Online (228)

iStock_000015432761XSmall.jpg?width=207There’s a pretty well-known online marketer whose favorite quote is “Hope is not a marketing plan”. In other words, you can’t just pick a marketing strategy and “hope” it will work. Instead, you have to put together a detailed marketing plan where you lay out your bevy of strategies for meeting your business goals. I don't mean a comprehensive list of daily tasks...rather, it's about breaking down each tactic you want to use and the process you’ll put in place for its implementation.

Start With Your Business Model

Not every marketing strategy will work with every business model. You’ll hear lots of promos about “proven” tactics, but that doesn’t mean they are the right ones for you. First, examine your own business model then outline some of the characteristics of that model and your market, including:

  • A detailed description of the key features of your target customers
  • Where customers will come from - is it organic search, paid search, joint ventures, offline sources, affiliates, etc.?
  • What are the buying triggers for your prospects buying triggers? Where or when do they usually make a purchase decision? For example, it could be from a personal referral, a product review, a trusted expert's endorsement, through surfing content sites, through email suggestions, etc.

What Are The Most Popular Marketing Strategies?

Now, look again at your business model and the most popular marketing tactics used by your competitors and what I like to refer to as "role models of excellence". How do they convert from prospective client to paying client? For example,

  • Do they have sales pages that lead to freebies that put prospects into an email series
  • Do they host regular free teleseminars that include a special offer at the end
  • Are they using straight SEO and traffic generation
  • Are they engaged in multiple joint ventures and recruiting affiliates

Which Attraction and Marketing  Strategies Will You Focus On?

If you try to do several marketing campaigns at once, it's hard to do either one of them just right. It's probably better to focus on one to start with. Test it out, see if it’s working, and then look at adding more strategies. There are endless methods to choose from. Try choosing the easiest marketing strategy so you can put it in place and get moving straight away. You should always have at least one easy tactic you can use that doesn’t require a lot of thought and planning. For example, you can create an autoresponder series that starts every time a person signs up for your list. It’s a very passive form of marketing that requires almost no attention once you have it up and running. Then you can start planning out more campaigns.

Try Working Backwards

In order to put your marketing plan down on paper (or computer), start by looking at all the steps involved from the end result back to the first step. What are the activities you need to complete in order to implement and maintain each strategy? Now put those steps into order by priority and use a process you can follow. Which steps are interdependent? Which ones need to be managed first? You can even use a mindmap to lay out a visual of the process, which makes it easy to move things around. Freemind is a great, free tool for creating mindmaps on PCs. SimpleMind is another one that works well on iPads (this is one I use frequently) and it has a desktop version as well. You can export any of the mindmaps to a pdf so that you can print them and post them by your computer.

Make sure you set deadlines for achieving each step in your marketing plan.The success of much of your strategies will be dependent on a specific timeframe, like the length of time between emails or follow-ups. Get it on your calendar and set firm dates for yourself. Your marketing plan will help you determine what actual tasks you'll need to do from day to day. For example, if you know that your emails need to be set up in daily intervals, then you’ll need to put the outlining and writing of those emails down on your to-do list every day. Just don’t make the big mistake many impatient, overambitious marketers make by trying to do everything at once. Focus on a single strategy at a time, set deadlines, and follow it through to success.

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pinterest-webinar1-300x203.gif?width=300Pinterest is the latest social networking craze, but not only that - it has some potential to be a useful tool that drives traffic to your website. For example, you can add pins to your boards that link back to your website.

Need a little help? Here are a few simple steps you can take to increase pins and links to your blog or website.

#1 Pin Using the Bookmarklet Tool
If you’ve installed the Bookmarklet tool onto your browser then simply visit your blog or website and click the button to “Pin This.” It automatically includes the link with the image you’ve pinned so that if anyone clicks on the image or pin in Pinterest they’ll be taken to your website.

#2 Add a “Pin This” Button to Your Website or Blog
There are a few ways you can add a “Pin This” button to your site. You can use the code provided in the “About” menu under “Help.” Choose “Goodies” ( and you’ll see a few options to add buttons to your site. If you have a WordPress blog there are also a few handy plug-ins that do the trick. Once the button is on your site, then you simply visit the page you want to pin and “Pin it” to your board.

#3 Use the Add+ Feature
You can also use the Add+ button located at the top right of your Pinterest page. Click it and you’ll get a drop down menu with a few choices. Enter your URL, click “Find Images” and choose from the selection of images shown. You’ll notice one image is displayed with the words “Prev” and “Next” underneath. Click “Next” to scroll through your images until you find the one that you want to pin.

#4 Write a Clear Pin Description
If you prefer, simply type the link you want people to visit in the description area of your Pin. The thing to remember here is that when people repin your image, they can and probably will change the text in the description area to match their own purposes. The link and description will remain intact only on your boards. Depending on your goals this may be okay.

#5 Make Your Site Pinterest Friendly
As my recent post about the 80/20 rule of content sharingsaid, you shouldn't be adding Pins from your own site too often. Remember, the point is that others will be motivated to pin images from your site onto their boards. That's a much more organic, less pushyway to get links to your site.

The more Pinterest-friendly your site, the better. That means making it visually interesting and adding “Pin This” buttons to your site.

You can build your Pinterest followers by becoming active on the site. Comment, “like” other pins, create boards and repin – USE the site. And remember to spend time integrating your activities on Facebook and/or Twitter to grow a larger following.

Want to know more about using Pinterest for your business? Check out my latest webinar: 4 Myths About Pinterest for Business, Tuesday, 6/12/12. Replay will be available for a limited time!

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pinterest-300x168.png?width=300If you've been hearing a lot about Pinterest, it's because it has caught on like a really catchy almost seems as though it just came out of nowhere and now it's breaking record speed for popularity, length of time on site (average? 90 mins+!), and more.

If you are a business owner, chances are you have not yet figured out how Pinterest could be used in your marketing strategy. Sure, you have established goals for each of your individual marketing tactics, like your content marketing. You have even created a step by step plan to achieve those goals, possibly with the incorporation of social media (why not, everyone else is). But I bet you didn't think that posting pictures could be much of a marketing boost, right?

Pinterest is boasting faster growth numbers than some of the more popular social networks when they first started out - i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc. At my last reading, they had nearly 12 million monthly unique visitors and it hasn't even in existence very long. Creating a Pinterest profile could very well help you be exposed to new leads, drive traffic and boost your business growth.

Pinterest is actually catching on so fast, I suspect, because it's heralding the next social media phase - visual imagery. Remember when it was all about written content? Then we heard video? Pictures and visual imagery are hot right now because they speak to people emotionally. Visual aspects of how you market are becoming more and more important. And it would be very smart to develop an image sharing strategy to tell your story, to convey your branding, to make faster connections.

Here are a few ideas to help you get started using Pinterest in your marketing approach:

#1 Blog PlugIns

Blog plugins are one of the easiest ways to integrate Pinterest into your existing marketing tactics and strategy. There are several Pinterest plugins and more are being added as the site continues to grow and develop. In addition to “Pin This” and “Follow” buttons on your blog you can add plugins that allows you to share your most recent pins. This could be a way to motivate visitors to pin your images and also follow you on Pinterest.

#2 Content Marketing

Consider taking a look at your existing content marketing plan. Evaluate how you can add more visual interest to your blog or website. For example, can you add more images to your blog posts? Can you convert some of your content into short videos? You can pin videos on Pinterest. Do any topics lend themselves to infographics that you can share on Pinterest?

#3 Social Networking

Pinterest is intimately connected with Facebook and Twitter. In fact, if you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account you can’t get a Pinterest account. And you can post any pin onto your Facebook or Twitter profile. You can also add buttons to your Pinterest profile so Pinterest followers can find you on Facebook or Twitter. Take a look at your existing Facebook and/or Twitter marketing tactics. How can you enhance them with Pinterest?

Remember to test and track your efforts. Add Pinterest to your analytics. Pay attention to who is pinning your content and repinning your pins. Track your Pinterest traffic and integrate your efforts with other traffic generation strategies you're using.

By the way, you have to be invited in order to set up an account. If you need an invite, simply visit me on Facebook and let me know you need an invitation. You'll be able to view my Pinterest tab there also (remember? integration :) ).


WANT TO RE-POST THIS ARTICLE ON YOUR BLOG OR USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients.  Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market.  For instant access to your free 7 secrets to online time management report, visit us at:


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Twitter is viewed by some as a waste of time and less than a key player in the marketing efforts of many businesses. That is far from the truth and Robin Tramble is out to provide proof via her WWV Ultimate Twitter Challenge.


PRLog (Press Release) - May 23, 2012 - 

"I see so many women wanting to learn more about how they can tap into the Social Media phenomena, however, they are presented with the task of balancing their current roles with that of adding yet another item to the list. If I can convince them of the value of Social Media Marketing to their business the investment of time associated with empowering themselves with this skill would be the last thing allowed to hinder their endeavors." says Robin Tramble

Social Media is all the rage and is replacing many of the Marketing strategies in companies. Social Media has changed the way we do business, connect with friends, clients, prospects etc. and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere too soon. Social media sites give people the opportunity to connect with old friends, make new ones and expand their professional network with only a few clicks, from the comfort of their own home. Social Media includes Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin,Myspace  google+, pinterest and more.

Imagine being able to Finally attract 1000's of lucrative relationships online and Quickly EXPLODE your business results using Social Media without wasting time or money so you can increase your bottom line!

So what else could be holding women back from stepping up to empower themselves and thereby empower their business results?

"Some of the problem may stem from fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure and more! They must somehow replace that fear with vision for their ideal lifestyle, ideal business and the feeling that would result from finally attracting their ideal clients. Change your focus. Instead of focusing on the negatives, focus on the positives, focus on Faith." Says Robin 

“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.”
Mary Manin Morrissey

Robin has designed a brand new program that focuses entirely on Twitter. "World Wide Visibility Ultimate Twitter Challenge.”

Why should you listen to Robin?

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva was recently named as 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News. With a combined total of over 12,000 followers she is qualified to share with you how you too can rock on twitter "authentically!"

Robin is also a Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist. to learn more and secure your place.

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FREE Training Confidently Market Your Biz like a Superstar on a Shoestring

Attention: Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors or other Women in Business and you Smart Men who’ve also raised your hands to glean from my expertise…..

Are you struggling with marketing your business? Do you get anxious at the thought of marketing your business online?

“Finally the truth about marketing your business online without the overwhelm, with little or no money so you can increase your profits while having free time left over for what matters most!”

Robin Tramble Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist will share with you How You Can Market Like A Superstar on a Shoestring Budget!

Here’s some of what you’ll discover

Importance of a Magnetic Superstar Marketing Mindset
7 Shoestring Marketing ideas and resources
One mistake you’re making that’s sabotaging your sales success
3 Steps to Online Marketing Success
One thing you must do if you’re going to jump start your marketing endendeavors
Fast and easy ways to market your business with little or no money
How to leverage your time and double your productivity
Fatal mistakes you’re making with your website
And more!

If you’re tired of reinventing the wheel and doing it alone. Tired of the information overload and hype this call is one you don’t want to miss.

Request VIP access to my FREE training here

We’re rolling out the carpet for you!

Only 200 phone lines

Talk soon!

Coach Robin

EMPOWERMENT and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist


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Power up your Social Media Marketing with this for a profitable experience

There are 5 basic steps that you must follow if you’re going to have a profitable
Social Media experience. One of those steps is to identify your goal for each network.

There are many ways in which Social media can bring marketing success to your business. Before you start it’s important to know what exactly it is you’re trying to achieve. This will enable you to track your success and tweak your various methods easier to work on once things have started rolling with your business.

Social Media can assist in many different aspects of your marketing. Whether you are aiming at driving traffic to your site, generating referrals and sales, or just plain having a way to communicate with both current and prospective clients, social media makes this entire process much easier to accomplish.

There are a few things to keep in mind, however. the simple goal of accumulating connections through social media outlets is not the only thing necessary for a successful business. Having lists of thousands of “followers” or “friends” in your various social media platforms may be nice, but it will not make you the successful businessperson you are striving for if nobody does anything but make small talk.

There’s another important step that I’ll share as a bonus and this is to identify your strategy for not only obtaining these followers, but converting them into actual paying clientele. Another option would be to add them as associates or affiliates. It’s important to have some type of product or service each of these potential clients can relate to, in reference to their own needs. Do keep in mind that blatant sales pitches could result in rapid loss of your followers or contacts. Try to find a “happy medium” per se, where you will be providing added value information or suggestions these contacts will find useful.

Power up!

I invite you to receive additional insights on Social Media by joining other dynamic women and I for “Empowerment Diva Rocks Social Media and You Can Too!” A Free Social Media training for beginners

Secure your VIP Access to my Bonus Social Media Training Call here

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Social Media is more than the latest trend. It is strongly becoming a must use tool for Businesses that are positioning themselves to gain a big piece of the market they’ve deemed their target. If you want to be seen as an authority in your field you’d do yourself justice by either acquiring the skills to utilize and I will say “effectively” use Social Media or outsource it.

Here are 7 Social Media Mistakes You Might Be Making That are costing you Business and Clients. 

1. You’re less than Authentic
You know I’m going to talk about being authentic some where in this post. So why not start right from the top. Your followers whether on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. can smell a lack of authenticity a mile away and once they do the won’t be around for long. And I’m not stating this as a trend or the latest term being shopped around. People will follow those they can trust and so this is a great segway to embracing the know, like and trust factor. Do this and you’re on your way to converting your followers in to customers and clients who will sing your praises “to others!”


2. You are not clear on your Goal

This is one of the most significant steps to realizing a profitable experience on Facebook. What is it that you wish to accomplish with Social Media and even more important what is your goal on each Social Media Network that you designate as your focus. If you’re beginning start with one to focus on. Of course you can set up an account on the the two major networks Twitter and Facebook and you might even give it a try on Linkedin, however, you want to focus on really getting a handle on one as your primary focus and then move on to another one. Take the time to get clear on your goal.

3. You’re not clear on your Target Market
This is step 2 if you desire to realize a profitable experience on Facebook. This is also one area many are missing it. You’re all over the place and your language is confusing. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement “a confused mind” doesn’t buy. If you want to amp up your results take the time to do your homework and define who your target market is. If Facebook is your primary focus right now, who is your target market? When you post on your Facebook page you should be speaking in terms of your target market. We haven’t even talked about your niche, however, even before getting to deep into that you need to determine who are Target Market is.

4. You’re not Engaging

Are you simply posting links and offers on your social media networks? This is a FATAL mistake. The Social is not in Social Media just because. If you’re going to have empowering success using Social Media you must engage and it must be value added.

5. Too much Promotion – Close to Spamming
There is a ratio that I like to mention to my clients and that is to serve up 60% Value added posts, 20% Retweets, sharing on Facebook and 20% sharing of your offers, links and such.

One thing that can sabotage your empowering success when attempting to effectively use Social Media that will render customers, clients and convert them into those that sing your praises “to others” is too much promotion which can actually be considered spamming or close to it.

6. Out of balance with Quality vs Quantity
Sure it’s great to have thousands of followers, friends and likes, however, what good does it do if you don’t have a balance of good quality content going out to a quality of followers, friends and community of individuals who have liked your Facebook page?

When starting out you may be tempted to go for the quantity as you’re creating your page because you need 25 to get the username and that’s after your first use of the no limit to get the username but after that your goal should be to gain targeted likes, followers, friends and to not only post the maximum of updates, tweets but to post value added content.

If you’re looking for a profitable experience, take the time to create a healthy balance between quality posts, quality targeted followers, friends and likes.


7. You’re operating with a negative mindset

Operating with a negative mindset can sabotage your empowering success with Social Media. In one of my posts I refer to 3 mindsets to avoid which includes; The inferiority, Scarcity and It’s Too Late For Me mindset. These are three to avoid. You must embrace a positive mindset. A mindset of success. Feeling like you don’t have enough, that there isn’t enough to go around and so you feel there’s no room for you or that it’s too late will cause you to give up before you even begin or throw in the towel right before a possible breakthrough. Cultivate a positive mindset. This is just an excerpt from my post but you get the gist of it don’t you?


I’ve shared great content on the mistakes you may be making when using Social Media that are costing you business and clients. Of course this is a list of a few of the mistakes.

Social Media is a phenomenal tool when used correctly which brings me to my next point. It’s up to you to acquire the skills needed to upgrade your life and business. I’m offering you an opportunity now.

I invite you to register for my Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success Teleseries! Go here and secure your place and discover more about building your list and attracting clients within 30 days! If you’re serious about growing your business you should be building your list/community and when you do it effectively you will greatly enhance your ability to attract clients within 30 days!

Go ahead request your FREE access now!

I’d love to read your thoughts. You’re welcome to leave a comment. Thanks!

Your Empowering Coach “The Empowerment Diva”


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Hello all sassy and classy diva's I have a offer that you can't refuse Urban Vibe Inc. is looking for SASSY AND CLASSY DIVA'S to be HOSTESS of a online TRUNK Show. By hosting a online trunk show will get free Urban Vibe Inc. product and great discounts on all product when you host an online show. For more info please email me @ or inbox me of msg on faceebook

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Truths about Blog Marketing Online That you should know

Do you struggle with marketing your blog online? Many struggle with marketing their blog, website, products etc. online and are frustrated with all of the information out there. As a result of this you may come close to giving up.

If you’re new to blogging this can get complicated. Marketing of any sort takes dedication, hard work and consistency. If you’re just starting out it may look like a lot of work and it may appear not to have much reward. Always remember that it is a process that takes building. You will have to be persistent and consistent.

So how do you get your blog out there? Take time to visit other blogs. Not just any blog, visit those that are relevant to yours and leave value added comments. . When you do this it will allow you to get your blog out to those who would be interested in your topic. Some will actually post the title of your last blog post.

Be consistent with posting on your blog. You may gain visitors, however, they won’t return if it seems that you use the “hit and miss” schedule.

How often should you post? You can post daily, weekly or biweekly but you want to be consistent. Now if you want to accelerate your results post at least two times per week minimum but be consistent so your readers can expect to return at a particular time and be rewarded with updated content.

Know where your traffic is coming from. Know which search engines are directing people to your blog and which are not. Find out what keywords are bringing people to your blog as well. If you know all of this all ready, use it to your advantage. Write more content on the keywords that are working for you and monitor where you fall on the search engine pages that are sending visitors.

What do you do when you get comments on your blog? Smile and say how nice or do you respond to the comment? If someone leaves a comment on your blog, be sure to acknowledge it. No one wants to have a conversation with themselves, and it will only take a brief moment to reply and let them know you appreciate them. Otherwise if you have a section full of comments and you have not replied, chances are that you will not be getting many more. The readers may even drop you off of their list of blogs to visit frequently as well. Using your head and treating others, as you would want to be treated is a big part of marketing.

If you happen to be quoting an article from another source or blog, always be sure to provide a link back to the original. Other wise this is known as plagiarism and something that is looked down on in the world of marketing. Stealing someone else’s content is not a good idea and not something that you will get away with. You will get caught if you try to say someone else’s work is your own of it is not. This is not a good way to start off in the blog marketing world as well.

As you can see there are many truths you should be aware of when considering marketing your blog. You can get your blog out there, known and monetize your efforts. Use these techniques above to get your blog more traffic and readers and you will eventually reap the rewards.

Want to learn more about blogging, Social Media and Online Marketing?
I invite you to join me for my “Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success” Teleseries. Click here to request your FREE ticket to this Power-packed Social Media and Online Marketing Training!

Read additional Empowering Blog posts

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7 Tips to Power Up Your Blogging Endeavors

7 Tips to Power up Your Blogging Endeavors


Whether you want to share about your favorite interests, ministry, business etc. Blogging is a great tool to use.

Blogging has come to be considered a highly effective marketing tool. You can easily create awareness of your product and get clients and customers to interact with each other. And not only customers, also those who are relatively new to your product get a platform to ask questions and clear their air about your product.

Moreover, it also increases your website rankings can increase because the blog is constantly being updates, commented on, and discussions are always going on. Because of its sheer activity, the rankings improve, creating more awareness of the product.

The following are tips you can follow to power up your blogging endeavors

• Never make the blog post too long uselessly. It must be well written. Long posts tend to get dreary and they are not ‘catchy’ enough for people to sit and go through them.

• Update regularly. Since you don’t need to write long posts that are not much effort. Ideally, blog 3-4 times a week.

• Be entertaining where required, everyone can do with some light hearted humor, without being derogatory.

• You need not stick only to text. Video and photo blogging are fastly catching on and are interesting ways to share your thoughts, and make your videos and photographs well known.

• Be yourself. Do not try to imitate or copy someone else’s content.

• Update frequently otherwise visitors may stop coming to your blog. It will also give you more confidence to churn out more well worded posts in the future.

• Make sure you proof read your posts. Spelling and grammatical errors can be a major put-off for many readers.

How will you use this content? What one action will you take to Power up your Blogging endeavors? Want to learn more on this subject?

I invite you to join me for a power-packed Training call that is part of my Social Media and Online Marketing Teleseries “Blogging made simple” along with a Social Media Q & A and Laser Coaching.
Click here to request your FRE.E ticket to “Jump Start Your Social Media and Online Marketing Success” Teleseries

There’s very limited phone lines.

Talk soon!


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January 9, 2012 - Robin was introduced to Twitter and turned away out of lack of understanding it, however, because she can identity a tool that will position her for greater visibility, an ability to up level as an authority in her field It wasn't long before Robin Tramble aka Empowermentdiva went from under 100 followers to attracting droves of followers to her Twitter-verse as she likes to call it and it was all done without gimmicks. She began to attract clients some of which are still with her today and soon joined the Facebook and Linkedin Community.

Robin wants to share how individuals can gain world-wide visibility, get results, increase profits using Social Media without the overwhelm and information overload.

This training will be limited to 200 phone lines. Registration opens January 5, 2012 If you want to be sure to join you can use the webcast or log in early.

Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment and Social Marketing Specialist, Robin Tramble will reveal her TOP SECRETS on how to stop being the best kept secret and gain world-wide visibility, results and profits

Robin was also named 1 of 25 urban entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Brand Maker News.

During this training Robin will discuss:

* Why You Should Use Social Media if You're Serious About Building a Thriving Business 
and Ministry
* How Your Mindset Could Be Sabotaging Your Social Media Empowering Success
* Surefire Ways to Get and Stay Focused
* Proven Tactics for Attracting Targeted Followers on Twitter
* Proven Tactics for Attracting Targeted Friends and Likes on Facebook
* Important Steps Needed for Profitable Social Media Endeavors
* Mistakes You're Making That's Sabotaging your Success
* How to Move in the Face of Fear
* How to diminish and eliminate the Overwhelm
* How to leverage your time when using social Media
Plus a bonus tactic for getting traffic to your blog or site when using Linkedin
And more!

"I'm going to share tactics that you'll be able to use immediately after the call."

Social Media is not going anywhere too soon so you might as well get a piece of the pie by learning how to effectively use Social Media to upgrade your business, gain world-wide
visibility and profits while having time for what matters most.

Media inquiries may be directed to Gen Larson

--- end ---

About Robin Tramble

Robin has coached and mentored spiritually minded women, women entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, coaches and consultants internationally on how to manifest their Authentically Brilliant Diamond Life and Business via her live and virtual events, programs, products, services, mentoring and coaching. Her Social Media Campaign Specialist Certification has equipped her with additional empowering resources for those she is so passionate about empowering "YOU!" Learn more about how she can support you here She is also an Author, Speaker, Trainer who is known for her passion for helping others to become empowered to discover their uniqueness, get unstuck, laser focused, uncover disempowering behaviors, master their mindset.make BIG changes and get results.


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I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?

For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.

I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.

Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.

Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. 

The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.

Want to discover how to get results and increase profits using Social Media? Don’t miss my 2 Part Tele-training! Go here to register for my Social Media Training. It’s absolutely free to you this time.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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Why Empower Network?

Empower Network is a great way to earn another stream of income and empowering online marketers to grow their business.  It's a simple 3 step viral blogging system that's plug and play ready, the blog is aged with a ready to go WordPress and it's considered an authority site.  Remember, the blogging system is already ranked high with Alexa, so this allows your blogs to get ranked faster on search engines and Google.  This is half the battle if you're trying to get your blog up and running without the hassles of creating one from scratch.  Alexa Rankings for Empower Network

You actually have a sales funnel that your leads go through, along with auto-responders, capture pages and the behind the scene psychology of attracting your prospects to your blog.  All you need to do is blog daily and get traffic to your blog, tell others and get paid! 

Empower Network simply gets you up and running to post your blogs.  What's awesome is that you receive 100% commissions and your money is deposited straight into your bank account, instantly! 

This network started October 31, 2011, and to date, has paid out over $1M in 100% commissions to 9,000+ members. That's MOMENTUM in two months!  This is a great vehicle to help newbies that are struggling in either network or online marketing that may have never generated any income.

There are 3 levels to get started: Level 1-$25, Level 2-$100 and Level 3-$500.  Each level has intensive training to get you started, weekly conference calls.....and more!  If you get started for $25 and someone joins, you just broke even your 100% commission and its residual income every month.  So image if you purchased the Level 2 $100 and someone joins, you just got paid $100 with residual income and the same applies with the $500 level.  You only get paid on the levels you own (which you now have resell rights), if not, then that money gets passed up.  Once someone joins you directly or through someone on your team at whatever level, you'll receive an email saying, "Congratulations, You Just Received A $25 commission." 

Empower Network was created to help the average marketer brand themselves, make 100% commissions and simply "empower" you to become a better online marketer and help others.

I have included a video from two women that explains why you should get involved with Empower Network. 

Video from Tracy Walker on Empower Network

To learn more about Empower Network and would like to get started or you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

My Empower Network Website

To Your Success

Sheila Caldwell

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Could your mindset be holding you back from realized Social Media Success?

Any level of Woman Entrepreneur Empowerment requires continued personal, spiritual and business development endeavors.

Social media is playing a BIG role in business development. Believe or not your mindset also plays a BIG role in weather you are successful or not successful.

Your mind is a powerful thing and although there are many contributing factors the wrong mindset can hold you back from realizing the results you desire.

Here are three mindsets that will stop you every time.

1. Scarcity mindset. When you operate from a mindset of scarcity you see everything from a perspective of lack. You may resist trying to learn new tactics or even attempt to apply what you’ve learned because you feel there are already so many people out there in your field so why try? Truth be told there are many individuals out there who need your expertise and are waiting for you to step up and out so that they can resolve some of their problems with your solutions, however, how will they know if you never get out there. Also you may choose not to invest in additional resources that will empower your results but your scarcity mindset kicks in again causing you to hold on to every penny because there may not be enough for something else.

2. Inferiority mindset
Here you always size yourself up with others who are miles ahead of you. Stop! When you do this you will end up giving up and this is fuel for low self esteem. Instead tap into your brilliance. What makes you unique? What are you bringing to the table that gives you a competitive edge? It’s important that you take the time to discover this. Once you are clear on the value that you offer you will no longer practice the activity of comparison,however, you will arise and shine for all the world to see!

3. It’s too late for me mindset
Sure things may not have happened the way you want them to happen, however, as long as you have breath in your body there’s hope. Take inventory of why things are not working. Don’t be a victim of time. There are many who started in there latter years and actually realized more in their latter years than their earlier years. Spend your time discovering new ideas, strategies and resources. Determine who it is you are here to serve. Develop an appropriate brand and make sure you have an online visibility plan that works.
Where are you in your Social Media Marketing endeavors? Do you recognize yourself in any of the mindsets mentioned? There are many more. Take inventory of some of the negative chatter that happens when you attempt to move forward with Social Media.

Effectively using Social Media can dramatically increase your visibility, bottom line and position you as an authority in your industry.

I’d like to offer you an opportunity to do something positively different to POWER up your
Social Media endeavors.

You’re invited to join me for my 2 part Social Media Tele-series. Get Results, Profits using Social Media. I’ll be sharing insights specifically towards Facebook and Twitter. 


Click here to secure your seat now for this empowering Tele-class for your Social Media Empowerment now!


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5 Reasons to Join Empower Network

Here are 5 great resons why you should partner with the Empower Network.


With the Empower Network growing like a wildfire in a dry field, it’s no wonder that you’re considering joining the Empower Network. But, why are you considering this? Is it because of all the buzz you’ve seen? Is it because your BFF told you she made some money? Or maybe your road dog sent you a copy of his lead list? While those things are possible, and enticing, let me give you 5 good reasons to join the Empower Network!



Co-creators David Wood and David Sharpe make an internet marketing super team! David Sharpe describes his story as moving from a park bench to Park Avenue. David Wood was homeless at one time living in a van. Talk about having hunger for success! These two gentlemen are master internet marketers. If you are going to learn to market on the internet, and make money, these are THE guys to learn from. Both of them have generated multiple 6 figure incomes, and show no signs of slowing down.



Initially, it seems that the product here is a blog. That is true; however it’s not just any blog. It is a completely operational wordpress blog that is hosted and has a domain. Along with the blog, you also get a highly converting lead capture page and sales funnel. Your product is really a viral blogging income generating system! Systems are good! You just generate the leads and the system does the rest. What’s more, the leads you generate are yours. You can direct them to an autoresponder series of your choosing that will help funnel the leads to whichever destination you see fit!



To sum up the training in one word would be too difficult. The Empower Network offers ‘Fast Start Training’ to get you on the right track. This series of short videos teach you every step you need to follow to get off to a good start. The trainings are recorded and stored in your back office so that you can listen to them at your convenience. You are being trained by the top internet marketer around at this point. David Wood is the top recruiter in his primary company, and he’s done it all online! The training you’ll receive comes directly from him or someone trained by him.



This is where the Empower Network gets really good! With all the affiliate programs around, none of them give you ‘ALL’ the money. They may give you 30% here 50% there, but none of them give 100% commissions like the Empower Network. If you’re wondering how this deal can get any better, I’ll tell you. You get your commissions instantly, immediately, right now even! Through setting up a merchant account, you are able to have your commissions deposited directly into the checking account of your choosing. Don’t like that idea, you can use Paypal, although the Empower Network leadership cautions against it. They have a Powerline structure that is designed for you to be profitable at any level!



Even though the Empower Network is in its infancy, there are communities popping up everywhere – Facebook, Skype… Your sponsor has a vested interest in your success. From the start, your sponsor receives the 2nd, 4th, and 6th sale, and then every 5th sale you make. Don’t sit with your mouth open, you’ll get that too! The design is in place so your sponsor doesn’t just ditch you and leave. Your income affects theirs!


You’ve got 5 good reasons to give the Empower Network a try. If you’re ready to join the community that is taking the internet by storm and generating leads for your business, take action now and join today!


Check it out here and tell me what you think…..

And let’s connect so we can talk more


Believe In Yourself, I Believe in You


LaKeisha Hankins


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Do you want more Profit for your business? Want more qualified leads? Social Media Marketing is the answer!



I want to ask you what do you know about the following sites – FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, Youtube ?

While you might know the URL for the sites in question, did you know that you could use these Social sites to drive qualified leads to your business?


For small business owners running a business and making a profit is more difficult day by day. Very few business owners have enough clients. Paying for leads, advertising in the Yellow Pages, running ad’s on radio and television are all expensive, and without any guarantee of getting the results you need.


I don’t want to sound negative, but that is the reality.


Social Media Marketing is affordably, and more importantly it is guaranteed to work. We are a local business who specialise in delivering results for small businesses in the Sacramento area and Globally via the internet.


Social Media Marketing is really a very simple concept. Our small team uses the most powerful software available to make sure that your message is delivered to exactly the right target audience.


The fact that you have heard about FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Youtube should give you some confidence, because your customers have too. They use their computers just about every day – so getting your message in front of them is not going to take long.


We can adapt our campaigns to suit your budget. Give us a try, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Please feel free to contact us at


I look forward to speaking with you.


Empowering you!


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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How To Market Online As An Expert

There are obviously many different marketing strategies that everyone is trying to leverage on the internet. I am going to share with you here the top 4 marketing strategies that are being used by super affiliate marketers and website owners, and entrepreneurs that have achieved great success with these strategies.

Video Marketing - You can quickly and easily use video in your own marketing to generate a ton of sales on the internet. It's a lot easier than most people think and you don't even have to appear in a single video if you don't want to. Most marketers are clueless when it comes to truly utilizing the power of video marketing.

Pay Per Click - Using Google AdWords or AdBrite is definitely a great way to get a ton of traffic and make a ton of money at the same time. You have to learn how to use PPC in a way that doesn't break your bank account though. Do not just open an account with Google and start placing ads until you know exactly what will work and what wont work. I recommend first learning these strategies from an online training program like Maverick Money Makers.

Press Releases - This is an area in marketing online that people simply do not talk much about. The reason is because they frankly do not know how to write powerful press releases themselves! One press release alone can give you thousands of dollars in sales on any product over time.

Social Networking - Social networking has exploded in the past few years. Start out with one of the top 3 like Twitter, Facebook and Forums. The best way to get started with social networking is not to spam. Be a positive contributor and share information with others and provide valuable information to your friends and followers. People will want to get to know you better when you are sincere and honest.

Being an expert at marketing online is not that hard, it just requires knowledge, and action. Don't waste money on ineffective advertising,

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For Spiritually Empowered Female Entrepreneurs!


Hi there!  We kick off the real meat of theTraining for your effective Social and Online marketing at 1 PM PST today...

If you haven't grabbed your spot into our More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Boot Camp


Grab it now...doors are closing real soon!


This is what one of the participants stated about the pre-program lessons that you'll still get access to as a bonus

"I worked through my Facebook assignment today and sent out numerous friend request. I must say that the exercise helped me to break through a lot of barriers that were in place that I was not even aware existed."


This is not just a training program for your business!

They said no to overwhelm and yes to personal, spiritual and professional empowerment. Yes to Freedom to build their businesses with effective Social Media and Online marketing. Yes to More Prospects, Clients and Profits! The meat of the More Prospects, Clients and Profits kicks off today. What will you be doing over the next 4 weeks for your empowering success? You'll also experience the Spiritual Fitness Module.


I can't wait to see the manifestations that will happen in the lives of these dynamic women.


There are a few hours and a few spots left for The More Prospects, Clients and Profits Biz Rockin' Online Boot Camp.


Go to to secure your place and change the course of your life and business forever!

Don't let anyone tell you that you don't need it. You make the decision. What do you want for your life? Your Family? Are you satisfied with where you are? Will you realize your desired results with what you're doing at this present time?


This isn't for everyone, however, it is for someone.


I hope to welcome you!


Empowering you,



P.S. If you have questions email and we will get right back with you.

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Please register here => likesclients


“In just 43 minutes and 27 seconds, you’ll learn 5 dead- simple strategies for getting your product in front of your exact target market now...”



July 6 at 1:00 pm PST

Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to all registrants!

Attention Christian Coaches, Authors,Women Entrepreneurs and aspiring, Solopreneurs

Are you seeking to increase the exposure to your business but aren't quite sure of which strategy to use?

You're frustrated because you have no clients/customers or you can't attract and get enough clients/customers

Do you feel anxious when even thinking about using Social Media?

Have a great idea, product, program, book etc. but don't know where to begin to get it out there?

If any of this sounds like you then you are a perfect candidate for my No cost Tele-training!

Join me for......

World-wide visibility: 5 dead- simple strategies for getting your product in front of your exact target market now...”


I've been hearing from many women entrepreneurs including coaches and authors who are frustrated by a lack of customers/clients and although they're trying everything they know they are left with few or no clients/customers.

You may be one of those who have a great product, book, message, program and are frustrated by all of the time you're putting in and you're not getting any results.

Maybe you're still using conventional methods but know there must be a better way!

On this call I'm going to share the following


5 dead simple strategies  to get your Message, Book, Product, Program in front of your

exact target market now....

Yummy tactics you can use to gain profitable visibility online

One thing you need to empower you to make Quantum leaps and become unstoppable

One Big mistake you're probably making with your marketing endeavors

And more!

When: Wednesday, July 6 at 1:00 pm PST
Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available for a few to all registrants.

Register here likesclients

Secure your place for this Empowerment Call

Let's get your message out there "Authentically!"

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How much time are you spending on various activities to grow your business?

One area that I see far too many individuals spending little time on is that of marketing. I don’t know if it’s because of a lack of knowledge or the mere lack of desire to do so.

Within the activity of marketing is also that of recognizing the correct audience. If you neglect to complete this action all of your other efforts will go futile.

It a major factor in realizing the sales and attracting and getting the clients/customers you seek.

The right customers are known as targeted customers or niche market, those who will be happy to buy products that fulfil their wants and needs.

You no longer have to feel intimidated by the larger companies. The Internet has opened up opportunity for you to get a market share but only if you take the required steps. Targeting also gives an opportunity to you as a smaller firm to produce products, which can cater to the need of a section of people whose needs aren’t met specifically by the large companies.

So who is your ideal prospect? Who is it that you are called to serve? The success lies behind understanding this, which requires thorough research and analysis. And yet it can be accomplished with a simple exercise that I share in More prospects, clients an profits Biz Rockin’ Online Boot Camp. Various factors must be considered. The age group is the first factor, whether the product will be useful to babies or children or teenagers or youngsters or middle aged or old. Sometimes there is a possibility that the product will cater to the needs of all age groups. Next thing to consider is gender. Marital status, hobbies etc., are some of the factors that should also be pondered upon.

After this you must identify what keeps them up at night. What are some of their pains?

Your role comes in by discovering solutions that you will provide in response to the identified areas mentioned above.

You must make a list of the benefits of your solution and communicate it in such a way that your prospect will identify you as the solution to their problem or the expert to hire.

This will also be useful in creating your IFO (irresistible free offers), sales/opt in page and other marketing communications.

Recognizing the target market is crucial to any successful advertising and sales campaign. Once it is recognized, they can be reached through different channels like websites, newspapers, magazines, etc. This makes the customer think that they are being directly addressed to. This will further support the Know, like and trust factor which will make for greater conversions. And that makes the whole effort of identifying your target market down to your niche or whome you serve worth it.
Power up your business growth endeavors by taking the steps needed to complete this activity.

If this post has empowered you in any way you I invite you to request your FREE access to my Training audio "5 dead simple strategies to get your product/service in front of your exact target market!


Go to to request it now.



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