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My BIG dream is to be a model and I will strive towards that until I reach success. I started off in the absolutely wrong direction by taking up an offer from Model Productions, a model search agency, that were promoting their search throughout the malls. This will be Tip One: Mall model searched are most likely scams. I was young and about 13 and begged my mother to pay the $250 for the CD and the registration for some convention where all the "top model agencies" were going to be. This includes Tip Two: Don't pay for ANYTHING... and I mean ANYTHING! It just makes sense that if an agency was really legit and REALLY wanted to work with you, they would NOT ask for money, because well... they really shouldn't need it. At the most, the only somewhat "OK" payment is a registration fee, but that is still pushing it!
Okay, so after realizing that all of these model agencies and schools that make everything sound OH SO GOOD on the radio and their "interviews" (which hundreds of people come to and not even get a chance to get "interviewed") was all... excuse me... BULL!, I decided that maybe craigslist was a good choice to find opportunities. Wrong! Tip Three: Don't use craigslist! It is full of scams and people who are very unprofessional just looking for money; about 90% of these people probably do not care about your dreams for being an actress or model. Let me tell you... I went to a 'meeting' for the selected models for a photo shoot with the Atlanta Falcons bird mascot... tell me why this so called "mascot" was an very old lady dressed in a red and black home made costume that looked like she was a Broadway performer with a Vegas theme with all those darn feathers. It was a mess ! I could tell many stories from scams ALL from Craigslist.
But let me tell you guys something that DID work. Keeping my faith not only in myself that I would someday live my dream, I always kept my faith in God. And well, I fasted for 3 days by giving up just one item that I love the most... chewing gum.LOL It sounds simple and its probably funny to you, but I chew gum so much... I may even chew it in my sleep. Its just something that I HAVE to have. and I'm telling you... day one from the fast.. I got a call from my friend about a agency having an open call and (long story short) , I went and they sent me the contract in the mail and I am now a signed talent ! : ) They never once asked me for a dime and they instantly started sending me auditions and model/acting training courses! I felt the need to tell this story because ONE... models and actresses really become serious and determined and its so hard to not fall for these scams because we really really want it. And I would have never thought I'd get signed that day!
God bless to all aspiring models and actresses reading this and please keep these tips in mind because you don't want someone to take advantage of you and your will to reach success. Trust me.... I have been through it all. And even if modeling/ acting is not your goal.... try your faith in the lord anyways and see what happens! : )
Joslyn Shavonne
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every morning with a smile on your face,
energy and life balance?
Work at home women are experiencing their share of stress. Between caring for family, their business, nurturing their Faith and otherroles it can be a bit overwhelming.
Did you know that stress can be attributed to 90% of all chronic diseases. Stress can ead to heart attacks, strokes and other chronicdiseases..
What are some of your areas of stress?
Three essential keys to stress management include…
Discovering how to leverage your time
Mastering your mindset
Working on and following a system for life balance
It’s important for you as a Work at home woman to begin taking stress reduction
serious. Take something from this post and apply it to your life.
A powerful stress reduction tip is to laugh. It has been stated that
laughter is like medicine for the soul.
List ways you can integrate laughter into your schedule.
Want additional information on how you can begin reducing stress?
Request my free special report – “Stress reduction and the powers of
a positive mind” by clicking here.
How can you use the information shared in this post before your head hits
the pillow tonight? Go ahead write it down and add one to two daily action steps
to focus on.
Here’s to the new stressed-less you!
To hear Benita Tyler read this article, click the arrow button.
As I sat glued to the television watching commentary on Chrysler and how it is responding to its decline in market share I was struck with a thought about small business. If you have been following my blog, you probably know that I am a big proponent of modeling. In my opinion, having a successful model to follow throughout the business lifecycle is invaluable. So, here I sat watching Chrysler, a once successful automotive superpower, struggling and illustrating a very powerful lesson that every small business owner should always remember. What’s the lesson?
1. Have a fluid plan. Companies need a plan that helps them maneuver through turbulent times. There should be one to cover the short run and expanded to meet long run objectives. Most consultants agree that having at least a three year plan is a good start but take a lesson from the major players. Sit down with stakeholders and discuss the vision. Go out as far as five years in your planning by considering what you have to work with now, what changes need to be made, and what investment it will cost you to continue moving forward.
2. Keep abreast of news in the business world. Pay attention to what industry leaders and CEO’s are saying. It’s in your best interest because they have resources and teams that you may not be able to access. By following their interviews and give clues about next steps based upon what they have been advised concerning the industry, market, and economy that may help you, too. As you clue in on their news and sound bites, follow their lead. Do what the successful do and take the act of planning for the future to heart.
3. Be bold enough to make changes. When you notice things are not going according to plan then it is time to look for ways to improve what you can. Are the signs showing that new leadership is in order? How about the company’s vision? Is it time to eliminate any factors that are holding you back?
I will continue to follow Chrysler’s progress as it moves strategically through its five year plan. Check back often as I report on the impact that planning has on market share, earnings, and profitability.

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