what learning needs you have and find the resources to fill these needs.
- Everyone has a blog and they're telling me I need one too. What if I'm not really a great writer? Part of your branding strategy should be to determine your communication style. Perhaps, instead of written material, your blog may incorporate audio or something else that suits your preference.
- I don't know what to talk about. What if I don't have anything to say? We all know the old saying about opinions...everyone has one! What is a topic that you know very well, are passionate about, and would love to talk about with other people? Is it a topic that could open doors for someone, or make others feel like they have a strong emotional reaction to? Talk about your area of expertise - only you can share it the way you can.
- My time is already so stretched. How do I fit in the work to really be visible online? This is another key area of your personal branding strategy - mapping out your time and intended frequency online can be one of the best habits to create right at the start. You actually can devote just 15-20 minutes per day once you have established the ground work. You might also consider outsourcing to a virtual assistant specializing in social media communications.
- How do I get people to go see my online resources - e.g. CV/resume, website, blog? You can learn to use any of several different models. What works best for me is using tools like Twitter and Facebook to redirect viewers to links that have my content.
- I'm afraid about privacy online. If I put myself out there, I'll be making myself a target for identity theft, right? Great question. I recommend spending time learning how to protect your data online and offline. Just because you don't have an online presence you have deliberately created yet, does not mean someone can't already access your personal information. The federal government actually has a site with some great tools and tips to protect your identity online:"> This may be a good place to start.
About the Author: Tanya Smith of Be Promotable helps ambitious professional women share their brand brilliance through a powerful online brand presence. To get instant access to her free special report on how to surefire steps to be promotable stop by and visit
Miss Priss Jewels has received its first official jewelery review on
YouTube. The Miss Priss Jewels favorite guru, MakeupD0ll, has done it
once again! She showcased several pieces from the Miss Priss Jewels including
the Hot Pink Rose Cocktail ring, Pearl Encrusted Dreamcatchers, Gold
Dangle Dreamcatchers and many more. The video was a huge success for
Miss Priss Jewels and we'd like to formally thank MakeupD0ll for her
video contribution!

The first post of this blog was published originally in January of 2007, but a catastrophic crash in October of 2008 (before I knew about the importance of backing up my database) caused me to lose all of those
early posts. Prior to this blog for my consulting business I had a personal blogthat I began in the fall of 1998 (before they were actually even called ‘blogs’). So with 12 years of blogging experience under my belt, I
thought I’d write a post about what being a blogger has taught me about life.
1. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want your parents or your children to see.
In the early days, I didn’t tell my parents that I kept a blog. I felt far more free to write whatever I felt like writing when I was pretty sure that they weren’t reading it. Well, the day eventually came when my dad, bless his heart, discovered my blog one day when he googled me. Thank goodness he didn’t find anything embarrassing, but it might have been a more awkward conversation had I been writing about something that they would not have approved of, or would be embarrassing.
Aside from your parents and off-spring, be mindful that your employer or colleagues might also discover your blog, so be mindful of what you write and publish online.
2. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.
Your blog provides you with the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in, to take a stand for your beliefs and defend the ideals that you hold dear. There will be people who will agree and there will be people who will disagree with what you have to say, but don’t let that dissuade you from writing from your heart.
3. Be authentic.
One of my favorite quotes on this topic is by Dr. Suess, and he said, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter won’t mind.” Authenticity totally shines through in everything you write. Don’t try too hard to sound witty, or take on a fake persona. Your individuality is the gift that you offer to the world. Let it shine through.
4. Always publish your best work.
Don’t fall into the trap of waiting until you “get discovered” before you start coming up with fabulous content because it’s the fabulous content that will get you discovered. Write your posts like everyone’s watching. Edit ruthlessly. Find a writing partner to edit and/or proofread for you. Ask for feedback from your readers, and strive to always improve your writing.
5. Having a platform is powerful.
As your blog readership grows you will discover that you are creating a platform for yourself. Your blog is your own media outlet. Don’t squander your chance to put forth your message. Take your blog seriously and others will do the same.
6. Avoid negative posts and bashing or flaming.
Avoid writing scathing posts and railing with negativity about a person or a group. If something has gotten you angry and upset, you might want to take some time and process it and choose the most intelligent course
of action rather than firing off a vitriolic post that you may regret sooner than later.
7. It takes a village.
The blogoshpere is a community, so reach out to other bloggers and create relationships. Offer to guest post on your favorite blogs. Link to your blogging buddies from your blog. Be as supportive as you can of other bloggers within your community.
8. Encourage other bloggers.
Be sure to leave positive comments on other blogs. Find something encouraging to say that goes beyond, “great post.” Show that you read the post and write a comment that adds value and builds up the blogger.
9. It takes commitment.
Maintaining a blog is not easy. With all of the other responsibilities in your life, it can be a challenge to commit to writing three to five blog posts each week and managing all of the other tasks inherent with the job. Determine at the outset if you think you can be committed to maintaining the publishing schedule before you begin.
10. Persistence pays off.
In the end persistence definitely pays off. When you have a blog that is getting decent traffic, a steady flow of comments and good reviews you’ve really got something to be proud of. Don’t give up when things get challenging because the only way to fail is to give up.
If you’re a blogger, please feel free to leave a comment that shares a life lesson you’ve learned from blogging. You are welcome to visit my blog,, for more posts about writing, online marketing and personal development.
Inky Indies... Yay!. Originally began in 2006. Welcome to the Inky Indies Consultant Opportunity 2010. Inky Indies is the exciting party-plan, direct sales channel of I Love Inky, a Eco chic, culture conscious, fun, but values driven manufacturer of nature inspired, yummy and unique hair, beauty and lifestyle products with fabulous benefits for woman of color, but used and loved by everyone!
To get off to a great start, we are looking for Founding Kings and Queens [Team Leaders] one, two or three for every state for this awesome ground floor opportunity. Each Founding Team Leader will receive referrals for their state. Thus, giving them the advantage to build a fantastic team. Hee, hee!
So here's the deal. Enrollment is basically FREE, because I Love Inky will give you back your $35 enrollment cost in "Fast start credit", which means you can then use it towards one of your 3 kit options, priced at $35, $75 or $125, so you can start seriously supplementing your income pretty much right away. Werd Up!
Your enrollment includes training, a free Indie web page. Access to the Eco office portal area where you can download all your business paperwork, like, your product brochures, order forms and training guide. This way you can print out only what you need. 100% Eco-friendly style baby.
Your kits, once chosen by you will ship 14 days after this special enrollment offer closes on August 23rd 2010. However as a courtesy we'll give you immediate [within 1-3 days] access to your Indie web page and to the Indie Eco office portal. This will give you the opportunity to look around and complete new Indie consultant and product training while you wait for your kit to arrive, so you'll have something to do! Weekly online meetings and periodic training events will be held. Scheduled events will be posted to the Indie Facebook group and the Eco office portal. So don't forget to check both areas regularly.
I Love Inky is looking for highly motivated, dedicated individuals only. People that truly want to make some serious lolly, supplement their income and or build a business into a career. I Love Inky officially re-launches on July 23, 2010. Only the first 50 people to enroll by the deadline August 23rd 2010, will receive this special basically FREE enrollment offer!
Example Free Indie consultant web page. The name, telephone number, and state you use to enroll with, will be what is shown on your Indie web page. So pick wisely. You can also add a small 75x75 photo of yourself if you like.
Here is the linky to enrolly
Main website: Email: Tel: 917 720 2073
Peace, Love, Inky XOXO
Today's DailyClick is brought to you by the Black Girl Click Ad Network and the Search Urban Directory. Would you like to be featured in the Daily Click? Click Here to submit your website for review.
But first things first. You need to establish contact with the media so they can determine whether or not you would be a good interview. It starts with the press release.
Here are some tips on getting started:
1. Know your audience.
Who are you trying to reach with your message? "Everyone" is NOT a good answer. You have to target a market: baby boomers, women, work-at-home moms, etc.
2. Why should the media care?
Why should the media person reading this release care? What makes your book, business or product different than the others?
3. Why should the public care?
Why would anyone be interested in what you're offering? Figure that out and make sure you spell it out in the press release. What may seem obvious to you may not be so obvious to the person reading your press release.
4. This isn't an ad.
Nothing is a bigger turnoff than press release writing that sounds like you've put together an advertisement. Reporters want news-worthy stories and ads are not generally newsworthy.
5. Send your release to the right people.
Make certain you send your press release to the right person. If you're mass distributing your release on the internet through a distribution company, choose your target category wisely. If you're sending out releases the old fashioned way, then it pays to send it to a person rather than a generic department or news organization. The best person to send it to is the Assignment Editor in the television newsroom.