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Men… delightful, scrumptious, and wonderful men; I love men. I think they are amazing and interesting. I love the way they look, sound, and process life. But, if loving a man has ever left you feeling confused and frustrated. You are not alone. I admit, men can be some of the most mysterious “creatures” at times. We love them, long for them, and at times want to shake them until some type of emotional response occurs. What is a woman to do? 

Well, if you are interested in cracking a man’s love code and learning how to lovingly and peacefully coexist. I have a few simple tips that will point you in the right direction. But first, I have a couple of questions for you. Then, I am will offer you a few suggestions that can help you get closer to almost any man. 

The questions: 

1. Do you like men? Not only in a romantic sense, but overall. 

2. Do you respect men? 

Yes, I know these questions are unusual, but I have a very specific reason for asking them. If you want to get inside the mind of a man, you must first understand what is important to him. And yes ladies, sex is important. Goodness ladies, you have such a one-track mind. Granted, it is a delightful “track”. But, a wise woman knows there is more to a man’s needs than simply sex. Even if at times that seems to be all he wants. If you really want to get close to a man and have him open up to you; he must know that you like and respect him. Knowing this little secret can almost instantly change the dynamics of your relationships with men.

Genuinely liking and respecting a man is important in the beginning of a relationship and beyond, if you want a man to see you as something more than a sex object then, you must let him know you have a sincere interest in him as a man; show him that you think he is fascinating and that you admire him. 

Sounds a bit old-fashioned, right? Maybe, but we put so much pressure on ourselves to appear a certain way when we are with men or get caught up in trying to beat men at their own “game”. We can easily forget to relax and simply get to know a man person to person. 

So, if you want the inside scoop to better relationships with men here are a few starter tips whether you are just meeting a man or have known him for sometime. If you want your man or men to enjoy your company and develop better communication with them; go back to basics find out:

What are his interests? (Even if you think you know; ask anyway. He may have changed interests or has learned something new about an old one he would love to share with you.)

Who does he admire and why? (This is a big one. It will offer valuable insight into the type of man he is striving to be. Listen carefully to his answers and do some research of your own about the person or people he mentions, This is a great way to gather information for a future conversation.) 

What are his ambitions? (Listen with an open-mind, even if you think his ambitions are impossible or unrealistic. They are his dreams; be supportive.) 

Understanding how to ask good questions is a talent that is underestimated. When you show a real interest in a man as a person; a man will find you fascinating as well. And here's the sweet part; when you follow the above suggestions, a man will find himself thinking about you and he will find a reason; a deep need to spend more time with you. Because, for him, he will have found a woman who is charming, easy to talk to, and whose company he enjoys. This is a win/win situation for both of you.

Does this sound too simple? Well, if you want to become a man magnet whose beauty, intelligence, and sensuality makes you unforgettable. Give it a try:

  • Think about the reasons you truly like men.
  • Think of ways you can show a man true respect
  • Then, think of some basic questions you can ask (or use the ones provided in this article), and watch what happens. 

I can guarantee you will notice a change in the way men respond to you and how you respond to them. It will become easier and you will be able to pick and choose the type of men you invite into your life. Whether that is a new love interest, a new friend, or reigniting the romance between you and your current man; you now have taken the first steps to cracking a man’s love code. Enjoy and we will talk again soon.


Sending you much love and unlimited joy, 

Cyndi Harris, HP (Life and Relationship Transformation Coach) 

Author of the forthcoming book; “The Official Handbook to Becoming Irresistible – Learn How to be a Woman Who Is Positively Unforgettable.” 

www.undeniablyirresistible.com or www.redtentwisdom.com

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RFImageSet139-1024x768.jpg?width=237I have been building my subscriber list for a few years now. It's had wear and tear, much of it because of my abuse.  I switched focus, lost focus, tried different paths, different brands...all of the things new business owners tend to do when they're finding their way.

There are a ton of reasons people stay on your subscriber list.  Many stay even when they're no longer getting value. Maybe it's because they like you as a person, though they don't have interest in your topic. Or maybe they forgot to disconnect at some point. Instead they just delete everything you send.

Perhaps, they find a few tidbits of information you've sent for free they could appreciate, but now that you're asking them to invest they are offended.  The point is - my audience members came in for different reasons and stayed for different reasons.

The danger in this is at some point, you may find yourself with a huge list of people that DON'T CARE A THING ABOUT YOUR OFFER.

Signs of a list that needs to be downsized? You have dead silence when you're sending out market survey questions. You actually look at your metrics and find that your open rate is not only low, it's in the red. No one shows up for your special events that are only for your subscribers.

When these things are happening although you have list quantity, it's a good chance you have a list that needs to be downsized.

Recently I did a downsizing of my list.  It gave me a sense of freedom I never thought I'd have. At first, I was afraid (♪ I was petrified ♫...I love that song...short digression...ok, back on track now). Seriously though, when you work hard to build a good sized list it can be very intimidating to even think about minimizing it or tearing it apart.

But I had to do it.

Ever heard of the law of the vacuum?  Catherine Ponder talked about it in the book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.  It says something like, "Make room for the thing you desire by letting go of that which you do not appreciate or use. Give it away with a giving, charitable heart, and let the Universe compensate you."   In other words, when you let go and make space you have more room to receive what's really meant for you.

I knew that downsizing my list would put me in a different place, giving me the freedom to really talk directly to an interested audience of people who want what I have to share. No more wondering "do they care?" or "is anybody listening?" And for them - the ones who were purged voluntarily from my list - I gave them back freedom, freedom to read and receive information they truly would find useful and immediately applicable.

So how did I do it? I'll break it down for you:

First, I used my email marketing service, Mailchimp (shout out - "eep eep"), to evaluate my list. They have some pretty decent analytics and along with a tool called Hairball, it was pretty easy to create a small list, or segment of people who were rated below a 3 rating. These ratings give you an idea of how often your emails are opened or clicked by the user, along with a few other stats. Your service may have a different way to show you this information.

The key is to figure out who is least active in your list over a period of time. By the way, I did not include users who were fairly new and still building a rating.  Since they recently added themselves to the list, I assumed they have an interest in my content.

Second, I sent out an email to the folks in that group about 14 days before the purge date (you can adapt this to your comfort level). The subject line read something like "Only open this if you want to keep getting my emails!". I wanted to make it super easy for those who didn't open them anyway to take little to no action. Only the genuinely interested people would reply back to say "leave me on the list". And yes, I had several who read the email explaining my "Spring Cleaning List Purge" and they asked to stay on.

Great! That separated those who were missing in action, but still interested so I wouldn't remove them from the active list.

Third, on the date I'd set for myself I exported the segmented list (minus the ones who wanted to stay) and did a mass unsubscribe. I will admit, I was pretty nervous but after I clicked enter I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.  It was like, "now I get to talk to people who really care to connect with me and to get the full benefit of my sharing".

Here was another added benefit I didn't think about until later. You know how many email service providers charge you based on your total count of subscribers? Well, I was able to reduce my own email marketing fees because of the reduced count. Cha-ching!

Now mind you, I would be fine paying more for a more responsive, targeted list. It was just a good reality check to realize that I was actually paying to keep people on my list who never really wanted the info anyway.

So that's my story...and I hope it connects with you in some way. Does it make you think about downsizing your own list?  Don't you think that having 100 or 200 or 500 people who really connect with your message is better than having thousands who don't get it and won't take action at all?

As a business owner, we have choices to make for the good of our customers and ourselves. I chose to downsize for peace of mind and it was one of the best decisions I've made so far in my business.


You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it...

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative online business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. Get free tools to simplify and stand out online at: www.tanyasmithonline.com

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Get your message printed on our 13oz, Reinforced, UV protected, Outside Vinyl Banner!!!


Juniques offers best ad program for Urban Market in Arizona and Neveda.


Hello Community, Juniques is proud to be an authorized rep for The Write Up, Urban Newspaper, attracting the 1.5 million urban market in AZ (and growing)  and Now reaching the Las Vegas Neveda market.

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It’s the power of leverage that opens up the doors of opportunity to gain a lot more with less effort.  For more information and the free report – “Residual Income vs. Linear Income” – send E-mail to cindyo53@earthlink.net (Subject Line: Free Report).

This message is brought to you on behalf of BBWO member Cynthia Owens. To send an e-Blast, click here for more details.


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10744090298?profile=originalAs women entrepreneurs I'm sure we all have goToGirls, other business owners and service professionals we call on when something needs to get done.

In the spirit of sisterhood and small business support, use the comment box below to share some of your favorite GoToGirls!

Here are a few that may be of interest to you:

  • Web Services: I'm not the only web designer in town. BBWO Content Manager, Art Deal helps me add FRESH material to the network every week AND she provides an extensive list of services via her website http://www.artiatesiadeal.com.

  • Book Marketing: Online readers often ask me questions about promoting their books and when I feel they need more help than I can provide I recommend Pam Perry, who specializing in ministry marketing solutions and helping authors develop their PR presence. Be sure to take a look at Pam's - Get Out There Kit, a marketing Bootcamp to help you with your visibility and sales.

Remember this post was created to spotlight OTHER professionals, so please do not share a link to your own business.

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10744091483?profile=originalOprah isn't the only woman entrepreneur with a GREAT women's magazine to share. Post your original publications and/or favorite magazines created by women below.

To start, here are a few that might interest you. And remember to post yours via the comment box below; l just might FEATURE your magazine on my list!

  • SistaSense In Print Magazine
    Founded by BBWO creator LaShanda Henry, this publication features online business and technology tips for women entrepreneurs.

  • Black Love Mag
    Created by BBWO Member Jai Stone, Black Love Mag is a Love & relationship publication produced by the writers at BlackLoveForum.com

  • The PUSH Report Magazine
    Created by BBWO Member Rhonda Nails, the PUSH Report gives readers a glimpse of Success in Entrepreneurship.Topics such as Social Media, Parenting, Business Strategy and Financial Success are covered in each issue.

  • Women of Standard Magazine
    Founded by the dynamic Carla Cannon, this magazine focuses on empowering others & equipping them to live their best lives now!

Featured BBWO Group:
Magazine Mogulettes - a group for women who currently publish magazines, women who are exploring the idea of publishing magazines, or people who want to support, purchase, or contribute to continuing magazines published by women (click here to join).

Looking for more Exposure?

Did you know that you can also add your magazine to the BBWO Books and Magazines Directory? Click here to submit your publication today.

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I know that you have heard that BBWO is looking for members to join our BBWO Expert team. I know that you haven't apply yet. So what are you waiting for? A few have already been chosen but we are still reviewing and looking for more submissions. New experts will be approved periodically.


Here are a few areas of interest we're looking to fill: health, finance, small business events, relationships, being a mom entrepreneur. Click here to apply today.


Also we are still look for websites to be featured in Daily Click.


And before you go that make sure your congratulation BBWO Experts: Tanya Smith (Web Tools and Business Tips for Women), Katrina Harrell (Startup Business Training and Motivation), and Chery Pullins (Personal Development).


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Whether you there live in person or not, you can now get all the video replays from the first ever live SistaSense Power Circle Conference. And here's a special treat for all of our wonderful BBWO Family -  10 Members can use the code 'BBWO10' to get a discount on downloading replays.


Session Includes:

When Your Passion Becomes a Pain: How to Fall Back in Love With Your Business

Presented by LaShanda Henry

9 Steps to Creating a Million Dollar Business: In Three Years or Less

Presented by Richelle Shaw

Platform Building and PR Marketing Success

Presented by Pam Perry

Using Social Media to Boost Your Business

Presented by Dawn Fitch

Explode Your Business With Mobile Marketing

Presented by Gigi Biggins

The Millionaire Mindset

Presented by Carol Sankar

Goals to Money Part 1: Getting your ideas out of your notebook and into your bank account.

Presented by Richelle Shaw

Goals to Money Part 2: Getting your ideas out of your notebook and into your bank account.

Presented by Richelle Shaw

Teaching Online: Get Paid for What You Know. Create Your Own Digital Products starting with a 7 Day Challenge.

Presented by LaShanda Henry

Run don't walk and download the SistaSense Power Circle 2013 Conference replays now! Only 10 codes are available. Make sure you use 'BBWO10' to get a discount on downloading replays

More to come!


Artiatesia Deal
BBWO Content Manager

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Business & Blogging Tips from featured BBWO Blogger: Sylvia Browder


The Scoop on Marketing… 6 Tips for a Successful Business!
In business, marketing is the key to survival. Marketing takes a lot of planning, organizational skills, budget measures and timing. Proper planning and accountability measures will enable you to position your business for success. To ensure maximum ROI (Return on Investment) of your marketing plan, these are 6 tips for a successful business: Number 1 Update Your Marketing Plan (Continue Reading)


Top 5 Challenges Faced By Women In Business…and The Solutions!

Both career women and those in business have faced many obstacles in past decades and unfortunately, still today. Women in the workforce have battled glass ceilings, unequal pay for equal production and undeserved stereotypical barriers. As business prototypes have changed with the advent and growth of the internet, so have the unique issues encountered by women in business. Below are five of these challenges and solutions to overcome and achieve success. (Continue Reading)

5 Top Reasons Why a Website Is Beneficial for Business
If you are a small business and have not yet established an online presence, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to generate more revenue and profit for your company. As of early 2012, reports have shown that there were 2.4 billion internet users worldwide. The internet has become a great tool for buying and selling products and services, sharing files, communicating with friends and family, entertainment, education and many other activities. Many small businesses that acknowledge this fact have taken steps to build an online presence. Let us look at five top reasons why a website is good for your business. As a consultant assisting women in business in rural Southern Alabama, I regularly get asked, “Since my business is very small and I only sell my products or services locally, do I really need a website?” My answer is always the same… YES! If you are a business owner, you need to have an internet presence. Here’s why... (Continue Reading)

5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth
If you are like most women in business, you are looking for new strategies to stimulate growth. Whether solutions to better communicate or how to best manage employees, here are 5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth: #1:Expand thru Alliance Partnership. An extremely effective strategy for expanding your business is by forming an alliance with non-competitive companies. This gives you an instant marketing presence in front of potential clients. Do you know other companies to whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to find who they are and how you can team up and benefit from each other. (Continue Reading)

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Win $1000 Blogging About Angela Davis

10744093276?profile=originalBlack Bloggers Connect & CodeBlack Films Launch #FreeAngela Blogging Contest With $1000 Grand Prize


Black Bloggers Connect™, the leading social network for Black bloggers, has teamed up with Codeblack Films to launch The “Free Angela” Blogging Contest. Codeblack Films is a division of Lionsgate Entertainment, distributor for the highly anticipated film, “Free Angela And All Political Prisoners”. The film, about the life of Angela Davis, was written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Shola Lynch. Free Angela is produced by Shola Lynch, Carole Lambert, Carine Ruszniewski and Sidra Smith. The film's executive producers are Jada Pinkett Smith with Overbrook Entertainment and Shawn “JAY Z” Carter's Roc Nation. Presented by BET Networks, the film will open in select AMC theatres on April 5th 2013.


BlackBloggersConnect.com and Code Black Films will present a $1000 cash prize to the blogger that best blogs about why the “Free Angela” film is necessary. The contest runs from March 7th to April 1st. The winner will be announced on April 5th. Early entries are highly recommended.

Sign up for the contest here or visit BlackBloggersConnect.com.


Media Contact:
Jessica Ann Mitchell
(202) 710-5724

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My main problem is that I stand in my own way. I need, more like must stop doing that. Sometimes as woman business owners we tend to hide. We don't want no one to know about our business but at the same time what them to buy into our business. We need to stop caring what other people are doing and saying and put out business out there. Jessica, Crystal, and Pam are just a few BBWO members giving your way to get yourself and your business out there.


List your website where it will be seen

The National Black Pages is the media powerhouse of top Black media networks & websites. NBP is currently promoting Black businesses online with business listings and news release distribution services. (Continue reading)


Provide a service or product?

Let your fellow BBWO Family know. Check out the exclusive promotions given to BBWO Member only. Let support each other. (Continue Reading)


Are you on Twitter?

Share and connect with other BBWO Members on Twitter. (Continue Reading)


Brand like a Superstar

Like the title of this post says - Stop hiding. You don't need to be a big name company to have great branding. Learn how to Brand like a Superstar. Check out this clip from the Brandingsuperstaruniversity.com (Watch Video Here)


More to come!


Artiatesia Deal
BBWO Content Manager

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Image Courtesy of Fotolia

If you are like most women in business, you are looking for new strategies to stimulate growth. Whether solutions to better communicate or how to best manage employees, here are 5 Proven Strategies to Accelerate Business Growth:


Expand thru Alliance Partnership

An extremely effective strategy for expanding your business is by forming an alliance with non-competitive companies. This gives you an instant marketing presence in front of potential clients. Do you know other companies to whom you share mutual customers with? You should be running, not walking to find who they are and how you can team up and benefit from each other.

For instance, say you are a broker… idea partnerships would include Realtors, mortgage lenders, title companies, appraisers, insurance agents and home builders. The key to this is to learn as much as you can about each partner’s business so that you can promote it as you would your own. This new strategic alliance will enable each of you to grow more rapidly as you have a sales team working on your behalf. It makes so much sense to work smarter and not harder!

To find businesses that complement yours, jot down every linked product or service that you don’t offer but that is related to what you do.

Here are 3 D’s for a Sound Collaboration:

  • Draft an agreement outlining expectations of the partnership
  • Develop a bond with your new alliance partners
  • Decide how marketing activities will be initiated between partners such as handing out marketing material at various networking functions, exchanging banners and links on websites or share a big marketing project.


Build a High Performing Internal Team

Your employees are the lifeline of your business. Treat them well! Promote a healthy and professional culture so that they share your company’s mission, vision, goals and metrics. In addition, challenge and hold each employee accountable to achieve outstanding results. This requires serious dedication and commitment on your part, but well worth it.

Here are 5 ways to invest in your employees:

  • Provide a competitive wage
  • Develop a benefit package
  • Allow flexible schedules
  • Offer professional development thru education and training
  • Create advancement opportunities

By providing security for your employees, you’ll have a dedicated and loyal team. This can lead to long-term success of your company.


Join Women Networks

Many of us know the value of networking. As women, it is important to support each other. A great way to do so is by joining and participating in women networks. There is nothing like socializing with like-minded professionals! Networking is one of the most powerful and cost effective marketing tools and lead generation for small businesses.

There are many advantages to joining networks that are targeted and designed by and for women.

For instance, you can:

  • Make connections and grow your business
  • Learn from industry leaders
  • Get answers to your most pressing issues
  • Form lasting personal and professional relationships
  • Network, brainstorm and empower others in their business pursuits

Go Green Business

Many women are choosing to adapt sustainable and Eco-friendly business practices. Managing a green business is environmentally smart and good for your business's bottom line as it allows you to conserve resources and cut down on waste… thus, saving you money!

Here are 5 Go Green Tips:

  • Read email from your computer. Avoid printing to save on paper.
  • Use electronic invoices and statements. This saves on postage.
  • Scan and email instead of faxing. Again, saves on costs of paper
  • Turn off equipment when not in use. This can reduce energy costs by up to 50%.
  • Use natural light during the day. Substantial savings on your power bill

These are small and simple ways to go green - but can yield big results!


Pay It Forward

The purpose of Pay It Forward is merely taking the focus off of oneself and finding a way to render an act of kindness that will positively impact another life. With success comes a responsibility to help or support other women. For example, since 2004, I've spent countless hours as a volunteer SCOREcounselor and personally mentor aspiring entrepreneurs.

Here are 3 ways to pay it forward:

  • mentor someone
  • make a donation to a non-profit agency
  • offer to do pro bono work on a project where your skills are needed

In conclusion, due to challenging times, it is important to learn to think outside of the box for innovative ways to grow your business. Once you find strategies that work, the outcome can result in an abundance of customers and increased revenue. 


WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as a Project Director of a non-profit women’s organization for the last six years and an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, www.sylviabrowder.com.

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Website Letters Under Construction

If you are a small business and have not yet established an online presence, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to generate more revenue and profit for your company. As of early 2012, reports have shown that there were 2.4 billion internet users worldwide. The internet has become a great tool for buying and selling products and services, sharing files, communicating with friends and family, entertainment, education and many other activities. Many small businesses that acknowledge this fact have taken steps to build an online presence. Let us look at five top reasons why a website is good for your business.

People Are Online

As a consultant assisting women in business in rural Southern Alabama, I regularly get asked, “Since my business is very small and I only sell my products or services locally, do I really need a website?” My answer is always the same… YES! If you are a business owner, you need to have an internet presence. Here’s why:

  • Statistics have shown that about 2.2 billion people used the internet in 2011 - nearly a third of the earth's population.
  • More than $256 billion were spent by internet shoppers in 2011.
  • Current buying trends show that people purchase everything from books, jewelry, vehicles to live stock and real estate.
  • The number of people that make use of the internet every day is on the increase. This means about 70% of the earth's population have access to it.
  • Online shopping has become a normal activity for many internet users. It has proved to be more convenient and cheaper for them.

As you can see, being a small company does not matter when it comes to potential benefits from having a web presence.

Enhance Your Credibility

Since majority of the earth's population make use of the internet, a website is the best way to tell the world about you and your company. This is also an opportunity to explain why you deserve their confidence and trust. In fact, internet users today expect serious business owners to have an online presence. They use the internet to research before buying products and services. Therefore, a website is a great tool to provide useful information about your business and convince your audience that you offer the best product or service. Here are 4 ways to increase credibility to your website:

  • Update your website with pertinent and relevant information on a regular basis
  • Offer visitors with quick and flexible answers to their needs
  • Post testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Provide visitors with a comment section and make sure you respond in a timely manner

A well designed, informative and updated website will add credibility to your business and strengthen your brand.

Search Engine Optimization

Are your competitors outranking you in search results? Imagine a potential customer searching “Animal Clinic San Diego” and the results place your top 5 competitors on the first page while your website is ‘MIA’ (missing in action). Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Mozilla will return the results that are most relevant.

A website that is designed to be an effective Internet marketing tool will increase your website traffic. This internet marketing technique is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. By generating quality back links and creating optimized content, you become an authority before search engines and increase the number of visitors that come to your website.

Global Presence

Imagine serving customers around the world? Since information is always available, people from all over the world can visit your website anytime; and inquire about the products or services that you offer. A website gives you a global footprint exposing you to an international market.

24/7 Exposure

Wouldn’t you like to wake up each morning and ‘ch-ching’ money has magically appeared in your business account? No magic… just a reality for many entrepreneurs. Having a website allows customers to purchase from you 24/7. Your website is sales machine, always open and making sales on your behalf.

I get daily requests for access to my blog. Here are excerpts of two emails that I received this week for access:

“We would like to send you high quality articles that fit your audience… 1 link going to our client's site to each post… pay you $20 per post… send articles in bulk.”

“We will pay you $30 for each article you post… basically our article is related with education”

In conclusion, as you can see, having a professional and optimized website is an important tool in your marketing strategy and a great way to position your company for global exposure.


About Author: Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, www.sylviabrowder.com. She can be contacted at info@sylviabrowder.com

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Marketing mix background concept glowing 


In business, marketing is the key to survival. Marketing takes a lot of planning, organizational skills, budget measures and timing. Proper planning and accountability measures will enable you to position your business for success.  To ensure maximum ROI (Return on Investment) of your marketing plan, these are 6 tips for a successful business:


1.   Update Your Marketing Plan

If you are planning to expand your business or wish to give it a directional turn, then it is important to update your existing marketing plan. With a well thought out marketing plan, it becomes easier for a business owner to systematically promote the company.

In addition, it is imperative that marketing collateral such as business cards, logo, signage and promotional material are in alignment with your overall message.

Updates to your plan should be based on careful assessment of the market, understanding the needs of the consumer and consideration to the objectives and outcomes of the plan.


2.   Create a Marketing Budget

Marketing is crucial for business success. For every marketing plan to reach its full potential, it is vital that a budget is in place.  Allocating too little capital can be a detriment to your future goals. For example, a new business that calculates start-up costs for business cards, logo, flyers, a website and custom shirts is a smart move.

In addition, a business owner should follow a goal-based budgeting plan; one that includes customer service initiatives, communication, and all prospecting activities.


3.   Implement a Marketing Campaign

A marketing campaign includes several activities carried out to accomplish a pre-planned goal; generally the promotion of a product or service.  To see how well a marketing campaign works, consider planning it as a 30-day or 90-day trial to avoid unforeseen losses. By running it for a short period allows you monitor the feasibility of the plan with your target market; set clear campaign objectives; and plan the outcomes accordingly.

Successful campaigns are carefully researched and centers on details and implementation, rather than on a single, big idea.


3 Memorable Marketing Campaigns:

  1. “Just Do It” – Nike
  2. “Where’s the Beef?” – Wendy’s
  3. “Absolutely, Positively Overnight” – FedEx


4.   For Heaven’s Sake… Find FREE Marketing Opportunities

When you want to reduce your marketing budget, it is essential to take advantage of free marketing opportunities. With so much impetus being laid on web-based marketing services, you can find a multitude of free PR on the internet. There are numerous press release and article submission services, Google and Yahoo local listings, online directories and similar services to create company profiles and promotional opportunities.


5 FREE Offline & Online Services

  • Social Media Networks - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Foursquare, Google+
  • Guest Blogging
  • Customer referral program
  • Public speaking
  • Business Network Group – online and offline


5.   Ask For Referrals

Referrals… a powerful selling tool!  To be introduced to a potential client through a personal recommendation is GOLD! Asking your clients, associates, partners or consumers for referrals is a cost-effective way of expanding your network. People do business with those they know, like and trust. So, the best compliment you can earn is from those who like your product or services.

There are also fee based referral programs that provide extensive leads to specific consumer markets.


6.   Always… Always Follow Up!

Last but never the least, always follow up!  A follow up process is extremely important in securing business from new clients and in maintaining rapport with existing ones.

4 Easy Ways to Follow Up: 

  • Send a thank you note
  • Make a phone call
  • Email a greeting card
  • Mail a special gift

 In business, there are no guaranties for success; however, incorporating these 6 tips will significantly improve your chances of having a profitable company.


About Sylvia:  Sylvia Browder is a small business consultant, trainer and author. She is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, www.sylviabrowder.com.  Want to work with Sylvia? Go to, www.browderconsultinggroupllc.com. She can be contacted at info@browderconsultinggroupllc.com.

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Message from www.BlacksNetwork.Com

Register for the Minority, Small Business Owners Conference and Professionals Awards today. BBWO members get a 10% Discount with Promotion Code: 4T6LT.

Plus there will be a giveaway of 20,000 at the day of the event.To qualify you must register by march 30th. Join us and be inspired by speakers including Jasmin Guy, Isaiah Washington and MC Lyte.

Registration url: http://a3.acteva.com/orderbooking/bookEvent/A330660


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Artiatesia Deal
BBWO Content Manager

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Business & Blogging Tips from featured BBWO Blogger: Tamyka Washington

Creating a Business Blog with Purpose and Influence
There is no mystery behind the reason why so many small businesses have chosen to build a blog for their business. It is proven that having a business blog is a highly effective way to build your presence online, establish your brand and if developed properly, allow you to earn a generous stream of income.However, it is much easier said than done, wouldn’t you agree? (Continue Reading)

6 Success Habits of a Business Blogger

Entrepreneurs and small business owners who are creating their brand online, know that blogging for business is in fact, serious business. There are a number of things that set a business blogger apart from the average blogger, with one recognizable difference being that the business blogger’s BLOG, is a business of its own. Here are 6 Success Habits of a Business Blogger (Continue Reading)

Building an Engaged and Loyal Audience
You have this vision. You have an idea. You know that if you could just get in front of the right people, you can seriously, change some lives. You even know that what you’ve got has value, and if enough people know about it, your life would be so different. The reality is, doing business online is not as easy as the experts make it sound. You know in order to reap the rewards of your labor, you’ve got to build an audience. But, not just any audience, an engaged and loyal one. You’re no dummy, you know building this audience is going to take time and effort. You realize that there has to be order, a process to making it happen. That all takes time. So you start to wonder, what should I do in the meantime? (Continue Reading)

Are you generating traffic with your blog?
I know many of us have blogs for our business and have the hopes of generating traffic and increasing exposure for our business. At the same time, there are still a lot of us who are trying to blog to promote a business but not having much success.For me, I find that producing regular posts on topics my readers want helps to drive traffic to my blog. I also generate a large amount of traffic from posting my content in the Facebook groups I belong to. So my question is, Are You Generating Traffic with Your Blog and if so, please share what it is you are doing to obtain success. (Continue Reading)

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Sometimes we need to step outside ourselves and help others. It doesn't have to be a big grand gesture. It came be something simple as sharing your journey, someone may be going through the same thing as you. Another way is sparing a few minutes to answer someone question or connect them with someone who can. BBWO members, Tangie, Michelle D, and V.H. Jones share some motivational tips and stories.


Share is caring, so pass the nuggets, please.

For Tangie, 2012 was very interesting. She shares 7 things that she learned last year. Like - Blessed are the Flexible Stuff happens. Life happens. Know that. Accept it. The sooner you do, the better off you will be. There's a saying, "Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out if shape." When things are not going the way you planned, you have to learn how to make lemonade out of your lemons. (Continue reading)


As Lamar Tyler said, "The GateKeepers Are Gone"! Where will you find your next connection.

Have you heard about H.A.R.O? It stands for Help A Reporter Out. It's a listing that you can subscribe to that highlights requests for sources in specific areas (e.g., business, travel, etc...). If you're an expert at a particular topic, you simply respond directly to the reporter making the query. Read more about Michelle and other experience with the service. (Continue Reading)

Helping out others

Support a fellow BBWO member, Rhonda Nails. Ronda is featured in the March Issues of Essence. The owner of Signature Notaries and created of Project P.U.S.H, Ronda share her personal story of how she found her Essence and giving back. The issue is on stands now. Run, don't walk and get your copy today. (Preview Magazine Cover)


Smart Celebs and words of wisdom

Not all celebrities are bad people. There are a few truly humble ones and like to share their wisdom and motivation to help others. Such Tyler Perry and Will Smith. V.H. Jones shares a video feating Will Smith with a motivational message. (Watch Video Here)


More to come!


Artiatesia Deal
BBWO Content Manager

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Pass the Nuggets, Please

2012 was an interesting year for me. I think I went up another size in my big-girl panties. LOL! I also picked up a few nuggets along the way and I wanted to share them with you.

1. Blessed are the Flexible Stuff happens. Life happens. Know that. Accept it. The sooner you do, the better off you will be. There's a saying, "Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out if shape." When things are not going the way you planned, you have to learn how to make lemonade out of your lemons.

2. Be Fearless I'm going to go out on a limb and say that fear is the #1 reason people stall out and don't move forward with their dreams. So, you try something and it doesn't work out. What's the worst thing that can happen? But what if you try and it DOES work out? What's the best thing that can happen? Ditch the fear and go!

3. Do Not Compromise If you have a vision of how things are supposed to come together, do not compromise it. It's fine to consult with others, but if that consultation turns into something that is contrary to your vision, don't do it. You have been gifted with a unique assignment. Your blessings are linked to that assignment. Do not allow anyone to talk you out of what has been divinely imparted unto you.

4. Make No Comparison Run your own race. Don't get distracted by what someone else is doing in your field. They have to walk out their calling in truth and integrity just like you. At the end of the day, it's about making an impact in this world. And how we do that, and to what extent, is different for everybody. So don't get distracted by others. Stay in your lane and run your own race.

5. Everything Ain't for You There are a lot of opportunities that may present themselves that may seem like good ideas. Other people seem to be successful doing it, so why not you? Well, some things may be a "good idea" but they may not be God's idea for you. Know the difference. Don't clutter your calendar with fruitless activities that will only distract you from your purpose. Everything ain't for you.

6. Stop Worrying About Supporters Too much of our energy can be focused on worrying about who is "supporting" us and who's not. We get so carried away with the naysayers that we overlook our cheerleaders. Just focus on your assignment. God did not give you that gift to fall on deaf ears. The people who need what you have to offer WILL support you. The others? Who cares? And here's a truth I learned long ago: Those who you think support you, may not. And those who you least expect are 100% for you!

7. Get Over Stuff...Quickly Offenses are a part of life. Your spouse, your boss, your child, your business partner will all offend you at some point on your journey. Get over it...quickly! Offense is one of the greatest ways to short-circuit your blessings. It allows you to hold too much junk in your heart and pushes out love and gratefulness. Make a decision to give people a "Grace Pass" upfront. That way, when they do something to hurt or disappoint you, you can extend them “grace by default.” That allows you continue to enjoy the liberty that has been set aside for you. Choose freedom: Love & Forgive easily.

There are a million more things I could probably say, but I just wanted to offer a few words to encourage you as you move forward in this year. Your journey may not be a Gravy Train rolling on Biscuit Wheels, but you can choose to learn the lessons and grow from them. As I mature, one of the greatest lessons I've learned is that life is not about the destination. It's all about the journey. And you'll be wise to grab a few nuggets along the way.

Happy New Year!


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Business Tips & Advice from featured BBWO Blogger: Tamara Garrison-Thomas

Top 4 Businesses to Start in 2013
2013 is just around the corner. And as we approach this time to declare a “New Year, New You”, this is a great time to do something new, do something different, and actually take the steps to start a business. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have specific education or thousands of dollars to invest in a business that will thrive and last beyond the dreaded 3 year failure mark. The following 4 business types are all businesses that have been deemed the “top” businesses to start in 2013 as their industries are growing. (Continue Reading)

I Quit!

Yup! I quit Garrison Prosperity Solutions, Busy925.com, EVERYTHING! Ok. No not really but I have felt this way before. Haven't you? Maybe on your job, in your life or in business. You get that feeling of frustration, worthlessness or failure and just want to quit. Give up. Move on to something else or maybe even nothing at all. You get tired of kissing your boss' butt, of the incoming bills, mortgage payments or even trying to find customers and attract people to your company. It all just gets to be too much sometimes. I completely understand this feeling BUT the people that get through it are the ones that become inspiring success stories. (Continue Reading)

How Blogging Can Make You Famous
According to Forbes.com, "The face of fame is changing". You no longer have to necessarily be a singer, rapper, actor, entertainer or even politician to be famous. As I'm sure you have seen, you can now be famous from as much as a silly video on YouTube to starting a really great charitable cause.One of the most popular, easiest ways to become online is to blog! Believe it or not, there are a few people who have become famous from blogging. (Continue Reading)

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