Are you an aspiring or new entrepreneur? flyy, female & fabulous Magazine is for you! Our mission is to inspire & encourage women entrepreneurs (like you) to be great, and we just launched our first issue. In it, you'll find interviews with fabulous women in business such as Dr. Stacia Pierce, Lisa Nicole Bell, Tangie Henry and more!

Get your copy today (available in print + digital) --> http://ht.ly/hoz0H!


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Be Encouraged !


There was a song I used to listen to several years back.

The words were… Be Encouraged – No Matter What’s Going On — He’ll Make it Alright by William Becton & Friends.

This past week we launched the 21 Day Encouragement Campaign. For 21 days you will hear from men and women of faith that have gone from victim to VICTORIOUS! They will share how they survived and what encouraged them to keep going. To sign up for the 21 day series click here.

The word of God tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalms 46:1-3)

Do you believe that? We read the words in the bible, we jump, shout and get all “emotional” but do we really believe that GOD is an ever present help in the time of trouble.

If we were completely honest, most of us would say No. That doesn’t make you “unsaved” or a bad person. It makes you human. There is a story in the bible where a father brought his son to Jesus to be healed. Click here to finish

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According to Merriam-Webster.com, one definition of “victorious” is:

  • having won a victory
  • of, relating to, or characteristic of victory

This led me to look up the definition of “victory,” which is achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.

Here are a few characteristics I believe all victorious women possess:

  1. She knows how to let go of the past and other things that may hold her back so she can step into a brighter future. A victorious woman knows it does no good to hold on to grudges or allow what happened in the past to hold her hostage. She understands that to move into the successful life she deserves and desires, she must forgive and let go.
  2. She finds a way to make her dreams come true. A victorious woman realizes that she has her dreams for a reason and that God didn’t give her her desires without a way to make them happen. She knows that the road may be long and have bumps and curves, but she also knows that she can and will find a way to bring her dreams and desires to fruition.
  3. A victorious woman isn’t defined by other people’s opinions of her. She knows that people will have their thoughts about her and what she does, but she knows that, at the end of the day, the only opinion that truly matters is her own and God’s. She understands that what is really important is walking in her calling and doing what she’s been purposed to do.
  4. She lets go of the idea of being perfect or “Superwoman.” A victorious woman realizes there’s no such thing as being perfect (i.e., flawless); she knows that she can and should be the best she can be. And she continuously strives for excellence and works on being the best version of herself.
  5. She stays away from negative situations and people. Although she may have to deal with them at times, a victorious woman does not constantly stay in situations that are negative and energy-draining, nor does she hang around individuals who continuously complain, gossip or who never have anything positive to say or contribute. She knows that she must surround herself with positivity.
  6. A victorious woman never lets defeat have the last word. She knows that her journey in life won’t always be easy or lined with gold. She knows that she will fall down, fail and have disappointments. But, a victorious woman always picks herself up, dusts herself off and keeps it moving until she reaches her destination!

Are there any other characteristics you would add? Please share below! 


Dreamer. Lover of life. Goal getter. These are just a few words to describe Jamie Fleming-Dixon, inspirational writer, blogger, editor and F.A.B. Life Strategist. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of For Colored Gurls, a personal development blog with the mission of inspiring and empowering women to live their most Fabulous lives. Additionally, she is owner of Mocha Writer, a boutique copy editing and proofreading service.

Jamie is also the author of How to Change Your Mindset + Live Your Most Fabulous Life, a motivational book, providing practical tips for creating a more positive mindset and living the life of one's dream. She has been featured in several websites, blogs, magazines and Blog Talk Radio Shows, including TheCEOMamma.com, AfroElle Magazine and Prominence Magazine and was recently named one of the 2012 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs on BBWO (Black Business Women Online). Visit her online at jamieflemingdixon.com


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It's all about me! ‘Me time' is an activity everyone should feel inspired to indulge in upon feeling stressed or depressed. Whether it is an hour, a day or a weekend (wouldn't that be ideal), ‘me time' is often needed. Without interruptions, make time to read a book, listen to an entire CD, indulge in a little pampering or whatever else comes to mind. The key is spending some quality time with YOU. Guilt free.

So, how do you get your ‘me time'? If you are a single parent, connect with other single parents. Trust me; they need a break just like you. When connecting with other single moms you can trade parenting responsibilities every other weekend or for a day. You can plan your ‘me time' activities around each mom's schedule. By doing this, you never have to worry about a babysitter. In a nutshell, it was a win-win situation!

If finding someone to watch the children is a challenge, take a day off work. While the children are in school, you have a minimum of six hours to soak in a bubble bath, walk in the park, go for a long ride or do whatever comes to mind. Heck, if you want to do absolutely nothing but relax on your couch in your pajamas (and enjoy a small cup of ice cream without a little person asking for a taste), that is exactly how you should spend your ‘me time'.

Or choose a weekend day. Whichever day works for you is a day that you are investing in your sanity. You are worth it!

Having the opportunity to spend a weekend at a destination that brings you peace of mind is another option.  Unfortunately, for many of us embarking on that getaway is not easily possible.  Therefore, you should put your creativity to use and explore other ideas that are more accessible. For example, hop in your car and drive around town; take a tour of an area you have not visited. Treat yourself to a play and/or dinner; go for a walk in the park. There are so many options and if you take the time to explore you may find something you really enjoy.

You give your all and every now and again you have to take a break and regroup. After regrouping, you are mentally and physically prepared to move forward and take on the next challenge. Do not allow feelings of unworthiness to set in. Don't even think about feeling as if you don't deserve or have time for YOU; you are the one who keeps it all together. That is why you should be inspired to take the time to reconnect with your inner peace of mind and allow it to be exuded on the outside.

In the words of editor, writer, and journalist Susan Taylor, "We need quiet time to examine our lives honestly and openly . . . spending quiet time gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order."


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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3UO2982gs1VUUhWe-oDT5Pl9LmZxZbmgaZxcCVeubR2RU369B&__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1311970493448Let's be real, no matter the mindset shift, strategies you create and implement or how successful you may be, being a business owner is a tough job! It has it's ups and downs. I don't have to tell you the number of snafu I've averted or how much my prayers and faith have evolved and strengthen through perseverance. At each new level I achieve as an entrepreneur comes the same challenges just dressed up a little fancier. Sure I've learned to master many things so that I can continue to build exponentially, but there are things in which I cannot control that throw a nasty little wrench in the operations! 

There have been times when I wanted to not just throw in the towel but cut that sucker up in tiny little pieces then burn it to ashes, then take the ashes and place it in the grill under  lip-smacking ribs, burgers in my backyard of "Normal" life with a 9 to 5 job and predictability. Of course those thoughts are fleeting as I'm passionate about what I do, but there are times when you wonder about a life of predictability.

Real talk...no matter where you are, at each new level, comes new set of mindset shifts that you will need to master to move on to the next level. Therefore we all need a little dose of Affirmation, Confirmations, and inspiration to remind us why this journey is all worth the fight.

SO! This list of my 77, compiled while I was cleaning my bathroom, making the kids lunch, trying to figure out where the heck these fruit flies came from, AND responding to client emails, checking on book orders, confirming speaking engagements (WHEW!), is for all the women entrepreneurs, regardless of your level. This is for those who have embraced a lifestyle that you wouldn't trade for the world! but recognize that we all need a little pick me up every now and then.  ENJOY ;-)

77 Affirmations, Confirmations & Reminders why You're AWESOME!

1. You Rock! Yes you do! Why? Just because you rock ;-)

2. You were made for this! Everything in you tells you are, you got a strategy (if not get one) so WORK it!!

3. Your Time is NOW! Not tomorrow, not yesterday, just NOW (see#2)

4. Let it all go! Whatever is hurting you, bothering you, holding you back, just... let it go! You can't bring carry-on on this Success journey you're on!

5. Remember what counts! You deserve a break today! Go for a walk, have a bowl of (low fat) ice cream, don't forget about you!

6. Keep on dreaming! Even when others think you're crazy or simply don't notice you...keep on doing what you do! Blaze your trail and let other's catch up to you!

7. You are beautiful! You were made uniquely and out of love. Your eyes, your smile, you skin, your curves, whatever, celebrate your awesome beauty!

8.You are a natural leader! Women by design are natural leaders! You have the ability to lead nations with your power and influence.

9. Remember to smile! You know the song! Even when you feel like you can't, find a reason to smile.

10. Let the dishes go! And go indulge in a hot bath! Take time for you!

11. You know what? Stuff happens! It's bound to happen and it will. So, go with the flow, roll with it and keep on pressing!

12. You are gifted and talented! And you can use those gifts to make as much money as you can and create the lifestyle you desire.

13. You're skillful and genius. Use those skills and gifts to build your generational wealth! 

14. You DO know what you're doing! You may not have all the tools yet but that's part of the process, keep pushing you will find your chord.

15. You are not your past! Your past is just that, keep it there. Learn what you MUST learn from it accept it and use it as fuel to ignite your future!

16. You are worthy of love! Simply because you exist. There is nothing else you need to do to earn it.

17. You are an incredible multitasker! Even though at times you shouldn't, the fact that you CAN and HAVE makes you genius at building an awesome business.

18. Your business is wealthy! You have the ability to create a foundation in your business that will leave a legacy to your family, children, and other women (and men) throughout the world.

19. Your Business IS successful! Whether you wanted to earn $100,000 but you've only earned $10,000 or you earned $1,000,000 but you are still at $500,000 girl you EARNED those dollars using your OWN genius, skills, influence and talent. You better celebrate that! And keep moving forward

20.  You are a QUEEN! And you deserve to be treated as such! Don't except anything less!

21. You got this! Trust your instinct and gut!

22. You are a master communicator! 

23. Your Emotional IQ is high

24. You Survived! Whatever happened, if you're reading this that means you survived it and you have the ability to conquer anything.

25. You are open minded and willing to try new things.

26. You embrace your haters. They aren't really haters, but all the naysayers or those who doubted you, love them anyway!

Click here for the rest! I promise they won't disappoint!!


Copyright 2011 Katrina M. Harrell www.katrinamharrell.com (Please include FULL author credit if you repost or share!)

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What Is Your God Given Talent?

I had my hand in many of business opportunities , but this one is a keeper. You have to love what you do in order to do it well. Through the year's of giving advice and word's of inspiration that encouraged and helped family and friends to take their business to the next level I knew this was my God given talent .
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Your Integrity (watch out now)

Definition •Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. (http://www.answers.com/topic/integrity)What happens if you waver from this? What happens if you claim to be so excellent, but then you have your fingers crossed behind your back? What if in YOUR head you want to do what YOU want and your character/integrity wavers just a little...bit?Will you even care what that makes you look like? Or do you suffer from Narcissism:? 1.Excessive love or admiration of oneself.If the point of life is someone else's growth then you can't lose YOUR integrity and start acting like a narcissist. I mean REALLY! Pull yourself together first, then move forward in and with someone else's life.Now back on to your integrity. Are you caring about how this looks? If you ask someone for help, use them, and then praise someone else, how does that make you look? HMMM, here's another scenario. If you ask someone for their advice or assistance, tell them they did a great job, yet you take the credit for it...hmmm...okayAs a life coach, and CEO how I look is important to me. It's important that I run, sweat, and pass out while I push you forward, but its important for you to reciprocate.So, consider what you look like right now to everyone in your social and professional circles. You might need to wipe the slate clean. Are you ready? Let me help you: HELLO, MY NAME IS ________________AND I HAVE FALLEN SHORT OF MY ETHICAL CODE AND HAVE BEEN REALLY SELFISH.
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Doing what is Good Part II

Okay so let us break this down so we can understand where we are and where we need to be in our businesses and our lives!

Titus 3

Doing What is Good

1Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, 2to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

OK, this really means that you need to listen to your supervisors, abide by the law and respect each other. Stop acting like you don't know what to do in certain situations. Showing humilty means to be respectful of others regardless of how they treat you.

3At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. 8This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

There was a time when we didn't know any better. When we decided to get our lives right and come in right standing with God, He forgave us of all of our sins, washing us clean. So, with the Holy Spirit within us we have to walk the walk and talk the talk. What does that mean for business and life? It means that won't be lying or cheating customers. We will always have great customer service (no longer is GOOD an option) and we will continuously put God first so that HE gets the glory. (stop worrying about what you can get from God, you're already blessed so walk in that FIRST!) We also can't hate on another that may be in the same industry as ourselves. We must be fair cordial and not backbiting.

9But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

No need to keep sharing the same helpful information with a person. If they dont understand where they are NOT and you have tried over and over (twice), then leave it be. They will see, one day, that you were trying to steer them in the right direction. One thing we know, as business women, is, starting a business is not easy, marketing is not easy and getting funding sure is not easy!

Final Remarks

12As soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, because I have decided to winter there. 13Do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need. 14Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

15Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith.
Grace be with you all.

Verse 14 is very essential here. It is the best bet of what is to come for your life. If you do what is good, not cheating the system or others around you, you will live a productive life. PRODUCTIVE LIFE. With a productive life comes a prosperous life. Everything has to be in the will of God...did you know that putting HIM directly in your life and your business gives you a running start over the women of the world?

Bless you business women...let's get it!!

Dana Marie

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11 Steps to Staying Motivated

Step 1

If you're not working, get out of the house each day, even if it's just to take a walk or get some fresh air. Use this time to appreciate the natural beauty of your surroundings. Realize how blessed you are to see,
hear, feel, smell and taste. Don't forget to spend a few minutes each day
studying your Bible or other wise book.

Step 2

Focus on what you already have, evenif you don't have a lot of material or monetary things. Most of our blessings

come in the smallest of packages; they are the things we tend to take for

Step 3

Exercise to strengthen your mind and body. You'll look and feel like a million bucks, even if you don't have it.

Step 4

Surround yourself with positive, goal-driven people who want something out of life and are doing what is

necessary to get it. Don't waste time on those who are constantly complaining
about something or criticizing your dreams, ideas and plans for the future.

Step 5

Find something that you enjoy doing and are really good at. Turn it into an opportunity to make money and new

friends. Refer to those self-help/enrichment books for ideas and tips.

Step 6
Be persistent. If something doesn'twork the first time you try it, don't give up. Keep working at it and look for ways to improve your approach.

Step 7

Join a support group online or inyour local area. Listening to others in need can be therapeutic for you and

them. Inspire each other and don't judge.

Step 8

Learn to forgive those who hurt you in the past and let go of things you have no control over. This baggage will

overwhelm and consume you if it's allowed to fester. Be open to a new
relationship and KNOW that you are still quite a catch!

Step 9

If you're fortunate enough to be aparent, look into your angel's beautiful
eyes and smile. Give him or her a bear hug and kiss and listen to them coo. Do this at least 10 times a day if you can. Don't forget to

say I love you.

Step 10

Stay organized and focus on what needs to be done. Make a list of items that are to be addressed, devise a

detailed plan and stick to it. Before you know it, you'll start to work your
way through the maze.

Step 11

Reach out to someone else in need and offer a little of yourself. Volunteer at a local nursing home or become a

big brother or big sister to a neighborhood youngster, if time permits. You'll
find it very rewarding.

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Got Support? Need Support?

Good Morning,BBWO, this site is full of a diverse and wonderful group of ladies I want to invite you to a site where those that need support can get it. This will serve as a great addition to this site as I know as a Business Women I could not do without BBWO. Now you may feel you got it all together, and that’s great! How about your sister to the left and right of you, is there anything that you can do to encourage them? Whether you need motivation or you’re in need of motivation Women Support Women is a great solution. Please view and share the video below to learn more.Visit or even join us at:
Visit Women Support Women
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The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out

Love is a very vital source of our life. But as women, we are nurturers. We take care of everyone but ourselves. Those few times we dare to do something for ourselves; guilt sets in. We think we're being selfish. We even give ourselves excuses, as though we don't deserve to be pampered and cared for. Not all of us fit into this category some of us have learned the value of looking out for number one first. If you consistently take time for yourself...you GO GIRL! but if you don't read on.Excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Healthy Woman: Inside and OutVisit: http://www.aquariuscreationpublishing.com/portfolio.html
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The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out

Becoming the healthy woman inside and out is a process. So where do you start? I believe that as women we should ground ourselves spiritually. When I think about the trials and tribulations that I have been through, I know the one that that kept me going was the Word. So right now, I want to tell you to WORD UP! The word will help you deal with any and all situations."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13) Yes, you can. Believing and trusting that Christ is your energy source can cause a wonderful transformation in your life. Fear will be eliminated, doubt will disappear, discouragement will no longer exist and loneliness will not be a state of mind.Excerpts from Chapter 1 of "The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out"The book is now on sale for 1/2 price. Visit: http://www.aquariuscreationpublishing.com/portfolio.html
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How to Create the Perfect Cheer

When we work hard on a project or finish writing an article that we consider to be a masterpiece, everyone to some degree craves to be praised. Oftentimes, this does not happen and you are left feeling uninspired. Everyone feels more energized when there are people cheering for them on the sidelines.What happens when you do not have this affirmation? Many become discouraged and silently start to doubt their capabilities. However, there is another option–be your own cheerleader. Come up with a cheer that will uplift you in the event that no one else is there to do so. It took me awhile to create my cheer because I had to get rid of some bad habits I had developed over the years. Find out if the following habits are preventing you from creating the perfect cheer:Wandering eyes. Creating your own cheer can be difficult because it requires you to concentrate solely on your accomplishments. A task that is extremely difficult if you do not feel like you have anything worth praising or if prior tasks you have accomplished have gone unnoticed. You find yourself starting to wonder, ” Are there other people out there feeling the same way as me and what are they doing?” The answer to this question is ‘yes’, but this should not be viewed as a reason to take solace in the fact that there are others struggling with this issue as well.The danger in looking at other people is if you are too busy looking at others –who is left to work on you? No one. Life is full of negative people that are intent on keeping you from reaching your full potential in life-mainly because they never fulfilled their own goals. One of the tactics many people use to prevent you from reaching your goal is to intentionally not acknowledge your hard work. This is their feeble attempt to wear you down and further increase their chance of getting you to feel self conscious.Now some may say, ” Wait a minute, in business you have to keep an eye on your competitors.” There is a difference between being aware of your competitors and being utterly obsessed with outperforming them. There are only so many hours in the day, so much energy we can expend, etc. Why not spend it on recognizing needs that are not currently being met in the industry and strive towards satisfying those needs? This is an inadvertent way of keeping an eye on your competitors while not losing your concentration on what makes you and your business unique.Unfair comparison. If you choose to continue to allow your eyes to wander, you will begin to compare yourself to people. Many times we compare ourselves with other people to see how we “stack up” against our peers to see if we are on the right track. Many times what ends up happening is that we compare our weaknesses to the other person’s strengths. The only thing comparing yourself to other people does is further deepen your insecurity. How is this helping you?You do not know the full story behind how that person you are comparing yourself to obtained their “strength”. Was it from hard work? Did they know someone? Did they steal it? There are a million ways in how one gets to where they are in life. If you do not have the answer to this question, you may never be able to have the success to the degree that the person you choose to compare yourself to is experiencing. This is not to say that you will not be able to attain your goal, but the way you go about achieving it will be different–provided you stop comparing yourself to others and spend your time creating a game plan.Eyes green with envy. Whenever you start to compare yourself with other people, you automatically start wondering, ” Why does he/she have (insert desire) and I do not have it?” Again, you don’t know how this person came about to obtaining their strength. You might not be so eager to have their strength once you find out how they got it.Sick of waiting. When things are not happening as fast as we would like, I do not know about you, but I get extremely impatient. After all, what what is wrong with wanting (insert desire)? There may be nothing at all wrong with what you want to achieve, but I am a huge believer in that things happen for a reason. Timing is everything. If you move to fast or to slow you risk messing up your chance to achieve your goal.Peacock Syndrome. You know how peacocks like to strut? Well, sometimes we like to act like them. We want to show the world what we are made of by showing off our feathers and when we do not get the praise we seek we want to hide. There is nothing wrong with showing off your feathers, just do it because you want to make yourself feel good and not because you want to demonstrate your achievements to others.The aforementioned habits will without a doubt keep you from creating the perfect cheer. It will take a lot of hard work to get rid of these habits. However, it is well worth the effort because I cannot think of a more important person to cheer for–can you?This is our most recent blog post on TargetStars (http://www.targetstarsblog.com).
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Move Forward

As believers our lives are a continual transformation. In this process of transformation there are hurdles, obstacles, trials and falls; yet all that we experience becomes a testimony of God’s goodness, mercy and grace in order to encourage others to believe in Him. Don’t get hung up on the mistakes, be quick to repent and move forward in His goodness.
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Peace Of Mind At The Workplace.

Peace Of Mind At The Workplace by Remez SassonWork brings together people of different characters and behavior, and this often causes friction, resentment and stress. Sometimes the boss is too demanding, colleagues may be unpleasant, there might be too much work or the working conditions may not be comfortable. The job may be boring, there might be competition or envy between the workers or the customers may be uncongenial or unfriendly. No wonder there is tension and stress.These are some of the reasons why most people eagerly wait for their vacation. Their vacation provides them a way to get out of their daily life and find some peace. The good news is that you do not have to wait for your vacation. You can learn to gain inner peace and enjoy every moment, right where you are. You can stop fretting and getting tense. You can experience peace of mind and happiness wherever you are. When your mind is peaceful, the whole environment become peaceful.Now you probably wonder what you can do to make this come true. I am not going to talk here about meditation, though this is one of the best peace of mind tools. Below you will find some simple and easy to perform tips and suggestions to experience inner peace at your workplace.You may not succeed at the first attempts, but if you keep on performing these suggestions earnestly, you will gradually begin to experience peace of mind. This peace will not only by inside you. It will spill over and influence your whole environment.1) If the people you meet talk in a loud voice, are impolite and tense, you will probably react and behave accordingly, hereby raising the level of tension. On the other hand, if you stay calm, talk, act and react peacefully, people unconsciously emulate your behavior. You become a leading power, no matter what is your position at work.2) Each day before you enter your workplace, repeat several times the following affirmation with feeling, faith and attention:"My mind is peaceful throughout the whole day. I radiate peace around me. I talk peacefully, politely and with a smile. I choose to act peacefully".3) Greet the people you meet at work.4) Whenever you feel tension or anger building in you, take three deep slow breathes before any talking or action.5) Pay attention to the words you think, say or write. Use only positive words.6) Be polite.7) Whenever you find yourself raising your voice, lower it immediately.8) Talk in a medium pitch voice, not too loud or too low, and don't let the loudness or pitch of other people's voices influence yours.9) Several times during your workday find a quiet place. It may be at your desk, or if it is not quiet enough there, it can be at the bathroom, an empty room or some other quiet spot. For several moments visualize a beautiful location that you love or some event that made you happy. Feel that you are there and enjoy the feelings that arise.10) While working, concentrate on what you are doing. Put there your full attention. This will keep your mind off disturbing thoughts.11) Don't waste your time and energy analyzing and thinking about people's motives and behavior, but rather try to improve your actions.12) Before speaking with someone whom you dislike or fear, or someone who makes you feel tense or angry, take a few deep breathes and visualize the two of you conversing peacefully and harmoniously.-----------------------------------------------------------
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Scripture: What woman, if she has ten silver coins and loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? ~ Luke 15:8Today's Thought: A popular saying in today's business environment is "Don't sweat the small stuff." If we miss on a bid, we shrug it off; if we lose a customer...well, they were too much trouble anyway. Unfortunately, if we allow this attitude to fester, small losses turn into big problems, and our business will suffer.A contrary principle to "don't sweat the small stuff is "take care of the little things, and the big things will take care of themselves." When small losses are not acceptable-when we attend to things at the first sign of trouble and don't give up until the problem is solved-those small losses don't have a chance to grow.Take action today. Call a customer you've lost and win him back. Look again to find that missing inventory. Call one more time to collect that past due bill. When you adopt the principle of "taking care of the little things," success will soon follow.Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hunter's hand, and like a bird from the hand of the fowler.~Proverbs 6:5~Spirit
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Do you remember the book Iyanla VanZant wrote titled Faith in the Valley? That best selling book, which I believe was her catharsis, inspired and motivated countless people. Consider the founder of MADD – a woman who used her grief as a catalyst to save the lives of an incalculable amount of people. These are just two of a myriad of examples of people who used misfortune and personal tragedy to benefit mankind.Many of us have learned early in life that no one likes to be around people who make a habit of verbalizing their worries and complaints “no one likes a worry wart” is the adage that I best remember. A few of the other adages that have shaped my life’s conversational patterns are: “Keep a stiff upper lip”, “Silence is Golden”, “Successful people know how to keep private matters private” and one that I believe is universal: “Keep your business to yourself”.My cherished readers, I believe that our growth and success in life is a direct reflection of the lessons we’ve learned from people who were not too proud or afraid to share their personal triumphs. Information is a key proponent of growth. Be it intellectual, spiritual, physical, psychological . . . information is a stimulus, a catalyst, an activator. There will ALWAYS be nay Sayers in the world. No matter what you do or how you do it, there will be people who criticize, minimize, and ridicule not only your actions but your intents as well. We are always sharing information either with our words and actions or our silence and inaction. I herewith encourage each and every person reading this message to share with others the transformational lessons you’ve learned during the fires in your life. Your teachings may not only help someone through their personal fires, they may also save others from enduring needless fires.Being our brother’s keeper requires us to share information – not necessarily tangible goods. Remember teaching a person to fish is infinitely more valuable than giving them fish.
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Tuesday, 10/7 Daily Devotional

Tuesday, October 7"… They shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake. And it shall turn to you for a testimony" (Luke 21:12, 13).Your struggle is your testimony. Every hardship you’ve ever encountered will surely encourage someone else!Have a bless day!CFW Dress Your Best

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